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Playing God documentary: 50 years of medical democide in the UK

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The documentary ‘Playing God’ takes a deep dive into the horrors that lurk within past and current government protocols and policies, exposing the damage they are causing. The film is a result of journalist and author Jacqui Deevoy’s investigation into medical democide in the UK over the last 50 years.

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To create Playing God, Deevoy, co-producer and presenter of the 2021 Ickonic film ‘A Good Death?’, teamed up with the award-winning directors Naeem and Ash Mahmood and co-producer Phil Graham.

The making of the film has been made possible through crowdfunding. On the website where you can donate to the project, Deevoy wrote:

By exposing the truth, the film hopes to put an end to the death and destruction caused by the UK government’s policies. It is a call to action, urging viewers to demand change and hold those responsible accountable.

You can watch the jaw-dropping exposé Playing God below embedded from Rumble. If you are unable to watch it on Rumble,  you can watch it on UK Column or Children’s Health Defense.  The producers still need funds to help market it as widely as possible, please help them if you possibly can.

Setting Bushfires: Playing God, An Investigation into UK Medical Democide, 27 April 2024 (72 mins)
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Denise Pomroy
Denise Pomroy
1 month ago

Thank you for showing this documentary “Playing God” My father was put on the Liverpool Pathway Plan, which l wasn’t aware of. How can anyone deem that to be a caring death, because it isn’t. Animals are treated better than that. My heart goes out to the relatives who have been brave, very compassionate, and rightly angry telling the truth about their loved one’s deaths and what they went through. Still the government is trying to prevent the truth from getting out from the Bioweapon mRNA it sure as hell is not a vaccine, it was called that to get it through emergency measures, not just in U.K. but world wide. That doesn’t appear to ring alarm bells with our politicians apart from a handful, or the public. This is more than Democide of the U.K. it’s the world. I pray that people start taking note and stop believing the governments propaganda! Hopefully this brilliant documentary will open people’s eyes and minds to the fact the NHS is the largest “Killing Machine” this country has, we are paying to be murdered in my opinion. God may forgive them, l can’t. It’s time to stand up to the EVIL that is running this country and the world and has been for centuries.

Reply to  Denise Pomroy
1 month ago

Still the government is trying to prevent the truth from getting out from the Bioweapon mRNA…

It’s not mRNA, it is technical but biological. An info can’t be told often enough because of its importance (human rights).

1 month ago

JEBAĆEMO vam USKORO svima takvima vaše primitivne, perverzne, genocidalne, SOTONSKE* i incestuozne** jevrejske (i ne-jevrejske) kurve majke (to znači “uništiti” vas), koje vas kao najprimitivniju, perverznu, prljavu, smrdljivu i sotonsku* incest kopilad** rađaju – svima Cionistima, od Rothschilds, Rockefellers do Joe, Netanyahu … i zadnjeg prosjaka, koji se svim svojim sredstvima ne bori protiv vas, i UNIŠTITI vas ovaj put irreparabilno SVE, to znači na cijeloj planeti i za vremena sva.
* John 8: 41-47; John 15: 21-24; Matthew 27: 25
** Leviticus 18: 6. 20. 22. 29 (Satan & Devil = Synonyms)
Absolutely no one can save you from imminent & irreparable ANNIHILATION – forever & ever!
This is the Promise of “A Truly Mighty One”, which I am merely delivering to you at His command.

1 month ago

[…] Read More: Playing God documentary: 50 years of medical democide in the UK […]

1 month ago

The exact same thing is going on in the United States the satanic globalist took over the AMA and created a medical Monopoly back in 1912 Americans are just too goddamn stupid to recognize anything it seems.

1 month ago

I would like to know where the hell law enforcement is both in the United States and in the United kingdom! It’s very clear our government is trying to kill us off in various ways through our medical system through the food supply etc etc and these Thugs and blue costumes seem to work for the New World Order they do nothing to protect us! Why do you think the founders told us the militia was necessary if we wish to remain free?

Reply to  JoeInMissouri
1 month ago

Law enforcement uses taxpayer monies to work on behalf of the evil ones. If the government kills you, there are no charges or prosecutions. People have believed the propaganda that LE are there to serve and protect (they wrongly think it is them that are served and protected) but it is the government that they serve and protect. Make no mistake and do not be beguiled.