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Which is more beneficial: Measles or the vaccine?

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Due to mass vaccination campaigns, natural maternal protection against measles is now systematically eliminated over the span of generations in many countries around the world. If naturally acquired immunity were preserved, we would not have to fear infant measles mortality, as we do now.

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Between 1900 and 1963, before the introduction of a vaccine, the mortality rate of measles dropped by 98%, due to advancements in living conditions, nutrition, and health care.  Malnutrition, especially vitamin A deficiency, is a primary cause of about 90,000 measles deaths annually in underdeveloped nations. In the US and other developed countries, 75–92% of hospitalised measles cases are low in vitamin A.

Measles death declined 98% from 1900 to 1963, before the measles vaccine was introduced. 
Source: Physicians for Informed Consent

Although 0.01% of measles cases are fatal and 0.00125% of cases result in permanent disability from measles encephalitis, the risk of permanent injury and death from the MMR vaccine has not been proven to be less than that of measles. 

A serious side effect is seizure, which occurs in about 1 in 640 children vaccinated with MMR – about five times more often than seizure from measles infection. Other severe side effects of vaccination include deafness, long-term seizures, coma, lowered consciousness, permanent brain damage, and death.

While the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention states that these side effects are rare, the precise numbers are unknown. Additionally, the manufacturer’s package insert states: “M-M-R II has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or potential to impair fertility.”

So, is the MMR vaccine safer than measles?  There is insufficient proof to say that it is.  A review of more than 60 MMR vaccine studies conducted for the Cochrane Library states: “The design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are largely inadequate.”

Because permanent aftereffects from measles, especially in people with normal levels of vitamin A, are so rare, the level of accuracy of the research studies available is insufficient to prove that the vaccine causes less death or permanent injury than measles.

Surprisingly, there could be benefits from getting measles.  Studies suggest a link between naturally acquired measles infection and a reduced risk of Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, as well as a reduced risk of hay fever, eczema and asthma. Measles infections are also associated with a lower risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease in adulthood.

In addition, infants born to mothers who have had naturally acquired measles are protected from measles via maternal immunity longer than infants born to vaccinated mothers.

The above is taken from a Disease Information Statement and a Vaccine Risk Statement for measles published by Physicians for Informed Consent, a website that provides data on infectious diseases and vaccines for those who support voluntary vaccination.

Melanie’s Marvellous Measles

A review of a children’s book delves into the role of vitamin A in measles infections and the repercussions mass measles vaccination has on future generations.

Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD, reviewed ‘Melanie’s Marvelous Measles’ to ascertain whether it provides a “valid representation of vaccination reality.”  In doing so, she details some interesting facts that parents should be made aware of before deciding to vaccinate their children.

If the book alerts unsuspecting parents that “vaccination does not guarantee protection from disease and inspires them to pay more attention to the nutrition required for optimal function of the immune system, that would indeed be marvellous,” she wrote.

Below we have noted some points Dr. Obukhanych made in her review.  You can read her full article, with references, HERE.

Numerous outbreaks of infectious diseases have been documented in communities with high vaccination coverage, involving anywhere from 20% to 80% of fully vaccinated people.  “The reason for such a significant contribution of fully vaccinated individuals to outbreaks is not random vaccine failures, but a predicted limited duration of protection conferred by any vaccine against the corresponding disease,” Dr. Obukhanych wrote.

Most vaccines are made of attenuated or inactivated viruses.  Research in animals has demonstrated that injection of inactivated virus is capable of achieving only short duration of protection.

These findings suggest that a vaccinated person can, upon exposure, succumb to measles – or any other viral disease deemed to be vaccine-preventable – after the vaccine’s short-lasting protective effect wanes.  This is in contrast to permanent immunity developed after exposure to a natural virus.

The Role of Vitamin A

Vitamin A (retinoids) is a necessary partner of a crucial natural anti-viral messenger called interferon. Interferon is produced by cells of the innate immune system called macrophages within hours of them detecting a virus in the body.

One of the known interferon’s anti-viral functions is to provide a molecular signal to other cells that make them become resistant to viral entry.  However, the message of interferon gets through to those cells, including neurons, only in the presence of vitamin A.

Research done in mice infers that vitamin A deficiency at the time of exposure to the virus makes interferon action suboptimal allowing a viral infection to take hold. It also suggests that attempting to correct any pre-existing vitamin A deficiency only after the onset of disease symptoms is not likely to ensure mild disease, since the action of interferon is required within hours of viral exposure.

However, analysis of placebo-controlled clinical trials of vitamin A administration in severe measles revealed that a high dose of vitamin A taken on two consecutive days after the measles diagnosis was still beneficial by reducing croup, overall mortality, and pneumonia-specific mortality.

It should be noted, Dr. Obukhanych, that fruit and vegetables do not contain vitamin A per se, i.e., retinoids, but rather beta-carotene which can be converted to real vitamin A by the liver.

“The sources of real vitamin A, such as milk/butter from grass-fed cows (i.e., cows on pasture, not in feedlot) or high-quality cod liver oil, might be necessary in daily nutrition in addition to fruit and vegetables for the purposes of building up vitamin A reserves.”

The Long-Term Benefit of Having Measles in Childhood

Girls who have had measles in their own childhood and acquired permanent immunity from the disease themselves pass this immunity to their children.  This passive immunity transfer from mother to child occurs via the placenta and breastfeeding.

The ability of passive immunity transfer to their babies is absent in those mothers who have not had a chance to experience measles themselves.  And infants without maternal immuno-protection are vulnerable to measles because their immune system is not capable of producing high levels of interferon.

“Paradoxically, infants born decades after mass vaccination has been on the way in their country have much higher chances of contracting measles during sporadic (imported) outbreaks of a nearly eliminated disease, compared to infants born in the pre-vaccination era when the incidence of childhood measles was consistently high and affecting older age groups, ages one to fifteen,” Dr. Obukhanych said.

“This is because, despite early exposure to measles, those infants were under the shield of robust maternal immuno-protection for the first year of life even when not breastfed, and breastfeeding would prolong their protection.

“Natural maternal protection is now systematically eliminated over the span of generations in many countries around the world … If naturally acquired immunity were preserved, we would not have to fear infant measles mortality, as we do now.”

In addition to the mass vaccination of mothers making measles more prevalent in infants, Dr. Obukhanych noted two other factors that might increase the risk of disease complications from a measles infection in older children and adults:

  • neglecting to screen for and promptly correct any sub-clinical vitamin A (retinoid) deficiencies in the population; and,
  • using anti-fever medications to suppress disease symptoms, which are known to increase secondary complications from measles, in particular, as well as to exacerbate an existing bacterial infection.
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Sue M.
Sue M.
9 months ago

Over-aII, even though this articIe questions the effectiveness of the vaccine, and has a graph showing that deaths from measles declined dramatically before the vaccine, it doesn’t come cIose to describing the damage done by vaccines, and contains other errors.

First, it promotes vivisection, which is bogus (mice are not peopIe, and aside from the both obvious and subtle differences, don’t get measles, aIthough vivisectors inject them with human ceils when conducting their ridiculous Frankenstein experiments), and contrary to what is stated in the articIe, Vitamin A IS obtainable from plants.

“CIinicaI triaIs” are experiments conducted on peopIe, which in this case includes children. We have plenty of history to reIy on, besides the fact that vaccines are made of known poisons. How about just use common sense and the information we already have rather than continue poisoning to keep proving the point?

History (admittedIy hidden, but still accessible) shows us that vaccines not onIy don’t prevent measles, they CAUSE a plethora of more serious and deadIy health destroyers, Iike cancer and leukemia, aII of the autoimmune diseases (including diabetes, IBS, and autism), anaphylactic allergies, seizures, paralysis, blindness, thrombosis, myocarditis, asthma, and a whoIe Iot more. The poisons in them damage our immune systems.

Dr Susan askew
Dr Susan askew
Reply to  Sue M.
9 months ago

Good response sue, thank you

9 months ago

[…] Which is more beneficial: Measles or the vaccine? […]

Brin Jenkins
Brin Jenkins

With natural immunity from exposure of parents, probable measles

Brin Jenkins
Brin Jenkins
9 months ago

I had measles as a child, bit rough apparently but I remember nothing.

My natural immunity was passed to my offspring, and I feel sure this was the best course as any hiccups in vaccine would be serious as I learned from research doctors at the Institute of Aviation Medicine in the mid 50’s

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Brin Jenkins
9 months ago

Amish Rejected Big Pharma, Now They Are Officially ‘Healthiest People in the World’ (Video)
Posted By: CrystalRiver
Date: Tuesday, 18-Jul-2023 01:57:43

9 months ago

[…] Which is more beneficial: Measles or the vaccine? – The Expose ( […]

Dr Susan askew
Dr Susan askew
9 months ago

How come you don’t mention the well know and proven link between the triple vaccination and thrombocytopenia? My daughter was hospitalised with this 10 days after the combined measles vaccination at 22 months.

9 months ago

Good article until I got to the “mice.” I had measles around age 5, so got lifetime immunity, as it appears nature intends for humans. Key word: HUMANS

So, to oppose vaccines one should be pro-vivisection (animal “research”)? Um, no. Animal “research” is not only pure evil, it is anti-science. Mice, etc., do not get measles. People want to know the results of studies in PEOPLE, not rodents or other species. Animal studies only open up unknowing, gullible people to being “guinea pigs” themselves, which is proved time and time again with the myriad of harmful, deadly, failed drugs and procedures that were “proven beneficial and not too risky” in animal studies.

About “real” vitamin A in butter, animal liver, etc.; after 14+ years strict vegan and NO animal products for “real” vitamin A, I’d be blind, infected, with flaky skin, and brittle, sparse hair. But instead I have the opposite of deficiency signs because of all the beta-carotene I have in my diet. It’s not just me either; there are millions of us. I have good eyesight except for needing readers after age 55 or so, good immunity and healing, no infections, and nice shiny hair that even gets compliments on occasion, even at age 66. NO vitamin A supplement, only beta-carotene rich foods. As stated in the article, beta-carotene converts to vitamin A in the body. That is, except for some rare genetic people who cannot convert it so they’d need a supplement…but they still can be vegan. 

Anyhow, hopefully people will not blindly believe anyone regarding animal “research” and such, but do their own research from credible, objective sources. If any such thing can be found, especially these days. If not, just use uncommon sense.

Reply to  Laura
9 months ago

Correct They ha e to toe the line as an Industry supporting agriculture because most secret science labs are hidden in agricultural areas They re like a hand in a glove. Any scientist worth a pinch of salt knows milk is poison and cheese too. And they’ve known for decades that protein poisoning causes cancer But they make a fortune from their brutality of animals and even more from the millions who pay through the nose for steaks and chops and roasts who then get cancers and pay through the nose for treatments.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

Thanks, anon 🙂

9 months ago

Russia plans to produce a new kind of “vaccine.”

The “promising technologies”, the development of which was signed in this government order signed February 2023, for the 2023-2027 programme, for 185 billion rubles, of the most key Russian Institute which is widely popular with the “peaceful atom”. The promising technologies include:

  • investigation of the bio-distribution kinetics of mesenchymal stem cells loaded with magnetic nanoparticles (as a model of drugs) in organs and tissues;
  • research to study the fundamental principles of conservation, implementation and transmission of genetic information, as well as the principles of genome modification;
  • genetically modified bacterial vaccines that stimulate innate immunity;
  • studying the diversity of the structure of CRISPR systems in prokaryotes;
  • [and] study of the structure and mechanisms of functioning of enzymes for genome editing;
  • development of universal platforms for rapid diagnosis of infectious diseases based on modern genetic technologies;
  • [and] development of systems for genomic editing;
  • Study of the fundamental principles of preservation, realization and transmission of genetic information, as well as the principles of genome modification;
  • analysis of the mechanisms of functioning of CRISPR systems;
  • development of technologies for the prevention and therapy of infectious diseases based on modern genetic technologies;
  • [and] development of methods for evaluating the effectiveness of genomic editing systems and predicting their use on various living systems;

Already in January 2021:

The Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin approved the Program of fundamental scientific research for 2021-2030 with a funding volume of more than 2.1 trillion rubles. Genetic technologies prevail among medical areas, including the CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing method.

The program also outlines plans for the development of vaccines, including a new generation (genetic engineering technologies, methods of reverse genetics and nanotechnology), against tuberculosis, HIV, hepatitis B and C, influenza, developments in the field of transplantology, including bioengineering (the creation of biomedical cellular and tissue-engineered liver and cartilage products) and many other directions.

This news and partial review of the program.

9 months ago

Russia plans to produce a new kind of “vaccine.”

The “promising technologies”, the development of which was signed in this government order signed February 2023, for the 2023-2027 programme, for 185 billion rubles, of the most key Russian Institute which is widely popular with the “peaceful atom”.  The promising technologies, as you can see if you walk through the posts below, include:

  • investigation of the bio-distribution kinetics of mesenchymal stem cells loaded with magnetic nanoparticles (as a model of drugs) in organs and tissues;
  • research to study the fundamental principles of conservation, implementation and transmission of genetic information, as well as the principles of genome modification;
  • genetically modified bacterial vaccines that stimulate innate immunity;
  • studying the diversity of the structure of CRISPR systems in prokaryotes;
  • study of the structure and mechanisms of functioning of enzymes for genome editing;
  • development of universal platforms for rapid diagnosis of infectious diseases based on modern genetic technologies;
  • development of systems for genomic editing;
  • Study of the fundamental principles of preservation, realization and transmission of genetic information, as well as the principles of genome modification;
  • analysis of the mechanisms of functioning of CRISPR systems;
  • development of technologies for the prevention and therapy of infectious diseases based on modern genetic technologies;
  • development of methods for evaluating the effectiveness of genomic editing systems and predicting their use on various living systems;

Already in January 2021:

The Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin approved the Program of fundamental scientific research for 2021-2030 with a funding volume of more than 2.1 trillion rubles. Genetic technologies prevail among medical areas, including the CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing method.

The program also outlines plans for the development of vaccines, including a new generation (genetic engineering technologies, methods of reverse genetics and nanotechnology), against tuberculosis, HIV, hepatitis B and C, influenza, developments in the field of transplantology, including bioengineering (the creation of biomedical cellular and tissue-engineered liver and cartilage products) and many other directions.

This news and partial review of the program.

Sue M.
Sue M.
Reply to  UkroCovid
9 months ago

That’s another evil disaster in the making.

Let food be thy medicine”. (And hope they don’t ruin aII of that, too)

Reply to  Sue M.
9 months ago

(And hope they don’t ruin aII of that, too)

You mean the food?
I’m not sure. Here, as just one such example, Tomsk State University (TSU).

“[28.03.2023]TSU scientists are developing valuable additives based on invertebrates that can be used in the food industry to ensure the country’s food security.[…]As part of a new project supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation, scientists are investigating crickets, marble cockroaches, and mollusks.

Grants are allocated for the implementation of fundamental scientific research and exploratory scientific research in 2023-2024[…]TSU projects that won the RSF grant competition [among them]:

8. Nutrients of terrestrial invertebrates – a source of food raw materials of new quality

11. Risk communication in the field of healthcare in the conditions of infodemia: transformation of meanings in socially relevant discourses

12. Research of narratives in social media using big data analysis technology (on the example of narratives about vaccination against COVID-19)

Karen Bracken
Karen Bracken
9 months ago

Japan has proven that MMR causes SIDS. That right there is enough proof that MMR causes more deaths than it saves. Japan had a very high rate of SIDS and in the 90’s they had a suspicious that perhaps MMR was the cause. They stopped using MMR and their SIDS rate drop. Today Japan has the lowest infant mortality rate out of all industrialized nations. Its not rocket science folks. Healthy babies DO NOT die for no reason. SIDS is death by vaccine.

9 months ago

[…] Visit Direct Link […]

9 months ago

They know a lot more about how to cause disease, than anything else. I believe that is their reason for all their “security” and that they have two faces Jekkyl and Hyde.
They re like ego alter ego as a corporate body, like everywhere everything, good and evil two sides of the same coin. But they kerp the evil side secret and securebecayse that’s the side that makes the money. And it’s every industry. All of them in it together.

9 months ago

Scan read the article as had to see what so offended the snowflakes or stooges, to give it such a low rating.

Quickly realised they have issues with truth. People like Islander and myself grew up at a time when if something was growing around, our parents would throw parties etc, in the hope we’d all catch whatever and get it out of the way.

Childhood infections are an important part of developing a well functioning immune system, very rare for them to cause serious problems. However, vaccinations do cause serious harm, often.

9 months ago

I learn so much from you! I cannot thank you enough for all you do. You’re amazing!