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Nikola Tesla, robots and the transhumanist cult

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Many people have played important roles in contributing to the emergence of artificial intelligence (“AI”) over the years and a few have been credited as being the father of AI. Matthew Ehret believes those who credit Nikola Tesla as of father of AI to be more correct.

Tesla had a very particular relationship with robots and explicitly considered these beings which he called his “Telautomata” to be nothing less than a new species that he himself had “evolved.”

His use of the term “I have evolved” when describing what he treated as a new species should make anyone aware of the religious cult of transhumanism more than a little uncomfortable.

Over this last month, Matt Ehret has been publishing a series of articles titled ‘The Occult Nikola Tesla’.  Scratching at the shiny surface of the “official” narrative of Nikola Tesla’s life and works, Ehret reveals dark forces lurking beneath.

The parts Ehret has published so far can be found by following the links below. 

The following is the latest in the series, Part 7, which Ehret published on Tuesday.

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The Occult Tesla Part 7: Tesla evolves a new species

By Matthew Ehret

Many people have played important roles in contributing to the emergence of the thing known as “artificial intelligence” over the years … although a dispute has raged over what this thing called “AI” actually is.

One camp has defined AI as simply an extension of automation and computing in the service of human needs. This camp has tended to promote AI from a rational point of view by using algorithms created by humans to engage in a limited albeit very useful form of problem-solving… but ultimately incapable of replacing human creative reason.

Another camp has chosen to see AI from a more mystical, yet ironically still Darwinian, vantage point.

Those more religiously inclined promoters of AI tend to fall under the category of “transhumanist” and tend to treat artificial intelligence as a supernatural demonic Darwinian force beyond human free will or intentions, that compels humanity towards its own extinction.

Among this much more unhealthy perspective, debates tend to be shaped by those who, like Ted Kaczynski (aka: The Unabomber) or other radical eco-terrorists, believe that technology evolves completely independently of human thought, resulting in a deterministic belief that machines, being more “fit to survive”, will necessarily enslave and destroy humanity. As such, this group tends to also promote going to war with the demonic/Darwinian force of technology before Skynet inevitably enslaves and destroys biological mortal humans at an imagined future point dubbed “the singularity.”

In opposition to this group, we find other believers in transhumanism like Elon Musk, Google’s Ray Kurzweil or Yuval Harari, promoting the integration of human beings with technology through a variety of techniques – neural chips, mRNA biotech, CRISPR babies, virtual reality, brain drugs, etc. – in order to “stay relevant” while the evolutionary forces of technology grow to god-like proportions. Among this group, we find its members tending to sympathise with the figure of “world controller” Mustafa Mond in Aldous Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’ (against the eco-anarchist archetype of John Savage).

Tesla’s New Species of Thinking Machine

In recent years, many have identified the “father” of trans-humanism and today’s AI cult to be Boston mathematician John McCarthy, while others have chosen to credit cybernetics founder Norbert Wiener with the honour. Others believe it to be game theorist John von Neumann and yet others still have posited Alan Turing to deserve the title.

While all of those accreditations may participate in degrees of truth, I believe that those who credit Nikola Tesla for the title of father of artificial intelligence to be closer to the mark.

Nikola Tesla had a very particular relationship with robots and explicitly considered these beings which he called his “Telautomata” to be nothing less than a new species that he himself had “evolved”!

Not only did Tesla believe that he evolved new soul-less beings (as he believed himself to be), but he also believed that this new “species” would provide a total understanding of the machine known as “human.” Perhaps most jarring, is that Tesla also believed that this new species would help future social engineers better understand how the human machine could be more effectively programmed.

In 1898, Tesla took out a patent on a remote-controlled three-foot boat, which he dubbed his “Telautomaton,” and for the next two years showcased his machine to amazed crowds at electrical expositions across the USA.

In his dozens of performances, Tesla persuaded his audiences to talk to his machines by asking mathematical questions. The remote-controlled machine would in turn respond using blinking lights.

Tesla wasn’t afraid to use a fair bit of stage magic to manipulate his audience’s perceptions and when asked how he controls his automatons, Tesla stated:

It turned out that the motive force was less Tesla’s superhuman force of will and control over his neck muscles (in an 1898 version of Elon Musk’s Neuralink) … and more of a hidden assistant managing a remote controller away from the audience’s field of perception. Again, techniques of spiritualist stage magicians crop up once more in this story, and will do so many more times in future instalments.

Nikola Tesla’s strange showmanship did seem a little reminiscent of the 2021 display by his spiritual heir Elon Musk who promoted the cutting-edge new AI- robotic Tesla bots which he foresaw as interfacing with neural link brain chips. The fact that that the 21st century Telautomaton was sold by a human dressed in a robot suit should make one as uncomfortable as an 1898 spectator realising that Tesla wasn’t actually controlling his remote-controlled toy with his neck muscles and will.

Matt Novak: Elon Musk unveils idea for Tesla robot but it’s just a human in a body suit, 19 August 2021 (6 mins)

In a 1900 article, Nikola Tesla wrote of his new evolved automata:

There are several things to observe here:

1)      Tesla’s use of the term “evolved.” Coming from a follower of Herbert Spencer and Galton (recall from Part 2 of this series that Tesla was a eugenicist), this statement carries a lot of baggage. Thus, his use of the term “I have evolved” when describing what he treated as a new species should make anyone aware of the religious cult of transhumanism more than a little uncomfortable.

2)      Tesla’s belief that he had achieved a demonstration of an accurate analogue for humanity which somehow proved in his own mind, the non-existence of the soul. This indicates that Tesla placed himself into the position of a god/creator (albeit strangely a god that didn’t have any free will which he rejected in even himself).

Recall that Tesla believes that all humans, including himself, are automatons; meaning he believes that future creator/alpha machines like him will inevitably act as a master race/higher automata to the lower automata that will be programmed. On this point, Tesla directly stated: “I am proving constantly, by every thought and act of mine, that I am nothing more than automaton, responding to external stimuli and passing through an infinitude of different existences from the cradle to the grave.”

The spirit of Nikola Tesla can thus be heard loud and clear in the rambling prophecies of the new transhumanist priest Yuval Noah Harari:

Ice Age Farmer Resources: “The idea of a Soul, Free Will – these are Over!” – Technocracy explained by Prof Yuval Harari, 23 September (1 min).  Clip is taken from an interview with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem on 29 October 2020

Recall in this light, Tesla’s 1937 remarks to George Sylvester Viereck: “What we call ‘soul’ or ‘spirit,’ is nothing more than the sum of the functionings of the body. When this functioning ceases, the ‘soul’ or the ‘spirit’ ceases likewise.”

Tesla’s disturbing philosophy of robotics, his disdain for free will, and transhumanist proclivities are a deep cause of concern. But to properly appreciate where all of this is coming from, it is useful to visit a little-known 1907 interview titled ‘Tidal Wave to Make War Impossible, where Tesla described the future of the new species that he had evolved saying: “It will perform the duties of an intelligent slave. Many of us will live to see Bulwer’s dream realised.”[2]

The huge importance of Tesla’s reference to the figure of Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, whose dream, he believed himself to have helped realise, has largely gone unnoticed for over a century, and this has caused one of the most important pieces of the “Tesla enigma” to be missed by all researchers.

We will explore the incredible importance of this connection to the leading occultist, imperial grand strategist and father of the Rosicrucian revival in the next episode “Bulwer’s Dream and the Coming Race.”


[1] Tesla, “The Problem of Increasing Human Energy,” 188.

[2] Tesla’s Tidal Wave to Make War Impossible, [1907] where Tesla describes the future self-thinking machines as more evolved forms of his Telautomata saying: “A mechanism is being perfected which without operator in control, left to itself, will behave as if endowed with intelligence of its own. It will be responsive to the faintest external influences and from these, unaided, determine its subsequent actions as if possessed of selective qualities, logic, and reason. It will perform the duties of an intelligent slave. Many of us will live to see Bulwer’s dream realised.”

About the Author

Matthew Ehret is the editor-in-chief of the ‘Canadian Patriot Review’, a Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow, and Director of ‘The Rising Tide Foundation’. He has authored three volumes of the ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and four volumes of the ‘Clash of the Two Americas’. He hosts ‘Connecting the Dots’ on TNT Radio, ‘Breaking History’ on Badlands Media, and ‘The Great Game’ on Rogue News.

You can follow Ehret’s work on his Substack page HERE or Telegram channel HERE.

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22 days ago

This AI thing is nothing new (Ecclesiastes 1:9-10), the definitive verse being Revelation 13:15;

And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

I recollect watching a film as a kid (can’t remember the title) where a puppeteer made a lifelike puppet, and it came to life in the night!

Take the supernatural out of it all, and you have nothing. I believe that men can only go so far with all their inventions (Ecclesiastes 7:29), and that as they reach the apex, or tipping point as it were with them, Satan the god of this age. 2 Corinthians 4:4, gives them a life all of their own to fulfil his desires.

Mrs D
Mrs D
22 days ago

Two stellar and one great article post today Rhoda. Tried to be patient before commenting on this one and let others post first, however it’s too tempting for me.

Matt risking life and limb “besmirching” Tesla, ashamed to say i didn’t investigate his history much either. His falling in love with a pigeon definitely should have been a red flag for me.

Also testing which browser i can post comments in today, if any!

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
22 days ago

Your comment is spot on Rhoda, think very similarly myself.
Good that comment is near the top, it’s a great help to the newly waking.

Reply to  Mrs D
22 days ago

Mrs. D!

I DID post first, but as usual my comment went straight into Rhoda’s waste bin!

Hopefully it’ll show up sometime…?

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Islander
22 days ago

Bless poor Missy Rhoda friend, not her fault. Have several browsers and now can usually post comments in just one a day.

They’re trashing everything now Islander.

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Islander
22 days ago

Yep, another repost Rhoda, please delete etc……….

Developing a real need for spiritual study now friend, early morning, in the afternoon and night. Most importantly, trying to build a relationship with the Lord, it feels really good.

Bit odd the other posts were fine but not this one, probably coincidence.

Chris C
Chris C
Reply to  Mrs D
22 days ago

Hi Mrs D, Rhoda is likely grateful for your posts, whenever delivered!

Whenever I try to investigate Tesla, I usually feel that the information is being suppressed by dark forces, as if entering an internet cul-de-sac, so I appreciate this article: well done Matt too.

I imagined Tesla to be working on ‘perpetual motion machines’, creating free energy and making cancer “unhappen” using Quantum Vacuum/Zero-Point information-energy, but sadly he appears to be an arrogant, ignorant eugenicist (as is Harari of W.E.F.) and trying to make himself look superior to other people.
Clearly he knew nothing of the almost infinite workings inside our universe that is constrained by the ‘Planck Discreteness’ of mass/length/time which also has a quantum-spiritual component which is truly infinite, being free of SpaceTimeEnergy (e.g. quantum tunnelling/entanglement etc. happening instantaneously).

Relevant to all of us right now is a Bitchute video from Mark Steele of SaveUsNow entitled “Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm”
Sorry if link does not work, but this is my first attempt at copy-paste.

Maybe Rhoda could publish an article about this subject that will destroy everyone (plus any pigeon etc.) who has fallen into the Satanic traps of Smart meters/phones/cars/doorbells/cities and Alexa etc. which are designed to become access points or nodes to our biometrics in battlefield “kill spaces”.
One way (Mark has many good suggestions) to stop the globalist plans is to reject these “smart” devices and return to Mother Nature whatever the inconvenience.

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
22 days ago

That is a brilliant article Rhoda.

Chris C
Chris C
Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
22 days ago

Hi Rhoda, Thanks for your reply.

The link to this topic from Mark Steele this week contains fantastic detail and pictures, updated to include the reality of the ULEZ “cameras” deployed by TFR. Everyone in London should save and own a copy of this video, which should wake up more people to all the connected issues.

Many thanks for your brilliant articles, and I’m sure God is on our side.

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Chris C
22 days ago

Long felt the Tesla legend was suspect Chris. Wasn’t around when he was alive and the more i discover, the more it’s obvious most of our “history” is lies.

Another great comment from you, think we have quite a bit in common and yes, i think Mark Steele is a really smart, probably on the level guy too.

Watching that video you posted a link to, it’s so good. Definitely merits posting to as many as possible, especially those who are newly awake.

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Chris C
22 days ago

Grrr! Another repost Rhoda, please delete….

Long felt the Tesla legend was suspect Chris. Wasn’t around when he was alive and the more i discover, the more it’s obvious most of our “history” is lies.

Another great comment from you, think we have quite a bit in common and yes, i think Mark Steele is a really smart, probably on the level guy too.

Watching that video you posted a link to, it’s so good. Definitely merits posting to as many as possible, especially those who are newly awake.

Chris C
Chris C
Reply to  Mrs D
22 days ago

I agree Mrs D, we do have a lot in common.
I’ve just posted Mark Steele’s updated video link for Rhoda, and Londoners should definitely watch and save that!

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Chris C
22 days ago

Cheers Chris and as you know, i’m new to REAL Spiritual understanding, will have my L plates on for some time.

Please offer any advice you want to, ditto people like Rhoda and Patricia.

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Chris C
22 days ago

Bookmarked that Smoke and Mirrors channel, lots of short, informative videos for the newly awake there.

Thanks Chris, just watched this today posted Andrew Bridgen video:

Really happy to say Andrew looks pretty sincere to me there.

Chris C
Chris C
Reply to  Mrs D
22 days ago

Cheers Mrs D. I try to pray, saying each sentence out loud and then silently, which activates different parts of the brain – maybe connecting by quantum entanglement – something that cannot be hacked because it’s proven using beryllium atoms that quantum information can be neither cloned or deleted.

On a more basic level, prepping is always a good idea and I try to acquire one item per month (like a tool) just in case!
Andrew Bridgen is absolutely genuine – as is Mark Steele who has physically examined the new street furniture in videos – he is more of a down-to-Earth truther and also has faith in God.

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Chris C
22 days ago

Thank you so much for your lovely words Chris and you’ve hit the nail on the head for me. I don’t prepare enough yet, just moving on from sites like Got Questions being my main source of information. Think the Gospels might be the main books to focus on? Reading Luke currently and do try to alert others to this being a spiritual war. Saying something like “Can’t believe what’s going on, this looks Biblical!” has got some people thinking.

Muddling through at the moment and there’s so much i need to learn. So much i need to do as well, have many really big hard drives and there’s some stuff on them, which makes my blood run cold now. Maybe sorting out just two drives might be the best solution and delete everything else on the rest.

Thank you again friend.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Mrs D
22 days ago

Hi Mrs D,
That Andrew Bridgen clip was good.
You were right about Tesla as well, he was a brilliant man.

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Dave Owen
21 days ago

Was impressed Dave, he really seemed concerned for and interested in the ordinary people present. It looked sincere to me.

Nearly all videos i’ve seen of him have been filmed in the Parliament chambers. Really understand him seeming somewhat supercilious and flippant, among such foul pond life.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
22 days ago

Hi Rhoda,
Quite a different idea about Tesla than I had.
Tesla invented 3 phase electricity, which powers the World.
He had the first electric car which did 100 mph.
Developed Haarp, which the hidden hand use on us.
Invented the first radio and it’s transmission.
Completed the Wardenclyffe tower to generate free electricity.
Made the first induction motor which powers the World.
This article is a hatchet job on a remarkable man.

Mrs D
Mrs D

Sadly, don’t think it is a hatchet job Dave but unlike Edison, think he was genuinely super smart.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Mrs D
21 days ago

Hi Mrs D,
If you have time to watch this about Tesla’s inventions, you may change your mind.

Mrs D
Mrs D

Do think it very likely he was a genius inventor Dave but he did have iffy connections.

He was a man of his time and when you look at other “heroes” such as Orwell, Huxley too, there’s usually a lot of merde in their backgrounds. Still the same now.