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Police question Doctor who wrote letters to MP outlining Covid-19 Vaccine concerns

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An Australian doctor says that he was questioned by police after sending his local MP emails expressing concerns about the Covid-19 vaccines.

The incident took place at the home of Dr Bruce Paix in Adelaide, South Australia. Although police originally said they had come to his house for a firearms check, an officer who was caught on video later admitted that he was there due to emails that Dr Paix had sent to his local MP, Josh Teague of South Australia.

Dr Paix has 32 years of experience and is a former military physician. He has served as a senior doctor in South Australia’s government system, a rescue doctor and also as an anesthesiologist. During his time as a senior military doctor in the Middle East during the MERS outbreak, he managed many health threats.

After educating himself over a long period of time on coronavirus, he concluded that “nothing about the world’s COVID response template makes sense (including in my own state of South Australia) and indeed is likely harmful.”

Dr Paix is particularly concerned about the way that the mainstream media has been censoring reports of adverse reactions caused by the Covid-19 vaccines. He wrote:  “The vaccines, in particular, have numerous valid safety risks, and knowledge of these is being systematically suppressed by governments, professional bodies, and media.”

Additionally, the doctor took issue with the ban on alternative treatments against the virus, such as Ivermectin, which is often denied to patients despite a wealth of evidence showing it can be effective in fighting Covid-19.

“Valuable therapeutic options (Vit D, Ivermectin) are being outlawed in favour of a ‘jab or nothing’ strategy,” he lamented.

Dr Paix said that he contacted the MP’s office multiple times to voice his concerns. However, his requests to meet with Teague were denied, and eventually, he says, the MP’s response was to send the police to threaten him.

The doctor pressed the police officer as to why he was there, pointing out that the firearms check was not random and was instead being done in the context of the letters he had sent his MP. In response, the officer told him that he was not aware that the emails contained any criminal offences and that his aim was just to let the doctor know that the police were aware of the emails.

Dr. Paix is not the only physician who has come under fire in the country because of his opinions on the virus. The clinic of Australian physician Dr. Mark Hobart was raided by health officers just a few days before the incident; they confiscated his appointment book and confidential patient files.

Both of the doctors had been giving patients vaccine and mask exemptions, and Dr. Paix had also been instructing patients on how they can obtain Ivermectin for protection against the virus.

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Richard Noakes
Richard Noakes
2 years ago

Vaccine Induced Cellular Ageing
November 28, 2021 By NEWS WIRE
Dr Mike Williams
21st Century Wire
In prior articles we discussed the increased risk of Sars Cov2 infection after Covid vaccination and introduced concepts of immune tolerance and immune training. In this article I want to introduce the topic of cellular senescence, specifically as it relates to Covid vaccination.
From Cellular Senescence: What, Why, and How we learn:
Cellular senescence is a process that results from a variety of stresses and leads to a state of irreversible growth arrest. Senescent cells accumulate during aging and have been implicated in promoting a variety of age-related diseases.
Cellular senescence may play an important role in tumor suppression, wound healing, and protection against tissue fibrosis; however, accumulating evidence that senescent cells may have harmful effects in vivo and may contribute to tissue remodeling, organismal aging, and many age-related diseases also exists
Effectively, the process of senescence is synonymous with cell ageing, and for simplicity we can assume that inducing cellular senescence will promote accelerated ageing. With caveats, there appears to be a plus side to that, potential tumour suppression. Indeed, pharmaceutical research, is interested in that. But nothing is ever that simple, and as Gonzalez-Meljem et al. point out in Paracrine roles of cellular senescence in promoting tumourigenesis, it’s a double-edged sword:
 Although senescence has historically been considered a protective mechanism against tumourigenesis, the activities of senescent cells are increasingly being associated with age-related diseases, including cancer. An important feature of senescent cells is the secretion of a vast array of pro-inflammatory cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors collectively known as the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP). Recent research has shown that SASP paracrine signalling can mediate several pro-tumourigenic effects, such as enhancing malignant phenotypes and promoting tumour initiation.
What of the mechanisms and why are they important for us to Know? In Management of multicellular senescence and oxidative stress  Haines & colleagues explain:
The first stage of cellular senescence is damage-induced cell cycle arrest, also called replicative senescence (RS). Typically, this growth arrest is triggered by stress-induced DNA damage responses (DDR), and also may be induced as a result of effects of telomere erosion – a phenomenon that produces stress-related metabolites 27.
From the above we clearly see that certain stressors can cause damage to DNA that induce responses in the cell that can lead to the cell cycle arrest. Because DNA damage can lead to cancer, attempting to ‘switch it off’ (cycle arrest) may be a good idea. Of course, when cellular senescence happens on a larger scale, as stressors accrue over time, it is recognised as ageing.
But what of vaccination? In SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Induces Paracrine Senescence and Leukocyte Adhesion in Endothelial Cells Meyer & colleagues explore a relationship of cellular senescence and virus Sars Cov2 infected cells. Their findings are concerning.
Virus-infected or spike-transfected human epithelial cells exhibited an increase in senescence, with a release of senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP)-related inflammatory molecules.

Source: SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Induces Paracrine Senescence and Leukocyte Adhesion in Endothelial Cells
The key point is both Sars Cov2 virus infected cells and spike protein transfected cells induce cellular senescence.
That is troubling considering we are currently in a global campaign to vaccinate up to three or more doses to all ages, barring the very young, and all indications are they also will be vaccinated. And those vaccinations will be given repeatedly each year. All of which, per dose, produce in the order of billions or trillions of spike proteins. And remembering that animal studies demonstrated efficient distribution of the vaccine carriers (of the mRNA to produce those spike proteins) by varying amounts throughout the body, is a serious concern.
But let us continue with another paper released recently: Integrated Stochastic Model of DNA Damage Repair by Non-homologous End Joining and p53/p21- Mediated Early Senescence Signalling, where Yang & Mei demonstrated another part of the puzzle:
 To determine how the spike protein inhibits both NHEJ and HR repair pathways, we analyzed the recruitment of BRCA1 and 53BP1, which are the key checkpoint proteins for HR and NHEJ repair, respectively. We found that the spike protein markedly inhibited both BRCA1 and 53BP1 foci formation (Figure 3D–G). Together, these data show that the SARS–CoV–2 full–length spike protein inhibits DNA damage repair by hindering DNA repair protein recruitment.
That was a bench study using cell models that demonstrated full length spike protein was expressed in the nucleus of the cell. It is important to note that spike protein should not be found in the VIP compartment of the cell – the nucleus.
Once there, the spike protein prevented other proteins, for example BRCA1, from being recruited for NHEJ repair – preventing repair of damaged DNA. Now, the body has back-up mechanisms but we know from oncology that damage to key proteins such as BRCA1 lead to significant increase in cancer risk and shortened life-span.
The literature demonstrates that DNA damage left unrepaired or not repaired properly can also lead to cellular senescence.
1. Gerasymchuk, in Genome Stability (Second Edition), 2021 writes:
[P]ostmitotic cells rely on NHEJ for repairing DSBs. Failure to faithfully repair DSBs can result in point mutations, deletions and large genome rearrangements. 
Where else could this be a serious problem? Mitosis.
Mitosis is cell division that is a vital part of repair, growth and embryo development.
Mitosis is a type of cellular division where the cell divides into two equal halves. This type of division is very important in fetal development as this forms the basis of embryology.
With nanoparticles up to 500nm being taken up by the placenta; and Covid19 vaccine lipid nanoparticles being in the order of 60-100nm, what of the risk to the developing foetus if it crosses the placenta and gains access to the developing foetus?
What we are witnessing here is burgeoning evidence of spike protein induced DNA damage and cellular senescence, with all their related sequelae and consequences: dysfunctional cellular repair, cancer and premature ageing – death.
The adage Sola dosis facit venenum or the dose makes the poison is a basic tenet in toxicology, and will be no different here with Covid vaccines. Apart from all the other serious effects that have already been demonstrated as a result of vaccination heavily implicating spike protein; repeatedly dosing human beings with Covid 19 vaccines, potentially inhibiting DNA repair and causing cellular senescence, with the attended risks of cancer and decreased life-span do not bear thinking about. In the case of the developing foetus, would that risk entail never having a life to span?
All the above is deeply concerning because the bench work is being done now revealing those serious problems; why wasn’t that basic science done before the release of the vaccines?
As we close this discussion on cellular senescence, analysis of the currently available all cause mortality reveals a death rate amongst the vaccinated twice that of the unvaccinated.

Source: ONS Deaths by vaccination status, England – 2nd January to 24th September, 2021.
I chose all cause rather than the Covid data due to the unreliability of Covid data. All cause mortality is much cleaner and less corruptible. As it is age standardised and expressed as per 100,000 it removes a lot of the normal confounders.
Those data are very worrying coming from legitimate scientific work both from the laboratory and pure statistical analysis. Mechanisms are now being discovered that may help explain the paradoxical results of mass Covid 19 vaccination as partly evidenced by the all cause mortality data.
Sola dosis facit venenum  – the dose makes the poison
Or more aptly Consectetuer est venenum – the dose is the poison.
READ MORE VACCINE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Vaccines Files

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Last edited 2 years ago by Felicia
Reply to  Richard Noakes
2 years ago

Another article with half truth. What infection?? No, the vaxxes do it by themselves + graphene oxide boosted with frequencies / charge. There was an experiment in a German lab, I can dig out, they tested wound healing in the presence of nothing (1), in the presence of wifi (2), in the presence od wifi and their EMF protective tool (3). 1 was the best, fastest, the NORMAL, 2 was horrid, extremely slow healing, 3 was not as good as 1 but almost.
The point that no one talks about these things but an ‘added infection’ No, maybe just a mobile too close to the freshly graphened vax victim.

Reply to  GundelP
2 years ago

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Last edited 2 years ago by WendyRogers
Richard Noakes
Richard Noakes
2 years ago

Dr Vernon Coleman – “Studies suggest that 20% of Children with Myocarditis are dead in two years and 50% are dead in five years”
By The Exposé on November 28, 2021
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the toxic, experimental covid-19 jab is killing far more children than have died with or of covid-19 – the rebranded flu.
Of course, the bad guys are doing everything they can to protect the reputation of the jabs which they are desperately keen to give to all five to eleven-year-olds. So, there’s a story that climate change causes heart defects and that it’s the non-existent global warming that is causing people to drop down dead in schools and on sports fields.
Suppressing the truth and promoting the lies are all part of the plan. Google, by the way, has belatedly been accused of putting the BBC and the Guardian at the top when searches are made. Those of us who are truth-tellers, questioning the lies and deceits, are left on page 73,654 or expunged completely. Or simply lied about.
Remember Whitty and other chief medical officers in the UK overruled the Joint Committee on Vaccines and Immunisation who had said that jabs aren’t worth the risk.
They warned that the risk of myocarditis was up to 17 per million with the first dose and 34 per million with the second dose. That was their figure. The UK Health Security Agency now says the risk is only 9 cases per million. Gosh, what a surprise. Only.
What they don’t tell people is that some studies suggest that 20% of children with myocarditis are dead in two years and 50% are dead in five years. This is not a bit of redness on the arm. I wonder if Devi Sridhar has apologised yet…
The Expose

But what about the adults and what is going to happen to them with the same above conditions – probably die off much the same, if not quicker?

Reply to  Richard Noakes
2 years ago

You can see it, professional sport people drop like flies.

Richard Noakes
Richard Noakes
2 years ago

Omicron COVID Variant Causes Only Mild Disease Says South African Medical Association
November 28, 2021
Contrary to what we’re told the new Omicron variant of the coronavirus results in only mild disease, without prominent symptoms, according to Angelique Coetzee, the chairwoman of the South African Medical Association.
“It presents mild disease with symptoms being sore muscles and tiredness for a day or two not feeling well. So far, we have detected that those infected do not suffer loss of taste or smell. They might have a slight cough. There are no prominent symptoms. Of those infected some are currently being treated at home”, Coetzee told Sputnik.
The official noted that hospitals have not been overburdened by Omicron patients and that the new strain has not been detected in vaccinated persons. At the same time, the situation might be different for unvaccinated individuals.
“We will only know this after two weeks. Yes, it is transmissible, but for now, as medical practitioners, we do not know why so much hype is being driven as we are still looking into it. We will only know after two to three weeks as there are some patients admitted and these are young people aged 40 and younger”, Coetzee added.
The chairwoman also criticised the decision by some countries to ban flights from South Africa as premature, because there is not enough information on how dangerous it is.
Following the reports about the new strain, the United States, the European Union, Canada, Israel, Australia, and other countries have restricted travel from several southern African nations over health concerns.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) on Friday indentified the new South African strain as one of concern, as it is reported to carry a high number of mutations — 32 — which possibly makes it more transmissible and dangerous. The WHO has dubbed it Omicron, the 15th letter of the Greek alphabet. Here is how the WHO Greek alphabet COVID naming system works.

See what your politicians say?

Reply to  Richard Noakes
2 years ago

How exactly did they counted those mutations? What is the test to show ‘variants’? What’s the point to copy-paste long articles if they add nothing to our knowledge?

There is no proof of existence of the MORONIC variant however that won’t keep them back to lie about that how deadly it would become when the vaxxed (mainly) will drop like flies.

We will all drop with a push of a button, 5G is a weapon, even your mobile is if they want to use it like one. Or minimum the cross on you (Dr Buttar, military tech using mobiles).

They are researching EMFs and frequencies since the WWII or even before. This knowledge is what Top Secret. They can make you a kind of unable-to-think ‘zombie’ with low RF.

A very good article is about it but use duckduck search: whale (.to) frequency
The TETRA part especially.

Richard Noakes
Richard Noakes
2 years ago

Covid Crusher: Mix one heaped teaspoon of Iodine table salt in a mug of warm clean water, cup a hand and sniff or snort the entire mugful up your nose, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If sore, then you have a virus, so continue morning noon and night, or more often if you want, until the soreness goes away (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, until when you do my simple cure, you don’t have any soreness at all, when you flush – job done. Also swallow a couple of mouthfuls of salt water and if you have burning in your lungs, salt killing virus and pneumonia there too.

My simple salt water cure, kills all Coronaviruses and viruses, as soon as you think you have an infection, or while self isolating, before the viruses mutate into the disease in your head and body, for which there is no cure.

I have been doing this simple cure for over 27 years and I am and others never sick from viruses and there is no reason why any of you should be either – when your only alternative are those vaccines!!


2 years ago

This clearly demonstrates the Illuminati-masonic secret society has active agents among highest state officials. Actually illuminati have first rank agents who are positioned at more important tasks which usually maps to higher government positions and they have been given a little better knowledge of satanic system they are to enforce on people. The second rate agents are all others controlled by money, with very little knowledge.
Illuminati agents network are like huge hydra that blocks, twists, illegally usurps the democratic processes of a ssociety. That way the whole society is brought to a halt and paralysis.

Ricky Bobby
Ricky Bobby
2 years ago

Police: “We are just doing our job.” FJB

Reply to  Ricky Bobby
2 years ago

It’s probably more dangerous than you think. I can’t verify what’s written in this article / book but I wish somebody could and do.
In 1977, the CIA contacted Margaret Thatcher and gave her all the details, elf frequencies, to induce cancer, paranoia (4.5 Hz), depression (6.66 Hz), manic rage (11.3 Hz) [2001] The Secret Uses Of Microwave Mind Control By The British—-Tim Rifat
The British Government is spending 2 1/2 billion pounds on a 400 MHz pulse modulated microwave transmitter network which broadcasts 17.6 Hz into the brains of all Britain’s police and anyone living near the planned 30,000 transmitters.[2001] The TETRA System: Mass UK Mind Control Technology and the Zombification Of Britain’s Police is Now A Reality by Tim Rifat
The TETRA system pulses at 17.6 Hz broadcast at 400 MHz which is essentially the Pandora Project funded by the CIA in the late ’60s and early ’70s. Dr Ross Adey, the chief researcher on the Pandora Project has released a video to leading UK researchers which proves that not only does the TETRA system cause ELF zombification by massive release of calcium ions in the cerebral cortex and the nervous system, but the activated calcium ions also cause massive hormonal disturbances which lead to frenzied imbalances, emotional and physical states……
    Use of the TETRA system by the police will lead to psychotronicaly controlled officers who may be totally controlled in any situation and are very useful for states of economic or social chaos where extreme and violent behaviour is needed without any conscious or moral compunction – so-called police robots. [2001] The TETRA System: Mass UK Mind Control Technology and the Zombification Of Britain’s Police is Now A Reality by Tim Rifat …’
(whale dot to frequency quotes – I removed the links from the article but can be found on whale)

2 years ago

[…] November 29, 2021Police question Doctor who wrote letters to MP outlining Covid-19 Vaccine concerns […]

Reg Newws
Reg Newws
2 years ago

This is true fascism at work, I hope these police constables are proud to have become a tool of societies bottom feeders! Have they not heard of the doctrine of the lesser magistrate?

2 years ago

Ivermectin help reduce the severity of vaccine adverse reactions. If someone is suffering from a post vaccine syndrome, FLCCC clinicians and a growing network of colleagues have reported significant clinical responses to ivermectin. Because Ivermectin has 5 different mechanisms of action against coronaviruses, the medication is also effective with the different variants of the virus. Get your Ivermectin while you still can!

Last edited 2 years ago by Purebloodpatriot
Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
2 years ago

People shouldn’t be mislabelling anti-authoritarians as anti-vaxxers.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-11-29. Omicron Very, Very Mild Cases = KEEP CALM. Tony ‘I Am Science’ Fauci = censor disagreeing science (link).

Lisa Franklin
Lisa Franklin
2 years ago

Not surprising that this happened in Australia. I’m more surprised given the tyranny taking place there that they didn’t try to arrest this poor man. Presumably the police in Australia have all had a labotomy. Do these clowns not get it? They are on the bloody hit list as well. Best they debrainwash themselves and the sooner the better. My God it’s embarrassing to see how damn stupid the human species has become.

2 years ago

[…] Read More: Police question Doctor who wrote letters to MP outlining Covid-19 Vaccine concerns […]

2 years ago

[…] November 29, 2021Police question Doctor who wrote letters to MP outlining Covid-19 Vaccine concerns […]

2 years ago

[…] November 29, 2021Police question Doctor who wrote letters to MP outlining Covid-19 Vaccine concerns […]