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Covid-19: How the Greatest Crime in History Unfolded

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The deliberately designed fake pandemic began in earnest in the middle of February 2020. A mathematical modeller called Ferguson, working at Imperial College in London, scared the living daylights out of millions by predicting that 600,000 people might die in the UK alone. There was talk of millions being taken ill in Britain and of hospitals all over the world being overwhelmed by sick patients.

The media led the panic, as they usually do, and within days people were cancelling holidays and panic buying loo rolls, soap and loaves of bread. The British always buy loo rolls, soap and loaves of bread at times of crisis. Curiously, the people who were buying the most loo rolls didn’t seem to be buying any food though you would have thought that without any of the latter there wouldn’t have been much need for the former.

The stock market had a nervous breakdown and collapsed in a corner, as it always does at times like this, and the chap called Ferguson was interviewed and quoted everywhere sharing his gloomy predictions.

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By Dr. Vernon Coleman

At this point, back in February 2020, I was puzzled by the fuss being made over what seemed to me to be no more toxic than the flu. Back in February 2020, I said I thought that the hoax might be part of a plan to introduce compulsory vaccination.

When I looked at the figures that were available it was immediately obvious that something wasn’t right. I expressed my doubts on and pointed out that according to the WHO it was not unusual for 650,000 people to die of flu in a single season.

I started looking for a hidden agenda and came up with several.

On 28th February I suggested that the virus might be being used to stop unnecessary travel, and to save oil for more important things like Prime Ministerial limousines and fighter jets or for flying Prince Charles to climate change meetings, or to soften us up for compulsory vaccination.

On 2nd March I pointed out that the mortality figures which were being quoted were wrong because the authorities were only identifying people who had the disease and were in hospital. They weren’t counting the thousands of people who had the disease but had only mild symptoms. I pointed out that if 1,000 people go to their doctor with the flu, and one patient dies then the mortality rate is 0.1% but if another 9,000 people have the flu but don’t go to their doctor then the mortality rate is 0.01%.

I predicted that governments would use the crisis to create a cashless society and to get rid of old people.

It all rather reminded me of the exaggerated AIDS scare when the British Medical Association warned us that everyone would be affected by the year 2000.

On 3rd March 2020, I warned once again that compulsory inoculation would be coming. The panic grew and people were seen walking around with plastic boxes on their heads. In the UK the coronavirus was made a notifiable disease.

Within days, doctors everywhere were warning that old people would have to be left to die because the virus was going to kill millions and every hospital bed would be needed for young coronavirus patients. On 7th March I reported that people had been cheering at the prospect of old people dying in huge numbers. `It will clear hospital beds,’ said one commentator.

By 14th March I was still pretty much on my own among doctors in insisting that the coronavirus wasn’t going to kill us all. I was reminded of bird flu and swine flu. I had dismissed the scare stories about those two diseases at the time but the authorities had made dramatic claims. The WHO had claimed that the bird flu would kill up to 150 million people. I said that was rubbish. In the end, the bird flu killed less than 500. The UK Government claimed that swine flu would kill 65,000 in 2009 and spent £500 million on medicines that had to be thrown away. Again, the total number of deaths didn’t reach 500. It wasn’t until a little later that I discovered that those wildly inaccurate predictions had been made by Professor Ferguson of Imperial College, London – a college with financial links to the vaccine-loving Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Ferguson had also made absurdly inaccurate predictions about mad cow disease – he had predicted up to 150,000 people could die but the total was 177. And it was Imperial College which made terrible predictions about foot and mouth disease. Ferguson’s forecasts, later described as severely flawed, led to six million animals being killed unnecessarily and cost the UK £10 billion.

Despite knowing all this, governments in the UK and the USA and, indeed, much of the rest of the world, listened to Ferguson’s predictions, accepted them with enthusiasm and introduced lockdowns and anti-social distancing.

It was clear at the time that governments would have done better to have ignored Ferguson and his team at Imperial College and taken advice from Bob the Builder or Postman Pat instead. The world would have been a better, safer place but possibly a less profitable one for vaccine companies.

Angry at the way people were being terrified by a disease which was clearly no more deadly than the flu, I made a video for YouTube on 18th March. I called it ‘Coronavirus Scare: The Hoax of the Century’. The video was removed from YouTube and then removed much later on from BrandNewTube after that platform had been hacked. It has been rescued and you can now watch it HERE.

I’ve had a lot of abuse over the years, mainly from people hired by drug companies, but this time the abuse was phenomenal, deliberate and cold-blooded and I became the subject of a sneering, libellous, smear campaign.

I carried on making videos because I don’t like being bullied by abusive thugs, because it was clearly too late to stop but mainly because I was still angry about all the lies being told and the people being unnecessarily upset.

On 19th March, the public health bodies in the UK and the Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens decided that the new disease should no longer be classified as a `high consequence infectious disease’. The coronavirus was downgraded to flu level.

A couple of days after this momentous decision (which was ignored by the mainstream press) the UK Government introduced lockdowns and introduced the most oppressive Bill in British Parliamentary history. The Emergency Bill, which was 358 pages long, turned Britain into a totalitarian state and gave the Government and the police unprecedented powers. Public meetings and elections were banned and there were new powers relating to “restrictions on use and disclosure of information.”

Curiously, even inexplicably, much the same thing happened around the world.

Following Ferguson’s guidance, governments introduced lockdowns and anti-social distancing, told the elderly they had to stay indoors, sent thousands of elderly folk out of hospitals and into care homes and cancelled operations and other procedures for millions of cancer patients.

The disease turned out to be unique in that doctors seemed able to make a diagnosis without doing any tests or, in some cases, without even seeing their patients. The list of symptoms associated with the coronavirus grew and grew and the official line was that anyone suffering from a cough or a sneeze had the disease. Thousands of patients were sent to care homes to keep hospitals empty so that nurses could learn how to dance and rehearse their clapping. In the UK, doctors got so good at diagnosing coronavirus that Britain soon headed the world figures for coronavirus deaths. Back in March 2020, I had pointed out that anyone who wasn’t actually riddled with bullet holes was being put down as a covid-19 death and that the death totals were being exaggerated. Little did I know that even the bodies with bullet holes were being listed as covid-19 deaths. Anyone who ever had covid-19 was put down as having died of it even if they were run over by a bus or hacked to death by a mad politician. Officially, it was impossible to recover from the disease.

On 30th March 2020, I predicted that the lockdowns would kill 100,000 to 250,000 people in Britain. I predicted that the result would be that far more people would be killed by the lockdown policies than would die as a result of the virus.

Tragically, the UK Government has now admitted that this prediction has also been proved accurate. And during the next few years, the number of deaths resulting from the closure of hospital departments will soar to unimaginable levels. Suicides, as I predicted, will soar. Exactly the same thing has happened in other countries. This is a global crime.

To that must be added the number who will die through poverty as unemployment levels soar to unprecedented levels. Again, I predicted this back in March 2020.

Meanwhile, the UK Government’s own figures proved that the number of people who died from covid-19 was less than the number who regularly die from flu.

My video entitled ‘Final, Irrefutable Proof that the covid-19 Pandemic Never Existed’ appeared on 19th April 2021. That video was banned from YouTube and hacked from BrandNewTube but thanks to our utterly brilliant IT specialist it is now available HERE.

The mortality rates from covid-19 and the flu are pretty well identical. The total number alleged to have died from the coronavirus has been wildly exaggerated. And for the first time in history, governments have forbidden medical and nursing staff to debate or question official policies.

Government figures show that the ordinary flu can affect a billion people a year. And the official evidence shows that the covid-19 virus is less infectious than the flu. The total number of global deaths from the coronavirus is far, far fewer than the 650,000 who can die of the flu in a single season. (It is also far fewer than the 1.5 million who can die of TB in a single year – also an infectious disease.)

In mid-July 2020 we were told that covid-19 appeared to have unprecedented powers.

If you catch a disease, you will usually acquire immunity. But not, it seemed with covid-19. It was announced that immunity to covid-19 mysteriously disappears after a few months.

We were told we would need repeated vaccinations – maybe four times a year.

I reported in July 2020 that the UK Government had agreed to buy 190 million doses of vaccine for a population less than a third of that. I predicted that vaccine company shares would soar.

The rules that were introduced were unutterably stupid, incomprehensible and indefensible. The entire world appeared to be run by people who were at least one sandwich and a bottle of fizzy pop short of a picnic. You could go into a pub but not a bowling alley. You could have your hair permed and your nails varnished but physiotherapy departments were still closed. The idea was to keep people confused, miserable and damned near suicidal and it all worked brilliantly well.

Researchers then claimed that a skin rash was another sign of covid-19. Apparently 8.8% of patients with a positive covid-19 test also have a rash. No one in government realised that the rashes were probably caused by the damned sanitiser fluid that everyone was being forced to use in absurd quantities.

We were, I wrote two and a half years ago, living in a manufactured nightmare.

It was, I said, either the most unlikely badly managed epidemic in the history of the world or it is, as I described it in my video made on 18th March, the hoax of the century. (To watch my video published on 18th March 2020 click HERE).

Either way, we need to arrest everyone involved in the decision-making process.

There are no ads, no fees and no requests for donations on websites or videos. Dr. Coleman pays for everything through book sales. If you want to help finance his work, please just buy a book – there are over 100 books by Vernon Coleman in print.

Vernon Coleman’s first book about covid-19, written in April 2020, is called Coming Apocalypse. It is available on Amazon as a paperback and an eBook. The author describes how the hoax developed and predicts what sort of future we face.

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1 year ago

Yes Dr Coleman was one of the very very few who were on to the criminal covid scam right from the start. Full credit to him.

Reply to  mcc
1 year ago

Just half. Some of us have been known since the start of the hoax that it was a hoax. We knew it based on research, we knew that as pathogenic viruses didn’t exist whatever killed people (if at all) that couldn’t be a virus. The credit for that goes to Dr Stefan Lanka, later followed by many like Drs Kaufman, Cowan, the Bailey Drs couple, etc.
We also knew it couldn’t be a lab-made virus either.
“BIOWEAPON BS — THE LAB LEAK NARRATIVE & VIROLOGY’S ONGOING, CRUEL, POINTLESS TORTURE & MASSACRE OF ANIMALS” (Truth cones to light website)The other part goes to Jon Rappoport who spent at least 30+ years as an investigator journalist uncovering virus lies, proving that the culprit was poisoning in every ‘viral pandemic/epidemic’ cases.

The knowledge we gained from them made us to RESIST to ANY vaccination and not to trust in ANY governments and health agencies.
They saved our lives, hence the credit is theirs.

A decent amount of credit also should go to Dana Ashlie who – during the very early days – made an excellent documentary connecting the dots between the 5G rollout and the so called Covid cases.

Reply to  GunDelete
1 year ago

One of the best educational material on GERMS in 19 minutes and on a funny way, I offer it Dr Coleman and Rhoda especially 🙂
“Cov-19 Immunity in 19 Minutes”

1 year ago

Not quite how the greatest crime in history unfolded…

I have a lot of respect for Dr Coleman and agree with much of what he says. Sadly, that respect is not reciprocated to people like me who he and others have labelled “virus deniers” and for inexplicable reasons we are vilified as being a threat to the resistance.

I have not always been a “virus denier”. Back in early 2020 i still believed viruses were real but was aware that the “Coronavirus” was an exaggerated hoax being used for nefarious political and financial reasons.

I spent 8 years of my life doing diagnostic testing for “viruses” in an NHS lab. I understand why people are reluctant to even entertain the possibility that viruses don’t exist. It sounds like a crazy idea to many people. It sounded crazy to me once too.

Then i began reading about the foundational evidence upon which the existence of these supposed “virus” pathogens is based. I kept reading. I learnt new things. I changed my mind because the real evidence was compelling:

Viruses are in silico constructs made from complex multi species soups using unscientific self-referential methods. The whole “virus” particle as described by virologists does not exist in real life and they have never been proven to cause disease. The photographs of supposed “viruses” have never been proven to be anything other than extracellular vesicles which are protective structures not pathogens. These are FACTS.

I urge Dr Coleman and all other “virus believers” to get reading, get learning, and be willing to change your minds. You might even have to swallow your pride and admit that you were wrong (shock horror!). I was wrong about “viruses” once too.

The reality is that it is the “virus believers” that are a threat to the resistance not “virus deniers”. We have done our homework and understand the full extent of the hoax. We FULLY reject the “coronavirus” hoax and we will FULLY reject all future “virus” hoaxes based on the same playbook because we understand the playbook.

Sarah Connor
Sarah Connor
Reply to  Sam
1 year ago

Agree. And anything in between is man made by them. It’s astonishing how they have changed the narrative from a virus to a disease 🙄
Upside down world.

Reply to  Sam
1 year ago

In fact you oppose the word virus. Why don’t you just let people use that word meaning some piece of genetic code ( dna or rna ) that can be transmitted from one living organism to another. Nothing more, nothing less.

Reply to  VoicefromEurope
1 year ago

Because the widely accepted meaning of the word “virus” is a replication competent, disease causing, transmissable particle consisting of a relatively large genome, protein and lipid antigens. None of which has ever been proven to be true.

Reply to  Sam
1 year ago

Isn’t that what they call a vaccine!

Reply to  VoicefromEurope
1 year ago

It CAN’T be transmitted unless injected, foreign genetic material injected. They tried MANY times to justify the infection legend and they failed EVERY time, it was all published during the history, Spacebusters’ documentary followed these trials.

What we ‘transmit’ – it looks – is a certain ‘frequency tune’ but actual material but you gave to ‘resonate’ with it to ‘catch’ (produce similar illness which are in reality not illnesses but genetic processes, like when you run a software, similar).

I can’t explain it well but Dr Lanka has done in his “The New Body Soul Biology”.

If you want to understand, first watch this:

Then these 2:

Reply to  Sam
1 year ago

Have you seen this? He says the same what that Indian doctor said in the Lee Merrit interview, she said that even parasites are not the cause but a result, the example was malaria which in fact B vitamin (B6 if I recall well) deprivation and can be cured with it.

Now Dr Cowan says, “DR. TOM COWAN: VIRUSES, BACTERIA AND PARASITES ARE IN OUR BODY TO CLEAN THINGS UP AND HEAL”(Truth Comes to Light site, I try to link it but not sure moderation will allow it.)

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
1 year ago

It is important to differentiate between parasites, bacteria, fungi and viruses. The first three can a do cause disease under certain conditions. Viruses are different because they do not exist except on computers and so it is impossible for them to cause disease. Why will the Expose not publish the latest article i submitted called “Where is the virus? Where is the pandemic?”.

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
1 year ago

No. You have to be able to give proof that something exists and causes the thing they blame on it. With virus it never happened. I failed to see how this truth is a PsyOp.

The base of real science that you have to be able to prove what you state. The denial group can and did, the believer group couldn’t.

Your comment Rhoda just raises more confusion and the reaction for that that the majority will give up on individual thinking but will follow someone based on belief. I would call it a PsyOp, too.

People like Dr Coleman are just too clever not to understand the proofs on the virus-denial part, Dr Lanka controlled experiment was a valid proof. They must have other motivations not to admit it.

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
1 year ago

Wrong order Rhoda, if you can’t prove that the actual thing you found causes something (and you even didn’t find viruses as there never was a pure isolation), you have to look around for other possible things which can cause it.

It looks that we are in the age of new discoveries, I don’t agree with Dr Lanka on everything (it is too much sometimes even to me or my English is too poor to follow him properly), that the proofs he present are very important.

The water carries ‘life’ somehow, what they call the 4th phase of it. The proof was a tiny creature, tardigrade. Almost impossible to kill. When it is desiccated for 100 years, if you put a drop of water on it, in just 10 minutes it comes back to life and fully functioning. It denies everything we thought we knew.
(And then I haven’t mentioned somatides found in blood and in every plants, too. The Naessen microscope I mentioned and its recordings – processes in the living blood)

From 28:40 – the water proof part is short.

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
1 year ago

“Note from Rhoda Wilson: I apologise to Rostislav for the inexcusable delay in publishing his letter. He emailed his letter to The Exposé on 24 September. It was promptly forwarded to me but it got buried amongst a mountain of emails that I receive daily.”

The above suggests that you do speak for the expose. Your personal point of view is interesting but i dont agree with it. My personal point of view was expressed in the article i wrote but you have chosen not to publish. It is based on 30 years experience as a biomedical scientist. Conversely you are happy to regularly publish what one reader called “guff” from the scientifically illiterate “concerned reader” who doesnt understand the difference between letters in a database and whole virus particles.. Why does the expose support some personal points of view but not others?

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
1 year ago

I have similar experience, just telling, there was an interesting die off of pets, dogs namely, the common point was they all walked close to the sea. The short articles in DM made no sense and something has killed them, that something can be a killer for us, too (if people don’t care about poor dogs).
I have 2 theories (only theories), 1st they licked graphene from the sand by accident (in an Australian beach they filmed black spots – magnetic black material) or they might got a similar nanovax and towers (they love to install close to beaches) killed them.
For the second there is a recording of a woman who proved with an EMF meter that during a normal surgery process her dog got something which made the EMF meter shouting in the red-zone and the dog has seizures since then.

It can be something else, but with CS, if we are useless eaters to them, what are our pets? If they are culling us it is very likely they are culling the pets, too in a way or another.

Reply to  Sam
1 year ago

Wow, would you please care to simply copy-paste it? If it is too long, you can do it in parts. I am interested, thank you.

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
1 year ago

Sorry Rhoda, I can’t agree. They found a parasite, true, but it’s the question that what was the first, the hen or the egg.

I know little about parasites but I know that bacteria is shape shifter. Dr Robert O Young even recorded the process under microscope, red blood cell became bacteria. I don’t know how much time you spent looking after these things ‘rumor’ (not just rumor) that there were 2 microscopes during the last 100 years or so which were better than our electron microscopes in the mending they were able to show in real life processes ongoing in the blood. The first was R. R. Rifle’s, the second was Nassen’s. The power ruined (or hide) both, also ruined these scientists but some early recording of Nassen’s still can be found on internet. We produce bacteria and we produce ‘viruses’ (cell debris, exosomes), you can find more info on Young’ site, videos on Youtube (recordings) material on Whale.

But it also can mean that microscopic parasites fall into this category, we produce them or they just opportunistic when the terrain is good for them.

One thing is sure, malaria frequent just on certain parts of the earth and those parts are the same parts where people can’t get quality food enough especially not rich in VitBs, that interview is a long one, that part starts at 51 minutes.

I have experience with giardia, it almost impossible to kill with drugs but it tends to ‘disappear’ from a healthy body. Almost nothing can ‘kill’ helicobacter (ulcers) at least not antibiotics but kefir can.

I know you are probably very busy and I don’t doubt your experience, knowledge on it but what if this is another case where our knowledge is wrong or partially wrong?

(I haven’t finished the Cowan’ interview, also busy.)

Also: malaria-myth on whale. (Alternative working cure.)

Jayna Dinnyes
Jayna Dinnyes
Reply to  Sam
1 year ago

Well, sir, CORONA VIRUS’ are REAL whether lab-created or natural!
The quackcines are THE GREAT EVIL! Maybe you should “change your tune!”

Reply to  Jayna Dinnyes
1 year ago

Oh please, you always very clearly declare that you are religious, how and why God would invent germs for the pure purpose to ruin his very own creation?

Viruses are not a matter of belief, show me proof.

Jayna Dinnyes
Jayna Dinnyes
Reply to  GunDelete
1 year ago

Simple answer: Yahweh did NOT create germs and virus’! Evil man or fallen angels most likely did! Almost 6000 years ago when this world was being created,1/3 of all the angels in Heaven were deceived by Lucifer the chief angel.There was war in Heaven and they were kicked out onto Earth.They are deceiving whenever and wherever they can!

Reply to  Jayna Dinnyes
1 year ago

Look around in nature Jayna, those germs and fungi are all part of a very perfect recycling system, without them the nature couldn’t renew itself, the fallen leaves go back into the soil, decompose and feed the plants next year, bacteria and fungi make the decomposing process. How is it? ‘Came from dust, will be dust’?
They are not some kind of terrifying enemies, they are very important parts of the creation.

Jayna Dinnyes
Jayna Dinnyes
Reply to  GundelP
1 year ago

Yes! Many (most?) ARE. However, have you ever noticed plants and trees yellowing, wilting, or suddenly dying? You might if you like me were gardening. They, too, can be hurt by germs and virus’. Not just by larger bugs! Yeah.

Jayna Dinnyes
Jayna Dinnyes
Reply to  Sam
1 year ago

Just what are YOU going to do with measles and mumps? Are they not caused by germs or virus’? Or, for you, do they even exist? I have had BOTH and I can tell you that they are VERY REAL!

Reply to  Jayna Dinnyes
1 year ago

I wrote an article for the expose that explained measles. Unfortunately the expose wont let me share it with you since they are now heavily invested in the lab leak bioweapon nonsense.

Jayna Dinnyes
Jayna Dinnyes
Reply to  Sam
1 year ago

In a few words to me YOU could!

Reply to  Sam
1 year ago

There are more explanations for measles, I am really curious of yours.
One is that it is a program, a kind of cleaning process, via the skin, some found beneficial results because of the so called children illnesses like protection of the heart in later time or less asthma cases (that was the whooping caught result)
I read somewhere that it might have connection to milk, pasteurized milk.
And dr Lanka just has provided another one, I don’t even try to write down as my poor English made it difficult to follow him properly but it leads back to the brain and soul.

One thing is sure, it is not a virus caused disease / illness / important biological program.

Reply to  Jayna Dinnyes
1 year ago

Measles is not a virus caused condition, even according to the German high court, just telling. They found no proof that measles’ virus exist. That’s official.

Take time to read Jayna.
We are electrical beings, that’s why EEG and ECG can work, they measure electric impulses of the brain and the heart, the electric field of the heart is about 2meters (torus field). Not everyone gets measles or flu or whatever even if they live close proximity, because the other one has to resonate with it to produce the same ‘illness’ (biological cleaning processes most often). While many things can cause similar symptoms, example is flu, from pesticides, herbicides, smog, electro smog – if you breath the same poison in you’ll be sick with the ‘same illness’, but the exposure can be different, timing also, etc.

Watch documentaries. THE END OF GERM THEORY, linked above is excellent.

Jayna Dinnyes
Jayna Dinnyes
Reply to  GunDelete
1 year ago

No. I remember having measles very well and I am now 74. My two young brothers and I all had it at the same time. We all had those itchy red pustules. We did not have them before or since. IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion) like the MSM you are trying to mislead your readers!

Reply to  Jayna Dinnyes
1 year ago

How does prove that it was caused by a virus? That’s only your belief that it was caused by a virus while the virus doesn’t exist, that’s why Dr Lanka WON the measles case on the German high court.

Jayna, the in the documentary I mentioned:
00:23:05 Masha & Dasha, conjoined twins who never caught flu, colds, measles from eachother
“01:16:50 John Enders’ debunked Measles experiments
“01:34:28 Dr Stefan Lanka control experiments debunk virus theory once and for all
“02:22:51 Real causes of Pox diseases

Would you please care to have a look? You don’t have to watch the whole stuff, I gave the timings of the parts you should watch.

Jayna Dinnyes
Jayna Dinnyes
Reply to  GundelP
1 year ago

Your video would not click on. I did look up the twins on YouTube. It seems that they were always in isolated care
when young at least. So, they had little exposure to GERMS AND VIRUS’ (i.e. COLDS,FLU, MUMPS, AND CHICKEN POX!) Maybe, if you had had any of these, you just might think differently. I HAD ALL OF THEM!

A Truth About Vaccines.png
Reply to  Jayna Dinnyes
1 year ago

It would, hold the right button of the mouse till you see the window with options like open link in a new tab.

Jayna Dinnyes
Jayna Dinnyes
Reply to  GundelP
1 year ago

Thank You! However, I still believe that germs and virus’ are here on Planet Earth. I do hope that they do not catch you. A great immune system is your BEST weapon against them!

1 year ago

I sympathise with the author.
When the scam began, i was ejected from Tesco’s because i refused to sanitize my hands based on a hoax.
The duration of 2020 was spent trying as hard as i could, to stop as many as possible from taking the kill shot.
At the same time, i began studying equity law to the point my computer screen was filled with legal documentation.
As a reward, my computer was hacked on 3 occasions thus wiping out all links and and the legal documentation i had acquired.
Three email accounts were closed which ultimately affected my business.
A mobile phone was “cancelled”, which again affected my business. Potential clients had no way to contact me.
Permanently banned from facebook while shadow banned on you tube.
Yet here we are, still fighting the good fight.

Reply to  john
1 year ago

Those suspicious little gels, learn to cheat please, at the beginning I also went into confrontations, same reason, I am not a clown to play their hoax, but then in some situation cheating was a must and very helpful. I mimicked to use the gel, or if I knew they watched, I used gloves and got rid off them as soon as I left the gel – point. Confronted about the mask, later simply wore a badge as had no patience of constant explanation (part of truth I was really exempt but changes nothing because even without that I would have acted in the same way). Even ‘cheated’ the test as never anything went into my mouth or nose (I knew it was some kind of delivery tool but diagnostic) or a simple saliva sample would have been enough. Remember? They forced the masks not to spread viruses via your breath and saliva. They got the saliva but the tool never touched me.

Reply to  GunDelete
1 year ago

With respect, i stand in Truth. To “cheat” would be detrimental to my stance. Evil is to be faced head on. Without fear.

Reply to  john
1 year ago

I tried, who read this site often might remember, I was ‘attacked’ by covid ‘cultists’ twice, I tried to ask for help to make a court case (two) not for money but to make precedent. I am a woman, not even young and my English is poor to do it alone.
The first was the Byrkley Garden Centre and caused such stress and a terrible headache lasted for 3 days, an assistant in front of everyone shouted with me that I was lying being an exempt. I left the side behind as feared of a stroke. (That place is weird by the way, around the cassa part… Wifi hotspot? I had similar headache there earlier, that time it affected a vein or similar in the head, second time as if someone pushed the exact middle of my forehead.)
In the second case Jet2 accepted that I was an exempt based on proof showed and promised that it would be recorded but on the back way they denied and I had a very long and loud arguing at a foreign airport with their supervisor and was informed I couldn’t board without mask (I wore one nose out.)

As if these places would be full with freemasons or I don’t know, the mobile phone which was ‘grilling me’ started it when I gave that number to Jet2, before that it was safe according to the EMF meter, can be a coincidence but I found it weird and looked for people to show the ‘phenomenon’ , the Jet2′ rep abroad saw it, her phones were ok, only mine was in the red all the time.

I am still angry but helpless, too, hence cheating.

Reply to  GunDelete
1 year ago

i call it ‘self preservation’

1 year ago

The most disturbing part of this charade is how most of the medical community fell in line with the covidian barkers. Their Hippocratic oath be damned, full speed ahead. Doctors diagnosing patients with out even seeing them, pathologist claiming death by covid for auto accident victims and home accident victims. Intubating patients and pumping them full of remdesivir to watch them die.
I can understand the politicians and the media jumping on the covid bandwagon, most are not very intelligent and all of them are scumbags. The medical community falling for this crap did shock me. I guess I need to add others to my idiots and scumbag list.

Jayna Dinnyes
Jayna Dinnyes
1 year ago

SURVIVE AND STAY WELL NATURALLY! I post publicly and freely

A Picture of The Vatican
Scott Balson
Scott Balson
1 year ago

Youtube gave my channel a community strike for medical misinformation and rejected my appeal today even though the video was unrelated to health or covid – it covered the story of a prominent South African businessman who found a listening device in his car. The unedited video that received the community strike can be seen at this link:

1 year ago

I remember that Ferguson, he must have enjoyed the limelight. He was either a fool or a willing stooge to be a primary source for all of this death and destruction.

1 year ago

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