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Latest on Lockdowns: The Royal Society is WRONG

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The Royal Society claims that lockdowns and other social distancing measures significantly cut the transmission of the coronavirus during the fake pandemic.

This is not true.

The lockdowns did massive physical and mental harm to the nation, face masks did massive amounts of damage to people’s health, and the social distancing rules and the locking of old people in care homes did massive, long-term harm. None of these methods should ever be used again, Dr. Vernon Coleman writes.

[Note: Dr. Coleman is not the only one calling out the dubious claims made by The Royal Society.  For another article on this topic read ‘The Lost Lessons of the Covid Pandemic’ by Professor Carl Heneghan and Dr. Tom Jefferson.]

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By Dr. Vernon Coleman

A report published by the Royal Society claims that lockdowns and other social distancing measures, as well as mask-wearing, significantly cut the transmission of the coronavirus during the fake pandemic.

Well, of course, they did!

If you lock people in their homes and make them stay away from their loved ones then they are less likely to spread infections. (Note, please, that only the intellectually deprived, aficionados of pseudoscience and people with the IQ of a table believe that germs don’t exist. The people who believe there are no germs probably also believe that the earth is flat and that climate change is real.)

If we had lockdowns and social distancing rules every winter then there would always be fewer cases of the flu.

It’s as sensible as saying that if we killed everyone in November then there would be no cases of flu during the winter.

Infections cannot spread unless people are within coughing distance of one another.

(Masks are something else, of course. As I proved in my book ‘Proof that Face Masks do More Harm than Good, face masks did massive amounts of damage to people’s health. And they don’t work.)

The problem with the Royal Society’s report is that as far as I can see they don’t seem to have bothered to mention that the number of people killed by the lockdowns far, far exceeded the number of people who didn’t get the flu.

(And let’s remember that we are talking about the flu. It was always clear that covid-19 was merely a well-marketed brand of the flu. All the evidence – which I’ve previously detailed in my videos and on my websites – now proves this.)

The lockdowns did massive physical and mental harm to the nation.

Early in 2020, I warned that lockdowns would result in several hundred thousand deaths in the UK alone. Around the world they killed millions.

And the mental damage will last for decades.

The Royal Society claims that lockdowns and social distancing rules were effective. And they claim that restricting visitors in care homes – and keeping residents apart – helped restrict the number of people catching the flu.

In my view, this is the sort of research that gives research a bad name.

And gives me a headache.

The lockdowns, the social distancing rules and the locking of old people in care homes did massive, long-term harm.

None of these methods should ever be used again.

And mask wearing did massive physical and mental harm too.

We have to keep sharing the truth.

We have to make sure that no politician ever dare reintroduce these barbaric and dangerous nonsenses.

Lockdowns, social distancing and masks all killed massive numbers of people – and permanently damaged millions of lives.

My first book about covid-19 was published in April 2020 – and warned about the dangers of the lockdowns. The book is called ‘Coming Apocalypse‘.

Here is what I said in that book (remember, it was published in April 2020):

I was the first to suggest that the so-called “cure” (the lockdown policies and the refusal to treat other patients to “protect” them from infection) would kill far more people than the disease. The lockdown policies seem to have been recommended by a panicky World Health Organisation, though Imperial College’s prediction of eight million Britons in hospital and half a million deaths certainly helped to spice up the panic in the UK.

Dr. Vernon Coleman has been accurate and ahead of the field since the start of the 2020 “crisis.” In his book  ‘Coming Apocalypse’ he explains how and why the “crisis” developed and explains the sort of future we can expect now that lockdowns have destroyed the global economy and changed our way of life. Our world will never be as it was in January 2020. In ‘Coming Apocalyse’ Dr Coleman explains what he believes we can expect.  ‘Coming Apocalypse is available as a paperback and an eBook.

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8 months ago

They seem to want to bump off old people again and bankrupt any surviving small business.
The book, ‘The Rise of the New Normal Reich’ by C.J. Hopkins is a must read.
The Royal Society must be going bonkers.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Mania
8 months ago

Bonkers is the wrong word. The Society has been infiltrated and subverted by plotters – I don’t know what word to use for those plotters – Marxists, Globalists, I don’t know.

But it is not just the RS – every institution has been subverted – charities, universities, unions, councils, the civil service and more. The news constantly has stories of people losing their jobs because of things they said or because of their views on certain topics. This is how they flush out anyone who is not on board the agenda and all those who remain are either members of the secret groups or are too afraid to object to their treachery.

“The Fabian Society has managed to hijack just about every institution in the English-speaking world, Duigan said. “And, increasingly, much of the rest of the world.” – from –

I think it is in this video that Mke Yeadon says every institution has been infiltrated – “Dr Michael Yeadon of Pfizer no covid long 2022 08 07” –

“every institution, every governmental department, every volunteer association, every locality, every church, every faith community, every organization, every club, every service club, every sports league, and so on” – from –

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
8 months ago

So – “Note, please, that only the intellectually deprived, aficionados of pseudoscience and people with the IQ of a table believe that germs don’t exist” – there we have it!

J Smith
J Smith
8 months ago

Just say ‘No’. Strength is in the numbers of non-compliant.

Mary Ann Dowrick
Mary Ann Dowrick
8 months ago

Dr Vernon, when will it end? The flipping Royal Society is even in on this massacre. Last week took ivermectin when I felt the covid flu coming on, my fourth episode. I am unvaxxed. Took ivermectin 12mg, gone almost immediately. Probably just a coincidence. All around me at the bowls club, they are dropping like flys, once again. Many took the “spring booster” and the”autumn booster” will be out any day now.

8 months ago

They are deliberately ignoring the studies that proved that masks, social distancing, and lockdowns did not make any significant difference in the spread of COVID. They are also conveniently ignoring the significant negative effects that the measures caused. This proves that this is a deliberate attack on the public’s health and freedom.

8 months ago

Any idiot knows surgical masks only protect against bacteria They lie and the bible says “all liars go to Hell “And it doesn’t say its OK if you cross your fingers

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

“Any idiot knows surgical masks only protect against bacteria – that is not true. They don’t teach it in primary schools. Before the pandemic came along, most people had no interest in masks and had probably never read about the purpose of surgical masks and it’s not exactly intuitive.

8 months ago

[…] Latest on Lockdowns: The Royal Society is WRONG The Royal Society claims that lockdowns and other social distancing measures significantly cut the transmission of the coronavirus during the fake pandemic. This is not true. The lockdowns did massive physical and mental harm to the nation, face masks did massive amounts of damage to people’s health, and the social distancing rules and the locking of old people in care homes did massive, long-term harm. None of these methods should ever be used again, Dr. Vernon Coleman writes. […]

8 months ago

Considering ‘His Majesty’s Armed Services’ in the U.K. and the DOD in the U.S. OWN THE AI/BIOWEAPON INJECTIONS…How is it possible for anybody to be surprised?
They were developed by Jeremy Farrar at Eugenics Agency ‘Wellcome Trust’ and DARPA in the U.S. under Regina Dugan.
Both are now INCESTUOUSLY PLACED in W.H.O for Farrar and ‘Wellcome Trust’ for Dugan.

8 months ago

[…] Latest on Lockdowns: The Royal Society is WRONGThe Royal Society claims that lockdowns and other social distancing measures significantly cut the transmission of the coronavirus during the fake pandemic. This is not true. The lockdowns did massive physical and mental harm to the nation, face masks did massive amounts of damage to people’s health, and the social distancing rules and the locking of old people in care homes did massive, long-term harm. None of these methods should ever be used again, Dr. Vernon Coleman writes. […]