Look at Gaza “Our Political Class Only Pays Lip Service to Human Rights’

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Today, Sunday, December 10th, marks the 75th anniversary of the United Nations’ endorsement of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). This milestone arrives amidst a period where neglect and disdain for human rights have led to brutal acts of violence across the world. and, as Gaza shows, it is being buried under the rubble along with the human beings whose rights it was written to protect, writes Jeremy Corbyn.

Jeremy Corbyn MP for Islington North wrote the article below originally published for @tribunemagazine on the 75th anniversary of the UDHR.

‘Look at Gaza — Our Political Class Only Pays Lip Service to Human Rights’

By Jeremy Corbyn.

Today is the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Adopted out of the scars of the Second World War, the UDHR outlined 30 inalienable rights and freedoms that belong to us all, regardless of sex, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, creed, language, religion or background. Rights to life, liberty, and privacy. Freedom of expression, assembly, and movement. Freedom from torture, arbitrary arrest or exile. Rights to social security, education, equal pay and a decent standard of living, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care. The right to seek asylum.

The magnitude of this achievement should not be underestimated. This document, for the first time, enshrined the fundamental human rights of individuals everywhere. Since then, it has served as a foundation for human rights campaigners to defend the dignity and equality of people across the globe. 

Today, however, is not a time for celebration. It is a time for reflection. 

75 years on from this landmark document, millions of people are still denied the fundamental rights and freedoms it was meant to enshrine. Right now, 700 million people are living in extreme poverty, subsisting on less than $2.15 a day. Two-thirds are children. In 2022, more than 238,000 people were killed in conflict — that’s the highest death toll since the beginning of the century. Refugees – fleeing war, persecution, human rights abuses and climate catastrophe – are drowning at sea.

These grotesque levels of poverty, violence and desperation are not the fault or failure of the UDHR. They are the fault and failure of governments who give lip service to a document whose founding principles they continue to desecrate. 

On Monday, MPs will mark the UDHR’s anniversary by gathering for a candlelight vigil, under the title ‘Parliamentarians for Peace.’ How ironic that the majority have given the green light to some of the most appalling levels of death and destruction we have witnessed in decades. 

Over the past two months, 1,200 people in Israel and 17,700 people in Gaza have been killed. 1.8 million people in Gaza have been displaced. Half of all housing units have been destroyed. More people could die from disease than from bombings if the health system is not restored. Last month, Parliament voted on the call for a ceasefire. MPs faced a simple moral choice: do you support the indiscriminate killing of human beings, or do you want to stop the further loss of human life? Shamefully, the majority of MPs voted against a ceasefire. Today, people in Gaza are living with the consequences.

Do Palestinians not qualify for the inalienable right to life that the UDHR enshrines? Do Palestinian children not deserve to laugh and play with their friends at school too? People in Gaza are paying the price for a horrific crime they did not commit. It is a form of collective punishment that stands in direct contradiction to the UDHR’s central mantra: that human beings should not be discriminated against on the basis of their ethnicity or background. The UDHR is being buried under the rubble, along with the human beings whose rights this document was written to protect. 

Across the board, our political representatives are showing monstrous hypocrisy in their commitment to a document they show no signs of respecting. As we speak, our government is attempting to circumvent international law in order to implement its assault on the rights of refugees. And they are emboldened by an opposition front bench that refuses to make the moral case for the right to asylum. The Tories have not ‘failed’ on immigration because they have ‘lost control of the borders’. They have failed because they have proven incapable of protecting the human rights of those seeking a place of safety. Refugees are not political pawns to be debated and disempowered. They are human beings, whose hopes and dreams should not be sacrificed to appease the right-wing press. 

The creation of the UDHR was meant to be a landmark moment. All the more disgraceful, then, that many of its loudest celebrants continue to betray the very basis for the document’s existence. Today, we must renew our commitment to universal human rights. That commitment rings hollow unless we are prepared to organise for those demands that are essential to the UDHR’s realisation. 

We will carry on demonstrating for a permanent ceasefire, the release of all hostages, the end to the siege of Gaza, and the only path to a just and lasting peace: the end to the occupation of Palestine.

We will carry on campaigning for a humane asylum system, for safe routes, and for a society where everyone is treated with dignity and care, no matter their background.

We will carry on mobilising for a more equal world. A world in which wealth is shared, not hoarded. A world that prioritises human need, not corporate greed. A world that recognises the violation of human rights anywhere, is a violation of human rights everywhere. A world that recognises, as the UDHR does, that ‘the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.’

Source Jeremey Corbyn for Tribune Magazine

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5 months ago

On october 6. 2023 there was peace in Gaza and in Israel. So – on october 7. the elected government in Gaza decided to go to war against Israel. The war was initiated by the government in Gaza.

The fighting could have been ended on october 8. if the government in Gaza had wanted that. But the by-the-gazan-people elected government wanted more war. So that is what they got. And – Israel is of course in their full right to rescue the hostages captured by the government in Gaza.

And by the way: Gaza is not occupied.

Reply to  Bulldog
5 months ago

some are particularly peculiarly deluded.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Bulldog
5 months ago

Corbyn is supporting people who are fighting back against terrible oppression and persecution.

“Some 15,000 Palestinians, including 6,000 children and 4,000 women, have been killed since Oct. 7. Some 30,000 have been wounded. Over six thousand are missing, many buried under the rubble. More than 300 families have lost 10 or more members of their families. More than 250 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank since Oct. 7, and more than 3,000 injured, although the area is not controlled by Hamas. The Israeli military claims to have killed between 1,000 and 3,000 of some 30,000 Hamas fighters, a relatively small number given the scale of the assault. Most resistance fighters shelter in their vast tunnel system.

Israel’s playbook is the “Dahiya Doctrine.” The doctrine was formulated by former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot, who is a member of the war cabinet, following the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Dahiya is a southern Beirut suburb and a Hezbollah stronghold. It was pounded by Israeli jets after two Israeli soldiers were taken prisoner. The doctrine posits that Israel should employ massive, disproportionate force, destroying infrastructure and civilian residences, to ensure deterrence. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/11/10/israel-dahiya-doctrine-disproportionate-strategy-military-gaza-idf/]

Daniel Hagari, spokesman of the IDF, conceded at the start of Israel’s most recent attack on Gaza that the “emphasis” would be “on damage and not on accuracy.”

Israel has abandoned its tactic of “roof knocking” where a rocket without a warhead would land on a roof to warn those inside to evacuate. Israel has also ended its phone calls warning of an impending attack. Now dozens of families in an apartment block or a neighborhood are killed without notice.

The images of mass destruction feed the thirst for revenge within Israel following the humiliating incursion by Hamas fighters on Oct. 7 and the killing of 1,200 Israelis, including 395 soldiers and 59 police officers. There is a sadistic pleasure voiced by many Israelis over the genocide and a groundswell of calls for the murder or expulsion of Palestinians, including those in the occupied West Bank and those with Israeli citizenship.

The savagery of the air strikes and indiscriminate attacks, the cutting off of food, water and medicine, the genocidal rhetoric of the Israeli government, make this a war whose sole objective is revenge. This will not be good for Israel or the Palestinians. It will fuel a conflagration throughout the Middle East.

Israel’s attack is the last desperate measure of a settler colonial project that foolishly thinks, as many settler colonial projects have in the past, that it can crush the resistance of an indigenous population with genocide. But even Israel will not get away with killing on this scale. A generation of Palestinians, many of whom have seen most, if not all, of their families killed and their homes and neighborhoods destroyed, will carry within them a lifelong thirst for justice and retribution.”


Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Bulldog
5 months ago

“US-Made Munitions Used In Israel’s White Phosphorous Attacks On Lebanon; WaPo”


Using White Phosphorous is evil.

5 months ago

There is the United Nations and there is the UNITED NATIONS INCORPORATED.

Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
5 months ago

For people holding any remaining uncertainty as to whether or not Jeremy Corbin is a terrorist-lover, lifelong political economy/philosophy student, an anti-capitalist, anti-Zionist, anti-Semitic, “one of those book readers”, – or whatever the newest mindf**k gaslighting slander becomes devised for human beings who actually care about his/her fellow human beings (his/her brothers and sisters in the human family), Mr. Corbin’s new article provides “We, the people” all the factual evidence necessary for applying legitimate, righteous judgment.

The increasingly desperate and dangerous gaslighters will now most likely respond to Jeremy Corbin’s powerful. to-the-essence, morality challenging article by labeling him as “One of those radical terrorist-loving troublemakers who want to replace (In the words of Donald Trump and Joseph Biden: “Beautiful, fantastic!”) private-owned central banks, which Mr. Corbin describes as ‘the root of all evil in this world’, with fair-finance public-owned banks across the Earth”…

‘The Great Taking’: Documentary Film Confronts Private Central Banking. – THE ONENESS of HUMANITY (wordpress.com)

5 months ago

We live today as we have always lived. We find security where there is none, in divided tribal groups named nations. Finding security behind a flag denies all security because it divides your life from others sheltered by differently coloured flags. Children are born innocently unaware of patriotic sentiment or divisive religious belief but its not long before the occupying authority of every land goes to work to brainwash their lives to a continuity of such insanity. We learn to value identity before human life. Until we cease to live divided lives humanity will never know peace and the upper tiered echelons of society will continue to profit from chaos as they always have in their fearful and deeply immoral corrupted views of life. At some point, our divisive pasts must come to end, or they will end us all.

5 months ago

[…] Go to Source Follow altnews.org on Telegram […]

5 months ago

Revelation 2,9 & 3,9 wake E wake E wake E……………………………

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
5 months ago

The Biden Regime Is Completely Unrealistic. Not possible to carpet bomb and protect civilians.


Civilization Has Disintegrated

“All civilization has disintegrated, not just Western civilization. This fact is obvious from the entire world sitting watching, perhaps as entertainment as Romans watched death in the Colosseum, the Genocide of Gaza. The “moral democratic” US government rushes more bombs and money to enable Israel’s genocide of Palestine. European governments call the genocide “Israel’s right of self-defense.” Christian Zionists justify genocide in Christ’s name. In Europe those whose moral conscience drives them to protest are arrested. In “free and democratic” UK waving a Palestinian flag is cause for arrest. The Muslim world does nothing, displaying its total impotence and lack of self-respect. And the Russians and Chinese sit there and allow the US and Israel to remake the Middle East in their interest, a development that will increase the power of evil.”


A Century of Barbarism Is Upon Us


Were the Biblical Prophets Anti-Semitic?

“What I find most amazing is that no religious scholars are pointing out that Netanyahu’s claim to be following a Biblical covenant as his excuse for committing genocide to seize Palestinian land and destroy its existing population is a travesty of what actually is written in the Bible.”


Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Watcher Seeker
5 months ago
5 months ago

HUMAN RIGHTS ARE BASED WITHIN WHATEVER ANY DEMON POSSESSED HUMAN DECLARED OR ORDERS TO BE…It’s INALIENABLE RIGHTS ORIENTED IN FREEDOM which are granted by God which nobody can remove or take away and they don’t come cheap…They are about risking and cost with blood, limb and life.

People are foolish to believe Human Rights lived throughout all time with Psychopathic Kings, Caesars, Emperors, DICTATORS on Earth until the ‘Declaration of Indenpendence’ defined Inalienable Rights endowed by the Creator and guaranteed them within The U.S. Constitution.

5 months ago

does it work for me?

5 months ago

The Arabs in Israel, from the Jordon River to the sea have become an existential threat to Jews.
The covid vaccines are killing large numbers of people worldwide.
The “Deagle Report”, written in 2020, hypothesizes most Western countries will experience horrific reductions in population.
For example, the US will decline from 350 million to 100 million.
Israel will decline from 7 million to 3 million.
A future Israeli population of 3 million will put Israel’s existence in serious jeopardy.
It all depends on the Arab vaccination rate vs the Jewish vaccination rate.
Israel could become like the former Afrikaner State: A small population surrounded/intermingled with a larger hostile population.
It would be better for Israel’s survival as a Jewish state if it finalized its conquests and deported all former citizens of Jordan and Egypt to their respective Arab countries.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  pc_PHAGE
5 months ago

“US-Made Munitions Used In Israel’s White Phosphorous Attacks On Lebanon; WaPo”


Using White Phosphorous is evil.

5 months ago

“We are being censored” goes the EXPOSE’S complaint.
But my comment is “Awaiting For Approval”. And will probably be censored!!
I take issue with the Expose’s anti-Israel stance and that is a no-no I presume.
I also use data from the Expose.
The pot calling the kettle black.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  pc_PHAGE
5 months ago

You are right. When a post gets flagged as needing approval it rarely appears even there is nothing offensive, controversial or rude in it.

5 months ago

Deport the Arabs in Israel to their respective countries of Egypt and Jordan, of which they were citizens of before 1967.

5 months ago

If the Western Countries/Great Powers had a hands-off approach; the “Palestinian Problem” would have been solved a long time ago.
The Palestinian issue is the fault of the Soviet Union.
It created the problem by arming the Arabs and inciting war.
Before 1967 it was the French who supplied Israel with arms.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  pc_PHAGE
5 months ago

“the fault of the Soviet Union” – ? Britain and France caused the Middle East conflicts. In 1916 they plotted to destroy the Ottoman Empire and carve up the Middle East to steal the resources.

This is documented history – “How Britain Started the Arab-Israeli Conflict | Free Documentary History” – at 5m 38s – “Britain’s Prime Minister, Asquith, felt it was essential to widen the conflict [WW1]”, and other plotters are named, including the evil war monger, Churchill. At 6m 15s – “Britain’s secret plan involved, on one hand a military diversion, and on the other, a devious of diplomacy through bribery, subversion and double-dealing.” At 6m 35s – from a Professor of International Relations at the LSE, “diplomacy in general has always a secret dimension to it.”

“How Britain Started the Arab-Israeli Conflict | Free Documentary History”


See the Picot-Sykes Agreement – the plot laid bare. Do a search for “Sykes-Picot: The map that spawned a century of resentment” and you can see how Sykes and Picot shaded in, on a now-famous map, the areas of the Middle East that were to be stolen by the British and which were to be stolen by the French.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  pc_PHAGE
5 months ago

“the fault of the Soviet Union” – ? Britain and France caused the Middle East conflicts. In 1916 they plotted to destroy the Ottoman Empire and carve up the Middle East to steal the resources.

As proof of that (it is documented history) I made a posting that had a link to a documentary that tells of the plot, it names names and shows documentary proof, but it got flagged as needing approval, so it will most likely never appear. (I expect we’ll now get the usual excuses for that)

Here is the link -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXfuqUhzESg – perhaps this post will get through.

See the Picot-Sykes Agreement – the plot laid bare. Do a search for “Sykes-Picot: The map that spawned a century of resentment” and you can see how Sykes and Picot shaded in, on a now-famous map, the areas of the Middle East that were to be stolen by the British and which were to be stolen by the French.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  pc_PHAGE
5 months ago

“the fault of the Soviet Union” – not true. ()

As proof of that (it is documented history) I made a posting that had a link to a documentary that tells of the British plot for the Middle East, it names names and shows documentary proof, but it got flagged as needing approval, so it will most likely never appear. (I expect we’ll now get the usual excuses for that)

Here is the link -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXfuqUhzESg – perhaps this post will get through.

See the Picot-Sykes Agreement – the plot laid bare. Do a search for “Sykes-Picot: The map that spawned a century of resentment” and you can see how Sykes and Picot shaded in, on a now-famous map, the areas of the Middle East that were to be stolen by the British and which were to be stolen by the French.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  pc_PHAGE
5 months ago

See the Picot-Sykes Agreement – the plot laid bare. Do a search for “Sykes-Picot: The map that spawned a century of resentment” and you can see how Sykes and Picot shaded in, on a now-famous map, the areas of the Middle East that were to be stolen by the British and which were to be stolen by the French.

That might not make sense to you as a reply to your post, but I have tried four of five times to post a reply and they keep getting flagged as needing approval and so will most likely never appear. (I expect we’ll now get the usual excuses for that)

Here is the link -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXfuqUhzESg – perhaps this post will get through.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
5 months ago

Why does my post keep getting flagged as needing approval – and the stupid message annoys me “Awaiting for approval” – shouldn’t it be either “Awaiting approval” or “Waiting for approval”?

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
5 months ago

Why does my post keep getting flagged as needing approval – and the stupid message annoys me “Awaiting for approval” – shouldn’t it be either “Awaiting approval” or “Waiting for approval”?

5 months ago

[…] – Look at Gaza “Our Political Class Only Pays Lip Service to Human Rights’ […]