Censored – The Study That Shows a Staggering 17 Million Deaths After Covid Vaccine Rollout. 

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A groundbreaking study found that 17 million people died worldwide after the Covid “vaccine” rollout and therefore should be garnering worldwide attention and calls for an immediate cessation of all Covid vaccines. Instead, it has been CENSORED! The shocking study, COVID-19 vaccine-associated mortality in the Southern Hemisphere, by Drs. Denis RancourtMarine Baudin, Joseph Hickey and Jérémie Mercier was published September 17, 2023, yet, also shockingly the study has not had the attention it deserves, but, has met only censorship and narrative-confirming “fact-checks” on the safety and effectiveness of the as-yet untested Covid-19 “vaccines.” Source

The Study

The team of doctors studied 17 countries across 4 continents, in Latin America and in the equatorial region which provided them with a representative sample of the world. “We calculate the toxicity of the vaccine for all ages,” explained Dr. Rancourt, “given the number of doses given worldwide to conclude that 17 million people would have been killed by this vaccine.”

17 Countries, 4 Continents

The seventeen equatorial and Southern-Hemisphere countries studied: Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Suriname, Thailand, Uruguay.

These countries, spanning across four continents comprise of 9.10 % of the worldwide population, 10.3 % of worldwide COVID-19 injections (vaccination rate of 1.91 injections per person, all ages), virtually every COVID-19 vaccine type and manufacturer.

Covid Vaccines Had No Beneficial Effect.

In the 17 countries, there is no evidence in all-cause mortality (ACM) by time data that there have been any beneficial effects from the COVID-19 vaccines and there is no association in time between COVID-19 vaccination and any proportionate reduction in all-cause mortality (ACM)

In fact, the opposite occurs. In all 17 countries, higher numbers are seen in all-cause mortality (ACM) when the COVID-19 vaccines are deployed and administered.

Nine of the 17 countries have no detectable excess ACM in the period of approximately one year after a pandemic was declared on the 11th of March 2020 by the World Health Organization (WHO), until the vaccines are rolled out (Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, Philippines, Singapore, Suriname, Thailand, Uruguay). Source

Boosters Boost All-Cause Mortality

According to the research, there were “unprecedented peaks in ACM that occur in the summer (January-February) of 2022 in the Southern Hemisphere, and in equatorial-latitude countries. These peaks are synchronous with, or immediately preceded by rapid COVID-19-vaccine-booster-dose rollouts (3rd or 4th doses). The researchers say that this phenomenon is present in every case with sufficient mortality data, (Argentina and Suriname had insufficient mortality data in January – February 2022).

According to the doctors who conducted the research “it is unlikely that the transitions to regimes of high ACM, coincident with the rollout and sustained administration of COVID-19 vaccines, in all 17 Southern- Hemisphere and equatorial-latitude countries, could be due to any cause other than the vaccines.” Source

Fatality Rate Increased with Age

The doctors state “synchronicity between the many peaks in ACM (in 17 countries, on 4 continents, in all elderly age groups, at different times) and associated rapid booster rollouts allows this firm conclusion regarding causality and accurate quantification of COVID-19-vaccine toxicity.” Source

The all-ages vaccine-dose fatality rate (VDFR), which is the ratio of inferred vaccine-induced deaths to vaccine doses delivered in a population, is quantified for the January – February 2022 ACM peak to fall in the range 0.02 % (New Zealand) to 0.20 %
(Uruguay). In Chile and Peru, the vaccine Dose Fatality Rate increased exponentially with age (doubling approximately every 4 years of age), and is largest for the latest booster doses, reaching approximately 5 % in the 90+ years age groups (1 death per 20 injections of dose 4). (Also comparable to results found in research of the Northern Hemisphere (India, Israel, USA) according to the researchers.)

17 Million Deaths!

The team quantified the overall all-ages vaccine Dose Fatality Rate (VDFR) for the 17 countries to be (0.126 ± 0.004) %, which would imply 17.0 ± 0.5 million COVID-19 vaccine deaths worldwide, from 13.50 billion injections up to 2 September 2023. Source

Rancourt et al, say that the deaths caused by the Covid vaccines “would correspond to a mass iatrogenic event that killed (0.213 ± 0.006) % of the world population . 1 death per 470 living persons, in less than 3 years . did not measurably prevent any deaths.”

The overall risk of death induced by injection with the COVID-19 vaccines in actual populations, inferred from excess all-cause mortality and its synchronicity with rollouts, is globally pervasive and much larger than reported in clinical trials, adverse effect monitoring, and cause-of-death statistics from death certificates, by 3 orders of magnitude (1,000-fold greater). Source

Many more graphs and results can be found here – Rancourt Study 17m Deaths All Cause Mortality Southern Hemisphere 23.5MB ∙ PDF file Download

To summarise:

In seventeen countries across four continents “Covid” had no excess all-cause mortality in the majority of them during the “pandemic,” and therefore as would be expected in that case alone, the Covid vaccines had no beneficial effects, but have actually shown to cause a higher number of deaths following the vaccine rollout and administration.

The study has revealed that peaks were observed in all-cause mortality that also coincided with the rollout of booster vaccine doses three and four and there is no other likely reason for the higher number of deaths, than these booster vaccines. In all of the 17 countries, across four continents, a peak occurred in the deaths of all elderly of all ages following the vaccine and elderly deaths caused by the vaccine increased exponentially doubling approximately every four years of age. This is not a coincidence.

The doctors are interviewed at the International Crisis Summit 4 in the Romanian Parliament. Video Below.

There should now be no doubt of the dangers of taking these vaccines, and neither should there be any doubt that the leaders worldwide were aware that the pharma products were far from “safe and effective.”

There can now be no other explanation for the fact they do not seem shocked at the findings in a study by esteemed scientists. The fact that they also want the work to be censored, and “fact checked.” with no discussion, cannot simply be “turning a blind eye” to “conspiracy theories” at this stage when there is strong evidence to support the dangers?

We can only assume they know, they always knew, and had no qualms about administering the deadly jab around the entire world. They are now doing their very best to prevent the true evil of their actions being known by everyone else.

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Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
4 months ago

How long before people see Anthony Fauci, Donald Trump and Joseph Biden holding a press conference where they explain away the 17,000,000 dead from COVID mRNA injections (Bioweapons) worldwide?

One can imagine their mathematically derived “alibi” as follows:

“It’s simple mathematics, don’t you see? You take the 17,000,000 dead men, women and children and divide it by the world’s population of …say, 9,000,000,000 (9 billion), and you get .0018889, or a scientifically insignificant 2/10ths of 1% of the world population dead from the mRNA inoculations…So …In conclusion: From a purely scientific perspective, 17,000,000 dead is your perfect example of a ‘nothingburger’. Our advice to humanity – regarding this vaccine misinformation hyperbolic study falsely creating doubts in people’s minds about our safe and effective vaccines – is to move along, now, people – there’s simply nothing to see here. Nothing at all…”

Reply to  Jerry Alatalo
4 months ago

And that doesn’t even include the injured – which i would say is four times (at least) more than the 17,000

Reply to  Jerry Alatalo
4 months ago

Agreed. I’ve just read the other article that 1 million died in the UK where 30% remained unvaxxed. The number worldwide must be much much higher. Not to mention cases where elderly died to ‘natural causes’ after the vax.

Reply to  Jerry Alatalo
4 months ago

how long until big pharma is held accountable and banned .

Gordon Bird
Gordon Bird
4 months ago

For 3.5 Years I have been warning people! My Doctors at Ash Trees Surgery Warton Carnforth Lancaster UK STILL inject this poison! They will not talk about it despite their being my doctors from 1990!…Me? 76 Ex Royal Navy Lancaster. UK

Reply to  Gordon Bird
4 months ago

They are doing as they are told by the NHS and collecting their pay checks. My surgery keep texting me in Cheshire. Now they have sent me a paper form to fill in from the NHS to explain why and what I am doing about these covid and flu vax.. Needless to say I ignore them. My sister is being regularly rung by her surgery in Slough. The other day 2 District Nurses turned up at her and my mothers home with the Boosters saying they were told they had to give them to my 98year old mother. Needless to say my sister sent them away after having a row.. My sister asked the district nurses if they knew what was in the vax viles, they said no and it wasn’t their job to know. NHS is not fit for purpose and it certainly doesnt care about anyone’s health or life. The Forces have been betrayed. Fascism is here.

Reply to  Gordon Bird
4 months ago

This is a military operation. The war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on pandemics. Always a war and generally a different one every 2 years. Doctors and nurses have been conscripted, whether knowingly or unknowingly. But rewarded handsomely nonetheless.
The biggest beneficiaries of this demonstrable genocide is Charles Windsor, Pope and the banks.
The rest are patsies to the aforementioned 3.

4 months ago

[…] Censored – The Study That Shows a Staggering 17 Million Deaths After Covid Vaccine Rollout.  […]

4 months ago


To honor the memory of those injured or killed by the COVID-19 vaccine, we are now calling on people all over the world to make December 10th the Day of the COVID-19 Vaccine Victims.
Nobel Prize Protest Appeal – Sign for all those harmed by mRNA vaccines

4 months ago

[…] Go to Source Follow altnews.org on Telegram […]

4 months ago

All going according to the plans of gates O’ hell and slob schwab and ouchie fauci and sore-azz soros and bourla and many more!…..(Now bi-dung is threatening sending Americans to fight Russia!)…(that will kill more)

Reply to  Kevin61
4 months ago

Gee, I wonder what that conga line of scumbags you mention have in common? I mean, what identifying feature do they all have that unites (((them)))?

4 months ago

Contact Report 852

Saturday, 8th July 2023

The majority of the world’s rulers only have an overly big mouth and only utter stupid and primitive slogans that have neither hand nor foot, but only worthlessness, so that a valuable and lasting peace cannot really and finally be ensured and exist, but instead ..

Also that there are some 18.5 million human beings worldwide who have been outright murdered by these false vaccinations, as Ptaah explained to me, which of course is vehemently denied, because the truth is not meant to be known.

This, just as it should also not be known how many thousands of human beings suffer from vaccine damage for the rest of their lives.

But what I have to say is that all those in power …





4 months ago

[…] – The Examine That Reveals a Staggering 17 Million Deaths After Covid Vaccine Rollout.  https://expose-news.com/2023/12/08/censored-the-study-that-shows-a-staggering-17-million-deaths-afte… – Don’t punish brain-dead Jews for Rothschild’s crimes. Should you do, blame […]

Chris C
Chris C
4 months ago

Only 1/20 of the C19 batches caused 20/20 of the vaccine deaths, as displayed by Barry Young’s revelation from NZ a week ago, where some “vaccinators” (murderers) killed hundreds of people.

So maybe 19/20 of the batches of vials had low doses of the multiple poisons or saline solution (some help that is to those carrying the virus that is not proven to exist).

In addition to those injected who are still alive but will have their lives drastically shortened, the Yellow Card/VAERS reports of adverse events may be only 1% of the actual number: those instances are easier for the medical tyranny to cover up.

All the conspirators, and collaborators in this genocide (actually OMNICIDE – the murder of all natural life), whether nurses, pharmacists, doctors, councillors, politicians, journalists etc. must be executed for treason, war crimes. Crimes against Creation, democide etc. as they have broken all 10 of the Nuremberg Codes.

Piotr Bein
Piotr Bein
4 months ago

The Crisis Summit poster features the “spike protein” Humanity has been death-scared off into “safety” of genocidal bio-weapon aks covid vax. The co-authors accordingly say “covid” and “vaccine”, instead of stating that covid-19 is fraud as SARS Cov2 does not exist.

Who trusts excess death stats after scamdemic has been rigged A to Z? Rancourt speaks like a salesman, e.g.:

  1. corrects the co-author that ALL continents were sampled
  2. min. 7.44 “there msy be longer-time efects

Ad 1. Population haelth habits, govt policy, social and plandemic realities differentiate countries. E.g. Africans and ethnic Blacks didn’t line up for the jab sheeple-like, “care home” killing depended on national culture such as all generaqtions in one house (practiced by East Indians in Canada), Russia and China had their own “vaccine”, while the distrubution and content of the other makes elsewhere might have differed in the villains’ global testing.

Ad. 2 The bio-weapon will keep on killing (and maimimg/cyborgising) before possible killswitch is engaged after nano-structures develop in the unvaxed and vaxed invaded by the synthetic biology via jabs and transfections, and via air, water, food, consumer products and medications (e.g. dental anesthetics, insuline, infusion fluids, ivermectin). Longer-term culling by sterilisation must also be consodered.

Accounting for both points might significantly increase the “shocking” result.

Do we need researchers who halhway between truth and scamdenic lie lag years behind reality? At the best their fruit is a leaven yet to be:
(i) critically vetted by other independents,
(ii) expanded by the above and other emerging knowledge.

We possibly face an order of magnitude figure to kick around, wrestle with fact-fuc_rs and have our blogs bulldozed for questioning hasbara: In lieu of self-intro: Putin, banksters, “Ukrainian” war, Israel2.0, “covid” scamdemic… Termination of PiotrBein.net on Hostinger has to do with it.

Under a donation intrusion, Expose recycles the iffy figure “proving” that cabal’s lackey Deagle has superknowledge of kill rates by country before global full scale tests called “covid-19” vax started.

4 months ago

[…] Censored – The Study That Shows a Staggering 17 Million Deaths After Covid Vaccine Rollout A groundbreaking study found that 17 million people died worldwide after the Covid “vaccine” rollout and therefore should be garnering worldwide attention and calls for an immediate cessation of all Covid vaccines. Instead, it has been CENSORED! […]

4 months ago

[…] Censored – The Study That Shows a Staggering 17 Million Deaths After Covid Vaccine RolloutA groundbreaking study found that 17 million people died worldwide after the Covid “vaccine” rollout and therefore should be garnering worldwide attention and calls for an immediate cessation of all Covid vaccines. Instead, it has been CENSORED! […]

4 months ago

this how govts dupe the masses,thru stupidity and propaganda.

4 months ago

I wish more people would figure out that these shots were MEANT TO KILL.

4 months ago

[…] Censored – The Study That Shows a Staggering 17 Million Deaths After Covid Vaccine Rollout.  […]

4 months ago

As intended!!

4 months ago

Arrest Walensky, Birx, Fauci, Daszak and all DOD, CIA, CDC, NIH, WHO, FDA and big pharma and big tech. executives involved.
Fraud and homicide are not included in the total immunity from legal liability agreement under the PREP Act for the big Pharma criminals!
RICO laws apply now! The DOJ better wake the Fk Up and get busy!

4 months ago

[…] seneste vaccineartikler er The Study That Shows a Staggering 17 Million Deaths After Covid Vaccine Rollout, Unexplained deaths skyrocket in highly covid vaccinated Canada, Colombian Health Minister tells […]

4 months ago

[…] Les médecins sont interviewés lors du Sommet international de crise 4 au Parlement roumain. Vidéo ici […]

4 months ago

[…] The Exposé: Censored – The Study That Shows a Staggering 17 Million Deaths After Covid Vaccine Rollout […]

4 months ago

[…] – Censored – The Study That Shows a Staggering 17 Million Deaths After Covid Vaccine Rollout.  […]

4 months ago

[…] is now estimated that at least 17 million people have died worldwide as a result of getting “vaccinated” […]

4 months ago

[…] is now estimated that at least 17 million people have died worldwide as a result of getting “vaccinated” […]

4 months ago

[…] is now estimated that at least 17 million people have died worldwide as a result of getting […]

4 months ago

[…] Estima-se agora que pelo menos 17 milhões de pessoas morreram em todo o mundo como resultado de serem vacinadas” contra o coronavírus Wuhan (COVID-19). Dado que o novo estudo exige a cessação imediata de todas as injeções de COVID, têm havido muitas “verificações de factos” destinadas a “desmascarar” as descobertas, o que coloca a Big Pharma em risco de perda de vendas e lucros. […]

4 months ago

[…] – The Study That Shows a Staggering 17 Million Deaths After Covid Vaccine Rollout” (see link: https://expose-news.com/2023/12/08/censored-the-study-that-shows-a-staggering-17-million-deaths-afte… ).   From the article : “We calculate the toxicity of the vaccine for all ages,” explained […]

4 months ago

[…] expose-news.com/2023/12/08/censored-the-study-that-shows-a-staggering-17-million-deaths-after-covid-… […]

4 months ago

[…] est désormais estimé qu’au moins 17 millions de personnes sont mortes dans le monde à la suite d’une […]

3 months ago

[…] scientist has recently endured censoring and factchecking by those far less qualified due to his studies and conclusions not aligning with the non elected leaders narrative. […]

3 months ago

[…] recent cenzura și verificarea faptelor de către cei mult mai puțin calificați din cauza sa. studii si concluzii nu se aliniază cu narațiunea liderilor nealeși. […]

3 months ago

[…] scientist has recently endured censoring and factchecking by those far less qualified due to his studies and conclusions not aligning with the non elected leaders narrative. […]

3 months ago

[…] On estime désormais qu’au moins 17 millions de personnes sont mortes dans le monde après avoir été « vaccinées » contre le coronavirus de Wuhan (COVID-19). […]

1 month ago

[…] mais en cours (par exemple, une étude canadienne a révélé que 17 millions de personnes sont mortes directement du vaccin jusqu’à présent). C’est pourquoi, lorsque Jésus […]