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Netherlands’ Land Grab: A new documentary records the Dutch farmers’ struggle against a regime that is attempting to seize their land

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A couple of weeks ago,  Big Picture released the documentary ‘NITROGEN 2000: The Dutch Farmers’ Struggle to watch for free.

NITROGEN 2000 is a 45-minute documentary on the Dutch Farmer struggle of 2019-23. 70% of Holland is owned by small cattle farmers and since 2019, the Dutch government has been advocating a 50% forced buyout of their land. This amounts to a nationalisation of a third of the territory of Holland.

Is this really about lowering nitrogen levels to help orchids over nettles? What other darker designs lie behind the nitrogen policy of Holland? Surely if it were truly about nitrogen other solutions could be found than disenfranchising the most efficient farmers on the planet. In NITROGEN 2000 Big Picture gets to the bottom of the story.

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Big Picture’s James Patrick initially went to the Netherlands to shoot two interviews for another film which was under production. While he was there, he got in touch with some leaders of the Dutch farmers’ groups fighting the government’s policy to forcibly buy out their farms.

When he arrived in the Netherlands, Patrick realised that a third of the farms had signs displaying “HELP!.” Upside-down flags were hanging everywhere. It quickly became evident to him that this was a much bigger event than most understood. “I jumped onto the story and aggressively shot an entire film in 6 days,” he said.

What is happening in Holland is a warning to the world of what is to come if we don’t put a stop to this expropriation of the Dutch farmer’s land.

This is a big story. The government of Holland – with European Union blessings – is seeking to forcefully purchase one-third of their territory, disenfranchising half of their cattle farmers.

As everyone knows, corporate media constantly demonises cows: they make methane; their burps are evil; they cause nitrogen to run off into waterways.  But the insane argument the Dutch government is using is that the nitrogen in cow dung is settling on protected areas, called Natura 2000 and causing plants less than 1 ft tall to suffer because other plants that grow higher block the sun for the smaller ones. That the government would declare war on half of their farmers in the name of short plants. “It’s a joke, and they have no credibility,” Patrick said.

This appears to be a story of seizing land under questionable “environmental” pretences and removing the bulk of the Dutch farmers from the market, effectively taking them offline. In terms of production per hectare, Dutch farmers are the most efficient farmers in the world. If a large restructuring of the food system is being engineered, sandbagging Dutch farmers is a crucial step towards achieving that goal.

The documentary ‘NITROGEN 2000’ gets to the bottom of the story. Partick interviewed the top players in the story to help people understand this complex phenomenon in a world in transition. To fight for our rights and well-being, we must understand what is happening to us. “This is the mission of my work: to help people see the Big Picture,” he said.

The documentary is free to view, in several languages, but if you would like to make a donation to support the Big Picture’s work, you can do so HERE.

Big Picture: NITROGEN 2000 The Dutch Farmers’ Struggle, 5 November 2023 (46 mins)

If the video above is removed from YouTube, you can watch it on Rumble HERE or Bitchute HERE.

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Brin Jenkins
Brin Jenkins
5 months ago

I lived a couple of years in Guernsey where land is a scarce commodity. If you own land and allowed it to be derelict you just lose it. Perhaps this law needs taking up generally to stop land not being used productively. That would stop Bill Gates inspired land grabs.

Inge van der Wijk
Inge van der Wijk
5 months ago

Yes, I live in The Netherlands, we have a very left regime here, they call it a democracy, just a name, they want to grab all the agricultural areas to build houses on for immigrants, exactly what Agenda 30, Shwab wants, Rutte, our prime minister is a Schwab adept. Next week Wednesday we have elections.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Inge van der Wijk
5 months ago

Hi inge van der Wijk,
Well said and thought out.
Just remember, in the 1917 Russian revolution.
The Bolsheviks, who were trained in the USA.
They rounded up the farmers and marched them into the Gulags.
Then they needed food, and got it from the USA.
Just remember who your friends are.
All this, whilst WW1 was being fought.
Just remember our history,

Mick from Hooe (UK)
Mick from Hooe (UK)
Reply to  Inge van der Wijk
5 months ago

I have tried to find resistance to these insane and ridiculous land grab measures that are going on in Holland, but sadly any such activity seems to be hidden from the world.

Surely, the general population of the Netherlands can see how this lunacy will create famine – with no impact on Climate Change!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

Gord and K
Gord and K
Reply to  Mick from Hooe (UK)
5 months ago

Yes but this is all of the End Times, listen to Jaap Dileman on end times events and get rapture ready, our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST is coming soon!

5 months ago

All their criminal acts, scams and propaganda are based on “computer models” and sick ideologies. Someone should write about sri lanka experiment too. “Enviromentalism” moving is a brainwashing desease which do not affect those who are poisoning us and the earth, but is meant to destroy the society, the humanity and all the aspects of the life. Put a stop to economic and population growth, because club of rome said that. You know that vandana shiva was a club of rome member too? Friend of kennedy jr, another climate change propagandist. People love them all while still being able to buy food from the store and many still thinking that food is growing on the shelves.

Emily malone
Emily malone
5 months ago

Ver sad and pathetic what is happening in the name of climate change. Suggest first toxins to eradicate are from the private jets used across the globe. Looking forward to watching Bill Gates and Al Gore eat bugs. uSA best servers by leaving the United Nations vp which has been taken over. We are moving toward a global china

Mick from Hooe (UK)
Mick from Hooe (UK)
5 months ago

They play with (modify) stats to make it look acceptable for pregnant women to accept the DEADLY INJECTION they call a ‘vaccine’. The same goes for those trying to have a family’ They end up infertile – FOREVER! Here’s another example of useless and dangerous Covid ‘Vax’ reality – Airline pilots who were forced by MANDATE to accept the EXPERIMENTAL Covid ‘vax’ are now far less healthy and susceptible to many more serious health complications that could (and WILL) occur during flights. Myocarditis is rife among Airline staff. ALL DUE TO THE MANDATED ‘SAFE & EFFECTIVE’ COVID INJECTION, which is injuring and killing thousands worldwide. All this mayhem and excess death was caused by the DEADLY injections made by companies like Pfizer who dictate a NO LIABILITY CLAUSE if you want to buy their useless but deadly Covid ‘cure’. It’s simply depopulation. Example of the inherent dangers we all now face if we choose to keep flying; “There have been many tragedies this year. Phil Thomas, a young graduate of the Cadiz, Spain, flight training academy, fell ill and died suddenly in April. There were five pilot incapacitations in March including a British Airways pilot who collapsed and died in Cairo, Egypt not long before he was due to fly.” We can either take a rushed course on ‘How to pilot a Boing 737’ or hope they start to use a PILOT, a Co-Pilot and a SPARE pilot! All gullible ‘patients’ that didn’t think before participating in an EXPERIMENT, are now all GENETICALLY MODIFIED as was factually covered up by Pfizer and other unscrupulous deadly injection makers. You should never have allowed them to experiment (Pfuck) with the human body and expect it to get better! It’s simply inviting a shorter Life Expectancy or a sudden ‘inexplicable’ early death. Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer

5 months ago

[…] – Netherlands’ Land Grab: A new documentary records the Dutch farmers’ struggle against a regime t… […]

Gord and K
Gord and K
5 months ago

Get rapture ready, people, JESUS is coming soon!

5 months ago

[…] New documentary records Dutch farmers’ struggle against a regime attempting to seize their lan…. […]