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Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine Destroys T Cells and Weakens the Immune System

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The study, conducted by the Francis Crick Institute, found that the Pfizer vaccines weaken the immune system.

A study conducted by the Francis Crick Institute in the United Kingdom has discovered that the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine destroys T cells and weakens the immune system. Despite this, pharmaceutical companies are seeking to inject the population with a third dose or booster jab to ‘prevent’ this from happening.

T cells are immune cells that are able to target specific foreign particles – they are most commonly studied in relation to their ability to fight cancer and infectious diseases, but they are also essential for other aspects of the body’s immune response.

There are two types of T cells: killer T cells and helper T cells. Killer T cells attack cells that have already been infected by foreign particles, whilst helper T cells assist other cells to develop killer cells and stimulate other cells to create neutralizing antibodies.

The study from the Francis Crick Institute focused on the neutralising antibodies which are created by T cells. It analyzed whether the Pfizer vaccine helps the T cells create enough antibodies to fight off Covid-19 and associated variants of the virus.

The study – conducted by the Francis Crick Institute in collaboration with the British National Institute for Health Research – showed that the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine produced fewer neutralising antibodies against Covid-19 and other variants.

Scientists analyzed antibodies in the blood of 250 healthy people who received either a single or both doses of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine up to three months after their first dose.

The researchers used a test developed by the Francis Crick Institute to figure out the ability of the neutralising antibodies to prevent the entry of the Covid-19 variants.

The study revealed that only 50 percent of the people who received a single dose of the Pfizer vaccine had a quantifiable neutralizing antibody response against the alpha variant of Covid-19. Additionally, this number decreased to just 32 percent and 25 percent for the delta and beta variants, respectively.

Among all variants, fewer antibodies were generated the older the individual receiving the vaccine and those with weaker immune systems. Considering the vaccine’s ability to destroy T cells and weaken the immune system even further, getting vaccinated could cause damage to many people, especially those who have compromised immune systems.

There was no correlation observed for gender or body mass index. Researchers are looking to conduct further studies to check the capabilities of other vaccines, beginning with the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine.

David Bauer, head of the Bauer Lab in the Francis Crick Institute, said: “So, the key message from our finding is we found that recipients of the Pfizer vaccine, those who have had two doses, have about five- to six-fold lower amounts of neutralizing antibodies.

“Now, these are the, sort of, gold standard, private security antibodies of your immune system which block the virus from getting into your cells in the first place. So, we’ve found that that is less for people with two doses. We also found that for people with only one dose of the Pfizer jab that they are less likely to have high levels of these antibodies in their blood.”

Bauer suggested that people should get booster doses of the Covid-19 vaccines instead of avoiding the jabs altogether. Additionally, he said that older people should be prioritised in the distribution of the booster vaccines.

Bauer said: “And perhaps most importantly for all of us going forward is that we see that the older you are, the lower your levels are likely to be. And the time since you’ve had your second jab, as that time goes on, the lower your levels are also likely to be,” he said. “So, that’s telling us that we are probably going to be needing to prioritize boosters for older and more vulnerable people.

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2 years ago

The jab crashes the immune system. The more jabs the greater the reduction in the immune system response.

Rachel Clayto
Rachel Clayto
Reply to  Nexus321
2 years ago

I am making a good salary from home $1200-$2500/week , which is amazing, under a year back I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now it’s my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone, Here is what I do….

Last edited 2 years ago by Rachel Clayto
Reply to  Nexus321
2 years ago

T & B cells diminish as we get older, so when people reach around the age of 70 they don’t have the same level of T & B protector cells which are the foundations of the immune system.

Covid boosters will be a similar death sentence to those purposely given the lethal injection in care homes on orders of mass murdering inbreeds Whitty and Hancock authorized by Bolshevik Boris and cousin Queenie for Rothschild.

With covid boosters being given to as many pensioners as possible, the genocidal maniacs in government won’t have to wait until they get to nursing home stage to be purposely bumped off by Midazolam lethal injection, the killer covid boosters will see to that.

Population control, huge savings not having to pay dead people pensions or give them NHS treatment, or have to pay out for care home costs, all in 1 shot.

Helps greedy boss eyed big eared Indian thief, liar and traitor for Rothschild, fishy Rishi Sunak with the predicament he finds himself in, now that he has had to admit the triple lock deal for pensioners was complete fraudulent bs, (purely to win pensioners votes).

Last edited 2 years ago by Sorcha
Reply to  Sorcha
2 years ago

Interesting info is in your first paragraph…
Just like glutathione, the stuff to eliminate poisons in the body. It’s level is lower and lower with age and almost nothing above 65 unless you have an autoimmune condition or else which case the level can be lower.
Also an explanation while children and young were less affected?
La Quinta Columna claimed that only those died in Covid who had low glutathione level, like two armies fighting: the poison and glutathione.
They also claimed (and proved) that covid symptoms were due to graphene oxide poisoning. They found it in vaccines, many type of food, in drugs, in rain water in Spain and I’ve seen a video on their Telegram channel about a magnetic tomato among others.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gundel
Reply to  Gundel
2 years ago

Interesting about glutathione levels. N-Acetyl Cysteine (500mg/day), a precursor to glutathione, is said to increase levels. I hear they recently took it off the shelves in America.

Reply to  Gundel
2 years ago

regarding graphene Nanotechnology: Hacking Humans, Its Potential, and Real Risks on YT posted 6 months before the scamdemic.

2 years ago

So these people that became lab rats are forced to continue injecting these poisons or die. They are trapped on that poisonous hamster wheel for life.

2 years ago

[…] T-cellen zijn immuuncellen die zich kunnen richten op specifieke lichaamsvreemde deeltjes – zij worden het meest bestudeerd in verband met hun vermogen om kanker en infectieziekten te bestrijden, maar zij zijn ook essentieel voor andere aspecten van de immuunrespons van het lichaam, meldt The Daily Expose. […]

Giko H
Giko H
2 years ago

Bauer’s statement makes zero sense to me. Reduce older folk’s immune system even more with boosters is good? Insanity at the Crick Institute!

2 years ago

Guys, as much as I appreciate the work you are doing, I am not pleased with your article. I understand that you are convinced the vaccines are a tool used to harm people, but that doesn’t mean it gives you license to abandon all journalistic integrity in favor of propaganda (even though the other side does it day in day out, I know, nonetheless we need to be better than our enemy and not stoop to their level).

Let me explain:

1- Why did you not provide the source where we can find the research paper? Here it is:

2- Nowhere in the paper nor in the interview given by David Bauer, one of the scientist who participated in the research, and which you link to via the Alex Jones’s Infowar site, nowhere is it ever mentioned that the Pfizer vaccine destroys T-cells or weakens the immune system.

That is NOT what the researchers of the Francis Crick Institute are saying.

That is NOT what David Bauer said.

And that is certainly NOT what the research paper states.

It is only an inference you draw based on what David Bauer et al report in their findings, which can only be summarized as saying that the Pfizer vaccine elicits less neutralizing antibodies than expected, a trend that correlates with age in older people.

3- Finally, this is old news as it was published in early June 2021. So why is this being reported on only now at the end of August?

Reply to  TheVorta
2 years ago

A quick addendum… Would those readers who feel so strongly about my post that they feel compelled to downvote it, please prove me wrong?

If I missed something in the research paper or the interview, then point it out. I am not playing Devil’s advocate just for the sake of it.

If there is actual evidence the Pfizer gene therapy kills T-cells, then I want to hear about it.

2 years ago

As I have been saying from the start, all lies. The goal is to make daily living so difficult you have to depend on the government for everything. $$$
This is not a pandemic, and never has been, its a plandemic, orchestrated by governments – bankers… globally. $$$. Many, many decades of dumbing down society globally… MSM, government propaganda, brainwashing, mind-control …and here we are…what a mess…people cannot think for themselves any longer…well done governments – msm. Mission accomplished. Same mess here in Canada… just self-absorbed, brain dead zombies all around me. This government = banking controlled shutdown is not ending folks, why? UN – Agenda 21/30, NWO, The great reset…IMF, WHO, central bankers / planners…go do some research …all planned. Government is only here to help themselves period….Its now us, free thinkers, freedom lovers, private sector, small business, libertarian’s …vs them, rats, snitches’, all people in government, PS parasites = police = bylaw… Wake up, rise up, unite free thinkers, freedom lovers, private sector…unite, plan, train, mma, weapons…fight back or else. The lowest of the low in society, just greedy $$$ braindead orders takers… = police = military = all governments = bylaw = doctors = nurses = teachers = fire…greedy public sector parasites, ps unions…just follow the money folks. They do not care, as they ALL get full pay in government to screw with us daily…while they close our business, fine us, put us in jail, bankrupt us, gut the private sector, remove all rights, lock us in our house… This is a complete government = police takeover, plain and simple – getting rid of cash, surveillance state, digital currency, tracking everything we do, no privacy, no freedom, no property rights…. Control, control – governments now running everything moving forward.

Rise up people. Crooked, corrupt, hypocrites…= all MSM, all government = from the top down and the bottom up…the whole system is a slimy, sleazy mess. $$$, all on the take…….Take a close look at who gets full pay, who has not lost a penny since this plandemic began. Take a close look at who is enforcing this scam, hoax, lie…on the private sector while they ALL get full pay. PIGS = People in governments = Governments = police = bylaw = teachers = doctors = fire = public transportation… …just follow the money $$$, = pure scum…F off greedy lying scum bags. Unite, Open up your small business, all across Canada, the world…F them.
You want freedom? Then fight for it. Its the only way. Find like-minded people asap, and lots of them. Solution’s ? Well many…here are a few…1 – Eliminate most government = less problems…no debt, no stress, no fake lockdowns, no plandemics…a healthy private sector, an open free market…freedom, free speech…GUNS and lots… 2 – Time to bring back weekly public hangings…on Sundays, it would be fun…sell tickets, pay down/off the debt…would sell out weekly…every week we get to watch several of these scum bags in government = police hang…lolllllllllll., lots of fun, joy, sunshine…drinks, BBQ…all positive…lollll.. 3 – Rise up, wake up, unite, large, very, very large groups, organize, plan, buy guns, lots…be real MEN, women, fight back against the real enemy here = governments = police = bylaw = MSM…,they created and are enforcing all of this scam, fraud, shutdown, lie… arms out, train daily, mma training, boxing, bats, weapons, guns, ammo, lots…do not comply…FIGHT back…My body, my choice, F off lying scum bags. Revolution calling. Breathe MF = heal…check out of the system…or fight back.

2 years ago

[…] Read More: Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine Destroys T Cells and Weakens the Immune System […]

2 years ago

[…] Covid-19 Vaccine Destroys T Cells and Weakens the Immune System – by captaindaretofly –… – “A study conducted by the Francis Crick Institute in the United Kingdom has […]

anne paterson
anne paterson
2 years ago

Commonsense tells me we should be taking something that increases our  T & B protector cells which are the foundations of the immune system. Why are we pushing something that reduces the above. After the 3rd jab then what? Can someone please explain so that I can make an Educated decision regarding the prevention and protection of not only the Delta strain but the other ones to come.

2 years ago

[…] pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-destroys-t-cells-and-weakens-the-immune-system/ […]

John Ferguson
John Ferguson
2 years ago

I dont see this study from the Crick institute. Why do you not provide a link?

2 years ago
1 year ago

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