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Graphene is used in many products even though research into graphene’s toxicity is very limited

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The testing of graphene-derived materials for toxicity has been very limited, and even the limited testing has shown a wide range of potential harms – yet graphene materials are being broadly introduced into different industries and aspects of our lives, from biosensors to conductive surfaces to batteries and face masks.

Due to their unique properties, graphene materials enable the implementation of the indispensable component of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the wretched Internet of Bodies.

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Is Graphene a Cure-All or Glyphosate 2.0?

By Tessa Lena as published by

This story is about graphene materials and philosophy. Graphene! Graphene! Graphene is here, at last! We the people, meaning, we the lowly peasants, can sigh a sigh of relief. Can you hear our celebratory breath? Sorry probably not behind our masks but trust us, we are celebrating, and following the science.

I mean, what took them so long to give us a wonder material enabling those wonderful futuristic sensors that will let us connect to the Internet of Bodies and have our caring, wise masters monitor our biological state and nudge us to do the right thing, for our own good – not to mention the good of the community and the collective grandmas?

We know, this material has not really been tested for biological safety in a meaningful way but we are used to it by now, and we’ve trained ourselves to not worry our little heads about such silly things. As long as they show us at least ten shiny commercials saying that it’s safe, our bodies will replace their outdated chemistry with the contents of the new commercials. Science!

Laws of nature? Forget them, we are above … meaning, our masters are above, we are below, but below is above. Kind of like, we are not engineers, so we can’t really decide the directions. And what matters to the peasants is that we’re in this together, and we have been waiting and waiting and drumming our fingers for someone to connect us to a really important network of computers to monitor our bodies with care … and our wait is finally over! We are in this together!

We – and we are speaking for all the lowly peasants – are feeling very good and grateful that we can now count on the masters to monitor our biological functions, as opposed to empowering our own immune systems that have only been around for millions of years. So, we are truly relieved by all this Fourth Industrial Revolution and other related progress. Phew!

Thank you, our super wealthy, caring masters! Thank you! Please monitor us harder! Harder! Harder! (We are feeling a little ecstatic!)

Oh, and about that self-heating graphene wallpaper (that may or may not shed little particles that may or may not damage our bodies … sorry for an obviously selfish and irresponsible train of thought … sorry sorry)? Yes, please also give us the self-heating graphene wallpaper! And please give us a big glass of glyphosate to drink while we are at it!

Being one with the system is totally worth it since what’s good for Monsanto is good for our bodies! And may we also please request another safe 5G tower next to our bedroom?

We may live a shorter life as a result but who cares, at least we’ll have meaning, and a sense of belonging granted by our masters for being zombies, and “community values”! And please keep monitoring and controlling us harder!

On a side note, how we’ve managed to survive to this day without multiple 5G towers and self-heating wallpaper is a mystery to us peasants. It must be all the glyphosate in our food that kept us going. We just love the progress, and we just love love love marching in line with anything the masters give us for our good and their profits.

Wait … we are feeling weird … our brains … our hearts … the room is swirling … we may be collapsing … we are not pretending … we think we are dying … why are those other people still laughing, clapping and screaming to continue the show?

Swiss Artists Against Covid Restrictions, 28 December 2020 (3 mins)
“Model Citizen” | Dystopian Animated Short Film (2020), 10 January 2020 (5 mins)

Now let’s pause, scream, cry, ponder the tragedy, and proceed to the serious part of the story. By the way, my sarcasm was directed at the blind fanaticism, not at chemistry, and not at the poor, disposable model citizens. Graphene … graphene is just a material.

If we took the predatory motives and the Internet of Bodies and the greed and the cruel arrogance out of the equation, and if graphene materials were properly tested for short-term and long-term health safety before even considering putting them in everything, there would be no need to write this story.

But alas, our world of today is driven by cruel, headless maniacs with a propensity toward totalitarianism, who are obsessed with the Internet of Bodies and who care about our well-being as much as a cockroach farmer cares about his “cattle.” And my sarcasm is a protective reaction to mask the grief I feel over the fact that the headless people are trying to invade my everything and to trick my brothers.

The temporarily enchanted may be acting proud and self-destructive due to enchantment, but underneath the spell, they have a soul, and they are my brothers, and I pray for them to break free from bad magic so that we can hold hands and dance together. And to hell with the self-heating graphene wall-paper, unless it is thoroughly tested. Anyway, the serious part of the story.

What Is Graphene?

Graphene is a carbon material with unique and lucrative properties. It’s “a single layer (monolayer) sheet of carbon atoms that are bonded together in a repeating pattern of hexagons.” This sheet is only one atom thick. Monolayers of graphene stacked on top of each other form graphite. Since a typical carbon atom has a diameter of about 0.33 nanometres, there are about 3 million layers of graphene in a 1 mm thick sheet of graphite.

It is considered a new class of materials, the so-called “2D” material. It’s called 2D (arbitrarily, in my opinion) because it’s only one atom thick, and so the scientists decided to measure its height at zero.

It’s the talk of the town. Its inventors won a Nobel prize. It’s harder than steel, it shrinks from heat and expands from cold (which is the opposite of what other materials do), and it is extremely conductive. And again, I would personally be cautiously excited about such a wonder material if it weren’t in the hands of the maniacs who have no respect for my body! I am not a conspiracy theorist; I am a conspiracy realist!

Additionally, there are many graphene-based materials and derivatives with their own unique properties, such as “holey graphene,” graphene oxide, graphene hydroxide, etc.  For example:

Are Graphene Materials Safe?

The truth is, we have no idea. It has not been sufficiently tested for toxicity. Where it was tested, the results were mixed – and with that limited testing, it seems like it greatly depended on various factors such as what specific material was used, how it was produced, the size of the flakes, whether there were possible contaminants, and so on.

Some studies talk about neurotoxicity, immunotoxicity, DNA damage, lung damage, and many other alarming outcomes (HEREHERE, and HERE). I particularly recommend going over the first one since it provides an overview, as of 2016, of different administration routes and mechanisms of toxicity for graphene-family nanoparticles.

Some stories of bringing up the toxicity of graphene materials are tragic. The German chemist Dr. Andreas Noack made a video about the toxicity of graphene hydroxide and how it could cut like a tiny razor blade, and then he was found dead, rumoured to have been murdered.

Some are saying graphene is an amazing weapon against antibiotic-resistant superbugs (HEREHERE, and HERE).

(Notably – and I can’t help thinking about it – the World Economic Forum is talking about antimicrobial resistance as the next big health hazard, and if there is one thing in this world that is certain, it’s that they wouldn’t mind us getting sick so that they can profitably “cure” us.)

As an oddity, HERE is a study on improving fertility outcomes in pigs by using graphene oxide to, forgive me, “engineer sperm membrane.” Sounds wonderful. Another idea is to maybe stop messing with nature and let us all reproduce without poisons, but I understand that my idea makes it hard to make a profit, so I apologise, and bring on graphene oxide!

And HERE is another interesting study about graphene and reproduction.

In addition, graphene – as opposed to some of its derivatives – has mad electric conductivity, and the science of today is very arrogant about our bodies’ electric properties, so they are not even looking at that properly, despite the fact that electricity is one of the main languages used by our bodies for internal and external communication.

In other words, we are on our own with this, and if it turns out that graphene materials are “Glyphosate 2.0,” I am sure that the super investors will find a way to market new and improved graphene in coffin decorations.

Here are two dry and technical presentations from 2016, in which the presenters talk about the tests they conducted. And while their conclusions are optimistic, they mention things like “nice internalisation” – integration of graphene oxide into the cells – as well as “oxidative stress, inflammatory pathway activation.”

My problem, as a peasant and a citizen, is that I am on my own with figuring it out! I trust the principle of science; I just don’t trust the institutions and the myopic establishment scientists! To sum it up, this video from 1947 explains how I feel in 2022 about the missionaries:

DDT is so safe you can eat it 1947 (1 min)

Where Is Graphene Found Now and Potentially in the Future?

Well, everywhere, seemingly – and not just in sensors, antennas, nanotubes, and various medical applications, including some injections.

Graphene Info: Gamma WearGraphene graphene-enhanced jacket review, 1 May 2022 (1 min)

Advance Vaccine Technology Is Not a Conspiracy Theory

The mainstream media likes to mock the “crazy conspiracy theorists.” But notions like “nanotech in vaccines,” “self-spreading vaccines,” or “graphene oxide in vaccines” are not conspiracy theories but well-documented notions that are talked about in official studies and documents – just not necessarily in the context of the covid injections.

Graphene-Based Materials in Medicine, Including in Vaccines

A 2019 article in Science Daily titled ‘Graphene can hear your brain whisper’ states:

2021 paper titled ‘Intranasal vaccination with influenza HA/GO-PEI nanoparticles provides immune protection against homo- and heterologous strains’ that talks about a new investigational intranasal influenza vaccine with graphene oxide states:

And while we are being conspiratorial, um, sorry realistic, let’s briefly touch upon the crazy topics of self-assembling vaccines and nano-sized communicational networks, some of which, not all but some, use graphene materials.

Self-Assembling Nanoparticle Vaccines

Here is a 2018 brochure by the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (“NIAID”) Vaccine Research Centre (PDF HERE). They are talking about self-assembling nanoparticles as a mechanism used in new influenza vaccines.

Here is a 2019 ‘Testimony before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations‘ by no other than Anthony Fauci (PDF HERE). He is talking about self-assembling nanoparticle vaccines!

HERE is from Rice University- not in the context of vaccines though – ‘Nanotubes assemble! Rice introduces ‘Teslaphoresis’’ which states:

A 2019 article, titled ‘Aerosolised Nanobots: Parsing Fact from Fiction for Health Security – A Dialectical View’ states:

A 2015 paper out of Forth Institute of Computer Science in Greece, titled (I kid you not) ‘CORONA: A Coordinate and Routing system for Nanonetworks’. The paper is about a topology of nano communication networks potentially for use inside living beings:

HERE is a Harvard Magazine article from 2011 which states:

And HERE’s an article from Science that states:

Etc. etc. What I am trying to say is that these are not conspiracy theories! And the point is not being scared of the fact that the scientists discovered a material with interesting properties, or that technology offers new opportunities – but that we are ruled by the soulless maniacs, and that they will abuse any technology!

And the crazy behaviour on our behalf would be to shut our eyes and ears and keep whispering “safe and effective” despite the uncertainty or even the evidence to the contrary.

PS. We the peasants are getting tired of this. Our masters keep promising us wonderful progress and new cures, and they sound so excited, and they get us so excited – and then we try their cures and strangely, we get sicker, and then the cures stop working, and in the meanwhile, our homes get more polluted, and our bodies get more loaded with poisons, and it is still not even clear to us how they are planning to clean up all those futuristic nanomaterials and cures from our bodies if it doesn’t work out … have they even thought about it?  We are not so sure. So, at long last, we are growing tired of their advertisement. We are “hesitant” because we no longer believe our masters.

About the Author

Tessa Lena is a self-confessed “strongly opinionated” musician living in New York. She is a classically trained pianist and singer, born and raised in Moscow.  In early 2017, she released an album titled ‘Tessa Fights Robots,’ which you can listen to and buy HERE. If you’re as sick and tired of robots as she is, you can subscribe to and follow her Substack page ‘Tessa Fights RobotsHERE.  Some of her essays from the past three years on covid and The Great Reset can be found HERE and some of her philosophical essays can be found HERE.

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Dave Owen
Dave Owen
2 months ago

Hi Rhoda,
You must have been laughing so much you forgot to add.
In the UK our coins are made out of steel.
People were sticking coins onto the C19 injection site.
The Graphene Oxide in the C19 fluid, takes iron out of the blood and makes a magnet.
When several of these magnets are made they stick together, making a clot.
These clots can block veins and arteries, causing sudden death.

Corona Hotspot
Corona Hotspot
2 months ago

“research into graphene’s toxicity is very limited”Not by those who have weaponized it.

Measles, Mumps, Rubella And Varicella Vaccine For Children Shows Nanobot Swarms, Quantum Dots And Self Assembly Hydrogel –

Changing Live Blood Analysis Findings In C19 Unvaccinated Blood –

Hydrogels in COVID Vaccine as Programmable Human Interface – Greg Reeses Report on Infowars –

Unrestricted Warfare Ep. 43 | “Exposing the Covid Bioweapon Genocide” With Dr Ana Mihalcea and Dr Joseph Sansone –

Fluorescent Skin In C19 Vaccinated – Truth, Science and Spirit Ep 7: Conversation with Former DOD Contractor Justin Coy, PhD –

Truth, Science and Spirit Episode 8 Transhumanistic Warfare – Conversation with Elana Freeland –

2 months ago

A wonder material?!!!

Graphene is not a wonder material at all!!!

Graphene is an evil material!

It’s like miniature robotic knifes that are secretly added to “food” (vaccines, pharmaceuticals, artificial fake food, etc).

The only wonder materials are those created by God (the Christian God).

2 months ago

Graphene? Or graphene oxide or reduced graphene oxide (graphene hydroxide)?
They all have different properties!

As about toxicity:
5.5 pages long, full with links to toxicity documents.

2 months ago

[…] Graphene is used in many products even though research into graphene’s toxicity is very limit… Graphene is used in many products even though research into graphene’s toxicity is very limit… […]

2 months ago

[…] Read More: Graphene is used in many products even though research into graphene’s toxicity is ver… […]

2 months ago

[…] Read More: Graphene is used in many products even though research into graphene’s toxicity is ver… […]

2 months ago

[…] – Graphene is used in many products even though research into graphene’s toxicity is very limited […]

2 months ago

And here in the sacramento ca area, GRAPHENE OXIDE IS IN THE TAP WATER. The authorities think nothing of poisoning whatever they please. Lately, theres something new in the water. I have a distiller I use and am noticing a yellowish substance in the bottom of the distiller after use. It smells ghastly and taste worse. Im having to run water through twice and it still stinks. I would complain but we are way past anyone caring. We are on our own now.