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How I hope to survive the NHS’s latest attempt to kill me

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Having massively increased the risk of strokes and heart attacks among the gullible millions who trusted the Government, the queen and various ignorant celebrities, and allowed themselves to be jabbed with a toxic pseudo-vaccine that did far more harm than good, the NHS can no longer cope with the number of patients who have had strokes and heart attacks.

Gosh, I am shocked. Shocked to the core, I tell you.

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By Dr. Vernon Coleman

So, the NHS has found a crafty way around its problem.

It has downgraded strokes and heart attacks, and in future, they will be treated in the same category as headaches.

More shock and horror.

And NHS England is now asking telephonists and ambulance crews to ignore these patients and to tell them that they will receive a phone call instead of an ambulance. (I wonder how long it will be before the waiting time for the phone call is measured in days rather than hours.)

Many will remember TV ads a couple of years ago in which the NHS told patients and relatives that it was important to get stroke victims to hospital as quickly as possible. You can forget that now.

The new advice is that patients who think they’ve had a heart attack or a stroke will be told to get in touch with their GP or a pharmacist.

Read that line again. And then, because you don’t believe me, check it out.

If you have a heart attack or a stroke you’re supposed to ring your GP and make an appointment for three weeks on Friday. Or drag yourself to the chemist and queue up for advice from a 16-year-old girl with O-level gymnastics and too much makeup.

Your GP will not, of course, visit you at home. The official advice is that GPs (who are now working a 26-hour week) are far too important to visit people at home. They have forms to fill in and sick notes and passport applications to sign. Besides, the medical establishment has decreed that global warming will be stopped much more readily if patients drive to the doctor’s surgery instead of the doctor driving to the patient’s home. (This is presumably because the patient who has had a heart attack or a stroke may have to travel on the bus whereas the GP would have to visit in the chauffeur driven 15 miles to the gallon Mercedes Benz S class which she bought with the loot she “earned” by instructing an NHS subsidised nurse to give a gazillion covid-19 jabs.)

And as far as I know, the 16-year-old girl at the chemist does not yet do home visits, unless she moonlights as a hairdresser or nail varnisher which is perfectly possible, of course.

So, all those poor sods who were jabbed, and who are, as a result, now massively at risk of having strokes or heart attacks are pretty well buggered, if you’ll pardon a bit of old-fashioned medical terminology.

When I heard this news, I was slightly alarmed. Since I am now over 18 and would be considered by some to be approaching the far boundaries of middle age, I am, although mercifully unvaxxed, at considerable risk of having a stroke or a heart attack.

I cannot tell you what to do, of course. There are bound to be laws against it. Indeed, I forcefully instruct you not to try the following at home. I’m serious.

But, in case you are interested, I take 75 mg of soluble aspirin every day. I believe the aspirin reduces my risk of having a heart attack or a stroke. I drop the soluble aspirin in a large glass of water to reduce the risk of the aspirin irritating my stomach lining. The tablets, which I purchase from the chemist, cost me less than sweets.

The well-informed will know that there are, of course, two sorts of stroke. One sort is caused by a clot. The other sort is caused by a bleed. The former is much more common. The aspirin may reduce the risk of the former and increase the risk of the latter. But the odds are in my favour and unless I drag myself to the garage, find my drill and hacksaw, and start making holes in my own skull I can’t do much about stopping a bleed so I’ll do something about the problem I might be able to deal with. To be honest, I am not sure whether all that is true for the vaxxed whom we must now regard as members of a different species.

And if I have a heart attack or a stroke, I’ve asked Antoinette to put 300 mg of aspirin under my tongue straight away. The aspirin is absorbed faster sublingually. And to then give me four soluble 300 mg tablets a day for at least a week and preferably longer.

So, that’s my plan. I have no doubt that the entire medical establishment will throw up its collective arms in horror. I don’t give a damn. They’ve abandoned me so why should I care what they think?

You must not take any notice of what I’m doing because Mr. Google says I am a discredited conspiracy theorist and not allowed to give advice on any subject whatsoever. Besides, you might be allergic to aspirin or be taking piles of prescribed junk which will combine with the aspirin to produce napalm or lobster bisque.

Instead, you must ring your GP and make an urgent appointment for three weeks on Friday or make your way to your local pharmacy where the 16-year-old girl with O-level gymnastics and too much makeup will tell you how to treat your heart attack or stroke.

Or maybe you need to do your own research, look at past medical histories and prescription drug usage and make informed decisions about how you can best treat yourself and your family members.

What a bloody country, eh? What a bloody health service.

Vernon Coleman’s book ‘NHS: What’s wrong and how to put it right’ is available only as a paperback (don’t ask why) priced £2.99 – via the bookshop on his website.

And his book ‘How to stop your doctor killing you’ (which used to be a huge hit in China and Germany until it was banned in those countries) is still available via the bookshop.

Featured image: Some ambulance callers to be told to visit urgent clinic or GP instead, ITV, 16 February 2023

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1 year ago

Your article/blog is so hilarious, especially if I pay no attention to the horrible news you brought out regarding the latest NHS’s announcement that heart attacks and strokes will now be treated with similar urgency as a headache. One might wonder whether the new Crown holds disdain for commoners and their health problems. If he doesn’t, no doubt the NHS would be given a huge upgrade to reverse its demise. Good luck with that….

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Thomas
1 year ago

This is rather like how, in the USA, they have lowered the standard for pilots to pass their heart checks. Hearts that would have failed the test now pass. They had to do this because after they vaccinated most pilots, many of those pilots wouldn’t have passed the test under the old rules. So now passengers are at risk from pilots who could have a heart attack at any time. It’s the new normal, just as they re-defined “vaccine” to suit these clot shots that dont prevent infection nor stop the spread – which real vaccines do.

Rabbi Seamus
Rabbi Seamus
Reply to  Watcher Seeker
1 year ago

Same in Australia

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
1 year ago

NHS should be disbanded … for 50 years the politicians have use the concept of universal healthcare as a chain around peoples necks.

Got too save the NHS … BS

NHS got exposed for what it truly is through covid.

A little story, adverse vaxx reaction too I ended up with Transverse Myelitis. NHS did not give a dam and in fact with family help I disappeared for a few years as I put my own body back together.

Because of that for 25 years I no longer support the NHS as an institution it should be private and you pay only for those services you receive with no government funding.

Let it stand on its own merit or let it fail because in the end if it fails something else will replace it in a capitalist society.

PS:- They also cut my appendix out as a kid because of an inflamed lymph gland 50 years ago … what’s the betting those vaxxes (again revealed by covid) are not as safe as what your government told you way back then.

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Reply to  Mark Deacon
1 year ago

AND THAT MARK, is exactly what they want … privatisation and digitisation of the once best Health Authority of the World.

You continuously make clever and subtle comments, pandering for the masses … but I reckon I can see through them and YOU.

So here and now, rightly or wrongly; I am calling you out, as a globalist parasitical puppet mouthpiece.

PS No offence intended.

Reply to  Bob - Enough
1 year ago

The NHS has, though, failed. As have nearly all allopathic interventions, which just make the poisoned people sicker in the end. Else, why have chronic diseases skyrocketed, decade after decade, since its inception? It should be dismantled and rebuilt using a preventive model. All farming switched to organic. Pharma drugs are only given as a very last resort, and proper health advice is given. Some chance.

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Reply to  KMAlias
1 year ago

I am sorry, been in a dreadful mood for a couple of days as the kids are out gallivanting for carnival and ring, then come back at all hours with the mates, leaving me and the Mrs with no sleep.

So another argument time (maybe). I agree with you totally on a preventative model and as such although a little late for me, that is the approach I take regards my own health now… however … the NHS HAS NOT FAILED – it has done exactly what it (in my view and in hindsight) was set up to do. Maybe the original guys that set it up had good intentions, but it would have been soon been hijacked and infiltrated by big businesses, leaving us now to be a nation – like the rest of predominately the West, dependent on “expensive” or at least “profit making” drugs of some form to cater for – as you stated – the allopathic interventions. We are sort of arguing the same thing, but coming from slightly differing views.

I took offense as Mark’s comment above (rightly or wrongly), dueto a number of reasons and I hope he sees these:

  1. He states “NHS got exposed for what it truly is through covid.” – when did people forget that the NHS IS GOVERNMENT and is run by government agencies, infiltrated from the top to bottom by government personnel ?
  2. He states “NHS as an institution it should be private and you pay only for those services you receive with no government funding.” – government funding is tax payer funding or business payer funding (same same). But the NHS being private, then opens up a whole new argument .. because everything the NHS is or has, has been bought by the people of the Country. It is also being privatised now and I believe the figure is upto 60 percent of all services privatised (sorry have no proof, just told the number); so did we tax payers get our money back – did we hell ?. This is just more wealth transfer from us to them, straight out of the WEF agenda.
  3. He states “Let it stand on its own merit or let it fail because in the end if it fails something else will replace it in a capitalist society.” – I would have agreed, but have you have looked at the US health system in detail – one system for the rich, one for the poor “useless eaters” – more straight from the WEF.

Just for one last point, you state “Else, why have chronic diseases skyrocketed, decade after decade, since its inception?”… QUITE SIMPLY = JABS or so called VACCINES.

Carnival finishes Tuesday, I will be back to my fine, polite self after that; so apologies for any offense caused to anyone.

Reply to  Bob - Enough
1 year ago

Bob, you say “maybe the original guys that set it up (NHS) had good intentions.”

The NHS was “set up” by Aneurin Bevan of Cardiff, he was a Marxist socialist!

I ask; can any good fruit come from a bad tree? What the formation of the NHS did was to take the nation away from trust in God and natural means, it brought on Big Government-from “the cradle to the grave!” The NHS was, is, and will always be a satanic institution. Has not its “bad fruit” been exposed to the uttermost since the damnable Covid era?
Bevan hated God!

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Reply to  Islander
1 year ago

Very good point. I did not look up the facts nor know them, so cheers.

Janet Cutts
Janet Cutts
Reply to  Bob - Enough
1 year ago

The NHS was weapknised in the 1970 this has been a long term plan

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Reply to  Janet Cutts
1 year ago

If you watch my favourite link which is only 2 minutes long (sorry if you have seen it before) and knowing what we know now, about things now from the past; I sometimes wonder if the NHS was just a tool to get us “addicted” to treatment (drugs).

1 year ago

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Richard Noakes
Richard Noakes

FROM THE HORSES MOUTH: I copied this off a Spanish program regarding the vaccines and what is in them I cannot find the scientific sources to explain what they want to do with this
So, that transport of nucleic acids is done inside graphene nanotubes
This study was carried out by the University of Almeria when I was in Spain at the end of June
At least, it was published at that time by a scientist from the University of Almeria who found that there is 95% graphene in each vaccine
And that there’s a very little amoint of nucleic acids because there is no need for it to be very much
With very few acids, messages, RNA-DNA nucleic acids, it can achieve this process called transgenesis
It is the same as that of the corn, the horse, or the cow
So the person who receives this transgenesis with these compounds will become a transhuman (no longer human)
But there is more, my dear friends, there is more
These graphene nanotubes
Here we have one of the studies: Vaccine + Graphene + 5G = Brain Control
One of the companies producing graphene nanotubes
For your listeners: a nanometer is one millionth of a millimeter
Were talking about ultra microscopic nanotechnology
NanoGrafi company, a leader in graphene production, developed an intranasal Covid vaccine and PCR tests with nanoparticles then they make graphene nanotubes
And, in addition to that, there are the micrographs of the microscopic study that the physicist Kalcker did where you can clearly see perfect small quadrangular particles, in addition to several small dots of heavy metals
That small perfect square particle is a nanoprocessor
Is the information hard to swallow? Are you more or less following me?
Do you understand?
Now I’m going to read to you what graphene means at 5G frequencies
I’ll start by clarifying that there is no reference on the internet to any such study
I think this is something very important, which I’ll summarize as follows:
At 5G frequences of 42.6 Hz per second, the 1.2mm nanotubes injected into the vaccines resonate and propagate a high-energy signal at the average speed of human thought
Something struck me when I saw a catalog selling graphene nanotubes from the company NanoGrafi I was surprised at the precise nanotube length of 1.2 nanometers of 1.2×10-9 m.
Since I already knew the 5G microwave frequency in the 10 to 300 Hz range, I was stuck by the curious coincidence of how it cancelled out at those precise powers of 10 in the well known wave mechanics formula.
It catches the attention of anyone with an engineering background who is not asleep.
Study results are showing that an everage neuron sends signals about 180 km/h
When combined, these factors would increase the speed to 432 km/h
There is a lot of variation, some humans think faster than others and the thought speed propogation changes throughout life
This is basic to what follows
We’ll take the average thought speed of 180 km/h, that is, 180,000 meters over 3,600 seconds: 50 meters per second.
This wave speed of the human brain is achievable for ordinary nanotubes and frequencies radiated by 5G antennas
Ths is not speculation, but science and combined techniques
The materials exist and so do microwaves of the correct frequences.
The speed of human thought fits both in a precise physical formula that’s incontestable.
This is the worst news I can give you, but it is the product of what I have studied throughout this month
These graphene nanotubules are injected with a vaccine, act on the microwaves emitted by a 5G antenna at the same frequency that human beings think.
So, through these nanoparticles, 5G antennas can modify our thoughts.
It’s that simple. It is physics and, well, you can’t summarize it any other way, but I think you understand me clearly.
Which will be the nervous system of that country and will manage the thinking of human beings
That is, on the one hand, you are going to modify a person’e genome so that the person is no longer human but transhuman
As such, that person can be patented by whoever made that genome modification
But, in addition, that nucleic acids wrapped in graphene nanotubes makes that person’s thinking is going to be modified by the 5G remote controlled antennas
Sort of Zombies, you might say, or robots.
Dr. Chinda Brandolino
More here and “possible”? cure: skip the donations and go for read first

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
1 year ago

Regarding “drag yourself to the chemist and queue up for advice from a 16-year-old girl with O-level gymnastics and too much makeup” – years ago a doctor told me to go to a chemist and buy a particular ointment and he said get it with one per cent (1%) active ingredient. I went to the chemist and stated my requirement – the product and the strength. The young woman, perhaps 17 or 18 years of age, picked up the product and read the packet. She told me that it was five per cent (5%) active ingredient. I read the packet and it was 0.5% not 5%. She didn’t understand decimal points. You must speak to the pharmacist not a shop assistant.

1 year ago

Pfizer’s Secret Contract:
 by US Supreme Court Law (2013) after synthetic mRNA vaccines, you are no longer human and all human rights are lost and your bodies are now all automatically patented to Bill Gates by his US Patent 6.754,472, to do with as he pleases.
However: She said in a recent interview with The New American: U.S. Patent 6,754,472
“The Supreme Court ruled that if there is anything synthetic, not from nature, inside of our genome, then whoever owns the patent on those synthetic parts now owns part or all of you as a human. That means Bill and Melinda Gates, The Department of Defense, [and others] can literally own a human being. If this synthetic code is taken up into your genome (as it is), by law, you could be owned overnight.”under U.S. Patent 6,754,472
Me: Like a GMO U.S. Patent 6,754,472 Product
Bill Gates owns patent that grants him “exclusive rights” to “computerize” the human body
U.S. Patent 6,754,472, owned by Microsoft, grants Gates and his cronies the “exclusive rights” to “computerize” the human body for use as a collective of local wireless networks.
12/12/2022 / By Ethan Huff
The next phase of humanity’s forced transition to virtual reality involves computerizing the human body and transforming it into a robotic machine that, together with all other computerized human bodies, will eventually comprise a vast global computer network owned in part by none other than billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates.
It might sound like some kind of out there science fiction novel, but U.S. Patent 6,754,472, owned by Microsoft, grants Gates and his cronies the “exclusive rights” to “computerize” (or exterminate) the human body for use as a collective of local wireless networks.
Me: local wireless networks = 5G
For You: The only way I can see to stop the onward progression of what is to happen to you and your body, is to short your body out by touching the live strand of a 12 volt DC cattle fence with both hands, or put both hands on the spark plug leads of a cold 12 volt DC car engine and have someone turn over the car engine once.
The shock will kill the nanotechnology microchip and the mRNA vaccines in your blood and takes about one second to do, “there is a slight life risk of course”, however don’t do if you have a Pacemaker- the shock possibly returning your bodies to a “prior to vaccines state”, but not guaranteed at all, to live your lives out fully, but I can’t guarantee that either, probably still as a non human with zero human rights, however, without the ever present 5G transmissions, affecting you at all.
This is also an instant cure for Lyme Disease, Ross River Virus and other blood borne diseases and possibly onset Cancer.
Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to scupper Bill Gates Et Al’s patents for all, without one shot being fired – then it would be time for Bill Gates Et Al, to be tried for the Murder of 13 million or more, at this moment, world wide and Treason, don’t you think – I want feedback to know how the 12 volt DC shock went with you, that is all.
Your next virus: Millions saved from viruses and bacteria – are you one of those? 30 years never had a virus or bacteria infection = never ill: Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of clean warm water – cup a hand and in stages, sniff or snort the mugful up your nose spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, you have a virus and the salt solution is disinfecting it, so wait 2-3 minutes until burning sensation goes away, then blow out your nose on toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards. Do my free salt water cure morning, noon, night or more often if you want, until it feels like you are flushing with water only – job done. 3 minutes idea to job done – simple. No virus, no Covid or Long Covid in your head possible. You cannot catch Covid, you have to catch a Coronavirus first and let it become Covid in the nasal passages of your head, later transported down into your body in the one liter of snot, or mucus, we each produce daily – the engine oil of the body. Vaccines – what for – I never have any. My method is like using a fire hose to put out a fire. It takes 3 minutes to prepare and do with salt and clean water and over the 30 years I and others have been doing it, it has NOT killed or injured ONE PERSON, unlike those synthetic mRNA vaccines, ALSO verified by Alberta Medical University – Canada. Do it – you will be amazed at how quickly it destroys colds and flu in the nasal passages of your head. No infection, no Covid possible. Spread the word to everyone please. Neti pots are like using a garden sprinkler to put out a house fire. your life, your choice!! AND free!!
.Your Options:
Not vaccinated = Remain Human Like Me
Vaccinated: My 12 volt DC Shock – Remain Non Human, with no Human Rights, but “alive”.
Vaccinated: Do nothing – Extermination OR “Scientific Conversion”
Viruses – My Free Salt Water Cure
Then You don’t have To Get mRNA vaccinated, Do you?
What Are You Going To Do?
At Least I Have Given You Choices, Where None Existed Before.
You don’t like your options, look in a mirror and complain about them to the person you see there, they have put “you” in this predicament, after all.
“We” the not vaccinated, are the last remaining “humans” left on this planet and after we die, there will never again, be any “free humans”, born ever again – only those few non humans, with zero human rights – to Bill Gates order and for his purpose, whatever that might be.
Bill Gates has vaccinated roughly 7.8 billion of the World’s 8 billion humans, who are now up for extermination or conversion, by whatever criteria he has set, for that to happen – and – you are given NO CHOICE in what will happen to “YOU” – except the choices I have given you.
Do the math, work it our for yourself, as I have done – you did volunteer, after all, for this to be done to you.
For overall picture of above:
Welcome to The Great Reset 2025 and your part in it – it was brilliantly thought out and executed, as I am sure, you will agree.

Reply to  richardnoakes
1 year ago

Moderna’s covid-19 Neucloids virus was patented by them in 2013, to build their synthetic mRNA vaccine on – however Ugur Sahin of Biontech got the computer code for Moderna’s Gain Of Function Covid-19 Neucloids virus and using a computer came up with the Bionrech’s vaccine in an afternoon, then Biontech merged with Pfizer who paid the CDC 3.5 million dollars for them to be injected into willing humans, ahead of Moderna’s vaccines – the purpose of the virus was to scare you all into getting the synthetic mRNA vaccines, which by US Supreme Court Law with world wide applications automatically made you non human with zero human rights, which was their purpose – which fed into Bill Gates Patent 6,754,472 (above) where he then owned your bodies, body and soul as you can read above – but but by August 27, 2020 because he did not want to die from his vaccines, Ugur Sahin wanted to remain well to prepare more concoctions to try on you willing volunteers: Military Revealed as Top Funder of Gene Drives; Gates Foundation paid $1.6 million to influence UN on gene drives 2016
December 4, 2017
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Over 1,200 emails released under open records requests reveal that the U.S. military is now the top funder and influencer behind a controversial genetic extinction technology known as “gene drives” – pumping $100 million into the field. The trove of emails, obtained via open records requests, also shed light on a $1.6 million dollar UN gene drive advocacy operation paid for by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
“Emerging Ag,” a private PR firm paid by the Gates Foundation, is working behind the scenes to stack key UN advisory processes with gene drive-friendly scientists, and has recruited ostensibly independent academics and public officials into a private collaboration to counteract proposed regulations and to resist calls by scientists and conservationists for an international moratorium. Some of those recruited entered into the UN discussions without divulging their conflicts of interest or the role that paid political consultants played in shaping their inputs.
The files, dubbed “The Gene Drive Files,” additionally cast a spotlight on the central role of the shadowy U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) as the key funder now accelerating gene drive development. For example, DARPA is now revealed as the major financial backer of efforts to develop gene drive mammals (mice) that are led by a U.S. environmental NGO, although DARPA has no biodiversity conservation mission, raising questions about the defense agency’s intent. These revelations come on the heels of a public warning issued by a leading gene drive researcher Dr. Kevin Esvelt that current gene drives are too powerful to be used in conservation.
“Gene drives are a powerful and dangerous new technology and potential biological weapons that could have disastrous impacts on peace, food security and the environment, especially if misused,” said Jim Thomas of ETC Group. “The fact that gene drive development is now being primarily funded and structured by the U.S. military raises alarming questions about this entire field.”
“Gene drives could have profound global impacts, and these emails reveal a secretive attempt to game the system by gene drive proponents aiming to minimize essential regulations and oversight,” said Dana Perls of Friends of the Earth, U.S. “We need more transparency about who is influencing critical decisions about the future of global ecosystems, people’s livelihoods, or our food system.”
“In response to this news that the integrity of technical processes under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) may have been compromised, civil society groups will urgently raise the need for better disclosure of interests within a framework for addressing conflict of interest at the CBD,” said Lim Li Ching of Third World Network.
“Mosquitoes containing gene drives are being proposed for malaria control in Africa. While claiming potential health benefits, any application of such powerful technologies should be subject to the highest standards of transparency and disclosure. Sadly, this doesn’t appear to be the case. Releasing risky GM organisms into the environments of these African countries is outrageous and deeply worrying,” said Mariam Mayet, Executive Director of The African Centre for Biodiversity.
Information revealed in the Gene Drive files includes:
· The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is reported to have given approximately $100 million for gene drive research, $35 million more than previously reported. If confirmed, DARPA appears to be the largest single funder of gene drive research on the planet.
· Emerging Ag, a privately-held public relations firm, received over $1.6 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to work on gene drive topics and to focus on exerting influence on the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the key body for gene drive governance. Following calls in 2016 for a global moratorium on the use of gene drive technology, the CBD sought input from scientists and experts in an online forum. According to the Gene Drive Files, Emerging Ag recruited and coordinated over 65 experts, including a Gates Foundation senior official, a DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency) official, and government and university scientists, in an private attempt to flood the official UN process with their coordinated inputs.
· The attempt to covertly influence the UN process online centrally involved three members of an associated UN expert committee (The Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Synthetic Biology). Two of them are from institutions that together received over $100 million in U.S. military and other funds expressly to develop and test gene drive systems. One served as “stakeholder engagement lead” for a Gene Drive development project. The Expert committee meets this week in Montreal Canada.
· The secretive JASON group of military advisors have undertaken two classified studies on genome editing and gene drives at the request of the U.S. government. The gene drive study, which included input by a Monsanto executive, focuses on hostile use of gene drives and use of gene drives in agriculture.
· DARPA is revealed to be funding a high profile UK team of researchers targeting African communities with gene drive mosquitos. This funding was not previously made public.
· The files reveal how far along the two leading gene drive teams (Target Malaria for the UK and GBIRD, based in North Carolina) have proceeded towards building gene drive organisms and are preparing for open field trials, including steps to select test sites in Australia, New Zealand, Burkina Faso, Uganda, Mali and Ghana, and to create government and community acceptance of the use of gene drives in key testing sites.
The Gene Drive Files may be accessed at:
The Gene Drive Files consist of records recently released in response to U.S. and Canadian open records requests. The bulk of the files are from North Carolina State University, and were released on 27 October 2017 under a request by Edward Hammond/Third World Network. The files also include records from Texas A&M University, also requested by Edward Hammond/Third World Network and released on 21 August 2017 (Request TAMU R001428). Additional records from an Access to Information request filed in Canada by ETC Group are also included at the same site.
Please take note of the information provided (readme file) on proper citation of the records.
Background on Gene Drives:
· “Gates Foundation Paid PR Firm to Secretly Stack UN Expert Process on Controversial Extinction Technology”
· “Gene Drive Files Expose Leading Role of US Military in Gene Drive Development”
· Reckless Driving: Gene drives and the end of nature 
· “The Case for a Global Moratorium on Genetically-engineered Gene Drives”
For more information, see letter from civil society to the Convention on Biodiversity Executive Secretary: “Addressing conflict of interest issues in the CBD, its Protocols and subsidiary bodies,” published December 4, 2017
Expert contacts: Ed Hammond, (325) 347-2829,; Jim Thomas, (514) 516-5759,; Dana Perls, (510) 978-4425,
Communications contact: Patrick Davis, (202) 222-0744,
Food & Agriculture
Friends Of The Earth

Rabbi Seamus
Rabbi Seamus
Reply to  richardnoakes
1 year ago

Electric fences are 7,000V, not 12V.
However, the Amperage is low.
That’s why it shocks, not kills.

If you bridge a high amp/low voltage source, it will kill you.

You should have Googled that before posting.

Reply to  richardnoakes
1 year ago

Try making a emp from a disposable camera first. It’s easily found with pics before you try this. Look on yandex emp generator diy should pop up or something close to that can make one with a bug zapper racket too

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  richardnoakes
1 year ago

I don’t know how you got away with a comment as long that Richard. I was told that we aren’t allowed to post comments as long as that.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  richardnoakes
1 year ago

We are all vaccinated – see the new article (19th Feb) about vaccine shedding.

1 year ago

I forgot to mention. Bill Gates owns all of the synthetic mRNA patented with his ownership of your bodies and the installed nanotechnology and microchip he can control by computer now – so when you get shootings in America where people died, look first to Bill Gates, because he is trying to scare you all into behaving like headless chickens, while behind the scenes he is exterminating you and pre selecting humans for bio/robot conversion – I think Bill wants to reduce the non human populations down from 7.8 billion to about 40,000 world wide, so you have a 1/2000 of living long enough to have your spirit or soul removed and your body made into another computerised machine.
The next time there is another shooting in America, see if the person is synthetic mRNA vaccinated and if so, they probably lost control of their mind by computer control, long enouigh to do the deed, before snapping back to themselves again and Bill is just trying out his control of all of you non humans to see what he can get you to do as a preclude of what is to come.
The only humans still living on this planet are the ones who refused vaccines altogether – I am one of those – where I live we represent 2% of the remaining population – 98% are synthetic mRNA vaccinated.
The intended synthetic mRNA vaccines factories, could just as easily be the factories where your modification to bio/robot occurs, after all, having vaccinated most of you, what possible purpose could there be for more vaccines ,when the job has already been done – you are all non humans with zero human rights.
See who goes through the doors of those factories in their white coats, they are your new enemy and they are vulnerable when they walk amongst you – a discrete push here or there into a large moving vehicle and whoops how did that happen?

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  richardnoakes
1 year ago

“The only humans still living on this planet are the ones who refused vaccines altogether” We are all vaccinated – see the new article (19th Feb) about vaccine shedding.

Dan Gilfry
Dan Gilfry
1 year ago

Soon they’ll be pumping out “Doctors” from Africa and the
Middle East with I.Q.s of 35, who can’t read or write and
don’t know the difference between edema and enema!
Then the slaughter can begin!

1 year ago

LSU has been the biggest SEC West threat to Alabama for more than two decades. Wear your Captain Obvious hat proudly, Connor. You earned it………………….

1 year ago

No Experience Needed, No Boss Over Your Shoulder C… Say Goodbye To Your Old Job! Limited Number O3 Of Spots Open…

Find out how HERE……………

Thot A. Lot
Thot A. Lot
1 year ago

I am a physician, and can confirm that the government, the pharmaceutical industry, the insurance industry has aggressively manipulated the data, lied to the public, abused their relative power, and has lost immense stature at least in my opinion and in my eyes.

1 year ago

We never seem to remember the facts: That as a “citizen” you are just an entity/artificial person” to them. The ‘hospital” is a Corporation, will never care about you unless you are important to them.
Whe will we ever learn ? As a citizen you are just a Slave.

1 year ago

I did buy a rather large bottle of aspirin the moment the MSM started criticizing aspirin as a treatment for Covid.

I do take the baby aspirin, 62mg, one forth the normal 250mg pill. Yes, those little chest pains went away. (yes I see a doctor, but she is a covidian ass.)

Since the medical establishment has abandond us, we need to do everything possible to abandon them. The modern medical establishment treats symptoms. They are extraordinarily bad at resolving to root cause with diet and vitamin/mineral supplements. There is no profit for big pharma to do that. (Clue: Some big pharma drugs work. I took a one month sequence of one drug and a decades old fungus infection when away, permanently. Good drug. It they want you to take a drug forever, Bad drug, not treating the cause.)

Within one week of Fauci frowning at Trump for mentioning HCQ, I was taking a different available ionophore for zinc, quercetin. A natural substance found in red onions, green tea, and other foods Everyday I now take vitamins D, K2, C, quercetin, zinc, and NAC.

I was exposed to the original Covid19 after 9 months of taking zinc and quercetin. I had one symptom. I woke up from an incredible fever sweat. I was wet and the sheets were soaked. I dried off and found a dry spot and went back to sleep. I have not had so much as a sniffle since starting with the daily zinc and quercetin. Just that one fever sweat.

My friend found that quercetin effectively treats his blood sugar problem. He is pre-diabetic and measures blood sugar daily. He had to drop a more dangerous prescription drug to keep his blood sugar from dropping too low. We are now running another experiment. He had a very large family and now is blessed with very many grandchildren. They visit with all of the colds and flu’s little kids spread around. A week ago his wife spent a day in bed with the flu. He was exposed to the same little kids and certainly to his wife. He has not been sick. He has not caught any cold of flu from all of those grandchildren. We both credit zinc/quercitin for that.

Vitamin D will cause more calcium to circulate in the blood. There are vitamin D and K2 blends that will make sure that the calcium ends up in the bones where it is needed rather than causing calcification (hardening) of the arteries.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  GaryP
1 year ago

Gary, since you say “I did buy a rather large bottle of aspirin” I presume you are not a UK resident. Years ago I used to buy bottles of 100 aspirin tablets but then our nanny state imposed a limit on the number we could buy at one time – 32 tablets. Shops here will not let us buy more than that. They would be fined if they did. It is easily dealt with, I buy them often enough to keep a stock at home, but it makes them more expensive than buying in larger quantities.

1 year ago

when does hunting season begin?

1 year ago

[…] Read more: How I hope to survive the NHS’s latest attempt to kill me […]

1 year ago

[…] Read more: How I hope to survive the NHS’s latest attempt to kill me […]

1 year ago

[…] By Dr. Vernon Coleman […]

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
1 year ago

Richard Noakes is a lucky chap. He is allowed to post very long comments.

1 year ago

Nattokinase will also degrade fibrin, unlike aspirin. Whilst the enzyme supplements can be pricey, natto itself is not. Can buy an organic natto starter kit, and make own.

1 year ago

Does this site ever get concerned with providing actual citations for assertions made? I truly want to take this seriously but with no source link how can anyone?

Here’s the NHS webpagee on heart attacks:

“A heart attack is a medical emergency. Call 999 and ask for an ambulance if you suspect a heart attack.”

So where is this supposed downgrading to a headache and call your GP?

Please could we have a citation?

Vic Anderson
Vic Anderson
1 year ago

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