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‘Their Terrifying Plan’: Unmasking the Globalists

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“For over a year I’ve known I had to write a book exploring and explaining how the conspirators planned their takeover of the world, how they conceived the idea of using fake scares (such as covid-19 and climate change) and how American banks (using the IMF, the World Bank and the BIS) have taken over one country after another. My new book explains everything. It’s very, very scary and packed with facts.” – Dr. Vernon Coleman

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Dr. Vernon Coleman’s latest book Their Terrifying Plan explains how insane, billionaire globalists are plotting to take over the world and details precisely how they have created a terrifying future designed to change life for everyone alive and for every generation to come.

It sounds like a plot for a 1960s movie. But if you’re reading this the chances are that you’ll know it’s all very real.

In the first part of the book Dr. Coleman discusses the way things are changing. He traces the conspiracy back to the 18th century and shoots holes in the arguments of Thomas Malthus. He describes the creation in 1930 of the Bank for International Settlements and looks at the way Alger Hiss, a communist and member of the Council for Foreign Relations, worked with John McCloy, a Nazi-loving banker, to help create the United Nations. He looks at the formation of NATO in 1949. “America is the big rock star and the other countries in NATO are session musicians providing backing music.”

Dr. Coleman provides a detailed account of the way unelected pressure groups, alliances and lobbyists such as the Council for Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, NATO and the WEF have taken control of everything we do. He shows how the United Nations, governments, bankers and banking institutions – such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the Bank for International Settlements – have, for the best part of a century overthrown governments, started wars, deliberately created crises and stolen land, oil and other natural resources. He explains how US officials have led the World Bank to promote the growing of farm products which don’t compete with America. He describes how small farmers are deliberately put out of business. He looks at the Iron Mountain Report, the Club of Rome and the Club of Madrid and the Transpacific Partnership. And much more!

In Their Terrifying Plan, you can read about the horrifying way in which the United Nations and the United States – together with the IMF and the World Bank – stepped in to “help” Somalia. You’ll find how forcing farmers to vaccinate their animals helped destroy the country. And you can read how America created a new court that “has the power to review any nation’s laws and annul the actions of that country’s legislature, executive and judiciary.”

Dr. Coleman shows how the climate change myth and a fake pandemic were deliberately created in order to manipulate the weak and the easily led. Their Terrifying Plan is a comprehensive summary of the conspiracy now threatening our freedom and our humanity.

You have to read the whole 174-page book to see the Big Picture.

For example, I bet you thought you knew everything there is to know about the World Economic Forum.

But did you know that Herman J. Abs was invited to chair the Second WEF Meeting at Davos? Abs was the bank director who helped Hitler by forcibly buying Jewish banks and using the money to build the Nazi war machine. During the Second World War, Abs was a member of a secret group known as the Committee for Foreign Economic Affairs. He helped plan German’s future after the end of World War II.

After the war, Abs was asked to help rebuild German banking – even though he had been arrested as a war criminal and sentenced to death. A Bank of England official rescued and protected Abs, who became President of a major German bank and decided which German companies received the billions of dollars provided by Marshall Aid. Abs was one of the former Nazis who helped create the European Union.

The honorary sponsor of the Third WEF Meeting at Davis in 1973 was Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands – another unrepentant former Nazi and the founder of the Bilderbergers.

And on it goes.

Today, the WEF has an income of 383 million Swiss francs and Klaus Schwab is paid over $1 million a year. Not bad for an organisation that started life as the European Management Forum with an endowment of 25,000 Swiss francs.

Their Terrifying Plan is packed with startling revelations and is available at the moment on Amazon as a paperback. The price in the UK is £4.99 and in the US it is $5.99. Prices in other countries are similar. If you want a copy please purchase without delay.

Dr Coleman has kept the price of the book as low as possible in the hope that it will reach millions of readers worldwide. He believes that only by sharing the truth with as many people as possible will we be able to prevent the Great Reset and halt the race towards digitalisation, compulsory vaccination programmes and the rest of the horror they have planned. Dr Coleman receives just 30 pence per book as a royalty and has promised to spend every penny he earns from the sale of Their Terrifying Plan on purchasing more copies of the book to post off to journalists, politicians, pressure groups and opinion makers.

‘I’ve spent a small fortune researching Their Terrifying Plan,’ said Dr Coleman. ‘And I’m already buying and posting off as many copies of my book as I can. I believe the revelations in this book can stop the Great Reset dead in its tracks.’

Dr Vernon Coleman’s other books about the Great Reset include Coming Apocalypse, Endgame, Social Credit: Nightmare on Your StreetCovid-19: The Greatest Hoax in History and They want your Money and your Life.

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9 months ago

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9 months ago

Thank you Dr Coleman!

9 months ago

WHAT A JOKE…It isn’t American Banks taking over. IT’S THE ROTHSCHILDS AT THE TOP OF THE HEAP and ‘THE CITY OF LONDON’. It’s ALWAYS BEEN ‘The City of London’ and the Rothschilds and they ARE THE ACTUAL POWER THE THRONE ANSWERS TO IN THE U.K.
Factually, the Peerage at Oxford ARE THE ONE’S DESIGNING ALL THE ‘ISMS’; Fascism, Communism, Naziism, Socialism and all MIRROR THE IMPERIAL TOTALITARIAN STRUCTURED GOVT only providing ‘Human Rights’ form Psycho/Sociopathic Predator King Parasites as opposed to INALIENABLE RIGHTS granted by God…And, THAT IS THE MOST THREATENING ATTRIBUTE TO THE BANKERS OVER U.K. GOVT. EVER TO EXIST.
Check ‘Tragedy and Hope’ by Carroll Quigley…Part of the Establishment out of both U.K. and U.S.
Then, there’s ‘The Tower of Basel’ by Adam Labor about the BIS in Basel, Switzerland…The Opium Road of Europe…DESIGNED/CREATED BY THE CITY OF LONDON AND NAZI GERMAN BANKERS. ABOUT TIME THE BRITISH EMPIRE MAKES IT’S REAPPEARANCE AS THE REAL ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE IN IT’S EMPIRACISM IT’S ALWAYS BEEN. And, deplorable as it is…The Benedict Arnolds seduced by the Bankers in the U.K. now murdering The Constitution of the United States are as heinous as the Central Banker Family Mafia out of ‘The City of London’.

Reply to  Robbi
9 months ago

Glad you didn’t throw in Calvinism with your list of “isms”!

Certainly, you are right about the American banks not taking over.

Very briefly, God’s Word says He is

Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure. Isaiah 46:10.

North America has undoubtedly risen to great prominence, but is now in a state of rapid declension. But where is America in Bible prophecy? It is but only one of the isles of the Gentiles. Genesis 10:5, Isaiah 60:9, Zephaniah 2:11 etc. Albeit a very big one!

The coming revived Roman Empire headed up by Antichrist in its final Ten Kingdoms (East and West) as prophesied in the Books of Daniel and the Revelation will take their seat around the same land area around the Mediterranean sea as it did formerly-America having no part therein.

Many think America to be Babylon-total nonsense, Babylon will be literally rebuilt and destroyed as Revelation 18 avers in no uncertain terms.

Reply to  Islander
9 months ago

Babylon was on the river Thammuz which is the Thames The City is Babylon .English is the global language

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

Would you please be so good as to quote chapter and verse to verify your assertion?

Reply to  Islander
9 months ago

The revived Roman Empire who conquered the Mediterrean will revive. They called it ‘our sea’.comment image

Reply to  Robbi
9 months ago

The House of Lords rules They’re basically the Plantaganets . They rule by hereditary .Their families are in all the positions necessary to run almost totally the show .The rothschilds aren’t really the big players they want the world to think .

9 months ago

‘The City of London’ and U.K. hiding behind the U.S. and it’s Military ordering all the ‘Wars for Profit’ as always in Europe. U.S. is the country the Bankers now use as it’s Pit Bull as it used to use the British Military. FOR WHAT REASON ARE THE BANKERS SO COWARDLY AND FOR WHAT REASON IS THIS PROPAGANDA RAG HIDING THE TRUE ENEMIES OF THE WORLD…The Rothschilds and the Central Banker Family Mafia from around the world.

Reply to  Robbi
9 months ago

BTW ” America is our barracks ” Sir Winston Churchill And the pentagon is controlled via the SOB which is the Special Operations Branch run from England

chris madder
chris madder
9 months ago

And this is news? Really? Some people really need to read The Unseen Hand – A Conspiratorial View of History by Ralph Epperson written in 1985!

Midazolam Mania
Midazolam Mania
9 months ago

Too many people have woken up thanks to the plandemic and the poisonous shots. Good luck to them with their reset, its highly likely to fail, too many people are going to kick back and the longer they wait the less likely it is to succeed. So bring it on, lets see what they are made of!

Brin Jenkins
Brin Jenkins
9 months ago

Great, we have a task we must not fail with.

The slated reason for all generation, industry and transport destruction is the Carbon Footprint.

This is nonsense, and what passes for debate is to immediately widen the sole reason to include any thing else to confuse the logic, this is by substituting greenhouse gases.

Stick only to CO2 and its properties, and they must fail. CO2 is incapable but should one start on a wider argument its a path of confusion so sight is lost of any reason.

Green houses work by glass stopping convection.

No gas has any such ability.

Its a water vapour blanket effect, with clouds retaining a little radiated heat escaping overnight, this stops frost and CO2 is irrelevant.

Reply to  Brin Jenkins
9 months ago

They have hidden what has always been free for a long time. For no other reason but to fill burgeoning wallets at all costs.

9 months ago

Think it’s important to remember that although the Filth can wield great power against us, as they do, it’s only because they’re being allowed to for a short period of time, so existential questions can be seen to be answered.

Yep, we’re suffering for sure sure but worth keeping in mind, they’ll get theirs.

9 months ago

Dr Vernon Coleman is a Hero!

9 months ago

Yes I’ve researched so much that I’ve forgotten more than i remember! “The Kessler Conspiracy “was the key Its banned but I found a copy in a junk shop Course it was stolen naturally but I read it all first .Never trust obese people . Never trust anyone but especially not obese people because they’re like junkies in disguise .Oh yes , in a nutshell ,basically everything you think is the truth from school and msm etc isn’t.

9 months ago

If you read the Bible you would see the prophetic future. I saw no mention of God in this article. A One World government forming means we are very close to God’s judgment on the world for rejecting Jesus Christ. There also will be a One World religion, and a One World political system (this is obvious and named the Great Rest). What are you waiting for? Seek Him who only can save you. Satan is the god of this world and he is leading all nations to destruction. “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life…He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed on the name of the name of the only begotten son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. John 3:16, 18-19. As Jesus to save you, you cannot save yourselves. He hath power to cast the souls of men into hell, we don’t. You don’t have to go there!

Sharon Lamont
Sharon Lamont
9 months ago

I just bought his book from Canada. Thanks Dr Coleman for the hard work you always put forth to save us.

Reply to  Sharon Lamont
9 months ago

You want to trust in the Lord Jesus “to save us”, not Dr. Coleman!

Reply to  Islander
9 months ago

Absolutely Islander! Grateful to Coleman for the info however, whether or not he was controlled opposition.

Very interesting his stuff was on the CIA website, least i think it was their site.

Reply to  Demeter
9 months ago

Oops, wrong Coleman, Doctor Vernon is a lovely man

Brin Jenkins
Brin Jenkins
Reply to  Islander
9 months ago

The Lord uses his helpers Islander, not those who just sit wait for others. We must all do whatever we can.

Reply to  Brin Jenkins
9 months ago

There’s an old saying which Islander will probably remember too Brin:

“The Lord helps those who help themselves but Lord help those caught helping themselves.”

9 months ago

[…] –  ‘Their Terrifying Plan’: Unmasking the Globalists: […]

9 months ago

Some assumptions about the composition of the plan.

The St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University named after V.I.Ulyanov (Lenin), SPbGETU “LETI”, whose alumnus was the Nobel laureate Zhores Ivanovich Alferov, deals, among other things, with digital twins projects, in the implementation of strategic projects within the largest universities assistance program in Russian history, the “Priority 2030” program, which aims to create 100 advanced and progressive universities at a global level, by 2030.

Some of the things LETI does within the project are, as Viktor Tupik, the vice rector, said on January 23rd, “[…]as part of our third strategic project, we have developed the concept of a strong hybrid co-evolving, which will be able to develop in close conjunction with the user, based on his individual requests and characteristics. A new type of artificial intelligence will be in demand primarily in medicine and pharmaceuticals.

As a part of the project “Technologies of strong hybrid intelligence for applied medicine”, which “aim of the project is to develop the fundamentals of Strong Hybrid Intelligence (SHI) with the construction of a technological stack based on it for the intellectualization of economic sectors and its testing in the field of applied medicine”, they development and “A system based on the SHI to support research, training, situational behavior analysis and certification of medical workers using a digital double of the human body, and “A system of remote monitoring of human health based on the model of the digital twin of the human body and the concept of federated learning”.

And more:

  • The concept of interoperability (compatibility) of interacting intelligent agents based on human and machine intelligence at different levels (neural interfaces, cognitive and semantic communication)
  • [In the framework of the project “New technologies of information connectivity of objects and territories”, which aim “to enter the labor division system of the TOP 5 clusters (R&D + production) in the global NewRadio| 6G market by 2030, in terms of creating new principles and structural components of the NET–2030 ultra-broadband high-speed communication networks, including cognitive, hybrid, adaptive reconfigurable, heterogeneous, solving the problem of mastering new frequency bands, including subTHz.] – “Development of hardware and software complexes of the Internet of Everything (IoE) for the ecosystem of NET-2030 networks.”

WTF is “the global NewRadio| 6G market by 2030“, “the Internet of Everything (IoE) for the ecosystem of NET-2030 networks”?!?!

This is the first time I have heard such a specific wording with a specific “2030”. Why do they write and plan for it as if it were an inevitable fact? Who and when did they negotiate it? Probably in IEEE, they’re on these things.

(*All this, leaving aside the question – if anyone still has such a question – why the most popular “defenders of traditional values and Christian principles” firmly plan to participate in this.)

(**The Internet of Everything (IoE) is the Internet of Things + the Internet of Bodies (and various others biological objects; as well as non-biological – “of everything”.)

Reply to  karakorum
9 months ago

To emphasize that this is only one of the universities. There are more universities with similar developments, as well as other technology centers. In other words, it’s not an isolated case at all.
Part of the priorities in the patriotic the “Priority 2030” program.

Reply to  karakorum
9 months ago

Russia is a watch what plays out place, the so called Russian revolution/Soviet regime was a Filth psyop and trial run for what’s playing out now.

Putin’s place in what’s happening has a yucky fascination for me. Personally can’t help a certain liking for him and Lavrov, they are intelligent, rational people, seemingly unlike our sad lot but what they’re doing undoubtedly helps the Filth, although there’s a seeming rationale for it.

Russia is the same sort of federation/federal republic as the US purports to be, however Putin has much less power than Biden’s’ string pullers, as the regions, which is what they’re called in Russia, have much more power than in the US.

Can’t help having a horrid fascination with it all, just hope to be a witness to the great revealing.

Reply to  Demeter
9 months ago

Russia is the same sort of federation/federal republic as the US purports to be, however Putin has much less power than Biden’s’ string pullers, as the regions, which is what they’re called in Russia, have much more power than in the US.

In fact, it is quite the opposite, and regions never do anything at odds with the Kremlin, especially when it comes to the things that we mean on the term “great reset.” The synchrony is almost full. No regional boss ever does anything at odds with the central government.

Reply to  karakorum
9 months ago

That is definitely wrong i’m afraid, quite a few of the regions are really corrupt.

Reply to  Demeter
9 months ago

I’m afraid what you’re saying, what’s true, definitely absolutely nothing means and the regions are strictly complying with the big reset stuff that central government is ordering.

But if you listen to funny people like Vernon, and wretches like the usual Ritter, Pepe, Ehret, Röper, etc., you can hear all sorts of pathetic nonsense.
Please continue to do so, it is useful.

9 months ago

The concept of a 15-minute city as the basis of a sustainable model of megalopolis development in the conditions of modern risks

Olga V. Notman, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Sociology, Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin

The article was prepared with the support of the Council for Grants of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation (NSH-2722.2020.6).

Publication Date: 01-11-2021

Abstract: The goal of this research lies in discussing the key provisions of Carlos Moreno’s concept of 15-minute city in the context of issues caused COVID-19 pandemic. Besides the original texts by C. Moreno, the article employs the following data: 1) publications in the international scientometric databases (Scopus, WoS2) dedicated to positive effects of implementation of the concept of 15-minute city and its analogues; 2) documents of international organizations (C40 Cities, OECD, UN-Habitat3 that recommend the key vectors of sustainable urban development policy to the national governments; 3) strategies of global megacities that embarked upon practical implementation of the concept of 15-minute city.

The global COVID-19 pandemic, which demonstrated the urgent need for “upgrading” the local living conditions, stimulated the adoption of this concept on the level of international organizations and progressive foreign megacities, as well as interest of the Russian Federation in its implementation.

The adoption of the 15-minute city model at the level of international organizations and global cities, actualized by the global COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences, stimulates interest in it in Russia as well.

This article is an invitation to a scientific discussion regarding the search for methodological solutions to study the differentiation of the quality of the urban environment and the possibilities of turning Russian megacities into a network of 15-minute cities.”

9 months ago

[…] ‘Their Terrifying Plan’: Unmasking the Globalists […]