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The Richest are Leaving the Country

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The richest people in Britain are leaving. Over half a million wealthy taxpayers left Britain last year and were replaced by over a million immigrants looking for free money and free housing.  The end result was a net increase in population of over 700,000.

And the result of that is that the nation’s infrastructure has failed – roads, transport, health care, water supplies, sewage disposal, education and everything else would be considered a disgrace in a fourth-world country.

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By Dr. Vernon Coleman

Just where the rich are going is something of a mystery since there are no safe, secure countries left and all countries are introducing the same lunatic laws at much the same pace. The chances are that if you leave country A and go to country B to escape horrendous new restrictions, the same restrictions will be introduced in country B before you’ve had time to unpack and find somewhere to live.

It does seem to me, however, that living in a large town or city is the worst choice. In a town or city, you are more likely to be at the mercy of town planners and politicians determined to stamp their control on your life and to restrict your movements. In the wilds of the countryside, you might find transport difficult if cars are banned or fuel supplies strictly controlled. The best choice is probably a small town or large village somewhere with a home within cycling distance of a railway station and a supermarket. And fewer CCTV cameras than you’re likely to find in a town or a city.

Eventually, of course, small towns and villages will be closed and the inhabitants moved out. The buildings will be left, abandoned, eventually growing to look like those drowned villages which emerge when reservoirs dry up in long, hot summers.

We all have to reassess our priorities and to recognise that nothing that is happening is happening by accident. Too much attention is being paid to effect and not enough to cause.

During the months and years which lie ahead there is going to be much more fear and many more lies will be told. The media will attempt to distract the public from the truth with a seemingly unending series of unbelievably tacky stories about the royal family. The fears will be created by brainwashing specialists, psy-op specialists and psychologists specially hired by governments (as happened during the early days of the fake pandemic).

If they cannot make us sufficiently afraid, they will take steps to destroy us and if they cannot do that, they will simply kill more of us. If you don’t believe that then I am afraid that you simply haven’t been paying attention.

There will be more and more taxes. I can see global taxes and specific health warnings printed on meat and meat products within two years if not before – in the same way that there are massive taxes and warnings on tobacco.

And the conspirators are attacking vegetarian eating so that they can sell us a diet of wasps, locusts and factory-made garbage.

Small businesses and the self-employed are doomed to a long struggle with the inevitable. Pubs, cafes and small, independent shops have no future because there is no place for them in the “New Normal.” The Great Reset doesn’t have a place for independent businesses any more than it has a place for independent thinking. Millennials, who think we are going back to low interest rates and low inflation are living alongside Peter Pan in James Barrie’s Never-Never Land. There will be no more cheap imports from China.

We’re already well into extra time. If we don’t take action very quickly it will soon all be over. As we move remorselessly into a digital, cashless world, the ghettos I warned about nearly three years ago are getting more and more real every day. No one will save us. We have to save ourselves.

We need to stay alert. The latest danger is that they are planning to make it a war crime to tell the truth about vaccines, of all kinds, or about global warming. Telling the truth is going to be branded alongside terrorism as a crime against humanity.

And the real proof, remember, as with vaccination, is that they won’t debate climate change. No discussion is allowed. The media, such as the discredited BBC, have banned all discussion and questioning of vaccination. And they’ve pretty well banned all discussion of global warming. They pretend that these issues are accepted. But they’re only accepted by the conspirators.

Remember, the world is awash with masses of evidence proving that vaccines do more harm than good but the establishment continues to deny that such evidence even exists. There is absolutely no doubt that the covid-19 jabs do massively more harm than good. But doctors and nurses keep on giving them – deliberately poisoning their patients and being paid for it. And patients who need blood transfusions and who ask for unvaxxed blood are abused by doctors and nurses. Parents who ask for their children to be given unvaxxed blood are likely to have their children taken away from them. We have no freedom and we have no free speech. Things are so bad that many scientists writing research papers are self-censoring because they are terrified of losing their careers. The world has become a place for people who like taking orders from malignant, cryptorchid cretins.

And remember: when you see something bad happening you have to stand up for what you believe to be right. If you don’t then you might as well be dead.

And remember this too: Most of the people who don’t believe in coincidences are still alive. That is no coincidence.

Postscript:Even if you don’t believe me about the causes of what is happening, you will, I think, find it impossible to deny that strange, unprecedented things are happening and that we must, therefore, look for solutions to the visible consequences of what is happening, even if we find the causes difficult to accept.

The above is taken from `They want your money and your life’ by Vernon Coleman which is available via the bookshop on

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4 months ago

Very Accurate. What Amazes me is my generation walked off jobs all the time but the dumbing down and the constant traps set compromised a generation.

I took my children out of school and then started home-schooling them.

What the fake pandemic did was lock in those who would rather sell out their neighbors for cash.

The other problem is corporations and families will do the same to keep their stock prices up and really this is the real problem with society these people don’t want to work they would rather lease a car or truck and turn it in every 3 or 5 years never knowing how to work on a vehicle.

Of the contract companies that supply big stores like Walmart and Amazon millions of those companies comply with government regulations and mandates that Walmart or Amazon send out.

All these people own stock in these companies.

The unlimited money printing is the main culprit that has allowed the politicians to become the mafia territory to control the mafia become the new mafia of course blending with the other more powerful mafia.


The lawyers in this country the United States are the real problem they can never allow themselves to live a modest life because, like everything I’ve seen in my life, I had to leave jobs because of corporate corruption.

Lock you into weird contracts or compromised job situations and I would walk off.

The same thing during covid-19 fake pandemic there were people with money who could walk away from their jobs not risking their lives at all.

I was a person with no money or family members who would help me it was always God who made way for me to exit a job.

Today I’m retired helping my kids when they get into a jam.
I can hardly wait for the lord to arrive even if it means I to where to be destroyed.

Every day I can see why God takes so long because many more people need to be saved and awakened before the end comes.

Many people were alive during Noah’s time 6-9 billion people yet only 8 survivors

Reply to  John
4 months ago

Exactly, we seem to be in the birth pains described in Matthew 24:8, heading quickly toward the Tribulation.

Reply to  John
4 months ago

The Bible doesn’t say what number perished in the flood, no doubt it was a very great number-perhaps the figures you quote may be near the mark!
Like you, I went down the homeschool route when I realised the state education system was corrupt, or even private schools-the big wake up for me is when I had the revelation that evolution is a satanic lie.
I went on the ACE system (American, not perfect by any means-but a whole LOT better!).

Reply to  John
4 months ago

How someone can admit that they take the Bible (or other religious texts) literally and expect to be taken seriously by anyone with a scientific background is astounding to me. They are metaphorical texts and propaganda come ancient psy-ops. All those waiting for a saviour will probably be very disappointed.

4 months ago

Excellent reflection on what is going on. I did not know it was written by Vernon Coleman, aka “The old man in the chair” that I used to watch on YouTube during the convid scamdemic, before he was censored. He was correct then, and he is correct now.

4 months ago

In the U.S. our system of federalism has blunted much of the climate insanity that is happening in the UK and Europe.
And despite the horrific inflation (by U.S. standards), gasoline, diesel and food prices are not rising as they have been and there are few shortages .
Our government has not been able to implement the draconian policies that are crippling Europe, so far.
But if Biden is reelected???

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Donita Forrest
Donita Forrest
4 months ago

The farmers have the solution – it’s “Animal Farm” effluent. Useful for spraying on everything WEF & WHO, woke & left. Let the spraying continue. Turn their ultra exclusive privileged pig-pen world into shit. And chase them down the road and out of Commonwealth countries currently under their occupation & duress. Everywhere that the Nazi Klaus Schwab goes, everything he touches, eats & has access to, including his associates, should be drenched in liquid manure. The French Farmers did this days ago over taxes – it’s just the beginning. This is the time when the “💩” hits the fan and the blowback begins. It’s do or die on the road of no return.

4 months ago

Dr Vernon Coleman says that there will be no more cheap imports from China. Please could he or anyone else explain why to me?

Reply to  Karen
4 months ago

Because there is an economic, global war going on for the influence and domination of superpowers.
This whole quagmire and artificial crisis was caused by Washington’s corrupt morons.
Moreover, the US government imbeciles and FBI and CIA psychopaths, who are constantly plotting and starting wars in sovereign countries, know perfectly well that they are going to the bottom of the cesspool, and their sick system will not survive, even when they close the borders and the possibility of normal life for nations and work,
thanks to which people could get rich and develop.
All this, also throughout Europe, is seething with the nations being pissed off at these political fuckers.
These bastards will do anything to save their perverted asses, and closing state borders and eliminating free trade, and thus total control of societies,
is their priority.
Unfortunately, they probably didn’t foresee one thing – that when people get really pissed off, they will simply trample them and hang them.
The global cesspool is yet to come to an end, but the stench that will spread everywhere will be devastating.

CG Raines
CG Raines
4 months ago

As to the countries where the rich are moving to, I have no idea but I would pick those on the deagle list, or rather at the very end of the list of those whose populations actually increase and not decrease like most of the western nations. If I remember right, there were a handful in Asia and a few in Central America and South america. Look up on the way back machine the deagle depopulation 2025 forecast, and go to the end of that list and see which countries have the population increase. It’s not much of an increase but on the other hand it doesn’t seem to go down like those in the first part of the list.

4 months ago

They are all going to Hawaii and New Zealand… and some will, no doubt, end up in Antarctica, where they’ve been checking out the facilities for a few years now…

Reply to  Alan
4 months ago

Just in time for the volcanic eruptions, quakes and tsunamis! Ring-side seats!

4 months ago

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