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Is It Possible the War We Thought We Won In 1945 Was Merely a Battle Within a Larger War for a Civilisation Whose Outcome Yet Remains to Be Seen?

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The decision recently expressed by the Finnish and Swedish governments to join NATO’s collective suicide pact shouldn’t come as a huge surprise to anyone who has been paying attention to the growth of Nazism over the past 77 years.

Not only is this growth taking the form of a renewal of swastika-tattooed, black sun of the occult loving, wolfsangel-wearing Azov, C14, Svoboda and Aidar neo-Nazis in Ukraine today, but a whole re-writing of WWII history which has taken an accelerated dive into unreality during the 30 years since the Soviet Union collapsed.

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Across the spectrum of post-Warsaw Pact members absorbed into NATO such as Lithuania, Estonia, Albania, Slovakia, and Latvia, Nazi collaborators of WWII have been glorified with statues, public plaques, monuments, and even schools, parks and streets named after Nazis. Celebrating Nazi collaborators while tearing down pro-Soviet monuments has nearly become a pre-condition for any nation wishing to join NATO.

In Estonia, which joined NATO in 2004, the defence ministry-funded Erna Society has celebrated the Nazi Erna Saboteur group that worked with the Waffen SS in WWII with the Erna advance Guard being raised to official national heroes. In Albania, Prime Minister Edi Rama rehabilitated Nazi collaborator Midhat Frasheri, who deported thousands of Kosovo Jews to death camps.

In Lithuania, the pro-Nazi Lithuanian Activist Front leader Juozas Lukša who carried out atrocities in Kaunas was honoured as a national hero by an act of Parliament which passed a resolution dubbing “the year 2021 as the year of Juozas Luksa-Daumantas”. In Slovakia, the ‘Our Slovakia Peoples Party’ led by neo-Nazi Marián Kotleba moved from the fringe to mainstream winning 10% of parliamentary seats in 2019.

The above is extracted from the article ‘Why Is It So Hard to Finnish Nazism? NATO’s Growing Suicide Pact Threatens to Light the World on Fire’.  By giving historical context regarding events leading up to and during World War II (“WWII”) – exploring the Nazi skeletons in Finland and Sweden’s closets, a review of Finland’s Nazi heritage, the race to secure the Heartland and Finland’s Nazi turn, the strange case of Finland’s enduring swastika – the author, Matthew Ehret, concludes by confronting the reader with the uncomfortable facts we must face today:

It is an uncomfortable fact of history that those same powers that gave rise to fascism were never punished at the Nuremberg Trials. Those Wall Street industrialists and financiers that supplied Germany with funding and supplies before and during the war were punished… nor were the British financiers at the Bank of England who ensured that Nazi coffers would be replete with confiscated loot from Austria, Czechoslovakia or Poland.

The post-war age not only saw a vast re-organisation of fascist killers in the form of the CIA/NATO managed Operation Gladio and we know that Allan Dulles directly oversaw the re-activation of Hitler’s intelligence chief Reinhard Gehlen into the command structure of West German Intelligence along with his entire network. Ukrainian Nazis like Stefan Bandera and Mikola Lebed were promptly absorbed into this same apparatus with Bandera working with Gehlen from 1956 to his death in 1958 while Lebed was absorbed into American intelligence running a CIA front organization called Prolog.

NATO’s growth around Russia’s perimeter since 1998, and the NATO-led mass atrocities of bombings in Bosnia, Afghanistan, and Libya should also be re-evaluated with this Nazi pedigree in mind.

Is it possible that the war we thought the allies won in 1945 was merely a battle within a larger war for a civilisation whose outcome yet remains to be seen? Certainly, patriots of Finland and Sweden should think very deeply about the dark traditions which risk being revived as they join into a new Operation Barbarossa in the 21st century.

Why Is It So Hard to Finnish Nazism? NATO’s Growing Suicide Pact Threatens to Light the World on Fire, Strategic Culture Foundation, 2 June 2022

In the video below, Rogue News and Matthew Ehret, editor of Canadian Patriot and author of the article named above, unpack the ugly story behind Finland’s Nazi past, its 1919-2020 official swastika air force logo, the occult roots of the Thule Society via a Luciferian outgrowth of Madame Blavatsky’s Theosophism and more.

Click on the image below to watch the video on Bitchute.

Rogue News, The Great Game: The Ugly Truth of Finland’s Nazi Problem, 20 May 2022 (66 mins)
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Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
1 year ago

The Albert Pike letter written in the 1890s told the world about the plans for WW1, WW2 and WW3. It was published in the New York Times, I think it was, and it is now in a museum. Albert Pike was the head of the International Freemasons.

1 year ago

There was a meeting by Top Nazi’s in 1944 on how to continue their objectives. By diversifying their location, assets and businesses they have continued on. The American’s did a bad thing with operation paperclip. We should have extracted nfo and sent them back to Germany or to prison.

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
Reply to  Bob
1 year ago

Why? US especially Wall Street and the big names funded the rearming of Germany and the technically excellent Nazi war machine. That they did not join into the war until later I think is purely about profit lend-lease weapons just like they are doing now in Ukraine.

That Ukraine has the AZOV battalion and Nazi ideology should tell you something especially when members of the Greek parliament walked out when one of their commanders was going to speak.

I look at it as WW1 and WW2 were an attempt too pull Russia / USSR back into the globalist fold and failed both times. Of course they want too control Russia and what I think this Ukrainian war is just the start of.

If so then the question is when Russia is about to die will Putin finally launch the nukes in defiance? We shall see.

1 year ago

Timely and thoughtful. Apart from the discussed evidence from eastern Europe, when I consider current or recent western leaders, like Biden, Johnson, Trudeau, Macron and Morrison, and the tenor of their likely successors, then the idea that “the west” is essentially an engine of global fascism doesn’t seem far fetched to me.

1 year ago

“…if you really are serious when you talk of Jewish plots, may I not direct your attention to one worth talking about?… You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom not merely of the latest great War but of nearly all your Wars, not only of the Russian but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it…” -Marcus Eli Ravage ​​ Jewish Writer and Rothschild Biographer, The Century Magazine, A Real Case Against the Jews, 1928 p.347

1 year ago

General Patton-Quote.
If what we are doing to the Germans is Liberty then give me death.I can’t see how Americans can sink so low.It is Semitic I am sure of it.

1 year ago

The World Order (The first precept of success in making government loans lies in “creating a demand”, that is, by taking part in the creation of financial panics, depressions,famines, wars and revolutions. The overwhelming success of the Rothschilds lay in their willingness to do what had to be done.) As Frederic Morton writes in the Preface to “The Rothschilds”:”For the last one hundred and fifty years, the history of the House of Rothschild has been to an amazing degree the backstage history of Western Europe. . .

Rabbi Seamus
Rabbi Seamus
Reply to  NormanFink
1 year ago

The Hidden Hand by Cherap-spirodovich is good.

1 year ago

When you buy your ticket you pay both the good guys and the bad guys. The success of the presentation depends on the ability of the theatrical company to get the audience wrapped up in the plot. The greater the audience participation the greater the success. Real success is achieved when the audience becomes so emotionally involved in the plot that they begin to think it’s the real thing. The profits from these theatrical extravaganzas go to those who put up the ‘seed’ money and stage the shows. Don’t misunderstand! The Americans, Canadians, English, Germans, Russians, Japanese and other nationalities who fought and died in the various theaters of war’ during this century weren’t play-acting. They were deadly serious about what they were doing. For them war was a life and death struggle. What few of them realized was that everything was carefully programmed to a carefully prepared script.p54

1 year ago

⁣Captain RAMSAY : The Nameless War —  33  — [42] DEVELOPMENT OF REVOLUTIONARY TECHNIQUE Four revolutions in history merit our special attention. The study and comparison of the methods employed therein will reveal on the one hand a basic similarity between them: and on the other an interesting advance in technique, with each succeeding upheaval. It is as if we studied the various stages in the evolution of the modern rifle from the original old “brown Bess.” The revolutions in question are firstly the Cromwellian, secondly the French, thirdly the Russian, and lastly the Spanish revolution of 1936. All four can be proved to have been the work of international Jewry. The first three succeeded, and secured the murder of the reigning monarch and the liquidation of his supporters. In each case Jewish finance, and underground intrigue, are clearly traceable ; and the earliest measures passed by the revolutionaries have been “emancipation” for the Jews. Cromwell was financed by various Jews, notably Manasseh Ben Israel and Carvajal “the Great Jew,” contractor to his army.

1 year ago

Hellstorm – Exposing The Real Genocide of Nazi Germany (Full Documentary)         
Other Losses. 14 Million Germans killed,raped machined gunned burned alive in the 2years  of Allied occupation AFTER the War.

1 year ago

According to British documents, located in the British Public Records Office at Kew Gardens in London, over 500,000 Croatian civilians and 200,000 soldiers were handed over to Tito’s Yugoslav Partisan Army in May of 1945. Based on eyewitness testimony and independent documentation, we can only estimate that the vast majority were slaughtered.May 15th 2014 marks 69 years since the days after WWII ended hundreds of thousands of innocent Croats (disarmed soldiers, civilians including women and children, fleeing communist Yugoslavia into promised freedom in the West found themselves slaughtered over the ensuing two months by Tito’s communists; the field at Bleiburg in Austria marks the central point where the slaughters began as the fleeing refugees were turned by the British forces into Yugoslavia, into the vicious and murderous hands of the communists, who dare to call themselves antifascists, under the pretence of forced repatriation.    Tito ,Castro Che Guevara all Jewish.
Bleiburg British 8th Army Massacre Confessions.  

Rabbi Seamus
Rabbi Seamus
Reply to  NormanFink
1 year ago

The Minister and the Massacres by Jimmy Edward

Rabbi Seamus
Rabbi Seamus
1 year ago

It began with Oliver Cromwell, the Bank of England, French Revolution – the commune and Great Architect, the 1848 Revolutions, the Bolshevik Revolution, Spains Civil War, WW2,
Frankfurt School Cultural Marxism.

WW2 was a Bank of England attack on the economic miracle of Gottfried Feder. The British were sent to kerp the world under the heel. The Cromwell and Churchill families played s significant part.

Alberto Thomas
Alberto Thomas
1 year ago

True WWII history is not available on Google, or with Matt Ehret.

WWII was a tragic unnecessary war that was started by the Bankers.

Matt continually asks why all Germans escaped justice? I would ask ask Matt, didn’t the allies commit war crimes? 60 plus German cities firebombed deliberately targeting civilians. 500,000 dead in 24 hours in Dresden. What about Hiroshima and Nagasaki, why were there no war crimes for these attacks? What about the 5.8M Germans deliberately starved to death at Rhine Meadows after the war ended? What about the 16M Germans evicted from their homes and sent on death marches into Eastern Europe, never to be seen again?
What about the atrocities at Bleiburg, kept secret by the British government until 2012?

I’ve listened to a few Matt Ehret videos, and it is clear – he is attempting to remove Communism – and replace it with Fascism.

Try researching the Spanish Civil War, they’ve removed the word Communism and replaced it with Socialism.

When you steal 25,000 square miles of German territory – and then start slaughtering the German civilians in Poland and Czechoslovakia, did you expect Germany not to respond? WWII started in the exact same way the war in Ukraine started. Ukraine continued to slaughter Russians in east Ukraine. This was done deliberately to provoke Russia to start a war. That’s what happened in Poland prior to WWII. The Poles were slaughtering Germans in the Danzig Corridor, which was territory that was previously Germany. It was STOLEN at the Treaty of Versailles. The real purpose of WWII, was to defeat the German economy. In the book The Case for Germany, written before WWII, states that if Hitler is successful – and other nations copy him, international finance would cease to exist, therefore, we must destroy Germany.

Nothing in the history books on WWII is true.
All books telling the truth about WWII are banned.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Alberto Thomas
1 year ago

Alberto -“Nothing in the history books on WWII is true”

Try “Germany’s War” by John Wear.

Paul Craig Roberts serialised it.

Alberto Thomas
Alberto Thomas
1 year ago
Alberto Thomas
Alberto Thomas
1 year ago
Alberto Thomas
Alberto Thomas
1 year ago

Ask yourselves who are behind every single war in history?

Who are responsible for the phoney pandemics throughout history, including the COVID19 scam?

And who is responsible for the killer vaccines?

Answer: The Bankers

1 year ago

“Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews’ Harvest: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet.” (Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869, Henry Ford also noted that: ‘It was a Jew who said, ‘Wars are the Jews’ harvest’; but no harvest is so rich as civil wars.’
 The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem, Vol. III, p. 180).

1 year ago

⁣Sir Hartley Shawcross, said in a speech at Stourbridge, March 16, 1984 . We ignored Hitler’s pleading, not to enter into war. Now we are forced to realize that Hitler was right. He offered us the cooperation of Germany: I feel ashamed and humiliated to see that the aims we accused Hitler of, are being pursued now, only under a different label.”

1 year ago

The Jewish Run Concentration Camps Of 1948 By Activist News   -(Stealing and Raping) 

1 year ago

I don’t believe in western morality, i.e. don’t kill civilians or children,don’t destroy holy sites,don’t fight during holiday seasons,don’t bomb cemeteries,don’t shoot until they shoot first because it is immoral.
The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle).
— Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Manis Friedman Moment Magazine (May/June 2009). “Ask The Rabbi”

10 months ago

May I suggest that all so-called wars are bankers’ wars with their fraudulent fiat currencies. They never lose and they profit every time. The next fly in the ointment is the legal fiction identity issue. For no government is prepared to state the reality of this man made mess, that only serves the government of a nation. Then we have discernment between legal Israelite and blood Israelite. For this question constantly comes back to who are the true blood Israelite race of people, and the ancient ongoing wars between the two. That is the root cause of almost every so-called war, finance and controlled by the fiat currency merchants in every instance.