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Members Of the European Parliament Stand Up for A Second Time: “No-one grants me freedom, for I am a free person”

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“Whenever a government claims to have the people’s interests at heart, you need to think again. In the entire history of mankind there has never been a political elite sincerely concerned about the wellbeing of regular people. What makes any of us think that it is different now.” – Christine Anderson MEP

In Strasbourg, on 20 October 2021, four Members of the European Parliament (“MEPs”) held a press conference: “Defending fundamental rights by opposing the misuse of Digital Green Certificate”. The four MEPs were: Christine Anderson (Germany, ID), Francesca Donato (Italy, NI), Ivan Vilibor Sinčić (Croatia, NI), and Cristian Terheş (Romania, ECR).

A week later, on 28 October, these same four MEPs held a second press conference to give an update on what has happened in the European Parliament since. 

Anderson was the first to speak: “If the age of enlightenment has brought forth anything, then certainly this: never take anything any government tells you at face value, always question everything any government does or does not do.”

Terheş spoke last: “The difference between tyranny and democracy is very simple.  When the government knows everything about you – that’s tyranny.  I know how it is to live in tyranny.  When you know everything about your government – that’s democracy.”

MEP’s stand up for Europeans’ right to freedom after imposing Digital Green Certificate to enter Parliament, 28 October 2021
(29 mins)

You can also watch their first press conference on YouTube HERE and their second HERE.

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2 years ago

These four are just (like so many others before them) trying to avoid it themself. They’re not standing up for the people. They spend their entire time passing laws to crush the people, and steal millions of their tax money whilst they do it. They’re hardly heroes.

Reply to  eiwr
2 years ago

No, please listen to them – they are fighting for us all.

Reply to  raj
2 years ago

“they are fighting for us all”

They are ‘members of the european parliament’ – they are dictators put in place to crush the working man. Decades of utter corruption has driven wages to the absolute minimum that is required to simply survive, destroyed health care, destroyed education, driven millions to live and die on the streets, started wars that have killed millions, and filled the pockets of the rich, and these people are a part of all that. I have no interest in anything they have to say. They, and all that they represent, is an abomination to any decent person. Them suddenly getting some inkling of conscience about the murders that they have been perfectly happy to support right up until now, right when they would have to take the poison, is not a get out of jail free card. They should be hung, right along with all the politicians everywhere. Wake up.

2 years ago

The ongoing COVID-19 nonsense here in the United States exists solely and exclusively because our governments have failed to use the correct treatment. They used so-called “vaccines” when Japan has just proven, in less than ONE MONTH, that Ivermectin can wipe out the disease. IVM was awarded the Nobel prize for medicine in 2015. One of the 3 most important drugs in human history: Aspirin, Penicillin, and Ivermectin. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can!

2 years ago

This has nothing to do with public health- it’s all fake. Here’s an excellent Mercola interview with Catherine Austin Fitts about the Great Reset and how Vaccine Passports are the first step to slavery. The link will only work for 2 days (Mercola then removes it):

2 years ago

[…] October 31, 2021Members Of the European Parliament Stand Up for A Second Time: “No-one grants me freedom, for I am… […]

2 years ago

[…] October 31, 2021Members Of the European Parliament Stand Up for A Second Time: “No-one grants me freedom, for I am… […]

2 years ago

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