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FDA is a front organisation: There are no technicians in the buildings, no equipment and no sample testing occurs

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Katherine Watt has been corresponding with a reader who is researching the history of US public health and regulatory agencies.  Records before 1973 are difficult to locate.  However, what has become clear is that the origins of these agencies are not what they make them out to be.

Why are they lying about their origins?  Because, Watt says, “they have maintained a bunch of empty office buildings that serve only as mailing addresses … There are no technicians in the buildings, there’s no equipment and no sample testing occurs.”

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Katherine Watt is a mom, Catholic, and paralegal from Pennsylvania, USA. On her Substack page ‘Bailiwick News’ she documents how, since at least World War II, US Congress has been waging war on the people by passing legislation which makes it easier and easier for them to be destroyed – legally – by the pharmaceutical industry.

One of Watt’s Substack readers is researching the pre-1972 statutory and regulatory history of some of the USA’s public health agencies, including the National Institutes of Health (“NIH”) and the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”).

The reason why 1972 is relevant is that in that year the regulation of biological products transferred from the NIH Division of Biologics Standards to the FDA Bureau of Biologics.  “In 1973, FDA published a consolidated set of biological product manufacturing non-regulations in the Federal Register,” Watt explained.

“Administrative rule-making by FDA since 1973 is relatively easy to locate,” she said.  However, “administrative rule-making by NIH prior to 1973 is more difficult to locate.”

Commenting on Watt’s article below, Dr. Mike Yeadon said:

Below we have republished excerpts from Watt’s article that are relevant to Dr. Yeadon’s comment above.  Watt’s article briefly describes the research her reader has undertaken and Watt’s response to one of her reader’s questions.

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On FDA Buildings as Virtual Mailboxes to Project the Public Illusion of Biological Product Manufacturing Regulation

By Katherine Watt

One of the questions the reader is trying to answer has to do with whether biological regulation authority was ever statutorily established by [the US] Congress, for NIH and its precursor organisations, going back to the late 1800s.

Modern-day NIH and FDA officials present historical accounts of how the biological product and vaccine manufacturing regulatory systems began and developed.

But from her research so far, the reader has concluded that their origin-story claims are not supported by the text of the statutes they cite.

During an email exchange recently, she raised the question “Why are they lying” about their statutory and/or administrative origins?

I sent her a reply with my hypothesis about why NIH and FDA lie about their origins and evolution.

Watt’s Reply

The “why they are lying” question is one that I’ve been mulling for a few months.

My hypothesis is that they have maintained a bunch of empty office buildings that serve only as mailing addresses (virtual mailboxes), without having any actual technical staff, laboratory equipment, or application and sample processing procedures.

They do that so that they can have fake forms for vaccine manufacturers to fill out. These included both the establishment license application, ELA, and product license application, PLA, from 1973 to the mid-1990s.

The ELA + PLA application process became, in the mid-1990s, the biologics license application, or BLA, by eliminating even the ostensible/fake requirement for establishment inspections and licensing, and by breaking up the “responsible head” at the factories, into multiple responsible people, so that no one would be responsible.

The factory employees, who are also just a handful of paper pushers with no scientific knowledge or responsibility, in a building whose equipment just makes immunotoxic junk and puts it in vials and slaps labels on it, filled out the application forms and mailed them to the FDA addresses (Bureau of Biologics in 1973, all its NIH predecessors and FDA successors, Centre for Biologics Evaluation and Research – CBER now).

The application forms arrived at that address where another one or two paper pushers put them in a filing cabinet and then shredded them a few years later.

Since the advent of electronic filing systems, the application and licensing forms have been filed, transferred and stored electronically, and deleted at regular intervals.

There are no technicians in the buildings, there’s no equipment and no sample testing occurs.

It’s all a front: statutes, regulations, procedures, application forms, buildings, addresses, offices, labs, approved applications and licenses sent by the FDA back to the factories, everything.

A handful of people at pharma companies know it.

A handful of people at the FDA know it.

And everyone else just assumes that a different, specialised department with specialised staff, equipment and procedures is handling it somewhere in the factory, and somewhere within the FDA.

You can read Watt’s full article HERE which is the ninth in a series of articles on “FDA non-regulation of non-medicines, including vaccines, more accurately understood as intentionally immunotoxic poisons.”

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15 days ago

I’m now wondering if the same applies to the UK’s MHRA etc?

Reply to  Nota
15 days ago

I don’t think so, but the effects of the organisation are the same, ie free pass for Big Pharma.
Their chief till recently was June Raine who makes no secret of the fact that MHRA is an enabler for Big Pharma, not a Regulator!!!!!!
In other words it has left its role of gamekeeper and gone over to the side of the poachers !
Debi Evans of UK Column has been keeping a close eye on Madame Rain’s activities, attending MhRA’s and generally putting the heat under her. I strongly recommend you looking at Debi Evans’ stuff, it’s excellent .
June Raine has doubtless gone off to enjoy her reward for her betrayal of the Britis public’s health.

Reply to  mcc
15 days ago

PS Sorry typo
“attending MhRA’s” should read “attending MHRA meetings”

Reply to  mcc
12 days ago

Where is the proof for this? Are there photos? Its like Ft Knox without gold. Probable, but need physical evidence

Mark Slinger
Mark Slinger
Reply to  misturn
12 days ago

Isn’t the fact that they do nothing, proof that they are not needed, because they do not do their jobs?

Reply to  Nota
15 days ago

My thoughts exactly. Answer to that question could likely be ‘Yes’ imo

Reply to  Nota
14 days ago

FDA, MHRA, APHA, call them what you will, evil institutions-all of them.

My immediate (daft) neighbour (200 yards away) reported a dead chicken to the APHA, yup! you’ve guessed it aright-the ‘laboratory’ test results confirmed that the bird died from the mythical “highly pathogenic bird flu”!

You can bet your bottom dollar that there was no test done (how can you test for something that doesn’t exist???).

As a result of my neighbour’s stupid actions we suffered visits and restrictions…

A Person
A Person
Reply to  Islander
14 days ago

Did they take some/all of the neighbour’s chooks 🐔away?

Reply to  A Person
14 days ago

Hello AP!

I’ve always got time for one of the better commenters here!

The APHA vets destroyed his entire flock of birds-chickens and geese. They turned up in hazmat suits complete with helmets and breathing apparatus strapped to their backs- just like in the Wuhan scene. I thought I was in a sci-fi movie-I could see clearly with my binoculars.

By rights I should have lost my flock too (but for God-praise Him), for I had been looking after his two weeks previously when he was away!
Didn’t I read my neighbour the riot act over his stupidity (in as nice a way as possible, of course!).

The APHA vets were from the mainland-not local, and the stupid thing was I could see my neighbour and his wife walking nearby while they were culling the poor birds! Highly pathogenic? Strewth!

Any more questions?

A Person
A Person
Reply to  Islander
14 days ago

Me too 😉. Ah well, we do our best.

This story is so important. Basically overviews the whole bird flu scam in a few sentences.

I remember, around 2020/21, a guy who went along with the mainstream narrative said something to me like, “You should apply to be a contract tracer, you’d be good at that!” back when the rules were for everyone to sign in and out when you entered a shop. Nice of him to say that but I replied something like, “I’d take down everyone’s contact details and, at the end of the week, throw it all straight in the bin”. I mean, if you signed your name in and out of a shop for contact tracing back then, it meant if they declared a ‘COVID’ outbreak had occurred at the time you were there, you had to lock down for 14 days or so. Not anything as bad as losing a whole flock of birds, admittedly. Although a lady I knew for 10+ years got a similar job as some kind of ‘COVID’ hotline person, I think (people would ring her workplace up for specifics on the government ‘COVID’ regulations to be followed, I believe). Unfortunately, despite only being aged in her 40’s, she was diagnosed with cancer in 2022 and died about 4-5 months later 😥.

15 days ago

this is staggering

15 days ago

The 1800s are mention as a point of provenance, here’s a quick look into 1894:
“Compulsory Vaccination”

Same script, but with smallpox. Same people, same groups.

15 days ago

This should tell everyone all they need to know about food and drug approval and regulation. It is a scam. That tells me that all safety claims should be called into question.

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
15 days ago

FDA is a cog in the pay-to-play supply of products and all part of the corporate monopoly. It has no liability for pushing unsafe and dangerous products so it is a front organisation to pretend to people that some product is safe.

I am British, I am a tea drinker, have been all my life. Upon arriving in the US I start making my cups of tea. Over an extended period of time the cups of tea started to make me feel ill. So I started to experiment, bottled water instead of osmosis filtered, inspected the sugar how can you change sugar a chemical maybe? US tea is garbage I only drink PG Tips or some other brand I know. Only ever use 2% milk that is all.

The extended life milk supermarkets are pushing … I switched that out and used 2% organic only milk and all the issues went away. Contacted the FDA, they just FOB you off that all milk is the same … then why was I able to solve the problem if everything is the same.

At that point I knew the FDA lie and if they lie about milk they probably lie about everything else.

Want another FDA scam? Importing electronics parts into the USA came in through DHL. I got a massive import tax …. But in the breakdown of the import tax total was a $40 fee for the FDA.

F@cking priceless I do not eat or consume electronics but they get a cut.

15 days ago

She calls this a hypothesis. Does she know for a fact that the buildings are empty and a few employees push paper while everyone assumes that actual scientific work is going on? I don’t find it unlikely that the whole regulatory setup is a scam, but I don’t want to say so based on a hypothesis.

14 days ago

Does not surprise me at all.
ONE other thing I think about, besides others, is that the treasonous
FDA calls many substances GRAS=generally recognized as safe.
Therefore, GRAS substances can be added to food products without their testing them, and the FDA allows manufacturers to police their own ingredents as okay. I actually want to know what is in my food. I want to know if there is extra water, or salt, vinegar, etcetera added..

Here is a blurb from the FDA website. Notice that if it was approved before 1958, when things were much more basic and unknown, when our testing and technology was much less sophisticated, when fewer food additives and chemicals were used, its’ overwhelmingly believed to be okay!.
Do I trust the FDA (or other government agencies? Nope….The FDA had a direct hand in approving/accepting GMO’s, glyphosate, and more nasties.
The Substances Added to Food inventory includes the following types of ingredients regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA):

  • Food additives and color additives that are listed in FDA regulations (21 CFR Parts 172, 173 and Parts 73, 74 respectively), and flavoring substances evaluated by FEMA* and JECFA*.
  • Generally Recognized as Safe (“GRAS”) substances that are listed in FDA regulations (21 CFR Parts 182 and 184).
  • Substances approved for specific uses in foods prior to September 6, 1958, known as prior-sanctioned substances (21 CFR Part 181)


14 days ago

[…] FDA is a front organization: There are no technicians in the buildings, no equipment and no sample t… …what has become clear is that the origins of these agencies are not what they make them out to be. Why are they lying about their origins?  Because, Watt says, “they have maintained a bunch of empty office buildings that serve only as mailing addresses … There are no technicians in the buildings, there’s no equipment and no sample testing occurs.” […]

Gord and K.
Gord and K.
13 days ago

Get rapture ready, people – our Blessed Hope is our only hope in these Endtimes.

Guy Faux
Guy Faux
13 days ago

I can point out many fronts like this. It’s been so obvious to me for years. When you understand that all agencies are themselves private for profit corporations that all simply get government funding to absorb their own tax revenues but put out a pitance for dollar value you realize it’s all a money laundering operation BY the government., And,
Being that theyare all private administrative agencies ,they are not actually ” government”. Therefore should be called “quasi- government”.

This means they give only the impression of being government but now they can all fall into the category of simply, private corporations that can sue and be sued.
See,”our government” is a vacant office. It needs to be reseated.

We call it a “country” but it’s not. It’s just another giant shopping mall. And by the way, broke like all other bankrupt businesses.
There’s so much to tell!!!

13 days ago

[…] FDA is a front organisation: There are no technicians in the buildings, no equipment and no sample t… […]

13 days ago

Too many popups and asking for money make the article painful to read.

13 days ago

[…] FDA is a front organisation: There are no technicians in the buildings, no equipment and no sample t… […]

12 days ago

Medical Complex, including your doctor and Big Pharma are simply full filling a very well planned out Business Plan. The more toxins/poisons they can people to agree to take into their bodies, be that vaccines, pharma drugs, drugstore stuff, add to that processed and chemical laden foods. All of this poisons; fills body with toxins, which leads to illnesses and disease. They Medical Complex/Big Pharma make way way for $$$ from the ‘Side Effects from all treatments they take into their bodies. The profits can be up to 10 times say the amount they made just from injections alone. Side Effects are where the HUGE BIG $$$$ are to be made.

12 days ago


Head of the us bureau of chemistry.

He is best remembered today as an important force behind the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906.

Big business finally got rid of him, and the fda was born.

12 days ago

[…] (Article by Rhoda Wilson republished from […]

9 days ago

What a paranoid and unrealistic article. Everyone knows that government is the benevolent caretaker of humanity. Without them we certainly would have all died from uncompensated injuries,famines,unpronouncable diseases or just plain stupidity.

4 days ago

[…] The majority of Americans once trusted their government to tell them the truth about vaccines. However, after the covid-19 scandal of lies, fraud and abuse, more people are questioning the entire vaccine evaluation and regulatory process. […]

4 days ago

[…] de plus en plus de gens remettent en question l’ensemble du processus d’évaluation et d…. […]

4 days ago

[…] (Natural News)—The majority of Americans once trusted their government to tell them the truth about vaccines. However, after the covid-19 scandal of lies, fraud and abuse, more people are questioning the entire vaccine evaluation and regulatory process. […]

4 days ago

[…] (Natural News)—The majority of Americans once trusted their government to tell them the truth about vaccines. However, after the covid-19 scandal of lies, fraud and abuse, more people are questioning the entire vaccine evaluation and regulatory process. […]

4 days ago

[…] (Natural News)—The majority of Americans once trusted their government to tell them the truth about vaccines. However, after the covid-19 scandal of lies, fraud and abuse, more people are questioning the entire vaccine evaluation and regulatory process. […]

4 days ago

[…] (Natural News)—The majority of Americans once trusted their government to tell them the truth about vaccines. However, after the covid-19 scandal of lies, fraud and abuse, more people are questioning the entire vaccine evaluation and regulatory process. […]

4 days ago

[…] The majority of Americans once trusted their government to tell them the truth about vaccines. However, after the covid-19 scandal of lies, fraud and abuse, more people are questioning the entire vaccine evaluation and regulatory process. […]

3 days ago

[…] FDA is a front organisation: There are no technicians in the buildings, no equipment and no sample t… […]