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The lack of safety rules governing experimental biotech “vaccines” is reckless and out of touch with pandemic lessons we should have learnt

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Pfizer’s vaccine for RSV is another among hundreds of novel biotechnology vaccines currently under development for a range of diseases that have gained approval from the US Food and Drug Administration.

RSV of a common respiratory illness that usually causes mild cold-like symptoms, yet the vaccine industry wants to portray that the benefits of its experimental vaccines outweigh the risks. While medical institutions seem determined to support pharmaceutical interventions that not only don’t work but also harm recipients.

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Business as Usual is a Miscarriage of Justice

By Dr. Guy Hatchard

Abrysvo is Pfizer’s vaccine for the prevention of respiratory syncytial virus (“RSV”) in infants through active immunisation of pregnant women at 32-36 weeks of gestational age.

Approval was granted despite the results of the clinical trial of 7126 participants, which found the rate of preterm births among the experimental group was 17% higher than the placebo group. Preterm birth is the leading cause of death in children under 5 years. RSV is a common respiratory illness that usually causes mild cold-like symptoms.

This appears to be an indication that drug safety standards have been significantly relaxed in the wake of the pandemic. High rates of adverse effects no longer appear to be a barrier to approval.

Here in New Zealand, there is a pervading sense of unreality as we drag ourselves towards an election where almost none of the candidates are prepared to discuss our unprecedented rate of excess death except to deny it is happening.

Last night I thought: A society that normalises death has lost its way and then I started to laugh because of course death is entirely normal, in the end everyone will experience it. Perhaps a better way to express this disturbing thought is to realise that our society seems to have lost its capacity to value life.

It is profoundly worrying to reflect on the state of society

Our medical system is overwhelmed and in any case seems determined to support pharmaceutical interventions that not only don’t work but also harm the recipients. Our economic circumstances appear unfair and unbalanced and set to become more challenging.

It is hard not to feel that everything that we had previously trusted, or in some cases tolerated, has failed us. We certainly felt we had a place in society that for many people no longer exists. There have been moments of family tragedy and some alienation too. Loss of employment and career prospects. The advice of some cultural or religious mentors has suddenly appeared inappropriate or even damaging to followers. The courts have rejected our right of medical choice, ignoring the provisions of the Bill of Rights.

Politicians are untrustworthy and more to the point uninterested or worse aggressive

Unbelievably, everyone in authority seems all set to do it all again. The political parties. National and ACT are pledged to deregulate biotechnology experimentation, apparently completely unmoved by the rapidly growing evidence of an accident at the biotech lab in Wuhan.

If you want to know just how disturbingly tied up with political and military madness this policy is, watch Tucker Carlson’s interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jnr HERE or Russell Brand summarise the evidence HERE. If you want to review what is inherently unsafe about biotechnology, read my short summary, ‘Twenty Reasons Biotechnology Experimentation Should Be Outlawed’.

The sheer bloody-minded commitment to a biotech future whatever the human cost speaks of lack of intelligence, complete disregard of the risk to life, venal greed, confused imagination and a deranged desire to play God.

Our first and continuing reaction has been to try to put it all right, to restore a sense of normality. We have rushed about talking to anyone who will listen and even some who refuse to listen. We have talked rationally, referenced science, history, and human rights all to a largely unresponsive and often hostile audience. So, what do we do now?

The inevitable reaction is to question whether something has gone fundamentally wrong with the foundational principles of our society.

Earlier this year, we had a big storm up here in Northland, new Zealand. Two panels were completely blown out of our greenhouse. Recently I found time to mend it. In order to slot the panels back into place, I had to disassemble dozens of bolts holding the affected corner together, until I got down to the foundation. There I found the cause of the problem. One bolt was missing. It was never assembled properly, which meant the whole structure was able to flex in the wind enough to release the panels. If the foundation isn’t right, the structure can’t stand.

So, what is the foundation of society?

It’s a big question that has no doubt already occurred to you and occupied your thoughts, as it has mine. Which and where are the foundational principles that we can rely on in troubled times?

Whilst democracy appears to have failed us and technology has sometimes isolated and disempowered us, the sun still rises every day. Can we rely on nature to see us through? Perhaps like me, you find it alarming that the focus of political rhetoric has shifted to changing nature through biotechnology.

Certainly, we must retain our faculty of discrimination between right and wrong, truth and falsehood. In the confused blur of the information age, we also need to identify what is primary and what is secondary, to distinguish cause from effect. The integrity of our genetic identity is certainly primary to health. National and ACT’s plan to relax the safety rules governing biotech experimentation are reckless and out of touch with the pandemic lessons we should be learning from. Pretending to the public that all is well is an indication of what we could suffer during the next political term.

Imposing risk to human life, or even ignoring it, is a kind of madness. This suggests that collective consciousness could have been adversely affected by the pandemic. Civilisation depends on the quality of consciousness of its members. Stability, adaptability, creativity, intelligence, respect, fairness, empathy and countless other rational qualities have built civilization, debase these and we can hardly imagine where we will end up.

Justice is a function of society that should never be bypassed. There are countless cases of miscarriage of justice throughout history that bring shame on all those involved. For example, Edward Ates, a fifty year old black man was released in 2018 after spending 20 years in a Texas jail for a murder he did not commit. Five years later, he is still classified as out on parole despite DNA evidence that proves he did not commit the crime. Ates was convicted partly through the false testimony of a felon who was promised a reduced sentence.

The authorities in Texas have no desire to exonerate Ates because he would be eligible for compensation, so he still languishes with the stigma of parole status, despite being completely innocent. The Innocence Project believes they know who the actual perpetrator was. The Texas authorities are abusing their power by failing to pursue justice for Ates and failing to go after the real perpetrator. They are determined to stick to their big lie despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, including DNA. The Ates case is the subject of episode three of Web of Death, entitled Crowdsourced Justice which is currently streaming on Disney.

The parallels to pandemic justice have probably not escaped you. Three years ago the unvaccinated were wrongly accused of a crime and punished. Despite growing evidence that mRNA vaccination is neither effective nor safe, the unvaccinated still carry a stigma. Mistakes have not been acknowledged. The real victims of the crime are the vaccinated who have been subjected not just to Covid infection which is almost certainly the result of an escaped genetically modified virus, but they have also received multiple shots designed to teach their nervous system to produce toxic levels of its spike protein. The perpetrators have never been subject to public scrutiny, instead, they have been richly rewarded.

Doubling down on unregulated biotechnology experimentation, as National and ACT are proposing, will simply create opportunities to repeat offences. The parallels to Ates’ case stop here. Ates was one man wrongly convicted of a horrific murder. The pandemic has created billions of victims, millions of wrongly convicted individuals, and tens of thousands of very rich perpetrators. Genetic modification is inherently unsafe, spreads without limit, and can never be recalled.

About the Author

Guy Hatchard, PhD, was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food testing and safety company (now known as FoodChain ID).  You can subscribe to his websites and GLOBE.GLOBAL for regular updates by email. GLOBE.GLOBAL is a website dedicated to providing information about the dangers of biotechnology.  You can also follow Dr. Hatchard on Twitter HERE and Facebook HERE.

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8 months ago

[…] The lack of safety rules governing experimental biotech “vaccines” is reckless and out of touch … […]

J Smith
J Smith
8 months ago

It is too late I fear for those who have been vaccinated; hence their resistance to listen to what we have to say. And I cannot blame them. Who can accept proof that they did wrong, and are about to die? However, one thing the Elite Deep State have misunderstood, is that everyone knows now of the stream of illnesses and deaths ever since these vaccines were rolled out. The penny will drop eventually, and then watch the revenge.

We have to stay strong. We can protect our own lives. Nothing can now save the vaccine damaged.

Chris C
Chris C
Reply to  J Smith
8 months ago

As soon as your DNA has been altered by mRNA, you literally “belong to” the U.S. Dept of Defense who own the patents on the vial contents, unleashed in their “silent weapons for quiet wars” (Nazi NASA document).

However Dr Ana Mihalcea MD Phd and others offer protocols for removing the toxic metals and nanotechnology, which may include high doses of natural vitamin C, so there is hope.

Reliable truth media data suggests that 19 out of 20 of the C19 injections contained low doses of the variable ingredients, and the website may be worth checking out.

Reply to  J Smith
8 months ago

I don’t know if the deep state misunderstands or that they just don’t care. With all the information available on how dangerous the vaxx is,they are reintroducing masks and a promised new vaxx that may or may not be mandatory. They of course want us, the taxpayers, to fund it not the pharmaceutical companies. So it sure looks like they assume the serfs will roll up their sleeves again or will they be forced to roll them up. It seems like business as usual for the elite deep state.
You are absolutely correct, we need to stay strong.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  J Smith
8 months ago

I hope you are right about the truth getting out, but they are doing everything they can to prevent it.

I heard on this morning’s news (29th August 2023) that, as a measure to combat the rising numbers of heart attacks, the government is going to have thousands of blood pressure monitoring machines placed in barbers shops, mosques and other places. Also, I believe that now, every school has a defibrillator.

So they admit that heart attacks are on the rise, but when Andrew Bridgen asked for an investigation he was savagely attacked, expelled from his party and he has been cancelled by the media. They are determined to prevent the public from making the connection between the problem and the real cause.

8 months ago

They can keep their poiison for themsleves!

Chris C
Chris C
8 months ago

The ONLY LESSON to learn about the “”pandemic” is that it was a Plandemic; part of the hidden in plain sight satanic globalist agenda to depopulate, control, maim, sterilize, kill or transhumanize humanity using the following methods of “Electronic Warfare”:
chemtrail poisoning, geoengineering using ionospheric heaters, 5-6-7G Internet of Minds, starvation, de-greening of “All of Earth” (their words) by eliminating the gas of life (CO2), digital I.D./CBDC, 15-minute Smart Cities, injections of nanotechnology (electromagnetic devices for emergencey use authorization as stated by the U.S. Dept of Defense).

These are purely pandemics of fear.
Don’t buy into “Net Zero”: instead “Comply Zero”.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
8 months ago

“The Covenant of Death”

The Most Devastating Interview of my Life — with Dr James Thorp: How HHS Paid Millions to get 1000s of Drs to Damage Women; Hurt, Kill Babies.

Dr Naomi Wolf

… what I have learned in the last few weeks is so very devastating, regarding the plans of the evildoers of our moment, to destroy, or restrict severely the powers of humanity, via destroying babies and human fertility


This has a video interview with Dr James Thorp, a distinguished, board-certified obstetrician gynecologist and maternal-fetal medicine physician. He has over 44 years of obstetrical experience.

8 months ago

The incompetent that didn’t know their job or the lived ( spell lived back wo/ards) are responsible and should be punished to the highest and that goes to the top

8 months ago

Is it reckless or just plain evil?

8 months ago

Currently, there are around 1500 identified Patents that are recognised as being harmful to nature and humanity. Which net a large profit from their misuse for the Patent holder. These Patents are to be received by the Vatican Chancery Court where they will be revoked and removed. S E R C O will no longer control the American Patent Office because of blatant misuse of the position they held.

Reply to  john
8 months ago

Sorry, the figure is 15,000 recognised Patents.

8 months ago

[…] The lack of safety rules governing experimental biotech “vaccines” is reckless and out of touch … […]

8 months ago

[…] The lack of safety rules governing experimental biotech “vaccines” is reckless and out of touch with pandemic lessons we should have learnt. LINK […]

8 months ago

[…] The lack of safety rules governing experimental biotech “vaccines” is reckless and out of touch … Pfizer’s vaccine for RSV is another among hundreds of novel biotechnology vaccines currently under development for a range of diseases that have gained approval from the US Food and Drug Administration. RSV of a common respiratory illness that usually causes mild cold-like symptoms, yet the vaccine industry wants to portray that the benefits of its experimental vaccines outweigh the risks. […]

8 months ago

[…] The lack of safety rules governing experimental biotech “vaccines” is reckless and out of touch …Pfizer’s vaccine for RSV is another among hundreds of novel biotechnology vaccines currently under development for a range of diseases that have gained approval from the US Food and Drug Administration. RSV of a common respiratory illness that usually causes mild cold-like symptoms, yet the vaccine industry wants to portray that the benefits of its experimental vaccines outweigh the risks. […]

8 months ago

Understatement .I think it’s pretty obvious they don’t give a rats

Brin Jenkins
Brin Jenkins
8 months ago

Once bitten twice shy, Those who died of this rubbish are still dead so I shall manage without.

8 months ago

[…] – The lack of safety rules governing experimental biotech “vaccines” is reckless and out of touch … […]

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
8 months ago

I heard on this morning’s news (29th August 2023) that, as a measure to combat the rising numbers of heart attacks, the government is going to have thousands of blood pressure monitoring machines placed in barbers shops, mosques and other places. Also, I believe that now, every school has a defibrillator.

So they admit that heart attacks are on the rise, but when Andrew Bridgen asked for an investigation he was savagely attacked, expelled from his party and he has been cancelled by the media. They are determined to prevent the public from making the connection between the problem and the real cause.

8 months ago

Quit putting images, such as the ones on the left, right in the middle of the reading area. It makes it difficult to read, having to move the lines around. The images block the text.