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We have every reason to mistrust the “scientific community” but does that mean viruses don’t exist?

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Some people are questioning the existence of SARS-CoV-2 or even viruses and pathogenic germs altogether. Several have even expressed very sweeping criticisms of virology as a discipline.

While there is ample reason to mistrust politicians, public officials, corporate media and the “scientific community,” in some cases, radical scepticism has been taken too far.

To explain why they believe this, Dr. Michael Palmer and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi talk us through the history of “germ theory” beginning with Robert Koch and the well-known “Koch’s postulates.”  Going on to explain why not all infectious pathogens can satisfy Koch’s postulates, for example viruses.

“Viruses, by their very nature, can only multiply within living cells but not in pure culture. Therefore, no virus can possibly satisfy Koch’s postulates,” the two doctors explain. 

They also explain why the non-isolation of viruses cannot be used as proof that viruses do not exist.  While there are various reasons why researchers do not usually isolate viruses, the two doctors confirm that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been isolated – many times.

The following is an article published by Doctors for Covid Ethics (“D4CE”) and written by former biochemistry professor at the University of Waterloo, Canada, Michael Palmer and Thai-German microbiologist Sucharit Bhakdi.

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Do Viruses Exist?

By Dr. Michael Palmer and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

In the context of the covid-19 “pandemic,” many people have come to understand that political and scientific authorities have been systematically lying about the origin of the infectious agent, as well as the need for and the safety of mandatory countermeasures, including lock-downs, masks and vaccines. Some sceptics have gone further and begun to question the existence of the virus responsible for covid-19, or even of viruses and pathogenic germs altogether. Here, we put these questions in perspective.

Before we go into any specifics on germs and viruses, we should acknowledge that the public has ample reason to mistrust not only politicians, public officials and the media, but also the “scientific community.” Even before the covid-19 pandemic, several very senior members of that community had drawn attention to the deplorable state of scientific integrity in medical research. Particularly poignant is this quote by a former editor-in-chief of one of the world’s leading medical journals, Marcia Agnell [1]:

Agnell’s assessment is echoed by The Lancet’s editor Richard Horton [1], leading epidemiologist John Ioannidis [2], and Bruce Charlton, former editor of Medical Hypotheses [3]. And, to be sure, this already precarious state declined even further in the covid-19 “pandemic.” Here are some of the lies regarding covid-19 that were told alike by politicians and their scientific court jesters the world over:

  • the SARS-CoV-2 virus is of natural origin and jumped spontaneously from bats or pangolins to humans;
  • PCR-testing of asymptomatic patients is an appropriate means for tracking the spread of covid-19;
  • the early covid-19 waves threatened to overload the healthcare system to such a degree that it became necessary to destroy the economy in order to “flatten the curve”;
  • general vaccination was necessary to overcome the pandemic;
  • even though the vaccines were “safe and effective,” vaccinated persons were still at risk of being infected by unvaccinated individuals (but not by other vaccinated ones).

These absurd and brazen lies have been dealt with elsewhere, for example by cardiologist Dr. Thomas Binder [4]. We only cite them here to make it clear that we sympathise in principle with the radically sceptical attitude of much of the public. Nevertheless, we think that in some cases this radical scepticism has been taken too far and that the proverbial baby has been thrown out with the bathwater. To support our case, we will survey some of the history of “germ theory” of infectious disease.

1. The rise of germ theory in the 19thcentury

The idea that microbes cause transmissible diseases gained acceptance in the late 19th century. Its greatest pioneer was Robert Koch, a Prussian physician, who discovered the bacterial agents that cause anthrax, cholera and tuberculosis. These discoveries paved the way for the prevention of such diseases by hygiene and surveillance.

Even before Koch’s discoveries, Hungarian physician Ignaz Semmelweis had discovered that physicians could avoid transmitting puerperal sepsis from deceased to living mothers through antiseptic hand-washing; but because his empirical procedure lacked a theoretical foundation, it was ultimately abandoned, in spite of its demonstrable success. Semmelweis himself was committed to a psychiatric hospital, where he suffered physical abuse and died shortly after.[Note 1]

Semmelweis’s personal fate illustrates that the public and the medical community at the time certainly were not ready for “germ theory”, i.e., for the idea of diseases being caused by tangible germs that could be transmitted from one person to the other, but which could also be identified and combated. It therefore is remarkable that Koch’s discoveries were recognised and accepted within a fairly short period of time. Soon, other researchers joined the hunt for further pathogenic bacteria. Other kinds of pathogens soon followed; for example, in 1898 British physician Ronald Ross discovered that the parasite which causes malaria multiplies within and is transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes.

What brought about this rapid triumph of germ theory? It seems fair to say that both the scientists involved and their audience made it happen. Robert Koch himself was an ingenious and meticulous experimentalist. He set himself an exacting standard for demonstrating that a certain infectious disease was caused by a specific microbe, the well-known “Koch’s postulates” [5]:

  1. The given organism must be found regularly in the diseased tissue of the infected person or animal.
  2. The organisms must be capable of being grown in pure culture in the laboratory.
  3. The pure culture must produce the disease when administered to experimental animals.
  4. The organisms must be found in the experimentally produced disease, and be capable of being recovered again in pure culture.

While Koch’s comprehensive evidence surely was compelling, his rapid success would not have been possible without his audience. Even though initially sceptical, this audience was also well-educated and open-minded – it had not yet become jaded, cynical and disoriented by being relentlessly attacked with fake news and junk science.

The great scientists of the 19th century were very often hobbyists who were indulging their own whims and passions. They thus were independent from external interests, particularly from financial ones. Academic researchers, too, were more shielded from outside interests than are the “big shots” of today’s institutionalised science. But over the course of the 20th century, scientific research institutions became more and more dependent on external funding, often controlled by powerful special interests. This has severely compromised and undermined scientific integrity. We can but wonder, what would Robert Koch think of the likes of Christian Drosten and Tony Fauci? What of the Berlin “public health” institute that bears his name?

2. Successful applications of germ theory

If a theory can be used successfully in practice, this suggests that it is true, or at least a good approximation of the truth. Germ theory has many useful applications; here, we will only give a few early examples for illustration.

Less than a decade after Koch’s discovery of the anthrax bacillus, Friedrich Klein isolated Streptococcus pyogenes, the bacterium which causes puerperal fever, scarlet fever and various kinds of skin infections. This discovery could explain the earlier success of Semmelweis’s empirically developed hand disinfection procedures for preventing puerperal fever. Hygiene, surveillance and improvements to sanitation made it possible to prevent outbreaks of enteric diseases such as cholera. The city of Hamburg, which initially refused to adopt such precautions, promptly suffered an outbreak of cholera in 1882 that claimed several thousand lives [6]. Robert Koch himself was tasked with overseeing the introduction of hygienic countermeasures, which swiftly brought the outbreak under control.

It was mainly through such preventive measures that infectious diseases were conquered, even before specific treatments of manifest infections became available. This is illustrated for tuberculosis in Figure 1. Malcolm Watson, a physician in the colonial service of the British Empire, devised successful methods for controlling malaria. His work, begun only a few short years after Ross had discovered that the malaria parasite was spread by Anopheles mosquitoes, was mostly based on thorough and meticulous drainage of wetlands and regulation of brooks and streams, with quinine prophylaxis and treatment of infections playing only a secondary role [7].

3. Germ theory vs. “terrain theory” – a false dichotomy

Opponents of germ theory like to point to the decisive role of the patient’s general health in susceptibility to infectious disease. This tenet is in fact accepted by mainstream medicine. For example, the significance of age and general health in the prognosis of pneumonia was summed up by the famous Canadian physician William Osler as follows:

Osler’s words, written in 1892, are still true today, largely regardless of the germ in question. It matters not whether the pneumonia be caused by pneumococci, influenza virus or SARS-CoV-2. Generally speaking, the notion of “opportunistic” infections that befall those in poor general health and states of immunosuppression can be found in the textbooks of medicine. But on the other hand, without any of those opportunistic pathogens, even susceptible individuals would not contract an infectious disease.

Figure 1 shows how, immediately after Koch’s discovery of the tubercle bacillus, mortality due to tuberculosis went into a steep and sustained decline. Most likely, both hygiene and improvements to nutrition and general health contributed to this change for the better. Note, however, that there is no detectable reversal of this trend in the 1930s, i.e., during the Great Depression. In this era, many people were suddenly thrown into poverty, which would most likely also have lowered the quality of their nutrition and their resistance to tuberculosis. The continued decline in tuberculosis mortality in those years was most likely due to the continued surveillance measures.

Figure 1: Tuberculosis mortality in the United States by year (from [8]). Streptomycin was the first antibiotic with activity against tuberculosis.

4. Not all infectious pathogens can satisfy Koch’s postulates

One reads now and then that some pathogenic virus or other microbe does not satisfy Koch’s postulates, which is then construed as proof that it does not cause the disease for which it is known. This is fallacious. Koch’s postulates do not constitute some sort of mathematical axiom; they should be understood in their historical context.

Koch needed to convince a public that was initially radically sceptical; thus, the more comprehensive and rigorous his evidence, the easier it would be for him to succeed. It thus made perfect sense for him to focus on pathogens that could be grown in pure culture – that is, in the absence of any other living things – and which could then be inoculated into experimental animals and isolated again as many times as desired. However, once the idea of infectious pathogens had taken hold in principle, it soon became apparent that not all of them met every single postulate in the canon. For example, Rickettsia prowazekii and Treponema pallidum – the bacterial agents that cause typhus or syphilis, respectively – cannot be grown in pure culture, and therefore cannot meet the second, third and fourth postulate. They can, however, be propagated in experimental animals, and Rickettsia prowazekii also in cell culture.

Viruses, by their very nature, can only multiply within living cells but not in pure culture. Therefore, no virus can possibly satisfy Koch’s postulates. However, we repeat that these postulates are not a logical necessity. If they are not fulfilled, the question of disease causation must be settled in some other manner.

5. What does it mean to isolate a virus?

Several people have expressed very sweeping criticisms of virology as a discipline. For example, twenty doctors and investigators recently published a memorandum entitled ‘Settling the Virus Debate’ [9]. In it, we read:

Further on, the authors make it clear that they don’t agree with the use of cell cultures as part of the isolation procedure. According to them, cell cultures may on their own give rise to debris that might be mistaken for virus particles, and they therefore insist that a virus must be directly isolated from tissues or bodily fluids of infected humans or animals. This objection can be countered as follows:

  1. The particles of many viruses have very characteristic shapes that are not likely to be confused with any particles produced by living cells, or with debris left behind by dead cells.
  2. There are many biochemical methods for characterising viral particles, and moreover for establishing that they contain genetic information characteristic of the virus rather than the host cell culture.
  3. Not all viruses can easily be grown in cell cultures. Those which cannot are indeed routinely propagated in, and directly isolated from, laboratory animals.

A good example of such an animal study was published by Theil et al. [10]. It concerned the isolation of a novel virus from gnotobiotic, i.e., otherwise germ-free pigs. The abstract of the study reads as follows:

The study shows both electron-microscopic pictures of the viral particles, as well as the result of an electrophoresis experiment that compares the genetic material contained in these particles to those of known viruses with similar morphology (see Figure 2). The novel virus could be serially passaged through multiple pigs without becoming “diluted” or getting lost altogether; therefore, it was clearly replicating within those pigs. Infection was detectable in the intestinal cells of the pigs and gave rise to diarrhoea. We can see no reasonable objection to the authors’ conclusion that they had in fact established the existence of a novel virus that causes intestinal disease in pigs.

Figure 2: Figures 3 and 4 from the study by Theil et al. [10], depicting the characterisation of a novel virus from the intestinal contents of experimental animals by electron microscopy (left) and by RNA electrophoresis (right). See text for details.

While direct isolation is often used in the initial characterisation of a novel virus, the use of cell cultures greatly facilitates the sensitive and speedy routine detection of viruses that are already known. It is unrealistic to expect that practising virologists will forgo the use of this expedient just to accommodate the radical armchair sceptics. It is not reasonable to blame virologists for going about their job in the most efficient manner.

6. Viruses are diverse

Virus particles differ considerably in size and shape. This is illustrated in Figure 3. The electropherogram shown in Figure 2 illustrates that even viruses with similar morphology can be distinguished from one another using biochemical methods. Nowadays it has become commonplace to determine the nucleotide sequences of virus isolates, which gives an even more fine-grained differentiation. Of note, the artificial nature of SARS-CoV-2 can be convincingly demonstrated based on nothing more than the nucleotide sequence of its genome [11].

Figure 3: Virus particles from different families under the electron microscope. Images taken from reference [12]A: influenza virus; B: poliovirus; C: adenovirus; D: pox virus; E: Nipah virus. All viral particles were imaged at the same magnification, i.e. the apparent size differences are real. Panels A-C show multiple virus particles each. The pox virus particle in panel D is approximately 250 nanometres long.

The very first electron-microscopic image of a virus – in the specific case, the tobacco mosaic virus, which infects tobacco plants – was acquired in 1939, by a team of researchers that included Helmut Ruska, the inventor of the electron microscope [13]. But even two years earlier, Thomas Rivers had every reason to write, in his essay ‘Viruses and Koch’s postulates’ [14]:

Even without any of these structural and biochemical distinctions, the diversity of viruses is already clear from clinical observations alone. No physician or nurse will confuse poliomyelitis with smallpox or yellow fever with measles. Likewise, no virologist will mistake the causative viruses of these diseases for one another. Viruses have a plethora of well-defined properties that distinguish them unambiguously from one another, as well as from any and all particles released by living or dying cells that are not virus-infected.

7. Has the SARS-CoV-2 virus ever been isolated?

Yes, it has been – numerous times. An overview of such studies has been provided by Jefferson et al. [15]. A solid study that correlates virus isolation, PCR and clinical findings in a series of hospitalised covid-19 patients has been published by Wölfel et al. [16]. It is also possible to buy samples of the purified virus from the American Type Culture Collection. These are heat-inactivated, but they should still permit investigators with the required expertise and equipment to confirm the identity of the virus.

The legend that SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated is founded solely on the rigid demand that such isolation be accomplished without the use of cell cultures. As noted before, practising virologists are highly likely to ignore this demand, for which we cannot fault them.

8. But isn’t covid-19 just the flu rebranded?

It was indeed quite striking that concomitantly with the rise of covid-19 case numbers those of influenza took a nosedive. This can be understood as follows:

  1. It is quite common for respiratory infections to be caused by more than one virus. If testing is not comprehensive, then the tests chosen will skew the results.
  2. The hysteria around covid-19 caused physicians to carry out diagnostic tests selectively for covid-19, to the exclusion of other respiratory pathogens.
  3. Extremely loose criteria were used for diagnosing covid-19 infections. You have likely heard of the widespread problems with false-positive PCR tests.

The flawed laboratory methods could not but lead to many spurious diagnoses of covid-19. The patients so diagnosed were then usually not tested any further for influenza, which caused the number of diagnosed influenza cases to drop off. Failure to test for bacterial pathogens caused patients with bacterial pneumonia to go unrecognised and be denied the necessary treatment with antibiotics. This was just one of the many forms of medical malpractice in the covid-19 era that were the real drivers of excess mortality [17,18].


While we have every reason to distrust and indict today’s medical and scientific establishment, this should not lead us to disregard solid scientific evidence where it exists. Germ theory in general and also virology are very rich in such evidence, notwithstanding their recent distortions and abuses, which must urgently be identified and corrected. However, the remedy lies not in radical scepticism bordering on nihilism. Instead, we must recapture and rekindle the spirit of rigorous but unprejudiced debate that once made medical science great.


[1] Today, Budapest’s medical university bears Semmelweis’s name.


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    21 days ago

    ““Viruses, by their very nature, can only multiply within living cells but not in pure culture. Therefore, no virus can possibly satisfy Koch’s postulates,” the two doctors explain. ”

    That’s a lie, but also expected: Bakti’s son is big in the bio-engineering field, so he has a vested interest (insider).
    Micron size filters in an incubated cell culture using buffered reagent easily purifies samples so that complete genomes can be sequenced, provided that they are in fact real.
    No strain of coronavirus, in history, has been proven to exist, or sequenced as an intact genome. Unsurprising, when you consider that the patent for coronavirus states that it comes from Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis (picornavirus).
    Pretty easy to see why they want you to believe that science requires leaps of faith.
    Covid is an in-silico genome because it only exists in a denovo assembler. It is a computer model only and so are the variants.

    Leaps of faith is religion, not science.

    Joseph A. Vescera
    Joseph A. Vescera
    Reply to  Wisenox
    21 days ago

    I agree! Just look at my comment. Thank you!

    21 days ago

    Nice try but not nice enough. One of the method of identification is that particles must have the same characteristic, must look to be the same (size, shape, etc).
    However, the non-existent viruses are art-crafted as ball-shaped forms.
    Slice an orange (ball shape) and you’ll end up with round forms but with DIFFERENT diameters.

    What about then with the alleged virus-photos made by electron microscope? How they could have the same diameters? Are viruses 2 dimensional pancakes?

    The process to prepare the sample for electron microscope is ruining everything, literally, it’s just like as if you wish to find and identify your orange in an orange-smoothie right out of the blender, then painted, dried, electron-bombarded, etc.

    Watcher Seeker
    Watcher Seeker
    Reply to  Aabi
    21 days ago

    Thanks for this oranges analogy. As it says in the conclusion to this article – “Germ theory in general and also virology are very rich in such evidence”. Thanks to your analogy, I needn’t bother reading about that evidence.

    What a pity Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi didn’t think about oranges, it would have saved him from wasting his time on years of research.

    Tony Ryan
    Tony Ryan
    Reply to  Watcher Seeker
    21 days ago

    Good for a laugh, but no viruses does not mean no infection.

    I never get sick. No coughs, colds, flu, covids, or even hexes. But a nauseating old lady sat behind me on the plane and coughed and spluttered her pusy way from Brisbane to Darwin and I now have an identical cough. Moreover, so too does one-third of Darwin school children. Kind looks like infection to me.

    Mark Deacon
    Mark Deacon
    Reply to  Tony Ryan
    21 days ago

    Grand baby had a cold, wife got it and no I have it. what is interesting is that it seems only respiratory viruses are an issue for spreading easily as opposed to Ebola or many other diseases.

    Now here is where government has sold us a lie … vaccinating against respiratory viruses is not effective as just cleansing the airways because an injected vaccine does not reach the surface of the lung to prevent the virus.

    Reply to  Mark Deacon
    20 days ago

    Bill Gates Funding Ebola Vaccine Trial In United States That Sheds Live Virus 31% Colorado is injecting Healthcare workers with live Ebola. 

    BREAKING: Americans Being Infected With Live Ebola By Secret Bill Gates Project

    Now, Colorado is injecting Healthcare workers with live Ebola. 

     Which has a 30% shedding rate spreading to non-consenting adults who don’t want to get JABs. Denver Health administers 1st shots of Ebola vaccines 

     Ashleigh Hollowell Wednesday, November 29th, 2023 In 2015, HHS designated Denver Health one of 13 Regional Emerging Special Pathogens Treatment Centers in the U.S. — serving as an infectious disease training and care hub for six states in its region. 

     It is one of the first health systems in the country to administer the vaccine, according to the news outlet.  

     The vaccine, Ervebo, was first approved by the FDA in 2019 for anyone older than 1. While outbreaks have continued across the globe, Ebola is less frequently seen in the U.S.

    * CDC claims the Ebola outbreak is over.

    Yet, Bill Gates funds Ebola injections that JABs Colorado Healthcare workers with live Ebola that shed 30% of live Ebola virus.

    Reply to  Brad
    17 days ago

    Psyop. They were poisoned with something, no one would use live Ebola virus even if it would exist but it doesn’t.

    “WE CAN CAUSE ANY SYMPTOMS WITH PULSATED MICROWAVES” (Barrie Trower) – and that’s just one of the possible methods of poisoning. Formalin also worked, graphene oxide also works to induce similar symptoms.

    Use your brain! Ebola is bleeding from the inside. They TRIED this trick a couple of years ago. I was badly bleeding (women’ trouble and my stupidity eating ginseng and grapefruit – boosted the effect), the emergency tried to convince me that it was Ebola. I was so angry that if that person would have been in the same room……

    If you have any condition, try to find the appropriate Rife frequency, (there are channels on YT), when you realize it works, you may realize that if certain frequencies can be used to heal, some can be used to cause illnesses, too.

    I found it laughable that the unproven existence of viruses – something people can’t see – is believed while the possible harm caused in a stealthily way, microwaves, frequencies – also INVISIBLE but at least measurable are discarded as c-theory.

    Joseph A. Vescera
    Joseph A. Vescera
    Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
    21 days ago

    Still comes down to the definition of the word Virus!

    Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
    19 days ago

    Those that claim viruses (or virus-like particles) exist and cause disease are the ones burdened with proving such theory. It’s disingenuous to use “viruses do not exist” as a claim when what is actually meant is “viruses and/or virus-like particles that cause disease have not been proven to exist.”

    Virology uses circular reasoning and is the only scientific discipline that is allowed to get away with this anti-scientific nonsense.

    Ask yourself why no challenge study involving the so-called SARS-CoV-2 virus was able to infect 100% of the participants (in one study zero participants)?

    You only need one example to disprove a theory.

    Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
    17 days ago

    For GS! How do you describe the behavioural characteristics of a thing which is unproven to be exist? Based on what?

    Bart Price
    Bart Price
    Reply to  Tony Ryan
    20 days ago

    You took a trip in an aluminum pipe with recirculating stale air, changed altitudes & pressures, which affected mucous in your throat & lungs and pumped your lymphatic system, moving toxins out of it. Your diet changed. Was your sleep cycle also disrupted?
    Yet you speculate that you caught something from another, when the theory of contagious germs has never been proven despite many studies with conditions similar to the one you describe over the past 100 years.

    Reply to  Bart Price
    20 days ago

    Fear hath torment. 1 John 4:18.

    He feared, so it came upon him.

    As thou hast believed, so it be done unto thee. Matthew 8:13.

    Being infected is through direct blood contamination (imho) not aerial spray particles.

    Reply to  Tony Ryan
    19 days ago

    Yeah possibly, but ‘kind looks like’ isn’t proof of infection from an external anything. Unfortunately for you, the germ theory has been disproved many times – once is sufficient.

    J G
    J G
    Reply to  Tony Ryan
    19 days ago

    Bacterial pneumonia, it’s been sprayed in airplanes, it could also be radiation.

    21 days ago

    The pneumonia example is outright wrong.
    Or in other words, it is deadly most often to the elderly just proves the terrain theory.
    It is not only the elderly by the way, it is people who by some reason becomes bed-ridden without the ability of moving. My aunt died to it and was only 40, after an accident she was paralyzed from the neck.

    Why pneumonia (bacteria) has a fussy taste choosing so often the bed-ridden?

    How it proves the terrain theory? If you can’t move, your body part who had the most weight (of your body parts) can’t have oxygen enough and after a time it causes mass cell death. When cells die, bacteria forms from somatides to clean the mess up.

    Ask a nurse before writing an article like this, what they do to prevent bedsores or on other name: PRESSURE ULCERS. Similar phenomenon, they have to move the patients, rolling them to prevent it.

    21 days ago

    My FREE Salt Water Cure for Bird Flu and Covid and any other virus:
    3 minutes from preparation to job done: Mix one heaped teaspoon of table (or Iodine) salt in a mug of warm clean water, cup a hand and sniff or snort the entire mugful up your nose, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, then you have a virus, so continue morning noon and night, or more often if you want, until the burning sensation goes away (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, until when you do my simple cure, you don’t have any burning sensation at all, when you flush – job done. Also swallow a couple of mouthfuls of salt water and if you have burning in your lungs, salt killing virus and pneumonia, there too.It washes behind the eyes, the brain bulb, brain stem (Long Covid), The Escutcheon Tubes to the inner ears and the top of the throat which is at a point roughly level with half way up your ears and not where your mouth is and it goes down the back of your throat, when infected there too.
    I have been doing this simple cure for over 31 years and I am and others, never sick from viruses and there is no reason why any of you should be.
    Simply put, if the inside of your nose is dry and crusty, you are OK, if your nose is runny, you really need to do a salt water sniffle as quickly as possible AND THERE IS STILL CLEAN SEA WATER, TO USE INSTEAD.
    Nobody has been injured or killed by my above salt water cure
    Do I believe viruses exist – of course I do and no I am not vaccinated, but if you are, obviously you don’t think viruses exist, so more fool you

    Mark Deacon
    Mark Deacon
    Reply to  christine
    21 days ago

    3% food grade hydrogen peroxide with saline solution nebulised can clear all your airways.

    Ivor Catt
    Ivor Catt
    21 days ago

    It seems to me that “scientists” only recently wised up, and realised that if they said we were heading for serious crisis, the politicians would hand them more of taxpayers’ “research” money. So all “scientists who are “on the ball” unite to tell the politicians (who control our purse strings) the global warming or covid or monkey pox or other are very serious threats to humanity. They unite to silence other scientists. The media like a big story.

    21 days ago

    I think this was an excellent article. Germ theory and terrain theory do not have to be regarded as opposites. Germ theory recognises that pathogens are responsible for the spread of infectious diseases. Terrain theory explains that those with good health and immune systems may be able to resist the disease altogether or have a more favourable outcome.

    Ernesto Che
    Ernesto Che
    Reply to  Judy
    21 days ago

    The person who coined the Germ Theory, Louis Pasteur, before he died admitted the GT was false.

    Reply to  Ernesto Che
    17 days ago

    “The terrain is everything” – Pasteur. 🙂

    Mike Thompson
    Mike Thompson
    21 days ago

    Just follow the MONEY. There’s your answer

    Ernesto Che
    Ernesto Che
    21 days ago

    > We have every reason to mistrust the “scientific community” but does that mean viruses don’t exist?If they do exist, how come virologists need circular arguments, as Dr. Sam Bailey has shown numerous times in her videos?

    Her husband, Dr. Mark Bailey, has written an extensive essay, “A Farewll to Virology” on the bunk arguments that “prove” viruses exist.

    Watcher Seeker
    Watcher Seeker
    Reply to  Ernesto Che
    21 days ago

    So you like name-dropping – well see the names in this article. Read the article and learn.

    21 days ago

    If they are so certain that Covid 19 has been isolated & purified, they should claim the two multi-million dollar rewards that remain on offer.

    It is an essential fact that no disease-causing viral particle has ever been found in nature.

    A Person
    A Person
    Reply to  jchr12
    21 days ago

    Yes, site to claim the money is samueleckert (dot) net/isolate-truth-fund/

    One and a half million Euros prize for showing proof of the existence of a “corona virus”.

    If anyone reads this and picks up the money, please comment below. Thank you.

    Reply to  A Person
    17 days ago

    It’s many years old but till this day no one claimed the 1.5 million E.

    Tony Ryan
    Tony Ryan
    21 days ago

    As no virus has ever been isolated and identified, other than as a theoretical computer construct, there can be no legal or lawful reference to viruses. And of discussion. Stop complicating the issue.

    Watcher Seeker
    Watcher Seeker
    Reply to  Tony Ryan
    21 days ago

    “Stop complicating the issue.” – you stop complicating the issue. Read the article and learn.

    Watcher Seeker
    Watcher Seeker
    21 days ago

    Most of the virus deniers write in a tone of absolute certainty that they are right.

    As for their points that no virus has ever been isolated and viruses have not been proved to exist – that does not prove that they are right. Undeniable proof may one day be found.

    Look at how long it took to discover what the appendix does. For many decades doctors had said that it didn’t do anything, but in 2017, they discovered what it does.

    Discoveries can take a long time to come out.

    Mark Deacon
    Mark Deacon
    Reply to  Watcher Seeker
    21 days ago

    I am 50/50 for I cannot prove for myself if viruses exist or not.

    I can tell you this creating an imbalance in your gut can cause many diseases and I managed to get COVID like symptoms off a free internet connection.
    When I took out the offending router that was being used by the internet provider to provide a strong blanket signal for others the symptoms subsided.
    Here is the joke though, their agent told me he had to resite his own free internet connection after I had explained what had happened to me.

    Why I say 50/50 on the virus issue there are other methods to create disease symptoms and a virus does not kill you the symptoms do.

    Why I choose always to reduce symptoms and let the disease run its course.

    A Person
    A Person
    Reply to  Mark Deacon
    21 days ago

    Well yes, I would think that radiation could cause flu-like symptoms and, perhaps, even contagability from person to person.

    E.g. some quotes from sites

    1) “radiation therapy uses targeted radiation to treat cancer…
    Side effects
    You may have flu-like symptoms, nausea and pain…” [ cancercouncil (dot) com (dot) au/liver-cancer-secondary/treatment/radiation-therapy ]

    2) “radioembolization…you may have to limit contact with other people for up to one week after treatment…” [ cancer (dot) org/cancer/managing-cancer/treatment-types/radiation/safety (dot) html ]

    I’m guessing that the reason for limiting contact for up to one week is because the person who receives radioembolization could transmit something to other people.

    Reply to  Mark Deacon
    17 days ago

    I am 50/50 for I cannot prove for myself if viruses exist or not.

    What happened with people that they completely lost the ability of logical thinking?

    You really have to prove that the tooth fairy doesn’t exist instead of proving it exists??? Wow.

    Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
    20 days ago

    Some people that have promoted the terrain theory seem to disappear , is`nt everybody entitled to a platform?

    John Hart
    John Hart
    Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
    20 days ago

    Ad hominem == admission argument is lost!

    Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
    16 days ago

    Hi Rhoda, Its not the comments that I was referring to, but a like minded soul from the Expose.

    Also personally I wouldnt insult anyone on here because our free minds are what is holding this together , to disagree and debate about different perceptions is what we are not allowed to do in mainstream, and after all,
    we all seek the same goal.

    Reply to  Watcher Seeker
    19 days ago

    Most of the virus deniers write in a tone of absolute certainty that they are right.”

    That’ll be because we’re all waiting for unequivocal ‘proof’ of viral pathogen existence and proof they cause disease.

    It’s been hundreds of years now, how much longer?

    “As for their points that no virus has ever been isolated and viruses have not been proved to exist – that does not prove that they are right. Undeniable proof may one day be found.”

    Here, I’ll re-write your sentence:

    As for their points that viruses have been isolated and viruses have been proven to exist – that does not prove that they are right. Undeniable proof may one day be found.

    Your logical reasoning is flawed.

    P T
    P T
    Reply to  Watcher Seeker
    18 days ago

    Absence of proof is not proof of absence.

    Reply to  Watcher Seeker
    17 days ago

    I’ll help you.
    Long time ago your great A. Christie wrote a crime novel, The Pale Horse, where the gang earned money with assassinating people with black-magic. They advertised that you can make your rich aunt / wife / whatever days longer and they would die to a natural course. But even if their black-magic would be uncovered, there is no COURT to punish them as black-magic HAD NO PROOF TO WORK.
    In reality they worked together with a pharmacist and poisoned the victims stuff (toothpaste or whatever) with Thallium (found in the AstaZeneca covid vax). Thallium caused natural death cases, meningitis, pneumonia and similar, there was just one give away, the victims hair was falling (a sign of poisoning).

    Before I believe that in the background of any illness’ symptoms the culprit is not a poison (e-smog or smog or graphene or thallium, etc) show me proof of existence of the legendary viruses, thank you.

    Reply to  Aabi
    17 days ago

    longer – shorter, sorry for the mistype.

    21 days ago

    I despair of the commentators on this post. My husband, a fit, active, healthy man, with no previous illnesses, died of “something”, which fitted the symptoms of Covid.(no, he wasn’t jabbed) I don’t care what you call it, but it certainly existed.
    It is irrelevant whether you call it a virus or call it something else, you have to call it something so that it can be discussed and everyone knows what is being discussed, otherwise you get nowhere.
    Whether viruses exist or not is just a matter of perspective. You may have one perspective, but at least be adult enough to accept that others have a different perspective. To become entrenched in your belief that you have the only right opinion is “unhelpful”, to say the least.
    We need to combine our efforts to bring down the psycho’s who released this pathogen on the planet, and the subsequent toxic cocktail of crap in the jabs, not start posturing over semantics and taking pot shots at those who are essentially on the same side. The real criminals are just standing back and laughing, while those who oppose them are far too busy fighting each other, to have any effect on their actions.
    GROW UP !

    Mark Deacon
    Mark Deacon
    Reply to  Stitchywitch
    21 days ago

    See my comment above on the 5G which I personally experienced and why I ripped the free internet out and stuck with my fibre connection. The symptoms cleared up after a couple of days.

    Reply to  Mark Deacon
    21 days ago

    I live in a rural area where there is no 5G, but I am aware of the flu like symptoms, as was my husband who always ensured we had wired connections, and switched off WiFi

    John Hart
    John Hart
    Reply to  Stitchywitch
    20 days ago

    Sorry for your loss. People exposing their ignorance by attacking the concept of viruses accomplish NOTHING. What’s really sad is the majority of Covid deaths weren’t caused by the ‘virus’ they were caused by a corrupt health care system serving corporate greed. I don’t know anyone who died from the virus, but someone close died from the ‘vaccine’.

    Ray Goodman
    Ray Goodman
    21 days ago

    Compare Dr. George Lakhovsky’s work vs. Louis Pasteur’s. Pasteur may have been more politically connected but Lakhovsky’s work is compelling.

    Reply to  Ray Goodman
    19 days ago

    Louis Pasteur was a fraud, you only have to go and read his work to know this.

    Reply to  sbptlivecouk
    17 days ago

    A sadistic, monster and fraud. He injected the brain of poor animals with puss and so on to induce symptoms of rabies – which is again, an umbrella term for brain inflammation could be caused by several DIFFERENT things. He was a MONSTER.
    A must read, especially if you have a dog or cat…

    Joseph A. Vescera
    Joseph A. Vescera
    21 days ago

    The problem I have with the article is: What is the definition of the word Virus? The latin definition is Virus is “poison”! So any poison like Cyanide is a Virus. The pictures in the article look like organisms. Is SARS-COV 2 an organism?

    Reply to  Joseph A. Vescera
    20 days ago

    Organisms that exist like bacteria, have a purpose in the body. They are beneficial in consuming toxins and removing as garbage. Bacteria, from what I understand (and I’m not an expert) can be isolated and viewed on a microscope (because they are large). Bad bacteria can be toxic to the body. Same with fungus. I tend to believe that most of what is being argued is biological matter, some larger, some smaller. Kerry Mullis invented the PCR machine and stated that it can only quantify pieces of organic material, live or dead. It can’t qualify it as to a certain label. The article is opined to virus is real. The article loses me when I’ve read many requests for purified virus samples have never been done.If the sample is in culture, it’s not purified. The slides in the article could be bacteria. Who knows?? I don’t know either way. I do know that most of what the body deals with daily are toxins, bacteria and fungus. I’m a little dismayed that Rhoda Wilson puts herself on one side only as the issue is unsettled. As a journalist, she denigrates the opposing arguments, not what an objective journalist should do. I’ve read Tom Cowan’s book, compelling!

    Reply to  Andy
    17 days ago

    A little correction, there is no such thing as bad bacteria, there are different phases of bacteria (proven by Naessens’ somatoscope which could show living things in the blood better than any today-microscope), depending on the PH of the blood, the basic particles (somatides, or an other name microzymas) form bacteria and fungi, when the PH goes back to normal they form back.

    When the body is poisoned and requires bacteria for removal the process needs lot of energy and results in lot of waste-products, if it is too much the person may die during it. This is why – in my opinion – antibiotics could work however they are like carpet-bombing but the process will be a bit more smooth (hopefully).

    The irony is that high dose of IV vit C was proven to even cure tetanus caused spasm in just 2 minutes. They knew this, but that wouldn’t make good money to them.

    Save this, very few proofs remained but this is one of them.

    20 days ago

    Once I stopped eating Gluten, soy, and yeast my aging reversed.

    Gluten causes nerve damage blocks nutrients from absorption and causes herpes symptoms.

    Soy damages the body and yeast has gluten unless a person buys gluten-free yeast.

    Oatmeal isn’t GLUTEN FREE that’s a lie.
    Your hair will turn gray and you will age super fast. Once you get your 90 essential nutrients and clean water and start eating organic non-GMO gluten-free foods you will increase your health and get enough nutrients with copper your hair will return to its natural color.
    This can take 6 months to get rid of gluten in your body.

    4-7 years to complete the healing process

    They have poisoned all the food and water.

    Learn The Truth In 7 Minutes Why No More Muscular Dystrophy.

    July 2022: Dr. Joel Wallach Starting @ the 5:00 minute mark.
    90 essential nutrients

    Reply to  Brad
    17 days ago

    Very similar effect with high doses of vit C. I still eat some bread and don’t have a healthy life style but C helps a lot to slow visible aging. Then cod liver, then swimming in the sea (but in a pool full with chemicals).
    Writing it just to those with poor self-control unable to follow a carnivore or keto diet. 🙂

    20 days ago

    Viruses and pathogenic germs have existed forever.

    Gain Of Function lab modified viruses and pathogenic germs with genocidal aims in mind should not exist!

    Alice Clayton
    Alice Clayton
    20 days ago

    They claim that the COVID has been isolated, that a lie. If it has been isolated, that would mean, that a blood test can prove or deny a person has the virus. There is no blood test available therefor the pathogen has NIT been isolated!

    20 days ago

    Rhoda, It was a real shame to read through a post like this on this website, a website that is clearly spreading TRUTH. Yet viruses are about as real as the tooth fairy.

    Get some real doctors involved in this discussion like Dr Robert Young, or Dr Sam Bailey, or Dr Thomas Cowan if you want truth about these imaginary microbes. The word virus needs to be removed from everyone’s vocabulary. Dr Stefan Lanka is a virologist PhD himself, and he destroys this entire fake industry.

    Create a fake microbe, create fake testing, create fake treatment, release fear upon the people = Trillion dollar industry. (AIDS, POLIO, SARS-COV-2, SPANISH FLU, etc)

    Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
    19 days ago

    You only need one paper to prove ‘something’ exists, and one example to disprove a theory. It’s not about where the source comes from or who presents it, rather, it’s about the methodological quality of the source i.e. does it conform to the basic tenets of the scientific method?

    Until a virus is isolated, purified and proven to cause disease no properly trained scientist can logically conclude ‘viruses’ are external pathogens that cause disease in humans.

    The circular arguments, ambiguous ‘isolation’ definitions and pseudo-scientific methodologically flawed papers are not satisfactory.

    19 days ago

    This article’s whole reasoning is circular. All other disciplines follow the scientific method, why should virology and genomics get a free pass?

    Reply to  sbptlivecouk
    17 days ago

    Not really, similar case with the shape of the earth, with atoms and atomic bomb, with the water(!), with the exact location of the north pole, gravity aka density, etc. Our age is the age of big lies.

    J G
    J G
    19 days ago

    “They also explain why the non-isolation of viruses cannot be used as proof that viruses do not exist.”
    That statement there is the killer for me, we are expected to believe it when they cannot prove their existence.

    P T
    P T
    Reply to  J G
    18 days ago

    Absence of proof is not proof of absence.

    Wayne Lusvardi
    Wayne Lusvardi
    19 days ago

    The virus isolation issue and germ v. terrain theories are false dialectics meant to divert attention away from the grim reality that all C-19 patients who die do so from Sepsis – a deadly blood poisoning. France considers COVID as all about Sepsis. Sepsis has two types: 1) Hospital Sepsis from needle pricks and from bacterial antibiotic resistance; and 2) the Homegrown Sepsis that occurs from a leaky gut that allows undigested food to permeate through the intestinal lining into the blood causing septic shock. The secondary symptoms of Homegrown Sepsis are those of respiratory infection because the liver cannot filter food and toxins at same time and spills the toxin into the bloodstream where it goes into the lung and the lung starts filling with fluid to flush out the toxins in the blood – pneumonia.
    There are no viruses other than bacteriophages, which are obviously not virus. But there is “virulence” either created in a hospital or homegrown in the human gut from Capsids and Endotoxins – both resulting in septic shock and respiratory failure.
    The Virus/No Virus debate is bogus because nothing occurs in the human body in isolation. Nor do environmental toxins directly cause virulence if the body’s elimination system clears the toxins fast enough for them not to turn into virulence or deposit themselves as tumors, kidney stones, arterial plaque, arthritis, etc.
    When the bacteria that are the clean up crew for the body die, they can create an Endotoxin (inner toxin). All food contains endotoxins and the more stale or aged or cured the food is, the more likely it has Endotoxins. So, something beneficial (bacteria) can turn into virulence – which does not fit Germ or Terrain Theories. And the intestine degenerates with age (no Endotoxins needed) and fails – again this does not fit germ or terrain theories. Terrain Theory says clean up the fish bowl. But metaphorically one can have no germs and a clean fish bowl and still end up with deadly sepsis from either a compromised or a degenerated intestine.
    Not one Sepsis patient has been saved by Germ or Terrain Theories nor from antibiotics or vaccines. While the debate has been diverted to how many germs are on the top of a pin head, people are dying of Sepsis. In Dublin, Ireland they have stopped disseminating information about COVID and have put signs on the outside of their ambulances of the symptoms of Sepsis. Because that is what people are dying from.

    18 days ago

    Nice try but in essence the same old antivaxxer bullshit!!!

    Reply to  Oona
    17 days ago

    Back then I would have said: I don’t care how many poison-shots you allow to be injected into YOU if there is no push of others.
    After the covid shots which have changed the biofield (electricity) of human body and capable to poison everyone around with IRRADIATION, I tell just one thing, I hope you go for some more and go for them fast!