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How to Keep Your Immune System Strong

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Your body’s immune system helps to protect you against infection. If your immune system – your inbuilt defence system – is in tip-top condition then you will be far less vulnerable to diseases of all types. Your body will also be better able to fight cancer and it will also be more able to resist viruses, colds and the flu.

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By Dr. Vernon Coleman

The trouble is that all sorts of things can damage your immune system. Top problems are a poor diet, too much stress, loneliness, frustration, not enough exercise, too little sunshine, not enough fresh air going into your lungs – and so on. Some types of drugs can also interfere with immune systems.

Moreover, we all build up our immune systems through contact with one another. Staying apart from other people, for whatever reason, reduces the effectiveness of our immune systems and increases our susceptibility to infections of all kinds. If we lock ourselves in our homes, for example, then we could damage the effectiveness of our immune systems.

So, what can you do to help keep your immune system strong – and to counter all that bad stuff that can happen?

Finding out exactly what you should eat isn’t as easy as it should be. The truth is shrouded in mystery and confusion – much of it created, quite deliberately, on behalf of vested interests, by lobbyists, advertising agencies and public relations groups.

Politicians and modern mainstream pseudo-journalists are always unreliable and invariably deliberately dishonest. Sadly, these days most health writers merely share press releases they’ve been sent. Too many are just plain crooked and are paid to promote certain foods. I don’t accept sponsorship, advertising or free samples. My only income comes from my books.

The big thing to remember is that what you choose to eat can have a big effect on the strength and effectiveness of your immune system.

Most people know what foods they shouldn’t eat. They understand that if they live on a diet of hamburgers and chips, followed by chocolate pudding covered with lashings of double cream, and all washed down with a cola drink, then their health will suffer.

So, here’s some positive advice to help you keep your immune system healthy and strong.

If you eat eggs do not ever buy (or eat) eggs with cracked shells. It is much easier for an infection to enter an egg with a cracked shell. Eggs laid by genuinely free-range chickens (if you can find them) are likely to be healthier than eggs laid by hens kept in battery cages.

Foods which contain antioxidants (such as vitamins C and E, the mineral selenium and beta-carotene, which is converted in the human body to vitamin A) help prevent cancer and heart disease and reduce susceptibility to infection.

I think all fats are bad for your immune system but animal fats are probably worse than others, and can probably do more damage to your immune system. One of the reasons for this is the fact that animal fat is often contaminated with chemical residues – toxic and possibly carcinogenic residues of drugs consumed (accidentally or deliberately) by feeding animals.

It is often difficult to find out how much fat there is in particular foods. And it is often terribly easy to eat foods which contain a lot of fat without realising it. And remember that if you cook in additional fat the effective fat content of the food you are cooking will rise – often dramatically!

Governments often recommend that a healthy diet should contain no more than 30% fat. I think that figure is far too high (probably because a relatively high-fat diet helps keep the food industry rich and happy). I believe that you should aim to have no more than 15-20% fat in your diet. If for some reason you need to follow a low-fat diet you may wish to cut your consumption of fat to 10-15%.

Your body’s immune system needs supplies of vitamins and minerals in order to function effectively. In particular, in order to help build up your immune system and fight off infections and cancer your body needs regular supplies of foods which contain antioxidants (beta-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E) and other substances.

Vitamin D deficiency is common among patients with infections. The health risks of vitamin D deficiency are huge. Vitamin D deficiency doesn’t just increase the risk of contracting an infection, there is also an increased risk of heart disease, asthma, cancer and dementia. Plus, there is evidence that a low vitamin D could result in high blood pressure, diabetes and multiple sclerosis.

Vitamin D is essential (as are all vitamins, of course) and without it, our bodies simply do not function effectively and cell regeneration is less efficient. And again, here’s the vital bit, vitamin D is an essential vitamin for preventing infection. For most people the most important source of vitamin D is sunshine. Spending too much time indoors deprives people of vitamin D and increases the risk of viral infections.

You can get some vitamin D from fortified foods but for many people, the answer is probably taking a vitamin D supplement.

It’s worth remembering the value of zinc too. Zinc is essential for a healthy immune system and it can help shorten the duration of a cold and make symptoms less severe. Zinc helps your body fight infections by boosting the production of antibodies. Zinc deficiency may be responsible for 13% of diseases such as pneumonia and flu in children under the age of five. And zinc deficiency is common among the elderly – and a major reason why they are susceptible to infection. The easiest solution is probably regular supplements.

The modern “meat, butter, cheese, milk” diet is death to your body’s immune system not just because those foods are rich in fat but also because they don’t contain much in the way of immune ­boosting vitamins and minerals. It’s also worth remembering that there is a very strong link between dairy produce and breast cancer.

Your body will get much of the vitamins and minerals it needs to keep your immune system healthy if you eat a diet which is rich in vegetables, fruits and grains.

However, it is vital to be aware that vitamins can easily be destroyed. Mushrooms, lettuce, broccoli, asparagus and strawberries, for example, all lose their vitamins very quickly. Food which has to be cooked should be cooked for the shortest possible time and at the lowest possible temperature.

In order to ensure that the food you eat retains a high vitamin content – and helps keep your immune system healthy– you should follow some simple rules:

  • Food processing tends to reduce the nutritional quality of food and so where possible you should try to buy fresh food and either eat it washed and raw (if appropriate) or eat it after cooking for the shortest length of time.
  • Buy vegetables whole. Don’t have the leaves removed from carrots or the stalk removed from cabbage or cauliflower. If you buy the vegetable whole vitamin C will continue to be produced and moved into the edible parts of the plant.
  • Cook foods in the minimum amount of water or steam, avoid high cooking temperatures and long heat exposure and don’t soak vegetables for long periods.
  • Wash but do not peel fruit or vegetables unless necessary. (For example, do not peel apples or skin potatoes).
  • Try to use food the day you have bought it rather than use frozen foods. Use foods the day you buy them to get the best out of them.

I also recommend that whenever possible you purchase “organic” produce which has been prepared without chemicals and try to buy food that has not been genetically modified. Remember: genetically modified food has never been tested or shown to be safe. I very much doubt if it is.

The best way to get good, honest food is to grow your own.

Remember that nearly half of all the food sold in supermarkets and stores including fruits, vegetables, and meat – contains potentially dangerous chemical residues. Some chemicals are sprayed onto foods which have grown and which are being picked or shipped to the stores but many chemicals are absorbed when foods are growing and obviously cannot be removed by washing or scraping. Some of the chemicals used by modern farmers are known to cause cancer, asthma and a wide variety of other serious disorders.

Based on material taken from the book Superbody: The secret of survival in the 21st century by Vernon Coleman. Superbody is available on Amazon as a paperback and an eBook.

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1 year ago

Not one mention of Ivermectin.. how interesting!

1 year ago

The Keto and Carni cults are coming … wait for it …

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Reply to  Laurie
1 year ago

I had to waste my time looking up what Keto was … I found this =

As for your “Carni” remark, I assume meaning Carnivore – well unfortunately for you, we were born omnivores, but our bodies need meat to maintain a healthy body – that can be seen in the construction of our teeth for example; why the term hunter / gatherers has long existed etc etc…

However I do not know you and even if I did, I would not give a toss what you eat… so maybe whilst you are hugging that tree, order in some of Billy Gate’s insect pizza, eat a few Monsanto (Bayer) covered “wild” mushrooms and let NORMAL PEOPLE eat and drink what that want … oh aye, get your teeth replaced with the “new woke” vegan rainbow set… again courtesy of Billy Gates and the globalist parasites – and it will boost your social credit score.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
1 year ago

This is not intended to be criticism of Dr. Coleman. It is purely passing on information, and if Dr. Coleman reads these comments, I would be very grateful for his views on this information.

For a long time, we have been told that antioxidants help to prevent cancer. My belief in that theory was so strong that I was quite shocked when, a few years ago, I read that we should avoid antioxidants as they might actually promote cancer.

Considering that the medical establishment took it for granted that antioxidants prevented cancer, who would dare to say the opposite?

It was said by James Watson – of Watson and Crick fame, the men who won the Nobel prize for their research into DNA, and Watson had worked on cancer research for decades.

Will we ever know if he is right? I don’t know, this is just FYI. Here are a couple of articles.

“Do superfoods cause cancer? James Watson of DNA fame thinks they might!”

“On the idea that antioxidants such as those in colorful berries fight cancer: “The time has come to seriously ask whether antioxidant use much more likely causes than prevents cancer.””

“Research backs him up. A number of studies have shown that taking antioxidants such as vitamin E do not reduce the risk of cancer but can actually increase it, and can even shorten life.”

from –

Reply to  Watcher Seeker
1 year ago

Ever heard Dr. Watson to expose the scamdemic? I haven’t. Should we not be a bit suspicious that this story gets promoted by Reuters?!

In any case, the main issue was that antioxidants undermine the efficacy of chemotherapy. We better never rely on such toxic ‘treatment’ in the first place.

I think we better put our faith in God than in all sorts of studies (who knows what interests hide behind them!?) and big pharma ‘solutions’ especially after the recent covid experience…

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Freeman2
1 year ago

“Ever heard Dr. Watson to expose the scamdemic? I haven’t. Should we not be a bit suspicious that this story gets promoted by Reuters?” – it was quite a few years ago when I first read about this. Since then Watson has been cancelled for some comment he made – I seem to recall it was something about race and backed up by science, but he was still cancelled, so even if he had said something about the coronavirus plot, it would not have been reported by the MSM.

“the main issue was that antioxidants undermine the efficacy of chemotherapy” – so said James Watson. I don’t have time to re-read those articles but he might have been the first person to say it. You are happy to accept his views on that point.

How far do you wish to take your suspicion of Watson – perhaps you deny that DNA has a double helix structure? Please excuse my phrasing I wasn’t trying to be rude, just wanted a quick way to put that point.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Watcher Seeker
1 year ago

Sorry Freeman2 – I think I misunderstood your point with “the main issue was that antioxidants undermine the efficacy of chemotherapy”

Reply to  Watcher Seeker
1 year ago

“so even if he had said something about the coronavirus plot, it would not have been reported by the MSM.” – there’s still other media available…

Regarding “the main issue was that antioxidants undermine the efficacy of chemotherapy” I just noticed what the main issue of the Reuters article was.

Jayna Dinnyes
Jayna Dinnyes
1 year ago

Here are my personal tips. I take a D supplement that is D3. (No toxic level in this form.) I like Doctor’s Best 5000 i.u. as it has proven to work for me through blood tests. I sprinkle ground black pepper on most everything even Kitty’s wet food because it is reported to help prevent cancer.) I like chopped organic spinach mixed into salads, pasta, grains, and etc (even Kitty’s wet food) because it is one of the healthiest veggies as is cilantro. A little organic olive oil mixed into foods increases digestion. Avocado oil on skin counteracts aging and naturally prevents sunburn and wrinkling. Pro-biotics greatly help immunity and digestion.
I post publicly and freely on MeWe.

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
1 year ago

Meg, I must admit that I was not only shocked, I was also gutted after reading this, as I thought at least “Dr. Vernon Coleman” was one of us …plus I have followed him since day 1 of “our OBVIOUS globalist takeover” – not always agreeing 100%, but you know, in general thinking he was a good and genuine bloke.

Notice this paragraph ??? = “The modern “meat, butter, cheese, milk” diet is death to your body’s immune system not just because those foods are rich in fat but also because they don’t contain much in the way of immune ­boosting vitamins and minerals. It’s also worth remembering that there is a very strong link between dairy produce and breast cancer.”

What a load of ****ing ******* ***** ******** *** tosh.

Guess who else states the exact same thing ?.

Pity that, as I used to like the “Old man in the chair” as he was on the video sites.

Another one bites the dust =

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
1 year ago

Thanks for your reply Rhoda which I found out of intrigue as I never received my usual email message.

I have no problem with people being a vegetarian; it is not my business what other people believe (although I may bang on a little !!).

But he categorically stated the above in your article= “The modern “meat, butter, cheese, milk” diet is death to your body’s immune system not just because those foods are rich in fat but also because they don’t contain much in the way of immune ­boosting vitamins and minerals. It’s also worth remembering that there is a very strong link between dairy produce and breast cancer.”

Which is untrue on all accounts; it is utter nonsense and he is just spewing out the words from that idiot at the WEF.

You are very good as the “peace maker” … but this is not a shade of grey – THIS IS BLACK AND WHITE and people need to wake up and see it.

In Idiot terms:

Without meat and dairy products, we become weak and smaller as a race … and yes I know how it sounds – the WEF say we become smaller and thus our carbon footprint becomes smaller … come on Rhoda, connect the dots ffs.

Used to be more direct articles, but they have been ripped off the internet, but scroll down =


No disrespect intended by the way.

Reply to  Bob - Enough
1 year ago

If Dr. Coleman has a “get out of jail card” it is the word “modern”? Perhaps the old “meat, butter, cheese, milk diet”, was good “to your body’s immune system”?
I have no doubt modern processing methods may have something to answer for?
Regardless, what he wrote is not good-you are right on!
As for me, I am full on with all dairy products, though I try to source locally where possible.

As a Christian, I am exhorted to “judge no man in meat or in drink” Colossians 2:16.
Do the vegetarians, vegans, greenies live by that rule? I think not!!!!!

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Reply to  Islander
1 year ago

You state “As a Christian, I am exhorted to “judge no man in meat or in drink” Colossians 2:16.” – Did you just call me an canabolistic, alcoholic bum that should be burnt into the flames of damnation on a stake, stamped on and tarred and feathered ?. Ah-well, fair play.

NOW for once for once I think you are wrong …my view only remember:

  1. The elite have had AT LEAST DECADES to plan their action. (Centuries)
  2. Modern IT from the 70s … ????, have helped them a great deal to speed up the implementation .
  3. On a personal thing, I read this above and to me … (my view remember) so obvious and as they say in some films (we have been warned) – it’s a blessing and a curse !.
  4. I have made my point on meat and dairy.
  5. We are being played, the World is a f****ing stage and we are the idiot audience with our gobs wide open acting like ruddy seals, penguins or sea lions (whatever they are).
  6. My parting shot is that I am not only disappointed IN HIM, but also in myself, in that I did not spot it earlier.
  7. Oh yes as for “Do the vegetarians, vegans, greenies live by that rule? I think not!!!!!” – who gives a monkeys ?

Off to eat the wife.

Reply to  Bob - Enough
1 year ago

You have flown off a tangent here!
When the Bible speaks of not judging our fellow humans in regard to food and drink, I assumed (wrongly) you perhaps understood that the Bible nowhere tells us to eat our fellow humans!
Granted, in times of scarcity, droughts, and what have you, such has happened, and no doubt is happening, and will continue to do so until the Lord’s Return. Such is the fallen state of mankind.
Nevertheless, the Bible tells us what our food should be (since the Great Flood): Every moving thing that liveth shall be food for you: as the green herb have I given you all. Genesis 9:3. Remember (if you knew in the first place?), there were only eight souls alive when this command was given. Just as well Noah and his family didn’t gorge on each other, or we wouldn’t be here today!

It is more than my conscience can bear if my comment has emboldened you to “eat the wife”.

Yes, “we are being played”; we are not the “idiot audience”, rather the “idiot actors” in what is unfolding before us! Read 1 Corinthians 4:9, Hebrews10:33, if you have a Bible? Praise God in Christ that you have-it is all online, whilst we have electricity, at least!

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Reply to  Islander
1 year ago

When the Bible speaks of not judging our fellow humans in regard to food and drink, I assumed (wrongly) you perhaps understood that the Bible nowhere tells us to eat our fellow humans!

I think you may find that I was joking hence the “Ah-well, fair play.” at the end !… since I am from Manchester UK, I can assure you that I do not take offense… although I may return a few rebukes where needed.

This is interesting though – “Yes, “we are being played”; we are not the “idiot audience”, rather the “idiot actors”” … never thought of it like that; not sure I agree at the moment, but will take a ponder.

Paper bibles and those lights you need to wind up (prepper on a small scale). Catch you later.

Reply to  Bob - Enough
1 year ago

A Mancunian supporting a scouse footy club???

I had you down as a scouser! “Born and bred in Birkenhead, strong in the arm but thick in the head!”
Don’t take offence! I was once in with a family from Birkenhead-and they sang this rhyme slang often-dockers they were!

Whilst you are pondering; on the one hand you admit to “being played”, and on the other you would have us believe we are the “audience”.

Without exception, every single human being that has ever lived on Earth from the first man Adam to the very last man (or woman) born before the coming great white throne judgment (Revelation 20:11) will be seen to be an actor, for don’t we all participate in the grand scene down below (great and small)? Even the so-called elite are actors! (Though they know it not!). The “audience” are not “idiots”, no!!! For God and His holy angels are among them! Granted, many of Christ’s martyrs have been an audience to men, by being burned at the stake, fed to the lions in the Roman coliseums and the like, but it is only God (and His holy angels) that are observing what is going on down here.

The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. Proverbs 15:3.

At least the Toffees had good possession tonight?

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Reply to  Islander
1 year ago

Yeah and you can guess my childhood was fun !; battered at school, battered at the matches. Got even worse when I picked up a ruddy Southern accent after living and working down in London twice in my early 20s. Dad’s lot are real Mancs, Mum’s lot are real Scouse’s (or what is left of them) … both sides a pain in the arse .. Man City, Manure and Kopite fans…

Regards this comment – “Whilst you are pondering; on the one hand you admit to “being played”, and on the other you would have us believe we are the “audience”.” …

Being played = I think many of us now can see through it now, but we have been for decades plus.

We are the audience = of course – all smoke and mirrors ! …..

Not sure where you are going with the next bit, especially after watching another loss tonight … so may I just continue to drown my sorrows … and my fantasy football is ruined as I did not even realise their were mid week matches (oh the complexes of life !!). Laters.

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
1 year ago

Thanks, agree with everything you state. By the way, this goes back a bit, but may be relevant (ya think ?) regards GMO crops =

Look like the UK and EU are opening their doors to this rubbish now (just picked this one for speed) … UK =

EU =

All so predictable !. Cheers.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Bob - Enough
1 year ago

“Which is untrue on all accounts; it is utter nonsense” – you are wrong to be so unequivocal Bob. I’m sure that Dr. Coleman could back up his words with evidence and the potential dangers of the drugs in meat and dairy produce cannot be denied.

You quote – do they have an agenda?

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Reply to  Watcher Seeker
1 year ago

Sorry “Watcher Seeker”, but what are you saying I am wrong about ?; I do spew a lot of nonsense, so if you could point me in the right direction of which part has alienated you the most, that would help.

Reply to  Bob - Enough
1 year ago

“I do spew a lot of nonsense”
A ‘good’ confession!

Yes, Bob, often I have to get my sieve out when deciphering your lingo!

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Reply to  Islander
1 year ago

Like a ‘good’ death ?…

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Bob - Enough
1 year ago

Hi Bob, I meant that it is better to be a bit more open minded than thinking that we know the absolute truth on matters like this. There have been many instances where things that were accepted as truth by many people and even scientists are later disproved by new research, so to dismiss something as utter nonsense is unwise, and very often things are not black and white – there can be elements of truth in both sides of the debate.

Drifting off a bit – those who fell for the government propaganda on vaccines believe in them and are harshly critical of truthers. If you try tell them about vaccine harm they dismiss the warnings as utter nonsense. Hopefully one day they will see that they were wrong. I’m not trying to say that you are wrong – I suspect that if you were to have a chat with Dr. Coleman you might find some common ground.

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Reply to  Watcher Seeker
1 year ago

Oh I see, thanks for for the response that I actually fully agree with. Sometimes I do go over the top with my opinion probably because paranoia kicks in due to the fact that in this day and age – there is so much controlled opposition around and in play, “nudging” us this way or the other.

I re-read “Dr. Coleman’s” statement and he does specifically include the word modern as in – “The modern “meat, butter, cheese, milk” diet”; so I apologise to a degree in going overboard, because most of us will agree that supermarkets can and do sell some crap, pumped up with goo; however the alarm bells have been rung. Cheers

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Bob - Enough
1 year ago

Thanks for your reply Bob. It can be difficult to get the tone right in a posting that we knock out quickly. I think some of mine come across too much like a lecture. 🙂

I hope this is taken as light-hearted example of how we never know the full facts when even the experts can’t agree. The topic is bananas and their sugar content – is it harmful or isn’t it – and look at how much controversy that issue raised.

“Is a banana as bad for type 2 diabetes as SIX spoons of sugar? A top GP says so, but diabetes experts passionately disagree. So who’s right?”

“Racism, slurs, hysteria… And all for daring to suggest that a banana isn’t as bad as six spoonfuls of pure sugar, says BARNEY CALMAN”

Cheers too.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Bob - Enough
1 year ago

Dr. Malcolm Kendrick says that saturated fat is good for us.

Dr. Kendrick was a noted blogger throughout the pandemic. He wrote about the coronavirus and about vaccine harm, blood clots, the spike protein – i.e. he was a truther. He was warned off by the authorities, but he risked his career by continuing to write. Later, he wrote a very interesting article about the GMC sending threatening letters to other doctors telling them to keep quite.

“Vaccination – silencing doctors in the UK”

J Smith
J Smith
1 year ago

My jabbed friend told me she was going to be eating locust burgers and dropping all meat. I retorted that she can eat what she wants,and so can I. I ‘ll carry on eating meat and fish. It’s about choice; we all must keep that basic right.
Dr. Vernon, I admire you. However, I shall continue eating meat, butter and dairy products. I enjoy them. It’s vital we support dairy farmers and meat producers, particularly UK and Dutch, even more than ever.
I also take the D, Zinc and C daily and happily go out a lot. Never worn a mask or kept my distance. No amount of brain washing has got through! Always question, was my late mother’s advice. And so, as you can see, I do!

Leo george Andolino
Leo george Andolino
1 year ago

Dr. Coleman is a good man. I disagree with the fat restrictions though. Saturated fat is stable and healthy as opposed to vegetable -seed oils which turn rancid fast and wreak havoc on your body. Carnivore and keto diets help many people regain their health. Organic is the best but probably harder to find.

Rabbi Seamus
Rabbi Seamus
1 year ago

I’m healthy and fit but got Influenza a couple of times on long distance cycling trips along the Andes.

Its diet.

Most long distance cyclists/hikers/kayakers concentrate on the Energy on the food and forget the actual nutrition.

A mistake.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
1 year ago

I’ve just read this – “LETHAL INJECTIONS: 18% of cattle DIE immediately following mRNA “vaccination” – and in it – “Is Australian meat still safe to eat?”

This move to injecting cows is likely to spread around the Western world, but will they enforce it for all cows or will there be clean herds? Meat eaters need to know where their meat comes from.