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Covid Russia: It’s not the government that’s saving Russians, it is the people saving themselves

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Many have claimed that Russia has fared better than most large countries during the covid era and the subsequent vaccine era.  After travelling to Russia to see for himself, Greg Reese can confirm this is true.

The Russian government cannot take credit for this.  “It’s not the government that is saving the Russian people, it is the people themselves,” he says.

Russia’s mass vaccination programme began on 5 December 2020 and more people died in 2021 than in any year since World War II. There were at least 622,000 deaths above the 2019 norm.

However, “what I noticed the most about the Russian people,” Reese said. “is that they are far more united than the American people. And everyone I’ve talked to here has told me that during the mask mandates and vaccine push, the majority of people unitedly ignored them. The police wore their masks below the chin and didn’t enforce them on the people. And employers were forging documents to show vaccination when there was none. They were not fooled, and they had each other’s back.”

Infowars:  Greg Reese| The Power of Repentance on the World Around Us, 6 June 2024 (5 mins)

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The Power of Repentance on the World Around Us: Lessons I’ve learned from living in Russia

By Greg Reese

There are many claims that Russia has fared better than most big countries during this deadly era of fake pandemics and experimental mandated shots. And so, I travelled to Russia last December to see for myself. What I learned was that this is true, but the government is not to credit for this. While elements of the Russian Federation do protect and preserve the Russian people and their culture, the evidence shows that they were administering the same deadly shots as we’ve seen in the West.

The number of deaths in Russia during the roll-out of their vaccines exceeded 2.4 million people, making it the worst year of deaths since 1945. Data shows a correlation between vaccination and the increase in morbidity and mortality. And the head of the Russian Ministry of Health urged pregnant women to get the shot, saying it will contribute to a more comfortable and safe pregnancy.

It’s not the government that is saving the Russian people, it is the people themselves. What I noticed the most about the Russian people, is that they are far more united than the American people. And everyone I’ve talked to here has told me that during the mask mandates and vaccine push, the majority of people unitedly ignored them. The police wore their masks below the chin and didn’t enforce them on the people. And employers were forging documents to show vaccination when there was none. They were not fooled, and they had each other’s back.

Many have told me that this unity is a result of generations of hardship that has embedded the importance of community into every Russian psyche. And I am sure that this is a big part of it, but there is another big factor that has contributed to their unity which can be adopted by anyone – Repentance.

Orthodox Christianity used to be the official religion of Russia. It was made illegal during the Soviet Union, and when communism fell, Orthodoxy re-emerged in a massive way. Within the first few years, over twenty million Russians were baptised. And many of these people believe that the nation must repent for allowing the Romanov family to be brutally executed by Bolsheviks during the revolution. Millions of Russians believe that repentance is the only thing that will save Russia. I’ve heard many American Christians say that America must repent as well, but before I came to Russia, I did not understand what repentance was.

According to St. John Chrysostom, the purpose of repentance is for healing and transformation. There are five paths and they are so simple that they can be practiced by anyone without submission or conformity to any dogma or belief.

The first path of repentance is contrition, or the condemnation of your own sins. In order to improve at anything, you must be aware of your weaknesses. If you want to become a better carpenter, then you need to be aware of what makes you a poor one so that you can change those things. The same goes for everything. And so, if you want to become a good person, you have to be aware of your own shortcomings.

The second path of repentance is forgiveness. It is the overlooking of another person’s sin. This is not saying that laws and justice should not be upheld, it is saying that when you are focused on other people’s shortcomings, you are wasting time that should be focused on your own. We have no right or power to compel others, but we do have the power and the responsibility to change ourselves.

The third path of repentance is prayer. Specifically, prayer that is impassioned, focused, and comes from the heart. Taking the time to turn our thoughts away from worry, desire, and the mundane, and cultivate the frequency of love and gratitude. The power of prayer has been scientifically measured. And consistent group prayer has lowered crime in the areas it was practiced in.

The fourth path of repentance is kind deeds towards others. The world is full of opportunities to show compassion and generosity to others in need.

And the fifth path of repentance is humility. Becoming more humble in our thoughts, words and actions.

According to these teachings, one must simply choose at least one of these paths each and every day. This is about taking responsibility, which is the root of every healthy society. And the outcome is quite clear, the more people practising these five simple paths, the more their society will heal and transform.

About the Author

Greg Reese is a multifaceted person with various pursuits and accomplishments. He has been a carpenter, musician, filmmaker, journalist, author, audiobook narrator and a saw-gunner in the US Marines. He has been featured in various media outlets including InfoWars, One News Page, Freedoms Phoenix,, Australian National Review, Yournews, Survive the News, 1812Blockhouse.  He publishes podcasts and interviews on a Substack page titled ‘The Reese Rport’ which you can subscribe to and follow HERE.

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20 days ago

What should you know about the current Russian President Putin?

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  mile7bar
19 days ago

Hi mile 7 bar,
That is quite an interesting video, thank you.

20 days ago

[…] Go to Source Follow on Telegram […]

Marilynne L. Mellander
Marilynne L. Mellander
19 days ago

While it is true that repentance – both individually and as a society – leads to a peaceful society – God’s Word as stated in the Holy Bible asks mankind to “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost” – Acts 2:38 – First one must recognize that they are a sinner in the eyes of God and then repent or turn from your sinful ways in order, recognize Jesus’ death on the cross paid for your sins, receive His gift on your behalf and you will receive the Holy Ghost…God will dwell within you while you are on earth then you will be received into His Holy Kingdom for eternity

Angie Bold
Angie Bold
19 days ago

Why are you talking to victims about repenting. The repentance needs to be done by the government and the medical and media . What do I have to repent of. Of course I have to forgive others who repent . People who ask forgiveness will be granted forgiveness. But to grant forgiveness to those who are victimizing and trying to murder you for your whole life and won’t stop the scriptures says nothing about that. Loving my enemies. I have no enemies. The peophe. Trying to kill me are not my enemies they are my murderers. The scriptures speak of forgiving your brother 7 x 70. That’s to say if your brother keeps messing up and keeps trying to change and is actively making atonem etc for any wrongs he has done to you , then you can’t very well hold a grudge against them. Most Christians have to forgive all abusers and reoffenders even without a sorry or a request for forgiveness because the anger and pain would take over our lives. But I have no stone t to make to criminals trying to murder me preachers giving fse scriptural interpretations Leaders in community that are freemason’s the bible says man should not suffer a witch to live. We are told to snuff them out. Witchcraft is cruel and affects while are
As of people is hard to understand . God is calling in the leaders of government dnf the churches to take out the witches. They should not live. But the witches ARE THE LEADERS 8F CHURCH A D STATE. ABD TGEU ARE YOUR NEIGHBIR. My neighbor is a gang stalker working for homeland security a d providing directed energy weapons for my neighbor to aim at me and my husband 24/7 I pray for my enemies u pray the Lord’s will be done. Maybe you should take look at Psalms35:7-9. Now that’s the example the word gives of praying for your enemy. And there are plenty others where that came from. You guys take scripture out of context. I do not take revenge but I should seek justice and pray for the Lord to avenge me. That’s His job and He doesn’t mind when we cry out to hH8m to rise up and smite the murderers who wait in hiding to seek out my destruction . The Father said we need to rightly divide the word of truth. Like what people are being spoken to . And what time period it was. Like you can’t apply the Christian doctrine to the time when Jesus was preaching the gospel of the kingdom Jesus didn’t teach the Christian doctrine to anyone. He preached keeping the Sabbath and the law to the Israelites. They were idolaters. Practicing orgies and other life acts in their worshipp of false gods the Bible is good for teaching. But not all scripture applies to everyone. God speaks to Lucifer and Moses and Noah and. those scripture can not have a literal interpretation to today’s Christians . But we can learn God’s nature from the word. How could you even bring up these things to true Christians. We do not act the way the world acts. The one fake Christians need to repent and stop lying about who they serve.

18 days ago

[…] Covid Russia: It’s not the government that’s saving Russians, it is the people saving themselves… Russia’s mass vaccination programme began on 5 December 2020 and more people died in 2021 than in any year since World War II. There were at least 622,000 deaths above the 2019 norm…everyone I’ve talked to here has told me that during the mask mandates and vaccine push, the majority of people unitedly ignored them. The police wore their masks below the chin and didn’t enforce them on the people. And employers were forging documents to show vaccination when there was none. They were not fooled, and they had each other’s back.” […]

17 days ago

Ty for this excellent on line paper.

It is a much needed voice in the UK to expose the truth re the covid vaccines…ty