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Governments push pharmaceuticals as magic bullets while gaslighting natural products

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The forces of the natural world remain in ultimate charge. The air, water, sunlight, soil and plants on which we rely are the ultimate sources of our health and will remain so.  Yet governments ignore natural products and natural processes, such as natural immunity, and aggressively push Big Pharma products.  Why?

Medical systems around the world have become monolithic structures dominated by the wide reach of pharmaceutical company money and involves a carefully curated web of mutual interest. Corporate media in the internet age relies on new sources of funding which include incentives designed to influence content. Media funding comes from corporate bodies, including pharmaceutical companies, and government support. Governments rely on the support of corporate media to get elected. The income of medical professionals relies on big pharma incentives and government funding. And governments feel obliged to support the commercial requirements of investors in biotech and big pharma. They are all looking towards each other but away from the obvious truth.

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What should a real preventive health system look like?

By Dr. Guy Hatchard

A report in The Sunday Times newspaper entitled ‘Moderna to build £150m vaccine centre in UK after NHS deal’ records the misplaced enthusiasm of UK Health Secretary Steve Barclay for a failed system:

Moderna’s new innovation and technology centre means NHS patients will have access to cutting-edge mRNA vaccines to fight against future variants of covid, as well as other respiratory viruses.

The deal follows lobbying by the pharmaceutical industry to avoid a levy on their revenues instituted to control NHS spending on drugs. The sector has warned that the voluntary scheme for branded medicines pricing and access could deter companies from investing in the UK. Accordingly, the Moderna deal includes a “guaranteed purchase clause.”

In other words, the Moderna deal appears to guarantee that the UK government will buy future Moderna mRNA vaccines come what may. It will also bypass regulations designed to control the excessive profits of pharmaceutical companies. The deal is expected to be followed by another with BioNTech (a partner of Pfizer). 

The article makes no mention of the excessive rate of adverse effects and fatalities associated with Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. It is as if the UK government has determined these high rates of medical injury are acceptable and will have to continue regardless—a blank cheque for risky biotechnology medicine.

This is not an isolated incident. Drugs with high rates of side effects are gaining not only approval but positive encouragement from governments and/or the media. An article in the New York PostHollywood weight-loss drugs could trigger deadly side effect, researchers claim’ reports a new study of approved weight loss drugs Ozempic and Wegovy used to treat clinical obesity and type 2 diabetes.

According to the study entitled ‘A potentially serious adverse effect of GLP-1 receptor agonists’: 

Long-term adverse events such as increased risk of intestinal obstruction have been reported in diabetic patients, which is 4.5 times higher than those receiving other glucose control medications.

The study monitored disturbing restrictive changes in the intestinal structure of rats taking the drugs. The authors concluded:

Since intestinal obstruction is a fatal condition that requires surgery, clinicians should be aware that the emergence of chronic adverse events of GLP-1RAs may involve the small intestine. If the underlying cause of which remains unknown, erroneous inferences will likely be drawn. This is of particular importance as the use of GLP-1RAs [Ozempic and Wegovy] in treating multiple disorders is expanding tremendously.

In recent months, injections of the weight-loss drug have been taking over Hollywood, as many stars have admitted to taking it at one point or another, including comedian Chelsea Handler, who claimed that she “didn’t know” she was taking Ozempic. She alleged that her doctor just “hands it out” to anyone.

Confirming the laissez-faire about adverse effects, independent medical experts (???) consulted by the New York Post offered the reassuring opinion “the medication should be safe for most.” In other words, casualties are inevitable but apparently unimportant in the push to roll out new profitable drugs which might help you look like a slim Hollywood star (in a coffin).

I can’t help but think of the recent tragic earthquake in southern Turkey. Some of the buildings that collapsed were very modern and designed to withstand shocks. Reportedly in a number of buildings, columns essential to structural integrity had been illegally removed to create large open spaces for retail and other projects. The foundations should never have been tampered with. Those doing so, had no knowledge of structural engineering and the implications for building stability, just as our politicians have no knowledge of biotechnology safety or scope.

Genetic structure and its expressed biochemistry form the essential foundational basis of our enormously complex physiological system. Yet modern medicine has come to be reframed in terms of tinkering with these foundational genetic principles, seemingly unconcerned that this is known in documented cases to lead to mutagenic physiological instability – total system collapse which is all too often fatal.

As researchers look deeper into physiology, biochemistry and genetics, they seem to have missed the point that there are actually very effective safe simple natural strategies to prevent or alleviate a wide range of illnesses. Strategies which don’t cost a lot and can be rolled out through public education offered through the mass media, doctor’s surgeries, and classrooms, as well as legislative and taxation options such as those used to control smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. 

I have discussed many of these issues and offered solutions in my book ‘Your DNA Diet’. Ultra-processed foods are unhealthy, fresh foods are incredibly beneficial. The same is true of a sedentary lifestyle versus regular exercise. Sufficient rest, routine, a lighter natural diet with more variety, enough fluids … The list might appear to be a long one but very easy to follow once a few essential principles are grasped. No great expertise is required on the part of individuals, but if the government remains intent on pushing pharmaceutical magic bullets as the gold standard of prevention, little progress will be made among the general public.

There is a tendency among the public to lump all medical endeavours together under the “miracle” banner. However, safety and effectiveness are not uniform. Heart surgery, transplants, and hip replacements for example are truly miraculous surgical fixes for conditions that in bygone days were automatic death sentences. But remember that more than 50% of the population now suffer from chronic health conditions for which there is no pharmaceutical cure, merely palliative pain relief and all the addictive problems this entails (well-illustrated by the opioid addiction epidemic). Many of these problems such as diabetes and other inflammatory illnesses are known to be effectively addressed by natural options. Options that do not figure in current professional medical education.

The potential profits involved in biotech medicine are mouth-watering for big pharma. The government seems to have swallowed the bitter pill on offer. They are gladly handing over billions for overhyped biotech research when the early research outcomes haven’t worked and aren’t safe. We have been guinea pigs in a failed experiment. In fact, even just doing nothing might have produced a better pandemic outcome for the government. NBC News reports a study has found “immunity acquired from a covid infection is as protective as vaccination against severe illness and death.”

Let us just replay that: trillions of dollars have been spent and lost globally (estimates vary up to $114 trillion, more than the world’s total annual GDP), money that you and I will struggle to repay for decades in increased taxes and a reduced standard of living. After millions of lives lost, we might have been better off trusting our natural immunity to pull us through, along with a few simple lifestyle and dietary adjustments. Just remember that the New Zealand government officially labelled “natural immunity” a conspiracy theory (yes, they did). Idiots.

Historically New Zealand has been a leader in public health provision. The 1938 Social Security Act provided government-funded healthcare for all, ten years ahead of the formation of the NHS in the UK. But whether there is funded public health provision or not, medical systems around the world have become monolithic structures dominated by the wide reach of pharmaceutical company dollars. The profit-orientated structure of healthcare and regulation has dictated that this is the case everywhere. Governments could have distanced themselves, but they have chosen not to do so and instead fallen into the trap. As is the case with the latest Moderna UK deal, clever lobbying and financial arrangements have placed blinkers on health policy (the US version of the UK deal: NIAID funds gain of function research at Wuhan, Moderna rewards NIAID with $400 million).

This involves a carefully curated web of mutual interest. Pharmaceutical interests have been controlling these since the start of government-funded healthcare and large-scale integrated health systems such as those in the USA. Media in the internet age relies on new sources of funding which include incentives designed to influence content. These can come from corporate bodies including pharmaceutical companies. They can also come in the form of direct government support as happened in New Zealand and elsewhere. Governments rely on the support of the media to get elected. The income of medical professionals relies on big pharma incentives and government funding. Finally, governments feel obliged to support the commercial imperatives of investors in biotech and big pharma. They are all looking towards each other but away from the obvious truth.

There is no doubt that the term “blinkered” is the right descriptor to use. Blinkers that now only allow for a biotech road ahead, a cul de sac which inevitably ends with the destruction of health. Moreover, the commercial arrangements that have come to dominate healthcare are self-destructive on an industrial scale. The casualties are starting to mount beyond millions and growing. The instigators are systematically destroying their own interests and their own health. Every day we read reports of sudden and unexpected death among all ages, but the government and media maintain near-total silence about the causes. At this stage, the end result is not in doubt.

How we face this future might be up to us, but the window allowing medical choice is being firmly closed. The practices involved are monopolistic, the pandemic has brought us face-to-face with legislation and international agreements designed to restrict or outlaw alternative approaches and even punish those exercising the right to choose. These are particularly the result of efforts by the pharmaceutical industry to control regulatory structures at the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (“ICMRA”) and the World Health Organisation. The consequent loss of national sovereignty has involved the ultimate betrayal of the duty of care that governments owe to their people. By this very act, politicians have lost their legitimacy and any moral right to dictate healthcare funding and policy. Governments, health czars, and the media have failed to protect us. 

Negotiating this minefield is complex and challenging, we have to step back and look at the big picture in a way that governments seem unable to comprehend. The forces of the natural world remain in ultimate charge. The air, water, sunlight, soil and plants on which we rely are the ultimate sources of our health and will remain so. They need to be honoured and utilised. It will take all of our intelligence to continue to do so, but ultimately there is no other way.

About the Author

Guy Hatchard, PhD, was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food testing and safety company (now known as FoodChain ID). You can subscribe to his websites and GLOBE.GLOBAL for regular updates by email. GLOBE.GLOBAL is a website dedicated to providing information about the dangers of biotechnology.

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Gerard Reynolds-Sloan
Gerard Reynolds-Sloan
1 year ago

Hi everything we need for the body is on the earth -nobody needs any form of medicine -Holistic therapies are the way forward.Much love .

Basic Instinct
Basic Instinct
Reply to  Gerard Reynolds-Sloan
1 year ago

Indeed. Structured water boosted by the sun, it’s like a software update. We didn’t understand why our cats would choose a poodle boosted by the sun to any other water source. They still have good instinct and totally ignorant about MSM and ‘science’.

1 year ago

This place is so heavily censored it beggars belief. If Rhoda disagrees, then she can maybe fish out my last comment in the series of similar comments that all failed to post.

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
1 year ago

It’s no rush Rhoda. When you have a minute.

Why I’m not being truthful? Is it because I said that this place is heavily censored? I’m not saying that you are personally censoring but this site seems to have a very wide filter for picking up suspect phrases and mark them as spam. I don’t know, was it built on a platform or its hosting site is managed by the Silicon Valley comp or something?

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
1 year ago

Rhoda, I have to point out the fact that you have time to reply twice but no time to fish out a comment. It’s no point publishing when the article is buried at the bottom of your page. I’m not that stupid or naive as the two readers who downvoted me haha

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
1 year ago

That’s impossible Rhoda. I have posted the same comment about 10 times in this very article and another time the same comment in your latest article, just changing a word or two not to have a duplicate. They must be all there.

Reply to  Names
1 year ago

Let me try this

Nano particles and technology as military mind control neuroweapons

Reply to  Names
1 year ago

Dr James Giordano is a chief of the Neuroethics Studies Program and scholar-in-residence in the Pellegrino Center for Clinical Bioethics at Georgetown University speaks to cadets at West Point Military Academy about how advancements in neuroscience and neurotechnology will impact the future of war. 

Reply to  Names
1 year ago

OK, it’s the link to Bitchute

Reply to  Names
1 year ago

https:// www bitchute com/video/KyzAYE4Fto5H/

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Names
1 year ago

Vaccines Are Being Used As Bio Weapons – SHORT VERSION. Excludes 1 hour clip from “Died Suddenly.” (this is an old video but necessary to revisit because it is so Important! (107
Posted By: CrystalRiver
Date: Friday, 10-Mar-2023 21:39:11

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Names
1 year ago

Hi Names,
I did have a similar problem a few days ago.
To overcome it, I moved back a couple of days, worked ok then.
Had a similar problem when making a donation, all the writing changed to Russian, Just did the same, moved back a day or so.

kerry masson-taylor
kerry masson-taylor
1 year ago

The hydra headed monster that Big Pharma has become is, from my somewhat limited understanding, partly from our own making. We used to have GP’s with common sense and a listening ear, now all is changed, there is no time, but why? Surely with better sanitation, food, living conditions many diseases would slowly disappear, which in part, they have. Unfortunately new illnesses have emerged and these are now dealt with pills and more pills – absolutely no common sense – the latest obesity jab is a case in point. Nobody knows what sort of long term impact this will have although it will make huge profits. Drs are fed drugs from pharma reps, there is no money in listening to patients and they have no time. A gentle discussion regarding their lifestyle and diet and whether they would benefit from a change is not in the offing.
I fear that we are moving more and more to a “it’s not fair, it’s not my fault, I can’t help it” society.
Take responsibility for your actions, regain your own life and realise that there is no “cure all” pill.

Basic Instinct
Basic Instinct
1 year ago

The air, water, sunlight, soil and plants’

Why did you forget to mention animals? Agenda or what?

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
1 year ago

Hi Rhoda Wilson,
Thank you for bringing your observation about trolls to our attention.
It may be Brigade 77, that we pay for in the UK.
Keep up your good work.

1 year ago

[…] Governments push pharmaceuticals as magic bullets while gaslighting natural products […]

1 year ago

[…] apply to recreational drug use which has become rampant and deadly. However, it may reference big pharma control of the health industry. Despite the avalanche of data on the utter failure of mRNA faux covid vaccines, which are really […]