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Peter Daszak, Jeffrey Sachs and Anthony Fauci Have Been Spreading the Nefarious “One Health” Ideology

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One Health is a scheme dreamed up at the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) and Davos to effect ‘The Great Reset’ by taking over management of agriculture – both livestock and plants – wild lands and the animals that live in them, and pet health and human health – by defining all these entities as “One Health.”

Dr. Meryl Nass has been warning about the One Health scheme for some time, read more HERE.  Below is her latest article titled ‘Gobbledygook from 4 UN agencies: WHO, FAO, OIE and UNEP on their One Health Plan’.

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By Dr. Meryl Nass

One Health gets described in sweeping but meaningless terminology. See the first 3 paragraphs of the ‘One Health Joint Plan of Action’ below:

The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) – collectively called the Quadripartite – collaborate to drive change and transformations required to mitigate the impact of current and future health challenges at the human-animal-plant environment interface at global, regional, and country levels. Responding to international requests to prevent future zoonotic pandemics and to promote health sustainably through the One Health approach, the Quadripartite have developed the One Health Joint Plan of Action (2022-2026) (OH JPA).

The OH JPA outlines the commitment of the four organisations to collectively advocate and support the implementation of One Health. It builds on, complements, and adds value to existing global and regional One Health and coordination initiatives aiming at strengthening capacity to address complex multidimensional health risks with more resilient health systems at global, regional and national levels.

The OH JPA adopts a broad perspective of One Health integrating a system-based approach to support the health of humans, animals, plants and the environment, while identifying and addressing the underlying factors to disease emergence, spread and persistence, and the complex economic, social and environmental determinants of health. By integrating the environmental dimension towards a more extended understanding of disease emergence and spread, as well as the role of ecosystems in disease regulation, the One Health approach is more comprehensive. It can thereby help to address the underlying drivers of disease emergence and ill-health, improve disease prevention and preparedness, mitigate the impacts of health risks and threats, implement sustainable solutions, and promote health for all holistically in the long term.

One Health Joint Plan of Action, April 2022

Now I need to show you how both Peter Daszak and Tony Fauci discussed this plan very early in the pandemic and how Jeffrey Sachs is a major supporter of the scheme.

I will show you why it is important to the globalist world takeover plan to claim a zoonotic (natural) origin to the pandemic because a natural origin can be spun to justify massive restrictions on how humans will be allowed to interact with “nature” in the future—at least according to the One Health plan.

The task force is part of The Lancet Covid-19 Commission, chaired by Dr. Jeffrey D. Sachs of Columbia University.

“We intend to conduct a thorough and rigorous investigation into the origins and early spread of SARS-CoV-2,” Dr. Daszak, a disease ecologist who has spent years studying coronavirus transmission in China and Southeast Asia. “Our group will use the findings to formulate One Health solutions for managing future zoonotic disease risk.”

The Lancet task force has 12 members who come from a diverse set of scientific disciplines and backgrounds, with expertise in One Health, outbreak investigation, virology, lab biosecurity and disease ecology. They are:

Dr. Peter Daszak, Chair is the President of EcoHealth Alliance. A member of the US National Academy of Medicine, he chairs the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine’s Forum on Microbial Threats

“There’s a great deal of interest in understanding how Covid-19 emerged and spread, but also a deeper reason for this task force’s work,” The Lancet Covid-19 Commission lead Jeff Sachs said. “If we can understand why this pandemic began, we can help prevent the next one.”

Members of The Lancet Covid Commission Task Force on the Origins of SARS-CoV-2 Named, EcoHealth Alliance

Here is what the Lancet Covid Commissionchaired by Jeffrey Sachs, wrote in September 2020:

The Commission aims to offer practical solutions to the four main global challenges posed by the pandemic: suppressing the pandemic by means of pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions; overcoming humanitarian emergencies, including poverty, hunger, and mental distress, caused by the pandemic; restructuring public and private finances in the wake of the pandemic; and rebuilding the world economy in an inclusive, resilient, and sustainable way that is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Agreement…

Countries should not rely on herd immunity by natural infection to suppress the epidemic. [Why would anyone say this? Of course, it is now well known that what got us back to a semblance of normality was the herd immunity to the omicron variant, which developed around the beginning of 2022. You only criticise natural immunity if you are pushing vaccines since natural immunity is always stronger and more long-lasting than vaccine-induced immunity. Although I must still acknowledge that as coronavirus variants develop, the immunity to older variants may not be very helpful. – Nass ]

… All countries should combat decisions based on rumour-mongering and misinformation. [Misinformation was already a ‘thing’ in September 2020 – created to peel off and tar all viewpoints straying from the government’s single narrative. – Nass]

…Now, more than ever, is the time for countries to meet their commitments to providing 0·7% of gross domestic product as official development aid.

…No population should be prohibited from accessing a vaccine because of cost or have its access predicated on its participation in clinical trials.

…The EU Green Deal, long-term budget (2021–27), and new recovery fund marks an exemplary framework for long-term recovery, including mid-century goals on climate safety, energy transition, and circular economy, with a comprehensive €1·8 trillion budget. This approach can serve as an exemplar for other regions. In general, recoveries should be smart (based on digital technologies), inclusive (targeting lower-income households), and sustainable (featuring investments in clean energy and reduced pollution).

10 Priority Actions include:

8 Long-term financial reform: prepare for a deep restructuring of global finances, including debt relief, new forms of international financing, and reform of monetary arrangements

9 Green and resilient recovery: economic recovery will be based on public-investment-led growth in green, digital, and inclusive technologies, based on the Sustainable Development Goals

10 Global peace and cooperation: support UN institutions and the UN Charter, resisting any attempts at a new cold war.

Lancet COVID-19 Commission Statement on the occasion of the 75th session of the UN General Assembly, The Lancet, 14 September 2020

And here is the false narrative underpinning what One Health is about:

…These zoonotic events are becoming more frequent, probably because of the rising intensity of contact between humans and animal reservoirs, as the result of deforestation, land degradation, poverty, food insecurity, and the uncontrolled encroachment of humans into new habitats.

Lancet COVID-19 Commission Statement on the occasion of the 75th session of the UN General Assembly, Section 1: the origins of COVID-19 and averting zoonotic pandemics, The Lancet, 14 September 2020

And so, eating bugs and/or fake meat, and the broader use of pesticides, herbicides, neonicotinoids and GMOs are going to solve this problem?

To protect humanity from these zoonotic diseases, we need to put more emphasis on the One Health approach. We require new precautions on many fronts: ending deforestation, respecting and protecting conservation areas and endangered species, intensifying the monitoring and surveillance for zoonotic events, and ensuring safe practices in the animal trade, meat production, and markets.

 build back better, both in terms of pandemic preparedness and more generally in terms of sustainable development.

Lancet COVID-19 Commission Statement on the occasion of the 75th session of the UN General Assembly, Section 1 & 2, The Lancet, 14 September 2020

They sure do manage to fit a lot of buzzwords into a single sentence, don’t they?

Here is one issue they actually got right, nearly a year before the CDC admitted airborne transmission was a “thing.” But then they got masks and social distancing wrong. Neither regular masks nor social distancing protects from the ambient aerosol transmission.

There is growing consensus from the aerosol science and infectious disease communities that aerosol inhalation is a key contributor to Covid-19 transmission.

Lancet COVID-19 Commission Statement on the occasion of the 75th session of the UN General Assembly, Commission Statement pt. 15, The Lancet, 14 September 2020

Enough from the Jeffrey Sachs of 2 years ago. I will have more to say about him later. Here is the Tony Fauci of 2 years ago, waxing eloquent in the journal Cell about how man’s interactions with nature (and not Tony’s grants to Wuhan and EcoHealth Alliance) is what caused Covid and other pandemics:

The Covid-19 pandemic is yet another reminder, added to the rapidly growing archive of historical reminders, that in a human-dominated world, in which our human activities represent aggressive, damaging, and unbalanced interactions with nature, we will increasingly provoke new disease emergences. We remain at risk for the foreseeable future. Covid-19 is among the most vivid wake-up calls in over a century. It should force us to begin to think in earnest and collectively about living in more thoughtful and creative harmony with nature, even as we plan for nature’s inevitable, and always unexpected, surprises.

Emerging Pandemic Diseases: How We Got to Covid-19, Cell, 15 August 2020

In December 2019 (3 years ago) Daszak and his band of fellow travellers reemphasised the “pandemics are caused by humans” claim:

In this Special Focus issue of EcoHealth, we highlight another critical implication of deforestation and land use change – the rise of infectious disease burdens in human and livestock populations. Over 30% of all emerging infectious diseases are driven by factors associated with land use change and agricultural development. This process leads to expansion of wildlife hunting and trade networks that are responsible for multiple outbreaks of Ebola virus, and the first pandemic of the twenty-first century – SARS.

Editorial: Can the Health Implications of Land-use Change Drive Sustainability? National Library of Medicine, 6 December 2019

This is enough for you to see that Daszak, Sachs and Fauci have all been reading off the same sheet music to create the One (Health) false narrative. My next Substack will bring us up to the present, in which you will see how the globalists are shaping this story now.

About the Author

Meryl Nass, MD, ABIM, is an internist with special interests in vaccine-induced illnesses, chronic fatigue syndrome, Gulf War illness, fibromyalgia and toxicology. As a biological warfare epidemiologist, she investigated the world’s largest anthrax epizootic in Zimbabwe and developed a model for analysing epidemics to assess whether they are natural or man-made. She has played a major role in the creation of a coalition that has fought the Anthrax Vaccine Immunisation Program. Nass is active in assisting legal teams defending anthrax vaccine refusers and ill service members in the US and Canada. 

In January 2022, Dr. Nass’ license was suspended for prescribing Covid medications and for “misinformation.”  She regularly posts articles on Substack HERE.

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1 year ago

Putting Sachs into the same bag as Daszak and Fauci, makes your whole article ridiculous.

Reply to  VoicefromEurope
1 year ago

Why? He believes there was a pandemic – a belief which has been completely deconstructed many times, a process not involving or down to these evil globalist alarmist and which continues a pace. Or are you a scamdemic apologist and alarmist, and unaware of exactly what these highly lethal and pathogenic experimental, insufficiently tested, toxic inducing, involving a known toxic delivery mechanism, are?

Reply to  186no
1 year ago

…..”drugs” are?

Reply to  186no
1 year ago

He believes…

That’s a matter of religion but science. Is there proof for the existence of Sars-Cov2 or it isn’t?
It isn’t – which means that whatever causes the ‘covid-symptoms’ that’s not a virus but something else.

The loss of taste and smell longer than a couple of days is a very typical syndrome of RADIATION. Cancer patients who were treated experience it regularly. Also the weird (rare bilateral) pneumonia. It is known as RADIATION PNEUMONITIS.
The presence of graphene oxide on SWABS, IN MASKS, in the environment, and in drugs, foods, vaccines, water explains it well considering the graphene unique radiation-boosting effect.

Reply to  VoicefromEurope
1 year ago

Jeffrey D. Sachs is of Ashkenazi descent.

Hell would freeze over if this nasally enhanced fellow wasn’t totally onboard with the Great Reset, culling and enslavement of humanity. 

this one.png
Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Reply to  creamwalls
1 year ago

Onboard with the Great Reset like this ? –

or this ? (scroll down a little – UN as well) –comment image

or this ? –

AND ON AND ON we go…. if we are talking about the same bloke

1 year ago

[…] Peter Daszak, Jeffrey Sachs and Anthony Fauci Have Been Spreading the Nefarious “One Health” Ide… […]

1 year ago

“Responding to international requests to prevent future zoonotic pandemics …”

Without “viruses” there can be no zoonotic pandemics. Every section of the Satanic Great Reset scheme hinges on the existence of “viruses”. The Great Reset is so reliant on “viruses” that the gutter-press Daily Mail has recently published an article which claims climate change is increasing the transmission of “viruses” from bats to humans.
This has to be the lowest the British gutter press has ever gone. Albeit, if anyone could stomach looking in the Guardian they’d probably find worse.
It’s virus, virus, virus. Take the “viruses” away and with them go the people’s terror of them. And the most powerful weapon that Satan’s Globalists have for the implementation of their Great Reset is lost to them.
If it was made known to the people that no “virus” has ever been isolated, that no scientist in the world can show a “viral” entity in a petri dish, then many people would question if scientists have been actually lying to them since the Spanish Flu.
We’re told the Season Flu is caused by a “virus”. But is it?
We all know that in the mammal world animals shed all their fur and hair on a yearly basis. You can also rest assured that along with shedding their fur, these animals are also evacuating toxins from their bodies.
Cowpox is an example of how human bodies push poisonous toxins to the skin where they bulge out in blisters and pimples. Likewise, for so-called Monkeypox. Humans also daily shed hair from all parts of their bodies.
But why do human bodies regularly shed hair when a clip of hair taken from a baby as a memento will last until the baby reaches a hundred years of age? Why do animals yearly shed all their fur when a mink coat will last for a century?
It’s very expensive in resources for animals in the wild with hunt-to-mouth existences to shed all their fur and grow new coats every year. Quite a lot of the animal’s bodily resources, such as proteins, vitamins and energy, are put into growing brand-new coats of fur in environments where the animals are at high risk of death from starvation.
Why do these animals dump all their fur after only a year of use when it’s been proven that fur lasts for decades?
I theorise that animals have evolved to shed their fur on a yearly basis as a means to expel toxins from their bodies. During the year the animals inadvertently imbibe toxins from their environments, and their bodies get rid of these poisons by pushing them to the skin and then into the fur. Then regularly the toxified fur is shed and replaced.
The Seasonal Flu? It’s much more likely that the flu is simply the human equivalent of animals’ yearly fur-shedding detoxification. In the Autumn a typical person in a community observes others coughing and sneezing and this is a psychological cue for them to do their own yearly detoxification.
But this fact of nature presented a perfect opportunity for conmen to dupe people into believing they were infecting each other with “viruses”. And, of course, the conmen had costly “vaccines” at hand that would protect people from being infected with these “viruses”.
Is it a hint that every year they “inoculate” people against getting the flu, but the “vaccinated” people get it anyway? ‘Oh, but the flu “virus” mutates,’ they’ll tell you. ‘And the flu “vaccine” protects against the worst mutations,’ they’ll add.
So, we have microscopic shape-shifting entities that number in the zillions and have been in the bodies of billions of humans over the last one hundred years; yet no scientist has ever been able to isolate one and show it in a petri dish? And they have “vaccines” that can tell which of these shape-shifting entities are the worst and target only these, leaving the less bad ones alone to make the host cough and sneeze for a week or so.
If you tried to pass this tale off to a jackass as fact, he’d kick you.
Another big hint of the falsity of “viruses” is how nearly all the alternative media practically promotes belief in them. Is it a case that the alt-media questioning the truth about “viruses” is just a step too far for the Globalists?   
Might it be that the Globalists will only allow the alt-media to question so much, but that “viruses” are their sacred cow that is not to be doubted?  
A down-to-earth fellow who quickly became aware that the COVID-19 plandemic was a criminal scheme proudly told an expert he had invested heavily in cryptocurrency in order to protect himself from the Satanic Globalists. The expert told him this wasn’t a good idea because the Satanic Globalist’s control the internet and no matter what cryptocurrency he had they could stop him using it whenever they want.
The expert was 100% correct. To access or use cryptocurrencies you have to use the internet. And when on the internet you are totally on Satanic Globalist territory.
So, I can understand why the majority of the alt-media don’t much broach the subject of “viruses”. Except the odd time to give the impression that they are real and exist. At least if the alt-media stay from the non-existence of “viruses” they have a chance of getting at least some truth out.
People in communities should use word of mouth and flyers to educate their neighbours about the truth concerning “viruses”. People need to know that there’s as much evidence out there to prove unicorns exist as there is to prove “viruses” exist.
If the actual truth about so-called viruses becomes public knowledge the Baal/Moloch worshippers behind the Great Reset and the destruction and enslavement of humanity will lose their greatest leverage over humanity.

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Reply to  creamwalls
1 year ago


But there is also something strange in this, because you cannot patent something that occurs naturally … so WTF are they up to ?.

I have had enough of this lot.

Reply to  Bob - Enough
1 year ago

“… because you cannot patent something that occurs naturally …”


They took corn and genetically modified it. Then sold the modified seeds to farmers who grew it.
But this genetically modified corn the farmers grow is, in a legal sense, classified as a new species of corn. This corn is not classed as being natural corn anymore. Therefore, the biotech company that created it can legally patent it and own it.
Where the biotech companies ensure their ownership is that their genetically modified crops and plants don’t produce seeds like natural crops do. The farmers that grow them have to go back to the biotech companies each year and buy new seeds.
Whereas with a natural crop, when it’s harvested the farmer can take seeds from it with which to grow the next year’s crop.
If a farmer got some genetically modified seeds – say as a gift – and grew them, the owning biotech company would have on its records that this farmer did not buy the seeds from them. The biotech company can then successfully sue the farmer for using its product without a licence. And because the seeds are patented to the biotech company, and the farmer had no licence, the biotech company will win in court.
This has already happened in the US where genetically modified seeds were inadvertently blown from a passing truck onto a farmer’s land, where they took root and grew. The biotech company that “created” these seeds found out they were growing on this farmer’s land without a licence and sued the farmer in court.
Being able to legally patent modified plants and own them poses a very real risk for humans. The mRNA gene modifiers do as it says on the tin, they actually do genetically modify humans.
It’s no exaggeration to say that one day in the not so distant future humans who have had their genomes/DNA genetically modified will find themselves being patented and owned by pharmaceutical companies.
First, they’ll get the genetically modified humans classified as a new species. And technically this will be correct because these people will not be actually fully human anymore.
This is a very real risk. And considering that people across the West have thus far let them do whatever they bloody like, it’s bound to happen. At the very least they are bound to try it.

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
1 year ago

Love it … keep going as we slowly move too one health make the call of of the life of an animal over the life of one of those in power.

IMHO My cat has more right too life at this point than any CDC employee.

So I know which one I would get rid of if we are saving lives.

1 year ago

Connect the dots, these psychopaths, (Daszak, Sachs, Fauci and WEF) have identified Humans and animals as the enemy that must be culled, controlled with pharma injections. World control and power is the goal, pharma is the new bank for accumulating the funds required.

1 year ago

“ Responding to international requests to prevent future zoonotic pandemics”…Here’s a thought: Stop ALL “gain-of-function” operations. That’s how C19 happened, after all. Sheesh!

M Green
M Green
1 year ago

What could be yummier than One Health or Sustainable Development Goals? Who could ever be opposed to such good things? These are the voices of the priests seducing the masses into cutting their own throats on the altar of submission. Kudos to Nass and Korie (see below). From a prior essay:

If you are not aware of SDG’s they are part of the United Nations Agenda 21 program which is described accurately by one of its critics, Rosa Koire, as follows: 

  • [The] United Nations Agenda 21 Sustainable Development…has its basis in Communitarianism. …The plan calls for government to take control of all land use and not leave any of the decision making in the hands of privacy property owners. …Individual rights in general are to give way to the needs of communities as determined by a globalist governing body. Moreover, people should be rounded up off of the land and packed into human settlements or islands of human habitation …close to employment centers and transportation. [MG: For now, staying at home may do.] …UN Agenda 21 cites the affluence of Americans as being a major problem which needs to be corrected. It calls for lowering the standard of living for Americans so that the people in poorer countries will have more; a redistribution of wealth. …Only then will there be social justice which is a cornerstone of the UN Agenda 21 plan. 
  • This plan is a whole life plan. It involves the educational system, the energy market, the transportation system, the governmental system, the health care system, food production, and more. It is a plan to inventory and control all the natural resources, means of production, and human beings in the world. The plan is to restrict your choices, limit your funds, narrow your freedoms, and take away your voice. Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21, 2011, pp. 12-13, and 17. 

Lest such social justice sound like a noble goal—the socialist utopia of which some of us sometimes dreamed—Koire debunks it as a cover for what it is as Gary Allen did quite economically in his 1971 book, None Dare Call It Conspiracy

  • The men at the apex of this movement are not Communists in the traditional sense of the term. They feel no loyalty to Moscow or Peking. They are loyal only to themselves and their undertaking. And these men certainly do not believe in the clap-trap pseudo-philosophy of Communism. They have no intention of dividing their wealth. Socialism is a philosophy which conspirators exploit, but in which only the naïve believe. Just how finance capitalism is used as the anvil and Communism as the hammer to conquer the world will be explained in this book. (p.14) 
1 year ago

[…] Read More: Peter Daszak, Jeffrey Sachs and Anthony Fauci Have Been Spreading the Nefarious “One He… […]

1 year ago

[…] Read More: Peter Daszak, Jeffrey Sachs and Anthony Fauci Have Been Spreading the Nefarious “One He… […]

1 year ago

[…] Peter Daszak, Jeffrey Sachs and Anthony Fauci Have Been Spreading the Nefarious “One Health” Ide…One Health is a scheme dreamed up at the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) and Davos to effect ‘The Great Reset’ by taking over management of agriculture – both livestock and plants – wild lands and the animals that live in them, and pet health and human health – by defining all these entities as “One Health.” […]

1 year ago

please send them all to prison now!! never to be released

1 year ago

[…] Health” is the nefarious One Health ideology that Peter Daszak, Jeffrey Sachs and Anthony Fauci promote. It is a scheme dreamed up at the US […]

1 year ago

[…] Health” is the nefarious One Health ideology that Peter Daszak, Jeffrey Sachs and Anthony Fauci promote. It is a scheme dreamed up at the US […]

1 year ago

[…] Health” is the nefarious One Health ideology that Peter Daszak, Jeffrey Sachs and Anthony Fauci promote. It is a scheme dreamed up at the US […]

1 year ago

[…] Health” is the nefarious One Health ideology that Peter Daszak, Jeffrey Sachs and Anthony Fauci promote. It is a scheme dreamed up at the US […]

11 months ago

[…] Further reading: Peter Daszak, Jeffrey Sachs and Anthony Fauci Have Been Spreading the Nefarious “One Health” Ide… […]

11 months ago

[…] Further reading: Peter Daszak, Jeffrey Sachs and Anthony Fauci Have Been Spreading the Nefarious “One Health” Ide… […]

11 months ago

[…] Further reading: Peter Daszak, Jeffrey Sachs and Anthony Fauci Have Been Spreading the Nefarious “One Health” Ide… […]

11 months ago

[…] Lectures complémentaires: Peter Daszak, Jeffrey Sachs et Anthony Fauci ont répandu l’idéologie infâme « On… […]

11 months ago

[…] Further reading: Peter Daszak, Jeffrey Sachs and Anthony Fauci Have Been Spreading the Nefarious “One Health” Ide… […]

11 months ago

[…] Further reading: Peter Daszak, Jeffrey Sachs and Anthony Fauci Have Been Spreading the Nefarious “One Health” Ide… […]

11 months ago

[…] four lead agencies underlying One Health are WHO and three UN agencies – Food and Agriculture Organisation (“FAO”), United Nations […]

11 months ago

[…] Les quatre agences principales qui sous-tendent One Health sont l’OMS et trois agences des Nations Unies – l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (« FAO »), le Programme des Nations Unies pour l’environnement (« PNUE ») et l’Organisation mondiale de la santé animale (« OIE »). […]

11 months ago

[…] four lead agencies underlying One Health are WHO and three UN agencies – Food and Agriculture Organisation (“FAO”), United Nations […]

5 months ago

[…] [Connexe :  « One Health » donnera au dictateur général de l’OMS le pouvoir d’initier des confinements climatiques  et  le culte insensé et dangereux de One Health qui considère les humains comme des polluants  et  Peter Daszak, Jeffrey Sachs et Anthony Fauci ont répandu l’idéologie néfaste « One Health … ] […]

5 months ago

[…] [Related: ‘One Health’ will give WHO’s Dictator General power to initiate climate lockdowns and The insane and dangerous One Health cult that regards humans as pollutants and Peter Daszak, Jeffrey Sachs and Anthony Fauci Have Been Spreading the Nefarious “One Health” Ide…] […]

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[…] [Connexe : « Une seule santé » donnera au dictateur général de l’OMS le pouvoir d’initier des confinements climatiques et le culte insensé et dangereux d’une seule santé qui considère les humains comme des polluants et Peter Daszak, Jeffrey Sachs et Anthony Fauci ont répandu l’idéologie néfaste « Une se… ] […]

5 months ago

[…] Health» es la nefasta ideología One Health que promueven Peter Daszak, Jeffrey Sachs y Anthony Fauci. Es un plan ideado en los Centros […]