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UK’s emergency alert system failed; we should make sure alerts are turned off for future trials

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The UK government’s emergency alert was intended to reach people’s phones at 3 pm on Sunday. However, some said they received it a minute earlier, others half an hour late, and many said they didn’t get sent it at all. The national emergency alert system failed to sound on up to 10 million phones

It was probably better to not receive it at all when you consider that some people said they were sent the emergency alert during the early hours of Monday morning. Others also reported that they received the alert on Monday morning for the second time.

But those who didn’t receive the alert may consider themselves even more fortunate considering some people have reported on social media that they have not been able to make or receive calls since the alarm went off on their device at 3 pm on Sunday.

The farce doesn’t end with failures to receive alerts. Welsh speakers were perturbed to receive a message that made no sense after the computerised system made up the word “Vogel,” which is a ski resort in Slovenia. The letter ‘V’ does not exist in the Welsh language.

Fujitsu – who was awarded a contract to help develop the UK’s emergency alert system – is no stranger to faulty systems.  They are responsible for the Horizon accounting system used by the Post Office that caused the wrongful conviction and punishment of sub-postmasters leading to bankruptcies, deaths, incarceration and the misery of many.

Irrespective of whether the test failed or succeeded, whether the software is faulty or not, the key takeaway is: for those who did not turn off their alerts for this test, it is important to turn them off for any future trials. Why?  Because, among others, owing to the false narratives of the covid era and the ensuing destructive policies imposed on the population, our government has forfeited the right to be trusted in the event of an emergency.

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In the video below, David Thunder, who lives in Navarra, explained why he would not be participating in the emergency alert system in his home town.  His explanation is as applicable in the UK, or anywhere in the world, as it is in Navarra.

A few days before the UK’s trial, the Government of Navarra, Spain ran an emergency alert drill for all cell or mobile phones in the region.  I will be turning my phone off, Thunder said. After the tyranny of the covid era, “the bottom line is I’m way more scared of my government than of any emergency that could befall us, any natural disaster that could befall us.”

David Thunder: Emergency Alert Drill? I Think I’ll Pass… 22 April 2023 (3 mins)

What kind of emergencies is the UK government thinking may require an emergency alert?  Last month, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Oliver Dowden said: “We are strengthening our national resilience with a new emergency alerts system, to deal with a wide range of threats – from flooding to wildfires. It will revolutionise our ability to warn and inform people who are in immediate danger, and help us keep people safe.”  So, is it simply a tool to reinforce the “climate change” fear?

Canadian Douglas Farrow pointed out the Government’s announcement which ends with ‘What you need to do’. “When you get an alert, stop what you’re doing and follow the instructions in the alert,” the Government website states.

“That last bit is the crucial bit,” Farrow noted, “it’s the behaviour modification payload. We had an earful of this in Montreal during the pandemic lockdowns that all are trying their best to forget. Random interventions blared through our radios, televisions, and cell phones, warning us of danger everywhere and of the necessity of obeying government edicts in order to ‘stay safe’.  All lies, of course. It was the edicts that threatened us. It was the authorities themselves … assaulting us.”

Farrow added: “But our conditioning had begun. We would learn to trust the government and media aligned with the government: to call ‘danger’ what they call danger, to call ‘fact’ what they call fact; to call ‘conspiracy’ what they call conspiracy. And whenever the horn should sound, we would stop doing whatever we might happen to be doing of our own free will and start doing instead exactly what we were told to do.”

“It’s important to note that these emergency alerts are part of a coordinated global strategy among governments which are marching lockstep with the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset, according to which nations must commit towards the implementation of several UN Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”) by 2030,” WinterOak wrote.

Sunday’s emergency alert was simply the latest example of a government acting at the behest of unelected power brokers, exploiting fear and hysteria to recalibrate the public’s distaste for measures traditionally associated with totalitarian regimes, such as invasive technologies and increasing surveillance which will lead to a greater accretion of power for the owners of global capital and the micromanagement of populations at a granular level who will be managed as data commodities inside future smart cities.

Just as they socially engineered the public by means of fear and propaganda to believe that suffering and deprivation through draconian lockdowns and social distancing was for their betterment, they are now attempting to cement acceptance of a new protocol which can be activated in response to any sensationalised climate threat – real or perceived – which will likely pave the path for future ‘climate lockdowns’ or at least restrictions on movement under the pretext of ‘saving the planet’.

So, we should view yesterday’s emergency alert as a data mining exercise or beta test to gauge the level of public compliance before pressing ahead with plans to build a digital panopticon under the benevolent guise of the UN SDGs as we head closer to 2030.

If you cannot resist at the initial voluntary phase, then you are inviting technocratic tyranny on your doorstep.

Emergency Alert, WinterOak, 24 April 2023
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1 year ago

I switched off emergency notifications on all family phones. My teenage son was angry that he won’t see the alert. What ever i said. Never trust governments I said.

Midazolam Mania
Midazolam Mania
1 year ago

They don’t care about numerous young people suddenly dropping dead, they care about the well over 20% increased death rate. Why would anyone in their right mind think that they care enough to warn you about some rain shower or whatever. Its only purpose is to frighten the PANTS off you in the future.

1 year ago

It all sounds so fluffy and lovely. ‘We will keep you safe’ says a government that doesn’t care two hoots about anyone other than themselves. My thoughts are that the Alerts are designed to create fear and not avoid danger. So many have woken up since covid that the fear strategy has begun to loose it’s teeth so enter the new kid on the block

1 year ago

Just about every time that they attempt to upgrade any sort of technology it usually seems that the people they bring in to devise what’s needed are fans of Heath Robinson. If it works at all, it doesn’t work properly. Cue large expense to put it right.

Reply to  biggrump
1 year ago

If everyone chucked their zombie ‘SMART’ 4/5G phones in the bin right NOW we could undo the agenda in one fell swoop-but sadly this isn’t going to happen-people can’t live without the damn things!

I don’t possess this enslavement tool-for that is what it is.

1 year ago

Can they explain to us what the anticipated emergency is that they are expecting? They obviously have something in mind!

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  mgofhg
1 year ago

Hi mgofhg,
The thing they have in mind, is to track your phone and give it’s location to each Government.
Why do you think we have so many satellites flying over us.
These satellites have been used in the Ukraine to look for phone signals, of people on the battlefield.
Then missiles are sent to that location of the signal.

1 year ago

Of course it didn’t work. Now they have an excuse to run the test again 🤐

1 year ago

[…] UK’s emergency alert system failed; we should make sure alerts are turned off for future trial… […]