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James Macpherson: Western politicians know what is happening and why it is happening but refuse to tell the public

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A sleepy west has suddenly woken up in a very dark alley with three big guys – Iran, Russia and China – who hate our guts, wondering how the hell we got here writes James Macpherson.

On the home front, we are witnessing in real-time, on our own streets, just how easily ignorance combined with emotional bias can twist people’s thinking. We are learning fast never to underestimate the confusion caused by a combination of fuddled goodwill and a complete lack of historical knowledge.

Further afield, all three conflicts – in Ukraine, in the Pacific and in the Middle East – are linked.

War in the Middle East will send fuel prices soaring, weakening already weak European economies and thus helping Russia.  A US-Iran war means US resources, already deployed against Russia, will need to also be poured into the Middle East, leaving China to dominate the Pacific.

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The Blood-Dimmed Tide is Loosed, and Everywhere

By James Macpherson

The post-war world of my youth is gone. We are now living in a pre-war era.

The world is at this moment grappling with a succession of challenges that, if not properly addressed, will cause everything we know to spiral hopelessly out of control.

It may already be too late.

The world has, for a while now, been moving rapidly toward a future that is unguessable.

Things were unstable before China sneezed across the globe. And after the pandemic, nothing has been stable.

I am raising my children in a world in which nothing is certain, and in which nobody is sure of anything.

What we do know, indeed all we know, is that something big is on the horizon. Something bad.

The sense of foreboding is everywhere.

William Butler Yeats was right …

The barbaric slaughter of Israeli civilians on the morning of Saturday 7 October was not the beginning of this dark new era. But it removed any doubts about whether or not the sun had in fact been hidden.

Israel is now waging a war for its very survival. Hamas is an Iranian-backed death cult that nobody would tolerate in their own backyard.

While Israel will never destroy the evil ideas of Hamas, they must, and will, crush Hamas as an entity.

When Israel is done, there must be no possibility that Hamas as an organisation could ever reform, let alone exercise power.

The battle, only a few weeks old, is already outraging a Western population that only 30 years ago had agreed history was over.

American political scientist Francis Fukuyama’s 1992 book ‘The End of History imagined that, with the Cold War ended, all ideological struggles had been resolved and that all great wars had been fought. All that remained was never-ending human prosperity.

And, I have to admit, the 90s were good.

Little did the Spice Girls know at the time that we were merely living through the eye of a storm – a brief moment of inanity that rocked us to sleep while dark forces were gathering strength for a renewed assault upon humanity.

We are just starting to grapple with the realisation that we might actually be in the midst of a hurricane we had long ago stopped believing in.

This is part of the reason for the outrage over the casualties in Gaza. So many in the West imagine war to be a game of football between two teams playing by mutually agreed rules, refereed by an LBTQ-affirming bureaucrat in Brussels.

But war is terrible because the game spills off the field and into the grandstands where innocents are tragically caught up in its cascading effects.

But what is Israel to do? The Jews are fighting an enemy that glories in death. Hamas use their own people as human shields. They rape and behead their enemies.

The Israeli Defence Force drops leaflets warning civilians to flee before it launches an attack. Israeli soldiers phone civilians directly and warn them to evacuate buildings before bombs are dropped.

Tell me another military that does that.

But even with the best of intentions, mistakes will still happen. Civilians will still be killed.

Right now, Israel has teenage soldiers fighting urban warfare in the rubble of Gaza. An 18-year-old kid firing a gun, or operating a drone, is expected to make split-second decisions under extreme pressure. Mistakes will be made.

And when they are, the entire world (which applies completely different standards to the Israeli army than to any other fighting force) will scream “War Criminal!”

But war is not a crime. And civilian casualties as a result of Israeli mistakes are not the same as civilians deliberately raped and stolen and beheaded by Hamas.

But look at how many Palestinians have died compared to Israelis! university students with half-finished degrees in Gender Studies will cry.

We are witnessing in real-time, on our own streets, just how easily ignorance combined with emotional bias can twist people’s thinking.

Far more Japanese were killed in World War II than Americans killed at Pearl Harbour. Does that mean Americans should not have fought back against the Japanese?

We demand a ceasefire! chant the Greens.

Would Adam Bandt and his conga line of brain-dead Senators have demanded the Allies agree to a ceasefire after landing at Normandy on 6 June 1944?


Bandt would have given the Nazis time to regroup and then push the Allied forces back into the sea.

Bandt sounds so very humanitarian.

But unconsciously, or perhaps consciously, he has a preferred side in mind for victory.

Adam Bandt (born 11 March 1972) is an Australian politician and former industrial lawyer who is the leader of the Australian Greens and federal MP for Melbourne.

He and his party room of weirdos should hope they never get the world they want, since they would be the first ones taken out the back and shot by the very people they now cheer.

We are learning fast (or at least I hope we are) never to underestimate the confusion caused by a combination of fuddled goodwill and a complete lack of historical knowledge. But now I’m describing your typical Q&A audience.

William Butler Yeats again …

It’s a mistake to think this is a war between Israel and Hamas. It is already much wider than that. In fact, it has been much wider than that from the very beginning.

Israel is being attacked from Gaza by Hamas, from Lebanon by Hezbollah and from Syria by Shiite militias – all of them acting as Iranian proxies.

Iran spent months training the Hamas terrorists. This is an Iranian war.

Dozens of American troops have already been injured by drone attacks in Syria.

Iran hates Israel because Israel’s very existence prevents the appearance of the 12th Imam. This is not a geo-political war. At its primary level, it is theological and religious.

The West cannot and will not ever acknowledge this since it is completely unequipped to fight a religious war.

So, the West will make pretend policies pretending solutions to pretend problems. More on that in a moment.

Iran is, of course, also hostile to America since America (the Great Satan) is Israel’s (the Little Satan) greatest defender.

The Obama Administration decided the best way to deal with the Iranians was to gently stroke them.

The Democrat Party have insisted, and still does, that if we are nice to the Iranians, the Iranians will come around.

It’s the classic delusion that our hostility is what makes the hostile guys hostile. If only we were less hostile, Iran’s inner good guy would emerge.

You might as well stroke a viper and sing it lullabies in the hope it will turn into a coo-ing baby.

All this has done has been to convince Iran that the US is weak.

President Obama and President Biden, but I repeat myself, decided they wanted to avoid war with Iran at all costs, even if that meant letting Iran develop a nuclear weapon.

America, they reason, could live with a nuclear-armed Iran. Hadn’t America lived with a Russian nuclear weapon since the 1940s? And a Chinese nuclear weapon. And a North Korean nuclear weapon?

What they have not understood – or perhaps what they have understood only too well but completely ignored – is that Iran is motivated by an apocalyptic religious vision of world events.

The Iranians are not rational actors – unless you subscribe to their religion in which case, they are terrifyingly rational.

Iran is more interested in advancing its agenda than in reaching a civilised agreement with the United States. They sense this might be their End of Days moment.

Meanwhile, China is stomping its way around the Pacific, a neighbourhood where the American military has failed to keep up. It’s a failure that has created a ticking time bomb we all hope and pray does not go off.

And, of course, we haven’t even mentioned Vladimir Putin causing havoc in Europe.

The years-long appeasement of Putin, combined with the gentle codling of Iran, along with the failure to match China’s military might in the Pacific has combined to convince our enemies that the West is enfeebled. That, and they’ve been watching what our young people do on TikTok.

So, a sleepy west has suddenly woken up in a very dark alley with three big guys who hate our guts, wondering how the hell we got here.

All three conflicts – in Ukraine, in the Pacific and in the Middle East – are linked.

A lack of resolve against Putin is seen by Xi Jinping as a green light in the Pacific and, in turn, sends encouragement to Iran.

Moreover, each of our enemies is happy to see the West’s attention and resources so spread out.

Russia has little in common with China, and neither has anything in common with Hamas. But it suits all parties to see America tied in knots.

War in the Middle East will send fuel prices soaring, weakening already weak European economies and thus helping Russia.

A US-Iran war means US resources, already deployed against Russia, will need to also be poured into the Middle East, leaving China to dominate the Pacific.

Both Putin and Xi Jinping have learned how to chant “Free, free Palestine”, and when necessary, they’re not above a little “Allah Akbar” for good measure.

Kim Jong Un has not even begun.

Western politicians know what is happening but are in complete denial, at least publicly.

Our political class cannot even bring themselves to acknowledge we have a problem with homegrown Islamists, let alone with an Axis of Malevolent Intent that puts us on the precipice of World War III.

No. It’s worse than that. Our political class pretend not to know what a woman is!

But you cannot mobilise a population who are unaware of the threat.

Western leaders need to trust citizens enough to be honest with them so that we can start to marshal the resources we need to defend ourselves.

The citizenry, still obsessed with a litany of luxury beliefs, needs to be scared into sobriety.

Leaders are supposed to lead. Instead, we have Sleepy Joe, Airbus Albo and the smooth-talking but so far all-talk Rishi Sunak.

Don’t get me started on the metrosexual prancing around Canada.

Any hopes that the next generation might be better, if we survive that long, are misplaced. They’ve been trained by this one and have spent their entire lives marinating in Marxism. Have you seen the state of our universities?

Western leaders need to tell people what is happening. They need to tell people why it is happening, and what we will do about it, and why it is important.

Albanese has just completed a Gough Whitlam reimagined tour of Chinese tourist spots. He stopped long enough to assure us all is well with the world before heading to the South Pacific for a spot of dancing and Climate Change hand-wringing.

He knows a storm is coming but hopes the worst of it will fall to someone else to deal with.

We need Western politicians to explain that a storm is coming and to reassure people that we can survive provided we take the necessary steps.

The first step would be to seriously boost our defence forces. No more reviews of reviews pretending that a review is action. We desperately need to arm up.

The second step would be to deepen our relationship with our allies. Democratic nations must work more closely together than ever before.

The third step would be to abandon Net Zero in order to ensure we have cheap, abundant energy. If war breaks out, we will need it. And before war breaks out, we need to rebuild our manufacturing sector. You can’t shoot sunbeams. You need missiles. Maybe we should make some.

The fourth step would be for the government to work more collegially with the Liberal National Party (“LNP”). We need our political class to admit we face real and dangerous threats and to be willing to work together in good faith for the good of the nation.

And, on that point, both Labor and the LNP should, as one, condemn the Greens as unfit for government and as a danger to the country.

The fifth step would be to take business and sections of the media into their confidence. We need business to power up. We need the national broadcaster to stop spreading division and instead focus the nation on those things that will assist us in a storm.

Family, the Christian faith, national pride. Those three things would be a good start. And if the ABC cannot bring themselves to cheer for those three things, the ABC should at least be told to stop undermining those three things.

It’s our ABC for God’s sake. We pay for it!

We’ve not yet mentioned the changing economy which even our treasurer doesn’t seem to understand, as a source of massive instability.

What about rapidly evolving technology that is right now dramatically changing the way we live?

Should we talk about AI that promises as much harm as it does benefit?

And what of the abandonment of social norms, the destruction of the nuclear family, the chaos of energy policy or changing work habits resulting from the pandemic?

Add to that mass migration on a scale the world has never before seen, and the enormous social upheaval that comes with it.

Any one of these things alone would create enormous upheaval and danger.

But together they form a massive tinder box that we find ourselves sitting upon, just in time for the bullets to start whizzing past our ears.

God save us from the end William Butler Yeats saw …

About the Author

James Macpherson is an Australian journalist and the author ofNotes from Woketopia – Laying Bare the Lunacy of Woke Culture’.  He is the host of the ‘Late Debate’ on Sky News Australia and writes for Rebel News, Sky News and The Spectator Australia.  He also publishes articles on his Substack page ‘The James Macpherson Report’ which you can follow and subscribe to HERE.

Featured image: Taken from The James Macpherson Report

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6 months ago

And I thought all the bad actors were in the same WEF/UN boat. War will aid depopulation and level cities so they can build back better. Isn’t that the plan ? Gearing up for war AGAIN just underlines humanities stupidity. The people don’t want it, only those in charge pulling the purse strings want it and will divide us and stoke us to achieve it once more.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Ian
6 months ago
Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Dave Owen
6 months ago
Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
6 months ago

The Expose has shamed itself with this piece with its denial of facts and truth

Here is some real reporting, backed up by evidence that tells of what really happened and why – Israel’s aim of seizing the whole of the Middle East by violent means, and even Albert Einstein described their methods as like those of Nazis –

“No, the Hamas Invasion Was Not an Israeli ‘Intelligence Failure”.

“Leading Israeli Newspaper Haaretz Exposes Israel’s Lies About Hamas’ October 7 Attack”.

“Israel’s military was ordered to attack Israelis on 10/7”.

Here is the “why” – “Gaza Is Not the US/Israeli Target”.

Note – “What is called Israel’s right to self-defense is a euphemism for Israeli expansion”

Even Albert Einstein described these Israeli extremists as Nazis –

“Israel’s Final Solution for the Palestinians”.

In that article – “Netanyahu, who first became prime minister in 1996, has spent his political career nurturing Jewish extremists, including Avigdor Lieberman, Gideon Sa’ar, Naftali Bennett, and Ayelet Shaked. His father, Benzion — who worked as an assistant to the Zionist pioneer Vladimir Jabotinsky, who Benito Mussolini referred to as “a good fascist” — was a leader in the Herut Party that called on the Jewish state to seize all the land of historic Palestine. Many of those who formed the Herut Party carried out terrorist attacks during the 1948 war that established the state of Israel. Albert Einstein, Hannah Arendt, Sidney Hook and other Jewish intellectuals, described the Herut Party in a statement published in The New York Times as a “political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to Nazi and Fascist parties.” []” – from –

“Israel cannot cover up its October 7 defeat with lies: Hamas “.

“Caught On Tape: What The Netanyahu Really Thinks Of US”.

That is a lot of reading and I know most people won’t want to read it or don’t have the time to read it all. If that is you, then see just this one –

“The ten dumbest things we’re being asked to believe about Israel’s war on Gaza”.

Reply to  Watcher Seeker
6 months ago

Grat Article Watcher Seeker…
I copied it and saved it in a Word file.
check these two out:

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
6 months ago

I posted a long piece showing how this article shames The Expose for its denial of facts and truth. It was flagged as needing approval, and usually when that happens the post never appears, so I’ve trimmed it down to just this –

“The ten dumbest things we’re being asked to believe about Israel’s war on Gaza”.

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
6 months ago

“Unsafe” is also used to persuade people from visiting sites the Government doesn’t want them to visit.

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
6 months ago

Sorry but the original article by Rhoda Wilson is full of misinformation and Israeli propaganda. There is no way in the world anyone from Gaza can attack Israel in the manner that is narrated without getting caught out. Impossible to get 200 hostages back over the electric fencing and high walls, considering some of these alleged hostage released were 80+ years old….

Militants across the middle east have been long sponsored by Zionist agents since time of Lawrence of Arabia to stir up hate and infighting amongst Arabs and to weaken them….this latest attack is rightly labelled “Israel’s 9/11″… because like the one in New York this one is also a inside job ..a false flag operation in order to “make legal” and “justify” a illegal war and tyranny…

Reply to  Shahid
6 months ago

Well said above.

It’s high time to wake up to how wars are manipulated into being and always have been. No excuses now so much info has been disclosed over decades. So either people like the author of this confused article get their clarity together or they spiral hopelessly into a long planned hellscape of global warfare and draconian subjugation of humanity that will accompany it and use it to advance. The choice of whch reality you will experience is entirely yours. I recommend that you propagate the former.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Watcher Seeker
6 months ago
6 months ago

A good article bar one glaring mistake: we haven’t been appeasing Putin, but rather we have been constantly poking & enraging the Russian Bear.

Rather like enabling Iran through sending plane loads of cash & turning eyes from its nuclear intentions.

The political West is failing to talk about it because it knows it’s caused the maybe imminent escalation to WW3. Utter lunatics all.

Reply to  Jchr12
6 months ago

It does seem Putin has handled dire provocation with diplomacy and finesse for over 20 years. However, despite really liking the personality and intelligence he presents, i still look at him with a jaundiced eye. Been around long enough to know the seemingly pretty baubles dangled before us, are often as venomous as the obviously evil ones.

Often ask myself how the hell can he still be in power, or even still breathing, if he isn’t really another stooge? As for Iran, in my opinion they appear to have been far more sinned against than sinning, emphasis remains on appear. However will say when you look at the powers who seemingly have nuclear weapons, it’s truly understandable if they want some too. They are no less entitled to them, personally look at all we’re told with a very watchful eye, so much is meant to dupe us.

Reply to  Demeter
6 months ago

Have a post waiting for approval Rhoda, don’t think i’ve said anything drastic in it.

Also recommend taking a look at Proofs of a Conspiracy by John Robison. It was published back in 1798 but is very relevant to what we’re experiencing. Also shows how early the plans we see coming to fruition were already in action.

It can be downloaded from

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
6 months ago

“No, the Hamas Invasion Was Not an Israeli ‘Intelligence Failure”.

“Leading Israeli Newspaper Haaretz Exposes Israel’s Lies About Hamas’ October 7 Attack”.

“Israel’s military was ordered to attack Israelis on 10/7”.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
6 months ago

Here is the “why” – “Gaza Is Not the US/Israeli Target”.

Note – “What is called Israel’s right to self-defense is a euphemism for Israeli expansion”

Even Albert Einstein described these Israeli extremists as Nazis –

“Israel’s Final Solution for the Palestinians”.

“Israel cannot cover up its October 7 defeat with lies: Hamas “.

6 months ago

If we have more articles like this, it’ll be time to end my subscription to the Expose. Life is just too short.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Nicky
6 months ago

It is an opinion piece from an external author not a member of the Expose team, however it is a heavily slanted and biased piece.

When other sites, Zero Hedge for example, publish things like this they end with a disclaimer along the lines of “Contributor posts published on Zero Hedge do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Zero Hedge, and are not selected, edited or screened by Zero Hedge editors.”

Something like that would have helped here, but “This is a heavily biased piece that does not get our approval” would be better.

Reply to  Nicky
6 months ago

Can’t handle the truth? You may want to read the article again, because it describes your attitude perfectly.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Nicky
6 months ago
Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
6 months ago

Here is a well-balanced report –

“Helicopter Footage Sparks Debate Over Israeli Friendly Fire Incidents”

“In one scene from the harrowing footage – the date of which is also in dispute, a small car is seen speeding through an open field before the hovering gunship scored a direct hit on it. There’s no way to know just from the footage whether it was full of Israeli civilians or Hamas fighters”

6 months ago

“Israel is now waging a war for its very survival. Hamas is an Iranian-backed death cult that nobody would tolerate in their own backyard.”

Wow! Hate to say it Rhoda but must admit this article is plain wrong, emotionally partisan blather. The author is so trapped by their emotional bias they can’t see the wood for the trees.

Whether it’s ISIS, Hamas, comparatively recent Israeli Govts etc they are all created and controlled by the scum, who want to sink us into such a state of horror we’ll accept their tyranny willingly.

6 months ago

Take the Israel Hamas debacle out of this piece, and you are left with, an article that tells no truth about Putin, that still thinks the West is a cut above the rest of the world, reeks of arrogance

Reply to  kath
6 months ago

The West IS a cut above the rest of the world.
It’s a shame that so many of us seem to fallen for the idea that all cultures are equal.
They aren’t.

6 months ago

America is the NT harlot hidden within the OT harlot in the language our sovereign Father chose to be spoken the most across His earth!


6 months ago

a twisted truth distorting article. surprised to see it here on expose.

Reply to  nomad
6 months ago

Exactly how has the article distorted the truth?

I’m also surprised that the Expose ‘printed’ the article, but for a different reason….
It’s a good, well reasoned appraisal of the situation that the West is facing if people don’t wake up and see the world the way it is….not the way they want it to be.

Reply to  Mark
6 months ago

see watcher seeker comments for detailed explanation

Reply to  nomad
6 months ago

I think I’ll pass. “Watcher Seeker” and I don’t share the same worldview.
(I’m trying to be nice)

6 months ago

In a so-called democracy freedom of speech is everything. The article might be controversial but the man is entitled to his views. I believe the ‘west’ is screwed, our politicians are hopeless and we couldn’t rearm a pea shooter.

I can sadly see China, Russia and Iran giving us a good slap, then all these one world government flunkies will be in trouble.

6 months ago

The article is spot on. I was surprised how many here hated it, until I realized how many of the comments come from Hamas supporters, Putin worshippers, etc.

Those who dismiss the ideas in this article may want to read it again.
The author is absolutely right, and the West had better start preparing for what is coming.

6 months ago

The public is not so gullible to believe the narrative that Hamas carried out the 7th October 2023 attack as a complete surprise to Israel.

We all know Palestine and Gaza has been a open air prison for the last few decades. Israel controls water, gas, electricity, and even air (medical) supplies. There are walls, fencing and armed checkpoints preventing uncontrolled access to and from Palestine territories, Palestine has no airport. Add to that surveillance from satellites, cctv. Even illegal Zionist settlers are armed with weapons. How is it possible for Palestinians to prepare and carry out such a large scale attack unnoticed? Only a fool would believe this mainstream media narrative.

The main question is who really benefited from this incident? It’s definitely NOT the Palestinians… Israel has a long track record of stealing land ever since it came into existence, by the help of British. Attacking Gaza, killing it’s citizens and reducing it to rubble is 100% in favour of the Zionists to take further control and dominance.

Militants across the middle east have been long sponsored by Zionist agents since time of Lawrence of Arabia to stir up hate and infighting amongst Arabs and to weaken them….this latest attack is rightly labelled “Israel’s 9/11″… because like the one in New York this one is also a inside job ..a false flag operation in order to “make legal” and “justify” a illegal war and tyranny…

Reply to  Shahid
6 months ago

So you think that the Hamas leadership, (supported by Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad), and the Iranian government are lying when they brag that they are responsible for the massacre?

Hamas claims that they essentially lulled the Israelis to sleep by not committing any attacks for the last few years, all while they were being trained and supplied by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

But I guess that the Israelis are the real culprits, they attacked themselves…/sarc

Phillip Morris
Phillip Morris
Reply to  Mark
6 months ago

The Israelis were lulled to sleep? LOL Have you seen the IDF and their defenses? Come on! The IDF was intentionally stood down to allow a very small force to achieve maximum carnage for mass media coverage. It’s all theater folks and you will never understand the motivations involved if you take everything at face value. WTFU

Reply to  Phillip Morris
6 months ago

Not everything is a conspiracy theory. People DO make mistakes,
even the IDF….

Peter Westwood
Peter Westwood
6 months ago

A naive article by a “journalist” who seems ignorant of the long term planning by this world’s masters, of the deeper game that is being played, of the extent of control over our world’s governments and their fake oppositions, of the creation and funding of extremist groups and of the “movements” that are used to shape the narrative of our human story, indeed of the nature and subtlety of evil. We should recall that Albert Pike’s “3 World Wars” letter (even though many call it a fake) accurately predicted what is now unfolding and even though its provenance is uncertain the missive was certainly in existence in 1925.
There is a “post Covid” effort to sow division and discord between we human beings at every level and in innumerable areas, causing the ignorant to “pick sides”. There are only two sides: Humanity, and those that rule over us and always have.

6 months ago

Hamas was founded by Israel.
What are American troops doing in Syria?

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  goofy
6 months ago

Hi goofy,
Well said.
They are stealing the Syrian oil.
Strange they should want all that dirty fossil fuel.

6 months ago

The strange similarities between The Hitler Youth and the college student Hamas terrorists cheerleaders.

Phillip Morris
Phillip Morris
6 months ago

I didn’t care much for this article. I am not much concerned about the accuracy of the facts cited. What does concern me is the general outlook or perspective of the article which is more subtle that the debate about facts. I fully concur with the concern that the West, the USG especially, is on brink of war and the implications that would have. However, James wrote the article from the perspective of a Neo-Con which can basically be described as a war-monger. The only solution he offers is “more of the same” of which the world has had plenty from the USG since the end of 1860’s and especially since the beginning of the World Wars Part I. James’ attitude is that the only role the USG can play is as an even bigger antagonist than we have been. This is no solution but will simply lead to the World Wars Part II we all fear is coming.

Without giving adequate explanation, I will simply say that the solution is for the US to reverse course, something that is politically impossible given the elite that control this country. The USG must disengage. The solution is for the US to get out of the empire business entirely. This would mean the US must reduce the Federal Government by 80%, cut taxes back to 10% across the board and abandon it’s empire and bring all the troops home from overseas. James solution is “The second step would be to deepen our relationship with our allies. Democratic nations must work more closely together than ever before.” That is the description of the West’s NWO.

The US must say to the world that from now on we will trade with all but we will mind our own business. That we will have alliances with none but if attacked we will destroy you and that from now on there will not be one dime of “foreign aid” from the USG to anyone. Of course, this is NOT in the interest of the Marxists who now control the USG.

Reply to  Phillip Morris
6 months ago

This article genuinely saddened me as it’s totally detached from the reality we’re facing. Truly sad to say it’s obvious so many people are literally reduced to buttons, just waiting to be pushed.

George Carlin, one of my heroes, summed it up brilliantly back in ’05. This is a link to The American Dream sketch, which is also known as The Big Club:

Reply to  Phillip Morris
6 months ago

Unfortunately it’s a little late for the US to take that position.
Donald Trump could have done it, and he was making moves in that direction. But Biden’s weakness has placed us in a position of always playing catch-up.
He’s constantly sending administration figures around the world to keep the status quo against aggressive, anti American countries that his weakness has encouraged.
It looks like pathetic begging, because it is.
We can’t simply declare that we are getting out of the empire business, taking our toys and going home….. when it looks like we are starting to fall behind.
That would just encourage China (and Russia, Iran) and leave our allies defenseless.

6 months ago

[…] James Macpherson: Western politicians know what is happening and why it is happening but refuse to t… A sleepy west has suddenly woken up in a very dark alley with three big guys – Iran, Russia and China – who hate our guts, wondering how the hell we got here…War in the Middle East will send fuel prices soaring, weakening already weak European economies and thus helping Russia.  A US-Iran war means US resources, already deployed against Russia, will need to also be poured into the Middle East, leaving China to dominate the Pacific. […]

6 months ago

[…] James Macpherson: Western politicians know what is happening and why it is happening but refuse to t…A sleepy west has suddenly woken up in a very dark alley with three big guys – Iran, Russia and China – who hate our guts, wondering how the hell we got here…War in the Middle East will send fuel prices soaring, weakening already weak European economies and thus helping Russia.  A US-Iran war means US resources, already deployed against Russia, will need to also be poured into the Middle East, leaving China to dominate the Pacific. […]

6 months ago

 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. John 3:16-18

Ken Hughes
Ken Hughes
6 months ago

This guy sucks. I for one, refuse to take sides over the Israel conflict. The whole thing stinks of false flags and planned genocide from the very start. The only side I take is for the Israeli and Palestinian victims on both “sides”. So yes, I shout, “Stop this insanity”.
If I were younger and today asked to join the military to fight to save our nation, I would refuse on the grounds our “nation” is now not worth fighting for and certainly not worth dying for.

Reply to  Ken Hughes
6 months ago

I agree-good comment.
As for “‘ our nation'” is now not worth fighting for…” Obviously the remembrance day/poppy salesmen would take us to task on this!
But, was “our “nation”” ever worth dying for in the first place? We have been fed lie upon lie on everything-secular history included…

john hubbard
john hubbard
6 months ago

Wow !
The author has a really bad memory when it comes to who has nuclear weapons, he forgot to mention Israel !
Also, he forgot to point out that China has completely failed to keep up militarily while the US “stomps around” the Atlantic, the Med, the Persian Gulf, etc. etc.
I assume this article was published to give “balance” or something.

6 months ago

LONDON — Eighty years after Hitler’s failure, the Nazis have at last seized London.

As chants of “Death To Jews” and “Final Solution” rang through the London air, longtime Nazi leader Josef Schmidt was overwhelmed with joy. “After so many decades of being an outcast here in Britain, to now watch Nazis march through the heart of London yelling ‘Gas the Jews’ – well, it brings a tear to your eye,” said Mr. Schmidt. “I’ve had to hide my swastika flag for years, but no more! We’re going out for a triumphant walk right by Buckingham Palace.”

6 months ago

What a complete joke. So the expose publishes webpage “articles” and then comments on them themselves with embedded video “posts” by bogus “commenters” (Dave Owens) but of course, doesn’t allow anyone else to do the same. I know code and it’s easy enough to check to see if embedded video code works online. I already know you won’t publish this post, so please block me so I don’t waste anymore time on a completely bogus/rigged website.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  UltrZero
6 months ago

Hi UltrZero,
Wow you numpty, at least that’s my real name, from the UK.

6 months ago

The obvious thing is that ALL these “leaders” do the same – advance 2030 agenda – so what WAR? War is for us, to kill each other, to get distracted, so there are reasons to make changes, no one would accept.

6 months ago

Relaxing in the Couch of Ignorance is what McPherson is doing… When there, one can say whatever and deny whatever his feelings tell him.

How about for a change visiting the Realm of Rationalism and really educating yourself by looking a the sayings of the Zionist leaders who created the present Israel and reconsider “who started it” instead of doing Statistics with pre chosen outcomes to defend?

I dare you to read the 160 pages of quotes from those who started and pushed this conflict … or maybe just the first 54 quotes if the whole file is too much for your capacity anybody?

And then listen to David Sorensen that gives a different story to the one you present…

Finally for you to pretend to justify the murdering of innocent civilians under the excuse that some extremists killed some of your kind does not fit in any Ethics book.

6 months ago

JM would be in good company with the likes of Victoria Nuland and other such warmongers that mistakingly think they are exeptional.

Marg Saphire
Marg Saphire
5 months ago

The reason the author has woken into a surreal world is because he and his ilk are unable to correctly analyze pretty straight forward, simple problems, which directly leads to the outcomes he decries. Low IQ has costs associated with it. And a member of a former penal colony writing this screed is also no wonder: one would suspect such a weak grasp of unpleasant realities, that kind of irresponsible escapism regarding crimes against others. What a genius. Simple cause and effect relationships allude this moron.

Marg Saphire
Marg Saphire
Reply to  Marg Saphire
5 months ago

The elude him ….