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Is the sudden publicising of the “lab leak theory” a sign of the end or the beginning of something new?

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Corporate media has suddenly become awash with the “lab leak theory.”  There has been overwhelming evidence for some time that covid was manufactured in a laboratory using gain-of-function because of its highly unusual genetic structure. Whether we think covid is the main threat or the vaccine is, they both came from a biotech laboratory carrying out genetic experiments.

However, the internet and the media are alive with uninformed mocking accusations of bias and irrelevance.  As a last resort, some people are arguing that the origin of covid is irrelevant. At this point, it is clear that the discussion has drifted from science to the realm of political allegiance and unqualified opinions curated by public relations experts working for giant corporations and somewhat shady government interests.

It is good to be aware of disingenuous attempts to sanitise the sad history of the pandemic origins and response.  But we must also be awake to the knock of the next virus on our door fuelled by state-sponsored fear-mongering and the risks of uncontrolled biotech experimentation.

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A New Beginning or a Sudden End?

By Dr. Guy Hatchard

You have probably seen renewed discussion of the origin of covid in the media. As reported by the Wall Street Journal, the US Department of Energy (“DoE”) has come down firmly on the side of a laboratory origin of covid-19 from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. Speaking on Fox News, the former director of US National Intelligence John Ratcliffe commented:

“The idea that covid-19 has a natural origin has always been at odds with our intelligence…it is due to a lab leak. From the beginning, scientists have not been able to explain why there is a furin cleavage site within the genetic makeup of covid-19…This is something that happens when scientists insert a snippet of manipulated material into viruses.”

UK commentator Piers Morgan responded reassuringly:

“I think that the truth is that science, by its very nature, will evolve with facts. And so you have to give them some leeway for that … So, I do think in the future, we’ve got to examine the science. You’ve got to listen to all ranges of opinions, and people have got to stop being cancelled on social media for raising concerns, which now look like they were absolutely right.”

Popular US Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson went further in a twenty-minute excoriation of the Biden administration’s covid policy. Carlson wanted to know: has the administration’s policy to fund biotechnology research in China changed? (Watch Carlson HERE, begins at 3 minutes).

Some, like late-night talk show host Stephen Colbert, have wrongly accused the DoE of lacking sufficient qualifications to decide on the lab leak theory, saying “stay in your lane” (is Colbert even vaguely qualified himself?). In fact, as the authoritative Washington Post reports the DoE employed highly qualified and skilled scientists – including members of the Energy Department’s Z-Division, which since the 1960s has been involved in secretive investigations of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons threats by US adversaries, including China and Russia – who undertook detailed scientific assessment of genetic evidence as well as using access to classified information. They went through the kind of discovery process and critical thinking that mathematical biologist Alex Washburne hints at HERE and HERE. After the dust of misinformation had cleared the DoE’s conclusion that there was a lab leak was inevitable.

You may think, as we have done at the Hatchard Report since the first genetic analysis of covid was completed (see HERE and HERE), that the argument is settled, but you would be surprised. The internet and the media are alive with uninformed mocking accusations of bias and irrelevance on the part of the DoE. Stupidly describing the DoE as whining. At this point in time, it is clear that the discussion has drifted from science to the realm of political allegiance and unqualified opinions curated by public relations experts working for giant corporations and somewhat shady government interests.

It was the job of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) to investigate how the truth was being manipulated and yesterday they also came out firmly and publicly on the side of the lab leak theory (it’s not a theory, there is overwhelming evidence). Early in 2021, a highly qualified geneticist friend wrote to me that he and many of his colleagues were sure that covid was engineered in a lab because of its highly unusual genetic structure, but he added the codicil: please don’t mention my name. This was going on all over the world in differing forms. Some of them were verging on the corrupt.

Among damning evidence the FBI has uncovered, Kristian Andersen, a British scientist, emailed Anthony Fauci on 31 January 2020, saying the virus looks lab-made. According to this authoritative thread, Fauci called him on 1 February 2020 and ordered him to publicly say it wasn’t lab-made, which he did. Fauci then gave him a $1.88M grant, +$16.5M funding. US officials were manipulating information on a global scale, you decide if that is legal or moral. According to the New York Post, Dr. Fauci is keeping very quiet at this stage following the DoE and FBI revelations.

All this information is in the public domain, but still, the BBC published two dismissive articles on its front page on Thursday. One covered the FBI announcement but said the FBI conclusion was not backed by any evidence (????). The other was an explainer article entitled ‘Covid origin: Why the Wuhan lab-leak theory is so disputed’. A more blatant attempt to muddy the waters of truth could not be imagined. The article forgot (???) to discuss the genetic evidence that clearly points to gene-edited inserts in the virus genome.

But you might ask, why would anyone in government or science seek to hide the truth from the public? Good question. The answer possibly lies in the murky history of military involvement in genetics and the pandemic. You might recall conspiracy theories circulating since the discovery of DNA and gene editing in the 20th century. According to these ideas, military powers were supposedly going to invent weapons that would target specific ethnic groups and win wars because their genetically different opponents were all going to fall down dead, felled by a man-made virus.

In truth, all humans share so much DNA that any genetic weapon is going to adversely affect everyone worldwide including you and me. Remember that military planners are not geneticists, but like almost everyone else on the planet, they are very susceptible to genetic fantasies. They believed wrongly that anything might be possible for genetic science. Whether their motivations were offensive or defensive was irrelevant. To counter any potential offensive weapon from the other side, they were going to have to first create possible offensive weapons, before trying to design a defensive counter. Sound familiar? – gain of function research to weaponise viruses in order to design a vaccine???

The problem we now know is that, as reported in THIS study, no lab is ever going to be secure. The history of recombinant DNA biotech labs contains a long list of unintended leaks and accidents. The result has been a pandemic whose final outcome still remains unknown. The military, governments, pharmaceutical companies, and scientists from a number of countries are very busy trying to hide their involvement, telling us that all this is just a natural disaster. This amounts to a giant geopolitical coverup. The US, China, Britain, and France all of whom were involved in the creation and funding of the Wuhan Virology Laboratory are paying for favourable comments from their media and anyone else who is corrupt enough to shill for them.

As a last resort, some people are arguing that the origin of covid is irrelevant, it isn’t. The lab origin of covid should bring us all together. Whether we think covid is the main threat or the vaccine is, they both came from a biotech lab carrying out genetic experiments. We can safely forget about the geopolitical arguments explaining who was to blame: China or the USA and instead shout loudly from the rooftops that biotech experiments have got to stop.

Research shows biotech interventions are inherently mutagenic, they have led to permanent degradation of genetic function and consequently health, as THIS alarming recent assessment of the Pfizer and Moderna bivalent vaccine shows – the same vaccine our government has announced it will give to everyone over 30 in New Zealand. So don’t think that by taking the latest vaccine you are helping society. mRNA vaccines pose a danger to everyone in the world, all cultures, all races, religious or agnostic, left or right. We share DNA and we have a common interest to protect ourselves from scientists, media, and governments who are putting financial interests and political objectives ahead of the safety of the entire 8 billion population of the world.

No worries though, our own NZ Herald advises us that the DoE report on covid origins is unreliable and only proving to be a spur to drive conspiracy theories(???). In other words, put the US government in the looney bin along with all those scientists urging caution with biotechnology. No need to be concerned New Zealand, forget about record levels of excess deaths, acute kidney injury, and heart disease. Off to the beach for what is left of our summer.

It is good to be awake to disingenuous attempts to sanitise the sad history of the pandemic origins and response. The true history is gradually being written after painstaking research on the part of honest people.

You might find all this rather disturbing. The lack of honest discussion from those we have elected or trusted is bewildering and Kafkaesque leading as John Williams has said “to uniquely modern traumas: existential alienation, isolation and insecurity, the labyrinth of state bureaucracy, the corrupt abuse of totalitarian power [including media manipulation], the impenetrable tangle of legal systems, and finally the knock on the door in the middle of the night.” In our case, it is the knock of the next virus on our door that we await with dread fuelled by state-sponsored fear-mongering and the risks of uncontrolled biotech experimentation.

To counter this, we have control over our own inner selves. We are not without power. In fact, we hold the key to resolving our situation.

From my research, even before the pandemic, I had already come to the opinion that our exact genetic makeup is intimately tied to the health and consciousness of the individual and society. Individuals are connected together in families, cities, nations, and the world as a whole through our genetic similarities which forge bio links and interdependencies. We are part of a worldwide biological system containing distinct individual genetic structures which resonate and pair with other genetic structures according to their similarity. This is the physical basis of society – a genetic network.

More than this, each distinct individual genetic structure is paired with and supports a form of awareness or consciousness. DNA and consciousness are two sides of a single coin. Genetic networks are paired with levels of collective consciousness – family consciousness, city consciousness, national consciousness, and world consciousness. Ultimately the world is our family.

Edit DNA, or the way DNA expresses itself as covid mRNA vaccines do, you are potentially damaging the most sophisticated abilities of the individual – our capacity for stable physiological function (health, life even) self-reflection, and societal organisation. The outcome of the pandemic has only served to underline the truth of this, look around at the prevalent disorganisation, disagreement, and disarray.

Our response at the Hatchard Report is simple. For knowledge to be reliable three elements of verification can and should be applied:

  • personal experience (common sense evidence of the senses and events),
  • scientific rigour (is it rational and supported by experiment?),
  • traditional use (has it stood the test of time?).

Boiled down to its fundamentals, there are only a few elements of life which we personally control – experience, food, behaviour, and consciousness. This is our formula in these uncertain times:

  • Behave with kindness and speak the truth. This is the wisdom of the ages.
  • Food in all its forms should be natural. (Nature’s garden is our larder, unadulterated by synthetics, fresh and minimally processed).
  • Prefer your experience to be what you wish to become. Where is the time for the unwanted? Take time to enjoy.
  • Ancient culture valued transcendence. Periods of deep inner silence are the foundation of happiness. Techniques of meditation and reflection have stood the test of time.

This last is the most forgotten in modern life, if anything is to succeed in ushering in a better world, it has to come from the most settled, integrated, and unified state of our consciousness. As we have discussed at length in other articles, the unified level of nature’s intelligence is guiding the whole natural world. This can be appreciated on a path to personal development and the expansion of consciousness. Our world is as we are.

At the moment people like Stephen Colbert and millions of others are rushing to conclusions, why can’t they take time to think about the implications?

As Rudyard Kipling said in his famous ‘A Fathers Advice to His Son‘:

“If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you, if you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, but make allowance for their doubting too….”

We are going through unprecedented societal upheaval. It increasingly appears to be man-made. The repeated political mantra “trust the science” has proven to be mere political demagoguery, devoid of real scientific content. Keeping a steady head, carefully shifting through the evidence, and applying caution are needed now. The evidence is out: with confidence, we know that covid and covid vaccines came from laboratories whose operation is inherently dangerous. They have already killed millions, and want to be given carte blanche to do whatever they wish. Time to call a halt. For more information go to https://GLOBE.GLOBAL

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1 year ago

Another article pushing the virus legend. No matter lab-made or natural but should have been found. Why you, Rhoda, won’t go to the 1.5 million offered for proof of existence?

Covid is radiation sickness, easy to measure and prove, period.

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
1 year ago

Hello Rhoda,

by stating that the “no virus theory is a psyop”, you do a great disservice to your readers. Further, you are maligning generations of scientists who grappled with – and eventually overcame – the faulty foundations of virology. These include incredibly gifted scientists such as Eleni Papadopulos, Valendar Turner, Claus Köhnlein, Stefan Lanka, and many others.

Today’s virus sceptics are the heirs to these men and women. But in your view, the likes of Tom Cowan, Andrew Kaufman, Sam & Mark Bailey, Christine Massey, Jordan Grant, Jesus Garcia Blanca, Faiez Kirsten, etc. are all secretly working for the Pentagon or the WEF ?!

It beggars belief that, after having put so much effort into collecting and disseminating information through your site that you still cannot understand why the methodology for establishing “Sars CoV-2” is utterly bogus, Put simply, cell culturing experiments are NOT isolation. PCR does not detect “virus” (only nucleic acids). And RNA that is regularly and naturally packaged and exported from the cell has never been shown to be infectious. Once this baseless concept of “virus” goes out the window, everything else goes too. No jabs or masks “to prevent transmission” because thers is nothing to transmit.

Instead, you continue with this virus talk. The result is to keep everyone in hock to the illusion, including the “mutations”, the need for a vaccine (including the search for a “safe vaccine”) and every other destructive measure.

Exposing the foundational lie is NOT about “focusing too narrowly”. It is a matter of understanding biology and taking the fear out of biology. Once that happens, we can begin to reform our way of practicing medicine (after imprisoning the pharma criminals that currently fund/design the medical curricula).

Reply to  Maiasta
1 year ago

Prison would be too light a punishment.

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
1 year ago

Sorry but the only elephant in the room is the fact that viruses don’t exist. That is precisely the base upon which all their other lies are built. If there are no viruses then their entire house of cards comes down. And of course they will never admit to that. Instead, they will come up with all sorts of BS theories in order to support their fraudulent virus narrative.

More viruses = More vaccines.

David Robert Mackenzie
David Robert Mackenzie
1 year ago

There is absolutely NO EVIDENCE of the lab leak . The evidence points to the fact that the so called virus does not , and has never existed

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
1 year ago

The one that you’re obviously not willing to look at.

Reply to  David Robert Mackenzie
1 year ago

David,Covid is a Coronavirus gain of function Virus that was made, adding HIV sequences accordin to Prof Luc, in April 2020 by “them”

1 year ago

Are you referring to Luc Montagnier, the supposed discoverer of the Aids virus? Well,when Kary Mullis, the scientist who invented the PCR, asked to see the scientific papers as proof of such discovery, he found out that there weren’t any. Want to keep believing in the false and corrupt scientific establishment?

Reply to  David Robert Mackenzie
1 year ago

Can you give links or sources to your evidence that the so-called virus does not exist?

Don’t Think, Feel.
Don’t Think, Feel.
1 year ago

Perhaps they are blackwashing the current system that would be blamed for everything from debilitating side effects of the jabs, millions of deaths, allowing gain of function and lab leaks and so on as a means to a more subversive and subtle end—to usher in a new world order that would supposedly overcome all these flaws of the current system?

As a side note, Piers Morgan is from the infamous Morgan banking family so you know who you are dealing with.

comment image

comment image

1 year ago

It should be obvious to anyone with a functioning brain that the “lab leak” story is a limited hangout to keep the myth of a real virus going while hiding the truth that there is NO VIRUS.

Dr. Guy Hatchard makes the mistake of assuming that genetic sequences entered into databases claiming to be viral must have come from a virus. This is not true. These viral “genomes” were assembled using fraudulent bioinformatic computer programs and did not originate from purified virus particles but instead were created from a multi species soup of genetic sequences:

“There has been overwhelming evidence for some time that covid was manufactured in a laboratory using gain-of-function because of its highly unusual genetic structure.”

This is absolute nonsense. The “highly unusual genetic structure was created on a computer.

If you are to undertake “detailed scientific assessment of genetic evidence” then you should understand how that genetic evidence was generated. Evidently,Dr. Guy Hatchard doesnt understand and just seems to blindly believe that the sequences he looks at are viral in origin.

“The result has been a pandemic whose final outcome still remains unknown.”

It should be clear to everyone that there has been no real pandemic there has been a pseudopandemic. OffGuardian has understood this from the beginning but The Expose has more recently lost the plot for some reason.  

“But we must also be awake to the knock of the next virus on our door fuelled by state-sponsored fear-mongering and the risks of uncontrolled biotech experimentation.”

We must all be awake to the pseudoscientific fraud of virology so that none of us fall for the “next virus” fear-mongering.

“A more blatant attempt to muddy the waters of truth could not be imagined.” He got that right and is guilty of doing it himself. “The true history is gradually being written after painstaking research on the part of honest people.” He isnt writing the truth and obviously hasnt done much painstaking research himself.

“The lab origin of covid should bring us all together.”

Absolute nonsense. What should bring us all together is the total rejection of phantom viruses that exist only on computers.  

Jon Rappoport gets it…

“The SARS-CoV-2 virus doesn’t exist. The supposed diagnostic tests are meaningless. The case numbers are meaningless. The people who have died have died for multiple reasons, none of which has anything to do with SARS-CoV-2. I have spent the past year writing over 300 articles, providing compelling evidence for the above assertions.”

Jon Rappoport

The Islander
The Islander
Reply to  Sam
1 year ago

These virus people are blinded by “science-falsely so called” 1 Timothy 6:20. And/or money…

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
1 year ago

Merriam-Webster Dictonary definition of a virus:

“Virus (noun) any of a large group of submicroscopic infectious agents that are usually regarded as nonliving extremely complex molecules, that typically contain a protein coat surrounding an RNA or DNA core of genetic material but no semipermeable membrane, that are capable of growth and multiplication only in living cells, and that cause various important diseases in humans, animals, and plants.”

From the above definition and by closely studying the methods used by virologists it becomes apparent that viruses have not been proven to exist structurally as advertised. A model is construct on a computer using unscientific self referential techniques.

They have not been proven to be replication competent nor have they been proven to cause illness and disease. If you believe that proof does exist then go ahead and post it.

What the perpetrators have been doing for a hundred years is terrorising people with fake viruses and injecting people with harmful toxins. 

All excess deaths during the pseudopandemic have been iatrogenic. The first “wave” consisted of the elderly, disabled, and people with learning difficulties being murdered usually with midazolam in Britain. Do you deny that this happened?

There were no more excess deaths until the toxic lethal injections started to take effect.

The epidemiology just does not fit with a genuine pandemic. Do you deny that?

Your scientifically illiterate belief in viruses provides an alibi for these murders because presumably you believe these deaths were caused by a “lab leaked” viral bioweapon.

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
1 year ago

The PCR test was deliberately designed to generate false positive results it is not specific and it interacts with human and microbial sequences. I wrote an article about it for The Expose back when you would publish my articles. For some reason you now give a regular platform to the “concerned reader” who knows nothing about virology or molecular biology but preaches about those topics endlessly.

What is in the vaccine is a bacterial plasmid coding for the spike protein toxin and antibiotic resistance genes. This is being taken up by E.coli in the gut to generate an antibiotic resistant toxin producing E. coli bioweapon that can be transmitted from person to person. This plasmid is used to make the vaccine and should have been removed but it wasnt.

You dont need to help me out with what a virus is on account of me having practical experience of diagnostic virology in an NHS lab for 8 years. The crucial bit that you have missed from your definition is the replicating bit. “Viruses” have never been shown to be replication competent or cause disease and death. Cytopathic effects in cell cultures are used as an unscientific proxy for pathogenicity “genetic material within a nanolipid envelope” is not a virus. I wrote an article for The Expose all about that in December 2021. I also wrote another article explaining how it is impossible to differentiate between the various types of extracellular vesicles and “viruses” using the methods that are routinely used by cell biologists.

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
1 year ago

They have always claimed that viruses can replicate within host cells using the cells ribosomes and nucleus. It is a false claim.

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
1 year ago

Re: “I haven’t come across any claims that viruses can replicate.”

Uh, that is actually foundational to the very concept of a virus. Alleged replication is the reason why scientists debate whether “viruses” are alive or not alive.

Lorraine Hall
Lorraine Hall
Reply to  Sam
1 year ago

What are the multiple reasons for people dying?

Reply to  Lorraine Hall
1 year ago

Remember all the things that used to kill people before 2020? Those things are the reasons for people dying plus the iatrogenic murders blamed on “covid” in the spring of 2020 and now all of the excess deaths caused by the lethal injections. Not a single person would have had those shots if they understood the truth about virology.

Jimmy Jukebox
Jimmy Jukebox
1 year ago

Well Considering in The United States Fluoride is in Toothpaste and Put Into Certain towns , Villages and Cities Drinking Water,
And In Europe Fluoride Is Banned From Drinking Water and Toothpaste,
It has been Known Since the 1880s Fluoride Lowers Your Critical Thinking Skills.
Which Explains Why Some People Just Can’t Comprehend that Covid-19 Doesn’t Exist since it never was isolated.
The lab leak Theory Just keeps The Lies.and Fraud of Fake Pandemics Going.
Plus: you can not catch a cold or virus unless it5 inserted into you like getting bitten by a Snake or inserted with a Vaccine.
In concentration Camps in world war III Fluoride was given to the inmates to make them more obedient to The Guards.


Reply to  Jimmy Jukebox
1 year ago

I wish Fluoride was banned from touthpaste in Europe, but I am in Denmark and I can assure you, that notion is simply false.

Reply to  Nikolaj
1 year ago

From toothpaste? It is added to the drinking water in the UK, we have to use an osmosis filter system to get rid of it because simply filtering systems are unable to do.

1 year ago

Only half lying now. Yes, the bioweapon was lab-produced, but, no, it did NOT leak by accident but by purpose.

Reply to  Nikolaj
1 year ago

Can you imagine a scenario where they would risk their own health and their families’? Of course not. Hence no bioweapon release. Whatever they do / did must be controllable to affect just certain people or areas but them.

Radiation, safe to them, effective, invisible and they can blame a virus or bioweapon-leak.

Surely just a co incidence that they deployed 5G with that speed as an essential work while we were under lockdown….

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
1 year ago

I am a simpleton, and like to keep things simple.
Our leaders should have learned from history.
The Spanish flu of 1916 was due to the vaccines injected into people.
The Amish and Mormons refused the vax just like they have recently.
They tried the masks which did not work just like recently.
They even used the same slogans.
Just like recently the bioweapon is the C19 fluid pumped into people.
Just follow the money, even the same families were involved in the propaganda.

Reply to  Dave Owen
1 year ago

4 things happened during the Spanish flu.

  1. New vaccines (just how you wrote)
  2. Radiation, it started in a radio using military base and jumped to another far away radio using military base, later they blanketed the whole earth with radio because of the war. The bodies were not yet familiar with that level of radiation. (Arthur Firstenberg’ The Invisible Rainbow)
  3. The overuse of Aspirin, it was overdosed till the level of 2000.
  4. Pneumonia (as you could see above, radiation can and do cause cooked lungs) also the masks are a great way to have bacterial pnemonia due to the lack of oxygen and dying cells, it is similar to how elderly who are bedridden get it.
Reply to  Dave Owen
1 year ago

“Our leaders should have learned from history.”

They DID learn from history. 1918 was almost certainly an accident (perhaps “vaccident” is a better term). But after reviewing the evidence, they certainly learned how to repeat this mass casualty event.

Reply to  Maiasta
1 year ago

The evil perpetrators behind these crimes have been eugenicists since way back then.

1 year ago

A SIGN OF SOMETHING NEW! they probably have a 10 page list of things they have planned for all the useless eaters!

1 year ago

“As a last resort, some people are arguing that the origin of covid is irrelevant. At this point, it is clear that the discussion has drifted from science to the realm of political allegiance and unqualified opinions curated by public relations experts working for giant corporations and somewhat shady government interests.”

Last resort for what?

The origin is irrelevant, because all major governments and institutions are on the same page for using this as a pretext to kill off and enslave humanity.

Grow up cupcake. Bird flu and Ebola coming soon. Every major government is colluding to kill off humanity. Not enough energy or resources left. Welcome to hell.

A chinese style government will be in charge of wherever you are living by the end of the decade. Already been decided for you. Then, when you express an opinion, a mobile execution van will pull up outside your house and harvest your organs.

That’s what’s coming if you’re still around after the next 2 “pandemics”

The west, who brought China into modern times 50 years ago, built their energy grid, made backroom deals and has decided that this authoritarian setup is the perfect model for humanity in the post growth world.

You’re looking one direction, but you about to get run over by a freight train coming the other direction.

Look no further that uyghurs to see how you’re life is going to be soon.

1 year ago

There was never any leak, they are trying to cover their arses that the whole Covid hoax was valid

Reply to  Plutonium
1 year ago

Also they are trying to prevent that people getting rid of the radiating stuff around – which is the base of their control – first the antennas than as many as you can carry on living without it (smart TV, smart meter, WIFI, smart phone, etc).

1 year ago


Reply to  BlazeCloude
1 year ago

And how they saved themselves and their families from that uncontrollable spread of lab something?

There was no lab leak, they used radiation since the beginning.

1 year ago

Prof Luc Mongtanier explain that perfectly by April, 2020. Why the MSM didnt listen to a Nobel Prize Professor?

1 year ago

outstanding Prof Luc RIP! they persecuted a lot of great cientists
Dr. Zelenko
Prof Raoult

1 year ago


1 year ago

I don’t know what he explained, however I am pretty familiar with his research on water’ memory and frequencies.
The point is if you know the appropriate frequency-tune you can cause any illness, no pathogen needed.

1 year ago

Mongtanier was controlled opposition. Pretended to have discovered the Aids Virus but couldn’t produce any scientific papers as proof. Just another bought and paid for “scientist”.

1 year ago

[…] is all happening at a time when, conveniently, corporate media is awash with revelations of the “lab leak” origins of SARS-CoV-2 and ‘The Lockdown Files’. Is it coincidence? Or are they distracting us so […]

1 year ago

[…] is all happening at a time when, conveniently, corporate media is awash with revelations of the “lab leak” origins of SARS-CoV-2 and ‘The Lockdown Files’. Is it coincidence? Or are they distracting us so […]

1 year ago

[…] is all happening at a time when, conveniently, corporate media is awash with revelations of the “lab leak” origins of SARS-CoV-2 and ‘The Lockdown Files’. Is it coincidence? Or are they distracting us so […]

1 year ago

[…] en que, convenientemente, los medios corporativos están inundados de revelaciones de los orígenes de la «fuga de laboratorio» del SARS-CoV-2 y «The Lockdown Files«. ¿Es coincidencia? ¿O nos distraen para que haya menos […]

1 year ago

“”Is…the “lab leak theory” a sign of the end or the beginning of something new?”Neither one. It is simply more narrative reinforcement. A cynical attempt to bolster the story of so-called “Sars Cov-2” at a time when unprecedented numbers of people are seeing right through it. The elites know that a certain proportion of people will always be sceptical of their lies, and consequently, they prepare back-up lies to keep us ensnared in the story. That is what the “lab leak” story is. Until such time as “viruses” are scientifically established, the recycling of these legends is just another way of supporting the entire charade.

1 year ago

[…] is all happening at a time when, conveniently, corporate media is awash with revelations of the “lab leak” origins of SARS-CoV-2 and ‘The Lockdown Files’. Is it coincidence? Or are they distracting us so […]