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Bird flu is man-made, that’s why they already have a vaccine for it

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It has been reported that bird flu has spread from mallard ducks to cattle, poultry and recently a dolphin.  This is a gain-of-function, i.e. man-made, strain, Dr. Peter McCullough told Miriam Shaw, host of Moms on a Mission.  “It looks like it’s coming out of the US Poultry Research Centre in Athens, Georgia.”

After independent research discovered this particular bird flu variant was man-made, former CDC director Robert Redfield said that for bird flu to jump to humans and spread it has to be a virus developed from gain-of-function research.

They already have vaccines prepared should bird flu spread to humans.  How do they already have a vaccine?  It’s all based on genetic code and they know the genetic code, Dr. McCullough said.

Dr. McCullough was responding to a statement made to the press last month by World Health Organisation (“WHO”) Chief Scientist Jeremy Farrar.  During his statement, Farrar expressed “great concern” that the bird flu, H5N1, “virus evolves and develops the ability to infect humans.” And “we know that … the mortality rate is extraordinarily high,” he said.

Before we get to Farrar’s full statement and Dr. McCullough’s response, let’s remind ourselves who we’re dealing with when we hear WHO’s Chief Scientist speak and what the end game is. Redacted posted a video at the beginning of last week to do just that.

Redacted: This is how they will control all of us, new WHO lockdowns plans announced, 13 May 2024 (16 mins)

If you are unable to watch the video above on Rumble, you can watch it on YouTube HERE

Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox…

WHO Chief Scientist Sir Jeremy Farrar Lathered Up for a Global Bird Flu Pandemic

By Dr. Peter A. McCullough

Pandemic pundits have said avian influenza H5N1 reporting is just “fear porn” and that more discussion is just fanning the flames. One has to wonder why anyone would downplay strong messaging coming from Dr. Jeremy Farrar, Chief Scientist at the World Health Organisation. Farrar was at the Wellcome Trust when he conspired with Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Peter Daszak, and Dr. Kristian Andersen to conceal the laboratory origins of SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan.

On 19 February 2020, Farrar, along with 26 other scientists, published as a co-author of the ‘Statement in support of the scientists, public health professionals, and medical professionals of China combatting COVID-19, which declared: “We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that covid-19 does not have a natural origin.” This document is a noose around his neck as the facts have emerged on the laboratory creation of SARS-CoV-2 in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Now listen to Farrar on bird flu. He has been working on this infection since 2004. He is very confident the virus is poised to spread from human to human and is more than lathered up for a vaccine campaign. He never mentions why the historical human mortality rate in animal handlers has been high, especially late presentation and lack of adequate medical care. His concerned eyes are all about the WHO in taking complete control over the building crisis.

I follow in the clip with Ms. Miriam Shaw, outfitted with her smart glasses who takes on the WHO and we lay out the fact pattern on gain-of-function avian influenza spreading intentionally by mallard ducks all across America. Mass PCR testing will raise the case count and drive “biosecurity measures” as the man-made crisis develops into a full-blown pandemic operation.

For the pundits, we are calling this crisis before it happens and have been giving practical recommendations so people around the world can protect themselves, particularly farm workers. That’s not “fear-porn” that’s responsible pandemic preparedness.

Dr. Peter McCullough: WHO Chief Scientist Sir Jeremy Farrar Lathered Up for a Global Bird Flu Pandemic,
22 May 2024 (28 mins)

About the Author

Dr. Peter McCullough is an American internist, cardiologist and epidemiologist. He manages common infectious diseases as well as the cardiovascular complications of both the viral infection and the injuries developing after the covid-19 vaccine.

He regularly publishes articles on a Substack page titled ‘Courageous Discourse’ which you can subscribe to and follow HERE.

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23 days ago

Anyone who buys into this deceitful nonsense must be a bird brain!

Reply to  :Stuart-james.
23 days ago

Reply to  :Stuart-james.
20 days ago

When your cardiologist tells you tells you a dolphin got the flu from a chicken you should know this is an extremely infecfectious disease.

23 days ago

Why this fixation with viruses and gain of function fearporn. GOF is notoriously tricky, typically producing less lethal strains of the original. As it happens there is a distinct lack of credible evidence that the so-called SARS-COV2 virus even exists except on a computer. This allege virus has never been properly isolated, and a recent attempt to deliberately to infect a group of volunteers reportedly failed completely – as did a similar experiment conducted during the Spanish flu epidemic of 1018. Of course, you don’t actually need a virus to infect populations with a pathogen. There are numerous other ways to sicken people – for example by spreading airborne nanoparticle toxins which are ingested via breathing or through the epidermis. We know this is feasible from the numerous examples during the Covid “crisis” of the shedding of the troublesome spike protein from vaccinated to unvaccinated individuals.
For chapter and verse on this subject, I recommend the scholarship and investigative work of Sasha Latypova on Substack.

Whois Goingto
Whois Goingto
Reply to  Michael
23 days ago

and what happens if the planes are actually the problem spraying stuff on populations while blaming the boogeyman covid and continuing the fraud through alleged “variants” and presumed shedding and what not. it’s all a game to these clowns until they’re brought to justice – now who is going to do that?

Kye Young
Kye Young
Reply to  Michael
23 days ago

No virus has ever been isolated.
Sasha has said she does not buy into the idea that viruses are not causative. She has also said she does not believe EMF’s are problematic.

Reply to  Kye Young
23 days ago

Many had very different opinion on EMFs.

Barrie Trower: “We can cause any symptoms with pulsated microwaves”
Tim Rifat: Microwave mind control (on whale dot to)
Arthur Firstenberg’ almost every article published to these days (turthcomestolight has many)

Diane Leef
Diane Leef
23 days ago

It’s illegal to do gain of function research here in the U.S. Shut them down. Show me the proof bird virus can jump to other mammals. Show me your yrs. of research before you come for herds. Your all liars. You cannot prove it because it’s never happened in nature. There are reputable zoologists, biologists, geneticists, scientists who beg to differ. Thousands disagree and have evidence where YOU do not! Just like covid that was never isolated as a identifying virus. You deceit will backfire for the harm you’ve caused. CDC, WHO, Big Pharma all cooperating governments.

Reply to  Diane Leef
23 days ago

Yeah, Gain of Fiction is nothing more than a fear porn media spin at the the behest of wealthy donors. The sole purpose is to keep the peeps focused on the fake “virus” narrative of which Rhoda is its foremost spin master.

Kye Young
Kye Young
Reply to  Diane Leef
23 days ago

Actually, it was a moratorium on ‘funding’ for GOF research that was imposed by Obama in 2014. The moratorium was lifted in December 2017 under Trump.
I agree, shut it all down.

Reply to  Diane Leef
23 days ago

There is no bird virus to jump in the first place.
When you notice something which looks a contagion, just look for the poison affecting that group.

Jon Rappoport’s No More Fake News ARCHIVE had many articles, just write into the search box the name of the virus you are looking for and you’ll find the articles about what was the poison or poisons back then, stuff like Ebola, Zika and many more.
Because if a big company commits a mass poisoning, it is very comfortable to blame it on a virus which case the company pays nothing and can carry on what it did (maybe on a bit more cautious way).

Killall Thepopups
Killall Thepopups
23 days ago

i think the expose is ruining visitors by all the popups because after awhile one gets annoyed enough to not want to visit here because it is such as hassle.

Doris Kleinbeck
Doris Kleinbeck
Reply to  Killall Thepopups
23 days ago

I agree, I share articles with friends and they complain that they can’t read them.

23 days ago

Ode to the Hoax of “Bird Flu“

In the land of tweets and Substacks grand,
A plague was said to sweep the land.
“The Feather Flu,” the headlines screamed,
Into Pharma‘s coffers, the money teemed.

“Birdemic strikes!” some bloggers squawked,
Scared parrots fainted, and chickens balked.
“Fowl play!” team No virus cried with glee,
A cluckin’ menace, Rhoda don‘t wanna see!”

The doves declared, “It’s all a hoax!”
But among gullible, the virus lie did coax.
“The end is near,” some bloggers did flap,
Not ashamed to peddle, that germ theory crap.

The news was bought, the bird flu lie sold,
To bring Big Pharma, heaps of gold.
“A real hawk-tastrophe!” headlines say,
While fat execs cashed in, and made hay.

“Chickens purged!” the banners blared,
Easy to avicide, when people are scared.
One bird “positive,“ with a fake PCR test,
Gave fools reason, to murder the rest.

More are wise, to all viroliegy‘s tricks,
We know how to out, online bait clicks.
“A flap over nothing,” from the Germ Theory creep, 
“This bird-brained scare, by “science“done cheap!”

So when you hear of birdy bugaboo,
Remember, friends, it’s just cuckoo.
Don’t fall for the lie, don’t be a tit,
Vioroliegists methods, are FULL OF SHIT!!

Kye Young
Kye Young
Reply to  Marc
23 days ago

Thanks for the good laugh this morning! Can I re-post this on my Substack Marc?

Mr O
Mr O
Reply to  Marc
23 days ago

Oh man, that´s a great blues. 10 points.

Tracey R
Tracey R
Reply to  Marc
22 days ago


Kye Young
Kye Young
23 days ago

There is no bird flu. There are no zoonotic ‘pathogens’ jumping from one species to another. There is no gain of function. There is no contagion. None of that has ever been proven. It’s all part of the great magic show to cull the population while generating profit.

Reply to  Kye Young
23 days ago

I’m reposting my recent bird flu podcast, because the fear porn in the media is heating up, more animals are being killed, the food supply is being attacked, and the promotion of fear is being used to justify the widespread use of illegal mail-in ballots in the upcoming election this fall.
As major media reports pile up about dangerous Bird Flu…
I’m going to cover this operation from the top, the bottom, and all sides and angles:

Listen now

The economic warfare.
The role and intent of the World Health Organization.
The destruction of huge numbers of animals. And how people are conditioned to expect this mass killing.
The silence of the “animal rights” organizations.
The government inspectors who inevitably find Bird Flu in animals.
The “second human case” of Bird Flu in history just discovered.
The development of a Bird Flu vaccine.
The mind control conditioning of the population by media and government; the method, how it works.
New potential levels of censorship.
The H5N1 virus that causes Bird Flu—but where is it? On the moon?
The rigged test for the virus.
Why do they like to pick a flu for “pandemics”?
The war against eating meat.
And of course medical tyranny—the best tyranny money can buy.
I’m going to cover all of this, at one time, in one place, here.
Don’t miss it.”

Rappoport’s – interesting content… link in the previous comment.

clive grenville
clive grenville
23 days ago

hi folks,,be aware theres a petition aty…your last chance to stop the uns pandemic treaty-the 3 million petition….its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely from any country in the world including yours all platforms and alternative outlets can be used but that said dont bother with gestapo book who you can be sure will suppress it it currently has over 2,248000 signatures

23 days ago

[…] Go to Source Follow on Telegram […]


The CV-19 virus and variants were patented 17 times at least from 2002 on-wards, if I remember right, and so were the testing and vaccines for such virus. Something can only be patented if it is new, does not exist in nature and has not been altered to have what is known as “Gain Of Function”. The last 2 being illegal even attempting to Patent. If it is patented, and it is, it has to be legal and NOT exist in nature. It, they, them exist, and they do, they only exist in computer sequencing. It is only the computer sequencing of a pretend “virus” that is patented and not an actual virus that exist in nature. The patents for these “virus” only exist in the computer world and not in reality. The “vaccines” are the inverse computer sequence supposed to counter the “virus” computer sequence. The virus is unreal but the vaccines and their side effects are real. Bird Flu and all the other so called “virus” are just the same, exist only in cyber space.
The patent numbers for all the above can be found from Dr David Martin and he can be found here as good place to start;

Reply to  Craig.
22 days ago

Even an idea can be patented, doesn’t have to be a real thing.
How the officers handling patents can check this so called lab-made viruses?

Lab or natural, the same rules apply. Isolation (separating it from everything else), proving that it is able to cause the thing blamed on it.

These parts never happen.

Reply to  SAbiX12
22 days ago

Another sensible comment!

BTW-you’ve been called a “nutjob” among other things on the recent Harry Houdini article! Scandalous!

Reply to  Islander
22 days ago

Really? 🙂 So what?

Reply to  SAbiX12
22 days ago

That’s the right attitude!

Reply to  Islander
22 days ago

I try to spend as short times here as possible, maybe it’s just my imagination but this site (or the Brave) triggers my EMF sensitivity, rather badly.

23 days ago

Anyone who buys into this deceitful nonsense must be a bird brain!

22 days ago

… but covid didn’t come from a lab, unless it was a computer lab! In silico doesn’t mean it is real!

22 days ago

[…] – Bird flu is man-made, that’s why they already have a vaccine for it […]

22 days ago

Dr Peter McCULLOUGH is an eminent Cardiologist in Dallas, Texas and has 100 published Papers and top of his field. He has said it is another Gain of Function as in the Covid 19. Tedros is NOT A MEDICAL DOCTOR, therefor don’t believe a word he says. He is a well-known TERRORIST, MAFIA MURDERER OF masses of ETHIOPEANS. THIS is OFFICIALLY DOCUMENTED! ! Enough said, but do not destroy your Hen laying Birds and become desolate! There are more of us on earth than the Oligarths who are intent in taking over the World! Don’t believe a word this MOB OF MANIACS SAY!

22 days ago

[…] Fonte: The Exposé News […]

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
21 days ago

The deceit is going to be a bird flu virus affects the lungs.

But you cannot vaccinate against a lung infection this was the issue with the covid virus.

There solution ignoring the vaxx was being put on a respirator and given “rundeathisnear”.

So now try to sell me a bird flu vaxx … not happening.

21 days ago

[…] They already have vaccines prepared should bird flu spread to humans.  How do they already have a vaccine?  It’s all based on genetic code and they know the genetic code, Dr. McCullough said. Exposé News […]

You're still not awake
You're still not awake
21 days ago

All the Karens and Beta Males will sign up for this.

20 days ago

[…] to produce an efficacious vaccine, (which they believe they already have) there must be a concerted effort to manipulate the genetic code of the H5N1 virus to prepare a line of efficacious […]

20 days ago

[…] to produce an efficacious vaccine, (which they believe they already have) there must be a concerted effort to manipulate the genetic code of the H5N1 virus to prepare a line of efficacious […]

20 days ago

[…] to produce an efficacious vaccine, (which they believe they already have) there must be a concerted effort to manipulate the genetic code of the H5N1 virus to prepare a line of efficacious […]

19 days ago

[…] to produce an efficacious vaccine, (which they believe they already have) there must be a concerted effort to manipulate the genetic code of the H5N1 virus to prepare a line of efficacious […]

19 days ago

[…] to produce an efficacious vaccine, (which they believe they already have) there must be a concerted effort to manipulate the genetic code of the H5N1 virus to prepare a line of efficacious […]

19 days ago

[…] to produce an efficacious vaccine, (which they believe they already have) there must be a concerted effort to manipulate the genetic code of the H5N1 virus to prepare a line of efficacious […]

19 days ago

[…] to produce an efficacious vaccine, (which they believe they already have) there must be a concerted effort to manipulate the genetic code of the H5N1 virus to prepare a line of efficacious […]

19 days ago

[…] Para que os cientistas produzam uma vacina eficaz (que eles acreditam já ter), deve haver um esforço concertado para manipular o código genético do vírus H5N1 para preparar uma linha de vacinas […]

18 days ago

[…] to produce an efficacious vaccine, (which they believe they already have) there must be a concerted effort to manipulate the genetic code of the H5N1 virus to prepare a line of efficacious […]

17 days ago

[…] to produce an efficacious vaccine, (which they believe they already have) there must be a concerted effort to manipulate the genetic code of the H5N1 virus to prepare a line of efficacious […]

17 days ago

[…] Para que os cientistas produzam uma vacina eficaz (que eles acreditam já ter), deve haver um esforço concertado para manipular o código genético do vírus H5N1 para preparar uma linha de vacinas […]

13 days ago

Anyone tired of these virus pushers? Malone &Company

Pamela Cottrell
Pamela Cottrell
9 days ago

Of course it’s man made. TheWHO are doing everything they cirruptly can to bring in another virus, this one is for birds. Utter crooks who need to be disbanded and told to fck off.

8 days ago

[…] se transmite a los humanos; Si lo hace, será porque ha sido diseñado en un laboratorio. Como dijo el Dr. Peter McCullough durante una entrevista el mes pasado, el H5N1 es producido por el hombre y es por eso que ya […]

4 days ago

[…] gripe pandémica? Para que os cientistas produzam uma vacina eficaz (que eles acreditam já ter), é necessário um esforço concertado para manipular o código genético do vírus H5N1 para preparar uma linha de vacinas […]