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The Suicide of Europe: Economic Refugees Leave While Replacements Arrive

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Mass migration is not, as it seems, an organic emanation of humanity from poor countries, but a calculated project to repopulate the territory of the declining West, with racism its chief instrument, wrote John Waters.

In a two-part series titled ‘Europe’s Death Rattle’, John Waters explores mass migration with reference to Stephen Smith’s book ‘The Scramble for Europe: Young Africa on its way to the Old Continent’.

Part I discusses – as the culmination of a long-time plan – a global calamity of food scarcity, due to Covid measures and ‘sanctions’, which will cause record numbers of mainly African migrants to enter Europe seeking food.

As Waters’ articles are longer than most would read in one sitting, we are breaking Part II, headed ‘Open Borders, Shut Mouths’, into shorter sections and publishing them as a series titled ‘The Suicide of Europe’. This article is the fourth in our series. 

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By John Waters

Irish Economic Refugees Leave While Replacements Arrive

For much of the past two decades, Irish parents have been conveying their children to the various airports before waving goodbye to them as they departed for distant lands because the country they were born into has been unable to meet their basic needs for shelter and the means of feeding and clothing themselves. On their way to the departure lounge, many of these young Irish people would meet their replacements coming in the opposite direction, arriving to feed off the fat of the land at the invitation of Irish NGOs and politicians.

Indeed, the Irish state has made it clear, in a relentless message disseminated by the state-sponsored media, that young Irish people need have no expectation of ever owning their own houses in their native country, or of attaining a sufficient level of income to have any hope of overcoming that de facto fatwa of homelessness.

Meanwhile, the Irish political class has assumed its right — under instructions from external forces intent upon the destruction of Ireland and every other hitherto functional national culture — to invite in the entire world promising front door latchkeys, abundant social welfare payments, full citizenship for a song, and the protection of ‘hate speech’ laws lest any of the locals might seek to raise an objection. Newcomer migrants to Ireland are coached by NGOs in the tactic of getting their retaliation in first by accusing their hosts of ‘racism’ at the slightest hint of reservation. 

Meanwhile, Irish people who had emigrated in the past — and the offspring of such people — have to jump through hoops should they seek to return to the Irish homeland, being required to sever all connections with the country they wish to return from, abandoning every facet and residue of their former life, including employment, dwelling-place and financial entanglements, and, in the unlikely event of being successful in their applications, being required to face a gauntlet of obstacles before they could be accepted as even residents of the country they were by birth entitled to call their home.

The message is clear: an Irish connection all but disqualifies; aliens only are enthusiastically welcomed.

Until now, the native population has been swallowing hard in acceptance of this utter travesty of justice and decency.  If they object, they are daubed as ‘racists’ by agents provocateurs employed for precisely that purpose by the Irish state, and paid for out of the pockets of the very people whose noses are being rubbed in the ideological dirt, and who are threatened with fines and jail if they object or question.

It would, in the end, be ironic if it were the Ukraine ‘crisis’ that marked the beginning of a reawakening. In the first place, as stated, the ‘crisis’ was engineered and timed by precisely the same agents and actors who had been instructing Irish politicians that they must absorb more migrants, ‘refugees’ and ‘asylum seekers’ — essentially the eurobullies who have saddled the Irish people with most of the community’s debts arising from the economic meltdown of 2008. These people think the Irish people a soft touch because they have found that their representatives are soft in the head.

Irish and Africans have “colonisation” in common

The ‘racist’ trope is doubly malevolent in the case of Irish people, who never had an empire and were not, until recently, to be regarded as belonging to the Collective West. The particularities of the Irish situation are ‘interesting’ for all kinds of reasons, not least because, even though Africans are utterly unaware of this, we are in a comparable historical boat to them, having ourselves been colonised by, in effect, England in various guises. 

The Irish never thought of themselves as ‘white’ until they were so defined on arrival in America. But the newcomers are not colour-blind: they see ‘white’ faces, or at least not ‘black’ ones. (Not all migrants into Ireland are Africans, but they have certainly seemed to make up the most significant extra-EU cohort.)

These newcomers do not see the commonality of history, the shared experience of colonisation, occupation and subjugation, not least because the Irish have refused to see it themselves, and because Irish NGOs ensure that such ideas are not allowed to circulate among the newcomers. 

In Ireland itself, this omertà is the egg of the chicken of the egg of colonisation: The vexed questions of post-colonialism are such that — ideological weaponising aside — they tend to slip behind everyday reality, most of all in the most affected contexts. By its nature, the post-colonial condition remains unspoken. Shame, guilt, self-hatred — all the pathologies colonialism inflicts — tend to ensure that its nature remains hidden.

About the Author

John Waters was a journalist, magazine editor and columnist specialising in raising unpopular issues of public importance.  He left The Irish Times after 24 years in 2014 and drew the blinds fully on Irish journalism a year later.

Since then, his articles have appeared in publications such as First Thingsfrontpagemag.comThe Spectator, and The Spectator USA. He has published ten books, the latest, Give Us Back the Bad Roads (2018), being a reflection on the cultural disintegration of Ireland since 1990, in the form of a letter to his late father. 

The above is an extract from his article ‘Europe’s death rattle, Part II’.  You can read Part I HERE.  Follow John Waters’ work by subscribing to his Substack HERE.

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