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Fascism is the product of capitalism in crisis

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Global vaccine failure heralds twisted drive for international vaccine passports: Why?

By Rusere Shoniwa

The global technocratic mafia recently met at a G20 summit in Bali and made a commitment to prevent people from moving freely unless they have been injected with medical preparations they may not want or need. It’s bizarre, to say the least, that a stupendous public health policy failure should convince the governments of the world’s largest nations to make their citizens’ ability to visit friends, family or go on holiday conditional on their acceptance of provably dangerous medication.

I want to make it clear from the start that even if the word “failure” in the title of this piece had been replaced with “success,” arguing for vaccine passports would still be an obtuse assault on human rights and dignity.

A vaccine is purported to work because it allegedly does something inside the body of the recipient to prevent transmission and infection. Whether the vaccine is effective or not, a vaccine certificate does nothing to change public health outcomes related to infection and illness. The only thing it achieves is discrimination against those who still believe that they have the right to reject medical treatment they don’t want.

Basking in the warm glow of Pfizer’s imaginary invincible “vaccine” force field may be a psychological by-product of the injections, although many of the people still most afraid of covid are the ones who have been “vaccinated.” Dancing on the graves of those who chose not to “feel the force” may well be another by-product of the injections, although the evidence is mounting that the graves are disproportionately filling up with the vaccinated. But stretching out your arm to proudly display a phone screen lit up with a “vaccine” passport is the 21st century equivalent of a Sieg Heil salute. In the wake of arguably the most colossal medical scientific failure in history – the rollout to billions of humans of “vaccines” that not only failed to stop infection or transmission of the targeted pathogen, but made infection more likely, and which are causing horrific injury – the global technocratic mafia is taking steps to both coerce the take-up of the medical preparations at the centre of this failure and to train the public to accept digital surveillance.

The news of the G20 little Hitlers’ determination to impose biomedical fascism with a Show-Your-Papers regime is disappointing but unsurprising. Their determination to institute action that flies in the face of this medical failure seems, on the face of it, bizarre. Confronting this apparent contradiction helps us understand the reasons underlying it and therefore the bigger picture unfolding.

Incidentally, the G20 announcement vindicates my scepticism, and that of many others, about the Government’s claims to have shelved development of covid passes while continuing to resource covid pass projects. Bare-faced lying has become par for the course – an essential tool in normalising the abnormal in order to turn democracies into dictatorships in the space of a few short years without the aid of heavy artillery.

The global scale of the mass medical experimentation to which humanity was subjected would have made Josef Mengele’s jaw drop in envy. The drive to shove a needle into the arm of every living human being on the planet is a disaster unparalleled in modern medical history. The question I want to address in this essay is: what makes the brass-necked G20 fascists so confident that their licence to kill, which they granted themselves in March 2020, will not soon expire? I’ll try to answer the question within the following framework: 

  • Understanding that the G20 heads are underbosses in a vast organised crime syndicate. It is the electorate that is labouring under the childish illusion that they are public servants concerned with good governance. 
  • The G20 leaders do not suffer from this illusion but it certainly helps to advance their criminal project. They are responding to catastrophic failure as if it were success because this is how the system rewards them and because they have the backing of their bosses. 
  • Capitalism – a global organised crime syndicate – is in crisis. 
  • Fascism is the product of capitalism in crisis.
  • Where is 21st century fascism leading us?

I’ve used the word “fascist” or “fascism” four times already (six if you count this sentence). The Covidian Cult, whose arms twitch in excitement at the prospect of performing the Sieg Heil QR code salute at airports, and wherever else they can, will no doubt object to my seemingly liberal and hyperbolic use of the ‘f’ word. So, I will argue that I am not overstating the case. Fascism has in fact been a long time coming, and perhaps the Covidian New Normies are the smart ones – maybe they’ve always known we were living in a third-rate democracy simulation, and March 2020 simply opened the door for them to experience a more authentic life, living in true alignment with their hitherto suppressed values. But I digress. Let’s return to capitalism as organised crime and capitalism in crisis, aka fascism.

The above is the introduction to Rusere Shoniwa’s essay.  Read his full essay published on Holding the Line: Journalists Against Censorship HERE

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1 year ago

Seems a really good article Rhoda, only read part of it but want to post a comment already.

stretching out your arm to proudly display a phone screen lit up with a “vaccine” passport is the 21st century equivalent of a Sieg Heil salute.”

Absolutely! Disagree they’re confident they can make their dictatorship palatable to us, think that as they’ve burned all their boats, the filth see no alternative to just ploughing ahead. However, if enough people can be poisoned enough by the various methods in operation, our cognitive resistance will wither. Amazing how right both Huxley and Orwell were, either method is used against us currently. Think Huxley looked more to the future if the filth succeed, what he said is more representative of their longterm goal in my opinion.

Think they’re gutted there’s so much resistance and so much obvious evidence we’re being gaslighted. They ran a couple of previous tests this millennium and really thought they’d got the recipe this time. They don’t even contest the evidence anymore, just openly lie and try to present realists as potential terrorists. My worry is time could be on their side, think we’re just seeing the opening credits about what the jabs will do and of course they’re destroying the whole current system.

Reply to  Demeter
1 year ago

Ooh, much shorter article than i though and an excellent one despite being brief.

Personally have no problems with real capitalism, truly ok with the principle that a few will get rich to a degree and workers selling their labour for a decent wage which offers a good standard of living.

However, the system we have is Corporatism, designed to steal wealth from the financial system and funnel it up to our wannabe Masters. Who then convert it into true value by buying up and controlling all true assets, which have genuine worth/value. It’s just theft/evil on a barely imaginable scale to anyone who has decent principles.

Reply to  Demeter
1 year ago

Think what most don’t realise is we have no chance of surviving naturally, which we had throughout our history.

The filth have bought up nearly all fruitful land, which humans could live on historically and form other, successful communities. There’s nowhere to run to anymore, this is the final psychological battleground.

Reply to  Demeter
1 year ago

Personally think what’s labelled Communism is what i call Communitarianism, meaning caring for the common good, where a self selected “elite” can’t dominate.

Reply to  Demeter
1 year ago

Which doesn’t mean sacrificing personal choice/liberty, i’d prefer to die than sacrifice my personal rights, death is far from the worst the worst thing now facing us.

The right to freedom of thought and speech is inalienable in my opinion, just think we should be considerate depending on company.

Reply to  Demeter
1 year ago

Always remember if you’re determined to “defend to the death” all your personal beliefs, you run a high risk of alienating people who would be open to considerate discussion.

Keep in mind “softly, softly getting stronger” can be so much more helpful than outright force. Which is the tactic employed by our common enemy.

Reply to  Demeter
1 year ago

If one aggressively tries to impose opinions on others, really think you’ll only meet resistance and probably achieve the opposite of your intentions.

Reply to  Demeter
1 year ago

Why i think the gentle approach works is most people i know in real life, trust me, so are open to my opinions.

Which is why discussion, not argument works for me.

Reply to  Demeter
1 year ago

If we really want to encourage freedom of thought, surely we shouldn’t seek to impose our own beliefs?

Laura Ann
Laura Ann
Reply to  Demeter
1 year ago

If people you know aren’t likeminded it is time to ditch them, having nothing more to do with them, cut ties. No time wasted on these losers then.

Laura Ann
Laura Ann
Reply to  Demeter
1 year ago

My experience is don’t talk to any one else except people likeminded. It’s too late to save this country anyway.

Reply to  Laura Ann
1 year ago

Hugs Laura Ann, been there at times too but so far start to hope again after a while.

Think you too had understanding of the filths intentions before this absolute war on us began. It’s a shock to the majority such evil can come from even fellow humans, many didn’t/still don’t want to open their eyes to the new reality.

However, the saying where there’s life, there’s hope has rung true several times for me. It’s wonderful when someone i thought was possibly beyond hope, wakes up. We also need to look after ourselves and spend time with friends who are supportive to us too. However, it’s great to see so many latecomers and hope i can keep welcoming those i meet and old friends who open their eyes again. We will get through this but it’s so tough hanging in there at times.

Hope what i’ve said makes some sense Laura Ann, all the best for you and your loved ones.

Reply to  Demeter
1 year ago

I’ve tried talking to people but you know when they don’t want to hear or believe what you say. Their eyes glaze over. I’ve got to thd point when I stop trying. The harm has already be done.

Reply to  Demeter
1 year ago

A Corporation of any description CANNOT own property or Land. Period. That which is dead, has no voice in the land of the living. Does anyone know of a corpse or ghost that owns any property?
They may claim it on a legal basis. Just as rape, murder, genocide, human trafficking etc are all legal in their world of illusion.
But it is far from lawful and right.

Reply to  john
1 year ago

Absolutely John but the filth have the power to currently “own” by their current imposition of legalese, which isn’t the true system of what is lawful.

They own the system operating, which has to play to the end. And i so hope i get to see the end of it.

Reply to  Demeter
1 year ago

Must say you’re daft if you think your security software protects you in Windows, thing is i have no more faith in Linux as a longterm Linux user. Darpa were in on the development of Linux and Tor, doubt either have deviated enough to be secure.

However, think still go for protection, potentially it might be worth it but have your favourite OS on usb, so you can try to reinstall after the big crash, which i think is guaranteed.

Backup what you consider crucial to several drives, for future generations. Highly likely it won’t work, have no doubt the filth kill switched such things but the potential is there.

Reply to  Demeter
1 year ago

The biggest monologue ever or what? The first almost 10 comments was you, I like you but it is a bit too much to sink other’s opinion to oblivion. Usually trusted voices use this method to sink valuable information.

Reply to  LittleRedShoes
1 year ago

Hands up LittleRedShoes, definitely guilty, let quite a lot of brainfarts loose there. Think/hope quite a lot of them had a whiff of roses to them?

Taking myself off to the naughty step for a while and will try not to do it again.

Reply to  Demeter
1 year ago

I agree, the problem is not capitalism, the problem is corruption unpunished. We must make an example on the way how old Chinese did – everyone dies from that tribe, every fortune of the tribe goes back to the ruler – us.

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Reply to  Demeter
1 year ago

But the poison is sort of irrelevant, the depopulation agenda is taking second or third place – the “vaccine” passport as you call it is just a stepping stone, to the full “digital personal identity” that we all need to have to function for the greater good of “big and common society”. Whilst millions can and probably will die from the jab’s adverse effects now, the damage to future generations through steralisation, reduced sperm and egg count (if believed) is done to a huge degree as well.

From smart cities, smart gadgets (including cars), limited travel, monitoring everything about us 24/7 – THAT IS THE END GOAL FOR NOW … they can always bump off a few more million / billion at their convenience. Full control, power, ownership and riches …

Reply to  Bob - Enough
1 year ago

You’re a person i’d love discussion with in real life Bob.

Think they poison us to destroy thinking and individuality. The filth are promoting an evil perversion of what is the greater good thinking, I believe in the greater good but my individuality must be respected too. However, personally think this is the , endgame/battle, their vision of the future means the end of humankind.

Reply to  Demeter
1 year ago

Apologies for the erroneous comma, adjusted the comment.

1 year ago

Fascism and capitalism are outdated terms. But if you still need to make some sense of them, then, no, they are not connected, they are the exact opposite.

And, anyway, vaccines are obviously a product of socialistic ideas, like the one that the state has to take care of our health. That’s where compulsion principal is based upon.

The NWO is communism with a facelift. The way out is freedom of choice AKA capitalism.

Reply to  michail
1 year ago

Personally think the terms you mention are created to control us, confusing us so we fight each other instead of our real enemy.

Good comment but really disagree it’s because of socialistic ideas which truly means the natural, common good. You would probably suspect me of your idea of socialism when i actually have no ideology that reflects the filth’s definition, which is so widely reflected.

Personally proud to look for the good of real humans, which certainly doesn’t mean i think absolute equality is possible. However, think equality of opportunity is essential and a good standard of living is a human right.

Reply to  Demeter
1 year ago

The right to make your own life as “good” as YOU WANT, and ARE WILLING TO WORK TO CREATE. Other than minimal taxes, there should be NO TAKINGS FOR THE LAZY DRUGGED F–KS WHO CONTRIBUTE NOTHING.

Reply to  Dr TRUTH
1 year ago

Almost a good comment Dr Truth but depends on how you make your judgements.

Know i’m far from perfect, so even if i abhor some opinions, don’t automatically think i’m worthy to judge. Which is why i think thoughtful, considerate discussion is paramount.

Peter Majewski
Peter Majewski
1 year ago

Absolutely Correct to call a fascist a fascist . Klaus Schwab is a fascist his father was a fascist and apparently they had factories in world war 2 that used Slave labour mostly Slavic people and I have never met a survivor. Christina Freeland her family were powerful in Hitlers Third Reich in the field of propaganda. Soros was also an officer in Hitlers Third Reich and his Antifa Organization causes terrorism in many countries but pretend to be Communist.

Reply to  Peter Majewski
1 year ago

Is Soros that old ?

1 year ago

‘Fascism is the product of capitalism in crisis’I guess the solution is then worldwide communism or socialism, both are tyrannies.
No, fascism is the product of poverty and the cult’ act on us, divide and conquer.
I can’t wait for the narrative to switch to communism or socialism when offering the solution for the problems they had created in the first place. The name NWO or else, doesn’t matter.

Reply to  LittleRedShoes
1 year ago

Please keep in mind you’re using the terms the filth impose to divide us, so they can impose their dictatorship.

They know dividing us with false definitions will make us see each other as enemies, instead of opposing them, who are the real enemy.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

Simon Elmer’s book “The Road To Fascism” is an excellent analysis of where we are today at December 2022 and clarifies the confusion in the terminology used in this discussion. It compares what happened in several countries in the last century with recent events. A book for your Christmas stocking.

1 year ago

EVERY one of their plans centres around citizens. A citizen is already a slave by his own choice knowingly or unknowingly.
The psychopaths have ZERO authority or jurisdiction over living beings in their capacity as men or women. In other words, dead corporate entities are voiceless against that which lives.
The problem however, is that the majority of the worlds population don’t want to be free men and women solely responsible for their own lives.
Oh no. They would rather be a citizen slave able to use the legal fiction NAME for benefits that DO NOT exist.
ALL bills have already been paid. ALL bills. Rent, mortgage, gas, electric and water. But only for those standing as men and women who have forsaken the legal fiction NAME.
Any bill sent via the post, is always addressed to a legal fiction NAME that exists on paper only. Not in reality. Bills are NEVER addressed to a man or woman. Simply because they’re already paid for.
But stupid people in their blind greed of the system, choose to pay the debts of the legal fiction NAME which is the property of the CROWN CORPORATION. So who’s bills are these greedy and gullible persons working 40+ hours a week to pay?
And they’re happy to do it apparently.

1 year ago

Kinda ignoring the Ashkenazi Satanist Kabal that has been pushing this whole rot, aren’t you?

Vic Anderson
Vic Anderson
1 year ago
1 year ago

There is every possibility that in the coming months the whole of humanity may commit mass suicide, through a global war.

And it is not very difficult to imagine its possibility, because the people who are in power, the people who have nuclear weapons, are certifiably mentally ill.

And perhaps deep down the majority of humanity has become too.

Perhaps individually people are not courageous enough to commit suicide individually, but on a mass scale they are unconsciously ready.

It seems the more stupid you are, the more gullible you are.

You have to stop NOW and come out of this stupid game of followers and leaders.

Can you not see how the politicians have become so very afraid of the people, now that the people can see that all of these politicians are nothing but lying psychopathic criminals.

They need to be prosecuted for their crimes against humanity, treason, conspiracy, fraud, war crimes.

Biden, Sunak, Macron, Trudeau, Scholz, Ardern, Schwab, Von der Leyen.

Terrorists who now have decided to destroy the lives, security, freedom and well being of all their own citizens.

Just look at the last three years of global insanity created by the mentally ill Davos crew, the UN, WHO, EU, G20 politicians, NATO, MIC, the Banksters, Big Pharma, MSM.

The biggest three lies are:

The pandemic hoax with it’s lockdowns, mandatory masks and faulty testing, all leading to a forced mRNA bio weapons program, mass psychosis, fear, death and serious injuries in the hundreds of millions.

The Ukraine war hoax that Russia is the aggressor, creating unnecessary death, destruction and mass casualties in Ukraine, hypocritical sanctions leading to western food,and energy deprivation, whilst billions of dollars and euros evaporate in their globalist Neo Nazi wet dream.

The global warming climate change hoax that steamrolls throughout the world taking no prisoners based upon zero evidence, incredible ignorance, propaganda and stupidity!

It seems that to be a successful politician you have to be absolutely unintelligent, a fanatic, lying, promising continuously, knowing perfectly well that no promises are going to be fulfilled, always cheating, using beautiful words and hiding ugly realities.

There appears to be no hope for real freedom to exist, ever!

Humanity for millennia has lived under the delusion of one truly unbelievable fiction.

The greatest fiction ever invented in the whole history of the world.

It is that the sacred shrine in your heart was filled with the idea of God.

For millions of years god was imagined as a giant controller in the heavens, do you know anyone who has ever met god?

The priest has always been afraid, that their imaginary god should be found M.I.A.

There are millions of priests in the world who depend on a single concept of God.

Drop that idea and all these will be nowhere.

Right now they have great prestige, power.

Who will be the pope when there is no God?

What will be his position?

The religions have given humanity great fictions to live in.

Now all those fictions are broken and the masses have nothing left to live for, hence the anguish.

In anguish, only one thing seems to be there, somehow to get out of this circle of life, hence the idea of suicide and the increasing rate of suicide.

And an unconscious desire of humanity that the third world war happens.

Do you need any of these deluded people.

They survive only on the fictions created by your misery, cunning people using your misery to exploit you and to have their power trip.

God is not there.

With him, the holy ghost disappears, the son disappears.

God is the central focus of the whole fiction.

Remove that central idea and the whole palace made of playing cards simply falls on the ground.

Just a little awareness is needed.

And it’s gone!

There is no god, there has never been any god, all definitions are inventions.

Remove god, remove Lucifer, remove heaven and hell, remove the idea of a future reward.

Remove the idea that some messiah is to come to redeem you from your suffering.

Remove the idea that anybody else is responsible for your misery and suffering.

Remove the idea that somebody can give meaning to your life.

Accept that really you are alone, born alone, and you will die alone.

You have to accept your aloneness, which in no way you can avoid.

And there is no way to change its nature.

It is you.

It is your authentic reality.

And you are escaping from yourself.

You can’t run away from yourself.

Then there will be misery, there will be problems.

Imaginary fictions cannot help much, they may give you some consolation, but consolation is not a good thing.

What is needed is transformation, not consolation.

Drop all that the priests and the politicians have put into you, and as you unburden yourself, you start having glimpses of your pure being.

That is meditation.

Once tasted, it transforms forever.

Stop dumping problems on others.

You have to solve your problems, and every individual has to solve their own problems.

And the problems are not so many.

It is one problem which you have not solved which has created a chain of unsolved problems.

The only problem is: how to enter your aloneness without fear?

And the moment you enter your aloneness without fear, it is such a beautiful and ecstatic experience that there is nothing compared to it.

It is not a problem at all.

It is the solution of all your problems.

But you have made it a problem because you have listened to others and followed them.

The blind following blind politicians and priests.

This is your existence; you are responsible whatever you are, whatever you do, and whatever happens around you.

Be mature.

Don’t remain childish.

1 year ago

Capitalism and Marxism/Communism are two sides of the same coin with capitalist banking systems funding the exploits of global communism. Capitalism (democracy) and Communism (Marxism) are merely products of the Jewish mind manufactured to control slave Nations. Therefore, given the ‘divine right to rule’ both are ideologically lower than Judaism in the paradigm of the Jewish Zionist. The nature of the game for the Zionist Capitalist is to withhold a land’s wealth from its people. Henceforth the Zionist Capitalist gets immensely rich while the nations conquered suffer crippling dept. Consequently capitalism is basically state sponsored usury and any revolutionary response from the slave nations are corralled into Jewish Marxist (Communist) state funded trade unions whose organizers are earmarked to become the leaders of the new Jewish Zionist regime. Thus Jewish Zionism controls both rich and poor. This vicious circle is a representation of the Jewish Marxist one party state.

1 year ago

The following is extracted from Count Arthur Cherep-Spiridovich’s The Secret World Government, or “The Hidden Hand” (1926)
Count Arthur Cherep-Spiridovich (1866-1926)t.
1926 Book Summary Snippets Start Here …
To solve the problems of unrest, and thus to save the White Race, we must know that World Unrest is caused by the Judeo-Mongols and their firm desire to smash the Aryans and to overthrow everything Christian.The planned assault of Asia is not to be upon Europe only, but upon the Aryan Race as a whole, especially upon wealthy America.America is Facing United Foes Bolshevism is inflaming at least five million Judeo-Mongols and some three or four million “secret Judeo-Mongols” in America; also the heads of twelve million Negroes here, and seven million more of all kinds of “reds,” “pinks,” “radicals,” “Utopians,” “pacifists,” and other discontented persons in the United States.What is Bolshevism? It is the Jewish mask of Communism. “Bolshevism is militant Judaism; the extermination of the White races and the substitution of Asiatic parasites for the Aryans. It is the work of Jewish assassins for the purpose of causing a new domination of the World by a criminal sect.” Bolshevism, the manipulations of foreign exchanges, and the general ‘world unrest’, may be summed up in two words, namely, ‘Jew Finance’.
Invisible Secret World Government
“The League of Nations is a Jewish idea, a Jewish Central Government for obtaining World domination. The League of Nations is entirely run by the Jews.”
Abbe Joseph Lemann wrote in 1886: “There is a plan to disorganize at one blow Christian society and the beliefs of the Jews to bring about a state of things where there will be neither Christian nor Jew, but only men stripped of divinity, and where, politically speaking, the Christian will become, if not the slave, at least the inferior of the Jew …The Jews never sought the improvement of any nation. Their aims were to murder and de-Christianize. In order to establish “Israel Above All”, the Jews have kept their World Government secret and invisible.
Financial Bankers Rule Governments
“The real menace of our Republic is the Invisible Government, which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state and nation. At the head of this octopus is a small group of powerful banking houses, generally referred to as the ‘International bankers’. This little coterie of powerful men virtually runs our Government for their own selfish ends.””Nominally we govern ourselves: actually, we are governed by an oligarchy of the American branch of the International Bankers. The British Government is the camouflage behind which the money kings of the world have hitherto hid their economic warfare upon the masses of the world.”
Rothschild and French Revolution
In 1778 “Weisshaupt, a Jew founded in Bavaria the “Uluminati”, a secret society and instructed the “Central Committee” of the Grand Orient of France to be ready for a revolt.Robespierre did not become a monarchist, but he understood, that the supposed “French” revolution was simply a “Jewish” acquisition of France and had nothing to do with welfare, freedom, equality and other shibboleths.
The Rothschilds’ interests demanded the downfall of Napoleon I in order to save the Rothschilds’ money invested with many other rulers. Rathenau repeated the declaration of Disraeli saying that “the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”
US Civil War ManipulationIn 1876 Bismarck said that the division of the United States into two federations of equal force was decided by the High Financial Power of Europe long before the Civil War.These bankers were afraid that a union of States would upset their position of financial domination but that there could be tremendous benefit if they could substitute two feeble democracies indebted to the Jewish financiers.
They encouraged the rupture between the North and the Southern States a priority but were impeded by Lincoln who understood the situation and decided to eliminate the International bankers, by establishing a system of Loans, allowing the States to borrow directly from the people without intermediary.
The local banks were glad to help such a system, but the foreign financiers realised that this was not to their advantage and the removal of Lincoln was the solution.
The intervention in the US land dispute by Alexander II. Meant that the Rothschilds were left without Mexico and the Southern States, and they could not capture the North, as was planned in 1857. The solution was the removal of Lincoln, and after several attempts, the murder of the Russian Czar in 1881.  or