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Ireland’s “Hate Speech Bill” is a grotesque abuse of State power that will affect freedom of speech worldwide

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Ireland’s “Hate Speech Bill” or The Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences) Bill 2022 is a radical update to Irish hate crime law. It is a blueprint for authoritarianism, threatening jail time for the possession of memes and even reversing Ireland’s constitutionally guaranteed presumption of innocence – you are presumed guilty until you can prove yourself innocent.

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Interest in the revised hate speech laws has been spurred by recent rioting in Dublin following the stabbing of three children and an early childhood worker outside of a school last month.

Australian media outlet Defence Connect reported that the riots prompted Irish Prime Minister (Taoiseach) Leo Varadkar to encourage a review of Ireland’s hate speech legislation. “I think it’s now very obvious to anyone who might have doubted us, that our incitement hatred legislation is just not up to date,” Varadkar said.

“It’s not up to date for the social media age, and we need that legislation through. And we need it through in a matter of weeks because it’s not just the platforms that have a responsibility here, and they do, it’s also the individuals who post messages and images online that stir up hatred and violence. We need to be able to use laws to go after them individually.”

Irish law firm Matheson wrote that the Bill will expand the regulation of hate crimes in Ireland considerably and introduce the following new offences:

  • incitement to violence or hatred on account of certain defined protected characteristics;
  • condonation, denial or gross trivialisation of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes against peace; and
  • preparing or possessing material likely to incite violence or hatred on account of protected characteristics.

How does the Bill define hatred? It defines “hatred” as “hatred” and doesn’t bother to alleviate concerns regarding the subjectivity and perception of emotion.

The Attorney General advised that “for the purpose of this legislation, ‘hatred’ takes on its ordinary meaning as opposed to being set out as a definition, as it is a concept that is universally understood.”

The current Garda (police) definition of hate is: “Any non-crime incident which is perceived by any person to, in whole or in part, be motivated by hostility or prejudice, based on actual or perceived age, disability, race, colour, nationality, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or gender.”

One of the most astounding inclusions in the Bill, Defence Connect noted, is that a person doesn’t even have to have demonstrated hatred yet to be guilty of an offence – the mere chance that you may be “likely” to incite hatred is enough to be guilty.

One of the key features of the Bill is the provision for offences by corporate bodies. Where a body corporate is found to be guilty of an offence under the Bill, it will be liable on conviction on indictment to a fine.

The Bill was passed by the Dáil in April 2023 and is currently at the Committee Stage in the Seanad Éireann.  The Dáil is the lower house and the Seanad is the upper house of the Irish parliament, the Oireachtas. The Seanad can amend a Bill that has been passed by the Dáil and delay but not stop it from becoming law.

Free Speech Ireland said that there is an international dimension to the Bill. Not only because of the precedent it sets but also because of the effect it would have on other countries.

In May, Sarah Hardiman from Free Speech Ireland joined The Jist to discuss Ireland’s controversial new “hate crime” legislation.  Below is a clip from the interview tweeted yesterday by Free Speech Ireland.  You can watch the full interview HERE.

In a video yesterday, Michael Shellenberger also pointed out the impact the Bill will have internationally. “It’s not a Bill about protecting the Irish people from hate crimes. It’s a Trojan Horse designed to control the world’s Big Tech companies – X, Facebook, Google, and YouTube,” he said.

The following is the transcript of Shellenberger’s video, you can watch the video HERE.

Totalitarian Bid to Censor Entire Internet Behind Ireland Hate Speech Crackdown

By Michael Shellenberger

We can and must stop this attack on free speech.

It sounds like a “Black Mirror” episode: a small country announces a crackdown on hate speech to seize control over the entire Internet.  Except it’s not a “Black Mirror” episode. It’s real life. And it’s happening right now in Ireland.

The so-called “Hate Speech” Bill isn’t what it seems. It’s not a Bill about protecting the Irish people from hate crimes. It’s a Trojan Horse designed to control the world’s Big Tech companies – X, Facebook, Google, and YouTube.

This is a free speech emergency.

We thought the legislation was dead. But the Irish government is using recent riots as an excuse to ram the legislation through before Christmas.


It’s right there in black and white: “One of the key features of the Bill,” write two attorneys with a leading Irish law firm, “is the provision for offences by corporate bodies.”

How can Big Tech companies avoid censorship? You guessed it: by agreeing to regulation of their content by the Irish government.

“The current iteration of the Bill,” the attorneys write, “provides a defence for the corporate body to show that it took all reasonable steps and exercised due diligence to avoid the commission of the particular offence. Therefore, to establish and maintain such a defence, companies will need to have the appropriate processes and procedures in place.

The Irish government is almost certainly not acting alone. As my colleagues and I have reported, the demand for censorship is coming directly from the militaries, intelligence agencies, and their front groups in the US, UK, and around the world.

There’s no time to mince words. What governments are doing is against the law. They are violating the constitutions of the nations that the people elected them to uphold.

Because of the high level of secrecy they are using, we can’t say whether or not these are “rogue” elements within governments or whether these orders are coming from heads of state.

But we do know that demands for censorship have come both directly from the US military and from heads of state of Western nations around the world. What’s happening should terrify all freedom-loving people.

We must fight back.

We will fight back.

That starts with recognising what’s going on. Please share this post and tell friends and family what’s going on.

Finally, please consider getting involved directly. We have created and personally contributed to an Emergency Free Speech Fund to get the word out.

This isn’t about “hate speech.” This is about out-of-control elites within the intelligence, military, and security agencies around the world who are grotesquely abusing their power in a mad bid to take control of the Internet.

If we don’t stop them now, in Ireland, this terrifying “Black Mirror” episode will become real life.

About the Author

Michael Shellenberger is an investigative journalist who has broken major stories on crime and drug policy, homelessness, Amazon deforestation, rising climate resilience, growing eco-anxiety, the US government’s role in the fracking revolution, and climate change and California’s fires.  He is the founder and president of Environmental Progress and cofounder of the California Peace Coalition.

Shellenberger has authored two books:  ‘San Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities’ and ‘Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All’.  He publishes articles on a Substack page titled ‘Public’ which you can subscribe to and follow HERE.

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5 months ago

this proposed legislation proscribes “condonation, denial or gross trivialisation of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes against peace” – this looks to me like Ireland’s entire government and civil service is, in terms of this law, going to be locked up for grossly trivialising the covid genocide crime against humanity …

Reply to  MorganLeFey
5 months ago

In a sane world Morgan.

5 months ago

Stupid politicians will pay for stupid laws, truth be told

5 months ago

A happy, contented people living in a fairly run and resource well distributed society have no need to be legislated. The question of hatred against others will never be resolved by enforced authoritarian laws, the very nature of which are written in condemnation against the actions of others, which itself is a form of hatred. Putting fire out with fire never was a great solution. Listen to the people. Listen to their lives Mr law enforcing prostituted politiican. Listen to their desperation and look to see if there is cause. Find the cause and remove it and the effects will shrivel before your eyes. But its difficult to face that cause when you personally profit from it and herein lies the difficulty. Do you want a country well ordered, fair and at peace? Then you must lead it in a well ordered, fair and peaceful fashion. There will ever be hatred in society as long as society operates in such an unjust and unfair, corruptly manipulated manner. It’s this needs addressed, until it is, write laws until they cover every inch of ground, tattoo them on the foreheads of every newborn, you will never quell the anger in the hearts of those whose lives are trodden upon by your very own self interested despotic actions.

5 months ago

None of their garbage Bills or Statutes apply to men and women. NONE.
They need you to continue to be the legal fiction person.
You need to stop being the legal fiction person.
Starve them by being a man or woman.

Reply to  john
5 months ago

” Your Government is supposed to be staffed by you. Its decisions are supposed to be made by you. Its primary responsibility is to protect you and your property assets at all costs and against all comers.
That’s why governments exist.
And that is the only reason for any government to exist, ever. But what if your government doesn’t protect you?
What if, instead, your government preys upon you, threatens you, harasses you, and makes you miserable and fearful? Then something is terribly wrong.
Over six generations of Britons have been preyed upon, threatened, and harassed by something posing as “their” government. It isn’t our government. It’s a substitute government run by two foreign subcontractors.
So these people are our employees, indirectly, but they are being told what to do by foreign governments controlled by foreign Principals: the Holy See, the Commonwealth Crown, and the Lord Mayor of London. Those foreign governments are under contract to provide us with certain enumerated “governmental services”. They have been exercising our own “Delegated Powers” and operating “in our names”.
They are supposed to operate under the limitations and in accordance with their employment contracts called the Constitutions. Instead, they’ve been colluding to evade their obligations under the Constitutions and they’ve been misdirecting our Employees to racketeer against us and to misidentify our political status, to impersonate us, and to defraud us.
So instead of protecting us, these Hired Helpers have operated in Breach of Trust and harmed us. They’ve done exactly the opposite of what your government is supposed to do. But do you notice something? Do you see what’s missing? You are. You are supposed to be self-governing. You are supposed to be running Your Government – not your Hirelings.
So, we noticed what was wrong a long time ago. And we dusted off our laurels and we got to work. We talked to our friends and neighbors (those who would listen) and we explained what was wrong and we learned more as we went.… and, we organized the government we are supposed to have: Your Government.
There’s just one problem. We are supporting it. We are putting our time and money into it. We are building it up and restoring it. We are doing our “job” – but where are you? If you want a government that protects you, a government that doesn’t steal from you, harass you, threaten you, or harm you — then, it’s high time that you start backing Your Government and participating in it and supporting it with your money and your skills and your time.
We are seeking people willing to invest their time and money to advance the restoration of Your Government, to fund our Peacekeeping Officials and Officers, to run our County Assemblies, to make Your Government work the way Your Government is supposed to work — a government to protect you and your family.
When you come home to the land and soil that bore you, and start breathing as a free woman or man again, you will be recognising the ancient heritage of England and will no longer bear the burdens of a foreign (UK) citizenship.
You won’t be subject to foreign statutory laws.
You won’t worry about “Police Officers” breaking down your doors.
You won’t pay “Income Taxes” anymore.
You will have little or no reason to ever visit their courts.
You will possess your homes and your land and soil as Freeholders — not Tenants.
You won’t pay any mortgages or utilities or property taxes.
You will be in control of your own lives again.
You will sleep sound in your beds again.
Now think about that, and know that Your Government is what guarantees these results. What’s more important than what we have just described for you? What greater profit can you realize by investing in anything else? “

Reply to  john
5 months ago

Behind the scenes, there is much going on which eventually will put a stop to the corruption of local councils, the corruption of MP’s, all of which the corrupt will hide from the public at all costs.

Reply to  john
5 months ago

Love your passion John. But I wonder if it is the right approach? Not criticising, just questioning. To place our energies in a direction which seems to be a solution. I see this much. That the solution proposed is a reaction to the corruption. And so in a sense, is a continuity of it. A continuity of division. It is born in reaction against the injustice. There would be no need to offer an alternative if the system were well run. Now, how did we get into this mess? Is it not arising from our disparate divided actions? Do these not arise from our thinking? Is our inner psychological nature not the root of all corruption? It’s inbred into us since childhood to approach life ‘me first’. Get to the top of the class. Compete, obey authority, live in memory. Never co-operate, live divided lives seeking your own ‘success’, a continuity of an isolated past. Interestingly, the education system was designed by previous century ‘elitists’. This all obviously denies concern, care, or relationship for and to others lives and focuses life concentrated in a great deal of self interest, in battle against others. I wonder if the energy need not be placed at this inner societally conditioned root movement within thought primarily. All organisations begin with good intent, all in time become corrupted. The inner societal conditioned outlook of me before you, which divides us all, always comes to the fore. This is a repeating pattern now running for centuries. Is the establishment of a well intentioned organisation not a further fracture? Catholics find security in their Church, Protestants and Muslims, the same, but the very nature of an established organisation is at odds with those not favouring it and in others with differing views. The finding of secuirty in an organsation denies the security found because others fnd secuirty in other directions. What happens if one has no view? If there is no answer offered? Are we not then in the only position to see life as it is? Is seeing life as it is not the most trustworthy of all perceptions? Is this not the same ground for each one of us? Just offering my tuppenceworth, its great to see people passionate and acting, but I wonder if we need not first stop and admit that we dont really know what to do. Then, are we not in the only position capable of learning? The nonsencical selfish insanity masquerading as order today obviously needs end. Is that in itself not the beginning of the new without any further step needing taken?

Reply to  oneworldpeoplesforum
5 months ago

Choose. Are you a legal fiction person, a Corporate NAME, a citizen, a resident and thus a slave?
Or are you a man or woman?
One is beholden to the legal system, one is not.
One is the debtor with obligations to the system and its corruption. One is not.
One serves the State. One does not.
One has nothing. One has everything.
A legal fiction person has no property, no inheritance and no credit. A fiction does not exist in reality. It is a title on paper devoid of substance and life. Can a fiction own property? Can a ghost own property?
Man or woman is life. Blood in the veins. A heartbeat.
Corporations are powerless against the man or woman.
So choose. Be powerless or all empowering.

5 months ago

Please understand that having a copy of the Bible on your smart phone will be viewed as hate speech very very soon!

Reply to  Rob
5 months ago

The Bible is mostly garbage. Religion is mostly garbage. Can Truth be deemed as hate speech?

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
5 months ago

For all the “troubles” the Irish have more or less surrendered without a fight, save a little skirmish last week.
They don’t make freedom fighters like they used.
Dumbed down, lazy, compliant and entitled… the rest of the West.

Reply to  Paul Watson
5 months ago

For a start it might help to remove the fluoridation chemicals from the tap water and to also remove from the diet the non native nightshade potatoes (imported into Ireland by Sir Walter Raleigh) that apparently cause inflammation in the body.

Chris C
Chris C
Reply to  Paul Watson
5 months ago

So true.
So much for “Ireland for the Irish” whom I thought had pride and dignity.
They have bowed down to the satanic globalists who are committing omnicide (murder of all natural life).
Same for the Scottish being led by psychopaths such as wee crankie.
So sad.

5 months ago
Reply to  Carmel
5 months ago

It was a psyop. The media fed garbage was exposed by Gemma Doherty.

5 months ago

God Bless the Irish, and I hope they overthrow the evil that is their government, route the invaders and reclaim their ancestral home. I hope that all Western countries do this soon.

Chris C
Chris C
5 months ago

If the chemtrails, MSM and school indoctrination have not destroyed them yet, We The People need to start growing some backbone, stop bowing down and cowering to public servants who trick us into voting and paying for them.

We need asap to create our own internet, radio stations, newspapers and TV stations, schools, courts and meeting places, to stop being afraid of Ofcom and secret services, to “man up” and be human again.

5 months ago

All so-called laws/legislation are nothing more than contracts gained by deception.

5 months ago

I wrote a 4000+ word (if I remember the figure right) submission to the NZ legislators opposing their proposed hate speech laws, and shredded their argument. It might be arrogant to suggest, but I have a vague feeling that they might’ve been shocked at the eloquence (common sense, essentially) of some faceless minion. The government of the day put those proposed law changes on the back burner after that, and the new government has said (if you can believe anything any politician says) that they will do away with them altogether. Don’t know but it might be a good thing if I made that submission available to anyone who could use it?

I learned a long time ago that, at any one time, there are about 2% of the population that are gay ….. and I learned recently that 70% of NZ parliamentarians are gay! That’s a massive over-representation of that group. I’d recommend anyone to find out what the percentage is in their own parliaments; could be a telling story.

So it’s easy to connect the dots and say that it’s this 70% over-representation that are pushing these “hate speech” laws ……

Reply to  Chris
5 months ago

I would appreciate a read of your submission, maybe the expose might publish it as an article

Seth Friedman
Seth Friedman
5 months ago

The child stabbing incident was a completely fake staged hoax perpetrated by the Irish Government. The subsequent violent riots were perpetrated by Irish Government provocateurs. The entire series of events were a ruse to implement this evil law abolishing free speech.
See the proof at CVHOAX.COM