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Letter to the Editor: Who in The UK Will Perform Autopsies for Suspected Vaccine Victims?

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One of our readers has died.  His daughter has written us a letter to tell us his story.  We feel heartbroken for his family and pray they will find love, comfort and peace in these most difficult of times.

Officially, he was diagnosed with and died from Burkitt lymphoma cancer and a blood clot in the lung. 

Although he was hesitant and delayed his Covid injection for as long as he could, he had an AstraZeneca injection in February 2021.  In the following weeks and months, he experienced worrying symptoms which doctors shrugged off as “requiring no further investigation.”  After pressing doctors to take his symptoms seriously, finally, in December 2021, a computed tomography (“CT”) scan was performed.  It revealed he had cancer – Stage 4.  He went into remission.  But sadly, it was later discovered he had a brain tumour, although his daughter is not entirely convinced this is the full or correct diagnosis.  He died in June 2022.

His daughter has tried to have an autopsy done but the doctor suggested she go “private” which was beyond her means.  Although it is too late for their family, she asks on behalf of others who may lose loved ones if there is a directory of suitably qualified persons that will help families to get autopsies performed.  And if not, should there be one?

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To The Exposé,

My dad died from one AstraZeneca jab disguised as cancer

My dad died on the 4th of June this year aged 70 – one year after he had finally retired. Officially he died of Burkitt lymphoma cancer and a blood clot in the lung. My dad got diagnosed on 15th December 2021 with stage 4 cancer. He had his one and only AstraZeneca jab on 22nd February 2021 (batch number AB 0011). Has anybody compiled a “deadliest batch” list for AstraZeneca? I know lists exist for Moderna and Pfizer.

I had tried to persuade him otherwise and he had delayed getting it for his age category while he did do some of his own research but obviously information available at the time was limited. He decided to go ahead, his thinking was that AstraZeneca was better than Pfizer, particularly regarding blood clotting issues as he was on Warfarin – he had deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in his 50s.

He immediately had a sore arm after he was vaccinated and felt very lethargic. In the weeks and months that followed he had some worrying symptoms that were shrugged off.  My dad was always one that downplayed his own health issues.

Some of these symptoms were bedsheets that were completely soaked with sweat by the morning. The other worrying symptom was he started getting a reduced feeling in his left foot, which later spread to some of his lower leg.  He described it as “shooting electrical pains.”

These symptoms started occurring around late April/May. By the start of summer, he was having issues passing bowel movements and was frequently constipated – his stomach was becoming more swollen too. His leg was also causing him more havoc making long walks difficult as he had developed a weakness in his left leg as well as pain around his left hip and also around his back near his kidneys.

He had made several doctors’ appointments in 2021 explaining his symptoms. All were shrugged off – “requiring no further investigation” – until my dad pushed again for answers in November and finally got a CT scan in December – when he was given the diagnosis of cancer.

My dad did go into remission despite the doctors saying he wouldn’t and him stopping treatment. We followed a holistic path after he had already got weakened by the heavy-duty chemotherapy they threw at him.

Sadly though, a tumour was identified in his brain. I’m still not convinced this was cancer as no other tumours were found instead maybe it was a prion-related disease or something unknown to us at present.

His last 3 weeks were utterly devastating and probably the worst way he would have wanted to go. His last week was like he had locked-in syndrome. His short-term memory had already long gone but now his speech had gone and along with all movement, he was not even able to swallow. His mouth and tongue were cracked from being dry, despite us trying to wet them and give him water. We had to make sure he also wouldn’t choke as he couldn’t voluntarily swallow. He had lost temperature control – freezing cold one minute to sweating the next. Bladder control was gone and he was unable to eat or have a bowel movement. His eyes were still able to move somewhat but we knew from the week before that he had lost a lot of his eyesight. As he slowly and painfully moved into his last couple of days we could only hope he could still feel us there and hear us talk to him. The one blessing was that we were all at home with him as he had wanted, holding him as he passed over.

I’d like to reiterate that my dad knew a few weeks after his injection that something wasn’t right. He decided to do his own research and found The Daily Exposé (and donated to you) among other outspoken physicians and scientists etc. He subsequently decided not to have another jab. He was already very interested in natural health and the use of supplements and was open-minded and once he started looking, he realised something was up with the narrative being pushed.

I did try to get an autopsy for my dad to see what the “tumour” in his brain was. But when I asked about looking for micro clots – and white collagen-style fibres in his veins/arteries as mentioned by the funeral director you did a piece on – and if the vaccine had killed him.  The GP, whilst he was open-minded, didn’t know how to authorise or conduct an autopsy to rule it out, saying “they’d just been looking for cancer.”  He said it would require a specialist which would mean going private.  I had no idea how to find this out quickly, plus the cost was a factor.

So, I was wondering: for families going forward that are questioning how their loved ones died, are there specialists out there that can do these autopsies looking for the peculiar? Maybe it’s worth having a directory as time is obviously a factor to find them before deterioration etc.

My worry now is for my mum who is a lot more easily tired these days since having one AstraZeneca and whose shingles has flared up after having the jab.

I can only hope other people who took the jab can put pride and ego away and realise that the UK government, Big Pharma, media etc are using propaganda to control your minds and program you to be full of fear and trust them – all for an agenda that is not in any way going to benefit you and most definitely invoke harm or maim you.

Disarm the fear. Realise the truth. Seek the truth. Question everything. Believe in your own power. Trust your heart. And hopefully, the more of us that feel this way can finally lift the veil on the atrocities that are occurring daily under our noses.

Thanks for all you do in trying to reach as many as you can, our numbers are growing.


Heartbroken but Still Fighting, UK

If you would like to publish a letter, please email it to addressed “Letter to the Editor.”  At the end of your email, please indicate the name or pseudonym you would like shown when we publish your letter.

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

Sadly, the system is heavily weighed against ‘ordinary’ people, I fear that whatever direction we turn the odds are stacked against us as it were, this the govt. well knows.

Reply to  Islander
1 year ago

You are right. They wouldn’t want to do anything that would prove their connivance in the global culling of the population.

Reply to  Islander
1 year ago

Don’t despair. We were born in these times at this moment for a purpose. It is not what happens in this world but our reaction to it that matters.

Leonard Bremner
Leonard Bremner
1 year ago

Ah well the UK Gov was very careful there. They implemented in their COVID-19 Measures Act document stating that no autopsies would be required just a statement from the doctor would be all that was needed. They saw this coming and covered their actions. They all knew the jabs were deadly because that was their intention. There could be no other reason for this statement in the COVID-19 Act Bill passed by a majority at parliament. People receiving the jab should have been shown the insert sheet for the vaccine which clearly states a whole list of serious reactions were encountered at the vaccine trial stage

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Reply to  Leonard Bremner
1 year ago

Gets worse, not “the doctor” but “a doctor” and I think even that has been watered down now.

Also remember = “30Suspension of requirement to hold inquest with jury: England and Wales
For the purposes of section 7(2)(c) of the Coroners and Justice Act 2009 (requirement for inquest to be held with jury if senior coroner has reason to suspect death was caused by notifiable disease etc), COVID-19 is not a notifiable disease.

This section applies to an inquest that is opened while this section is in force (regardless of the date of the death).”

Murdering globalist scum –

M. Dowrick
M. Dowrick
1 year ago

A heartbreaking story. RIP💕

Janet Cutts
Janet Cutts
Reply to  M. Dowrick
1 year ago

Yes so sad & so unnecessary

Janet Cutts
Janet Cutts
1 year ago

So sad & so unnecessary mass genocide being waged on us by tyrannical governments for almost 3 years now people must start taking control of their own health research & practice Naturalist & Herbal Holistic medicine his symptoms could have been reversed another unnecessary death

Reply to  Janet Cutts
1 year ago

there’s an easy to find straightforward source article in Natural News by Ethan Huff titled
‘Yes, you can detox from covid “vaccine” spike proteins: here’s how’

Reply to  Janet Cutts
1 year ago

The World Council for Health is a nemesis organisation for the WHO. The WCH promote natural methods of recovery from COVID and advise on to detoxify spike proteins from the injections.

1 year ago

I am so so sorry for your loss and hope you get the investigation you deserve.

Frank S.
Frank S.
1 year ago

That’s been my point all along. Where articles featuring statistical analysis is enlightening, however deductive its reasoning, its hardly conclusive without forensic proof on a case-by-case basis. It is the latter which will win in court and move governments to act.

1 year ago

My condolences on your father’s tragic death. Here is a website you can use to pull up some reports by Astra zeneca Batch lot:

I suffered after getting Astrazeneca batch 0010 in feb 2021 and am still recovering. If you go to and search for Astra zeneca batch 0010 and 0012, there are posts from the UK reporting how injured they were from this jab. Make sure you file a yellowcard report regarding your father’s death!

jon t
jon t
1 year ago

I believe that undertakers that perform embalming have to check and clear the major arteries and veins.

1 year ago

I have a lot of sympathy for the writer. If Daily Expose were to start a fund raiser to help them put together the directory suggested, I would be happy to chip in £10. My mother recently passed away after going into hospital at the age of 93 with a broken wrist but contracted hospital acquired pneumonia which was the stated cause of death. I would loved to have had an autopsy to check the drugs that she received to put my mind at rest that she was not medazalised because of her age.

1 year ago

I’m hearing a lot of doctors and other professionals talking about organizing a parallel society without all of this corruption. I think that that’s the way to go.

1 year ago

[…] Letter to the Editor: Who in The UK Will Perform Autopsies for Suspected Vaccine Victims? […]

1 year ago

Did you know that AstraZeneca had over 1,000,000 adverse yellowcard reports filed? That’s unprecedented yet the UK MHRSA refuses to pull this vaccine but it was paused without any media coverage. Watch and hear top UK cardiologist Dr. Malhotra present his findings that all Covid vaccines must be suspended immediately as they are causing far more harm than providing any protection from Covid or variants.

1 year ago

[…] Read more: Who in The UK Will Perform Autopsies for Suspected Fake Vaccine Victims? […]

1 year ago

[…] Read more: Who in The UK Will Perform Autopsies for Suspected Fake Vaccine Victims? […]

1 year ago

[…] read your article re: ‘Letter to the Editor: ‘Who in The UK Will Perform Autopsies for Suspected Vaccine Victims?’, and thought I’d email you my devastating situation where my sister died of suspected adverse […]

1 year ago

If they use Dr. Burkhadt’s Protocol for Autopsies which has a 93% detection rate they can tell whether the unfortunate death was caused by the experimental jab.
Ordinary autopsies won’t find the real cause.

Jean Grabbe
Jean Grabbe
1 year ago

This woman’s story breaks my heart. I’m greatly saddened by the fact that everyone in my immediate family and my siblings and their families are vaccinated. I’m the lone hold out. I fear that they will all slowly die over the next five years and I will be left alone. I hope no one else is in my position. May God have mercy on us all.

Jon Baptiste
Jon Baptiste
1 year ago

I am so sorry to hear about what happened to your father, his story brought a tear to my eye.

It is tragic what ‘they’ have done to so many people who trusted the medical profession, and believed the fear porn being fed 24/7 by the msm. My own mother suffered terribly after her 2nd shot of the Astra Zeneca vaccine in May 2021, she was FORCED into taking it by the NHS doctors who were treating her for her arthritic hip- no jab no treatment, so she succumbed to their evil blackmail.

3 days after her 2nd jab she started feeling very unwell, dizzy and breathless with chest pains, eventually she suffered a heart attack while walking up the stairs in her house, she was alone at the time and did not have her mobile phone on her, it was in the kitchen so she couldn’t call for help, or for an ambulance. After a few minutes she knew she was in big trouble so she struggled to crawl down the stairs and got to a phone to call an ambulance. The ambulance crew took her to the UCH hospital in Euston, London which is the closest hospital to her home.

She remained there in the ICU and was critical for 4 months, suffering further complications such as pneumonia, a burst gall bladder, and Sepsis , In all those 4 months I was refused entry to see her because I had not been vaccinated, can you believe that ?- to see her on her death bed they wanted me to inject the same poison that almost killed my mother…I refused.

My mother miraculously survived that ordeal and a doctor said to her as she left the hospital ”Its a miracle that you survived” !!, like he knew what was killing all the other recipients of that poison and was amazed that one person managed to beat the odds…

Skip forward to November 2021- my mother went for a check up at the same hospital-the University college- they took bloods and she had a scan, a few days later they called her to come in urgently, to tell her she had developed Leukaemia- there is no history of any kind of cancer in my family history, this is certain to have been caused by the AZ vaccine.

Understandably my mother has zero trust in the medical ‘professionals’ in the U.K who together with big pharma and our own government conspired to kill countless numbers of people with a vaccine which contains a number of deadly toxic ingredients and pathogens. She has refused treatment and told her doctors to ”leave me alone”……

Jon Baptiste
Jon Baptiste
Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
1 year ago

Thank you Rhonda. We will not be silenced.

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
1 year ago

It warms the cockles of my heart that there are many waking up to what is going on. Nevertheless, what is Satan going to do to subvert this “awakening”?

1 year ago

Well, sadly we’re all conspiracy theorists, according to the sheep that jumped to get the death jab. Also sadly, it seems the only way each person is turned around is by finally knowing someone…a relative, friend, neighbor, co-worker that has a bad reaction to the shots, or even worse, death.

1 year ago

Also, on another subject, sort of, where does the UK get their food shipments from? Here in the States, we’re being warned of an upcoming food shortage, cause Bill Gates has bought up most of the farmland, but he isn’t farming those acres. But there’s also been hundreds of food ‘factories’, is that what they’re called? destroyed by mysterious means (fires). The list also includes some factories in Europe too. Someone here in the States has been keeping track and has made a chart after she investigates each fire (fact checking). Now I just need to find which site I saw it on. Sorry.

1 year ago

[…] habe Ihren Artikel: ‚Wer führt in Großbritannien Autopsien für mutmaßliche Impfstoffopfer durch?‚“ gelesen und dachte, ich schicke Ihnen eine E-Mail zu meiner erschütternden Situation, in der […]

Leonard Bremner
Leonard Bremner
1 year ago

In the COVID-19 Bill Act in the UK they put into the Bill that there would be no need for autopsies, just a doctors statement so they were covering their tracks from the start