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The Virus Challenge: A Guide for the Purple-Pilled.

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‘Exposing the fraud of viroLIEgy’ is ‘crucial considering the shadow of One ‘Health’ hangs over us like a Diverse Eugenics Inclusion program,’ was an important point made in comment from Expose reader Marc yesterday on an article featuring Dr Mike Yeadon. The World Health Organisation (WHO) have further nefarious plans for us, yet their weapons of mass destruction arguably cannot be implemented without a terror campaign driven by the threat of a ‘deadly virus.’

A threat that looks as if it will be successful going by the people who are still pushing the Covid rhetoric despite the fact there had been no pandemic and no virus even when nations were coerced/forced/and mandated into being lab rats in a medical game of Russian Roulette.

Not only was there no “Covid” but according to biomedical scientist, Simon Lee, (and many other scientists) there has never been a ‘published scientific paper that has ever shown that particles fulfilling the definition of ‘viruses’ have been directly isolated and purified from any tissues or bodily fluids of any sick human or animal.’ but, too many people still don’t want to acknowledge this.

Psychological Protection

In the article yesterday featuring Dr Mike Yeadon, he said he has ‘learned enough to say I think viroLIEgy is wholly fraudulent, but he believes that people may be ‘prevented from accepting any new information’ a result of ‘psychological protection mechanisms” which would be a reason why it has been impossible to reach people with our warnings. He mentioned that years ago, a person confessed to him that they didn’t want to believe what he was telling them, ‘because it was simply too frightening.’

Similarly, during the plandemic, many of us experienced a reluctance from others to believe what we were trying to tell them. We exposed the blatant lies from the perpetrators and told of their plans, backed up with evidence. There was a distinct lack of knowledgeable response, but lots of insults, name calling and daft emojis, even from previously ‘anti establishment’ individuals who were now remarkably aiding and abetting and repeating their propagandised rhetoric.

And they called us idiots and morons!

Here We Are Again

Here we are again, and as Simon Lee says, “those who understand that the globalist establishment is rotten to the core,” have gone down the ‘rabbit holes’ and completed the ‘deep dives’ on everything from the Titanic to the Moon landings,” but if you try to tell them that viruses are not real they will lose their minds.” They are, what he terms the “purple pilled” they have a foot in the red camp and another in the blue.” and now due to their inability to accept new information, or provide evidence for their own view, they would prefer to believe that those exposing the virus lie are “working for the perpetrators!’

Simon Lee previously wrote an article for the Expose in October 2023 which told of a challenge that had been issued to settle the Virus/no virus debate and as yet there have been no scientific takers. Now with the ‘Germ Warfare ratcheting up’ as Kyle Young wrote, it is well worth a republish.

”Are you ready to take the red pill?” he asked.

The Virus Challenge: A Guide for the Purple-Pilled

by Simon Lee, Science Officer, Anew UK

Are you Purple-Pilled?

James Delingpole recently wrote a brilliant and thought provoking piece titled “Discrediting Our Cause” in which he introduced the concept of the “purple-pilled”. Who are, according to Delingpole:

“Fairweather Awake types – I call them the ‘purple-pilled’ because though they’ve taken the red pill more or less they still want to keep one foot in the blue-pilled camp for old times’ sake – that there are some conspiracy theories out there which are simply beyond the pale. They are so silly, these more outre conspiracy theories, that even to talk about them just discredits ‘our’ cause.”

This got me thinking (as thought provoking articles do) about the virus wars.

I used to believe in viruses. I even did diagnostic tests for viruses in a hospital lab for many years. I never believed any of the covid nonsense when it kicked off in 2020, but at that stage i did still believe that Coronaviruses were real. However, I didn’t believe that they could cause anything more serious than the common cold.

I was aware that some people did not think that viruses were real and that the pictures of alleged viruses were in fact usually exosomes which are particles produced by cells that are damaged and are dying.

So i decided to investigate these claims for myself and began to do some detailed research into the foundational science that supposedly underpinned the diagnostic testing that i used to do.

I discovered some brilliant people like the Kiwi couple Dr Sam Bailey MD and Dr Mark Bailey MD, Mike Stone and his brilliant viroLIEgy website, Dr Thomas Cowan MD, Dr Andrew Kaufman MD, Christine Massey MSc, Dr Stefano Scoglio PhD. There are many others too (see the signatories to the virus challenge further down). I quickly came to recognise that virology is a fraudulent pseudoscience and that there is no good evidence for the existence of pathogenic human viruses.

I’m used to arguing with the “normies” and “sheeple” about all things covid related but now most of the arguing is with so called “truthers” who consider themselves to be red-pilled. In reality these virus believers are what Delingpole calls the “Purple-pilled”.

Yes, they understand that the globalist establishment is rotten to the core and they may have done their research on some real conspiracies like the JFK assassination, the moon landings, 9/11, the Titanic (yes really! Look into it.) etc but if you try to tell them that viruses are not real they will lose their minds.

“If you accept – as all the red-pilled must because it is the foundation of Awake awareness – that the world as it has been sold to us is a tissue of lies, half-truths and deceptions, then it naturally follows that everything we think we know about the world is potentially fallacious.” James Delingpole

Apparently, the fallacious nature of virology is a red pill too many for some. The lab leaked genetically engineered SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon is a great story but it is complete science fiction nonsense.

The conspirators and their mainstream media accomplices are very happy for people to believe this nonsense which is why they are now allowing this narrative to be pushed. They really don’t care whether you believe the “virus” was naturally occurring or was genetically engineered in a lab. All they care about is that you believe that this imaginary virus is real.

They will most likely never admit to the full extent of their lies and deception, especially as it seems likely that they are planning on pulling the same trick again and again and again. Instead, they have opted for the limited hangout lab leaked genetically engineered SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon science fiction story.

This is why it is so important that people are prepared to reassess all the things that they thought they knew to be true by looking at the evidence. Knowledge that contradicts the official version of events is hard won because “You’re up against a vast, intricate, well-funded system of organised deception”.

Your belief system should never be unshakeable and you should always be open minded, especially when you are presented with new evidence. Its quite shocking to see how people who believe themselves to be red-pilled think like normies when it comes to the issue of viruses.

It is no longer intellectually tenable for anyone with a reasonable degree of curiosity, scepticism, and intelligence to still believe in pathogenic human viruses. As Delingpole puts it:

“If you have accepted the truth of even one conspiracy theory, no matter what it is,then you have abnegated the right to declare any other conspiracy off limits.”

If you have already accepted that “there are forces out there so corrupt, powerful, devious, entrenched and malign that they have happily and gleefully lied to you about something really big” then why can’t you accept that they are lying about viruses too? Why is that a step too far?

Many supposed red-pilled people dogmatically cling to the false belief that the “no virus” position is a Psy-op designed to discredit “our cause”. These people have evidently not put in the necessary research to understand the full extent of the lies deployed to create a pseudopandemic.

A degree of humility might be in order for some people who might have to admit to having been wrong ( as Dr Mike Yeadon PhD has graciously done) but “put in the hours and you’ll get there in the end” and the truth will out.

“Far from uniting the resistance, the broad front ‘pragmatism and unity’ strategy has divided and neutralised that resistance by luring a significant portion of it into containment pens. All those people out there who have sensed that something is wrong and are now eager for guidance on what it is are being led into a trap…That trap, essentially, is a state of controlled ignorance.”

James Delingpole

It is claimed, by some, that the “no virus” position might alienate potential allies. The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth should never alienate any decent person especially those who consider themselves to be “truthers”.

The No “Virus” Challenge

The No “Virus” Challenge was originally thought up by Dr. Tom Cowan in conjunction with Dr. Mark Bailey and Dr. Kevin Corbett. It now has many other like minded signatories.

It was established to challenge virology, in order to put their methods to the test, and is designed to meet virology halfway.

The signatories want virology to demonstrate, using their own methods, that they can actually independently reproduce and replicate the exact same results while blinded to the different samples that they would be testing.

If virologists are really interested in following the scientific method and performing the proper control experiments ( that should have been carried out from the very beginning) then there is absolutely no reason for them not to accept this challenge.

Settling the virus debate

Central to the covid pseudopandemic is the accepted wisdom that viruses, defined as replicating, protein-coated pieces of genetic material (either DNA or RNA) , exist as independent entities in the real world and are able to cause disease that can be transmitted from person to person.

These alleged particles, with the protein coating and genetic material inside, are commonly believed to infect living cells, replicate inside these living cells, cause tissue damage as they leave the cell, and, in doing so, can cause disease and sometimes the death of the host. These alleged virus particles are then said to be able to transmit to other people, causing disease in them as well.

Billions have been spent during a century of experimentation, studies, and interventions in this “war against viruses”. This belief has fundamentally changed the trajectory of our world and negatively impacted large sections of humanity, so its way past time that this theory was put to the test.

For several decades, many objective doctors and scientists have been arguing that virology is based on some fundamental misconceptions. They have been arguing that the pictures of “viruses” are in fact the natural and inevitable breakdown products of stressed and/or dead and dying tissues and are not independent, exogenous, pathogenic entities as is commonly claimed.

Therefore they are not pathogens, they are not harmful to other people, and there are no rational or scientific reasons to take measures to protect yourself or others from them.

Data accumulation is not science

Controlled and falsifiable hypothesis-driven experiments are central to the scientific method. In contrast, publications in virology are mostly of a descriptive nature.

Dr Edward R. Dougherty, the Scientific Director of the Center for Bioinformatics and Genomic Systems Engineering, wrote about the epistemological crisis in genomics in 2015:

“High-throughput technologies such as gene-expression microarrays have lead to the accumulation of massive amounts of data, orders of magnitude in excess to what has heretofore been conceivable. But the accumulation of data does not constitute science, nor does the a postiori rational analysis of data.”

Dr Dougherty warned that “contemporary genomic research often fails to satisfy the basic requirements of that epistemology, thereby failing to produce valid scientific knowledge.”

Data accumulation is not science. The collection of data does not replace the requirement for evidence that adheres to the scientific method which requires a valid independent variable (i.e. purified/isolated particles) in order to determine cause and effect. Indirect computer-generated evidence can not take the place of having the necessary direct physical proof. The strings of DNA and RNA letters in a data bank tells us little or nothing of value.

Virus particles have not been isolated

The main argument that the pathogenic viral theory is wrong, is that no published scientific paper has ever shown that particles fulfilling the definition of viruses have been directly isolated and purified from any tissues or bodily fluids of any sick human or animal.

There is general agreement that true “isolation” of these particles is not achieved by virologists, who misuse this term to mean something other than the separation of one thing from all other things.

Proponents of the viral myth have difficulty understanding the meaning of the word “isolation”. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary it is defined as “the act of separating something from other things: the act of isolating something” and isolate is defined as “to select from among others especially: to separate from another substance so as to obtain pure or in a free state”.

Isolation does NOT mean the combination of many elements together. No dictionary defines isolation/isolate as meaning the mixing of many substances together in a cell culture. That is what virologists take it to mean.

Particles that have truly been isolated and purified have not been shown to be replication-competent, disease-causing and infectious, so they do not meet the definition of a virus.

The “evidence” of viruses presented in the form of “genomes” and animal experiments is derived from methodologies lacking sufficient controls as per the scientific method.

Fake genomes

We are supposed to believe that A,C,T,G’s in a computer database is all the evidence that is needed in order to prove the existence of a “virus.” No purified and isolated “virus” is necessary if the computer assembles a theoretical genome of an invisible entity.

Dr Charles Calisher and 13 other experienced virologists warned in 2001:

“A string of DNA letters in a data bank tells little or nothing about how a virus multiplies, which animals carry it, how it makes people sick, or whether antibodies to other viruses might protect against it. Just studying sequences, is like trying to say whether somebody has bad breath by looking at his fingerprints.“

The original “SARS-COV-2” genome is a fraudulent assembly produced from the unpurified bronchial alveolar lavage fluid from one person living in a heavily polluted Chinese city. Every other supposedly mutated genome has been built upon this fraudulent construction. These samples contain genetic material from numerous bacteria, fungi, parasites, as well as the human patient. If the sample has been cell cultured, they also contain the added animal DNA from the cell line as well as the fetal bovine serum used in the medium.

All “viral” sequences are most likely nothing more than a mixture of human, animal, bacterial, fungal, and other unknown sources of genetic material. These mixtures of RNA are claimed to be “viral” and added to a database in order to build a “viral” library. There is no evidence whatsoever that any of this RNA ever came from a “virus.”

It is not possible to buy purified and isolated particles of “SARS-COV-2” which comes directly from the fluids of a sick human, but you can buy lab created cell cultured concoctions supposedly containing this elusive entity known as “SARS-COV-2.”

As far as “viral” RNA is concerned, some companies are selling lab-created cell cultured concoctions and claim that “viral” RNA is contained within it. Interestingly, they do not stand by the accuracy of any claims, as noted in the product sheet for the “viral” RNA product. A company claiming it is selling “viral” RNA, is not proof that they are really selling “viral” RNA, especially when the company will not back the accuracy of any of its claims about its products.

Logical fallacy

A logical fallacy often deployed by virus believers is to shift the burden of proof. They demand that those of us questioning virology must provide an alternative hypothesis to explain why people become ill. In fact, the onus is on those that claim “viruses” exist to back up their assertion with evidence proving the existence of these transmissible pathogenic particles.

The challenge is to test their hypothesis that “viruses” exist and cause disease by performing the proper controlled experiments that should have been performed by virologists from the very beginning.

It is not necessary to provide an alternative hypothesis as to what is causing disease in order to disprove the current “viral” hypothesis.

There are numerous factors which can cause disease. Covid-19 is not a single disease with just one cause, it is a misdiagnosis based on no new or specific symptoms, as well as fraudulent and unreliable test results.

PCR test results are 100% inaccurate as no PCR test has ever been calibrated and validated against purified and isolated particles assumed to be “viruses.” The FDA had “no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV virus” and Drosten developed the fraudulent PCR miraculously “without having virus material available.” but instead used “synthetic nucleic acid technology”.

Dr Sam Bailey Throws Down the Gauntlet  



According to Dr Sam Bailey MD, the following experiments would need to be successfully completed before the viral theory can be deemed factual:  

1. A unique particle with the characteristics of a virus is purified from the tissues or fluids of a sick living being. The purification method to be used is at the discretion of the virologists but electron micrographs must be provided to confirm the successful purification of morphologically-identical alleged viral particles.

2. The purified particle is biochemically characterized for its protein components and genetic sequence.  

3. The proteins are proven to be coded for by these same genetic sequences.  

4. The purified viral particles alone, through a natural exposure route, are shown to cause identical sickness in test subjects, by using valid controls.

5. Particles must then be successfully re-isolated (through purification) from the test subject at 4 above, and demonstrated to have exactly the same characteristics as the particles found in step 1.

All attempts to demonstrate the above have so far failed.

Virologists claim that “viruses” cannot be found in sufficient numbers in the tissues of any sick person or animal to allow such an analysis. This makes no sense at all. These particles are supposedly present in sufficient numbers to cause illness in the individual and also to transfer the illness to other people. So why can’t they be found in-situ?

The virus challenge proposes to meet the virologists half way:

“In the first instance, we propose that the methods in current use are put to the test. The virologists assert that these pathogenic viruses exist in our tissues, cells and bodily fluids because they claim to see the effects of these supposed unique particles in a variety of cell cultures. This process is what they call “isolation” of the virus. They also claim that, using electron microscopy, they can see these unique particles in the results of their cell cultures.

Finally, they claim that each “species” of pathogenic virus has its unique genome, which can be sequenced either directly from the bodily fluids of the sick person or from the results of a cell culture. We now ask that the virology community prove that these claims are valid, scientific and reproducible.

Rather than engaging in wasteful verbal sparring, let us put this argument to rest by doing clear, precise, scientific experiments that will, without any doubt, show whether these claims are valid.”

The Virus challenge proposal

The signatories to the virus challenge propose the following experiment as the first step in determining whether such an entity as a pathogenic human virus exists…

STEP ONE  5 virology labs worldwide would participate in this experiment and none would know the identities of the other participating labs. A monitor will be appointed to supervise all steps. Each of the 5 labs will receive five nasopharyngeal samples from four categories of people (i.e. 20 samples each), who either:  1) are not currently in receipt of, or being treated for a medical diagnosis;  2) have received a diagnosis of lung cancer;  3) have received a diagnosis of influenza A (according to recognized guidelines); or who  4) have received a diagnosis of ‘COVID-19’ (through a PCR “test” or lateral flow assay.)  

Each person’s diagnosis (or “non-diagnosis”) will be independently verified, and the pathology reports will be made available in the study report. The labs will be blinded to the nature of the 20 samples they receive. Each lab will then attempt to “isolate” the viruses in question (Influenza A or SARS-CoV-2) from the samples or conclude that no pathogenic virus is present.

Each lab will show photographs documenting the CPE (cytopathic effect), if present, and explain clearly each step of the culturing process and materials used, including full details of the controls or “mock-infections”.

Next, each lab will obtain independently verified electron microscope images of the “isolated” virus, if present, as well as images showing the absence of the virus (presumably, in the well people and people with lung cancer). The electron microscopist will also be blinded to the nature of the samples they are analyzing. All procedures will be carefully documented and monitored.

STEP TWO  ALL of the samples will then be sent for genomic sequencing and once again the operators will remain blinded to the nature of their samples. It would be expected that if 5 labs receive material from the same sample of a patient diagnosed with COVID-19, each lab should report IDENTICAL sequences of the alleged SARS-CoV-2 genome.

On the other hand, this genome should not be found in any other samples. (Note: this statement is a brief outline of the suggested experiments – a fully detailed protocol would obviously need to be developed and agreed upon by the laboratories and signatories.)

If the virologists fail to obtain a satisfactory result from the above study, then their claims about detecting “viruses” will be shown to be unfounded. All of the measures put in place as a result of these claims should be brought to an immediate halt. If they succeed in this first task then we would encourage them to proceed to the required purification experiments to obtain the probative evidence for the existence of viruses.

It is in the interest of everyone to address the issue of isolation, and the very existence, of alleged viruses such as SARS-CoV-2. This requires proof that the entry of morphologically and biochemically, virus-like particles into living cells is both necessary and sufficient to cause the appearance of the identical particles, which are contagious and disease causing.

We welcome your support and feedback for this initiative.


Thomas Cowan, MD  Mark Bailey, MD  Samantha Bailey, MD   Jitendra Banjara, MSc    Kelly Brogan, MD  Kevin Corbett, PhD   Mufassil Dingankar, BHMS Michael Donio, MS  Jordan Grant, MD   Andrew Kaufman, MD  Valentina Kiseleva, MD  Christine Massey, MSc    Paul McSheehy, PhD  Prof. Timothy Noakes, MD  Sachin Pethkar, BAMS   Saeed Qureshi, PhD  Stefano Scoglio, PhD  Mike Stone, BEXSc    Amandha Vollmer, NDoc Michael Yeadon, PhD”

Any takers?

So the challenge has been issued. Are there any scientific takers? So far, apparently not.

And what about you? Are you ready to swallow the no virus red pill yet? It’s not a bitter pill to swallow so a spoonful of sugar is not required to help it go down. Just a pinch of humility in some cases.


1) James Delingpole: How red-pilled arbiters of truth discredit our cause BY RHODA WILSON ON AUGUST 30, 2023 The Expose.


3) On the Epistemological Crisis in Genomics. Edward R Dougherty. Curr Genomics. 2008 Apr; 9(2): 69–79. PMID: 19440447

4) The “Virus” of Sin. Mike Stone.

5) The No “Virus” Challenge. Mike Stone.

My Sources:

Simon Lee – The Virus Challenge – A Guide For the Purple Pilled- https ://

Dr Mike Yeadon – Telegram channel – Dr Mike Yeadon Solo Channel –

Dr Mike Yeadon – Treaty o fLies, Pandemic of Lies, Whistleblowers of Truth – Mike Yeadon Substack –

Kyle Young – Germ Warfare

Simon Lee is a published Biomedical Scientist with over 30 years in his field, nearly a decade of which he worked in the field of virology. Simon is the Science Officer of Anew UK.

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Kyle Young
Kyle Young
14 days ago

After Dr. Mike Yeadon watched my 9/21 interview with Dr. Tom Cowan some months back, I was pleasantly surprised when he told me he agreed with Dr. Cowan. In that interview Dr. Cowan agreed that the Wuhan lab leak story was nothing more than a way to reinforce fear mongering about viruses.
If a former vice president at Pfizer (Yeadon) can come to understand these lies about viruses, it would seem the most ardent virus believers might want to reconsider.
Keep up the good work Patricia.

Reply to  Kyle Young
13 days ago

As you mentioned Dr. Tom Cowan (chanel: odysee on this name, even dots matter to find him), Cowan just told and prove to us why the jabs WERE NOT mRNA. They have a made up image (how it works) of ribosomes, but there is no proof, all of the pictures shown are art-works but actual photos.
Like this (photo)

Reply to  SAbi9
12 days ago

The jabs are not messenger RNA they are modified RNA. They contain an unnatural uracil base and they are not a human sequence. They persist for a long time. They contain micro RNA sequences that could cause all sorts of serious problems like cancer. The molecule is inherently toxic and does not need to be translated into protein to be toxic.

John Blundell
John Blundell
14 days ago

Wayward Exosomes is my explanation for now.
Disease symptoms RNA piggy backs the Exosome messenger. (Hildreth John HopkinsU 2004)
Until the Béchampists provide empirical evidence as to what causes illness then the Pasteurists will remain along with the rest of the World that thinks the World is medically flat!
Since 1633, as 260 years before the Vatican finally accepted that the Earth went round the Sun. Or does it?

Maybe this is the final disinformation that needs to be debunked.
No such thing as viruses? May be, May be not..

The No Virus brigade need to evidence realistic empirical counter argument, not just £million challenges to prove either way.

The Pro-virus brigade need to prove otherwise.
The No-virus brigade need to prove otherwise.

Electron microscopes are unable to evidence whether the supposed offending RNA is a Virus or an Exosome. Not least specimens totally “infected” by the preparation process and not live sequences only static black, white or stained images!

OK, so no such thing as a virus., then what causes illness?
Wayward exosomes.?
Terrain theory?
Toxins; Plastics, Endocrine disruptors, Air, Water food pollution?

Otherwise do we keep 2 metres apart, avoid breathing in RNA particulates, or be touched by shedding.
Tell all that to the Spanish flu victims, or the 2018 scientists that could not infect anyone of Spanish Flu.
Probably a gut bacteria cytokine storm.(Spanish flu exhumed Inuits research by Fauci no less)

So until then, I sit on the fence and await for both sides to provide convincing argument as to the reason people get ill.

For now, I am at the “Wayward Exosome” causality stage which provides a “halfway-house” reasonable explanation that accommodates both positions.

Consider offending toxic RNA that disrupts the messenger Exosomes as a “Trojan horse” to disrupt cells as illness causality.

The real game changer either way will be by empirical evidence, and the side that explains how people get ill either by infection (Pasteur), or some kind of entirely different causation, (Béchamp) immunodeficiency?

An empirical explanation required rather than challenges by either “Pro Virus”, and “No-Virus” protagonists.

I await realistic empirical evidence of what causes illness;
Take your pick; “Virus”, “Exosome”, “Non RNA Toxins”, or “Immunodeficiency” causality.

Reply to  John Blundell
14 days ago

The Contagion Myth by Thomas S. Cowan, MD, and Sally Fallon Morell details many of the causes of illness and also debunks viruses.

Reply to  John Blundell
14 days ago

@John Blundell,

Please be a little positive friend…….

You could go to the website of Dr Tom Cowan.

He posted 2 video’s there….
1) What makes you sick
2) What doesn’t make you sick

Look at those 2 ( 1 our a video) and you’re complete informed.

First comment for me here on this beautiful website.
I use always my nickname “Gladiator” and do this for my own reason. I hope you don’t mind.
I’m just an old Guy from the Netherlands……once a beautiful Country but now a complete criminal sh*thole where monthly +/- 10.000 culture pearls cross our borders from all sites………and…..believe it or not… feels real bad for an old Custom Officer (Douane).
Have a nice evening all here!

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Gladiator
13 days ago

Hi Gladiator,
I am pleased you like the blog, stick around, there are plenty of different views.

Reply to  John Blundell
14 days ago

You don’t need to prove what gives you the sniffles to debunk a fave strategy of viroliegists:

1. Put snot on a cell culture. 2. Then poison cell culture with antibiotics to produce cytopathic effects. 3. Conclude that a virus caused the cytopathic effects. 4. Do NO CONTROL experiment. 5. Claim exosomes are thing and other than just an artefact of the brutal treatments biological samples are subjected to such as:
(deep breath) heavy metal stains, dehydration through a series of alcohol or acetone washes, embedment in solid resin, transfer to a vacuum chamber to prevent air molecules from interfering with the electron beam. Bombardment with a focused beam of electrons shot from an electron gun.

In short biological samples are violently raped and abused before … drumroll … sophisticated software conjures up some images for the high priests of EM interpretation to splice some arrows on some pics and declare “exosome” “novel corona virus” “ribosome.”


Mervyn Clarke
Mervyn Clarke
Reply to  John Blundell
13 days ago

RF. In many forms causes flu-like symptoms. Dependant on type of RF, frequency of RF, and strength of RF, flu-like symptoms, DNA damage, and many more non-thermal effects on biological organisms can be the result. Please read, for starters, “The Invisible Rainbow”, by Arthur Firstenberg for a preliminary understanding of elecricity in many of it’s forms. Also, anything from Prof. Olle Johansson, Barrie Trower and the like. I have not been able to fault any of the work done by electrical engineer Mark Steele.
The powers that shouldn’t be have a perfect tool for total control over the masses, and the invisible boogeyman (virus) can be their alibi. Just serve any individual target the appropriate beam-formed signal, and one may create illness at will. Flu-like illness.
I wish you well on your journey.

Reply to  John Blundell
13 days ago

There is no RNA. DNA and RNA are imaginary things. There is no proof for their existence – zero, none.
To understand this, before Newton and the rest of the FREEMASONS, shaping our view with fake science (gravity, ball earth, etc), people (many religion) knew some vital things, for example that fire, water, earth, void (aether) are ELEMENTS on their own.
Water is not H2O. If you don’t understand, dig after it, but the most strong proof is raman spectroscopy, based on that every elements (atom) has a unique wavelengths, because of it they can be identified in a solution one by one.
Where it gets interesting, both hydrogen and oxygen have their unique pattern with this method, but water don’t. Water have patterns only if there are electrolytes in it, means foreign substances, material like salt, calcium, so on.
According to Dr. Tom Cowan the double helix is not the DNA but the water (we are 70% structured, jelly-form water). The DNA is just ‘God’ antenna’ for receiving the updates.
I proved – on this very site, several time – that their DNA science is as much a fraud as their virus science, a made-up BS for power, money, and to make the health-care dumbed down workers like HIGH PRIEST, because if is just a religion, the so called science behind it consist of lies.
Take time to watch and educate, or you can die silly, absolutely your choice but if you won’t save yourself with knowledge supported good decisions, no one will save you. I guess it is clear enough by now.

Chris C
Chris C
14 days ago

Thank you Patricia for another great article covering the virus “isolation” debate on which the very future of humankind may soon depend (IHR), and I am honoured for my name to be mentioned in the opening paragraph with the esteemed Dr Mike Yeadon: he is a kind sincere soul and he would not know how to lie.

One problem (apart from the evil MSM) in convincing the worldwide public that viral material does not spread disease, is that the corrupt medical establishment lead us to believe that viruses are in the same class/size of living things as bacteria (tummy upsets), parasites (cancer-causing: ref. Dr Lee Merritt), fungi etc., mostly harmless and beneficial (bio-yogurts for a healthier biome) but some of which may cause 1% of disease from bad eggs, raw meat, foecal matter, insect bites etc.

The other 99% of disease being detoxing (colds and flu) from damaged cells caused by malnutrition (lack of Vits D/C in winter) or toxic environments (food additives, excess alcohol, emf etc.) which are different sides of the same coin.

Anyone with a cheap microscope can see bacteria which on average are 100x bigger than the exosomes that the medics (enemies of We the Peoples for 150+ years) fraudulently call viruses: trust only natural medicine if you get sick.

As a physicist, if I claim to have discovered a new planet or elementary particle, my peers would want real images and not the excuse “Sorry I do not have enough evidence, only computer data sets”.

We need trillions of factoids to be circulated to the public explaining exactly what the Satanists planned and did, i.e. executing the elderly in 2020 and using the fake PCR “test” (calibrated to a fictional sequence of amino acids) to create the illusion of a pandemic so as to mandate nanotech jabs.

To see just how evil the NWO are, I recommend yesterday’s interview (27-Apr-2024) between Alex Jones and Pascal Najadi (WEF whistleblower) where he describes the pleasure the Satanists (Schwab etc.) experienced from planning the torture and destruction of humanity using bioweapons, especially their delight at terrifying the young and innocent.
Najadi may or may not be a bit crazy now and some of his statements hard to believe, but he knows the Luciferians from inside experience:

Chris C
Chris C
Reply to  Patricia Harrity
14 days ago

Thank you for your kind words Patricia.
We are lucky to be alive in these turbulent times when technology is enabling so many good people to spread the truth so widely and quickly: e.g. the comment from john here linking us to which will inform the world of how God’s children are wickedly harmed by the so-called “elite”.
I always thought the police would deal with such horrors: we must pray to God that they will act now as if it were their own children, and put money losses aside.
Babies and kids deserve infinitely better than this world where evil prospers.

Yes we must wait and see how much of Pascal Najadi’s statements are true: the only other person I recall who flustered Alex Jones like that was in a David Icke interview: David believes we are a “Simulation” whereas Alex strongly believes in a “Divine Creator”.

14 days ago

As we catch up with them, their blood runs cold with the thought that yes, we know exactly where they’ve stashed everything. Including the bloody underpants of little boys and girls, “used up” by their subjugation rituals under force, for blackmail purposes and “certain guarantees” that the politicians and others they favor, will forever remain loyal to Baal, the Spirit of Falsehood.
In the meantime, the vast portion of mankind continue to choose death over life. They openly support criminality as “taxpayers” along with the sodomization and sacrifice of children.
In a free willed universe, the choices made, will be honoured.
The ignorant won’t see it nor comprehend it. 

K Mitchell
K Mitchell
14 days ago

Does it even matter? Will it change anything?

Reply to  K Mitchell
14 days ago

It matters because when people understand that viruses are fake they will not submit to any of the draconian dictats that the globalists want to impose on us.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Sam
13 days ago

I’d like think it would work like that but it won’t. If the masses haven’t woken up to the fact that the increase in cancer cases, the emergence of turbo cancer and the huge rise in heart problems is actually vaxx harm, then an argument about viruses won’t wake them up.

Many people still have faith in the vaxx. Last week I was queuing in a shop and the woman at the front getting served said to the woman behind the counter, “I’m off to get my covid shot. Best way. It keeps you alive.”

Imagine trying to use this argument about viruses to convince someone like that. It won’t work.

This debate should be saved for later, after the real threat to our health and freedom has been eliminated, after mRNA “vaccines” have been banned and the WHO has been closed down or at least tamed.

Then argue about viruses.

Reply to  Watcher Seeker
13 days ago

If everybody understood the truth about viruses then absolutely nobody would get an mRNA jab. It is never a bad time to inform people about the pseudoscientific fraud of virology.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Sam
13 days ago

“If everybody understood the truth about viruses then absolutely nobody would get an mRNA jab” – I don’t disagree with you, but that is a big “If”.

My point is that that debate is too difficult to get across. Vaxx harm is easier to get across.

You know how the government and the media used scaremongering to get them to take the vaxx – it was fear that made them take it. It will be fear of vaxx harm that stops them taking any more, not an argument that is too hard to take in.

In quite a few of the arguments I’ve read, it is hard to work out if they are saying that viruses don’t exist or that they do exist but they are not harmful, and other points that are vague or ambiguous.

On this page someone has used the phrase “create the illusion of a pandemic” – try telling the vaccinated masses that it was an illusion. In the news recently some group wants a monument as a memorial to those who died from Covid. Those people probably lost relatives to some illnes other than Covid, but the doctors told them it was Covid. Then there is Midazolam and relatives who believe that Covid killed their loved ones, not Midazolam. To them it was not an illusion so they are not in the mood to be convinced.

My point is – go for something that is perhaps not ideal, but is possible to achieve (i.e. scare the masses with vaxx harm) rather than striving for something that is ideal, but virtually impossible to achieve (i.e. convincing people there are no viruses).

Reply to  K Mitchell
14 days ago

Yeah, it matters, As the wise Sam just said, “It matters because when people understand that viruses are fake they will not submit to any of the draconian dictats that the globalists want to impose on us.” Maybe, some idiots will, just cos they wanna go along to get along.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  K Mitchell
13 days ago

“Does it even matter? Will it change anything?” – well, if this “viruses don’t exist” argument goes on, then the elite will be watching us fight each other (a phrase taken from your opinion piece K Mitchell).

From your opinion piece K Mitchell – “This is how we lose. This is the very recipe for the road to ruin” – and that is what I’ve been saying about this “viruses don’t exist” debate.

It should be saved for later, after the real threat to our health and freedom has been eliminated, after mRNA “vaccines” have been banned and the WHO has been closed down or at least tamed.

Then argue about viruses.

14 days ago

It wasn’t Chris, it was me who said, ‘Exposing the fraud of viroLIEgy’ is ‘……. .” LOL. No Biggie! However, I should have swapped the ‘e’ and the ‘i’, given the dire consequences of THE KILL SHOT and One ‘Health’s’ insidious agenda of Global Depopulation. One Health’s moniker now reads: (D)iverse, (I)nclusivity (E)ugenics program, a.k.a. DIE!!

iv lane
iv lane
14 days ago

I support you 100%, however what is the cause of the symptoms of the common cold flu etc?

Reply to  iv lane
14 days ago

Symptoms of the common cold and flu are symptoms of cellular detoxification processes (autophagy and inflammasome resolution). These processes are halted during the summer months but resolve during winter when the blood flow changes due to the cold.

Reply to  Sam
13 days ago

This makes a lot of sense. Have autophagy and inflammasome been conclusively demonstrated to be linked to seasonal variations in temperature? Would love to get hold of some research. Please send a link if you are OK. Would be greatly appreciated.

Mervyn Clarke
Mervyn Clarke
Reply to  Sam
13 days ago

Don’t forget RF!!!! Sorry for all the exclamation marks, I thought it that important. Love your work, btw.

Mervyn Clarke
Mervyn Clarke
Reply to  iv lane
13 days ago

Non ionising radiation, among many other environmental factors. But RF, or radio waves in all of their different forms, cause flu-like synptoms. (among many others) Research Olle Johansson, Barrie Trower, effects of non-ionising radiation on biological organisms and the like. Read, “The Invisible Rainbow”, by Arthur Firstenberg to begin with. Eye opening and thought provoking.

14 days ago

[…] – The Virus Challenge: A Guide for the Purple-Pilled. […]

14 days ago

[…] The Virus Challenge: A Guide for the Purple-Pilled. […]

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
13 days ago

In his Telegram article, Mike Yeadon says, “I haven’t done enough personal, detailed research to be sure that viruses don’t exist, though I suspect that it’s true.”

So Mike Yeadon has only a suspicion that viruses don’t exist. What has happened here is that Mike Yeadon is an open-minded person. He has listened to those who deny the existence of viruses \ deny Germ Theory, and he is pondering on their arguments. If he gets around to doing that “personal, detailed research”, he might conclude that they are wrong and that viruses do exist, that Germ Theory is valid. The jury is still out, so don’t try to claim the issue has been proven.

In this article – “Your belief system should never be unshakeable and you should always be open minded” – I suggest you should take your own advice.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Watcher Seeker
13 days ago

About – “I suggest you should take your own advice.”.

Let me re-phrase that – In this article – “Your belief system should never be unshakeable and you should always be open minded” – that is good advice.

Reply to  Watcher Seeker
13 days ago

I have done the “personal, detailed research” and i can categorically state with absolute certainty that human pathogenic viruses are in-silico constructs that do not exist in the real world. But because i am open minded why dont you post the evidence that i am wrong?

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Sam
13 days ago

“why dont you post the evidence that i am wrong?” – I’ll wait for Dr. Mike Yeadon to do that, but a comment on this tactic of yours –

In your reply to K Mitchell, you said “when people understand that viruses are fake they will not submit to any of the draconiandictats” – so I presume you wish to make people understand.

I’m not a scientist, nor am I an accountant, but were I to be selected to sit on a jury in a fraud case, the barristers would have to present their cases in a way that was understandable by lay people.

They don’t tell the jury members to accept their arguments unless they have evidence that would prove otherwise. The jury members don’t have to find evidence. The barristers present it. The prosecuting counsel presents a case and the defence presents the opposing case. The jury listens to both sides and then make up their minds.

This shows where you are going wrong with your approach. In telling me to provide evidence, you are, in effect, saying, “See how I’ve put you in your place little man” and playing the “Trust me, I’m a scientist” game. That does not convince people.

Like those jury members. I listen to both sides of this debate and when I hear people such as Prof. Dalgleish talk about viruses, I find his evidence more convincing than I find yours.

I am open-minded and I continue listening to both sides of the debate. Mike Yeadon said he merely suspects that people might be right in saying that viruses do not exist. I suspect that they do exist.

Reply to  Watcher Seeker
13 days ago

I dont expect anyone to trust me just because i am a scientist. I have written many articles about virology and they are well referenced. If you want to challenge my logic, reason and evidence then go ahead. Just blindly trusting Prof. Dalgleish or anyone else is not smart.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Sam
13 days ago

“If you want to challenge my logic, reason and evidence then go ahead” – are you trying to wriggle out of the point I made about jury members and evidence, because, as far as I can see, the only other explanation for this sentence of yours is that you either didn’t read my comment properly or couldn’t understand it.

Did I say that I blindly trust Prof. Dalgleish? No, I didn’t, so why do you misrepresent what I said?

When someone resorts to avoidance and misrepresentation I consider that I have won the argument – it is logical to say that. Thank you.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Watcher Seeker
13 days ago

About – “Did I say that I blindly trust Prof. Dalgleish? No, I didn’t, so why do you misrepresent what I said?”.

I will accept that you did not intentionally intend to to misrepresent my words. Your phrasing was merely something that slipped into a rushed message. We all do it at times.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Sam
12 days ago

You talk of wanting to get the masses to wake up to the big lie. Well I am one of the masses. It is people like me, non-scientists, that you hope to bring round to your point of view and playing this game – “why don’t you post the evidence that i am wrong” – isn’t going to do it.

Don’t misunderstand my point about this. I’m not disputing your reputation as a scientist nor attacking your research. My point is that I am like a jury member who listens to the prosecution then the defence and I have to make up my mind.

So you can tell me about your research, but I also read about other research and it is also by highly-regarded experts.

You should take note here because as I say, I am one of the masses that you hope to convince, and you have, so far, failed. Now, I am helping you by telling why your approach is all wrong.

When you tell me “I have done the “personal, detailed research” and i can categorically state with absolute certainty”, as I see it, you are simply insisting that you are right and the others are wrong. That isn’t debate, that is throwing a tantrum. I read about other research and it is also by highly-regarded experts. It is up to me to make up my own mind about who is right. That applies to the rest of the masses, the “jury”, whom you hope to convince, so take note of this.

Then you say “why don’t you post the evidence that i am wrong?”, that is a recognised tactic, it has a name, “Argument from ignorance” – and this article describes it as ” a fallacy in informal logic” and “a type of false dichotomy”.

“Argument from ignorance”

Also, in throwing that at me, I take it as “what do you know you ignorant little man, nothing”. Imagine a barrister insulting a jury like that – do you think that will help his case?

The evidence that you demand has been provided by other experts, I don’t need to provide it, however, last week in an Expose article, there was link to this, which I read at that time – 

“p53 elevation in human cells halt SV40 infection by inhibiting T-ag expression”

In it – “SV40 is a small, non-enveloped DNA virus belonging to polyomaviridea. Its genome is a 5.2 KB circular double stranded DNA” – a virus.

I see that today, 30th April, there is a new article about SV40 in The Expose. I hope that later today I will find time to read it, and possibly comment, but I will end here by comparing certain points in this article, “The Virus Challenge: A Guide for the Purple-Pilled”, to information in that NIH article in order to show you how the masses like me try to understand the issue of the existence or non-existence of viruses. You must remember that I am not a scientist, but neither are the rest of the masses that you hope to convince. We are like members of a jury, but jurors get the benefit of the points being explained to them, by barristers, in ways that they can understand, just as the guests on Dr. John Campbell’s channel explain things for the lay person.

That article, “p53 elevation in human cells halt SV40 infection by inhibiting T-ag expression”, says – “Its genome is a 5.2 KB circular double stranded DNA” – is that 5.2 KB of data the sort of thing you refer to when you say “Data accumulation is not science” and “The strings of DNA and RNA letters in a data bank tells us little or nothing of value.” See how that p53 article explains how that data led to the understanding of the p53 defence mechanism and other things that are of value.

You say “Particles that have truly been isolated and purified have not been shown to be replication-competent, disease-causing and infectious, so they do not meet the definition of a virus.” that p53 article says, “In recent years new polyomoviruses have been isolated from human tissues”. It has much more, including “The virus enters the cells via endocytosis, by binding to ganglioside GM1 in caveolar/lipid raft domains at the plasma membrane” and “The virus traffics via the endosomal pathway into the ER”. The masses like me, that seems like they understand how it is disease-causing. I await your considerate explanation of how I have not understood this, an explanation that can enable me to understand it correctly.

By the way, I am not a scientist, but I am not stupid. I have written safety critical software for scientists and engineers and people’s lives depended on me getting it right – no bugs and no excuses for bugs, as with Fujitsu’s Horizon system. I had to work with scientists and engineers and understand their explanations of what was needed. They had to explain it ways that I could understand and I had to be capable of going some way to understanding the science or the engineering principles involved. That takes me back to my main point about how, if you hope to convince the masses, then you need to to present your case in ways that the masses can understand.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Watcher Seeker
12 days ago

Correction – ” The masses like me, that seems like” – should be ” To the masses like me, that seems like”

13 days ago


13 days ago

If we are struggling to get the fake awake to understand this, there is no hope for the fast asleep. Good luck, but the threat of death or a giant up heave to their lives is the only way you’ll opens their eyes like before with lockdowns! Try again in another few years when they ramp up the bollox!

12 days ago

Two things; Non-transmissibility from person to person was laid to rest during the Spanish Flu fiasco. If you have a sample of SARS-COV-2 then go here to collect a Million Dollars which has been offered since December 20, 2020 – When you get to the website search for: “Reward”