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The Conspiracy behind the Huge Wave of Wildfires currently sweeping the World exposed by Dr David Martin

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The whole world seems like it’s on fire. Fires are ravaging Maui, Canada, Greece, France—you name it. But when you dig deeper, something’s off. Government mismanagement, questionable land acquisitions, and even newly minted laws raise eyebrows. Are we witnessing a bad wave of natural, runaway wildfires, or is there something else going on?

These fires may just be the smoke signals of a bigger problem lurking beneath the flames.


Maps lit up with fire indicators tell a worrying story; this is a global crisis, affecting our air, our health, and potentially, our future. We’re not just talking about isolated events or simple accidents. The world’s attention needs to be on this issue because when you connect the dots, it’s evident that these fires may just be the smoke signals of a bigger problem lurking beneath the flames.

So, what’s really fueling these fires, and who stands to gain from the ashes?

Seth Holehouse, AKA Man in America, invited technologist and entrepreneur Dr. David Martin to his program recently. Dr. Martin suggested that this wave of fires is not just a mere natural calamity, but that a deeper, darker agenda is at play.

Dr. Martin made an intriguing comparison between the current series of forest fires and historical events like the Dust Bowl during the Great Depression. While popular narratives label the Dust Bowl as an environmental catastrophe, Dr. Martin argues that it was actually a banking crisis aimed at crippling family farms to benefit industrial agriculture.

A farmer and his two sons during a dust storm in Cimarron County, Oklahoma, April 1936. Iconic photo entitled “Dust Bowl Cimarron County, Oklahoma” taken by Arthur Rothstein. Credit: Wikipedia.

When you observe the puzzling behavior of those leading the scare campaign about CO2 emissions, it’s strange to see them allowing forest fires to ignite and spread unchecked. It makes you question their intentions, considering we’ve always been told that carbon dioxide is harmful. So why are they contributing to increased CO2 levels by allowing trees, which absorb carbon, to be destroyed?

Well, the answer is land reappropriation,” Dr. Martin concluded.

“That’s what it’s about. It’s about reappropriating land. And the best way to reappropriate land is to have a fire. That has been the case since the Old Testament. So, this is not a new thing. This has been around for thousands and thousands of years. When humans cannot win on a fair playing field, they use fire. And they use fire to destroy an old appropriation of land and reappropriate it to a new use.”

“There’s no question that what is going on in Canada right now is a massive, massive, massive land grab,” continued Dr. Martin, “where the state will come in its largesse and propose new development of what? Of things that will be pro-state. That’s not a human recovery.”

“And by the way, as much as Maui may or may not be the sum of a series of electrical failures, there is no question that the power systems in Maui were not managed to diminish the risk of fire. We will not say, and I will not say they necessarily intentionally set them. I’m not going to get into that conversation. What I will say is that very simple safety protocols, like if lines are down, don’t send energy back into a down line. Those kinds of things were not done. So, were some of those fires, without question, at least negligently set? The answer is without question. The evidence is unambiguous. And by the way, even NPR talks about that evidence.”


“So the fact is we know that what we have is a situation where this ongoing campaign of terror is about reallocating, redistributing, and reappropriating resources into state control,” Dr. Martin concluded. “And there’s no question that that’s what happened in Maui. There’s no question that’s what’s happening in Canada. And there’s no question that that’s what’s happening in fires that are going on all around the world, remarkably, in places where climate change activists say they’re the most concerned with climate change. They’re pumping CO2 into the air. So, this hypocrisy is necessary to create the cognitive dissonance.”Dr. Martin’s full interview with Seth Holehouse is available to watch via the video below

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8 months ago

ABSOLUTELY ON TARGET and they know we watch. Completely agree with the ‘cognitive dissonance’; however it’s also clear through their attacks upon all cultural norms and on babies and children though sexual depravity considered virtually universally taboo as Pedophilia and Incest are, their goal is ALSO to create ‘Social Anomie’ where ‘cognitive dissonance’ is magnified. All is to enhance confusion feeding into greater and greater threat to mental health.

In all honesty; when working with evil as with those considered among the Axis II Diagnoses contributing to Psycho/Sociopathology it becomes exceedingly clear about their acts to also manipulate, cue or trigger frustration, rage, despair, desolation, terror and other overwhelming negative emotions. THEY ARE DELIBERATELY FEEDING INTO ARMED HUMANS OF THE U.S. FINALLY STANDING AND FIGHTING BACK TO PROVIDE THE CRIMINALS/ENEMIES AGAINST ALL LIFE ON THE PLANET a pretext for large-scale attack with the most destructive and poisonous weapons in the Military-Industrial Complex NOW CLAIMED BY THE CITY OF LONDON’S CLUB OF 300 Intl Banker Family Mafia led by the Rothschilds.

Social Anomie is a horrific weapon and they’ve went to tremendous expense and much planning and energy to create this horror among ALL THE WORLD’S POPULATION; but especially the countries now defined ‘The Five Eyes’ with special attention on the U.S.

WE ARE DEALING WITH 100% evil brewed in the depths of hell requiring centuries to implement…The fires are about far more than mere ‘cognitive dissonance’ which now resembles the dynamic of ‘Domestic Violence’ in that more and more crises, chaos is necessary to CREATE and FEED towards the obtaining consistent levels of Mass Formation allowing POWER GRABS as in the early phases of the PLANNED CORONA VIRUS and Ai/Bioweapon Injection attacks beginning their clearly stated goals of DEPOPULATION, ENSLAVEMENT OF THE HUMANS REMAINING AND COMPLETE, UTTER LOSS OF ALL INALIENABLE RIGHTS stolen by evil people legally considered Criminally Insane according to the horrors they have, continue to and plan to perpetrate.

Don’t have a clue about the reason TRUTH is not clearly placed upon the table to discuss here; but people have every INALIENABLE RIGHT to identify their enemies and it’s high time the EXPERTS, and I use that word loosely, INFORM THE PUBLIC OF EXACTLY WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY AND HOW all is as it is right now. IT’S HIGH TIME.

Reply to  Robbi
8 months ago

i honestly cant be 100% certain about the reasoning behind exactly why we are seeing so much deviance on such an insane level, but if i had to guess, i think the only reason any of this garbage is occurring to begin with is because all these unelected globalist “elite” billionaires who pass out all the money, have made it very clear that their number one goal is a massive reduction in global population.. 50% reduction by 2030, 90% reduction by 2050.

so these wealthy “elites”, whose stated endgame is depopulation, are passing out tons and tons of money and grants etc., to governments and organizations such as the human rights campaign, so those governments and organizations can give benefits and pay out large sums of money to incentivize other smaller organizations that have much better access to, and can directly influence, the public.. organizations such as the military, law enforcement, hospitals, universities, schools, and especially sports entertainment and media outlets..

these people are sick and their influence is insidious, coming from the top down and it is overwhelmingly EVERYWHERE, and they have the governments tell these smaller organizations that if they want their share of all that juicy money, then they need to really promote and push the whole lgbt movement, by making it extremely trendy and pervasive to the public and especially to school children, whom they consider to be at the “best” age, as they will be the easiest to confuse, influence, and manipulate..

if you think about it, brainwashing a 10 year old child who is a lot less stuck in their ways because they havent really been molded by society yet, and potentially has 70+ years left to spread that message and recruit more “soldiers”, is a FAR better investment than someone who is say 18 or 25 or whatever and will take much longer to brainwash, leaving them just that much less time to preach the “cause”

and i feel like all of this disgusting nonsense is simply being done in order TO CREATE AS MANY LGBTS AS POSSIBLE..

because if you really think about it, they already said their goal is depopulation, and LGBTS DONT MAKE BABIES, so if you really think about it, A WORLD FULL OF NONBREEDING LGBTS IS A DEPOPULATIONISTS WETTEST DREAM.

so “elite” globalist organizations pass out money hand over fist to incentivize governments, corporations, and educational institutions to push the lgbt agenda as hard as possible..

and they demand 100% of the money they hand out be spent creating more and more of what are essentially these lgbt “factories” to help them meet their depopulation goals.

they are basically paying other people to do their dirty work for them, creating as many nonbreeding lgbts as possible, because like i said, nonbreeders wont increase the population with any more of those evil babies (if you notice they are all extremely pro abortion as well)..

at the end of the day, a drastic reduction in population is all they really want.

eventually all these confused degenerates whether they be ls, gs, bs, or ts, are going to realize none of these organizations ever gave a damn about a single one of them or any of their stupid pronouns to begin with, and they are going to be wiped out too, as soon as they finish serving their purpose and start to exceed their usefulness, just like they plan on doing to the rest of us..

to them, our right to life is nothing more than a simple cost benefit analysis.

and that is pretty goddamn disgusting.

this is all just a working theory of mine, explained quick and dirty like..

the reality of it all really sucks, and so far it seems like my theory holds water.

many americans who vote democrat still fail to realize there is currently a group of people in washington who call themselves “democrats,” but no longer represent those voters or any of their long held democratic ideals, not even remotely.

they are a group of greedy criminals, beholden to the almighty dollar, and i am confident this has become glaringly obvious to anyone who has actually been paying attention during the last few years.

the problem is, those voters will never be able to understand where it all went to shit, as long as they remain wholly mesmerized by the constant stream of lies being fed to them by corrupt mainstream corporate media (read: cable news).

unfortunately, nobody who really needs to hear these truths ever will, unless we can first destroy what amounts to nothing more than the propaganda arm of a social:neo-marxist new left that is actively working to destroy our country from every possible angle, especially from the inside..

the majority of the population is so absolutely brainwashed by, and mentally beholden to, their television sets, by the time any of them realize what the hell is happening, these criminals (“elected” and unelected) running roughshod over dc will be will be ready to hand everything over to the enemy, if they havent done so already by then..

they dont give a flying about what happens to any of us or where we live, and at this point, they have all stolen more than enough money to just pick everything up and go live out the rest of their lives on private islands once they finish ruining everything here.

nothing we do or say seems to matter or have any effect whatsoever and i fear none of it ever will, unless we first destroy the corporate media and take our government back from these criminals who are LITERALLY burning our country to the ground.

until the media is destroyed, they will continue to constantly lie to their audience, telling them “everything is business as usual”, and their audience will continue to believe everything they say.

Reply to  Robbi
8 months ago

As Vandana Shiva explained the experience in India, the British just came and took the land and started charging everyone property taxes. The property taxes impoverished the farmers who were already poor enough.  

Then the British began pushing the use of chemical fertilizers that cost money — which further impoverished the farmers and ruined the natural soil, ultimately reducing the amount of food the farmers could produce.  

The British also gave themselves first dibs on agricultural products and exported rice from Bengal during the great Bengal Famine — depriving starving Indians of their own produce, which they needed for themselves to survive. 

This same ruthless, ignorant, uncaring behavior has always been the hallmark of the British Empire and those promoting it— whether they have been honest about their activities and called it “colonialism” or have been dishonest and cloaked it via the use of “military protectorates” and incorporation of what appear to be lawful governments, but aren’t. 

The British “caretakers” have endeavored to gloss over their predation and have striven to take by guile what they could never take by force.  

They have used courts as theater production companies to promote injustice by deceit and used “privatized” police forces to promote racketeering throughout the western world. 

Similar to the situation described in India, they snuck in the back door, took the land, and started charging the actual land owners “property taxes” they didn’t owe under color of law. They brought in foreign mercenaries, aka, the Raj, to enforce this. They used the property taxes collected and the land they stole as collateral to pay for the mercenaries. 

And they have hypocritically pretended that they were protecting the victims of all this sanctimonious corporate bunk, while at the same time, promoting this vicious fraud scheme at the expense of the victims.

Reply to  john
8 months ago

Almost everyone on Earth has cause to hate the Government of Great Britain, and especially hate the British Crown and the entire hegemony of the Inner City of London. We, Americans, are no exception; yet, upon further investigation, it readily appears that the people of Great Britain have been as downtrodden, over-taxed, enslaved, and abused as everyone else.  

So the Brits have even “done it” to themselves. 

That indicates that they have been used as cheap guns, pawns, and a storefront in the hands of other players. 

The thread is not hard to follow. It goes to Rome, the Roman Curia, the now-defunct office of the Roman Pontiff, the House of Wettin, a resurgence of the Hanseatic League, Switzerland, Vichy France, Belgium, and Greece.  

The pawprints of the underlying crime syndicate are all over the UN CORP, the WORLD BANK, WHO, and all the multitudinous municipal alphabet soup agencies from FEMA to UNESCO and back again.  
The blood-sucking fictions known as MICROSOFT and PFIZER, BAYER, MONSANTO, etc., are over their heads and trying to kill their creditors. 

They were just more overt about it this past week, with regard to the people living in Lahaina, Hawaii. 

Reply to  Robbi
8 months ago

Es ist der größte Anschlag der US Elit auf das eigene 

Volk im eigenem Land. Dies Militärische Waffe wurde aber auch

in anderen Teilen der USA eingesetzt.

8 months ago

Yes, we know and we are tired. How much more is to be known, it doesn’t really matter at this moment. Things are out of control and without limits and there are no supermen army, intelectuals army or miracles to stop them.

Reply to  Max
8 months ago

there is nothing we can do without first taking back control of our media.

Reply to  snarevox
8 months ago

Agree. And it will never happen.

Reply to  snarevox
8 months ago

Destroy the media…the way they are destroying you

Reply to  Max
8 months ago

You stop them, when you stop, being afraid of all the nonsense they put out!

Reply to  Mania
8 months ago

ok so if im not scared, and youre not scared, just how exactly does that “stop” them or in any way take back our media so we can get the information to people who still dont know any better and actually need to hear it??

they are organized, we are not.

they have all the funding, we dont.

they own the airwaves and control the minds of the masses.

nothing we say or do will ever have the effect it should or even be seriously unless we take back the media first.

and unfortunately, max is right, that will never happen.

8 months ago

It’s all for the history books Theatre of operations To convince the academic spawn of simpletons of the future that climate change was real The homeless created intentionally and maintained is to make the culling seem merciful benevolent philanthropic as is the vaccinating whilst recording 8cerfl8eing hospitals full of COVID victims It’s all stagecraft for history lessons in the future The past history lessons are the same Manipulations fabrications deceits by ommision and total b/s .Nothing is what it seems .

Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
8 months ago

The time for people to fully embrace David Martin’s message “Don’t fear the coming lockdowns – the cabal is already dead” will only come when TV screens worldwide feature mRNA bioweapons mass murderer cabalists being walked to prison-for-life while fully restrained in handcuffs and leg irons…

Reply to  Jerry Alatalo
8 months ago

No, not prison. They can be released. Besides ‘eye for eye’, only death penalty is good enough.

Reply to  Abigail
8 months ago

Criminals go to jail…Evil DIES

8 months ago

Patricia, are you aware that Martin is most likely a freemason? Have a look at his company’ site, very telling symbolism. They can tell of course a lot of truth but not without additional purpose, using it for diversion or introducing new agendas, believes.
Just telling..

Shane Mann
Shane Mann
8 months ago

Yes, most of these wildfires are do to humans intentionally or accidentally causing them. It seems that the globalist elite want to buy up precious farmland and let it go to waste or turn it into valuable real estate. Damn them to hell!.

Julia Anne
Julia Anne
8 months ago

We are looking for a social media employee to strengthen our social media team. Employees spend about 10-15 hours a week focusing on normal tasks. hq Works on Instagram, Facebook and possibly Tiktok If anyone is interested sign up here.

8 months ago

[…] The Conspiracy behind the Huge Wave of Wildfires currently sweeping the World exposed by Dr David Martin. LINK […]

8 months ago

The RHINO is wounded but not dead.
It is more like a raging BULL in a china shop.
They, the Globalist bull/rhino, know they can lose everything; that is why we are in such a dangerous time.
The Ukraine war was started by the US because the NWO cannot succeed with a non-compliant Russia.
The Globalists in Wash DC still have the power to destroy humanity through nuclear war.
They are the most evil ruling class in human history.
David is TOO optimistic.
America is dead.
After the 2020 election was stolen, the ruling class, Left&Right, closed ranks to uphold the theft.
This was the proof that America is dead.
There is a racist anti-white form of communism about to take over the USA and EU.
This will cure what ailes the Bull/Rhino.

8 months ago

Quick question- the fires are pumping carbon monoxide not carbon dioxide-right? Either way they are trying to kill us.