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Karl Lauterbach and Christian Drosten team up at the World Health Summit to tackle “misinformation” and “disinformation” for the next pandemic

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At the World Health Summit on Monday, German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach said a Pandemic Treaty was necessary because of the “misinformation pandemic.”

At the same discussion, infamous fraudulent covid test “inventor” Dr. Christian Drosten said that as well as tackling “disinformation,” testing would be “really efficient” in the next pandemic before a drug or vaccine was available.

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The World Health Summit 2023 took place from October 15-17 in Berlin, Germany and online.  On Monday, during a session titled ‘Learning from Covid-19 For Future Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response’ panellists discussed “how to ensure equitable access to tests, treatments and vaccines.”

Two of the panellists were Lauterbach and Drosten.  You can view a list of all the panellists in the Summit’s booklet HERE (pg. 76).

Dr. Christian Drosten is the head of the Institute for Virology at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Europe’s largest university hospital.  The World Health Summit was organised at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin.

Drosten is a co-discoverer of SARS-associated coronavirus (“SARS-CoV”) and developed one of its first diagnostic tests in 2003. According to Wikipedia, in 2017 Drosten warned that the SARS virus potential needed to be investigated. On 23 January 2020, Drosten, along with other virologists in Europe and Hong Kong, published a workflow of a real-time PCR (“RT-PCR”) diagnostic test, which was accepted by the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) and sent test kits to affected regions.

With this RT-PCR workflow, Dorsten is credited for “inventing” the test to determine a covid “case” worldwide.  To understand the enormity of Drosten’s part in the fraudulently declared covid pandemic, we need to understand that covid was a casedemic, not a pandemic.

In October 2021, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg explained, and not for the first time, that covid was a “test” pandemic, not a virus pandemic, because PCR tests may give a positive result when it detects coronaviruses that have been around for 20 years.  Dr. Wodarg was working on the assumption the tests were being done accurately and the genetic material it was being used to detect was specific to coronaviruses.

In September 2020, Professor Martin Neil received some anonymous emails providing hard evidence that the PCR tests for covid were never accurate or fit for purpose.   After a deeper dive into the primer sequences that Drosten used in his blueprint testing system, the anonymous emailer highlighted that as well as primers matching naturally occurring sequences of unknown origin in seawater – some of the primer sequences are found in the human genome itself.

Even if the correct primer sequences had been used, positive reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (“RT-PCR”) tests are not designed to be used as a diagnostic tool as they cannot distinguish between inactive (non-infectious) viruses and “live” or reproductive ones.

The PCR test is a genetic manufacturing technology that looks for specific snippets of code and amplifies them by doubling on every cycle. Its inventor, Kary Mullis, who won a Nobel Prize for the process that he invented, declared that this was never intended to be a valid diagnostic tool. And it’s known by all who use it that it cannot detect active infection. Yet, Drosten’s PCR tests were fraudulently used to drive the covid case numbers and deaths recorded as with covid.  It’s important to recall that deaths with covid are not the same as deaths caused by covid.

During the Grand Jury Proceeding for Covid-19 Crimes Against Humanity held in February 2022, American attorney N. Ana Garner summed it up in her opening statement:

Further reading: Covid Is the Biggest Lie in The World’s History and Prof Michel Chossudovsky proves it

After causing untold disruption and damage to economies, societies and lives through maintaining his lie that his PCR tests can detect covid cases, Drosten now wants to control the information that is published in the media and what scientists who are in science institutions are permitted to say as a “service to society.”

At the start of the World Health Summit session, the moderator asked the panellists: What will assure us collectively that we’re better prepared for the next pandemic?

Lauterbach was the first to respond.  “We are currently at the brink of another winter [covid] wave,” he said. “We also have to take into consideration that even after vaccination if you get covid infection that there’s still a likelihood of becoming ill.” [Timestamp 11:59]

Admitting that there is a likelihood that vaccinated people will become ill is the beginning of the truth. Originally it was claimed that vaccination prevented transmission, illness and death.  Preventing transmission proved to be a lie.  Then it was claimed vaccination prevented illness, then it was claimed vaccination prevented severe illness, then it was claimed vaccination prevented death. With every claim, the “conspiracy theorists,” the so-called “spreaders of misinformation” have been proved right.

Having caused a pandemic of the vaccinated and devastated lives with destructive covid pandemic policies, World Health Summit’s solution is more, much more, of the same.  Lauterbach continued: “It is so important to invest more into the prevention of pandemics”. And the prevention, Luterbach pointed out, needed more funding. “Pandemic prevention is vastly underfunded,” he said.

Lauterbach said that about 40 countries are the source of most pandemics. “If we do not support these 40 countries with money and institutions … then we will not be better prepared but be maybe worse prepared because we now have also the info pandemic against us … which will make it way more difficult to organise a response towards the future pandemic.”

When it came to Drosten’s turn to answer the moderator’s question, he also pushed for controlling the narrative more and, unsurprisingly, added testing as an effective method of preparing for the next pandemic.

“There are two interventions that are really efficient before we have a drug or vaccine,” Drosten said. And the two interventions according to him are diagnostic testing and political decision-making.  “Once this political decision-making is influenced and contorted by disinformation and propaganda we are lost,” he added. [Timestamp 17:01]

Joy Phumaphi, a former Minister of Health of Botswana and currently serves as the Executive Secretary of the African Leaders Malaria Alliance, joined the chorus.  For her, the priorities in preparation for the next pandemic were funding which included funding to combat misinformation.

ALMA became operational during the 64th United Nations General Assembly in 2009.  Its partners include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and WHO. It aims to eliminate malaria by 2030.

“We talk about the social economic preparedness that is going to cost money.  We’re talking about communications and social media interventions that will be required in order to avoid the misinformation, the multi-sectoral preparedness, the education sector … the human development.  All of that needs a lot of resources,” Phumaphi said.

“Our funding mechanisms globally are fragmented but trying to combine them is going to be a huge headache. So, my proposal would be that every existing fund should contribute to the pandemic fund … it should not just be governments that are contributing to the fund,” Phumaphi said. “Every government should contribute and this should be included in the treaty.  It should be a requirement in the treaty.”

She also suggested the private sector should also contribute to the pandemic fund as part of companies and foundations’ “corporate social responsibility.” 

“Every stakeholder should have a responsibility to contribute,” she said.  “We can only achieve this through a binding global treaty that has got enforcement mechanisms.” [Timestamp 27:52]

Lauterbach added that the Pandemic Treaty was necessary because misinformation had made moving forward difficult.

“The misinformation pandemic which is now widespread and is an ongoing pandemic,” he said. “I mean, the misinformation pandemic is a pandemic which is simply always with us, as a matter of fact. So we are, in that sense, even in a more difficult position than we were before the pandemic.  So, a pandemic agreement is a necessary step for us to move forward and make sure that we are better prepared.” [Timestamp 35:42]

You can watch the full World Health Summit session below.  We have embedded the video to begin at timestamp 17:01 when Drosten gives his astounding remarks.

World Health Summit: KEY 03 – Learning from COVID-19 for Future Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response, 16 October 2023
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Chris C
Chris C
6 months ago

Just looking at these sick evil monsters sitting round at The World Health Summit, discussing how they intend to silently exterminate humanity and God’s natural life, with lies and censorship plans, makes ME sick to the bone.

There never were any pandemics so we are at zero risk, and the spoiled brats discussing our future demise may as well be an invading alien race: they are so far removed from logic and decency.

They are all guilty beyond any doubt of Crimes Against Humanity: at the very least they should be locked up immediately and never seen again.
What has happened to justice on our Earth?

Reply to  Chris C
6 months ago

Thank you for your pure truth comment! All media who does’t post 100% truth at this date and time is complicit. We are finding more truth in the comments than in the media (all forms). There is no way that an individual knows more than a media outlet. They are just spinning.

Chris C
Chris C
Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
6 months ago

Hi Rhoda, That is why your articles will be more valuable and worthy of preservation to honest people and scientists in the future, because you supply references to genuine sources.
I cannot ever remember when The Sun etc. printed a source of truth, as they just con the public with “safe and effective” or “climate emergency” quoting “experts” such as computer modelers Neil Ferguson.
Hopefully one day your type of reporting will become a duty of the mainstream; then the current lying MSM will be seen as the “alternative media” i.e. the real disinformation at under 1% which is an inversion of the status quo.

Phil Cormier
Phil Cormier
Reply to  Chris C
6 months ago

I totally agree with you 100%!!! The only way I have been able to cope is repeating the Palms But the Lord laughs because he knows there day is coming! They will not get away with any of this! With the next one coming probably 2025 I would rather go to jail or die than put up with the Devils BS!!! He was defeated at the Cross by Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! I wish people would get of their Smartphones and stop wearing face diapers and get an IQ! Whatever the government tells you to do don’t do it!!!! Sheep follow sheep in this world. We should all follow the good shepard!

Reply to  Chris C
6 months ago

Just like scum collects on the top of stock these scum expose and identify themselves facilitating their removal,
the chef will show up soon, turn down the heat, chuck the scum in the bin and bring great relief

for a while at least

Brin Jenkins
Brin Jenkins
6 months ago

An attempt to conceal truth rather than reveal it. The prospect of a death penality for crimes against humanty have caused a bit of concern in some circles it seems.

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
Reply to  Brin Jenkins
6 months ago

You do not need a court to exact revenge … just just need a person with the necessary desire to accomplish the desired outcome.

Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
6 months ago

Given the immense accumulated evidence of highest-level medical fraud and homicide/murder of millions worldwide via mRNA bioweapons inoculations, closely listening to Lautenbach talk about “effective altruism” and Drosten emphasize “battling disinformation” represents perhaps the most painful experience one can endure at this point…

It is well worth noting that none these sellout panelists, while emphasizing the importance of “battling dis/misinformation, engages in specifically challenging the major individuals, experts, and organizations diametrically (rightly) opposed to everything about the so-called “Global Financing Facility.”

6 months ago

Luterbach, drosten, two names already flushed down the toilet. Adios.

6 months ago

[…] Karl Lauterbach and Christian Drosten team up at the World Health Summit to tackle “misinformation… At the World Health Summit on Monday, German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach said a Pandemic Treaty was necessary because of the “misinformation pandemic.” At the same discussion, infamous fraudulent covid test “inventor” Dr. Christian Drosten said that as well as tackling “disinformation,” testing would be “really efficient” in the next pandemic before a drug or vaccine was available. […]

6 months ago

[…] Karl Lauterbach and Christian Drosten team up at the World Health Summit to tackle “misinformation…At the World Health Summit on Monday, German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach said a Pandemic Treaty was necessary because of the “misinformation pandemic.” At the same discussion, infamous fraudulent covid test “inventor” Dr. Christian Drosten said that as well as tackling “disinformation,” testing would be “really efficient” in the next pandemic before a drug or vaccine was available. […]

Sleuth 101
Sleuth 101

One has to question if the World Health Summit is …. well, infiltrated with globalists. Untrustworthy now, IMO.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
6 months ago

Safe and effective jabs was the disinformation.
Followed by the fake PCR tests and lockdowns..
We need a treaty that locks up the criminals culpable for the last scamdemic..

6 months ago

“Next pandemic?”. Thanks for revealing your plans! NOPE! Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on you!.

Barón de Montemayor
Barón de Montemayor
6 months ago

Stefan Lanka vs. Drosten.

6 months ago

lauterbach is the one who wanted Mandatory Injections for all Germans and then later Realised that there are Adverse Effect Severe ones and now says we have to tackle misinformation!!! Hang them all
No Informed consent

6 months ago

Drosten who has no qualifications and came up with a PCR test that cant 100 percent tell you if you have covid19… but just does it any way!