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George Bernard Shaw, the Fabian Society and a ‘Brave New World’

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There are over 7,000 members of the Fabian Society. It boasts being “the future of the left since 1884.” Members past and present include Tony Blair, Ed Miliband, Keir Starmer and Sadiq Khan.  Khan, who is not only London’s mayor but also the chair of C40 Cities, served as chair of the Fabian Society in 2008-10.

The Fabian Society’s website states that it has been affiliated with the Labour Party throughout the party’s history and is the only original founder that “remains affiliated in unchanged form.”

After Tony Blair’s landslide victory in 1997, over 200 Fabians sat in the House of Commons, including many of the cabinet.  After the 2015 election and the election of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader the role of the society as a pluralist, non-factional forum within the Labour movement came to the fore.  Labour’s defeat at the 2019 election saw the party turn back towards its Fabian roots. 

So, what are the Fabian Society’s roots?

It was established in 1884 by a coterie of British eugenicists and Malthusians to promote a new social order designed to mould society into a new, mechanised order run by a managerial elite of “social scientists” from the top down.

Among its early members was George Bernard Shaw who became the leading spirit of the Society.  Shaw also advocated for the killing of those who could not justify their existence to a “properly appointed board” – a similar albeit darker vision of the social credit system our rights and freedoms are threatened with today.

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Fabian Socialists are Statist, they are absolutely authoritarian in their philosophy, Avangelista wrote. Their long-term goal has always been a socialist dictatorship with the imposition of a legalistic society where the individual is simply a part of the collective.

The idea of social justice is the biggest selling point and perhaps the easiest to peddle to the people. To give a recent example, in her 2018 book ‘Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism’, Kristen Ghodsee freely quotes from the works of Fabian socialist George Bernard Shaw to bolster her argument that capitalism is inherently sexist. Based on Shaw’s analysis, Ghodsee concludes that capitalism makes slaves out of women who, under socialism, would supposedly be happy and free.

The Fabian plan for a gradual socialist revolution was as definitive as it possibly could be, to say it has been a conspiracy is simplistic in the extreme. It instituted a widespread educational program for its leadership and its minions, as time progressed, it opened schools, such as the London School of Economics, and the New School of Social Research.

One stroke of genius was that instead of advocating a Socialist State, they assisted in the implementation of the Welfare State which is merely a few steps away from a purely Socialistic State. 

In 1942, Stuart Chase, in his book ‘The Road We Are Traveling’, spelt out the system the Fabians had in mind:

  • Strong, centralised government.
  • Powerful Executive at the expense of Parliaments or Congress and the Judicial.
  • Government-controlled banking, credit and securities exchange.
  • Government control over employment.
  • Unemployment insurance, old age pensions.
  • Universal medical care, food and housing programs.
  • Access to unlimited government borrowing.
  • A managed monetary system.
  • Government control over foreign trade.
  • Government control over natural energy sources, transportation and agricultural production.
  • Government regulation of labour.
  • Youth camps devoted to health discipline, community service and ideological teaching consistent with those of the authorities.
  • Heavy progressive taxation.

Read more: A Fabian Socialist Dream Come True, Avangelista, 6 September 2012

An example of the Fabian ideology that we are currently facing is a digital currency coupled with a digital identity that will apportion rewards based on your value to society.  This is essentially an extension of the Fabian mindset into the world of financial transactions and monetary evaluations.  Fabians believed that some form of socioeconomic tribunal would be needed in order for each citizen to be quantified according to their “worth” to society.  The Chinese social credit score is a variant of that same concept.

This is the stained-glass window from the Beatrice Webb House in Surrey, England, former headquarters of the Fabian Society.  “It was designed by George Bernard Shaw and depicts Sidney Webb and Shaw striking the Earth with hammers to “REMOULD IT NEARER TO THE HEART’S DESIRE,” a line from Omar Khayyam. Note the wolf in sheep’s clothing in the Fabian crest above the globe. Source: A Fabian Socialist Dream Come True  In 2006, the Fabian window was installed in a library at LSE and unveiled by Tony Blair.  Source: Hammering out a new world – the Fabian Window at LSE

The Fabians wanted to fulfil the goal of a New World Order of the Hermetics, but they believed that people would change with reforms, not a revolution as Marx had claimed. In fact, as they wanted to establish socialism under capital control, they aimed to impose socialism not only on the working class but also on the capitalists. To achieve this goal of changing society, they would advise governments, especially in the field of education, and change society through them.

Read more: Fabian Society: Roots, theory and practice of socialist think tank, Daily Sabah, 4 February 2022

It is said that if the Fabians had a more famous dystopia than ‘Brave New World’, it was George Orwell’s ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ or ‘1984’.  Thirty years after writing his 1932 book ‘Brave New World’, Aldous Huxley gave a speech at Berkeley which some say is an admission by Huxley that Brave New World was a blueprint rather than merely a fictional novel.  This idea seems to be supported by a letter Huxley sent to Orwell in 1949 in conjunction with the purpose for which Huxley was in America.

Brave New World depicted a society characterised by medicated contentment, a widely accepted, eugenics-supported caste system and a government-enforced obsession with consumerism. 1984 depicts a state where daring to think differently is rewarded with torture, where people are monitored every second of the day, and where party propaganda trumps free speech and thought.

Huxley’s letter to Orwell stated:

The philosophy of the ruling minority in Nineteen Eighty-Four is a sadism which has been carried to its logical conclusion by going beyond sex and denying it.

Whether in actual fact the policy of the boot-on-the-face can go on indefinitely seems doubtful.

My own belief is that the ruling oligarchy will find less arduous and wasteful ways of governing and of satisfying its lust for power, and these ways will resemble those which I described in Brave New World.

Huxley was not positing whether 1984 or Brave New World would happen, he was arguing which of the two forms the future scientific dictatorship would take.  He reiterated this message in his 1962 Berkeley Speech.

Huxley’s move from the UK to America was not happenstance.  According to Marilyn Ferguson in her book ‘The Aquarian Conspiracy’, in the 1930s Huxley was sent to the US by the British government “as the case officer for an operation to prepare the United States for the mass dissemination of drugs … In effect, Huxley and [others] laid the foundations during the late 1930s and the 1940s for the later LSD culture.” Over the years Huxley was involved in dubious activities including the use of LSD to “brainwash influential people” and being in contact with the president of Sandoz, who was fulfilling a CIA contract for MK-Ultra, consisting of large quantities of LSD.

Further resources:

George Bernard Shaw, Fabians and Eugenics

What is tricky about eugenics for those who like to call themselves progressives, is that most of its adherents came from the political left.

In 2019, The Guardian published an article that the great founding fathers of British socialism had dreams almost as vile as those of the Nazis. Eugenics, The Guardian stated, is the dirty little secret of the British left. The names of the first champions read like a roll call of British socialism’s best and brightest: Sidney and Beatrice Webb, George Bernard Shaw, Harold Laski, John Maynard Keynes, Marie Stopes, the New Statesman and the Manchester Guardian.

Many on the left of politics signed up for the Eugenics Society, which in the 1930s rivalled the Fabians as the fashionable salon of London socialism. HG Wells could not contain his enthusiasm, hailing eugenics as the first step toward the removal “of detrimental types and characteristics” and the “fostering of desirable types” in their place.

Further reading: Eugenics: the skeleton that rattles loudest in the left’s closet, The Guardian, 17 February 2012

Eugenics wasn’t the only distasteful society that some of these socialists belonged to.  Many were also members of the Fabian Society.  Both Wells and Shaw were Fabians who disdained the raggedness of the working class and sought in eugenics a means to attain socialism through gradualist reforms while supporting British imperialism. They were forerunners to the contemporary Labour Party.

George Bernard Shaw (26 July 1856 – 2 November 1950), known at his insistence simply as Bernard Shaw, was an Irish playwright, critic, polemicist and political activist. His influence on Western theatre, culture and politics extended from the 1880s to his death and beyond. He wrote more than sixty plays. With a range incorporating both contemporary satire and historical allegory, Shaw became the leading dramatist of his generation and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

He belonged to the Protestant “ascendancy”– the landed Irish gentry. In the 1880s, Shaw became a vegetarian, a socialist, a spellbinding orator, a polemicist, a playwright and a Fabian.

In 1884 he became the leading spirit of the Fabian Society and the force behind the newly founded Society.  Shaw involved himself in every aspect of its activities, most visibly as editor of one of the classics of British socialism, Fabian Essays in Socialism (1889), to which he also contributed two sections.

Shaw not only passionately hated liberty but for decades he was a staunch proponent of genocide, refusing to soften his views even after the full horror of the Nazi death camps during World War II was brought to light.  While many have forgotten Shaw’s views, many others have brushed off his statements as mere “satire.”

Further reading:  The Real George Bernard Shaw – Fabian Socialist and Hitlerian Advocate of Mass Murder

In a 1931 newsreel, Shaw advocated for the state to murder people who can’t justify their value to the state, and thus, their right to live.  This clip is included at the end of a video compilation of statements made by Shaw which you can watch HERE.

It was also included in a 2010 special edition of the Glenn Beck programme on Fox News titled ‘The Revolutionary Holocaust: Live Free or Die’.  To give the clip some context you can watch the Glenn Beck programme HERE or uploaded in parts HERE and read the transcript HERE.  In the lead-up to the 1931 newsreel clip, Beck said:

The fathers of communism, Marx, and Engels, believed that societies would evolve from capitalism to socialism. But they acknowledged that there were still what they called primitive societies that hadn’t even evolved into capitalists yet. They called them racial trash.

As the revolution happens, the classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way. There was only one thing left for those too far behind in the process of societal evolution. “The chief mission of all other races and peoples, large and small, is to perish in the revolutionary holocaust.”

Up until the horrors of Hitler, prominent socialist supporters discuss these ideas out in the open. Nobel Prize winner, Fabian socialist and prominent Soviet supporter, George Bernard Shaw … And this was actually somewhat subtle for Shaw.

The Revolutionary Holocaust: Live Free or Die, Glenn Beck, Fox News, 22 January 2010

In the 1931 newsreel, speaking about capital punishment, Shaw quickly turned to his eugenic viewpoint:

“There’s an extraordinary number of people whom I want to kill … It must be evident to all of you, you must all know half a dozen people at least, who are no use in this world.

“And I think it would be a good thing to make everybody come before a properly appointed board just as he might come before the income tax commissioners and say every 5 years or every 7 years, just put them there, and say, sir or madam, now will you be kind enough to justify your existence?

“If you can’t justify your existence; if you’re not pulling your weight in the social boat; if you are not producing as much as you consume or perhaps a little more, then clearly we cannot use the big organisation of our society for the purpose of keeping you alive, because your life does not benefit us, and it can’t be of very much use to yourself.”

“George Bernard Shaw reopens capital punishment controversy,” 5 March 1931 (1 min)

His words are not satire.  In a 1948 article on capital punishment, Shaw wrote:

There is a considerable class of persons who become criminals because they cannot fend for themselves, but who under tutelage, superintendence, and provided sustenance are self-supporting and even profitable citizens … Reorganise their lives for them; and do not prate foolishly about their liberty … it may be asked whether they are to be allowed not only to read the newspapers but also to marry and breed … the ungovernables, the ferocious, the conscienceless, the idiots, the self-centred myops and morons, what of them? Do not punish them. Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill them.

Capital Punishment, George Bernard Shaw, June 1948

And in the preface of his play ‘On the Rocks’, Shaw wrote:

Extermination must be put on a scientific basis if it is ever to be carried out humanely and apologetically as well as thoroughly … That killing is a necessity is beyond question by any thoughtful person … what we are confronted with now is a growing perception that if we desire a certain type of civilization and culture we must exterminate the sort of people who do not fit into it.

On the Rocks, Preface, George Bernard Shaw, 1932

Featured image: Eugenics, George Bernard Shaw and the need for a dramatic reckoning (left), Fabian Society coat of arms, a wolf in sheep’s clothing (right)

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Brin Jenkins
Brin Jenkins
10 months ago

A subversive group that should be made illegal.

Reply to  Brin Jenkins
10 months ago

It’s amazing how everyone goes on about rights and freedom, and then when someone comes along that has a different opinion to them, they want to make their very existence illegal. “Subversive” means someone who wants to bring about change, The opposite is someone who wants things to stay the way they are. Ergo, you must want things to stay the way they are. Are you woke? Anyone who wants freedom wants, by definition, to be free of the other humans telling them how to live their lives. Good luck with that. Anyone that talks about rights is, by definition, already a slave to other humans, otherwise why are they trying to claw back “rights”? If you allow any human to have any power over you in any way, they’ll use that power to abuse you. When that power is forced over you, you have fascism. The western world is therefore a fascist regime that enslaves all that it touches. And the eastern regime is an exact carbon copy.
Reply to  912
10 months ago

Fascism is nationalist. The West is anti-nation, anti-White.

jim peden
jim peden
Reply to  912
10 months ago

Well said, 912. Except I’d say that the West has gradually become more like China under the CCP. We have to find ways of dealing with different views that are better than classifying them as ‘disinformation’ and cancelling them.

I believe there are better ways but they will be hard to pursue.

10 months ago

That was well worth reading, thankyou.
I really had no idea just how intrinsically evil GBS was. I had him down purely as a poet and a writer, and one can forgive such an one for making what seem to be outlandish comments, for he is a fictional playwright; expected coming from such a genre, right? He doesn’t really mean it, his imagination, has gone into overtime! But, no! Just as when prince Phillip made the comment about coming back as a killer virus! These people, and their like are on a mission, and this is truly satanic!
Every single member of the Fabian Society (past and present) must be of the same mindset as GBS, they must all know what the endgame is.
The irony is that GBS was opposed to vaccinations (publicly anyway!) calling vaccination “a peculiarly filthy piece of witchcraft”! I heartily agree! But who would believe anything anyone says operating under the banner of a wolf in sheep’s clothing?

10 months ago

Don’t vote or higher these distorted people going forward
10 months ago

1944 Information Ministry Letter Proves Fake Holocaust Propaganda Promoted To Cover Up Real Bolshevik War Crimes – Christians for Truth

Camp Jasenovac Another Pathetic Jewish Holocaust Lie Unmasked

Holohoax – Treblinka : Ground Radar Examination Finds No Trace Of Mass Graves

Piles Of Corpses At Dachau And Buchenwald Were Dead German Soldiers Staged There For Propaganda Purposes

Jews Misuse Picture of German Bombing Victims to “Prove” their Fake Holocaust | National Vanguard

‘Germany Must Perish’ : The Jewish Extermination Plan
Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
10 months ago

This is what real “power and privilege” looks like.

From JTA/The Jerusalem Post, “Jewish family behind OxyContin, to pay $6B in deal against lawsuits”:

The Sackler family, the Jewish billionaires whose marketing of the painkiller drug OxyContin fueled the United States’ ongoing opioid epidemic, will receive full immunity from all civil legal claims in exchange for spending up to $6 billion on addiction treatment and prevention programs.

The decision to grant immunity by a federal appeals court panel Tuesday effectively ends the thousands of civil lawsuits that have been filed against Purdue Pharma, the Sacklers’ company, over opioid deaths.

But it clears the way for the company to declare bankruptcy, a move considered essential to a plan to pay out billions of dollars to help states and communities address the opioid crisis. Of the up to $6 billion allocated under the deal, about $750 million, will go to people who became addicted to OxyContin and to family members of people who died from overdoses.

The ruling reverses a lower court’s 2021 ruling that bankruptcy proceedings were an improper tool for shielding wealthy private citizens from legal repercussions. It does not grant members of the Sackler family immunity against possible future criminal charges.

The Sacklers made over $10 billion in profits off pushing this poison so they’ll still have churned at least some $4 billion in profits despite leaving piles of dead bodies in their wake.

This is not justice.

Sackler Family Granted Full Immunity From All Civil Legal Claims by 2nd Circuit Court in New York

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
10 months ago

I haven’t read any of the links that National Vanguard posted-but from just glancing at them I could see through his agenda. Nevertheless, I don’t believe everything we have been told from TPTB about the ‘supposed’ holocaust to be truth, and I am sure you would agree?
The OT Book of Esther teaches us in no uncertain terms that it was the purpose of Haman (through Satan) to wipe out the entire *ewish race for he knew the Saviour of the remnant *ews (and by extension-non-*ews (Gentiles))was to come through that bloodline, and thence by pulling off that masterstroke (if he could!) he would have exterminated ALL mankind! This is his ultimate goal-he cares not one whit if we be black, white, yellow, brown, red, *ew or Gentile; his purpose is to destroy us all.
Anyone who truly believes we all descended from one man cannot be intrinsically racist? Does NV believe this?
So, regarding the latter day holocaust (having personally visited Yad Vashem), I am sure many of the accounts recorded there actually happened, but all?

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Islander
10 months ago

Ron Unz has written a very thorough and very well-researched article on this topic – “Why Everything You Know About World War II Is Wrong”

Reply to  Watcher Seeker
10 months ago

Thanks for that, just had a quick look at it, looks an interesting read, read it later. Unz said 9/11 changed the way he looked at the world-it did for me too!
As for WW2 I ‘learned’ from Basil Fawlty that the Germans started the war by invading Poland! (The Germans/Fawlty Towers 1975) I kid you not! I was about14 at the time. We’ve been fed crap all our lives from the BBC/MSM! We all now know who financed Hitler and the German infrastructure-then bombed to smithereens by the west.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to
10 months ago

Ron Unz has written a very thorough and very well-researched article on this topic – “Why Everything You Know About World War II Is Wrong”

He mentions that plan to exterminate all Germans.

I believe that Ron Unz is Jewish.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
10 months ago

Hi Rhoda.

Perhaps I shouldn’t have added that comment about Unz as it seems to have distracted attention from the content of his piece, which would be a great pity. I added it because I thought it might stop any accusations of anti-Semitism in what Unz has to say.

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
10 months ago

It must be said that what passes for today’s Judaism is not biblical in any shape or form; it is totally satanic, it is Talmudic-contrary to the Scripture of Truth.
Mosaic Judaism was biblical-ordained of God in Christ, but this ceased to be biblical the very moment the veil of the temple was rent in twain. Matthew 27:51.
Now, I appreciate there be Jews, atheistic, orthodox or otherwise that would have something to say on this.
Nevertheless, the unbelieving religious Jew awaits the first Coming (so he thinks!) of Christ-this is great deception.
All Jews are Hebrews, but not all Hebrews are Jews, in the same vein, all Jews are Israelites, but not al Israelites are Jews.

10 months ago

In my first days as a Student just over 50 years ago, I had a Theology Lecturer who was so keen on George Bernard Shaw the best way to gain high marks in essays was to quote GBS in them.
Gradually, as I grew older, I learned about Fabianism, I found out GBS was a Eugenicist, that the 11+ was founded on doubtful data invented by a snobbish Cyril Burt. I could go on with the list of influential people about whom I learned shameful truths and that their rise to fame was generated by not a little arrogance.

Now I am in my seventies I realise that most people who are famous, who have power or are enjoying popularity are of dreadful character and would not do anything good to help anyone who might be down on their luck. I look forward to the end of life but cannot let go yet as I have some responsibilities.

That I hate types like GBS goes without saying. I try to let God deal with these people, but they upset me.

My father was the humblest man I knew. He had a wonderful mind and although he would not step inside the Church except for my Wedding and for funerals, he was a true Christian. He was often wronged and bore it somehow while I in agony could only look on. He never sought the limelight, never wanted to be grand or important. But he worked very hard every day of his life, for others, hard work. Snobs looked down on him but were not worthy to have an opinion of him.

The Fabians would not have let my father join, and would never have been like him. They would never have noticed that but for such as he they would not be fed.

10 months ago

“Patent number 6,754,472 states that Microsoft now owns the rights to “methods and equipment for transmitting energy and information using the human body.” The company’s statement says that the human body is just an object of intellectual property that is subject to licensing. Microsoft plans to connect the human body with electronic devices such as pagers and mobile phones.” 

We object and demand the immediate liquidation of all three offending corporations. The human body is not merely an intellectual property — and if it were, it would be an intellectual property belonging to God, not Bill Gates or the Municipal Corporations inhabiting the District of Columbia. It is a divine creation far beyond the comprehension of a creature like Bill Gates and the Microsoft Managers pursuing this grotesque invasion of physical privacy and misrepresentation of the human body in pursuit of coercive power and profit for these criminals.  

We have a better idea for a common future for humanity.  

Microsoft is liquidated for unlawful activities and so is SERCO for its failure to properly monitor operations at the US Patent and Trademark Office/USPTO to prevent the issuance of Criminal Patents and failure to prevent unjust enrichment from Criminal Patents. And as the USPTO has a long history for the last few decades of issuing criminal patents and suppressing lawful technologies, the USPTO needs to go, too, and stand forfeit to our direct administration. 

All the Patent Clerks and Attorneys that have been allowing this garbage to go on need to be arrested and re-educated. 

The politicians failing their oversight duties and allowing this garbage to go on need to be arrested, full stop.  

And most of all, Bill Gates, who has caused millions of deaths with his insanity needs to be arrested and evaluated. If he is insane, he needs to be sentenced as criminally insane and locked up. If he is rational and doing this, he needs to be sentenced for crimes against humanity and executed. 

The offending patent referenced above needs to be withdrawn immediately.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
10 months ago

Monica Smit / Global Walkout <>
Hi Rhoda, how about mentioning Monica Smit, who is coming to the UK.

10 months ago

[…] – George Bernard Shaw, the Fabian Society and a ‘Brave New World […]

10 months ago

[…] Read More: George Bernard Shaw, the Fabian Society and a ‘Brave New World’ […]

10 months ago

They have NO IDEA what they are Doing .
They found all Kinds of Units for 1 Worldparliament.

This System – itself – is Out of Control.

Wango = NGO Boardmembers Unit for 1 Worldparliament.
NGOs – VIPs – Mediamakers force Families to Obey the Code of Ethics for Families.

10 months ago

It’s just a bee hive There’s a queen bee and her drones whose only job is to root her and then there’s workers and soldiers .

7 months ago

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[…] Fabians once even had 200 sitting members in the UK House of Commons. With such clout, they naturally played a significant role in shaping […]

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