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They want to kill you – Here’s how they’ll do it

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This is the scariest video you’ll ever watch. You probably won’t see or read any of this anywhere else. And as usual, it’s all true. I’m going to tell you how they’re going to persuade you to kill yourself. And if they don’t succeed in getting you to commit suicide, then I’m going to tell you how they’re going to kill you. This is scary. It’s taken me weeks to put this together and I still find it disturbing.

Dr. Vernon Coleman: They Want To Kill You (Here’s How They’ll Do It), 11 April 2024 (27 mins)

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This is the scariest video you’ll ever watch. You probably won’t see or read any of this anywhere else. And as usual, it’s all true. I’m going to tell you how they’re going to persuade you to kill yourself. And if they don’t succeed in getting you to commit suicide, then I’m going to tell you how they’re going to kill you. This is scary. It’s taken me weeks to put this together and I still find it disturbing.

It is April 2024 and welcome to video 335.

I said in my last video that I was taking a break and I meant it. However, something else has come along that I have to warn you about.

Euthanasia. Suicide by doctor.

Euthanasia is being promoted as offering dignity and control.

But in a growing number of countries all over the world, the same lies are told.

Everything you think you know about euthanasia is almost certainly wrong.

Euthanasia is about saving money, collecting organs for the super-rich, killing disabled children, killing the mentally ill and reducing the money spent on caring for the poor and the disabled and patients in pain. Euthanasia isn’t painless and it’s all about saving money and harvesting organs for the rich.

You think I’m exaggerating?

Well, they killed one man because he was deaf. They’ve already killed people who were poor. And they’ve killed people who tried to change their minds. Euthanasia victims have died screaming – struggling to live. They’ll kill children who say they want to die – without their parents’ permission.

Euthanasia victims are listed in the official statistics according to whatever disease they had last. So, someone with diabetes who is euthanised will have died of diabetes and not of euthanasia. This is the same trick they used to pretend that covid was killing millions. Remember, early in 2020 I pointed out that the rules and the PCR test allowed the authorities to label patients as covid deaths when they’d actually been run over by a bus or killed by an axe-wielding madman.

They won’t let me tell you about this on YouTube, on Facebook on Twitter or anywhere else except here on my BitChute channel and on my website

I am banned from every other form of media there is. Joe Biden’s White House even tried to get one of my books banned. No one was allowed to report that.

Today, euthanasia is already legal in Belgium, Canada, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, Colombia and parts of Australia as well as Switzerland and some States in America.

A disabled woman in Canada was offered a place on her nation’s euthanasia programme because it was easier than adapting her home to her needs. A Canadian man who was facing eviction from social housing was accepted into the country’s euthanasia program. A mother was accused of selfishness when she wouldn’t allow them to kill her disabled but life-loving daughter.

For nearly 60 years I have chronicled the deceits of the medical profession and the drug industry.

In February and March 2020, I warned that there was no pandemic, just the flu with better than average marketing. I warned that old people would be targeted – which they were. I also warned then about the vaccine that was coming and that would be as compulsory as they could make it. That was many months before there was a covid vaccine – which was, of course, as predicted, just another part of an ongoing programme of corruption, deceit and killing. I was the first in the world to reveal the side effects of the covid vaccine.

Now, they are ready for the next stage: death by doctor.

This is what the conspirators have been working towards for decades.

They’re preparing to turn the world into one big Jonestown.

Euthanasia or death-by-doctor is the most evil, cold-blooded massacre since Genghis Khan made genocide fashionable.

They’re planning to kill children without telling their parents. They’re planning to kill anyone who can’t look after themselves. They’re planning to kill anyone classified as disabled. And in case you haven’t noticed they’ve been busy expanding the list of people who are now officially classified as disabled. They’re planning to get rid of hospices and to abandon palliative care because it’s much quicker and cheaper to kill people than it is to care for them.

Forget the self-serving myth that euthanasia is painless and dignified.

There are no standardised methods for euthanasia and so, as a result, there are frequent cases of prolonged and distressing deaths. Patients being euthanised vomit, wake up from comas and can take up to seven days to die. No one knows what to do if an initial attempt at euthanasia fails. What should be done if a patient is semi-conscious? Should another attempt be made to kill them?

The same drugs which are used for killing prisoners on death row are sometimes used to kill patients who have consented to euthanasia. But if paralysing drugs are used, the patient appears calm, peaceful and quiet – but that doesn’t tell us what the patient is experiencing.

Unlike with prisoners, monitors are not used when a patient is being killed. This means that there is no evidence about what is happening.

Experts fear that patients being killed may suffer intolerable, unbearable physical or psychological pain.

The relatives of a woman in her 30s heard screams when she was supposedly being euthanised. The woman was suffocated with a pillow after drugs failed to kill her.

An elderly, demented woman in Belgium was euthanised after her family decided that she should be killed. The doctor laced her coffee with her sedatives – while she was chatting with her family. The doctor gave another sedative by injection. The woman then stood up. Family members held her down while the doctor injected her and killed her. Judges declared that “the doctor did not need to verify her wish for euthanasia.”

In his new book, Jack King reports that complications which have been recorded during euthanasia include: vomiting, tachycardia, sweating, gasping. One patient became unconscious 25 minutes after swallowing lethal medication but woke up and regained consciousness 65 hours later.

Lethal injections cause severe pain, a sensation of drowning and quiet, unspoken terror in the overwhelming majority of cases.

A woman needed a wheelchair ramp in her home. Her caseworker offered her a medical-assisted death instead.

A student went to hospital for help with her debilitating feelings of depression and hopelessness. The staff member she saw told her that psychiatrists were in short supply. “Have you considered euthanasia?” she was asked. A hospital spokesman said that the hospital had followed protocols.

A 61-year-old woman suffered from depression after a concussion sustained in a car crash. She was offered, and accepted, death-by-doctor as an alternative to treatment.

A 61-year-old Canadian was killed by a lethal injection in 2019. His health problem was hearing loss. No medical personnel contacted his relatives “out of respect for patient confidentiality.”

A man with a degenerative brain disorder was offered euthanasia so often that he began recording hospital staff. In one recording, a hospital ethicist told him that his care was costing the hospital “north of $1,500 a day” and asked if he had “an interest in assisted dying.”

A woman took her daughter to a hospital emergency room. Unprompted, the doctor informed the woman that her 25-year-old daughter, who has cerebral palsy and spinal bifida, was a good candidate for euthanasia. When she said “No,” the doctor called the mother selfish.

Euthanasia is being offered to the mentally ill. Since there is now a major global epidemic of mental illness and general misery, this is a perfect background for selling euthanasia.

And they’re killing children.

Naturally, the world being what it is these days, the authorities will not tell the parents of those children what is being planned. The parents will only know after the event. They’ll get an email. “You may have noticed that your 12-year-old son did not come home from school today. This is because he enrolled in our Suicide for Students programme and we helped him to kill himself this afternoon.”

How many children (and particularly teenagers) do not sometimes wish they were dead?

“My boyfriend has broken up with me. I wish I were dead.”

“I’ve been bullied on Facebook so much. I wish I were dead.”

“No problem, here at the Justin Trudeau Let’s Kill the Children centre we can deal with that for you. Like Mr Trudeau himself, it’ll just be a little prick. Just put your satchel and your lollypop down, lie down and your problems are over forever. We’ll ring your mum and dad later and tell them that you won’t be coming home. They can collect your body from the Justin Trudeau Morgue.”

The incidence of state-sanctioned suicide is soaring – though as I’ve explained they fiddle the figures.

Millions of younger people have been encouraged to regard every moment of temporary unhappiness or disappointment as a sign of a serious mental disorder. Doctors in the UK are now writing nearly 500,000 prescriptions for powerful, largely unsuitable antidepressant drugs to be given to children.

This is a perfect background for selling euthanasia.

The media has created fear and sadness and a sense of powerlessness and worthlessness. They have created the concept of a life not worth living.

Is it really a coincidence that the subject of euthanasia is being promoted heavily by the media and by politicians at the same time as fear levels are at their highest for a very long time?

And physical disabilities now merit euthanasia too.

Back in 2010 the British Government quietly changed the legal definition of disability. Lots of people thought this was kind of them.

You are now automatically classified as disabled (and, therefore, likely to be a suitable candidate for euthanasia) if you have, among other many things:

  • Any visual impairment
  • Any physical or mental impairment
  • Any difficulty in communicating with other people
  • Any difficulty in filling in forms
  • Any difficulty in preparing and eating food
  • Any difficulty in sitting down or standing up
  • Any difficulty in using a computer
  • Any difficulty in getting washed and dressed
  • Any difficulty in following instructions
  • Long covid – even though it doesn’t exist
  • Menopause
  • ADHD, autism, dyslexia

Millions welcomed the change. The disabled can be permanently off work and receive benefits. But disabled people are candidates for euthanasia, whether or not they are willing to be killed.

Campaigners speaking on behalf of the disabled have for many decades warned that the legalisation of assisted suicide would lead to society devaluing the lives of people who are disabled or elderly. The usually unspoken fear was that patients would be made to feel guilty if they didn’t kill themselves (or allow themselves to be killed).

It’s happening.

Death is seen as a viable alternative to costly and inevitably futile medical treatment.

A paper in Canada concluded that Medically Assisted Death could dramatically reduce annual health spending.

Vulnerable people will be killed (or will be expected to do a Captain Oates to save money and resources).

One-third of those taking part in Canada’s euthanasia programme perceived themselves to be a burden on their family, their friends and on their caregivers. Many worried about the amount of money that was being spent on caring for them.

Unsurprisingly, euthanasia is rapidly becoming one of Canada’s fastest-growing causes of death.

A woman who was living on disability payments and who had failed to obtain affordable housing ended her life under Canada’s assisted suicide laws. “The Government sees me as expendable trash,” she said.

Canada’s Supreme Court ruled that the previous law which excluded people with disabilities from the death-by-doctor scheme was unconstitutional.

Amazingly 27% of Canadians believe that euthanasia should be expanded to include people who aren’t ill but who are poor. And 28% of Canadians would offer “death by doctor” to the homeless.

Euthanasia was supposed to be offered only to people who were terminally ill. But who knows what is incurable and what isn’t? A cure may be just around the corner. The patient’s problem may disappear without treatment. The diagnosis might be wrong. The doctor may not be aware that a cure is available. An available cure may be deemed too expensive. I’ve known patients diagnosed as having weeks to live who were still alive a decade later.

With mental health problems, the worries are even greater. But there won’t be a chance for a better day. The sensitive and the vulnerable will be dead.

The elderly are being killed off first, of course, being made to feel guilty if they don’t submit to euthanasia. Conditioning, propaganda and predictive programming are all being used to promote the idea that older citizens have a duty to die when they reach 70 years of age.

Enthusiasts like to claim that doctor-assisted suicide is essential because people are living longer and, as a result, the global population of elderly people is growing out of proportion. The only sensible thing to do, the argument goes, is to kill off the excess old people to preserve space and resources for the young.

As I first explained back in the 1970s, that’s a myth.

Improved sanitation facilities and better drinking water supplies meant that the number of babies dying – and the number of women dying in childbirth – fell dramatically at the end of the 19th century and the start of the 20th century. That is what has resulted in a bigger population and more old people.

Life expectation for adults has not risen appreciably during the last century. Take a look at my book `How to Live Longer’ for the proof.

So why are so many countries legalising death by doctor?

One reason is that a bunch of conspirators claim that it is necessary to reduce the size of the global population. They want to cut the world’s population down to 500 million. There is plenty of food to feed billions more. But much of the food is in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The conspirators have two fundamental policies: “End global poverty by killing all the poor people” and “End disease by killing all the sick.”

You have to follow the money if you want to find the truth.

The disabled and the elderly are now widely regarded as of little or no financial value.

And then there are pensions, of course.

Many of those who receive State pensions believe (quite erroneously) that the money they have paid in taxes has been put aside to pay their pensions. But pension programmes are simply huge Ponzi schemes. State pensions are paid out of today’s taxes. In twenty years’ time, pensions will be paid out of the taxes which are paid by workers in twenty years’ time. If the size of the aged population can be cut, the annual savings will be measured in billions of dollars.

After thousands of elderly people were murdered in hospitals and care homes during the lockdowns – remember I called it murder at the time – politicians boasted with glee that the financial savings, in unpaid pensions, would be huge. The more people they kill, the more money they’ll save.

The pro-euthanasia programme has nothing to do with reducing pain or distress: it is all about saving money.

It is a lot cheaper to kill people than it is to provide palliative care.

Take a look at what is happening in Holland.

The advocates of killing-by-doctor in Holland don’t like to use the word “kill,” of course. They much prefer anodyne phrases such as “physician-assisted suicide” or “aid in dying.” You can call it “medically assisted suicide” or “death with dignity.” But don’t call it killing or murder. They’ve mastered the art of state-approved slaughter.

Doctors will kill people of any age and they will kill people who are demented or depressed or who have long-term, chronic disorders. An 18-year-old with psychiatric problems was killed by doctors.

They will, indeed, kill just about anyone. They’ll even kill you if you are just “tired of life.” A petition, signed by a number of prominent Dutch citizens, has suggested that euthanasia should be available to everyone over the age of 70 who feels a bit worn out.

Plans were announced for a law that would allow “assisted suicide” if a patient “felt that they had completed their life” (whatever that means). It was said that the needs of older people should be met if they were struggling with mobility problems, a loss of independence, fatigue or loneliness. Meeting their needs shouldn’t involve walking sticks, wheelchairs, dietary help or companionship but death-by-doctor.

Way back in the 1990s, a 50-year-old social worker felt so miserable that she said she wanted to die. So, her doctor gave her a glass of poison to drink. And she duly died.

Today, they’ll kill you if you are demented or have an existential problem you can’t cope with. They’ll kill you if you are lonely or depressed or not much use.

Older patients are deprived of food, water, diagnosis or medication. And then, when they feel pretty damned uncomfortable and miserable, they’re offered a death pill.

“You’ve had a long life, why are you hanging on when your time is up? You’re using up valuable resources.”

And they’ll kill children as young as 12 years old.

The enthusiasts promoting “death by doctor” in Holland now even have an “Euthanasia Week” where they can share propaganda promoting euthanasia.

Individuals can make a “Living Will” or “Advance Directive” in which they sign up for euthanasia at some future time. Don’t try to change your mind because living wills are legal documents which cannot be easily rescinded.

One patient fought back while doctors were giving her a kill shot. The relatives held the patient down while the needle went in. The patient was screaming as well as fighting. Courts later cleared the doctors (and presumably the family) of any crime.

And look again at what is happening to hospices and palliative care around the world. Funding for both is disappearing. There’s plenty of money for gender displacement clinics but none for hospices or palliative care.

Hospices have to find three-quarters of their funding themselves. Just imagine the outcry if, for example, infertility services or cosmetic surgery clinics relied on jumble sales, car boot sales, bucket collections and charity shops to survive.

The aim is clearly to reduce palliative care just as the availability of euthanasia is increased. The same thing is happening all around the world.

What the world desperately needs, of course, is more mobile palliative care services with doctors and nurses available to visit patients who are dying and who are in their own homes.

But the opposite is happening.

Just a few decades ago, doctors in Britain visited their patients at home during the daytime, during the evening, at weekends and on bank holidays. Nowhere in the world was there a better 24-hour-a-day GP service than in Britain. Today, the average GP earns well over £100,000 a year with a £50,000 vaccine bonus and works just 25 hours a week. Accountants and librarians work longer hours than GPs.

Health care in Britain has been destroyed by this. There is more untreated illness and more people are suffering from chronic illnesses and suffering unnecessarily. Patients have little alternative but to call for an ambulance or visit their nearest Accident and Emergency hospital department. Many of these patients have problems which could be dealt with by a GP in five minutes but the vastly increased pressure means that the average waiting time for an ambulance has gone in many areas from minutes to hours, and in Accident and Emergency departments patients wait days to be seen. It is now by no means exceptional for patients to die while waiting to be treated. Last year over 100,000 people over 70 waited more than 24 hours in A and E.

The result is that millions of people are on never-ending waiting lists.

And many never get there. Turn up at a hospital, in an ambulance and sedated and they’ll offer you instant death instead of hours of waiting and pain.

The same deterioration has taken place around the world and it has led to a dramatic increase in the number of people agreeing to have Do Not Resuscitate notices placed on their medical records and accepting euthanasia as the only viable option.

And there is one other reason why the establishment is so keen on euthanasia: it will release a good many organs for use. If people are left to die naturally, their organs will deteriorate and begin to rot but if they are killed at the right time, their organs can be harvested in good condition – as they’re needed.

Organ donation started out as optional and voluntary but has become the default position with citizens having to opt out of giving their organs – possibly while they would like to be still using them.

There is no little irony in the fact that patients being encouraged to die might themselves be saved if they were considered important enough to be treated as organ recipients rather than as organ donors.

Doctors have been told to suggest organ donation as, if not an incentive, a kind of “consolation” for the person’s own loss of life.

Since organ transplantation is extremely expensive, and health services are cutting costs, it is inevitable that the organs taken from patients who have been murdered by the State will be reserved for politicians and billionaires.

Euthanasia is now global. In America, death-by-doctor is being pushed by politicians, lobbyists and lawyers. Death-by-doctor is being sold as freedom, as a choice, as a human right.

The right to die has become the duty to die. In Oregon and Washington, well over half of the requests for assisted suicide cited “feelings of being a burden” as significant reasons for their requests.

Just how enthusiastic would anyone be if doctors simply shot their patients in the head instead of injecting them? Doctors agree that the quickest, simplest, most painless, most dignified and cheapest way to kill people is to shoot them in the head.

Or maybe gas chambers could be introduced. They are cheap and effective and can be used to kill a number of people at a time.

Suicide by doctor isn’t legal yet in the UK but the Brits have had an excellent substitute. Back in the 1990s something called the Liverpool Care Pathway was introduced. This allowed doctors and nurses to kill anyone over 70 whom they didn’t like by the simple expedient of not giving them food or water.

Years ago the Liverpool Care Pathway was put out of bounds as being unethical, painful, distressing and wicked. But doctors and nurses still use it. And speed it up with a kill shot of morphine and midazolam. This was very popular during the covid fraud and was used to free up whole hospital wards so that nurses and doctors could get on with rehearsing their TikTok dance steps.

And then there were the Do Not Resuscitate (“DNR”) notices which I have warned you about many times over the years. DNR notices have been put on patients’ notes without their permission and even against their wishes.

Euthanasia, supported by the media, will be legalised in the UK very soon.

Who will decide who can or should die? Will it be patients themselves, relatives, nurses, social workers or just any old neighbourly busybody? Suicide has gone from illegal to optional. How soon will euthanasia become compulsory and for whom?

When euthanasia is made legal worldwide then Pandora’s Box will be open. And no one will ever be able to close the lid. The laws are always extended to include people who are deaf or diabetic or 16 and feeling fed up with the world.

Who is going to be trained to help with euthanasia?

The problem, of course, is that good, caring doctors and nurses are trained to keep people alive and refuse to kill their patients. Most hospices refuse to have anything to do with euthanasia.

This will leave patients in the hands of people who are not experts in end-of-life care or of pain management.

Either euthanasia will be provided by a small group of itinerant doctors who will travel around the country killing patients they don’t know – the modern equivalent of the professional hangmen who used to travel around with a supply of rope.

Or euthanasia will be provided by technicians who have as little as six hours of online training. I suspect that many of the people who will be attracted to work as hired killers will be psychopaths, murderers and assassins who will enjoy killing people.

Remember that the vast majority of people who, for whatever reason, attempt to commit suicide and fail, later give thanks that they have failed. With “death by doctor” that possibility is lost.

Can doctors bring up the subject of assisted death without influencing their patients? Or frightening them unnecessarily? Is it really a doctor’s job to offer to kill their patient?

If you want to know more about how they are going to kill us, please read a new book called `They want to kill us’ and it’s written by Dr. Jack King. It’s the only truly honest account of their evil plan I’ve ever read and I’ve bought copies to give away. Please do the same. There’s a link to the book in the box below. And please share this video as widely as you can.

Discussing euthanasia would make a great TV or radio debate.

But the authorities will never allow a proper debate – just as they will never allow a debate about vaccination or the covid fraud.

Unless you share this video or distribute copies of Dr. King’s book then I’ve wasted my time, mankind is lost and we’re all finished. It’s as simple as that. This video is not monetised and nor is my website.

Please remember you are not alone. More and more people are waking up. And once they’re awake they don’t go back to sleep.

Distrust the Government, avoid mass media and fight the lies.

And thank you for watching an old man in a chair. I’m old, my eyes are going, I have difficulty using a computer and I’m worried. However old you are, you should be worried too.

Click HERE to purchase Jack King’s shocking new book ‘They want to kill us’ Please buy copies to distribute to family and friends so that we can share the important truth together.

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Mary Ann Dowrick
Mary Ann Dowrick
1 month ago

Perhaps getting rid of the puppets orchestrating euthanasia by imprisonment might be a bit easier than killing everyone else.

Reply to  Mary Ann Dowrick
1 month ago

Maybe they deserve the treatment they want to give to everyone else. Imprisonment is too good for them.

Reply to  Mary Ann Dowrick
1 month ago

Certainly a far more efficient remedy!

Reply to  Stuart-james.
1 month ago
Reply to  KillerHOSPITALS
1 month ago

Which is by the way another fraud. DNA doesn’t matter, they used pig heart for implant to humans (google after it, many articles…) pig material for cornea replacement, etc.
If DNA matters how could pig be used?

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Mary Ann Dowrick
1 month ago
Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Ralph
1 month ago

why does this website allow RALPH’S comments thought not DAVID Doh’EN! ‘s ??

Reply to  DAVID Doh’EN!
1 month ago

Because you’re HARASSING poor Dave Owen!

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  STALIN
1 month ago

Thank you for that, I have been a bit busy .
I am trying to get around the bad comments.

Reply to  DAVID Doh’EN!
1 month ago

Dave Owen can attempt to curse people with his Satanic JAHBULON deity all he wants!!


Why does this website allow RALPH’s comments though not DAVID Doh’EN! ‘s ?

Reply to  DAVID Doh’EN!
1 month ago

Because you’re HARASSING poor David Owen!

Reply to  DAVID Doh’EN!
1 month ago

He can attempt to curse people with his Satanic JAHBULON deity all he wants!!

Reply to  STALIN
1 month ago


Mary Ann Dowrick
Mary Ann Dowrick
1 month ago

Vets euthanise animals quite effectively. Anyone who has brought their dog in to be “put down” can testify to a calm ending for their pet. Would it be better to use a vet for euthanasia of humans?

Reply to  Mary Ann Dowrick
1 month ago

Putting my dog to (sleep) was an extremely traumatising experience. But I acknowledge it was the most loving kind thing to do, considering her condition. (16 years of life…a west highland terrier… Polo) And even now, twelve years on, it still hits me. It would be better if humans came to terms with their own demise without all the harassment from gov to submit to their so-called laws.

Reply to  Mary Ann Dowrick
1 month ago

Some people think human are animals. Humans are not. They our loved pets a muscle relaxer first and then an over dose of anesthesia. I had to do this to my beloved Bengal, Debbie who I had for slightly over 20 years on 11/4/23.

I hated every moment of it but remained composed to not frighten her, till her heart stopped. She was purring as she left. My choice was to let her starve to death, because she had stopped eating or let her go to sleep. Her body was simply shutting down. We could find nothing specific wrong with her except that and I went to the vet and explored alternative options to save her but they didn’t work. She had lost her hearing too in the last months.

I don’t like cremation … She will be buried with me. When I move on, she will be placed on my tummy, her favorite spot if that was available. Other times was my side. She was an incredibly smart and empathetic cat. When her buddy, Thomas was diagnosed with cancer, she was by his side and groomed him. She only left his side when he was sleeping to eat and use the liter box. We let him go to sleep when he stopped eating and she mourned him. She was the same with me after numerous surgeries. She will always be in my heart. I miss her so. I am now losing myself in taming and caring for feral homeless cat that no one wanted.

Reply to  BubbleBurster
1 month ago

So sorry.

Reply to  Mary Ann Dowrick
1 month ago

Yes definitely

1 month ago

I already follow you on all your social media sites & I get your newsletter. I share many stories, I have donated in the past but unfortunately I can’t at this time.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Leslie
1 month ago
1 month ago

In California where I live ‘Death with Dignity’ is available through hospice. My ex husband who had terminal cancer chose this path. Before he did this, & I was there to see it happen, intellectually I thought it was a good idea. Why prolong suffering & pain? After witnessing the process I am 100% against it. It wasn’t painful for him physically, he seemed at peace emotionally, but it has devastated my son, who I don’t believe will ever get over it. My mother & husband were lucky to have gentle, kind care until they passed away peacefully & more naturally. Hospice kept my mother out of pain. My husband died just a few days into it but they were wonderful for me. From one who has seen this process, it’s expensive, emotionally devoid of any grace. It’s a horrifying picture that Dr. Coleman paints. It’s actually hell on earth. Murder INC.

Reply to  Leslie
1 month ago

You are so right. We have no right to take any life including our own. It’s a sin. When people cross over after suicide, they see they made a grave mistake. Many have to reincarnate almost immediately because it was not their time to leave the physical world.

Corona Hotspot
Corona Hotspot
1 month ago

First they saved everyone from the evil virus with several C shots and boosters, and then after the vaccine worked as safe and effective as the told the people, they helped them again to die painlessly and with dignity. Western medicine, what a blessing to the world, besides ISrahell of course…

Kitty Wrangler
Kitty Wrangler
1 month ago

This has been going on to a substantial extent for YEARS, behind closed doors. It was only when it was the patient’s choice that it was refused, even if they had ALS and took their case to the Supreme Court. Now they are bringing it out into the open and bullying people into it. This is eugenics on steroids.

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
Reply to  Kitty Wrangler
1 month ago

US has removed informed consent from medical experimentation.

Can you see the loophole … all doctors need to put against the wall and shot for allowing and supporting this kind of legislation to be put in place. Good to know I can inject a doctor with a toxic experiment … the test is to see how long they live not that they will be better off, just like a covid vaxx.

Medical establishment sold themselves out for the money and money does not quench the revenge of an individual as it means nothing.

Reply to  Mark Deacon
1 month ago

I saw that. I was horrified. I hope others can read this. It Never made the main stream media except for The Epoch Times.

FDA’s New Rule Allows for Medical Research Without Informed ConsentThis NEW RULE was issued in late December 2023 and went into effect on Jan. 22, 2024.

Stop blindly trusting the medical profession!

Reply to  Kitty Wrangler
1 month ago
Reply to  Kitty Wrangler
1 month ago

It’s business. The Johnson government changed the law, everyone became an organ donor by default at the beginning of the pandemic hoax. Ask them why…. You had to opt out at the NHS if you didn’t want that – but how many did know about it??

Besides I don’t think that not so fresh organs would work, means the unlucky probably have to be at least half-living for the process of operating out worth a million in organs.

Dan Gilfry
Dan Gilfry
1 month ago

If you’re a White Christian, their doors are always open!
That is the whole idea with “Euthanasia”!
Get rid of Whitey and make all of “Their” Slaves BLACK!

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
1 month ago

“How Our Government, Medical Institutions, and Universities – Kill Us”

By Helena Glass

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
1 month ago

Logan’s Run is coming. I came to realise that when people started objecting to mourning the dead and instead changed funerals into parties “celebrating the life” and telling people to dress in bright colours not black.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Watcher Seeker
1 month ago

Every Thursday evening at eight o’clock – “Clap For Killers”.

For non-UK readers – in this country we had something called “Clap For Carers” – state-ordered worship of doctors and nurses.

Money is fake
Money is fake
Reply to  Watcher Seeker
1 month ago

And you know what? You pay taxes to these people who hate you. What will it take for the public to wake up?

John Cuevas
John Cuevas
1 month ago

Thank you, been a fan since, “How To Keep Your Doctor From Killing You!”

1 month ago

[…] They want to kill you – Here’s how they’ll do it  “This is the scariest video you’ll ever watch. You probably won’t see or read any of this anywhere else. And as usual, it’s all true. I’m going to tell you how they’re going to persuade you to kill yourself. And if they don’t succeed in getting you to commit suicide, then I’m going to tell you how they’re going to kill you. This is scary. It’s taken me weeks to put this together, and I still find it disturbing.” […]

1 month ago

All you have stated is true, without exaggeration.
My suggestion is to euthanize the euthanizers, politicians and others pushing death. It’s simply evil and exploits vulnerable people.This could help make the world a better place..

1 month ago

When all else fails, pray. When everything is successful, pray. Only God can save us now

Nancy Kitchin
Nancy Kitchin
1 month ago

I have been trying to unsubscribe for 2 years and cannot find a way. Mean while my bank account keeps being drained.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Nancy Kitchin
1 month ago

Hi Nancy Kitchin,
To stop any unwanted subscriptions, either ring your bank, or call in.
If your subscription is by credit card, ask for a new card, it will have a new number.
Hope this is help to you.

Donita Forrest
Donita Forrest
1 month ago

All Roads Lead To The Nazi Schwab & Bill Gates

Donita Forrest
Donita Forrest
1 month ago

It’s why Schwab & his G7 had to trash Christians, Christianity & Churches… as suicide is a ticket to Hell. Jesus is about hope & love.

1 month ago

This is one of the scariest articles I have ever read because there was a time in 2020 when I was taken against my will regarding a “medical” necessity for “talking to Jesus”. Praise God I am still alive.

Gord and K.
Gord and K.
1 month ago

Yes but don’t worry, there is hope for all born again Christians: get rapture ready, our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST is coming soon!

1 month ago

“Aktion T4, The Program That Euthanized 300,000 Disabled People”

The added bonus today is that the climate terrorists love euthanasia because you reduce an “undesirable” child’s carbon footprint to zero. You get them while their young so they can’t reproduce more useless carbon emitters…

“Upon the occasion of every birth, an official would have to fill out a form that included a section for describing physical or other observed defects that the child might have. Three doctors would then review the forms – without any of them actually examining the patient themselves – and mark it with a cross if they thought the child should be killed.”

“…the children would typically be given fatal doses of luminal or morphine. Sometimes, however, the method of killing wasn’t so gentle.
One doctor, Hermann Pfannmüller, made a specialty of gradually starving the children to death.”

Jacqui Purcell
Jacqui Purcell
1 month ago

I’ve known about the quiet killing of people for some years. My mother in law was in a care home and they gave her an ankle band that delivered morphine and she gradually passed away after 9 days! There have been other times with others too and as we know the covid elderly in homes. The world has become heartless and loveless. You only have to look at Gaza if at nothing else to learn that this is true.

1 month ago

It’s why need AVOID hospitals and MDs!!!! There are many healthy alternative medicine to use or go to instead! Get REAL HEALING by using natural medicine. My kidneys got better using natural medicine (Omega 3s) when MDs told me no cure was possible — they are LIARS. TRUST NO MD! TRUST NO HOSPITAL! TRUST NOTHING ABOUT WESTERN ‘MEDICINE” which is out to kill us all.

1 month ago

Euthanasia has been in school textbooks for years; pushed very hard and given an entire chapter in a book I was working on; as a help to deal with the endless queues in hospitals given these people will die anyways most of the time; this is the blurb; and made very ok by the authors; along with abortion and the entire alphabet of gay crap

1 month ago

I heard a nurse in the US speaking during covid about a 32 year old mother with two small girls under 5 years, who had diabetes and the matron person told her she’d probably die from covid so it’d be a good idea to euthanise and donate her organs, which she was bullied into doing while in tears and desperation; but the bullying was so severe by a literal gang of staff intimidating her about her probable demise from covid and the waste of her organs as a result; she said the girl was taken for the organ donation, anaesthesised or so it seemed; but all instruments were switched off and she twitched in an insane manner as if she was in dreadful pain while being cut open for her organs; it’s unreal

1 month ago

Ireland and I think the UK have now brought in a Law where citizens are by default , organ donors. They were supposed to activate an Opt Out Registry but haven’t and don’t appear to be going to; I emailed the HSE section for donors who told me I would have to tell my nearest and dearest about my desire not to be a donor or the organs would be taken by default. That is where we are now; and given this man’s video it ties in nicely with their plans; Nobody I have spoken to knows about this Law.

Reply to  Tabitha
1 month ago

Yes you can opt out as iv done it for me and my kids just type it in on Google or you can ring them up and do it aswell it takes two minutes to opt out and there’s a lot of people that I know that do know about all of this and they took have opted out, I’m not sure why it’s been so difficult for you but it’s really easy to opt out however they do warn you that you need to inform your family as they can still make a decision on your organs even if you have opted out so make sure you tell everyone too but ye it’s easy to opt out

Reply to  Tabitha
1 month ago

We could opt-out via the NHS,

Ginch Roo
Ginch Roo
1 month ago

There is another reason ‘Euthanasia’ is important for the Elderly and that is the death of actual history. Without the Elderly around the world; the Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits will be free to RE-IMAGINE a new history coloring evil as good, right as wrong, happy as sad,
hate to be love…etc.

For evil to succeed overall in long durations; they MUST succeed with that endevour as well as destroying all books and anything off the past opposing their narratives.

Melanie wall
Melanie wall
1 month ago

My father had a long drawn out death they stopped all meds food water in the end they madazolamed both my parents till they passed away

1 month ago

[…] le Dr Vernon Coleman a publié une vidéo « Ils veulent vous tuer – Voici comment ils vont le faire ». Considérant qu’il s’agit là de la plus grande menace à laquelle nous sommes […]

1 month ago

[…] Dr. Vernon Coleman a publicat un videoclip ‘Vor să te omoare – Iată cum o vor face‘. Deoarece consideră că aceasta este cea mai mare amenințare cu care ne confruntăm acum, […]

15 days ago

[…] HERE. If the video is blocked you can read the transcript on [or HERE].(Half a dozen pro-government trolls plastered the comments section of my video with abuse and lies […]

15 days ago

[…] vidéo est bloquée, vous pouvez lire la transcription sur [ou ICI ].(Une demi-douzaine de trolls pro-gouvernementaux ont rempli la section des commentaires de […]

15 days ago

[…] Urmăriți videoclipul meu intitulat `Vor să te omoare. Iată cum o vor face‘. Puteți găsi videoclipul de la făcând clic AICI. Dacă videoclipul este blocat, puteți citi transcrierea pe [or HERE]. […]

14 days ago

We love Vernon Coleman and send all our best wishes to him.

14 days ago

[…] QUI. Se il video è bloccato puoi leggere la trascrizione su [o QUI ].(Una mezza dozzina di troll filo-governativi hanno riempito la sezione commenti del mio video di […]

11 days ago

[…] Mira mi video titulado ` Te quieren matar. Así es como lo harán ‘. Puedes encontrar el vídeo haciendo  clic AQUÍ . Si el video está bloqueado, puede leer la transcripción en [o AQUÍ ]. […]

11 days ago

[…] Pozrite si moje video s názvom „Chcú ťa zabiť“. Tam nájdete návod, ako to urobia. Video nájdete po kliknutí TU. Ak by bolo to video časom zablokované, prepis si môžete prečítať na mojej stránke (alebo priamy odkaz TU). […]