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This Is The End

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In his latest video, Dr. Vernon Coleman describes the dirty tricks used to make life miserable and difficult for both him and his wife.

“What’s happened to us is significant because it shows, quite vividly, how desperate they are to suppress the truth about the fake pandemic, about the flu known as covid, about vaccines and about their terrifying plan,” he said.

“The enemy will do anything to suppress the truth.”

He concludes his video: “The long-term toll has begun to show and I’m going to take time off from writing for my website and making videos to try to look after my wife. Her last hospital consultation was, as usual, by telephone and lasted about the same time as a wrong number. She needs more. And maybe the trolls will put their energy and anonymous courage into fighting governments and conspirators by making their own videos. Or maybe they’ll prefer to continue sniping from the shadows.”

Vernon Coleman: This Is The End, 24 January 2024 (28 mins)

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If you would prefer to watch the video then click HERE (if this link does not work, please go to Bitchute and search for ‘Vernon Coleman’, scroll down until you see my video called “This is the End”).

I’m told that rich, posh people put their children down for Eton before they are born – probably before they are conceived. Well, these days, we have to make an appointment to see a doctor before we fall ill and an appointment for an ambulance before we need one. And you have to book a heating engineer well before the central heating boiler breaks down. I forgot to fix a breakdown appointment when we had hot radiators and hot water so we’ve been freezing for ages and we’re likely to stay freezing – probably until the summer, if we get one this year. After last year’s cold, nasty summer I can’t remember what sunshine feels like. Hence the hat, scarf and gloves I’m afraid. Oh, how I wish someone would invent some way to warm up the planet.

Actually, the failure of our boiler is more interesting than you might think.

As you doubtless know birds won’t roost near to the 5G transmitters which have been erected all over the world. We used to have a parliament of crows living in trees close to our house. A transmitter was put up in the lane recently and the crows have moved house. At the same time, workmen in a plain van appeared and spent two days digging up our lane. There didn’t seem to be a reason

Within weeks of this happening our phones stopped working, our wi-fi became so erratic that it takes hours to put up articles and videos on our already heavily attacked sites, our TV and DVD player remote controls stopped working, our freezer broke, our cooker gave up the ghost and, yes, you’ve guessed it, our boiler stopped working due to an electronic problem of some kind. Oh, and the car’s electronics went on holiday. And we’ve both had worrying and slightly mysterious headaches. Coincidence? I think not. I don’t believe in them these days. The dirty tricks get dirtier.

Stuff like this – and far, far worse – has been happening to us for years. I’ve been banned and suppressed for decades. Twice I’ve been subjected to extensive tax investigations and on both occasions, they gave me refunds because they found I’d overpaid.

But things have got far worse in the last four years. And what’s happened to us is significant because it shows, quite vividly, how desperate they are to suppress the truth about the fake pandemic, about the flu known as covid, about vaccines and about their terrifying plan.

Last week I was hacked so often that one day alone I had to change email addresses and passwords four times and eventually began to lose track of reality. I’ve had to dump a laptop and an iPad because they were invaded by one of those keystroke programs. We had a private server that had to be ditched. And the lies on Google and Wikipedia have been as damaging as they were intended. Someone we trusted, and paid well, to help us turned out to be employed by the enemy. His ruthless deceits, endless lies, manipulations and fraudulent behaviour were beyond anything I’ve ever come across before. He came with what appeared to be impeccable connections.

The enemy will do anything to suppress the truth. After I was banned from YouTube, I moved to what was then known as BrandNewTube where the boss was told to dump my channel or else. He bravely refused so the “or else” happened and my videos and the entire platform went down. One of my websites – – had to be closed after a mole got in and we couldn’t tell what was damaged.

It’s no fun and to be honest it’s getting a little tiring. Still, we’re fighting a war and it’s what happens in a war. Read my book ‘Truth Teller: The Price’ to find out more about how they’ve hidden the facts.

It’s January 2024 and this is video number 334.

It was in February 2020 on my website that I first questioned the official threats being made about covid. Since then, I’ve lost count of the number of bizarre claims and threats that have been made.

Back in the summer of 2021, health professionals were told they had a responsibility to actively encourage pregnant women to get vaccinated against covid-19. The official enthusiasm was shared by fashionable media doctors with expensive haircuts, journalists keen to catch the approving eye of the Government and people who knew nothing whatsoever about pregnant women or vaccines but who could recognise a profitable bandwagon at 500 yards.

I immediately wrote that I didn’t agree. That was in August 2021

I said I believed that health professionals had a responsibility to stop giving this experimental jab. And I pointed out that the covid jab was an injection that didn’t do what most people thought it did. And I reminded readers that I had revealed back in 2020 (before the jab roll-out began) that the so-called vaccine produced a massive number of dangerous side effects. I was the first doctor in the world to draw attention to the dangers. They faked a disease, they faked a test and they faked a cure. I warned about heart and brain problems and blood clotting in 2020.

I warned that no one knew what would happen to those who are injected with it.

“Will it have an effect on the pregnant woman, on parturition or on the health of the baby?” I asked.

I pointed out that no one knew because the vaccine was experimental.

“Will it affect the fertility of the newborn baby?” I asked.

I pointed out that no one knew because the vaccine was experimental.

“Will it affect the physical or mental health of the baby in one year or twelve years?” I asked.

I pointed out that no one knew because the vaccine was experimental.

I reminded readers of my website that in January 2021, the World Health Organisation had recommended that pregnant women should not be given the covid-19 experimental jab.

It was agreed that there was not enough safety data. Pregnant women had not been enrolled in the initial trials.

There was also real doubt about whether it would be safe to give the jab to women who were breastfeeding.

So why were women officially told that they should have the jab?

I reported then that I had hunted around and that although I had seen a good deal of published material, I had still not seen adequate, conclusive clinical evidence telling us what might (or might not) happen to pregnant women and their unborn babies. I reported that I had been unable to find any evidence proving to my satisfaction that the covid-19 jab was safe to be given to pregnant women. I reported, however, that I had seen a massive amount of information showing that the covid-19 vaccine was associated with thousands of deaths and millions of significant adverse events and that the warnings I had issued in 2020 were accurate.

My conclusion remained that no one should be given this experimental vaccine. “I certainly would not give this jab to a pregnant woman or a woman expecting to become pregnant,” I said.

And I pointed out that we should never forget that it is not up to those of us questioning the efficacy or safety of a medicine or injection to prove that it is dangerous. It is up to the promoters of that medicine to prove that it is safe. And they haven’t and they can’t prove that the covid-19 jab is, or will be, safe for pregnant women, for children or, indeed, for anyone.

For the record, I pointed out that I had been writing about drug interactions and adverse events for well over 50 years and that although I was probably the most experienced doctor in this field in the world, I had been banned by all mainstream media and most of the internet.

Now, it’s 2024 and women who are pregnant, or who have just had a baby, are dying in worrying numbers.

Between 2020 and 2022 a total of 293 women died in the UK while pregnant or within 42 days of the end of their pregnancy. That’s a maternal death rate of 13.41 per 100,000.

And it’s a massive rise from the 8.79 deaths per 100,000 which occurred in the previous years.

The main cause of death was thrombosis or thromboembolism. Heart problems also occurred.

The medical establishment is puzzled.

“What on earth could be the cause?” they ask.

“Could it be poor health?” they ask.

“Could these women be dying because they are obese?” they ask.

“Or do women need better care during pregnancy?” they ask.


It seems to me that these women are dying because they were given the covid-19 jab – which is known to cause blood problems.

I think you’d have to be an idiot – or bought and paid for – to disagree.

Back in 2020, I warned repeatedly that this would happen. I repeatedly said that pregnant women in particular should not be given this jab.

No one listened. Everyone in the medical profession and the media sneered and simply banned me. Doctors with media exposure insisted that the covid-19 jab was perfectly safe for adults, children and pregnant women. Journalists with no experience and no knowledge announced to the world that the vaccine was safe for pregnant women. Bought and paid for fact-checkers did what they were told and announced that the covid-19 jab was the safest product ever made – perfectly safe for everyone. How many people are going to die as a result of all the lies?

Back in 2020 – and it’s 2024 now – I warned that there would be an epidemic of heart disease, strokes and cancer recurrences. The medical establishment sneered. Today, the medical establishment professes itself puzzled by the epidemic of heart disease, strokes and cancer – and the massive number of unexplained sudden deaths among young people. The Bangkok Post attacked me viciously in 2020, today they’re warning about the covid vaccine problems. Never forget, by the way, that it isn’t that long ago that the medical establishment was recommending smoking as a good remedy for a weak chest. I could give you dozens of other examples showing that the establishment has always been on the wrong side of the medical science.

I also warned that covid vaccine injuries would be blamed on covid-19 (the rebranded flu). I have to admit, however, that part of me didn’t think that the public would fall for such outrageous propaganda; sadly, I underestimated just how gullible and unthinking the mass of people are. The other day, for example, I overheard two women in a shop talking about a neighbour’s teenage son who was in hospital with myocarditis. One of them said: “It was covid-19 that caused myocarditis even though he had been fully vaccinated against it.”

The videos in which I warned about the dangers of the vaccine were banned everywhere, so millions have, like that woman been deceived and deprived of truths.

But there is now no other logical explanation.

When, oh when, is someone in the medical establishment and the mainstream media going to understand that the covid-19 jab is lethal?

The answer I fear is: “Probably never.”

Because the truth is too damned inconvenient.

So, what is the plan? What – apart from unending wars, mass starvation and broken economies – will 2024 bring?

We know that the covid jab wrecks the human immune system, we knew it would do that from the beginning. We know that people who’ve been jabbed are more vulnerable to a range of infections. We know the side effects are often lethal or damaging, and it seems likely that the epidemic of sudden or unexpected deaths among previously healthy people can be blamed on this toxic and useless invention.

We can only speculate about what else this dangerous experimental substance might do.

At least one expert, a German pathologist, has uncovered evidence showing that the spike protein produced by the covid mRNA jabs is replacing sperm in men who have been vaccinated. Just what impact this will have on fertility, and population growth among the vaccinated, is a subject for research which will probably never be done. Add this problem to the feminisation of men caused by female hormones in drinking water and you can see how the conspirators are planning to reduce the number of women becoming pregnant.

And don’t forget other research has shown problems with the ovaries in women.

What else is there?

Well, one possibility (just a wild guess) is that the covid injection will interact in some way with subcutaneous implants used as part of the proposed digital ID system.

My suspicion has, for a long time, been that the covid jab was merely a test to try out some form of weapon system.

And here’s another possibility.

Billionaires and scientists have been vaccinating animals from over 100 different species with a variety of jabs – including the experimental covid-19 vaccine. One set of researchers actually said, I promise you, that animals “volunteered.”

And now animals are falling ill with terrifying symptoms.

There’s a real possibility that humans injected with the covid-19 jab may develop similar symptoms. I can’t tell you that will happen but no one can tell you it won’t.

And, as I warned years ago, I have little doubt that within the next year or so there will be a huge number of deaths from heart disease and circulatory problems.

These deaths will be blamed on the lockdowns (which did, as I warned in April 2020, have a very damaging effect on health care) and, in the UK, on strikes by doctors and nurses.

The vaccines will, of course, be ignored as a risk factor – even though I warned about these very problems well over THREE years ago – giving solid evidence for my warnings.

And there’s another very serious problem with the so-called covid-19 vaccine. Normally, Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease – CJD – takes years to develop in humans, but scientific papers have been produced showing that CJD developed a few days after the covid-19 jab had been given. Numerous other cases have appeared with many of those being diagnosed within months of being jabbed and many of those who were diagnosed, died quite quickly. You will not be surprised that I warned about the risks of this type of brain disease back in 2020, and nor will you be surprised that I was universally mocked by doctors, journalists, so-called fact-checkers and miscellaneous trolls.

You would have to be certifiably insane to allow yourself to be jabbed with the covid-19 so-called vaccine. And you have to be homicidal to give it. The evidence proving that this garbage isn’t fit for purpose is utterly overwhelming. And yet, of course, no one will debate its value with me. That tells you everything. The mainstream media just builds lies on top of lies. The other day I saw a headline predicting that a new strain of covid will kill 100% of those it infects. Why not 200% of those it infects? It’s sheer lunacy. But it’s official lunacy.

I fear that in a year or two (or even earlier) governments everywhere (aided and abetted by the Gates-controlled WHO) will announce that a new, even deadlier virus has been isolated. Indeed, they’re already practising the scaremongering with a warning about an imaginary disease which they have invented. The disease, named as Disease X, was promoted as if it were real, with mainstream media headlines reading “World leaders gather over Disease X threat that could kill 20 x more than covid.” They were, of course, gathering in Davos – which has been the official address of Hell for some decades now.

The only question is: why, since Disease X is entirely imaginary, did the WHO limit itself to suggesting that it could kill 20 x more than covid? Why not 1,000 times more than covid? If you’re going to make up diseases, why not be more imaginative?

And, inevitably, a new “vaccine” will be promoted with tremendous enthusiasm.

Next time round, it’s possible that people who are vaccinated with the “new jab” could be dead within five years at most – especially if their bodies and immune systems were buggered by the covid jab.

Does that sound insane, to you?

Just remember please, that in my book ‘Coming Apocalypse’ which was published in April 2020 – nearly four years ago – I predicted the compulsory vaccine programmes, digitalisation and the slaughter of the elderly.

Check out my predictions for the last four years. I stand by everything I’ve said in over 300 videos, several books and thousands of articles for my website. But telling the truth and publishing evidence has resulted in increasingly vicious bans and endless lies. And my entire history has been rewritten by the CIA and other government agencies.

And still the British Covid Inquiry refuses to allow me to give evidence in an expensive inquiry which merely takes evidence from people who got everything wrong. There is no accountability and the lawyers are not interested in knowing why I got everything right and the government and the medical establishment got everything dangerously, predictably wrong.

YouTube, the BBC and the rest of the media are responsible for genocide by fake news; their staffs will be immortalised for their betrayals and treachery.

YouTube, incidentally, was so determined to destroy me that they went back and deleted TV programmes of mine which were 20, 30 and even 40 years old. I’ve been warning about impending fascism and medical malpractice for decades but none of those old programmes they deleted had anything to do with covid or global warming. They presumably deleted them out of spite and to try to destroy my reputation so that my attacks on the lies would be ignored. And Wikipedia removed the pages which dealt with my books about Bilbury – set in the 1970s – and my four novels about Mrs Caldicot. What on earth, what was that for?

Meanwhile, the mainstream media is starting to give space and time to doctors and nurses who originally promoted the covid jab with enthusiasm but who are now, belatedly and at no risk to themselves, sharing their fears about the safety of the vaccine. Don’t trust any of them. These charlatans and false prophets made tons of money out of covid-19, but once the next scare begins they’ll show their true colours by siding with the conspirators, globalists and scaremongers again.

And now they’re promoting the measles vaccine, and the flu vaccine and the shingles vaccine and warning about disease X which is going to kill everyone unless we get vaccinated. I always warned that covid was merely a trial run to make people scared and compliant. The medical establishment won’t ever debate vaccination programmes even when there is no evidence that a vaccine is effective and plenty of evidence proving that it is dangerous and can do more harm than good. Debate and discussion are banned and anyone who asks questions is punished, vilified and destroyed. If they were confident that they were right you’d imagine that they would want to debate with me so that they could prove I was wrong. But they know I’m right and they’re wrong so they refuse to debate covid, vaccination or any of the important issues.

The establishment now talks about the covid virus having originated in a Chinese lab so that was obviously a lie – as it always was. When the establishment and the mainstream media start agreeing about something then it’s a pretty safe bet that it’s a lie. The morbidity and mortality figures prove beyond doubt that covid was merely the remarketed flu. They blamed Wuhan to make people think covid was truly lethal – and to get us prepared for a war with China, the next phase of World War III.

When you realise that governments around the world want to reduce their country’s population and don’t want the people travelling anywhere, then everything they do appears to make sense. They want us all impoverished – that’s why they’re destroying the global economy – and they don’t want you to own anything. In Britain, more and more people are supporting assisted suicide, which is a bit like turkeys voting for Christmas. No doubt, the government has seen how well Canada is doing at reducing their population with legalised assisted suicide that they want to introduce it here too. Is the plan to make people as miserable as possible so that they will queue up outside these death clinics to kill themselves? How long will it be before they say that it’s the duty of the over 70s to kill themselves to relieve the burden on health care then handing those who don’t comply white feathers for cowardice? Then that age will be reduced to 60 then 50 and so on. Don’t think that can happen? Then you have underestimated just how evil the powers that should not be truly are.

I once had books published in 26 languages. Now I have no foreign publishers and although I’ve sold over three million books in the UK alone, you won’t find any of my books in British bookshops these days. And there are eight foreign publishers who don’t even send me royalties they owe on books which they sold. I used to be one of the highest paid newspaper columnists but today I’m totally, completely and utterly banned. Editors have been instructed not to speak to me. I refused to monetise my videos or website because I didn’t want to be contaminated by adverts but I’m beginning to think that was maybe a mistake. The Royal Society of Arts expelled me and I’m universally attacked as an alleged discredited conspiracy theorist for the 21st century crime of telling the truth.

For years now I have been the most banned doctor in the world but no one, no one, has found any errors in over 300 videos, thousands of articles and a number of books. Unqualified, teenage fact-checkers, employed by governments and lobbyists have tried and have lied, but have failed to find any errors. I’m banned from all social media but they allow fake sites in my name to continue – and they refuse to remove them. Some of these fake sites have thousands of so-called followers.

I’ve been banned, suppressed, oppressed and libelled for the very modern sin of telling the truth. Early in 2020, my videos were regularly watched by millions. That quickly changed. Today, it’s difficult to find my website or my videos. I never monetised my videos or my websites and my income has been devastated and our lives have been destroyed. Tradesmen won’t come to the house. I’ve had one pointless and absurd threatened lawsuit which was no more than a time-wasting nuisance. Deep cuts were made in two car tyres – presumably in the hope that we’d have a serious crash. The price they charge for honesty these days is a high one.

I’ve told you all this for one reason only: so that you understand just how evil the enemy really is; so that you understand how utterly desperate they are to keep everything secret. They won’t discuss or debate what they do. I’ve made dozens of challenges which have all been ignored. The medical establishment and the mainstream media are now owned by very ruthless people. And they’re determined to stamp on the truth and anyone daring to expose their lies.

The future looks bleaker by the day. Social credit is almost here. The Bank of England is introducing its own crypto currency this year. Banks are closing with frightening speed. Anyone wanting to travel to the EU will, from October, have to be fingerprinted and photographed – just like a criminal or slave.

In the four years since we started to expose this fraud, we’ve been demonised, attacked and ruined. My wife Antoinette, who was still recovering from surgery for cancer, was not well when we started but she’s been enormously brave – especially when the threats were coming thick and fast. For a couple of years, we kept walkie talkie radios with us so that we could communicate with each other if one of us thought we heard a noise in the house. We’re both Christians but we seriously considered a suicide pact.

However, the long-term toll has begun to show and I’m going to take time off from writing for my website and making videos to try to look after my wife. Her last hospital consultation was, as usual, by telephone and lasted about the same time as a wrong number. She needs more. And maybe the trolls will put their energy and anonymous courage into fighting governments and conspirators by making their own videos. Or maybe they’ll prefer to continue sniping from the shadows.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us. You’ve kept us going for four years – and longer. Please share this with everyone you know or don’t know.

Please remember you are not alone. More and more people are waking up. And once they’re awake they don’t go back to sleep.

Distrust the Government, avoid mass media and fight the lies.

And thank you for watching an old man in a chair.

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3 months ago

God bless you Vernon Coleman. You have been in the front line of this war throughout. Your courage is amazing.
My prayers for your wife and hope she recovers soon.

Reply to  mcc
3 months ago

Yes, may he and all the other truth warriors, who are also being attacked in the same way as Dr. Coleman, be BLESSED WITH a bright white light of protection. THE TRUTH WILL NEVER BE SUPPRESSED — it will seep out of every crevice and find the LIGHT. They think the truth will be suppressed by attacking people like Dr. Coleman — but people are waking up like popcorn popping from the bottom all the way to the truth at the top and NOTHING — I repeat NOTHING — can stop it!!

raj patel
raj patel
3 months ago

Meanwhile, NHS staff arrange for their family/friends to jump the queue for operations and get face to face appointments.

Reply to  raj patel
3 months ago

Crikey.. I’ve been out of the Covid loop for a while and was wondering if this info come from an NHSX whistleblower.? Thanks.

Dawn Blackamore
Dawn Blackamore
3 months ago

Dear Dr Coleman, I am so sorry to hear all that is being done to destroy you. I can very much relate to that. I would love to be of service to you and your lovely wife if you need someone to visit you. My details are with the

God bless you both!

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Dawn Blackamore
3 months ago

Dawn Blackamore,
That is very nice of you to offer to help.
Where does Dr Coleman live.
Hope he and wife recover with help from Jesus.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Dave Owen
3 months ago

Hi Dawn Blackamore,
Dr Coleman may live in Bilbury Village, Devon.
Or may be in France.
Any more information. You may be right, he may need help.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Dawn Blackamore
3 months ago

Hi Dawn Blackamore,
Have you had any reply yet.
Dr Vernon Coleman is married to Donna Antoinette.
There must be some reader who knows them.
Keep on asking.

3 months ago

May Father God bless and restore you Vernon and your beloved wife.
I pray that you are both held safe, in good health and protected, and that no harm ever comes near your tent.
I cannot imagine the fortitude and resilience that you have needed through all of these years, to keep enduring amidst all of the attacks, censoring, slander and defaming of you impeccable character.
You are a true WARRIOR and an incredible example to us all.
It’s time to come back into balance, back to yourself, your beautiful wife, family, friends and those you love.
You have given the world your very best, the TRUTH, and for this we are truly grateful. God bless and take care…

ezza kezza
ezza kezza
3 months ago

This is terribly sad, my heart goes out to Vernon and his lovely wife who has stayed by his side all this time.
I am so very sorry to hear the toll this has taken – I freak out if I put up a post that has slight pushback.
I can only imagine…. God keep you both, and may your true eternal reward be worth the fight you have fought on this earth.

3 months ago

God bless us in this battle against evil, Some yearsc ago the late Queen mentioned dark forces and they appear stronger at trhe present but courage to us all Brin.

Marko Anderson
Marko Anderson
Reply to  brinsleyjenkins
3 months ago

My understanding is, that the whole gang of “royalty” are the darkest bunch, in the darkness.
Look into Charles, his Father, his family and friends. Deep dark secrets, beginning with pedophelia, and going DOWNWARD from there.


Chris C
Chris C
3 months ago

To a cold man in a chair, rest well and well done Dr Vernon Coleman for being a paragon of truth during the past 4 years of lies by our governments.

Not only have our governments lied to us 24/7 but they have censored the truth and censored debate while committing omnicide globally, which is 4 different things but all contributing to the demise of humanity.

This is not fair that so few of us are having to fight for the rights of the thankless many.
We need to wake up EVERYONE to the truth, or the evil cabal will just keep using the brainwashed masses to implement their demonic plans.

We need to flood every public space every day with leaflets explaining the truth, to counteract the daily MSM propaganda that perpetuates the lies, leaving them and sticking them EVERYWHERE until we win.

Compatible printing ink is cheap on eBay, so anyone and everyone with a printer can participate in this spiritual war, and as Dr Vernon suggests, MAKE YOUR OWN VIDEOS to spread the truth.

chez guevara
chez guevara
Reply to  Chris C
3 months ago

In the past, the oppressed rose up and killed their oppressors. Today you print out leaflets and make videos. This is why you are in the position you are in.

Chris C
Chris C
Reply to  chez guevara
3 months ago

You cannot compare the past with the present because in the past most of the people were united and we had the numbers to rise up, as with revolutions.

During recent decades especially the past 4 years people have been divided, terrorized and brainwashed by the cabal’s MSM and governments infiltrated by the WEF etc.

So we cannot rise up until we have sufficient numbers of renegades who are not only awake but willing to ACT together to regain control of everything.
Therefore any methods of spreading the truth in this information war are absolutely necessary, because just a few people killing a few of the oppressors will make no difference.

Ben Saunders
Ben Saunders
Reply to  Chris C
3 months ago

Most people in the past were not united. They were exactly the same as today – looking out for number one. As it is, you could argue that most people are united together on the other side from you and that you are the ones that aren’t united.

If you want to spread the truth and ACT then you should be talking about arming yourself and revolution, not endlessly repeating the same stuff that never comes to pass, and that even if it did would be irrelevant if you were actually going to rise up.

Most of the people in your world have forgotten about most of the things you go on about, just as they’ve forgotten about Iraq, 9/11 and all the rest of it. It all looks like people looking to make money from donations and their handful of supporters who just won’t let it go.

Personally, I’m all for revolution, but not an internet revolution, which is as pointless as voting.

Reply to  Ben Saunders
3 months ago

whats stopping you then

Ben Saunders
Ben Saunders
Reply to  mcc
3 months ago

What’s stopping you? The fact is that most people in your world want to be slaves and as long as they keep getting their child benefit and pensions payouts they’ll let everyone else go hang.

Chris C
Chris C
Reply to  Ben Saunders
3 months ago

Brave words, but here in the UK how do you expect us to rise up (as you and chez suggest) by “arming yourselves”?

I don’t see any armed resistance in the USA where people have weapons, against the cabal who are using threats and force via police/military to oppress the population that is now close to living in a global concentration camp.

In countries where we have just bows and arrows, we need to win this as a “spiritual infowar” allied with physically removing the bad apples from office and replacing them.

3 months ago

This will no doubt be voted down (LOL) but:

Most of what he says about himself is “normal” (normal in your world), and so not him being targetted. No healthcare is usual (especially in britain). No heating is usual for millions (I’ve had no heating for 8 years). Getting cancer (they’re old people, old people get cancer, it’s the number one killer if I remember right).

The stuff about 5G. Why, pray tell, does it only affect him and a handful of other people that make money from website posting? His freezer, boiler and cooker all died because of it? Has yours? Have those of anyone you know?

He HAS been obliterated on the internet by the overlords, but that’s because he speaks out against them. It’s not like he’s unusual in that either.

All that stuff about being “hacked” etc is nonsense. All these people think they’re being hacked all the time. “I’ve had to dump a laptop and an iPad because they were invaded by one of those keystroke programs. We had a private server that had to be ditched.” All he had to do was restore from backup. But he apparently threw them away. It speaks volumes about his knowledge about computers. Hacking, as he calls it, is nigh on impossible these days for many reasons (linux is impenetrable and even windows is locked down by default). So the chances of him being hacked are nigh on zero, especially across multiple devices.

The vaccines and “covid”. Yes, the vaccines are poison, but no one is dying from them except some here and some there. There is no depopulation is there? If you think there is, then show where. You can’t.

Instead, just downvote and run. I almost care.

Reply to  shaun
3 months ago

Another Troll who almost cares? Well we care a great deal even fo those who wont even care for themselves or others.

chez guevara
chez guevara
Reply to  brinsleyjenkins
3 months ago

Everyone you disagree with is a troll. It’s the basis of community and “caring”.

just saying
just saying
Reply to  shaun
3 months ago

That wearing a hat and coat – he’s rich (he has servers, he lives in a private lane, he talks about trees in his garden, etc) – so why doesn’t he buy a heater? It smells of “pity me” and give me money.

raj patel
raj patel
Reply to  shaun
3 months ago

You obviously don’t know much about IT and security when you state “Hacking, as he calls it, is nigh on impossible these days for many reasons (linux is impenetrable and even windows is locked down by default).” I’ve worked in IT engineering for over 35 years and can assure you that no operating system is impenetrable. Did you know that even back in the 90s, the software houses, such as Lotus Development who sold the most popular spreadsheet (1-2-3), had to give the US government access to their encryption key so they could decrypt any content encrypted by Lotus customers. With regard to Covid vaccines, I have personal evidence of over 20 people in my close network who have either died or have serious adverse effects from the Covid jab including a teenage daughter. They were all in perfect health prior to having the jab. In my street, 3 neighbours have died within 3 months of strokes and aggressive tumours post covid jab.

Ben Saunders
Ben Saunders
Reply to  raj patel
3 months ago

Eh? You say that nothing is impenetrable then you use an example that says in the 90s spreadsheets were impenetrable. Make your mind up. The person you replied to said hacking was nigh on impossible, which it is. If it weren’t, almost all computers and networks in the world would be compromised, which they obviously aren’t. According to “experts” like you, almost all compromised systems are compromised from the inside. Do you think coleman compromised his own computers?

I don’t believe your covid stories. Sorry. Where are all the dead? I just bet you’ll say the gov are covering it up. Where are all the people saying stuff like you said? There should be millions posting all over the world. There should be protests everywhere. Instead, there’s nothing. Just marches by millionaire farmers because they’re getting less money from the taxpayer. Remember when people were dying from the jabs? You couldn’t move for people saying they or someone they knew had been injured or killed. Hardly anyone is jabbed now. None of the rich were ever jabbed. So there’s no one to die from it. Yes, I read what you said, but I don’t see millions of others backing it up. Do you?

Chris C
Chris C
Reply to  Ben Saunders
3 months ago

The official data from New Zealand from Barry Young, mirrored worldwide, may answer some of your questions!

Reply to  Ben Saunders
3 months ago

All of my older family have been wiped out post jab within 18 months, plus older clients all with similar outcomes. Barry Youngs information is correct, there were and are clusters of worse batches, I even think certain people’s were targeted.

Reply to  Ben Saunders
3 months ago

Do you live on the moon?No you’re just a troll. Did you not see the athletes and kids dropping dead during sports? Did you not see the ‘died suddenly’ items on neswpapers that have exploded since 2021. I have several students, neighbours, colleagues, family of friends who got turbo cancer, my own family brother and sister wo had horrid adverse effects after the jab because they would not listen to me. Myocarditis, heavy menstrual bleeding, many pancreatic cancers, suddenly unable to walk, gasto-intestinal problems, and svere ones too .

Reply to  aida
3 months ago

Just to confirm the same symptoms, Father and Uncle both lost the use of their legs suddenly and also around the same time a client of mine too.

Reply to  Ben Saunders
3 months ago

Go on Telegram and type adverse effects or covid anything and you will get the date! But I am sure you’re either trolling or havig had the jab don’t want to see the evidence, if the latter case, I am sorry for you!

Reply to  shaun
3 months ago

Actually yes, I have also had strange headaches this past week or two. Electrics in my mums car went weird. If it’s impossible to hack why are they teaching ethical hacking in the universities right now. Hackers don’t seem to think it’s impossible. He is older so of course he doesn’t know huge amounts about technology. Do your parents or grandparents? (Not sure how old you are). They are definitely going after the old and the disabled I would say!. since Covid they hardly do anything for disabled kids in hospitals these days I hear from many friends on Facebook. How many fit healthy athletes are dropping down, and relatively young or middle aged people, the rates have gone way up if you look at the data I’m afraid. Vernon was one of the first people I listened to during this whole plandemic, and he has been correct about everything. Thank goodness for Vernon. Thank goodness I didn’t take or give my family the v. my partner unfortunately took one jab as he’s a paramedic, but no more after I showed him some stuff. do you think he was busy during Covid? No it was like a holiday to him. A&E the quietest it’s ever been, how do you think all these nurses had time to do all the tik tok videos. Just look at the ONS data, it’s risen dramatically.
thank you Vernon for all that you have done, I’ve loved reading many of your books, and I’m sad to hear you’re not going to do more at moment and that you’re struggling, it really isn’t fair people like you get all the backlash and the corrupt idiots get all the accolades. it sounds like you need a break however so wishing you all good health and thanks for waking me up a little more. Though I was a little suspicious about vaccines before hand. thank goodness for you speaking out very early on in your pandemic so many who believed you were saved from all the nonsense and dangerous gene therapy. I never wore a mask, didn’t take any vaccines, I lost a few friends and a lot of extended family members unfortunately didn’t listen. Though some are now.
Wishing you all the best and good health.
Many thanks

Doris Kleinbeck
Doris Kleinbeck
Reply to  shaun
3 months ago

Shaun, you must have lived under a rock for years

Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
3 months ago

If ever there were a medical doctor truly deserving of the Nobel Prize for Medicine, it is Dr. Vernon Coleman. He has delivered more knockout punches to the heads of Nazi eugenicist mRNA bioweapons mass murderers as “an old man in a chair” than renowned power-punching heavyweight boxer Mike Tyson landed on his opponents in his prime…

Thank you profoundly, Dr. Vernon Coleman.

3 months ago

We are living through a perioud where everything and everyone of good intent is being attacked on some level. We need to hang tough and keep the faith alive within. Events will swing round of their own accord over the next couple of years now thanks to the work of people like Vernon and many others besides.

3 months ago

Mr Coleman you are a hero, go on with your good work..

3 months ago

Dr. Vernon Coleman, I purchased an emergency kit from the wellness co.. Dr. Peter McCullough is one of the drs involved. It contains ampicillin, doxycycline, an oral anti fungal, ivermectin. It was not cheap. Many mds in the USA are now prescribing ivermectin and hcq.

The state of New Hampshire has a bill to ban Chen trails in the state.

Dr. Joseph Ladapo, Surgeon General, for the state of Fl has asked for the immediate halt of mRNA covid injections.

People are waking up. Just found out today, my next door neighbour, severely I’ll post vaxx with transverse myelitis has just been dx with CA. My neighbour on the other side has now had two years of Tx for ovarian CA which appeared post vaxx.

The picture is gloomy, individually we do not have much power, but there are so many throughout the world fighting for the truth.

As always thank you. I only wish I could meet you personally go shake your hand and offer help. God bless you and your wife and all of humanity.

luc de waen
luc de waen
3 months ago

a true hero

Alan Drobnak
Alan Drobnak
3 months ago

When you are over the target you get attacked. Thank you for your endless efforts in publishing the truth.

3 months ago

Dear Dr. Coleman,

You see me dismayed that these targeted attacks, increasingly obvious to honest persons who dare to denounce these world wide official criminals and their policies.

I will pray for your and your wife’s health despite our rotten Health System.

Here are the comments I’ve sent to a Swedish targeted victim wo is also freezing.

Take good care of yourself as well as your dear wife.

Jan 23
Liked by ValkrieScotDottir
Hello Valkrie!
Tricks and tips used to stay warm from a Canadian cold and damp city.
In order to make your house warmer and more energy efficient you must avoid cold winds entrance and heat loss from windows and doors.
How to identify the main cold air leaks in your house: with an incense stick or a candle. But, in your case if all you can see are frost feathers, here is how to prevent cold winds’ drafts.
Unused floor level doors may be insulated with… snow (efficient trick used for igloos by Inuit people) since cold air mainly enters our houses/apts from the bottom. 
The upper part or the whole door can be sealed with strong plastic, taped or siliconed.*
*Removable or permanent silicone must be applied at +15° C.
For a more lasting and practical insulation, make reusable panels that can be put or removed easily:
First, measure the windows/doors frames (0,25 cm less on each sides for maneuverability.
Some hardware stores are equipped to cut a 121.92 x 243.84 cm by 3-4 cm insulation foam to your windows and doors dimensions. 
Pierce a hole on each sides of the foam at 4 cm (window) or two holes at 4 cm (doors). Take rope, shoe strings, etc. to make lateral handles. 
Buy strong soft plastic sheets to the door(s) dimensions for the outside facing side and put the window foams in a garbage bag (windows), with an overlapping on the four sides. Tape the sides to the foam with duckt tape.
I would also insulate the basement doors and windows for if it’s cold down there your first floor will barely be heated -it doesn’t usually cool more than 0° C if built underground.
Other tips
Heat the living space at daytime (this will automatically warm the bedrooms’ floors) and avoid using the stove/bathroom fans, which draw the heat outside.
Bedrooms doors should remain closed durning the day and rooms warmed only a while before going to bed and through the night, if necessary. Living room heat having moved up during the day, it shouldn’t be too cold.
Hot water in a 2 L soda bottle -microwave oven for 2 min. 
Wrapped in a wool shirt or a towel, it will warm your back, hands, feet or bed for hours. 

Do not use if there are animals (besides humans) in your house: danger of fire hazard. 
Open flame usual recommendations.
Do not leave unattended.
Do not handle with bare hands when still hot/burning.
Avoid mixing different size/height of heating sources.
Make sure the under plate and heating sources are secure and at the level.
Avoid using the heating source directly on cushion or plastic floors; they could melt!

I prefer this assembly because the oven plate will prevent the spills, bricks will secure the heating source while being heated too. Bricks and rocks will release their heat even after the fuel runs out.
You said you burned wood. Put some rocks or bricks under it. Inside a pillow or a towel they will become toe/bed heaters. 

Some people put a metal piece on the hole of the pot to prevent the loss of heat. Others have combined a fan motor inside a bent stove pipe to blow the heat further into the room. 

Use any of the following as fuel in a tin/metal can (better) or fire proof bowl/glass:
Pork shortening 
Vegetable oil 
Fondue fuel (gel is better handled)
Liquid paraffin
Methanol gel
Long life no fumes candles.
Tin can heat source 

Just make sure there is no paper label outside and no plastic (white film) lining inside the can. This plastic film must be burnt with an open flame and removed before usage.

Wick holder for oil and liquid paraffin
A soda bottle the size of your heating source container.
Cut the bottom at 1 cm. This will form a cup.

Pierce one hole in the middle for the insertion of a candle wick or pure cotton shoelace, but remove the plastic ends…
There must be some oil/liquid paraffin on the plastic cup.

Make sure you bring out the wick from time to time, but not more than a few millimeter for it could burn the plastic cup.

Depending on the size of the terracotta pot, you can put one or more HEATING SOURCES OF THE SAME KIND (i.e. cans, glasses, candles), as per the picture in the link.

Crisco minimal heater
Cooking with Terracotta–290482244731491082/

Took me three days to write this comment, from a nordic to another. 
Hope this will be of some help to you or others.

Stay warm and take care.

comment image

Jan 23
Thanks so much for this, I honestly DO appreciate that you took time and effort to share this information with me. ((((((((hug))))))))
About the only thing I had to immediately write off was the sealant…it never gets to 15C here this time of year, temps stay pretty much in the minuses. But it’s something I could have my husband do for *next* year to be ready. I’m about to do the terracotta pot thing today in the bathroom, which is like using a freezer, lol. Even if all it does is take the worst of the cold off that’ll help.
Many thanks again for your kindness. 🙂

comment image

Reply to  Dan
3 months ago

Good advice. here is a safe and cheap way to heat just when needed. It is the Tunisian Kanoun, it is earthenware in which coals can be put and sit aroud it will heat just the room whre it is placed and it is safe as it does not have flames going up.comment image

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
3 months ago

Hi Rhoda,
Brilliant article on Dr Vernon Coleman and his wife.
Any idea what area they live.
Many of us would like to help in some way.
Dawn Blackamore has offered assistance.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
3 months ago

Hi Rhoda,
Thank you for that.
Have seen he may live in Bilbury village, Devon.
Any more information from locals.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
3 months ago

Hi Rhoda,
Back again.
We could not save Janet Ossebaard, but we could try and save an old man in a chair, and his wife.
How about using your contacts, to find where he now lives.

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
3 months ago

I agree!

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
3 months ago

Hi Rhoda,
Back again.
I would agree with you, however Dr Vernon Coleman sounds distressed.
He may not be able to make new decisions.
There must be a reader who has some information of his location.
Do not give up on him, ask people.

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
3 months ago

I agree, I think he will be safer with no one knowing where he lives. he will surely have neighbours or former patients who are grateful who could help.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
3 months ago

Hi Rhoda,
Noticed your article got a mention on Tapnewswire.

3 months ago

[…] – This Is The End: […]

3 months ago

By the Grace of God, I stumbled upon one of Dr. Coleman’s videos when the covid vaccines came out. I was trying to determine if they were safe. My gut said no, but his video definitely sealed it for me! I didn’t allow my husband or children to get vaxed. I sent the video to many people. I tried to warn my extended family but many did not listen, and some are now dealing with health issues. I really appreciate the doctors that are trying to get the truth out. God sees all we are going through and He’s had enough of the evil. He will come through and show His Mighty Hand! Trust in The Lord, this may be a very interesting year!

Dorothy Lenz
Dorothy Lenz
3 months ago

Thank you Dr. Coleman for your wisdom and strength. I will share your video and buy some of your books. You are an inspiration to us all. Evil does not win in the end.

Russell Blaylock, M. D.
Russell Blaylock, M. D.
3 months ago

Absolutely wonderful and all accurate. I have followed Vernon from the beginning. I have written about much of what has happened and all of my research confirmed everything he has said is correct. This is all about depopulation and control and most are like clueless children, and this includes many doctors and almost all medical organization.

B Seidem
B Seidem
3 months ago

Ivermectin has recently been found to kill 15 common cancers. Try it. 50 mg day one and 50 mg day 3, side effect is sleep. Used it twice 1. to kill chestwide inflammation 2. to kill covid. Horse Health worked great.

John Steeples
John Steeples
3 months ago

I know how you feel. the tricks are there playing with human life and injuries to each person is terrific. myself I was looking after myself for 30 years having natural food animals in good condition. Soon as I had them to. injections have gone down I am so tired. All the time. I’ve got asthma a. again after. 30 years. and it’s bad. All the things are going wrong as well. I can’t say how long going to last now. The **** get rid of. Do you should be in court? They should be in prison. This is not right. What you doing to people? This is terrible. How many people? are telling lies about this. All the doctors are lying. Not all of them, but most of them. It’s not good.

3 months ago

My heart goes out to you and your wife in the horrific circumstances you describe. I have actually followed you for years, l used to subscribe to your newsletter when l lived in the UK. Yes everything is being deliberately poisoned and destroyed, we are dealing with truly evil people. I will pray for you both.

3 months ago

Dear, brave, brave Vernon, same for your wife, she is brave as well. What a wonderful, loving couple you are! I read your stories and saw your “short movies” with an open heart, which made me so happy for the encouraging support. I live in the Netherlands, never used a mouth-pamper or toke horrible stuff, did embrace the people that were ok with that, tried to keep people away from stings with poison and payed my price: friends went away, angry people shouting at me and my children won’t see me anymore. But what else can I do besides “not complying” and telling people?
I hope the Light will take over soon, and that the Dark will see what is Love.
Wish you and your wife all the best, all the blessings and all the love there is (and thank God there is still much on this earth).

Reply to  Yolande
3 months ago

May God be with you, Yolande. Prayers for courage and belief in Who matters, the Lord, Giver of all that is good. May the Colemans and you lean in Jesus’ direction, Love to all.

3 months ago

We have to put our faith and hope in Jesus Christ and His soon calling of the Church to heaven in the Rapture. We don’t know what terrible things we’re going to have to go through until He calls us home, but we must keep our focus on Him, sharing the Gospel with others, and warning them the Tribulation is very close. The evil global elites and their followers are going to be in for a nasty shock when they realize that the future isn’t about them controlling everything and everyone, but it’s about Almighty God bringing down His wrath on them and their followers during the Tribulation. As God says in Psalm 37:1-2, “Don’t worry about the wicked or envy those who do wrong. For like grass, they soon fade away. Like spring flowers, they soon wither.” Soon these evil people will be rightly and justly sentenced to spending eternity in hell by Jesus Christ when they stand before Him at the White Throne Judgment.

Lesley Sears
Lesley Sears
3 months ago

God bless you, Dr. Coleman. I will be praying that you and your wife are fully rejuvenated during your break. 🙏🏻❤️

3 months ago

Yes God bless you and your wife – faithful warriors indeed! Matthew 5 v12 comes to mind “Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

3 months ago

Prayers to your wife Dr Coleman. I am an RN in the USA, refused the fake jab and lost my job after 18 years. Out of 90 RN’s only three of us refused. I have followed you from the beginning. We are all blessed to have you and the brave Dr’s in the USA fight for all of us. I can’t believe that this is our world today.
There are many hidden cures for cancer. Many Dr’s on Rumble have told the truth. Big pharma doesn’t make money by curing us. I share all of this information with my patient’s. Of course my friends think that I am crazy for sharing this information but, they’re all jabbed up and follow the masses. I’m sure that you must know about B-17, Chlorine dioxide, and many other cures. I purchased your books knowing eventually that then would ban you. They’re evil and when they meet their maker, they’ll find out.
Bless you again, my family will pray for you. Thank you again for diligently exposing the evil. 🥰

3 months ago

Dearbrave Dr Coleman and your wife. We respect and love you for putting people’s health above gain. I hope someone will help you dig up and discard whatever was put there if you do not wish to move from your home to a sunnier country. God bless and I hope your dear wife will soon be better. Much lovefrom France. I bought several of your books and I put it out here that other people also buy Dr Coleman’s books to support him, for example that could pay the services of someone who could remove the stuff put in hs lane.

Melanie wall
Melanie wall
3 months ago

God bless you both vernon you’ve been a voice for us that believe what’s really happening god bless you

3 months ago

I’ve put you in our worldwide prayer circle, Dr. Coleman. You and your wife are both in there and receiving prayers twice a day for 3 months. 5g also ruined my health. I had such a bad hit in a restaurant one year ago and have not been the same since. I cannot sleep enough and am always woozy. I’m so tired of it but still trying to get well. May you and your wife find natural medicine experts to help you get well. You have good karma so I hope that kicks in very soon.

Andrew McKaig
Andrew McKaig
3 months ago

Should be seen by everyone

3 months ago

I really do want to make a donation but the only way i have is to use my pay pal card. its so frustrating. I do want to send by Western Union but when i asked thru the site here I was told it is not possible. I have a master card and tried to use it to give a donation but it would not go thru. I have since asked a friend to use her card and i will give her the cash, today she will tell me yes or no. Dr. Coleman, you are an honorable and respectable doctor and I wish you would not go. I pray now for you and your wife. Thank God you reached the many people you did. My friends in England are knowlegable now about all that you are doing to protect us. So don’t think you word has not touched many people with your facts. I hope you will not go. One way or another I will get my donation thru. These shots are no longer authorized in America but i am sure they will bring out another one only next time under even worse circumstances and lies. I know you are right as I personally know people who have had aggressive cancers with tumors growing overnight one says…its heartbreaking to think how much people have believed in this as you say many people still believe deaths are ocurring due to the lethal jab and “n ot a covid virus.” Keep up your good work and don’t please don’t give up.
Kindest regards,

3 months ago

Well said. Your message has worked for me as neither I, or my children, will ever be injected with experimental poison.

Chris Scott
Chris Scott
3 months ago

May the Lord be with you and your wife to strengthen and comfort you. May the Holy Spirit lift your soul and your heart cherish the days ahead. God be with you Dr. Coleman…

Marko Anderson
Marko Anderson
3 months ago

I love you, Dr Coleman. God loves you. Humanity loves you.
You will be blessed beyond measure, at the Bema Seat, with Christ.
Ve con Dios! 🙏✝️💕

Marko Anderson
Marko Anderson
3 months ago

We, the truth-lovers, Christ-followers, and regular normal people, will miss you beyond measure.

Well done, you good, and faithful servant!

💕 🙏 ✝️ 🐾 ♥️

3 months ago

[…] **** This Is The End […]

3 months ago

Tack för att du kastar in handduken
Du är inte en ärlig man, du är med råttorna som styr världen.
Skönt att du tog det beslutet.

2 months ago

”But things have got far worse in the last four years. And what’s happened to us is significant because it shows, quite vividly, how desperate they are to suppress the truth about the fake pandemic, about the flu known as covid, about vaccines and about their terrifying plan.”

in my opinion they are not even that desperate, they have planned everything and are committing an uninterrupted series of crimes and abuses of power that binds them all to an iron omertà. It seems to me that between wars, famines, deaths and injuries from vaccines, direct attacks on democracy, theft of territory and poisoning of the biosphere, the most desperate are we who are their victims…

And this, in their plans, is just the beginning…

Shaun Eden
Shaun Eden
2 months ago

Vernon Coleman is an actual national hero. That is why he will never be acknowledged as such by a corrupt system that has given us two Sir’s as party political leaders to vote for.

2 months ago


Dawn Blackamore
Dawn Blackamore
2 months ago

Sending you much love and praying for your spiritual, emotional and physical healing. You are not alone – thankyou for sharing your suffering. I can assure you, mine is equally horrific.

I am trusting my Saviour Jesus to continue to supply the strength and hope I need. He continues to provide for me. Hallelujah!

Off to dig the allotment for the Communist collective of Mansfield UK.

2 months ago

[…] La semaine dernière, il a demandé à ses lecteurs d’envoyer sa dernière vidéo «  This is the End  » à l’Enquête. Vous pouvez trouver une copie de la vidéo ICI et vous pouvez lire une transcription ICI .  […]

2 months ago

[…] Săptămâna trecută le-a cerut cititorilor săi să trimită ultimul său videoclip.Acesta este sfarsitul‘ la anchetă. Puteți găsi o copie a videoclipului AICI și poți citi o transcriere AICI. […]

Fay van Dunk
Fay van Dunk
2 months ago

I began listening to you Dr Vernon right at the start of the gene therapy experiment rollout and learnt so much from your talks. I am ever grateful to you. Please take care of yourself and your wife and l wish her a speedy return to good health. Sending my love and best wishes