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The Lockdown Experiment Ranks Among the Worst Failures of Public Health and Public Policy in History

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In the last week, some of the top spokespeople for lockdowns, and all that is associated with that policy of pathogenic control, have come out to defend them plus threaten more now that we are seeing seasonal increases in cases. It’s almost as if they have learned nothing. 

They certainly haven’t admitted error – Bill Gates will never do that – despite all the carnage around us. It includes not only destroyed businesses and educational losses but also inflation, goods shortages, weakened financial markets, broken supply chains, social and political conflict, and countless broken lives. 

All of this traces to lockdowns, a policy advocated and enforced by specific people, mostly powerful and highly paid intellectuals, and amplified by the media. 

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By Paul Alexander

They say that no one could have known. Not so. Drs. Bhattacharya, Kulldorff, Gupta, Atlas, Tenenbaum, Risch, McCullough, Urso, Dara, Wolf, Oskoui, Ladapo and other contrarians such as Jeffrey Tucker, Ivor Cummings, Paul Joseph Watson, and many other writers at Brownstone, were right on the devastation and failures of Covid lockdowns. 

We’ve written for nearly two years now, clamouring against the devastation that would come from societal lockdowns and school closures. We’ve written extensively on the ineffectiveness of masks (references 1234) and the accrued harms, especially for children, yet were ridiculed and dismissed by the media and the medical establishment. We reported on the catastrophic effects of Covid lockdowns on children, yet were dismissed and cancelled. 

We felt that it was lockdown lunacy when we could have used an age-risk stratified ‘focused’ protection approach (Great Barrington Declaration), with strong protections of the vulnerable high-risk in our societies first, while allowing the rest of the lower-risk healthy and well in society (younger persons) to live largely normal lives with unfettered tampering by governments. We even added the need for vitamin D supplementation, body weight control, and the use of early outpatient treatment, but were scoffed at and dismissed as heretics. We were ridiculed, slandered, and smeared, despite evidence of the vicious societal costs from lockdowns and the near 500 studies and pieces of evidence that show the failures and harms from lockdowns and school closures.  

It was stupefying to us sceptics and contrarians as to why governments, whose primary roles are to protect their citizens, were taking such draconian and punitive actions despite the compelling evidence (that was available and accumulated one month after the pandemic onset) that the restrictive policies were misdirected and very harmful; causing palpable harm to human welfare on so many levels. It was tantamount to insanity what governments did to their populations and largely based on no scientific footing. 

In this, we lost our civil liberties and essential rights, all based on spurious ‘science’ or worse, opinion, and this erosion of fundamental freedoms and democracy was being championed by governments.

These unconstitutional and unprecedented restrictions have taken a staggering toll on our health and well-being and also targeted the very precepts of democracy; particularly given the fact that this viral pandemic was no different in the overall impact on society than many previous pandemics. 

There was simply no defensible rationale to treat this pandemic any differently. Societies lost three things during Covid:

  • lives due to the virus itself, principally among the high-risk aged vulnerable,
  • devastatingly, lives due to the lockdown and school closure policies as collateral damage, and
  • our liberties, freedoms, and rights. 

Our dignity and humanity are abused when governments take our rights through emergency powers. We must fight this in the courts, peacefully, civilly, and legally, but fight we must to re-establish our rights and liberties. 

There was no reason to lock down, constrain and harm ordinarily healthy, well, and younger or working-age members of the population irreparably; the very people who would be expected to and would have extricated us from this factitious nightmare and helped us survive the damages caused by possibly the greatest self-inflicted public health fiasco ever promulgated on societies. 

There was no good reason, no sound science, no justification to have continued the illogical lockdown lunacy and school closure policy that did far greater harm than good. Why when we saw the failure of lockdowns did we harden them? Never in human history have we done this and employed such overtly oppressive restrictions with no basis. 

A fundamental tenet of public health medicine is that those with actual disease or who are at great risk of contracting a disease are quarantined, not people with low disease risk; not the well. This was ignored by an embarrassingly large number of health experts upon whom our politicians relied for advice. 

These experts seemed academically sloppy and cognitively limited, unable to read the science or understand the clear data. We should have used a more ‘targeted’ (population-specific age and risk) approach relating to the implementation of public health measures as opposed to the inelegant and shotgun tactics forced upon us that were so very devastating. 

Optimally, the key elements for modern public health include refraining from causing societal disruption (or at most, minimally) and ensuring freedom is maintained in the advent of pathogen emergence while concurrently protecting overall health and well-being. We did none of that. We locked down the well and healthy and still failed to protect the high-risk vulnerable, all the while decimating our people societally and destroying economies. 

What updated evidence do we have about the failure of lockdowns? Sweden has shown us that we were correct in our fight against the lockdown lunatics at public health bodies. Sweden incurred far fewer deaths per capita than most of Europe even when they refused to enforce strict lockdown policies.

The laptop, café latte, Zoom class of people did not wonder about the harms and deaths from lockdowns? As they Uber-ed out and remote worked? As they walked their dogs and caught up on some reading? As they tended to their gardens? We have been raising clarion calls, for two years now, and as we witness the recent lockdown lunacy on display in Shanghai and BeijingChina, we are left wondering, why? Why, when the evidence from Sweden confirmed our greatest fears and supports our prophetic warnings.

More specifically, a literature review and meta-analysis on the impacts of lockdowns by Herby et al. found that “lockdowns have had little to no effect on Coivd-19 mortality. More specifically, stringency index studies find that lockdowns in Europe and the United States only reduced Covid-19 mortality by 0.2% on average. SIPOs were also ineffective, only reducing Covid-19 mortality by 2.9% on average. Specific NPI studies also find no broad-based evidence of noticeable effects on Covid-19 mortality.” 

They further reported that lockdowns have had near-zero public health effects, and “they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted. In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.” 

Sweden specifically, got it almost right and showed the world that lockdowns did absolutely nothing to save lives, but rather caused catastrophic pain and deaths. We have found no evidence anywhere in this world, for the last two years, that any lockdown worked to curb transmission or deaths. 

Sweden, which was slandered and attacked by Covid “experts” and governments globally in the early stages of the pandemic for not imposing mandatory lockdown, ended up experiencing fewer deaths per capita than much of Europe. “In 2020 and 2021, the country had an average excess death rate of 56 per 100,000 – compared to 109 in the UK, 111 in Spain, 116 in Germany and 133 in Italy.”

The body of evidence shows that Covid-19 lockdowns, shelter-in-place policies, masks, school closures, and mask mandates have failed disastrously in their purpose of curbing transmission or reducing deaths. These restrictive policies were highly ineffective and devastating failures, causing immense harm, especially to the poorer and vulnerable within societies. 

Nearly all governments attempted compulsory measures to control the virus, but no government attained success. The research indicates that mask mandates, lockdowns, school closures, and vaccine mandates have had no discernible impact on virus trajectories. The experiment ranks among the worst failures of public health and public policy in history. 

Perhaps Bendavid captured it best in research that was seminal and reported “in the framework of this analysis, there is no evidence that more restrictive nonpharmaceutical interventions (‘lockdowns’) contributed substantially to bending the curve of new cases in England, France, Germany, Iran, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, or the United States in early 2020.” 

The reality is that we did not need this robust research to tell us this. Chin and Ioannidis et al. echoed similarly in their findings, reporting that “inferences on effects of NPIs are non-robust and highly sensitive to model specification. Claimed benefits of lockdown appear grossly exaggerated.”

We have known this for a very long time now but lockdown lunatic governments continued to double down and harden and extend lockdowns, punishing their people as we are seeing in China today, and causing misery upon people with ramifications that will likely take decades or more to repair. 

Despite the demand for more and the retention of all powers, we must never allow our governments to have such emergency powers. Never again do we allow these “lockdowners” to cause so much harm and death by their unsound and specious actions. We must ensure we have proper legal public inquiries of all the health officials and government persons whose policies were enacted. 

Read the full article published on Brownstone Institute, ’The Inhumanity of Compulsory Virus Control’, HERE.

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2 years ago

The Powers that Be would love all this to be swept under the carpet and forgotten as if it had never happened. So well done Expose for keeping this topic well aired. We need to go on and on doing this and NEVER forgive or forget. Especially since doubtless they will do this to us again and again.

2 years ago

Well it’s about to get a lot worse. Boris Johnsons government will sign away, whats left of our freedoms in 2 weeks at the W.H.O. request. All future pandemics, decided by one person (Tedros) will be directly controlled by the W.H.O. no matter what you or i may believe.
One person, heavily indebted to Gates will decide whether you get to go outside, to school or wear a fuckin mask. Sweet dreams ya’ll….

Reply to  Cronin
2 years ago This is the online petition against this treaty, please share copiously. Thanks

Reply to  lily
2 years ago

It will be ignored of course but petitions are a good way of spreading the word.

Reply to  Cronin
2 years ago

Even with the Treaty in place, if a critical mass of people refused to comply wouldn’t the criminals be powerless? Surely they couldn’t cart half the nation off to prison?

Reply to  Cronin
2 years ago

Yes, and they took us out of the EU to ‘take back control’.

2 years ago

There is a reason the bible calls our government a “harlot”:

And her doctors are called “sorcerers”:

Sae Wott
Sae Wott
2 years ago

Re Sweden, presents different picture for Sweden.

The latest figures for deaths per million for the countries in the worldindata graph:

Peru 6,297
Brazil 3,086
US 3,066
Russia 2,584
Mexico 2,468
Sweden 1,847
Iran 1,642
Germany 1,631
Sweden comes in at 56 highest deaths per million.

If we want to show an example of best outcomes we should look at Burundi. With a population of <12.6million, they had 38 deaths in total. Last death was in 2021, from memory in July. Less than 1% of the population is vaccinated. They had some lockdowns initially but essentially the country has done far better than say Australia, a little over double the population, in a far larger country than tiny Burundi, with 294 deaths per million.

Our ‘enlightened’ governments will no doubt pay little attention, being entrenched in the WEF/WHO web. But we the people should pay attention.

Of course Burundi has the advantage of plenty of sunshine & likely little obesity compared to our Western populations, & likely a far greater aging demographic. Maybe their diet also provides nutrients that have been proven to fight covid, so we probably can’t expect to get off quite so lightly, but supplementing with Vitamins C & D, zinc, whatever else, would go a lot further than vaccines that have proven to be useless & dangerous.

Sae Wott
Sae Wott
Reply to  Sae Wott
2 years ago

I meant Western countries likely have a far greater aging demographic.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

Very True. BUT it was the best experiment to learn how many sheep live in UK, Ho much they can shove down the public’s throat ( which seems to be have been a lot ) How much muscle they can flex, what lies they can get away with, how easily the can manipulate the population to take a poison experimental; injection & how to further plan more of the same. Not to say that also the best way to expose to the people, who the Evil Sinister Med Gangsters that are & how harman & WEF influenced , bribed, threatened , blackmailed or a combination of the elected

Dick from Leicester
Dick from Leicester
2 years ago

“lives due to the virus itself, principally among the high-risk aged vulnerable” – I BEG YOUR PARDON??!!

Have you lost your balls ‘Expose’ – as we all know there was no evidence for any ‘virus’ and every evidence of Cycle Thresholds of 35 and above and a robbery of statistics from people suffering a common cold!!

YOU ARE THE CHAMPAGNE OPPOSITION PACKED WITH SOCIAL WORKERS AND ‘HIPPIE THINK’ – that’s why you have been utterly outplayed, forget what they did and THINK about your ineffective and useless plan(s) of action in response!!!

2 years ago

[…] Read More: The Lockdown Experiment Ranks Among the Worst Failures of Public Health and Public Policy… […]

2 years ago

[…] ! The Lockdown Experiment Ranks Among the Worst Failures of Public Health and Public Policy in History   BY RHODA […]

2 years ago

[…] The Lockdown Experiment Ranks Among the Worst Failures of Public Health and Public Policy in History (May 12) […]

1 year ago

[…] 12. Mai 2022 The Expose: The Lockdown Experiment Ranks Among the Worst Failures of Public Health and Public Policy in History […]