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Conspiracies, Cancer, Chemotherapy and Kate

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On Friday, Catherine, Princess of Wales, published a video explaining that post-operative tests revealed she has cancer and she is undergoing “preventative chemotherapy.” There may be another aspect to Kate’s story which isn’t being publicised and which Dr. Vernon Coleman discusses in the article below.

He also discusses some facts about chemotherapy that you won’t read in corporate media.

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By Dr. Vernon Coleman

Sadly, Princess Kate has got cancer. We wish her a speedy and complete recovery. Just why they needed to keep the truth secret for so long is a mystery – though there may be an explanation which I’ll discuss in a moment.

Like many people, I was puzzled by the phrase “preventative chemotherapy.” I think the explanation is that the word “preventative” is rather superfluous and is being used to emphasise the fact that Kate’s condition is not terribly serious. My guess is that the cancer they’ve found is in the uterus or ovarian tissue which they have removed – and that as far as they know there is no cancer left visible or apparent. That’s my guess.

However, this doesn’t completely explain why she is having chemotherapy because there are risks. In a moment I’ll explain why I’m surprised.

But first, there is, I suspect, another aspect to the Kate story.

For weeks now the royal family has allowed conspiracy theories to abound. “Kate is dead,” “Kate and William are getting divorced,” “Kate has been captured by aliens.”

Could it possibly, just possibly be, that the conspirators who control the media allowed this nonsense to continue, and the conspiracy theories to become ever more absurd, in order to give themselves an excuse to clamp down on ALL conspiracy theories, to arrest anyone promoting anything that could be described as a conspiracy theory and to shut down swathes of the internet?

I wouldn’t like to bet against THAT conspiracy, would you?

Now that the truth has (possibly) been revealed it will be easy for the Government to make disapproving noises about the conspiracy theories about Kate which abounded on the internet (and which only existed because the facts were suppressed).

And from there, it is but a short step to a piece of legislation which makes ALL conspiracy theories illegal and punishable with a prison sentence. It will then be illegal to suggest that covid-19 was just the flu, that the covid-19 vaccine doesn’t work and isn’t safe. And so on.

I can see that coming and I bet you can too.

Meanwhile, I think it’s time to look again at chemotherapy.

Here are some facts about chemotherapy that you won’t read in the mainstream media. The following essay is taken from my book ‘Memories 3’.

The scary, staggering truth about the chemotherapy fraud

Over the years I have repeatedly found that all medical recommendations are best treated with a large dose of scepticism.

Nowhere is this more true than in the treatment of cancer.

Patients who are diagnosed with cancer find themselves in a state of shock. And yet, while in a state of shock, they find themselves needing to make a number of vital decisions very quickly.

One of the big questions is often this one: “Should I have chemotherapy?”

Chemotherapy might improve a patient’s chances of survival by three to five per cent though that modest figure is usually over generous. For example, the evidence suggests that chemotherapy offers breast cancer patients an uplift in survival of little more than 2.5%.

When you consider that chemotherapy can kill and does terrible damage to healthy cells, and to the immune system, it is difficult to see the value of taking chemotherapy.

I don’t think it is any exaggeration to suggest that much of the hype around chemotherapy has taken the treatment into the area of fraud – far more fraudulent indeed than treatments which are dismissed as irrelevant or harmful by the establishment.

The chances are that the doctors looking after you – especially the specialist oncologists in hospital – will recommend chemotherapy. They may push hard to accept their recommendation. They may even be cross or dismissive or assume you are ignorant or afraid if you decide you don’t want it. Cancer charities often shout excitedly about chemotherapy. But they are also often closely linked to the drug companies which make money out of chemotherapy – which in my view makes them part of the large and thriving “cancer industry.” It is important to remember that drug companies exist to make money and they will do whatever is necessary to further this aim. They lie and they cheat with scary regularity and they have no interest in helping patients or saving lives. Remember that: the sole purpose of drug companies is to make money, whatever the human cost might be. They will happily suppress potentially life-saving information if doing so increases their profits. It is my belief that by allying themselves with drug companies, cancer charities have become corrupt.

Little or no advice is given to patients about how they themselves might reduce the risk of their cancer returning. The implication is that it’s chemotherapy or nothing. So, for example, doctors are unlikely to tell breast cancer patients that they should avoid dairy foods, though the evidence that they should is very strong.

The one certainty is that it is extremely unlikely that anyone you see will tell you all the truths about chemotherapy. The sad truth is that the statistics about chemotherapy are, of course, fiddled to boost drug company sales and, therefore, drug company profits. And the deaths caused by chemotherapy are often misreported or underestimated. So, for example, if a patient who has been taking chemotherapy dies of a sudden heart attack their death will probably be put down as a heart attack – rather than as a result of the cancer or the chemotherapy. There may be some mealy mouthed suggestion that the death was treatment-related but the drug will probably not be named and shamed. Neither the chemotherapy nor the cancer will be deemed responsible. What this means in practice is that the survival statistics for chemotherapy are considerably worse than the figures which are made available – considerably worse, indeed, than whatever positive effect might be provided by a harmless placebo.

Here’s another thing: patients who have chemotherapy and survive five years are counted as having been cured by chemotherapy. And patients who have chemotherapy and then die five and a bit years after their diagnosis don’t count as cancer-related deaths. And they certainly don’t count as chemotherapy deaths.

A 2016 academic study looked at five-year survival rates and concluded that in 90% of patients (including the commonest breast cancer tumours), chemotherapy increased five-year survival by less than 2.5%. Only a very small number of cancers (such as testicular cancer and Hodgkin’s disease) were treated effectively by chemotherapy. On top of this dismal success rate, it must be remembered that chemotherapy cripples the immune system (now, at long last, recognised as important in the fight against cancer), damages all living cells, damages the intestines, can cause nausea and tinnitus, can damage nerves, can and does damage the bone marrow with the result that leukaemia develops,(staggeringly, iatrogenic myeloid leukaemia, usually known as “therapy-related” in an attempt to distance the disease from doctors, is, in ten per cent of cases, a result of chemotherapy), damages the heart and the hearing and will, in a significant number of patients, result in death.

It is true that chemotherapy may reduce the size of a tumour but in stage 4 cancer chemotherapy seems to encourage a cancer to return more quickly and more aggressively. The cancer stem cells seem to be untouched by the chemotherapy drugs.

Despite all this, the protocol in the treatment of cancer is to turn to chemotherapy and doctors are always reluctant to try anything else.

The Academy of Royal Medical Colleges, which represents 24 Royal Colleges, and a number of other important health bodies, has reported that chemotherapy can do more harm than good when prescribed as palliatives for terminally ill cancer patients. The colleges criticise chemotherapy advocates for “raising false hopes” and doing “more harm than good.” They concluded that chemotherapy drugs are unlikely to work.

On the other hand, I wasn’t surprised to see a big cancer charity disagreeing with the 24 medical colleges and claiming that thousands of patients do benefit. My view, which I recognise is probably not shared by the majority of family doctors or oncologists, is that many cancer charities around the world are the unacceptable face of cancer care. It seems to me to be more concerned with making money and keeping the drug companies rich than in caring for patients.

Another report has concluded that chemotherapy can, in some circumstances, actually promote the spread of cancer cells. It was reported in 2017, for example, that when breast cancer patients have chemotherapy before surgery the drug can make the malignant cells spread to distant sites – resulting in metastatic cancer and sending the patient straight from Stage 1 to Stage 4.

Scientists analysed tissue from 20 breast cancer patients who had 16 weeks of chemotherapy and the tissues around the tumour were more conducive to spread in most of the patients. In five of the patients, there was a five times greater risk of spread. In none of the patients was the tissue around the tumour less friendly to cancer cells and to metastasis. The problem, it seems is that cancer cells have a great ability to transform themselves and the chemotherapy, designed to kill cancer cells, may encourage the development of cells which are resistant to drugs, which survive the treatment and which form a new cancer.

The one side effect associated with chemotherapy that is widely known is the loss of hair. But that is, to be honest, the least of the problems. Chemotherapy kills healthy cells as well as cancer cells and the severity of the side effects depends on the age and health of the patient as well as on the type of drug used and the dosage in which it is prescribed. And whereas some side effects do disappear after treatment (as the good cells recover) there are some side effects which may never go away.

I mentioned the serious side effects a little earlier but here, as a reminder, is a list of just some of the problems that can be caused by chemotherapy drugs:

The cells in the bone marrow can be damaged, producing a shortage of red blood cells and possibly leukaemia.

The central nervous system can be damaged with a result that the memory may be affected and the patient’s ability to concentrate or think clearly changed. There may be changes to balance and coordination. These effects can last for years. Apart from affecting the brain, chemotherapy can also cause pain and tingling in the hands and feet, numbness, weakness and pain. Not surprisingly, depression is not uncommon.

The digestive system is commonly affected with sores forming in the mouth and throat. These may produce infection and may make food taste unpleasant. Nausea and vomiting may also occur. The weight loss associated with chemotherapy may be a result of a loss of appetite.

In addition to hair loss (which can affect hair all over the body), the skin may be irritated and nails may change colour and appearance.

The kidneys and bladder may be irritated and damaged. The result may be swollen ankles, feet and hands.

Osteoporosis is a fairly common problem and increases the risk of bone fractures and breaks. Women who have breast cancer and who are having treatment to reduce their oestrogen levels are particularly at risk.

Chemotherapy can produce hormone changes with a wide variety of symptoms.

The heart may be damaged and patients who already have weak hearts may be made worse by chemotherapy.

And the other problem with chemotherapy is that it can damage the immune system.

And it is known that chemotherapy can damage DNA.

And does chemotherapy alter the nature of cancer cells? Can it, for example, trigger a change from an oestrogen sensitive cancer cell to a triple negative cell – much harder to treat?

And then there is that risk that chemotherapy might spread cells around the body.

Finally, there is increasing evidence to show that chemotherapy may hasten the death of a number of patients.

Drug companies, cancer charities and doctors recommend chemotherapy because there is big money in it. The least forgivable of these are the cancer charities which exist to protect people but which are ruthless exploiters of patients.

As always, the medical literature is confusing but in the Annuals of Oncology I found this: “The upfront use of chemotherapy does not seem to influence the overall outcome of the disease.”

Most doctors won’t tell you this, or even admit it to themselves, but cancer drugs are killing up to 50% of patients in some hospitals. A study by Public Health England and Cancer Research UK found that 2.4% of breast cancer patients die within a month of starting chemotherapy. The figures are even worse for patients with lung cancer where 8.4% of patients die within a month when treated with chemotherapy. When patients die that quickly, I feel that it is safe to assume that they were killed by the treatment, not the disease. At one hospital the death rate for patients with lung cancer treated with chemotherapy was reported at over 50%. Naturally, all the hospitals which took part in the study insisted that chemotherapy prescribing was being done safely. If we accept this then we must also question the validity of chemotherapy. The study showed that the figures are particularly bad for patients who are in poor general health when they start treatment.

Next, think about this.

In the UK, the National Health Service publishes comprehensive guidelines on what must be done if chemotherapy drugs are spilt. There are crisis emergency procedures to be followed if chemotherapy drugs fall on the floor. And yet these drugs are put into people’s bodies. And residues of these dangerous chemicals are excreted in urine and then end up in the drinking water supply. (I explained several decades ago how prescription drug residues end up in our drinking water.)

It is hardly surprising that many patients being treated with chemotherapy report that their quality of life has plummeted.

The standard oncology approach to cancer is to give chemotherapy and then wait and see if the cancer returns. If it does then more chemotherapy is prescribed. The tragedy is that for so many patients, chemotherapy will do more harm than good. Astonishingly, a quarter of cancer patients die of heart attacks – often triggered by deep vein thrombosis and by emboli and brought on by the physical stress of chemotherapy. But these deaths are not included in the official statistics – either for cancer or, just as importantly, for chemotherapy. It is no exaggeration to say that the establishment fiddles the figures to suit its own largely commercial ends – extolling the virtues of drug company products at every opportunity and never failing to throw doubt on any remedy which might threaten the huge cancer industry

Here’s another thing you might not know.

During the lockdowns and concerns about covid-19, patients who were on chemotherapy were taken off their treatment. They were told that since their treatment would affect their immune systems, they would be more vulnerable to the coronavirus. That’s an important admission because the one thing we know for certain is that a healthy immune system is vital for fighting cancer.

Doctors probably won’t tell you any of this but they won’t deny it because it is all true.

The bottom line is that treatments described in clinical trials, paid for by drug companies and generally reviewed by doctors with drug company links, and then published in medical journals which accept huge amounts of drug company advertising, are the only treatments the medical profession accepts. There is much talk about “peer review” trials but all this means is that another doctor or two, with drug company links, will have looked at the paper and given it their approval.

The word “corrupt” doesn’t come close to describing this whole incestuous system.

Anyone who wants to have chemotherapy should have it. I’m not trying to dissuade anyone from using whatever drugs they believe might help them. I’m only interested in providing unbiased, independent information which might help patients make the right decision for themselves. But too often, I fear, patients beg for treatment, completely understandably, because they want something to be done and because they have been misled by the drug company inspired, and paid for, hype about chemotherapy. And doctors provide that treatment, even though a little research would tell them that they may be doing more harm than good. There are a very few cancers which can be treated well with chemotherapy – but they are very few and they are unfairly and unreasonably promoted as success stories by the drug companies and their shills.

The thing that is forgotten is that chemotherapy can badly damage the patient’s body’s own protections – and with some patients may, therefore, do infinitely more harm than good.

Every patient should decide for themselves – and discuss with their doctors the evidence for and against chemotherapy in their situation. But I think that all patients are entitled to be provided with the background information they would need to help that process of assessment.

Tragically, however, the ignorance about chemotherapy is, sadly, widespread and all-pervasive.

How many women with breast cancer realise that their survival chances might be better if they took daily aspirin and avoided dairy products than if they accepted chemotherapy?

Doctors don’t tell them that because they have, as a profession, been bought by the pharmaceutical industry.

The above was taken from Dr. Coleman’s book `Memories 3’. His three volumes of autobiographical essays are entitled ‘Memories 1’, ‘Memories 2’ and `Memories 3’.

About the Author

Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc practised medicine for ten years. He has been a full-time professional author for over 30 years. He is a novelist and campaigning writer and has written many non-fiction books.  He has written over 100 books which have been translated into 22 languages. On his website,,  there are hundreds of articles which are free to read.

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1 month ago

[…] Conspiracies, Cancer, Chemotherapy and Kate […]

1 month ago

It is amazing how many can’t recognise that they are being used to shut down alternative media with their conspiracy theories about Kate. They are like people digging their own graves.

Reply to  Kez
1 month ago

Oh, so you seriously think that I “can’t recognize” that the conspiracy theories are “nonsense” as Dr.Coleman puts it ?

But you and Dr.Coleman are in the know, hum ?

Space is too limited here to put your knowledge about the occult to the test, I just know from my 20-year long research into satanic cults ygat tge rabbit hole runs deeper than most would want to admit.

The elite are satanists, and are required to frequently do human sacrifices.
Anyone who still does not want to see this, cannot be taken seriously.
I just feel sorry for them, and that includes Dr.Coleman.

Reply to  Aluna
1 month ago

ChemtrailPoision pollutes the sky
While the Vatican’s Eugenicist Royal Elites Blackmail Politicians of Pedophilia Corruption
Ancient Institutionalized Pedophilia
Descends From Pagan Rome’s Deities.
Zeus and Jupiter’s Abduction of Ganymede Continues into the Vatican’s Corruption of Christianity.
Clear the Sky of: ChemtrailPoision by Striking the Achilles’s Heel of Pedophile Corruption.


Lolita Express Scandal
Lolita Express Scandal
Reply to  ChemtrailPoision
1 month ago

Likewise, Ruemmler said via her employer, Goldman Sachs, that Epstein introduced her to potential clients, including Bill Gates. “I regret ever knowing Jeffrey Epstein,”
Last week, the scandal claimed Ito, who secured at least $7.5m in donations from Epstein or a circle of donors connected to him, including Bill Gates and Apollo Global Management ‘s Leon Black.
The Epstein scandal – including the latest revelation that Epstein might have channeled up to $8m (some of it, apparently, on behalf of Bill Gates) to the MIT Media Lab, while its executives …
When the details of meetings between Epstein and Bill Gates burst into public view in late 2019, the billionaire’s wife, Melinda French Gates, hired divorce lawyers.

1 month ago

recently a doctor who started as oncologist and then went another way, returned after 30 years and found, that barely any progress had been made. Come to think of it, how can you get healthy by taking damaging poisons? Unfortunately it is all about the money. An oncologist I know told me that chemo is outrageously expensive. If I ever were to get it, I will first try all other possibilities, rather than to cut-burn-poison. Gerson, Budwig, Moerman, the dietists, and several who used light therapy and harmless products, will come first.

Mary Ann Dowrick
Mary Ann Dowrick
1 month ago

Best way to beat cancer is (1) to have good genes and (2) eat healthy as in following Dr. Michael Gregor’s plan, get moderate exercise every day, adequate sleep and sunshine when it is available💕💕

1 month ago

Whatever might be with the royals and Kate, and we wish them as anyone else a healthy, peaceful and happy life, just don’t thread on us and our liberties or go after our money, or all hell will break loose, all these speculations and news-following means less time for ourselves. Less time to do what we are supposed to do, or as Rumi once said: ‘I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.’ Salvation is within.
On another note, as with Satan’s cancer treatments the same applies to all its other treatments and diagnosis. Just see what’s with the term ‘brain death’ for example:

Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
1 month ago

It’s worth considering that in all the global reports about the cancer-stricken King Chucky and Princess of Wales there is zero mention of the growing worldwide movement focused on arresting, prosecuting and punishing the mRNA bioweapons mass murderers, wherever they reside – including in “Royal” estates.

Reply to  Jerry Alatalo
1 month ago

Don’t worry. the UK NHS is planning an April 2024 Covid jab rollout for vulnerable elderly and immunocompromised people such as those on chemotherapy so no doubt poor Kate will be “offered” a Covid booster (the last thing she needs!) and become the ‘patron saint’ and ‘suffering martyr’ of the Cancer Industrial Complex inspiring millions to do likewise. I’d get a second opinion on the pathology samples if I were her, to make sure it really was cancer. Agree with Vernon Coleman probably ovarian but might also be colon due to vaccine-induced changes in gut microbiome: I will never forget seeing the appendicectomy specimen full of spike as showed by Prof Arne Burkhardt; this poison gets everywhere

Reply to  pharmadoc1
1 month ago

I thought the Royals only had Homeopathic treatments…have things suddenly changed?

Reply to  wiggins
1 month ago

Spot on.

Reply to  wiggins
1 month ago

In name for sure, how much they got for advertising the vax like openly (in front of cameras) allegedly vaxxing themselves?

Mary Ann Dowrick
Mary Ann Dowrick
Reply to  pharmadoc1
1 month ago

Agree 100%💕

Reply to  Jerry Alatalo
1 month ago

I tend to doubt that a WEF related, globalist family didn’t know about the covid psyop and really got the ‘vax’.
The original plan was that they put ppl into smart jails called cities and the globalist own all the lands as huge parks for themselves. We never will see them again or hear about them. Considering this any illness which allow them to disappear can be handy. After all the lies we were fed in the past 4 years who can know what is true? Inc vax and illnesses affecting them.

She and her husband ‘vaxxed’ themselves publicly, in front of cameras to build trust just before it was the turn of vaxxing children.
They were so secretive about their health conditions, now they are weirdly so public, many of them.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
1 month ago

Too much money is illness…

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
1 month ago

Hi Rhoda,
Another interesting article by Vernon Coleman.
I believe everything he says. A friend of mine who worked for the chemical companies, went around Doctors surgeries, giving advice about the latest drugs, and paid for them to go on holidays.
Then when David Noakes who actually cured cancer, was sent to prison.
If people could not afford the treatment, he did it for free, a real criminal.
This was when I realised, that Cancer charity was a fraud.

1 month ago

Their MO is apparent. Ignore their threats, they do not hold jurisdiction. Spot on Doc!

1 month ago

We don’t even know if Kate having cancer is actually true. The story about her and King, could be part of another psyop. I’m pretty sure she didn’t get jabbed and the photo is very likely to be faked.

Mary Ann Dowrick
Mary Ann Dowrick
Reply to  Ali
1 month ago

In this day of lies and misinformation it is hard to know what to believe. But deep down we all have a sixth sense and know when we are being lied to.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Mary Ann Dowrick
1 month ago
Doris Kleinbeck
Doris Kleinbeck
Reply to  Ali
1 month ago

Ali you are so right

Reply to  Ali
1 month ago

Nor do we know if the video is true. It could very well be AI. And anyone even raising the question is being labeled a conspiracy theorist/nut.

Reply to  Eieen
1 month ago

Probably fake, the ring on her finger disappears during the ‘recording’.

Mary Ann Dowrick
Mary Ann Dowrick
1 month ago

I still have nightmares of nursing cancer patients at Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Hospital, Chicago, Illinois in the late 1970’s. We, the nurses mixed chemo (powder with sterile water) in the med room. No reverse ventilation or hoods in use. I could smell the chemo, so I was inhaling it.

We then had the horror job of assisting in the inhumane procedure called bone marrow aspirations.

Leukaemia patients received injections of methotrexate in their head, lung cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer tx’d with doses of chemo, to no avail. We had some of the best oncologists around. I personally believe they didn’t care for chemo, but had nothing else in their arsenal.

Dr. Michael Greger, a proponent of plant based eating, recommends certain foods to prevent cancer. He also suggests the only things that should be drinking milk, are baby cows (calves).

More recently the use of ivermectin and fenbendazole have been suggested as adjuvants to standard an er treatment.

The one thing I do know is there has been a considerable increase in cancers since the covid vaxxes were administered. Ask any oncologist. Stage 1 that rapidly advances to stage 4, with mets all over the place.

Reply to  Mary Ann Dowrick
1 month ago

Carnivore diet is the cure – according its reviews.
As about milk, butter, cheese, cream are all milk product. Nothing is wrong with milk, it’s a super food if RAW. That’s the key.

Reply to  MAC ID?
1 month ago

There is a lot wrong with milk.
If you are lactose intolerant you should avoid it.
And the suffering of the cows puts humanity to shame.

Hell Bent
Hell Bent
Reply to  Aluna
1 month ago

The detail is that raw milk has digestive enzymes that haven’t been damaged, thereby enabling proper digestion of the proteins. Pasteruised milk is vandalized and has damaged enzymes. Suffering of cows is endemic in mainstream milk production. Provenance and knowledge of who you buy milk and how it is made is the important thing. And I don’t mean “local” – that’s just a marketing word.

Reply to  Aluna
1 month ago

My teeth I struggled so much since childhood stopped rotting since consuming raw milk on a regular basis. I wish I would have known it earlier or my mother who pushed the pasteurised version. I never got chocolates or candies except a few during Christmas. Absolutely nothing which could have been harmful, docs said I had poor calcium absorption. All disappeared with raw milk.

I doubt the cows are suffering on that local farm we use to buy raw milk, we saw them.

Besides animals are suffering because we are predators by design and thrive only on carnivore diet. Please complain to the Creator about it or the cruelty of life as a whole where species condemned to eat each other for survival. Thx.

Mike G
Mike G
1 month ago

Perhaps the cases of KC3 & Princess Kate will be used to introduce mRNA as cancer therapy, & subsequently as a lead-in for the masses to start having it as well, to probably re-introduce bioweapon carnage across the western world again

Reply to  Mike G
1 month ago

Perhaps it’s for ‘I am also a victim’ card.

Victor Paul
Victor Paul
1 month ago

I know a super soldier on maximum chemotherapy drugs for years. When he complained that the most heavy twice monthly chemotherapy was given lately the doctors said: “Oh, we didn’t understand how you can still survive”.

Forbury Lion
Forbury Lion
1 month ago

100% correct. For better and more positive methods of treatment see Ty and Charlene Bollinger’s “The Truth About Cancer”. It might take some effort because they are censored by mainstream media, just like Dr Coleman.

kal dani
kal dani
1 month ago

Thanks Dr Coleman, very well explained as to how and why its not a good idea.

A Person
A Person
1 month ago

The 13 second video “Ring disappears during Kate Middleton’s cancer interview…” is worth a look

A Person
A Person
Reply to  A Person
1 month ago

bright eon (dot) com (slash) 4015ab3f-d9ce-461f-b6e9-4b7c97d5ab99

Reply to  A Person
1 month ago

Hahaa, INDEED.

Reply to  A Person
1 month ago

If you slow down the video, at points her eyes bulge out as if they have been digitally altered. Lots of weird stuff going on with the RF.

Reply to  Eieen
1 month ago

They are globalist, pushing the enslavement agenda, using their reputation and the love and trust of people to ruin them – end of story.

David Aderson
David Aderson
1 month ago

Dr Coleman’s article is absolutely spot on. But he doesn’t mention the overwhelming evidence that Vitamin D3 (reservoir form calcifediol) is an essential part of the natural immune system, and that sustaining D-deficiency is a vital part of Big Pharma’s scam. Furthermore King Charles, the late Queen and Prince Philip, and so doubtless Princess Kate were all extensively pseudo-vaccinated with one or other version of Moderna’s Stephane Bancel’s patented nucleic acid synthetic spike protein pseudo.vaccines with their dangerous 12-base furin insert. This is explained in my book written with Dr David Grimes ‘Vitamin D3 and the Great Biology Reset’, for which pdf file in English and Italian can be downloaded free of charge, or a hard copy ordered for 25 euros, plus p&p via Prince William should now have a copy as I posted one to him at Clarence House, on March 7th, along with 10 calcifediol capsules, available in Italy but not in the UK. Both the above members of the Royal Family should have their blood D-levels checked, and without waiting boost them to normal with 2 capsules of calcifediol (‘Neodidro’), followed by one weekly, then 5000 Units of Vitamin D daily. And forget about chemotherapy for the reasons given by Dr Coleman; and also because in fighting any infection or vaccination, vitamin D levels must fall further, because activated vitamin D needed to fight cancers and foreign viruses or vaccines in the process codes for its own destruction.

Reply to  David Aderson
1 month ago

US research published by Jon Rappoport, 5+ years survival of chemo was only around 5%.
It never worked and I too, doubt the RF don’t know about it. Especially that they otherwise used holistic treatments?

David Aderson
David Aderson
Reply to  David Aderson
1 month ago

Sorry for the typo, but my real surname is Anderson, not Aderson! The rest stands!!

malcolm chapman
malcolm chapman
1 month ago

I would expect Royal family doctors know better than to adivise chemo. It is like the ultimate bad immune compromising vaccine. What if there is no cancerous growth to worry about. Is she doing her bit for the “industry” and the WEF agenda. Hope not .. like to think of her as a good person. Chemo as a preventative is a iediculous notion.

Reply to  malcolm chapman
1 month ago

 like to think of her as a good person”
Was the same with me 4 years ago, I really liked the RF. WEF, pushing the mask (using themselves) pushing the vax using themselves all happened after that.

This photo about her would do in the Addams Family, horrific. Was the favourite photo of the DM.

Russell Blaylock, M. D.
Russell Blaylock, M. D.
1 month ago

All very true. The most important points are that chemo destroys the immune system resistance to cancer and it is the most important as regards survival. And second, is that the majority of chemo has no effect on cancer stem cells, only daughter stem cells and it is the stem cells that are responsible for recurrence. (90% of chemo, or more, has no effect on stage 4 cancer recurrence or survival), yet natural substances, kill them safely. Ivermectin and Flubendozole , both antiparasitics, do seem to control and prevent recurrence, even at stage 4.

Tracey R
Tracey R
1 month ago

With a healthy distrust of scientific and medical industries, yes, I did this same cancer research with findings years ago.
The disciple media out of incompetence, laziness and stupidity to clickbait call everything from murder to suicide as a died suddenly job. Whilst the chances of being the jab are high, we also have minion coroners, without batting an eyelid, calling out young, fit and healthy people to have died by natural cause. Those responding to these minions calling out the ‘safe and effective’ as it is (a genocide), gives the real fuel to make free speech unlawful. It ain’t rocket science to us, but to the mind controlled minions writing up the mis and dis information laws, they are arrogant and stupid enough to believe they are ‘protecting’ vulnerable from us conspiracists. In the future, this will enable the predators to groom their prey without any opposition. This is how Satan and his minions work.

1 month ago

[…] PublicDomain/ am […]