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Investigation: In 2018, the US Deep State funded Daszak to create Covid-19 for Moderna’s Vaccine Platform

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Once one understands that the entire pandemic and vaccination response was a US deep state (intelligence) operation, then everything makes sense.

Moderna, the NIH, the NIAID, are all playing their role in a scheme designed to do to your genetics what Google has already done to your search results and what Microsoft and Apple have done to your computers and mobile phones, and what Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have done to your social life.

Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox…

By a concerned reader

In early 2018. when DARPA outwardly rejected Peter Daszak’s application for $14,209,245 for his project DEFUSE to engineer a human lung airway lining cell-specific furin cleavage site at the S1/S2 junction (the junction of the 2 parts of the spike protein) where no other SARS related coronavirus has ever had such a site, the US deep state (US intelligence) actually accepted the project and classified it, having instructed DARPA to reject it as a cover story. 

We know this to be true because in late 2019 SARS- CoV-2 and Covid19 appeared with a humanized furin cleavage site in precisely the position that Daszak had proposed and furthermore it took the humanized codon form of CCT CGG CGG GCA CGT coding for the 5 amino acids PRRAR, in a humanised furin cleavage site. Which form is unknown in any virus at all. But it is known in cows and humans and many bacteria. Since cows, bacteria and humans cannot infect viruses, nature cannot have put it there. The only way for that coding to get into a virus is by a human being gene splicing it into the viral genome. 

So we know that a human called Peter Daszak proposed the insertion in early 2018. We know that only a human could have achieved it. And we know that said insertion was achieved in late 2019. And we know that said insertion was the only difference between SARS-CoV-2 (causing Covid-19) and the bat coronavirus RaTG13, longer than one Codon (3 bases). And we know that the insertion occurred at the place where Daszak had proposed to insert it. And we know that the insertion was a humanised furin cleavage site as Daszak had proposed. In other words, SARS-CoV-2 was the fulfilment of the 75-page project DEFUSE proposal.

If DARPA had accepted the proposal, we would all know that Peter Daszak made Covid-19 (using the term metonymically to stand for the virus that causes the disease). 

So the question now becomes. Would DARPA, whose job it is to fund Advanced Research Projects in order to give the US a strategic advantage over its competitors in all areas of human conflict, have said to Peter Daszak: Sorry old chap. We are not interested in your bioweapon because it is just too dangerous for us! But we do know you have a lot of dealings with Wuhan. So why not try the Chinese with this really dangerous bioweapon you are proposing to make? Maybe you will have better luck with them? I cannot imagine anything more implausible. 

Their reasons for rejection were essentially…

  • Gain of Function concern
  • Dual Use Research of Concern
  • Vaccine epitope coverage (immunity would be too narrow being restricted only to the spike protein – yes indeed! – they were worried that the vaccines would not work since their immunity would be too specific!)
  • Regulatory requirements
  • ELSI (ethical, legal, and social issues)
  • Data Usage

In other words: They rejected his application because he presented it in the wrong typeface (in biological terms).

It is clear from the events immediately following the official rejection that the project was funded extremely quickly in a clandestine way. Because for an unfunded project it was singularly successful, in a very short period of time!

So it was classified. That is why DARPA outwardly rejected it. So the US deep state essentially employed Peter Daszak and the EcoHealth Alliance to make Covid-19 for US covert operations.

It is also apparent that it was funded AND produced in a clandestine way because Peter Daszak arranged for a letter to be written to the Lancet by 27 academics on 2020February19 calling all scientists who rejected a natural origin for Covid-19 conspiracy theorists. Whereas the true conspiracy theory was that there was any way it could have come from nature…

“The rapid, open, and transparent sharing of data on this outbreak is now being threatened by rumours and misinformation around its origins. We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin. Scientists from multiple countries have published and analysed genomes of the causative agent, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), and they overwhelmingly conclude that this coronavirus originated in wildlife, as have so many other emerging pathogens.

This is further supported by a letter from the presidents of the US National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine and by the scientific communities they represent. Conspiracy theories do nothing but create fear, rumours, and prejudice that jeopardise our global collaboration in the fight against this virus. We support the call from the Director-General of WHO to promote scientific evidence and unity over misinformation and conjecture. We want you, the science and health professionals of China, to know that we stand with you in your fight against this virus. We invite others to join us in supporting the scientists, public health professionals, and medical professionals of Wuhan and across China. Stand with our colleagues on the frontline!
We speak in one voice. To add your support for this statement, sign our letter online. LM is editor of ProMED-mail. We declare no competing interests.” – 

That letter is not the wording of a scientist. It is the wording of an intelligence operative, a lying manipulator, a deceiver, a slanderer.

The Lancet panel investigating the lab leak versus natural origin theories was disbanded by its chairman Jeffrey Sachs on Saturday 2021September25, over its ties to Peter Daszak. 

What interest would Peter Daszak have in dishonestly trying to discredit the man-made Covid-19 origin theory in Britain’s premier medical journal unless he or his EcoHealth Alliance was involved in the making of it?

So we have a guy who submits a proposal to DARPA in 2018 to make the virus behind Covid-19 in precisely the way that it appeared in 2019, and in a way that nature could not possibly have made it (with the double CGG codon in the furin cleavage site which exists in no other virus and which exits in no other SARS type virus at the S1/S2 junction) and then that same man manufactures a fraudulent letter to the Lancet, Britain’s premier medical journal, trashing the man-made origin theory and declaring he has no competing interests! 

He obviously did make it. Which means that DARPA’s rejection was cosmetic and designed to throw people off the scent. Which means that the US deep state did fund it. This means that Covid19 it is a US bioweapon as are its vaccines.

I mean would the people who funded more than a dozen SECRETIVE Biolabs in Ukraine really reject a bioweapon from Peter Daszak? Or would they overtly reject it whilst secretly accepting it?

Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University who has espoused the possibility that SARS-CoV-2 may have originated in a lab, agreed. “The relevance of this is that SARS Cov-2, the pandemic virus, is the only virus in its entire genus of SARS-related coronaviruses that contains a fully functional cleavage site at the S1, S2 junction,” said Ebright, referring to the place where two subunits of the spike protein meet. “And here is a proposal from the beginning of 2018, proposing explicitly to engineer that sequence at that position in chimeric lab-generated coronaviruses.” – 

The Vaccine is a more potent Bioweapon than the Virus

But the treachery of the US deep state did not stop at the virus. This is an intelligence exercise. Its purpose is a little more far-reaching than giving mankind a slightly more lethal version of the flu. This is where Moderna, the NIH under Francis Collins (now resigned) and the NIAID under Fauci (presently resigning) come in. For the purpose of the virus was to enable the vaccine mandates (after the deep state had gained control of the regulators and enough of the politicians). This is another sign of an intelligence operation. For Colby famously said at the time of Watergate…

“The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media” 

(William Colby 1920 – 1996 – director of the CIA).

He said this during the extraordinarily successful Watergate cover-up involving a full and total failure of the US security services, from 1973-1976. We know that the words of Colby were true (notwithstanding the plethora of intelligence agency-inspired websites dishonestly proclaiming the opposite) because that cover-up worked other than in the cases of Woodward and Bernstein, who were not at the time considered to be persons of any significance in the major media.

And just as they owned every person of significance in the mainstream media back then, they still own them all today. Except that they have added to that ownership every person of any significance in Pharmaceutical regulation because that is how they operated back then and that is how they operate today.

The most pathogenic part of the virus was the spike protein, indeed that is where the humanised furin cleavage site was inserted. So they made a vaccine which produces far more spikes in your body than a full-blown Covid-19 infection.

And they made the vaccinated spikes last for months and months (rather than the 7-14 days of a Covid-19 infection) either by permanently adding to your cell DNA with Astra Zeneca or J&J adenoviruses or by infecting your cells with with ‘stabilised’ i.e. perpetual RNA, which they innocently called modified RNA, but which is in fact hacking RNA which hides the fact that it is genetic material from your cells (using N1 Methyl Pseudouridine, a fake form of Uracil, one of the 4 bases of RNA) and therefore is an email to your cell ribosomes which cannot be deleted and just goes on instructing them to make more and more and more and more spikes, until either the cell dies or is killed by your T cells.

That is if the spikes do not themselves infect your T cells first before your T cells can do their job. 

So any disease that the medical media or the mainstream media says is caused by Covid-19 spikes is caused to a much larger extent by the vaccines which, are turbo Covid-19 as regards spike production.  

34% of Hospitalised Covid-19 patients are diagnosed with a neurological or a psychiatric disorder within 6 months

These spikes do not only affect your heart, your central nervous system, your body organs, your immune system and your reproductive system. They affect your state of mind. 

“Among 236,379 patients diagnosed with COVID-19, the estimated incidence of a neurological or psychiatric diagnosis in the following 6 months was 33·62%” 

Of course, the paper did NOT specify how many of these patients had been vaccinated (had it done so it would never have been published or funded). But we know from the Exposé that 9 out of 10 hospitalised patients are fully vaccinated (whatever that means these days). So these spike proteins (be it from the virus or more so from the vaccine) are causing significant damage to the brain. 

Dr. Stephanie Seneff is a senior research scientist at MIT, where she has had a continuous affiliation for more than five decades. She has four advanced degrees from MIT, including a B.S. in Biophysics, an M.S., E.E., and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. She has been predicting neurodegenerative disease from spike proteins since 2021.

Alcohol and Vaccines do not mix

I have anecdotally experienced this with vaccinated people whom I have known for a long time becoming more destructive than I have ever seen them before after a few drinks. I am beginning to think that alcohol and Vaccines do not mix.

I would be interested to know if any other readers have seen this? When I have spoken to friends they have confirmed similar behaviour. Drunken vaccinees become unreasonable, unempathetic, destructive, aggressive, dishonest, and absurdly negative. I mean more so than a bad alcoholic. I have seen this happening to people I love and I really do not like it. 

Funding for the creation of Covid-19

US Government Funding for Peter Daszak and ECO Health Alliance

US government Funding of the Wuhan Institute of Virology

The Wuhan lab got a $3.7 million grant from the US government approved by Obama running over 4 years from 2015 to 2019. – 

Fauci also gave them $3.7 million from the NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases)  –

In 2019, with the backing of NIAID, the National Institutes of Health committed $3.7 million over six years for research that included some gain-of-function work. The program followed another $3.7 million, 5-year project for collecting and studying bat coronaviruses, which ended in 2019, bringing the total to $7.4 million.

“The controversy was such that it led to a Congressional moratorium on chimeric research in the USA. At which point, Dr. Antonio Fauci diverted 3.7 Million U.S. Dollars of U.S. Taxpayer monies to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to continue the research. Rudy Giuliani, legal counsel to U. S. President Donald Trump, and former Mayor of New York city, recently demanded an explanation from Dr. Fauci for this transfer, which violated U.S. Laws against funding the research.

In addition to the research done at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, the specific kind of research into Coronaviruses as possible biological warfare agents, was being done at Fort Detrick, Maryland, USA, by the U. S. Army, which has a Level 3 and 4 Biowarfare Lab at the military base. This lab was cited by the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in July, 2019 for failure to maintain proper containment standards”

https://www DOT fromrome DOT info/tag/fort-detrick/

NIAID and NIGMS Funding of Ralph S. Baric at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

2001 May1: $1,007,735 over 4 years from 2001 to 2004
NIGMS (National Institute of General Medical Sciences)
Reverse Genetics with A Coronavirus Infectious Construct
Baric, Ralph S. 
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

2004 February 15: $1.402,316 million over 5 years from 2004 to 2008.
Reverse Genetics
Baric, Ralph S. 
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

Aim 1, we will develop a full-length SARS cDNA clone and compare the phenotype of rescued molecular cloned viruses with wildtype using biochemical assays and macaque challenge experiments.
Aim 2, we will develop high titer SARS single-hit replicons for use as expression vectors and vaccines.
Aim 3, we will select for SARS host range mutants that replicate in murine (mouse and rat) cells, identify the mechanism of SARS cross-species transmission using reverse genetic approaches and evaluate the pathogenicity of these viruses in rodents and non human primates. The goal of this application is to establish genetic control over the SARS genome and provide uniform reagents that will be used by other groups throughout the country.

2004 May15: $367,042 for 2004
Remodelling SARS Coronavirus Genome Regulatory Networks
Baric, Ralph S. 
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

2005 May1: $1,676,513 for 2005
Developing Vaccine Candidates for the SARS Coronavirus
Baric, Ralph S. 
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

Total NIAID funding for Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina was $46,958,414. ( all grants to Baric, Ralph)

2000 201,232
2001 455,041
2002 253,321
2003 902,719
2004 1,628,345
2005 3,277,688
2006 3,262,315
2007 3,315,802
2008 3,539,843
2009 4,273,858
2010 1,877,793
2011 1,703,273
2012 6,871,244
2013 8,985,633
2014 1,404,641
2015 222,637
2016 1,368,161 
2017 3,414,868

Dr David Martin – (not entirely accurate) Richard Flemming (comprehensive).  (detailed)


We are being asked to believe that

The DoD ( Department of Defense)
The HHS Health & Human Services (includes NIH and CDC)
The National Science Foundation
The USAID ( US Agency for International Development)
The DHS ( Department of Homeland Security)
The DoC ( Department of Commerce)
The USDA ( US Department of Agriculture)
The DoI ( Department of the Interior)

All funded Peter Daszak and the EcoHealth Alliance. But DARPA, a weapons funding outfit, refused to fund him because his work was too dangerous?  Too dangerous? The USDA funded it!

No way is that true. DARPA refused because if they had openly funded Peter Daszak, then his exploits would have looked like what they were – bioweapon production. 

What happened here was that the regular government departments funded him until he had a shot at a serious weapon. At that point, he, of course, went to DARPA, because he knew his product had the genocidal capability. DARPA saw that the potential was too great for overt funding. So they sent him down the covert funding route. That way they could pretend it was NOT a weapon. If DARPA had overtly funded it, we would all know that it was a bioweapon. WHICH IT IS.  

As a final piece of evidence, I must point out that Fort Detrick in Maryland is the centre of US bioweapons production.

On August 7th, 2019, its deadly germ research operations were abruptly shut down following serious safety violations, in particular relating to the disposal of dangerous materials –  The CDC issued a Cease and Desist to Fort Detrick on 2019July15. The lab put all research on hold on August2 and was shut down on 2019August7 according to reported by Heather Mongilio –  The lab reopened partially in late November 2019 and fully reopened in April 2020. The Link has now been changed, the article has been suppressed. 

Research into deadly viruses and biological weapons at US army lab shut down over fears they could escape. Fort Detrick researchers banned from working with anthrax, Ebola and smallpox until procedures improved –

So the main US bioweapons facility was conveniently out of action for the entire period that Covid-19 was appearing in Italian sewers in 2019September and in the 10 Wuhan hospitals in 2019October. What a coincidence that is! How often was Fort Detrick closed down prior to that, I wonder? It is quite amazing that whilst the entire world was debating whether or not there was a lab leak in Wuhan, the Chinese bioweapons lab, the US bioweapons lab in Maryland was actually closed down due to fear of a lab leak!

Once one understands that the entire pandemic and vaccination response was a US deep state (intelligence) operation, then everything makes sense. Moderna, the NIH, the NIAID, are all playing their role in a scheme designed to do to your genetics what Google has already done to your search results and what Microsoft and Apple have done to your computers and mobile phones and what Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have done to your social life. They have all become US Intel assets. The security services, through these global corporations, have become more powerful than the governments of the world. That is the real constitutional problem for every democracy. And even our democracies are controlled by electronic vote-counting machines provided by global corporations.

Do you think that these intelligence agencies would do all the work necessary to control the media, all the work necessary to control pharmaceutical regulation and all the work necessary to control your search results and your computers and your mobile phones and your online social life? But fail to do the work necessary to control the vote-counting machines in every democracy? Is there such a thing as a 50% control freak?

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Equally plausible is the theory that Fauci arranged the whole project using funds under his control. There is video of him talking about creating a ‘universal flu vaccine’ that appears to be a smoking gun.
There is much more evidence implicating Fauci and friends than anyone else.

J Smith
J Smith
Reply to  Mark
1 year ago

Indeed Fauci ‘and friends’ are heavily implicated but the ‘Project’ would have needed the cooperation of a much larger number of ready participants to facilitate research and to cover up their dastardly intentions.

Lords Witnesses
Lords Witnesses
Reply to  Mark
1 year ago

Yes Fauci had a bigger role in this that I examined in the article. Mind you he funded Daszak and agree the letter to the lancet with him according to his emails I think.


The article outlined how the virus came about. The following might be a motive for its release.
Just before the pandemic, the world was suffering from an undeclared financial crisis. The banks could not borrow from overnight repo markets at a reasonable rate, and the financial system was in a liquidity crisis. The US President signed an executive order for vaccines, and pandemic preparations continued in earnest. After the pandemic was called, the financial system was bailed out.

It was interesting to see how this Federal Reserve banker, just after the pandemic began in 2020, talking about how people were going to be divided into “trusted” and “untrusted”. That is, “trusted” people could work, and “untrusted” people could not.

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
Reply to  P T
1 year ago

Trusted or untrusted no longer has meaning where this great reset is going. Being prepared too kill to survive is going to be the biggest lesson for people to learn and the true equalizer.

Untrusted = take what you want no matter the consequences.

Trusted = get what they allow you too have = bugs too eat, no energy, poison vax.

Which one will people choose?

Jayna Dinnyes
Jayna Dinnyes
1 year ago

These are more statistics for the present 2022
IN ROME! I post publicly and freely on MeWe.

A Picture of the Vatican
Robert Hington
Robert Hington
1 year ago

Google was paying an immense win from home 7,000 US dollars seven days which is momentous. a year prior I was laid off in an entirely horrendous financial framework. Much obliged to you Google consistently for gift these addresses and presently it is my obligation to pay and give them every single one.
 For more detail..

1 year ago

[…] Investigation: In 2018, the US Deep State funded Daszak to create Covid-19 for Moderna’s Vac… […]

1 year ago

Once again the expose gives the “concerned reader” a platform to talk absolute rubbish. Apparently both the “concerned reader” and the expose team dont understand the difference between genetic sequences and supposed viruses:

“it took the humanized codon form of CCT CGG CGG GCA CGT coding for the 5 amino acids PRRAR, in a humanised furin cleavage site. Which form is unknown in any virus at all. But it is known in cows and humans and many bacteria. Since cows, bacteria and humans cannot infect viruses, nature cannot have put it there. The only way for that coding to get into a virus is by a human being gene splicing it into the viral genome.”

The way that coding got there is by a human being typing in a series of As, Ts, Cs and Gs into a CCP computer. No gene splicing required. The virus and the viral genome exist only in silico.

The SARS-CoV2 virus exists only in a computer and in peoples minds. Covid-19 is a collection of symptoms and signs that have nothing to do with a fake coronavirus and it is not a new and deadly disease. There has been no pandemic. It was manufactured in order to convince large numbers of people to get lethal injections.

More switched on readers repeatedly post evidence proving that what i have said is true. This evidence is just ignored by the “concerned reader” and the expose team. Sometimes it is just dismissed as an inconsequential side issue. It is not a side issue. It is of the utmost importance that everybody understands the nature of the con otherwise they will just keep repeating it. The “concerned reader” seems to be describing himself when he says: 

“It is the wording of an intelligence operative, a lying manipulator, a deceiver, a slanderer.”

He also fails to understand that there has been no pandemic and all excess deaths have been iatrogenic/political (midazolam, morphine, ventilators, anti-virals, lock downs, masks etc):

“Once one understands that the entire pandemic and vaccination response was a US deep state (intelligence) operation, then everything makes sense.”

I am losing all respect for the expose team who seem to be incapable of learning new concepts and continually give credibility to the existence of viruses which have never been proven to exist per the scientific method.

Reply to  Sam
1 year ago

People are entitled to their view. Here is Ralph Baric at the 2.20 mark saying:

“We had no access to the viruses in China. All we had access to was the sequence.

So you can chemically synthesize the sequence to the virus in a laboratory and make the virus sequence and then recover the virus.”

Reply to  P T
1 year ago

Clearly you dont know the different between sequences and whole viruses either. The virus has never been “recovered”. It has never been properly purified and shown to exist. It exists only on a computer.

Reply to  Sam
1 year ago

Thank you for the link. It shall go into my collection of interesting links. However I have not been able to understand how the 1918 pandemic came about from a quick review of the information. One of the explanations for respiratory illness is from air pollution, for instance, from chem trails. However this is not sufficient to explain 1918 pandemic. In the absence of viruses, how is infectious disease supposed to spread?

Reply to  P T
1 year ago

Transmission studies for the 1918 “flu” failed to demonstrate person to person transmission numerous times. There are several hypotheses as to what caused the illness from vaccines, telegraph EM emissions, the stress and malnutrition of WW1, and even a comet.

Reply to  P T
1 year ago

LRAD, please read the seminal book by Arthur Firstenberg, “The Invisible Rainbow”

Rabbi Seamus
Rabbi Seamus
Reply to  Sam
1 year ago

Doesn’t its patent belong to the CDC?
Is that why its never been isolated?

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Sam
1 year ago

Hi Sam,
I have written to my MP Ed Miliband in the UK.
Several letters were sent, asking the same questions that you ask.
Included, was a question asking if Chemtrail pilots were mainly from the USA.
None of my letters got a reply. Although he did call me a racist in a telephone conversation. The collusion goes on and on.
Even our PM brags about being a Great Zionist.

Lords Witnesses
Lords Witnesses
Reply to  Sam
1 year ago

If there have been no excess deaths and there is no SARS-CoV-2, as you chide people for failing to grasp then the vaccines do no harm and neither does a non existent virus. So there is no danger from either. So there is no need for you to read articles in the Expose on either matter or comment on them. Because there is no risk to life or limb or health.

The Expose and its writers are trying to prevent loss of life and harm to health of our human brothers..You are trying deny the need for such an endeavour with existential philosophy, which you falsely represent is scientific method. .

Rather than having respect for the work that the expose and its contributors do, you seek to undermine our or any reason for doing it.

So your statement: ” I am losing all respect for the expose” is insincere in my judgement. You re trying to get the reader to lose the respect which you falsely represent you are running our of.

Reply to  Lords Witnesses
1 year ago

There were excess deaths during the “first wave” in the spring of 2020. Large numbers of elderly and vulnerable people were murdered. By giving the non existent virus credibility you are protecting the murderers since the deaths were listed as due to the non existent “Covid-19” disease. The vaccines are doing an enormous amount of harm because they are bioweapons/nano tech weapons. The SARS-CoV2 in silico construct does not need to exist for the shots to exist. The pandemic was faked to convince people to get injected with the lethal shots.

Lords Witnesses
Lords Witnesses
Reply to  Sam
1 year ago

Most of that I agree with. And I am glad you agree that the shots exist and do harm. That is what we are all trying to prevent. I agree that Midazolam and Fauci and big pharma designed regulator and deep state enforced protcols that killed large numbers of people, more than the virus. I do not exonerate Fauci Gates, hospital administrators or anyone else who knowingly killed for job security or globalist agenda.

I agree that the virus does not need to exist for the shots to exist.

But once you have made the spike protein for the vaccine all you have to do is arrange for a case which facilitates entrance into a host and you have a virus. a 12.5% of Coivd-19 virus. A subvirus which you accept of a main virus which you reject.

Covid-19 vaccine bioweapons are just 12.5% of the virus bioweapon. One you have the sequence in silico you can manufacture the RNA or DNA polynucleotide either in the lab or in bacteria or in moths like Novavax and then put it either in a lipid nanoparticle case or in an adenovirus case and you have the vaccines. In my book any genetic code in an insertion vehicle which can infect a host is a virus.

So equally there is no need to destroy the entire subject of virology in order to defeat the case for the bioweapon vaccines. And if you start from the position you adopt you lose most of the people who are taking the vaccines before you have started.

I think we both agree that the majority of ‘Covid-19’ deaths were actually protocol deaths. It is question of the most effective anc credible way to expose those murders . But I do not (and your position does) exonerate those who desgined not only the spike for the vaccine but the rest of the virus, the nucleocapsid, the envelope and the membrane proteins. I mean genetic code builds whole humans you know. It has no difficulty in building the balance of a little virus.

The work was not done all on a computer. It was done using bat and humanized mice etc, with existing and weaponised viruses.

Reply to  Lords Witnesses
1 year ago

The definition of a virus is a replication competent particle, that can be transmitted between individuals causing disease. Before its composition and characteristics can be determined it is crucial to first purify it. That has never been done. Instead, unscientific bioinformatic techniques are used on complex multi-species biological mixtures. Words like “consensus”, “predicted” and “hypothetical” are used during this process. It is biased self-referential guess work not real science.

The spike protein is certainly toxic but its origin is still unclear. It could very well be bacterial or fungal in origin but it isn’t “12.5% of Covid-19 virus”.

A protein that for many years was assumed to be an HIV protein turned out to be a human subunit of the actin cytoskeleton protein that is packaged inside exosomes in response to oxidative cellular injury. Whoops!

“In my book any genetic code in an insertion vehicle which can infect a host is a virus.”

You are just plain wrong about that. Viruses are supposed to contain relatively large genomes and are supposedly surrounded by protein and lipid antigens. They are supposedly replication competent, intracellular parasites that spread between individuals to cause disease. None of that has been proven.

Why should telling the truth about virology “lose most of the people who are taking the vaccines before you have started”? When people understand that viruses don’t exist they will never take another vaccine against a fake virus again. You sound like Vernon Coleman. I have a lot of respect for him but recently he seems to have lost his mind with his unjustified outbursts directed at “virus deniers”.

You have some fundamental misconceptions about the experiments that have been done. I have read many of the research papers myself.

I suggest you read and understand Dr Mark Baileys recent article on the pseudoscience of virology for starters:

Lords Witnesses
Lords Witnesses
Reply to  Sam
1 year ago

What do you mean “virus deniers” in quotes? You are a self confessed virus denier.

And you would deny me the right to define viruses in my ownbook? Sorry old chap you are too keep to assasinate.
You do not seek the truth. You seek to destroy. You are precisely the same as the wokers who say they support minorities but in truth wish to use them to attack the majority

Vernon has your respect but he seems to have lost his mind? .Insincere BS is what that is.

I respect everybody. You have not lost your mind. You are using it to promote vaccines by condemning all those who believe in viruses to take the vaccine by atempting to invalidate virus based arguments against the vaccines – which are the arguments to which they might listen. .

It is you who are plain wrong. And you spirit is plain wrong.

Viruses do not have to have long genomes. They can have any length of genome that does the job. You are making stuff up as you go along.

Your aim is not to find the truth it is to invalidate and to assassinate those who seek to unravel the precise viral con that is going on here and who is behind it.. You are a lead weight upon us and that is your aim.

Lords Witnesses
Lords Witnesses
Reply to  Sam
1 year ago

If there was no virus then natural immunity for those who have recovered from the virus would not exist. But there are plenty of studies showing that natural immunity is longer lasting (actually indefintiely lasting if unvaxxed) and more effective than vaccine immunity. Those who have recovered and have not been infected do not catch it again according to the Cleveland Clinic study. Whereas vaccinated people are more likely to catch it. Also recovered people have a higher antibody count.

Lords Witnesses
Lords Witnesses
Reply to  Lords Witnesses
1 year ago

Here is a good letter about the nuicleocapsid protein quoting papers sowing that natural immunity or dead whole virus immunity is better than spike protein immunity. These show your non existent virus argument to be false.

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
1 year ago

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-10-08. About 4.2 million of the symptoms were severe. Pfizer’s 8 mice. 84% increase relative risk cardiac death (blog, gab, tweet).

1 year ago

[…] ”Once one understands that the entire pandemic and vaccination response was a US deep state (intelligence) operation, then everything makes sense. Investigation: In 2018, the US Deep State funded Daszak to create Covid-19 for Moderna’s Vaccine…” […]

Rabbi Seamus
Rabbi Seamus
1 year ago

Very important paper.
Time for your coffee.

1 year ago

[…] In 2018, the US Deep State funded Daszak to create Covid-19 for Moderna’s Vaccine Platform […]