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UK’s Thought Police arrest a woman because of what she “might” be thinking while standing on a street near an abortion clinic

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A charity volunteer has been arrested and charged on four counts after she told the police she “might” be praying silently when questioned as to why she was standing on a public street near an abortion facility.

She wasn’t arrested for harassing anyone. She wasn’t arrested for protesting. She was arrested for private thoughts inside her own mind. 

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Director of the March for Life UK, Isabel Vaughn-Spruce, was standing near the British Pregnancy Advisory Service clinic in Kings Norton, Birmingham.  She was standing calmly, carrying no sign and in complete silence.  An onlooker, who suspected that Vaughan-Spruce was praying silently in her mind, complained to the police.  Police arrived and asked Vaughn-Spruce what she was doing. Vaughn-Spruce was searched, arrested and then interrogated.

All Things ProLife: Woman Arrested for Silently Praying, 22 December 2022 (7 mins)

Whilst in the police station, police showed her pictures of herself standing near the clinic and asked her if she was praying. Vaughn-Spruce said she “might” have been praying but could not recall if she was praying at these specific moments, or whether she was thinking about something else, such as her lunch. She was charged with four counts. As part of her conditions for bail, Vaughan-Spruce was told that she should not contact a local Catholic priest who was also involved in pro-life work – a condition that was later dropped.

Her arrest follows another recent incident in Bournemouth where a woman was told to leave by local authorities for praying, even outside of the local censorship zone.

Last year, a grandmother from Liverpool successfully overturned her charge on human rights grounds after she was arrested and fined for praying silently near an abortion facility on a walk during lockdown.

“It’s abhorrently wrong that I was searched, arrested, interrogated by police and charged simply for praying in the privacy of my own mind. Censorship zones purport to ban harassment, which is already illegal. Nobody should ever be subject to harassment. But what I did was the furthest thing from harmful – I was exercising my freedom of thought, my freedom of religion, inside the privacy of my own mind. Nobody should be criminalised for thinking and for praying, in a public space in the UK”, Vaughan-Spruce said following her arrest.

“Isabel’s experience should be deeply concerning to all those who believe that our hard-fought fundamental rights are worth protecting. It is truly astonishing that the law has granted local authorities such wide and unaccountable discretion, that now even thoughts deemed ‘wrong’ can lead to a humiliating arrest and a criminal charge,” said Jeremiah Igunnubole, Legal Counsel for ADF UK, the legal organisation supporting Vaughan-Spruce. 

 “A mature democracy should be able to differentiate between criminal conduct and the peaceful exercise of constitutionally protected rights. Isabel, a woman of good character, and who has tirelessly served her community by providing charitable assistance to vulnerable women and children, has been treated no better than a violent criminal. The recent increase in buffer zone legislation and orders is a watershed moment in our country. We must ask ourselves whether we are a genuinely democratic country committed to protecting the peaceful exercise of the right to freedom of speech. We are at serious risk of mindlessly sleepwalking into a society that accepts, normalises, and even promotes the ‘tyranny of the majority’,” he continued.

You can support Vaughan-Spruce’s legal case HERE.

The Public Space Protection Order (“PSPO”) introduced by authorities in Birmingham criminalises individuals perceived to be “engaging in any act of approval or disapproval or attempted act of approval or disapproval” in relation to abortion, including through “verbal or written means, prayer or counselling…”. 

Parliamentarians are currently considering introducing blanket censorship zones across England and Wales rather than on the local level through PSPOs. An amendment to the Public Order Bill would prevent pro-lifers from “influencing”, “advising”, “persuading”, “informing”, “occupying space” or even “expressing opinion” within 150m of an abortion clinic. Those who breach the rules could face up to two years in prison.  As written, the Government has said that the clause is not compatible with human rights law.

A couple of weeks ago, the UK Supreme Court ruled Northern Ireland can ban prayer and peaceful protest outside abortion clinics. Judges unanimously rejected the Northern Ireland Attorney General’s appeal against the Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Bill – tabled by Green Party MLA Clare Bailey.  Supreme Court Justice Lord Reed accepted that the plans would restrict the European Convention rights of protesters, but said this was “justifiable.”

The Scottish government have shown support for Green Party MSP Gillian Mackay’s bill to introduce censorship zones around abortion facilities across Scotland.  The Scottish bill bears similar wording to that of the Northern Irish bill, banning “influence” within 150m of an abortion facility. An extra 100m ban would be available to be granted upon request to expand the boundary of the buffer zone.  The Scottish government made it clear at the Supreme Court hearing in July that they would include prayer within the scope of “influencing” in their legislation – the Lord Advocate testified that silent prayer could cause “psychological damage.”

George Orwell’s novel ‘1984warns about the ultimate goal of authoritarianism and totalitarian forms of government – the absorption of the individual into the state. In Orwell’s nightmare vision the key goal of the Party is the destruction of the individual. And thoughtcrime is the essential concept.  It is the idea that simply thinking something contrary to what the Party has decreed to be true is a crime, an idea that requires people to self-edit their thoughts.

“Whether he wrote DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER, or whether he refrained from writing it, made no difference. Whether he went on with the diary, or whether he did not go on with it, made no difference. The Thought Police would get him just the same. He had committed – would still have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper – the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it.” – 1984, George Orwell

We have an inalienable right to think freely.  We should take heed of Orwell’s warning before the government destroys our freedom to be ourselves, our individuality, our private self and our sense of self. 

A message to those who feel good snitching on their neighbour for “thoughtcrime”: Today you might feel good reporting your neighbour because you and the state disagree with what they might, possibly, perhaps be thinking but tomorrow it will be you who is arrested for what you “might” be thinking.  Totalitarian regimes do not go away of their own accord or treat you well because you have been obedient.  They only become more intrusive, more controlling and crueler.  Do not assist or enable a totalitarian regime.

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Brin Jenkins
Brin Jenkins
1 year ago

Wrongful arrest is worth a claim for compensation.

Reply to  Brin Jenkins
1 year ago

Simple fear-porn for conditioning, to make you familiar with the thought. BJ told ages ago that ‘we will know what you think’. Maybe due to the nano-vax or just exaggeration. In China they have a tool they put on the head of the children in school and it let the teacher know if the child is bored, upset. They also use it for examining workers’ mood. Mood – not the thought.

The Expose just loves fear-porn as there are hardly any contents here which were about something else.

Peter F
Peter F
Reply to  LittleRedShoes
1 year ago

Any right-minded person should be shocked by what happened in the “free west” cos we’re not free any more

Juriean Brands
Juriean Brands
1 year ago

Nothing new really. Argentina’s dictator Videla picked up poets because “you can also be subversive in thought”!

Juriean Brands
Juriean Brands
Reply to  Juriean Brands
1 year ago

Say goodbye to rationalism, we already did that with deism.

Reply to  Juriean Brands
1 year ago

But here it looked staged. Fear is their weapon because who is scared can’t think straight. It is a similar fear porn what you can see on the Daily Mail day by day to discourage you to travel anywhere. You know that ‘scenes’ on planes where there is always a camera, just like here it was since the beginning.


Peter F
Peter F
Reply to  Juriean Brands
1 year ago

It’s not a previous dictatorship thousands of miles away. It’s the UK, a supposed bastion of freedom and free speech (obviously this now only applies if you agree with what the powers that be and global elites believe).
If this doesn’t shock the average Brit, it speaks volumes.

Douglass Hetherly
Douglass Hetherly
1 year ago

These police are criminal. Good sense and honesty should have the police ignoring such rules of hatred and contempt for GOD. They would rather honor satan rather than GOD.

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
Reply to  Douglass Hetherly
1 year ago

Can’t afford too lose the nuice paycheck, pension and perks from being a mercenary.

I say mercenary because it is not about right or wrong … it is about taking the government (kings) shilling.

Reply to  Douglass Hetherly
1 year ago

Do you mean they are all FreeMoronicks? Or just brain-modified via their Tetra?

‘The British Government is spending 2 1/2 billion pounds on a 400 MHz pulse modulated microwave transmitter network which broadcasts 17.6 Hz into the brains of all Britain’s police and anyone living near the planned 30,000 transmitters.[2001] The TETRA System: Mass UK Mind Control Technology and the Zombification Of Britain’s Police is Now A Reality by Tim Rifat

The TETRA system pulses at 17.6 Hz broadcast at 400 MHz which is essentially the Pandora Project funded by the CIA in the late ’60s and early ’70s. Dr Ross Adey, the chief researcher on the Pandora Project has released a video to leading UK researchers which proves that not only does the TETRA system cause ELF zombification by massive release of calcium ions in the cerebral cortex and the nervous system, but the activated calcium ions also cause massive hormonal disturbances which lead to frenzied imbalances, emotional and physical states……

    Use of the TETRA system by the police will lead to psychotronicaly controlled officers who may be totally controlled in any situation and are very useful for states of economic or social chaos where extreme and violent behaviour is needed without any conscious or moral compunction – so-called police robots. [2001] The TETRA System: Mass UK Mind Control Technology and the Zombification Of Britain’s Police is Now A Reality by Tim Rifat’

Gord and K
Gord and K
Reply to  Douglass Hetherly
1 year ago

Yes but everyone who doesn’t belong to JESUS belongs to satan. Get rapture ready, people, all born again Christians will soon be our of here!

Ferd III
Ferd III
1 year ago

Simply another attack on Christianity.
If she was a Muslima or Black….well we know the answer.

1 year ago

Make no mistake! This harlot is the daughter of the UK harlot who together are riding the UN beast:

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
1 year ago

Pushing the deadly vaccines to cull the population.
Overboard on promoting transgenderism etc. prevent population growth.
Now banning peaceful prolife protests.

People have to start putting 1 + 1 together this is about reducing population size from a multitude of angles.

Now why am I still paying taxes for people too breed … the one thought that goes through my mind every day.

If they dropped the welfare state for breeders the first 3 lines need never have happened.

1 year ago

I think there is an important angle that is missing from this article and the comments so far and that includes the protection of the service users of these clinics. Yes one can say that a woman standing silently is harming no-one but essentially she is there because she doesn’t agree with what is going on there. The women who need these services are most probably in a vulnerable state and would much prefer a degree of anonymity and privacy. It is misleading to focus on being arrested for thoughtcrimes, she was being arrested for loitering in a very sensitive area around an abortion clinic where plenty of conflict has most probably already ocurred. She should go mind her own business and life. Go pray at home, prayer knows no boundaries. If she really was full of God’s compassion she wouldn’t be intimidating women who are in a turmoil already.

Reply to  Ali
1 year ago

Some of the turmoil you refer to is surely connected to the enormity of what is about to happen and its a matter of record that women have approached silent witnesses such as the woman who was arrested and lived to be grateful that they did not go through with an abortion. Why do you assume that such a presence is de facto harmful? What business is it of a British “Bobby” to interpose themselves in this way?

Eli Dumitru
Eli Dumitru
Reply to  Ali
1 year ago

What your argument is missing is the fact that having an abortion is often a traumatic experience with repercussions on a woman’s psyche that, especially if it repressed, can cause long-lasting emotional damage. So, yes, going for an abortion puts a woman in a vulnerable state. It is at that time that bringing the issue into consciousness to evaluate alternatives that may be much better for the woman and her child is important. It is at that time that praying in view of the woman for divine inspiration is important. It is only people who ignore the dangers of abortion that think that women should be “protected” from making a more informed decision for themselves and their child.

1 year ago

Utter madness, it took three police officers to arrest a woman who was praying silently. Why weren’t they out dealing with real crime?

Homer Bedloe
Homer Bedloe
Reply to  Virgi
1 year ago

This woman’s actions are real crime. She is not knuckling under to the whims of a few government elites and that is a real crime in England. It’s coming to Blue States sooner than you think.

Reply to  Homer Bedloe
1 year ago

Exactly. They tested it out in covid and now are seeing just
how far they can go. Absolutely absurd. But happening in a town near you.

Pete B. J. Hinxman
Pete B. J. Hinxman
1 year ago


I love your contributions to our knowledge of the sars cov-2 and its many implications. I as a pro abortionist, and comprehensively against the misguided approach to reality regarding how we begin our lives by bronze age myth lovers nevertheless am absolultely against the ridiculously unnecessary harrassment of your very deceptive pro – life protesters. The boundaries should lie surely if the protesters were out to clearly intimidate and make uncomfortable women who face an oustandiingly difficult position of terminating their pregnancy for a whole plethora of vey tragic reasons . making them feel guilt to the faith they were brought up in that believes life was poofed out of nothing by their God . Not taking into account, if you sincerely believe in the mythical God according to their book, the bible, then you are unable to accept the truth of how our lives begin, and develop through many processes to become, if successful, a newborn. If you bleieve in the bible then you must accept that God has no porblem with causing vast numbers of natural abortions and terminations, only exacerbated by God allowing doctors to inflict the ‘safe and effective’ sic jabs that cause a very high additional abortions. Wehre was your God on that one, after all you claim that your God made us all, and cares for every one individually ? Please do not wince !! Your God has the power to any amount of harm, or God as he so wishes. He could make it happen that their were no abortions from any cause if he commanded it so, that would be consistent with a caring God. the free will argument is no rebuttal as a failure to intervene and stop the suffering caused by abortion is proof that God has very limited compassionate resources or surely as the all powerful he would ensure this would never happen. The imbecilic name of pro life designed to mislead us and be a virtue signal to those who subscribe to it, and to condemn those who do not, and oppose it is a shameful travesty based upon bronze age understandings, and bronze age myths. May I please remind you we know a lot about how life begins, and how a new life begins. Not as a functioning human but as a fetus. Life is about balance, and the abortion equation is most difficult and frequently painful one. The prospective life of the fetus, a newborn human to eventually be, should come first, and where appropriate the mother’s life too. ‘Pro lifers’ are by and large decent human beings gone astray on this issue, preferring to base their moral approach on such wonderfulmorals of their God who thinks nothing of murdering all living souls , and all living other animals and flora at his personal whim, regardless of the fact that many good people will die , along with the so called bad ones. I do thank you for bringing to light the ridiculous involvement of the police and the justice system that is one hundred percent wrongly applied to this woman. It is firstly an abuse of her right to stand where she likes in a public place where she is not causing any harm, or obstruction to anyone else. Her arrest is bizzare, and is a clear abuse of our justice system and a clear waste of police time, and magistrates courts time. This is fascist in my view. thank you for listening tome. Hope you all have a lovely festive time, and enjoy the Christian festivities if that is what you are inclined to follow. Thank you.

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
1 year ago

It’s almost new year. Can’t we have more entertaining news?
An article about the Blue Beam? I bet people would LOVE it.

A little intro, whale, dragon or UFOs or Christ on the sky, whatever they want.


Mike Laaper
Mike Laaper
Reply to  Pete B. J. Hinxman
1 year ago

If all pro abortionists would set an example and abort themselves then after a short while there would be no more abortion issue!

Reply to  Pete B. J. Hinxman
1 year ago

Why would you think that all pro-lifers are basing their views on a religious stance? There are many who pro-lifers who are atheists or who are religious but have non-religious arguments for their views. The question is ultimately, when is it considered ‘murder’ to abort a human being? Some people say that this is from conception, as it is at this point that a unique human life has begun. Others may say that it would start from when this human life first begins to perceive the world, so from when their brain starts to develop. Neither of these arguments need a god to make.

1 year ago

The practice of abortion is a highly charged and emotive issue, nevertheless it is a heinous and murderous practice against the very source of life. If my mother had me aborted I would not be here today, nor would any of you reading these words.
What next? When the the powers that be (and it will surely come!) start imposing similar sanctions against lesser ‘crimes’ whatever they may be-this will be found to be the “thin end of the wedge”.
I watched the video, and can only conclude that this is sledgehammer policing at its very worst-it cannot be justified in any shape, form, or fashion-period.
My “stomach turns”.

1 year ago

This situation is a no-win for the police or the British population. When the Government by way of the police charges a person like this lady for her thoughts, one has to wonder what kind of a Country is England becoming.

The English people fought against the Nazis and won their right to free speech and societal freedom. Now it seems that the government wants total control of what I have just said and their thoughts too.

It appears that the government along with the police used a loitering law to charge her. How shallow does the British government want to be? What kind of threat did she project? She was across the street. If she was causing damage to the abortion clinic I can see why the police would have to serve and protect the abortion clinic. Let’s not forget what the police are hired to do. It is to Serve and Protect the people I do not see anything like that here. I see police performing what government desires.

Is it wise to charge someone for their thoughts? Will this type of police policy make the British people respect law enforcement? Is the government trying to create civil unrest? Are these questions not valid?

Isn’t it a female’s choice as to whether she can have a child or not? This subject is not black or white, right or wrong, good or bad. There is lots of light grey to total black in between.

To the people that are pro-life, I say what if your beautiful 12-year-old daughter was raped by a psychotic drug abuser and she became pregnant. How would you react?

To the people that believe in abortion, I say what about a young couple who are only interested in sex and not love, and they take no preventative measures to get pregnant? Is abortion the answer for them?

I believe that we all will be judged by a higher power when our time comes to leave this earth, so for me, it is not my job to judge what is right or wrong concerning the subject of abortion.

Jon Volk
Jon Volk
1 year ago

Dear reader,

Last year, abortion campaigners brought forward an amendment to the UK Government’s flagship Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill that would have introduced abortion on demand, for any reason, up to birth (including sex-selective abortion).

Thanks to the support from people like you, this amendment did not go to a vote and pass, but we expect the abortion lobby to make another attempt to introduce this extreme abortion law change shortly.

This would be the single biggest change to abortion legislation since 1967 and would leave England and Wales with one of the most extreme abortion laws in the world.

Please sign the petition to the Prime Minister, asking him to ensure that his Government does everything in its power to stop the introduction of abortion up to birth.

Homer Bedloe
Homer Bedloe
1 year ago

Don’t let Joe, Nancy, or Mitch see this article or they will do the same thing in the U.S.

1 year ago

Horseshit story sorry

1 year ago

Don’t cops tell you (on TV anyway) anything you say could be held against you. Sooooooo shut the duck up and say NOTHING. What can they charge you with for standing on a sidewalk?

Gord and K
Gord and K
1 year ago

It seems like the police is afraid of Christian prayers – interesting!
Get rapture ready, people, we are almost there!

8 months ago

Coppers as Stupid as Stupid is…That these Clowns in Clown uniforms are real is extradinary…