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Dr. Jill Glasspool Malone: How the covid pandemic has advanced the UN’s aim of becoming the One World Government

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By globally synchronising the public health response across the United Nations (“UN”) member states, new powers were granted to the UN. These universally applied regulations and multilateral agreements have created a vast interlocking public health network throughout the world which in turn birthed a new, globalised administrative state.

The UN has been quietly gestating and building power for years before the pandemic through agreements such as Agenda 2030 and has now become a sovereign power unto itself.  This is the shadow global government that seeks to regulate every dimension of our lives.

The above is the subject of a speech written and delivered by Dr. Jill Glasspool Malone at the fourth International Covid Summit (“ICS 4”) held from 18 to 19 November 2023 in Bucharest, Romania, at the Palace of the Parliament.

The Summit was organised by the Alianța pentru Unirea Românilor or AUR party (English translation Alliance for the Union of Romanians).  Over the two days, 46 medical professionals, scientists and other professionals gave presentations including Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Ryan Cole and Dr. Chris Shoemaker.

This latest International Covid Summit (“ICS”) comes as the organisation is in the process of changing its name.  So, ICS 4 is also being referred to as the International Crisis Summit because “as we now know, this was never just about covid,” ICS said.

Dr. Malone explained that ICS was created for doctors, lawyers and professionals from all over the world to unite and discuss their experiences with covid. This is an uncensored and safe haven where they are able to gather, share, discuss and analyse their findings in order to find safe and effective treatments for covid and all of the complications that surround it.

The following is the transcript of Dr. Glasspool Malone’s speech at ICS 4. You can watch all the speeches and presentations given at the Summit HERE.

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Pandemics as a Catalyst for a New World Order

Their goal is total world control – with unelected officials at the helm.

By Dr. Jill Glasspool Malone

Each nation in the world has its own culture, governance structures, traditions, property, borders and peoples. We must preserve the diversity and sovereignty of nations and cultures.

By globally synchronising the public health response across the United Nations member states, new powers were granted to the UN and its organisations at the cost of national sovereignty. These universally applied regulations and multilateral agreements have given birth to an enlarged, globalised administrative state.

Although this power grab has been percolating for many decades, the COVIDcrisis acted as an accelerant to synergise international agreements that advance the UN as a world government.

The United Nations has morphed into a leviathan.  Its various agreements and goals seek to centrally dictate the world’s economy, migration, “reproductive health”, monetary systems, digital IDs, environment, agriculture, wages, climate modifications, one world health, and other related globalist programs.

To be clear, these are the goals of an organisation seeking a globalised command economy, not an organisation focused on world peace, ending wars or human rights!

This UN aims to regulate every dimension of our personal and national lives. It is working to reduce and eliminate national sovereignty across the world, and thereby to decrease our diversity, our traditions, our religions and our national identities.

The UN has partnerships and strategic agreements with member nations, as well as other globalist organisations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Bank, CEPI, GAVI, The World Trade Organisation, The European Union and the World Economic Forum, known as the WEF.

For an example of how the United Nations operates.

The WEF and the UN signed a strategic agreement and partnership in 2019.  Remember that the WEF has a commitment to “stakeholder capitalism,” by which private partnerships work to control governments.

The WEF developed a plan in 2020 to use the COVIDcrisis to reorganise global governance around social issues including climate change – this plan was called the Great Reset.

The WEF is a trade organisation representing the world’s largest corporations. It repeatedly exploits disruptive technologies to enhance economic growth opportunities for its corporate members. The WEF is specifically designed to advance the economic power of its global elite members, otherwise known as the “billionaire class.”

As the WEF feeds money into the United Nations through their 2019 strategic agreement, who is managing the conflicts of interest that come with this partnership? Where is the transparency?

The UN has fourteen specialised organisations under its leadership, all involved in global governance, including the World Health Organization or WHO.

None of these organisations have anything to do with the scope of the original UN charter, which was focused on ending wars, promoting world peace and human rights.

The UN has been quietly building power for years prior to the pandemic through various agreements and treaties. For instance, the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” is a recent example of such an agreement. Agenda 2030 is a treaty for “transforming our world” and was signed into international law in 2015. This treaty has elevated the United Nations to a position of a self-serving global government bureaucracy.

Agenda 2030 has 17 goals and 169 targets, which vary widely in scope and topic, but almost all of these goals directly affect world governance.

Here are just a few examples from the Agenda 2030 treaty.  Is this what the United Nations should be concerned with, or are these issues more properly addressed by the policies of sovereign nations?

Agenda 2030 is essentially a totalitarian socialist manifesto.  These and many more forceful statements regarding the reduction of national rights are found in this United Nations Treaty.

The UN has signed strategic agreements with the largest organisations, corporations and world powers to fulfil their utopian vision for the world.

This is a new world order- with unelected officials in control. That means that you and I will be ruled by a non-democratic UN administrative bureaucracy. This is a form of inverse totalitarianism. A world order based on a command economy; one that is at its core both socialist and totalitarian.

Now, these goals and targets may be fine for any single nation to undertake but this is a re-structuring of the United Nations beyond its charter.

Early in the pandemic, the UN – through its surrogate the WHO – declared that a global vaccine passport was needed, and provided extensive guidance to member nations to standardise vaccine passports worldwide.

In response, the leaders of the G20 issued a declaration in 2022 supporting the development of a global standard of vaccination for international travel and the establishment of “global digital health networks” to be built on existing digital covid-19 vaccine passports.

In June 2023, a new initiative between the EU and the WHO for strategic cooperation on global health issues was announced. This agreement seeks to: “Bolster a robust multilateral system with the World Health Organisation at its core, powered by a strong European Union.”

After failing to manage the COVIDcrisis, the WHO now seeks more money and power to control all aspects of our health and lives.  They intend to amend the International Health Regulations to govern the “pandemic prevention, preparedness and response” of future outbreaks, which includes public health emergencies of any type. This includes a major role for the WHO in direct governance, as opposed to a guidance-based role.

These changes are predicated on G20 global adoption of “vaccine passports.” These passports will collect and contain private health data and will enable surveillance, tracking and control of individuals and populations worldwide. The passports will include not only covid-19 vaccine data but the status of all vaccinations.  It will become a world digitised passport – including personal health information that the United Nations has no right to access.

The G20 Joint Declaration regarding vaccine passports and future pandemics is a declaration on how future pandemics will be handled.  It states:

The G20 is also working with the International Monetary Fund (the financial agency of the UN), the World Bank (which has a founding treaty relationship with the UN) and the Bank for International Settlements to formalise the use of central bank digital currencies in banking systems. The Bank for International Settlements specifically refers to “the disruption caused by covid-19” as a justification to create central bank digital currencies.

The pandemic has allowed world leaders to coalesce global administrative power under the guise of public health through the administrative bureaucracy of the UN. Public health has been weaponised to gain control of passports, travel, banking, the environment and the international economy. This is a gross violation of the individual’s right to privacy, national sovereignty and the UN charter.

It is just a matter of time before these vaccine passports will be coupled with central bank digital currencies. Then the passports can be used to deny the unvaccinated or other political dissenters access to travel and use of their own money.

Once international passports, central bank digital currencies, command economy aspects of the UN’s Agenda 2030, and the WHO amendments to the IHRs are put into place, the groundwork for a new world order will be complete. A global administrative state, whose core power resides with the UN, will become a spiderweb of rules, regulations, agreements and treaties within which individuals and nations will be trapped like flies.

This new global governance will be virtually unbreakable.  From there, it is only a matter of time before national sovereignty becomes obsolete. This is a reality unless we fight to stop this madness.

For this reason, the power of the United Nations must be exposed and curtailed.

Globalists seeking to advance their agendas are using the model of the European Union, whereby rules and regulations stymie national sovereignty, to build a worldwide system of control.

All must fight this take-over at the local, national and international level. We must use the courts, our legislatures, the media, public protests and the power vested in our national and state sovereignty to fight this. If all else fails, individual nations may need to withdraw from the UN’s New World Order in order to remain free.

Let’s work together to keep our personal and national sovereignty safe for future generations. A New World Order is not needed, is not acceptable, and we the people and our sovereign governments should unequivocally reject this globalised takeover.

About the Author

Jill Glasspool Malone, PhD, is a specialist in preclinical, regulatory, and clinical project management, with special expertise in public policy and Federal regulatory issues. She has been a co-founder of several biotech companies and has held positions in the biotechnology industry and academia. She has an extensive publication record in gene therapy, immunology and public policy for infectious disease outbreaks.  She is married to Dr. Robert W. Malone.

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5 months ago

In their dreams.

5 months ago

This woman is a wolf in sheep skin, just like her husband.
She’s a breeder of expensive horses, and on her LinkedIn page she proudly listed her connections.

I quote from the substack Lioness of Judah Ministry:
“… among Mrs. Malone’s seven “influencers” are RichardBranson, Bill Gates, Melinda French Gates and Justin Trudeau — at least they were until she erased the section from her page. Also gone now are her chosen “companies,” which included some of Big Pharma’s biggest designers, producers and also customers of vaccines and other products: Pfizer, Eli Lilley, Sanofi, the US Department of Health and Human Services, the US Army’s Institute of Infectious Diseases — plus, naturally, Bill Gates’ TED Talks.”

That plus her husband’s supposed “deep connections” with the CIA and the bioweapon industry, his involvement in the development and promotion of vaccines, his research into the combination of vaccines with microwave technology to turn the body into a factory for HIV viruses, his lawsuit against the Breggins …

it’s so obvious they are members of the Deep State now posing as “opposition”.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Aluna
5 months ago

Hi Aluna,
That was a refreshing comment.
Keep it up and provide more information, as you see it.

5 months ago

Excellent article 👌 But just one important addition: The Global Biodiversity Assessment (GBA) is the implementation plan for UN Agenda 2030. The GBA talks in detail about how traditional Judaeo-Christian-Islamic religious beliefs is a problem we deny sacred attributes in nature ie we deny idol worship; reducing the population to 1 billion people; using biotechnology to increase value of genetic resources; intellectual property rights of genetic resources etc etc!!

5 months ago

Digital ID and contemporary ID will always be contentious, for the identification documents, be they paper or digital remains in the jurisdiction outside the control of the actual beneficiary and thus are open to manipulation and corruption. Even the current standard British passport states the CROWN is the owner of the ID and is subject to their jurisdiction/control. That means the ID isn’t the property of the Beneficiary. Plus bankers or building societies refuse to acknowledge that the ID is the property of the CROWN. 

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
Reply to  :Stuart-james.
5 months ago

Did you get to vote for or have a referendum on being a part of the UN and the WHO. No I did not think so.

There is no accountability to the people.

Reply to  Mark Deacon
5 months ago

There is no meaningful dialog with any of these criminals, so when they offer a so-called referendum or vote in a general election, the only part anyone can be sure of is that they will control the outcome. When a banker/building society refuses to acknowledge CROWN identity property, it voids any contract they may claim to hold with their so-called customer.

Chris C
Chris C
5 months ago

I had to laugh at paragraph 6: “for lawyers to discuss their experiences with covid”

Has even ONE of these “lawyers” helped Dr Reiner Fuellmich document Crimes Against Humanity/Creation or brought charges?

5 months ago

[…] Dr. Jill Glasspool Malone: How the covid pandemic has advanced the UN’s aim of becoming the One Wo… […]

Dr Rhodes
Dr Rhodes
5 months ago

So, Tedros The Terrorist is channeling The Reverend Jim Jones. What could possible go wrong?

5 months ago

What about Javier Milei? Did you hear?

Washington Post:
“Argentina is about to take a turn to the right with the arrival of a radical similar to Donald Trump
A radical libertarian and admirer of Donald Trump rode the wave of voter anger to win Argentina’s presidency on Sunday, prompting the sharpest shift to the right in the country’s four decades of democracy. »
Reuters: “Argentinian far-right libertarian Milei wins”
New York Times: « mini-Trump »
Trump congratulated Mr. Milei after the victory was announced.

The greatest Argentine miracle since the hand of God of Diego Armando, I tell you.

4 JUL 2020, Milei: “There is no pandemic, and Argentinian infectious disease specialists are blackmailers”.
Economist Javier Milei destroyed Argentina’s quarantine as a method of combating the coronavirus with numbers. He called him a “caveman” and blamed the World Health Organization and “blackmail infectious disease specialists.”

comment image

The candidacy for a new world hero is being taken very seriously.

On November 22, 2021

Javier Milei received his second dose against COVID-19 at the Vélez Sarsfield stadium. There he explained why he got vaccinated: “I had to get vaccinated because I don’t live from politics or the state. To make money, I need to give lectures all over the country and abroad.”

“I’m not anti-vaccine, I’m pro-vaccine,” he said at the time, and took aim at those who branded him as anti-vaccine: “They are exposed as liars and want to charge the issue (of vaccination) as a contradiction of mine. The easiest thing for progressives is to say they were anti-vaxxers.”

“[…] Before I go somewhere I make a tampon 48 hours before that and on the same day too. I always wear a mask, but I do a risk-income assessment because I’m not a risk group,” Milei responded.

The national deputy took aim at the Sinopharm vaccine, which he argued had not been approved for Phase 3. “There’s a reason they’re asking for an indemnity clause, because not all the vaccines are well tested,” Milei argued.

Curiously, the vaccine that Milei questioned in the debate of A Dos Voces, was the same one with which he gave himself the two doses and completed his immunization scheme in the vaccination center installed in the Vélez Sarsfield stadium.”×0/smart/filters:format(webp)/


Reply to  karakorum
5 months ago

He really looks like Donald.

(Like Don, will he pull a black rabbit out of his white hat?)

5 months ago

So you have censored my comment AGAIN !!!!
This is becoming ridiculous.
How can you seriously claim to fight for human rights and free speech, when you violate those rights yourself ?!?
You are just as bad as the Deep State, maybe you are part of it.

All I wrote is that Malone’s wife is just as controlled opposition as he is, and I quoted from her own linkedin page.

5 months ago

Reading The Expose is a waste of time.
You are nothing than controlled opposition, to lead humans into a certain, predetermined way, and to soak up feelings of anger and rebellion.

But as soon as someone points out inconsistencies or tries to dive deeper into a subject and reveal some unknown facts, he’s mercilessly censored.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
5 months ago

Hi Rhoda,
Try not be to hard on Aluna.
It’s interesting to have another opinion.

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
5 months ago

Dear Rhoda,
controlled opposition definitely exists. Or would you think that the storm on the Capitol was NOT infiltrated by Antifa members ?
It is one of the Cabal’s preferred methods of weakening the opposition, by leading it. They have been doing this since probably the beginning of history.
Humanity has been deceived so many times, when the supposed revolution, new leader, wind of change, triumpf of god over evil, etc. turned out to be just as horrible as the predecessors.
Examples are the Bolshevik revolution, Third Reich, Fidel Castro, Mao, the Green movement, Christianity itself, President Carter, President Clinton, President Obama ….

We must remain vigilant and question everything.

5 months ago

[…] Dr. Jill Glasspool Malone: How the covid pandemic has advanced the UN’s aim of becoming the One Wo… […]

Sharon Lamont
Sharon Lamont
5 months ago

Why isn’t your husband, Robert Malone in the lab trying to find a cure for his mRNA he invented?

5 months ago

She and her husband RW Malone took billions for “vaccines”, including the “Zika” “Pandemic”. % billion for undisclosed DoD “Countermeasure” that may be a C-19 “vaccine”. So why to hear from them?

Reply to  Vita
5 months ago

5 billion for the “Countermeasure”

5 months ago

Structure is as a House of Cards; take out a few in the foundation and watch it fall with only the slightest breeze.

5 months ago

This is brilliantly written and every point is important and true. If people do not wake up to the danger we are in under the impending take-over of our freedoms under the WHO and UN, before they know it their lives will be so unbearably different they will wish they had not been born.

My problem is that I do not know how to wake people up to the dangers they are in. As has been observed in a tweet, people are more concerned about a character in a ‘jungle’ mock-up survival comedy than about theirs and their grandchildren’s futures being reduced to the existence of mere slaves with no rights or freedoms.

The sluggish, lazy, uncaring response of the multitude of ‘average population’ will lead us into this dangerous take-over by a fascist world government against whose draconian rules there will be no appeal. We will live under a regime which will demand obedience to its demands concerning where we go, the vaccines we have, the food we eat, what our children are taught, where we live and with whom, what religious observance we keep, indeed every aspect of our lives will be regulated and watched by that unelected regime and any breach of compliance we make will be penalised by loss of our ‘wages’ so we won’t be able to buy food.

The trouble is, so many people do not believe this. They are sleep walking towards hell.

Reply to  truthshouldnothurt
5 months ago

I have simply given up on several people I thought were smart… they call everything you try to tell them a conspiracy theory… and I always ask myself which to believe????.. and the answer is always “Not those making money or gaining power on something… and the ones telling you that YOU are wrong are THEIR “fact checkers”… in other words, more more liars. By the way… I really don’t feel we have any freedom anymore… I think what they are striving for is just our acceptance of our “incarceration” wherever we live… and everything we want to do has too be approved by some higher UNELECTED “dictator”….and try to break out and the government itself will sue you… look at the people who didn’t want to take the mandated shots who were deprived of all their freedoms, even to work and support their families and afford a place to live! And how many got a little “cold”, and went to the hospitals out of fear, only to be. told they had COVID. and were isolated and killed there!

5 months ago

[…] – Dr. Jill Glasspool Malone: How the covid pandemic has advanced the UN’s aim of becoming the One Wo… […]

5 months ago

[…] Dr Jill Glasspool Malone, The Expose, 24 November […]