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The Connection Between Covid and EMF Radiation

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A study published in October investigated a possible environmental factor in the Covid pandemic: ambient radiofrequency radiation from wireless communication systems including microwaves and millimetre waves.

The study – ‘Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G’ – was published in The Journal of Clinical and Translational Research (“JCTR”), an open access, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary scientific journal.  And was carried out by Dr. Beverly Rubik, with a PhD in biophysics, and Dr. Robert R. Brown, a diagnostic radiologist.

 “SARS-CoV-2 surfaced in Wuhan, China shortly after the implementation of city-wide (fifth generation [5G] of wireless communications radiation [WCR]), and rapidly spread globally, initially demonstrating a statistical correlation to international communities with recently established 5G networks,” the authors of the study wrote. 

“WCR has become a ubiquitous environmental stressor that we propose may have contributed to adverse health outcomes of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 and increased the severity of the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, we recommend that all people, particularly those suffering from SARS-CoV-2 infection, reduce their exposure to WCR as much as reasonably achievable until further research better clarifies the systemic health effects associated with chronic WCR exposure.

“Because we are on the verge of worldwide 5G deployment, it is critical to consider the possible damaging health effects of WCR before the public is potentially harmed. 

“5G requires base stations and antennas to be much more closely spaced than previous generations. Plus, satellites in space will emit 5G bands globally to create a wireless worldwide web … The new system therefore requires significant densification … that may dramatically increase the population’s WCR exposure both inside structures and outdoors.”

The Electromagnetic Spectrum

The electromagnetic spectrum ranges from extremely low frequencies (low-energy) – such as those from power lines – to extremely high frequencies (high-energy) – such as x-rays and gamma rays – and includes both non-ionising and ionising radiation.

Ionising radiation means high-energy radiation that has enough energy to remove an electron from (ionise) an atom. This can damage the DNA (genes) inside of cells, which can sometimes result in cancer, the American Cancer Society says on its website.

American Cancer Society: Radiofrequency (RF) Radiation

“5G is a protocol that will use high frequency bands and extensive bandwidths of the electromagnetic spectrum in the vast radiofrequency range from 600 MHz to nearly 100 GHz, which includes millimetre waves (more than 20 GHz), in addition to the currently used third generation (3G) and fourth generation (4G) long-term evolution (“LTE”) microwave bands,” Rubik/Brown wrote.

Overview on Bioeffects of WCR Exposure

Low-level WCR may disrupt regulation of numerous physiological functions, the study authors wrote. It “has been found to impact the organism at all levels of organization, from the molecular to the cellular, physiological, behavioural, and psychological levels.”

Low-level WCR has been shown to cause systemic detrimental health effects including increased cancer risk, endocrine changes, increased free radical production, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage, changes to the reproductive system, learning and memory defects, and neurological disorders.

Pulsed radiofrequency radiation, such as WCR, exhibits substantially different bioeffects.  The combination of radiofrequency (“RF”) radiation with extremely low frequency (“ELF”) modulation(s) is generally more bioactive.

A preprint of Rubik/Brown’s study was published in January 2021.  Commenting on the preprint editor, author and researcher Makia Freeman wrote: “A new study from January 2021 analyses the close similarities and effects that EMF radiation and Covid have on the human body … it is beyond coincidence that many Covid symptoms match up with many effects of radiation exposure … the study found that many of the so-called effects or symptoms blamed on Covid are identical or remarkably similar to ones caused by wireless radiation.”

Table 1 of Rubik/Brown’s study lists symptoms common to Covid, including disease progression, and the corresponding adverse bioeffects from WCR exposure. And notes: “Although these effects are delineated into categories … it must be emphasised that these effects are not independent of each other. For example, blood clotting and inflammation have overlapping mechanisms, and oxidative stress is implicated in erythrocyte morphological changes as well as in hypercoagulation, inflammation, and organ damage.”


Rubik/Brown concluded that there is a substantial overlap in pathobiology between Covid and WCR exposure. “We propose a link between adverse bioeffects of WCR exposure from wireless devices and Covid-19,” the study authors wrote. 

“Evidence presented here supports a premise that WCR and, in particular, 5G, which involves densification of 4G, may have exacerbated the Covid-19 pandemic by weakening host immunity and increasing SARS-CoV-2 virulence.

“WCR exposure is a widespread, yet often neglected, environmental stressor that can produce a wide range of adverse bioeffects. For decades, independent research scientists worldwide have emphasised the health risks and cumulative damage caused by WCR. The evidence presented here is consistent with a large body of established research. Healthcare workers and policymakers should consider WCR a potentially toxic environmental stressor. Methods for reducing WCR exposure should be provided to all patients and the general population.”

Considering a report published in Oncology Letters in October 2020 we wonder if Rubik/Brown’s advice will be heeded.

The Oncology Letter’s report declared that the evaluation, requested and endorsed by more than 390 scientists and medical doctors, of RF radiation health risks from 5G technology was ignored in a report by a government expert group in Switzerland and a publication from The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (“ICNIRP”).

“Conflicts of interest and ties to the industry seem to have contributed to the biased reports,” the report stated. 

It is important that all experts evaluating scientific evidence and assessing health risks from RF radiation do not have COIs [conflicts of interests] or bias. Being a member of ICNIRP and being funded by the industry directly, or through an industry-funded foundation, constitute clear COIs.  Furthermore, it is recommended that the interpretation of results from studies on health effects of RF radiation should take sponsorship from the telecom or other industry into account. It is concluded that the ICNIRP has failed to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of health risks associated with RF radiation. The latest ICNIRP publication cannot be used for guidelines on this exposure.

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2 years ago

[…] December 8, 2021The Connection Between Covid and EMF Radiation […]

Cheryl Adams
Cheryl Adams

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Last edited 2 years ago by Cheryl Adams
2 years ago

[…] December 8, 2021The Connection Between Covid and EMF Radiation […]

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
2 years ago

People shouldn’t be mislabelling anti-authoritarians as anti-vaxxers.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-12-06. Pfizer docs: 1,200+ jab deaths o/ 90d. 6% batch = 100% damage. High % child myocarditis a/ jab (link).

2 years ago

Vaxxed people emit radio frequencies and wifi signals and amplifying them because of the graphene oxide in their blood stream and organs. When one person exposed too much electiricity or radio signals his/her blood vessels shape changes from perfect circles to abrupt shapes. It has also been proven that electiricity and radio frequencies cause FLU/COVID like symptoms since electiricity come in to our lives. Covid as a virus may not exist however threat is real. Vaxxed people emit and broadcast signals. Try getting an old Android device and search for bluetooth near crowded places. Then go somewhere quiet like nature. You will see unidentified MAC addresses when searching for nearby devices. In one instance, I was able to see 50+ unidentified devices when I searched in a crowded place. There cannot be this much electronic devices, it is simply unnatural. Ivermectin is safe and proven medicine and it cures these FLU/COVID like symptoms. Do not get the poison jab. Get Ivermectin while you still can!

Reply to  Purebloodpatriot
2 years ago

I’ve just did, I reported it elsewhere but I wish to do it here, too. I was in a shop (a bigger one, supermarket) just today. I used an LG G4′ Bluetooth (and flight mode), while I didn’t see those hexa ‘characters’ what they did in Spain or on that plane (video proof about it on I saw 30-40 ‘Misc’ connections popping up very fast.

We tested that phone, it identifies other mobile (if very close) and computers, laptops well. So what were those ‘Misc’ connections?

And their range is big. I mean my phone needs to be very close to another to recognize, but during shopping (when I tested, twice) people were not so close to me, maybe 5-10 at max in 2-3 meters, but I saw 30-40 connections.

What that level of radiation do with their bodies when they are the receivers / transmitters?

2 years ago

[…] –  The Connection Between Covid and EMF Radiation […]

2 years ago

David Icke has been saying this for nearly 2 years.

Reply to  AB.
2 years ago

Not only him. Claire Edwards, too, she tried to warn us, she even told about the camps appx 2 years ago. Rhoda (the author of the article) just linked her warning to another article:

the 3rd video, people watch it. Still not too late.

Icke’ had another interesting statement and he was right I think. What we see is not ‘shedding’, not really.
They are broadcasting the vaccine’ frequency – he told. I know how it sounds but their hidden biggest knowledge, secret is that how to use frequencies to cause illness, brain-conditions to manipulate us and this is not new at all.

Loredana Linden
Loredana Linden
2 years ago

There is too much contradiction in this article. It is likely that 5G will cause major health issues, BUT –
ALL the conditions listed above under “covid 19 manifestation” are related to vaccine injury, and nothing to do with cold/flu viruses.
This method of misreporting aligns with government manipulation and is disreputable. The recent court ordered Pfizer documents which have been released, reveal 1223 deaths and 158,000 adverse reactions in the first 3 months of vaccination.
Which side of the fence is the Daily Expose actually on?

Reply to  Loredana Linden
2 years ago

Nice try.
Before the vax there were many weird cases, they caused people to become so frightened they forgot how to think straight and believed the covid hoax.
Covid started it Wuhan, a pilot city for 5G, with 10,000 new antennas, next it hit cruise ships (advertised with super fast internet with huge ball shaped antennas on board), next it was more lethal (appx 200% more lethal) in developed cities where 5G was up an running, Lombardy, New York among others. To cover the harm of 5G they came up with the Covid hoax, it had many purpose of course but this was one of them, to cover the harm caused by 5G.

Did you know that in Spain they treated the first ‘Covid cases’ as radiation poisoning? Did you know that also in Spain and Italy many elderly died in care homes who were previously vaccinated against Flu (graphene oxide were found in flu vaxxes, too) and were close to 5G antennas? But more interestingly they died to bilateral pneumonias (very rare) in 4-5 hours (no such germ which capable to do that).

But without 5G their plans are screwed because of it they do and did everything to ridicule the idea that 5G is harmful, can be the cause of some serious / deadly ‘covid’ cases.

Besides – as I wrote a day before – they implemented it behind our backs, no safety study, despite that thousands of professionals warned us – but you didn’t read it in the MSM.

Tell me please who needs 5G in a dying economy when people lost their jobs, sitting at home or revolting, where and how that money they put into it will come back?

It’s not for us, it’s for surveillance, for a virtual jail and killing.

2 years ago

Bravo Rhoda, thank you. 🙂 Another great article.
You can expect countless trolls as 5G is their Achilles heal. We can’t talk about it, we can’t even mention it because they need it for the surveillance system without it I highly doubt that even their injected nano ID-s would work.

Did you know that they not even use the 77 but in the EU looked for and probably hired almost 500,000 volunteers to lead the narrative everywhere? Just telling. 🙂

2 years ago

To add some more sparkles, thoughts to ‘my favorite’ topic: 5G

It looks it opens the pores (mm wave), it means if you are around smoke / smog it goes deeper and does bigger harm.

Dr Tom Cowan (among others) came up with a new – let’s say – science about water. The 4 stage of water. Simplified: we are mainly water, they can’t agree how much but it’s around 75-90% or so. They say the water has memory (I know but please carry on reading). In our bodies and in fruits, plants it is in a kind of structured condition. – This is when it start to make sense. As if you bombard this structured water with EMF, it ruins it. Dry eye? Swollen knees? Dehydrated while drinking a lot?

Cancer cures (natural ones) starts with juicing, basically extracting that structured water from plants.

Around 5G plants also lost their ability to remain healthy, it affects how they grow, it affects how they produce (your food!) it affects even trees – they become very inflammable – probably due that they are drying out from the inside – just like us?

2 years ago

This link is to a study done in March-April 2020. It was careful to note that correlation is not causation.
Interestingly, as 5G was rolled out locally, our Covid cases spiked.

Johnny Dollar
Johnny Dollar
2 years ago

I’ve seen a few years old, Korean ( I think ) Research paper that 5G was up to around 60Gz yet the Gov Website, states “Few Tens” ! how can the gov not know exactly how many!?? they do, just don’t want people to know.

Reply to  Johnny Dollar
2 years ago

It’s a range. But they were very careful not to sell EMF meters for public which can measure above 8Ghz.

2 years ago

Hey…is this info entirely accurate? I ask because of EMP: electromagnetic pulse. As so many already know, there’s a LOT more that we’re not being told!
Sure, there seems to be more that needs substantial research info, as I’m not any nuclear physicist, any type of scientist or any type of physician etc…

On the other hand…my personal suspicion may be far off-point. Even so…I’m drastically concerned how one tiny EMP could end all life as we know it if those with that so-called ‘SARS-CoV2’, aka ‘covid-19’ vaccination.

In ALL things, there is always some type of underlying cause & effect.
Bet the clown farm: there was never any alleged accident in this world. Everything happens for a reason, both known & unknown.
Ephesians chapter 6 verse 12: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
See…the evil prince of the power of the air DOES have continual and full-blown broadcast in all airwaves world-wide.

It’s literally time to know where you stand. Yhank You.

Reply to  Humble_Servent
2 years ago

Or….do you somehow believe no such event will take place, to fulfill the Georgia Guidestones population reduction numbers? (o_0)
Please take a look-see:

Last edited 2 years ago by Humble_Servent
2 years ago

[…] The Expose noted: […]

2 years ago

[…] The Expose noted: […]

Howard T. Lewis III
Howard T. Lewis III
2 years ago

Harvard’s Charles M. Lieber was busted hauling a package containing a ‘mystery virus’ listed as a corona virus, a vaccine for it, a cure regimen for it, and U.S. Patent papers for the set-up owned by queen Elizabeth and her Pirbright Institute which had Anthiny Fauci build a mirror inmage lab in Nanchang China, a suburb of Wuhan. After the Wuhan release at the 110 nation international bank system, Lieber was stopped trying to enter the U.S. and arrested abouthis activities in Wuhan. He was caught lying about his activity there. Freed on $1 million bail. Lieber holds a number of U.S. Patents for applications of 5G technology and biowarfare weaponry.

2 years ago

If one is interested in the subject of Electricity and its effect on the human body (and electricity includes all the artificial frequencies, like radio, EMF, ELF VLF, microwaves, radar, TV, etc., and all those cell phones, please read Arthur Firstenberg’s THE INVISIBLE RAINBOW: A History of Electricity and Life. When you read this you will begin to understand the ill health effects of all of the above, the fact that this is a disease causing technology AND the powers that be have know this and kept it from the masses, and then extrapolate where 5 and 6G are going and what they have been designed to do – to you.

Reply to  K C
2 years ago

‘Electrofrequencies emitted by 5G antenna cause collision of hundreds of birds’


It was filmed from a hospital!!! How close those antennas were to the already ill? They try to lie about avian flu but the video (you can watch there) is a stone hard proof. All died in 1-2 seconds due to collision, autopsy found nothing. They are living things just like us. Foolish to think it has no effect on us. But the silence on 5G and the rest is deafening. I read The Invisible Rainbow and now reading the Body Electric – which is fascinating. (..and the hydra again..)

2 years ago

Fresh news:
‘Electrofrequencies emitted by 5G antenna cause collision of hundreds of birds’

2 years ago

[…] Interne Anschuldigung: Memo / Solitary Blog ( wäre mein Favorit: Memo / Solitary Blog ( and EMF Radiation Connection-Exposition […]

2 years ago

[…] with Covid also match symptoms of EMF radiation and graphene oxide poisoning.  For example, a study published in October concluded there is a substantial overlap in pathobiology between Covid and wireless communication […]

2 years ago

[…] delle radiazioni EMF e dell’avvelenamento da ossido di grafene. Ad esempio,  uno studio pubblicato a ottobre ha  concluso che esiste una sostanziale sovrapposizione nella patobiologia tra […]

2 years ago

[…] 2021-12-08 The Connection Between Covid and EMF Radiation  A study published in October investigated a possible environmental factor in the Covid pandemic: ambient radiofrequency radiation from wireless communication systems including microwaves and millimetre waves. The study – ‘Evidence for a […] […]

sue kay
sue kay
2 years ago

I have 2 adult children who are targeted individuals. I am absolutely certain that these microwave and cell towers are being used intentionally to hurt people. I have seen it with my own eyes.

2 years ago

The love of EL Elyon Our Abba towards US, the victory over death !!

The “MIGHTY ONES” are here! – Angelic War fare against the “reprobates” & [their] pretexted manufactured narrative: as biblical data & prompting/s now supports that these “reprobates” i.e – #NIH #CCP #WHO #CIA #CDC R Jude 1-25 – R Omicron= an anagram 4 Moronic (foolish).

Fallen Moroni = a fakebelieve Masonic Malki Priest = *Hallel* a heshe Priesthood = “dead works”

Mockingbird MSM Media= Delta Omicron = an anagram 4 Media Control.

Corona= meaning crown = 66 + its 6 letters= 666. a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4 & so on –

C= 3= abaddon in strongs concordance/OVID= sheep herder in Latin- 19= slaughter.

Resurrection: Welcome 2 The WAR & THE Destruction Of The Great RESET= Genesis 1: THEN WE HAVE THE *GAP* between vs. 1 & 2. What Happened?

2022 – They R Jer. 50 & 51. ISAIAH 14. Ezekiel 28. Obadiah 1. Jer. 4:23. Jer 4:27. Psalm 24:2. Psalm 98:8. = A *Hallel* *Masonic* Egypt & Mystery Babylon *dead* *works* …..

*THE* *Living* *Works* *Resurrected* *AWAKE* *ARISE* & *SHINE* *Narrative*
@ I Cor 2;7. Rev. 13;8.

*Word Of Knowledge*

Reject Masonic Immoral Reprobates: Jude. 1-25.

[They] seize your assets, criticize and minimize your achievements, overregulate your commerce, restrict enterprise, murder infants in the womb, indoctrinate your children, lie to you to gain power, threaten those who reject them, destroy as a means of political retaliation, engage in voter fraud, invoke tyranny and oppression to infringe upon your Individual Liberty and create chaos, mayhem and hysteria to gain political advantage.

2 years ago

[…] Nedávná studie, nazvaná „Důkazy o spojitosti mezi koronavirovou nemocí 19 a vlivu radiofrekvenční radiace z bezdrátové komunikace, včetně 5G,“ jedna z více než 30 000 studií na toto téma potvrdila, že původ Covidu je 5G radiace. Vedoucí této studie, Dr. Beverly Rubik a Dr. Robert R. Brown správně zhodnotili skutečnost, že Covid-19 začal v 11-milionovém městě Wu-chanu v Číně přímo poté, co spustili jejich 5G bezdrátovou síť. Lidé pak padali v ulicích jako mouchy z jara a měli přesně ty příznaky, které jsou připisovány koronavirové chřipce. […]

1 year ago

How to remediate the symptoms of the medical procedure that has increased your condcutive load