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Documentary: Unsustainable – The UN’s Agenda for World Domination

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Globalists in the power elite – working through the United Nations – are waging war against property rights, gun rights and capitalism to usher in a Marxist World Order. This war is known as “Agenda 21.”

Considered a “conspiracy theory” by the corporate media and other apologists of globalisation, the flagship term for Agenda 21 – ”sustainable development” – crops up in thousands of federal, state and local government laws, regulations, policies and documents. So, is Agenda 21 really just a “theory”?

The UN says “sustainable development” is simply the “environmental movement” reconfiguring the planet into a safe, green world. Others maintain it is forced inventory and control of all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, building projects and human beings on the planet. In other words, a blueprint for what many fear could morph into a totalitarian world government. So, what’s the real agenda behind Agenda 21?

We published an article in September 2021 titled ‘Building an Empire – The United Nations Using the World Economic Forum to Roll Out Its Agenda’ which incorporated this documentary, however, we feel it is a film worth highlighting again for those who may have missed it or would like to re-watch it.

A James Jaeger Film: Unsustainable – The UN’s Agenda for World Domination, 9 June 2020 (150 mins)

If you are unable to view the video above on Rumble, you can watch it on YouTube HERE, Odysee HERE or Wide Awake Media HERE.  Alternatively, you can watch excerpts HERE.

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11 months ago

When they say “SAFE”; they speak of EVIL FEELING SAFE following 250 years of TERROR/PARANOIA after the world’s PEOPLE rose-up to overtake them and to murder them following the endless starvation, exposure, disease, ignorance, poverty, rape, murder, and SLAVERY evil defined serfdom and peasantry…Enacted onto them throughout all time. ‘The People’ REMEMBER being treated as THEIR OWNED ‘Human Herd’ and KNOW evil REMAINS DELUSIONAL TO BELIEVE ‘The People’ to continue to be ‘THEIR HUMAN HERD.’

When they say “GREEN”, it is about MONEY AND GREED related to ‘OWNING EVERYTHING’ as they did throughout all time UNTIL the United States changed all of that and developed a concept known as ‘The American Dream’ where ‘The People’ could work and purchase property to produce their own food without a Master to steal all the wealth and benefits without doing any work.

DEMONS WORK HARD TO KEEP THOSE THEY INFECT VERY, VERY CALM…And, though evil needs no reason to perpetrate itself; it’s especially cruel now following 250 years of God’s People causing their SUBJECTS TO FEEL AS HUMANS FEEL. So now, with all the technology kept secret as it was developed from Nazi Germany and Japan providing the means of Absolute Control and Global Slavery…They PLAN TO HUMILIATE, SLOWLY MURDER WHILE VICTIMS KNOW THEY ARE BEING MURDERED, AND LAUGH IN THE FACE OF THE MISERY IN THEIR SLAVES KNOWING THERE IS NOTHING TO DO.


Tony Ryan
Tony Ryan
11 months ago

Heres my take on the movie Unsustainable:

I watched it for twenty minutes, which is as much as I could take. If you want to sit through a movie that tells you the US is the commmunity upon which world government should be modeled, go for your life.

My guess is that the central intent is that if there is to be a world government, it should be American and not the globalist world elite that is overtaking the US. In other words, just stick with the American World Empire folks and everything will be OK.

The bit that almost choked me was the assurance that the US almost never vetoes Security Council motions and resolutions. In fact, the US always vetoes anything considered to be against its corporate or military interests, including condemnation for pounding dozens of countries into oblivion for the crime of wanting national sovereignty.

The US launched a successful coup of my country on 11 November 1975, the overthrow of the democratically elected Whitlam Government of Australia. Since then, it has occupied governent, taken ownership of all but seven poiticians, and in my region alone, the Northern Territory, has installed eight military bases, including a missile launching site that will undoubtedly attract Chinese relatiatory or even premptive missile strikes.

These strikes will vaporise US solid fuels stored therein, along with warheads, sending a cloud of dense chlorine and heavy metals across the Gove Peninsula killing up to 4000 residents of Nhulunbuy, and up to ten thousand Aborigines who have lived peaceably here for 20,000 years.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not taking sides. I want an end to any global empires; US or UN. But here is the punchline. This movie is based on the Lever Bros principle…a choice between Tweedledum and Tweedledee.

How so? Because the architect of the UN was none other than Nelson Rockefeller, which is why the HQ building is on Rockefeller land in New York. So, in fact, you are to be fatally preoccupied with a choice of two US World Empires; which is, of course, no choice at all.

11 months ago

We all knew when Bill Gates was buying up the farm land that this was the sign of the end for us. The monopoly, the Dictatorship, was becoming the land-grab and as G Edward Griffin in the documentary says ‘They are Predators…. They want us as Slaves, they have no compassion. The 3% at the top of the UN are psychopaths and they want to make sure their passions for cruelty are satisfied.’
I must be honest, I am really scared.
We are seeing all this. We, here, are understanding it. But we have made no headway against them. We point it out, talk about it, but it carries on.
My own family in the UK in the 18th and 19th and early 20th Centuries owned land. They had to work extremely hard, but they provided jobs, they fed people during war, the history goes back centuries further and demonstrates how, by having stability, albeit requiring hard work, they were able to support the local poor and even the King when he was in the region many centuries past, supplying meat for his table as well as caring for his specialised entertainment and were recognised for taking in [paraphrase] ‘girls in distress and fatherless/abandoned babies’! . My father was the last to work this land and saw his father lose the last piece of it. Illness, taxes, the land sliced up to provide for large families, but mainly taxation took away their stability and ability to provide not just for their family but for many others and lift many out of poverty.
Communism does not work.
Extreme Socialism does not work.
People need to work themselves into personal autonomy and ownership of their homes and property. Dignity begins here.
It’s lovely to see Rosa Koire. But just brings home the helplessness of remembering she died and her work has not gone much further forward. The plans to accuse us of causing climate change, make us stop producing carbon and force us into high density ghettos strides forward irrevocably.
Gathering up many people, all piled up and crammed together in estates, communes, ghettos, in cramped and airless flats for the poor slaves to be kept under control in one place, …. we have already seen the problems that grow from the big estates, in London for example. The idea does not work and people are not happy there. Even zoos give better accommodation for each type of animal! Heaped up in high rise flats with no access to the countryside is not how human beings are meant to live. People lose hope.

Reply to  truthshouldnothurt
11 months ago

You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it.

Reply to  Rikkard
11 months ago

True, but Self Defense & the defense of your family & society id a Universal right of all creatures & you are obligated to use it when threatened. You can still maintain your high frequency This is not an ‘either or’ choice.

Reply to  Greeboz6
11 months ago

You can’t expect from someone who is scared to be defending his family and society. They need to de-programme first, become courageous and only then they can understand the obligation to defend themselves and their family.

11 months ago

To see how all this unfolds you have to get the novel ‘DARK DAYS OF THE 22ND CENTURY’.

It extrapolates what we already know of the plans by the global elite.

11 months ago

[…] Documentary: Unsustainable – The UN’s Agenda for World Domination. LINK […]



11 months ago

Rosa Koire

11 months ago

I wrote a paper years ago in College that the Elite were planning to take this country back to a Feudal system, where the small group of Elite own everything and we become the new “tenant farmers of old.” all the while eliminating a large amount of people in the middle class, both political parties. The Vaccine has been the biggest leap that will do that. They hated the creation of the middle class in the 1700s and they will get rid of it. We are just getting back to the feudal system that existed for years….

11 months ago

UNSUSTAINABLE The only thing unsustainable in this scenario is the UN. Disband it now.

11 months ago

[…] Documentary: Unsustainable – The UN’s Agenda for World Domination […]

11 months ago

And convincing the public of each new manufactured calamity is the road to unlimited wealth for those lacking morals or integrity. Covid, climate, and especially war. Ukraine is just the latest iteration of another gold-rush for war profiteers like Joe Bribem and the climate grifters who promise to to turn Ukraine into a fabulous eco-friendly land of unlimited opportunity for all (Except the 250,000 Ukrainians killed so far). But victory is just around the corner they keep telling the naive. Another $100,000,000. That will do the trick.

11 months ago

I have done alot of research myself on the sdgs for the last 6 years.the sdgs have been accelerated by the UN/WEF whom partnered together in June 2019 to strategically accelerate agenda 2030 and by early 2020 they were already using covid as a reason and now have gone onto climate.this time they are succeeding in their goals.its truly mind boggling what is happening and most can’t even comprehend that it us actual happening full force.i could write a book at thus point.unless the majority of people stand up and say NO.the paris climate accord goes hand in hand with the sdgs but it’s more specific for the climate part of the sdgs.they dress up their words to make it ßound oh so nice but it’s anything cities/15 minute cities are all part of it.the big problem this time is technology is huge and is becoming more of a problem technology is being used as a weapon.we must fight also against digital currency,digital ID any type of social credit score system(think carbon footprint) educate yourself on the sdgs. The more you research the more it will all become clear what is happening right now.everything is by design.the parasites have banned and plotted for years costing to your mp’s local qnd otherwise and just say NO not matter how they try to sell it to you.

Reply to  Ellen
10 months ago

what is “sdgs”? thx

10 months ago

[…] WILSON ON JUNE 11, 2023 • ( 12 […]

10 months ago

[…] Documentary: UN’s Agenda for World Domination. Globalists in the power elite, working through the UN, are waging war against property rights, gun rights and capitalism to usher in a Marxist World Order. […]