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The New World Order is Already Here

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The New World Order is already here. We’re living in it. And things are going to get far, far worse during the coming months because we are now already in the kill phase of the Great Reset. Decisions are made by, or according to the demands of, a tiny group of lobbyists and cultists who have been manipulated into representing the interests of the conspirators – either wittingly or though stupidity and ignorance.

We are being controlled by conspirators who control the sort of people who believe that gluing themselves to the road in front of ambulances is a good thing to do.

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By Dr. Vernon Coleman

The world is full of people who think that those of us who worry about what is happening are half crazed conspiracy theorists. But the odd thing is that most of those people who think we are conspiracy theorists are themselves concerned about things that are happening and that have affected them. The problem is that they haven’t looked at the big picture – they don’t realise that all the bad things that have been happening in the last few years are connected. The rebranded flu, global warming, the manipulated war against Russia, the war against us, the deliberately destroyed global economy, the price rises, the inflation – they are all linked.

The innocents have failed to put two and two together, partly because they’ve been too busy worrying about individual threats to their daily lives, partly because they find it difficult to believe that anyone could conceive of a plot as evil as the one that has been underway for years, partly because they’re naïve, unquestioning and too ready to believe what they’re told by an utterly corrupt mainstream media, and partly because right from the start those of us who’ve told the truth have been demonised, lied about, censored, suppressed and very effectively silenced by the mainstream media.

When the Great Reset finally arrives, Sir Klaus Schwab, knighted by Queen Elizabeth for services to conspiracy, will be the unelected King of an entirely corrupt world government. Schwab, a 40s villain from central casting, a cross between Dr Strangelove, Ernst Blofeld and Dr Mengele, will be surrounded by a gang of C list crooks, conspirators and half-forgotten celebrities.

If we’re not careful we are going to be controlled by those I regard as sad, sorry, second-rate human beings; people such as Fauci, Whitty, shabby little civil servants, and Gates, a friend of Jeffrey Epstein and the BBC. (If Epstein were still alive, the BBC would doubtless give him a chat show.) Dolly Parton and Piers Morgan will be joint Global Ministers in charge of apparently knowing everything but, in reality, understanding nothing. Charles, a 70 odd year old bloke who has to have help taking the top off his breakfast egg and putting toothpaste on his brush, will be in charge of entitlement with William and Kate, a pair of Stepford wives, as his assistants. The Duke and Duchess of California will doubtless be in charge of whingeing and sulking – and a good job they’ll make of it I’m sure.

If we allow these sad and sorry creatures to defeat us it will be like the Brazilian football team being thrashed by a team of one-legged pirates with the scurvy.

But, sadly, we are being beaten. The conspirators and the collaborators are already running the world.’

Adapted from Social Credit: Nightmare on your street by Vernon Coleman which is now available as a hardcover book, paperback and eBook.

Featured image: Quote taken from David Rockefeller’s Chilling 1991 Speech at a Bilderberg Meeting by LewRockwell. Listen to the recording HERE or HERE.

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1 year ago

The Great March through the Institutions. They first went for the universities. Their people took over the management of these institutions. This began soon after WW2.
This is far-fetched for many people because they can’t fathom that nefarious people would engage in such long-term plans to mould societies to their will. It’s not so far-fetched, though, if you get it into your head that while us ordinary people think ahead in weeks, months and years, these people think ahead in centuries.
A Boston, US attorney was once asked how the Catholic Church could be so shameless about their high rates of paedophilia, and he answered “Because they think in centuries, not years”. Basically, the high incidences of paedophilia was only a fly in the ointment for the CC.
Today a typical university is little more than a corporate money-making entity that churns out docile brainwashed graduates who are more programmable than a 1960’s wind-up toy.
Tony Blair, Boris Johnson, et al, would have been singled out for 10 Downing St whilst still at university. Likewise, with Civil Service employees.
Imagine the story line in a dystopian novel. Young arrogant and entitled chap starts university. He’s befriended by well-spoken wealthy individuals who are very well connected in society. The arrogant young chap feels that these are his own kind and is very at home in their company. He parties with them and the beautiful ladies are plentiful.
Years later the former arrogant young chap is at the pinnacle of political power, with a good reputation, a high status in society, a wife and children and mortgages.
One day a man pays a visit and shows the former arrogant young chap pictures or video recordings from his university days, in which he’s naked on a bed with a naked child draped across him.
The former arrogant young chap doesn’t remember anything about when these photos or video recordings were taken. He’ll say that they were a set-up and that he must have been very drunk or drugged when they were taken.
The man then explains to the former arrogant young chap that if released to the press, the general public will not see it that way. And those of them that may see it that way will still believe that he was very incompetent to allow himself be set-up like that. Either way, he’ll be told, if the photos/recordings are released to the media his political career is finished, his status in society destroyed, his legacy in the dumpster and his children will carry the stigma for years.
The former arrogant young chap would be all the easier to blackmail if he is narcissistic, egotistical, machiavellian and high on the sociopathic scale. I suspect the novel writer would have his blackmailers single out people in universities with these personality traits for future high office and future blackmail.
If the records Epstein kept are ever made public, many very powerful former good friends of his will surely fall from grace. Epstein proves the wealthy, powerful and regal will entrap and blackmail each other.

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Reply to  creamwalls
1 year ago

Very good comment. They have played us well and especially the 1 – 3 older generations (at least); from wars, to the hippie movement and free love, to punk and other music, the cold war to divide us, through TV and Hollywood and of course the mainstream media- but whilst the article is excellent and I agree with nearly all of it – I DO NOT AND WILL NOT ADMIT THAT WE HAVE LOST.

This is my view only, so no need to object; but I believe that this is a war for our souls, maybe more than just power, control and wealth for the globalist parasites… a spiritual war. Everything they do and have done has had to be accepted voluntarily by the people (sheeple) … of course they spouted off about mandates, but the awakened people just basically stated FO, if you look everything is based of inducing fear and confusion… but once the people rise, the puppets backtrack.

The really eye opening thing is that is is all contained within the bible.

PS We hear all about these Satanists and kiddy fiddlers … but have you actually looked up what the so called Illuminate believe in =

PPS I wonder if there are 2 or more groups of these globalist parasites at odds against each other, but with a few common views, but hey-ho I support Everton.

Reply to  Bob - Enough
1 year ago

You raise some very pertinent points here; “this is a war for our souls” assuredly it is, (and this for eternity).
It is so good you have had it revealed to you that it is “all contained within the bible.” (Next time, please remember to Capitalise the Bible!!).
Theologically, I am what is known as a historic pre-millennial Christian, (not an any moment Dispensationalist/rapture man); by this, I mean that things must get considerably worse before Satan’s man, the antichrist unites the unbelieving world “against the LORD and His anointed” Psalm 2:2. In other words, the Holy Bible reveals in no uncertain terms that it is only through the direct intervention of the Return of God in Jesus Christ alone that will bring an end to this ever increasing wickedness. It is somewhat remarkable that you referred to the east in a recent post of yours-yes, the powers that be will go there to finish the literal rebuilding of the great end times city of Babylon. For Genesis 11:8, says “they left off to build the city.” They are now returning to finish the job. Nevertheless, God in Christ has already defeated every endeavor of the wickedness of man raised against Him. He did this at the 

As for Everton….if they escape relegation, this will be some achievement!

The Islander
The Islander
Reply to  Islander
1 year ago

He did this at the cross!!!
Strangely enough, (try as I did!) I wasn’t able to type in the word CROSS
The cross, or crucifixion was a victory, not a defeat!!!!
How very few believe this Biblical truth??

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Reply to  Islander
1 year ago

Fair play regards capitalising the word “Bible” … my oversight, for which I apologise.

As for the rest of your comment, yes I suppose I believe in most if not all of it, but before I looked into certain things, I had hoped that Christ would have popped down and saved us from these evil scum… but that is not how it is to be is it ?… and whilst I have made my peace and I have no problem with it – I fear millions, if not billions will be coerced away.

PS For Everton, a draw is achievement, scoring a goal is a high… but we were born not bred !. Cheers.

James Scott
James Scott
Reply to  creamwalls
1 year ago

They are losing. They needed a long march because they are subversives. When the abundance goes away the Founding stock of the USA is going to kick out all the freeloaders. Communism needs the long march. Fascists get elected when the effects of the long march wear thin. It happens like lightening. Its about to happen all over the West. The oligarchs know it and are desperate. That’s what all this madness is about.

Rabbi Seamus
Rabbi Seamus
Reply to  creamwalls
1 year ago

The infiltration of the Catholic Church by Marranoes to cause cancer within was instructed by Karl Ratchild in the Alta Vendita.

Useful idiots fall for it.

Nigel Watson
Nigel Watson
1 year ago

Time to show these parasites that we are no longer under their spell. I haven’t been taking part in their latest #massformationpsychosis, and won’t be doing either

Reply to  Nigel Watson
1 year ago

100% agree!

1 year ago

The plebs that refuse to believe this evil group, will be suffering under their AGENDA…

Lorraine Clark
Lorraine Clark
Reply to  krm
1 year ago

Yes, their kids and grandkids will suffer greatly.. But they have dug a hole for them as they didn’t fight for them..

1 year ago

Thank you, Dr Coleman, you have just accurately described the “mafia of the mediocre”.

Conspicuous by its absence in all of this is The Liverpool Care Pathway now rebranded as “End of Life Care”. Circa 2012/ 2013, his was 130,000 deaths annually, (one hundred and thirty thousand deaths annually) of people who were put on The Liverpool Care Pathway. These are deaths on an industrial scale of real people, in real families who trusted, relied upon and respected their doctors and government to protect them rather than euthanise them.

Doctors and hospitals who put patients on this “pathway”, were paid to do so. My local hospital boasted on its web site that a third of patients who died there, died on this. The modus operandi was Alfentanil and morphine with the removal of food and fluids. The average patient lasted 29 hours.

I invite those who did this to explain the difference between the deaths on The Liverpool Care Pathway and the Covid-19 deaths in hospitals and care homes of the last couple of years. Was the LCP a test run for Covid or for the next onslaught we might have coming?

1 year ago

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Frank S.
Frank S.
1 year ago

This drama reminds me of Classical Greece.(played by the Globalists). When conquered by Macedonia’s Philip II (played by God), he withdrew, and let the Greeks “think” they were victorious, only to be thwarted in each subsequent attempt to assert their dominance or independence.

Jayna Dinnyes
Jayna Dinnyes
1 year ago

The NWO? IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion) it is still the OWD (Old World Disorder) under The Christian Vatican in Rome, Italy.The governments it owns are Great Britain and the U.S. but eventually all nations will obey it if they do not already.By the way, GB is totally controlled by the Monarchy even though they say that they don’t.
I post publicly and freely on MeWe.

A Picture of The Vatican
1 year ago


1 year ago

No it’s not, don’t try to condition us. Your site is first hit with Google. So much about how the TPTB tries to hide the ‘truth’.

1 year ago

The newly anointed King Charley Farley is a WEF member, a regular at Davos and a man who boasted about talking to plants. On top of that he is inheriting a vast estate with how much death duties and taxes being paid?

Rabbi Seamus
Rabbi Seamus
Reply to  mattinthefens
1 year ago

The Gothe-Saxa family hid Adam Weishaupt when he was on the run. Why do you think they were installed as a fake royal family on Ratchild’s island?

James Scott
James Scott
1 year ago

If the things in this article were true the oligarchs would not be going on about MAGA Republicans and white supremacy. The money from debt scam is failing and the Greatest Depression is coming. The current oligarchs are now trying to trade their failing economic power for the ideological power of communism so they can lock down the West. Globalist control is pipe dream because Russia China India and the Middle East are not going to play ball.

Abundance has made multiculturalism possible. Scarcity will make it impossible. Once scarcity is firmly in place the free ride non whites are getting will have to end. The elite will be replaced. Fascism is the response to communists failing to win a violent revolution. Stealing the election was the last gasp and will not work again.

The people you claim are the masters of the whole world are desperate to lock down the West and are terrified because not very deep down they know they are failing. If you say its all for show and they secretly have it all worked out I will know you are autistic. If they had it locked down like you claim they would not need a show. This is a cargo cult article. You seem to want to reassure yourself some one is in control. Its going to be hard but there will not be any government agency to enslave you. You will be on your own. Best prepare.

1 year ago

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Rabbi Seamus
Rabbi Seamus
1 year ago

“We will have a World Government by consent or coercion”, Paul Warburg, founder of the Federal Reserve crime bank modelled on the Bank of England.

Workd Government is prophesied in the Talmud.

10 days of mourning were needed for the Bank of England crime bank to fleece the public by defaulting.

1 year ago

If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this.

Jörg Bröking
Jörg Bröking
1 year ago

interestingly, the supporters of the 1%´s 1% really seem to be convinced they would pertain to the club of the chosen ones and will survive the great culling – How do you name this sickness? Is that Stockholm Syndrome?

1 year ago

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[…] /2022/09/15/the-new-world-order-is-already-here/ By Rhoda Wilson15/9/2022 […]

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