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George Soros has so much money he can drive changes in governments

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The Soros family has so much money that they can drive change in government as well as non-profit areas, author Darrell West said.  “The downside is that a lot of wealthy individuals focus not just on problems but they often have a favoured solution.”

As James Corbett said, George Soros is a billionaire financier, a political meddler, a convicted criminal and a population control advocate.

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The Trouble with Billionaires

The following was originally published by Devex in its Newswire dated 22 December 2023.  This particular Devex Newswire also includes the UK opening a new post for the Palestinian territories and global health funding shortfalls.  You can read the full article HERE.

The word “restructuring” means widely different things to widely different stakeholders. For decision-makers, it usually means a massive overhaul to streamline operations and build new revenue streams. For the rank and file, it generally means budget squeezes – and job cuts.

And so it was for the Open Society Foundations this year. The 30-odd-year-old foundation, created by billionaire hedge fund manager George Soros to create and bolster democratic, open societies worldwide, is undergoing a major reorganisation that has led to massive staff layoffs and office closures.

George’s son Alexander, who took over as board chair of the $25 billion, New York-based foundation in December 2022, has been the instigator of change. And his vision for the organisation includes cutting at least 40% of the roughly 800 employees globally.

[Note from RW: Alexander Soros is one of the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders of 2018, but it is now removed from their website.]

The narrative is that it will make the grantmaker nimbler so it can respond more quickly to global crises. But the transformation of this philanthropy giant will be consequential for the global development sector, writes Devex senior reporter Stephanie Beasley, who lays out the good, bad, and ugly of the rejigger.

The Soros family obviously wields some pretty hefty clout in the development world – and the world in general.

“They have so much money that they can give away, that they can drive change in government as well as non-profits areas,” says Darrell West, who examined George Soros’ political and philanthropic work in his book ‘Billionaires: Reflections on the Upper Crust’.

“The downside is that a lot of wealthy individuals focus not just on problems but they often have a favoured solution,” West tells Stephanie.

Sometimes those solutions don’t work and can generate backlash, such as when the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation advocated for the adoption of Common Core, an overhaul of the US education system that some criticised as being too focused on performance metrics, he notes.

OSF’s reorganisation might end up being another example of a funder going big and failing to get the intended results, says West.

Further reading: 

Meet George Soros

In a 2010 podcast, James Corbett gave an overview of both the official and unofficial biography of George Soros.  During this podcast, Corbett inserted a clip from an Alex Jones interview with Bob Chapman in 2009.

Chapman, who died in 2012, was the founder of the International Forecaster.

George Soros is a crook, Chapman told Jones and then explained how Soros got his start in life.  Even though Soros is Jewish by lineage, he got his start by deceiving Jewish people in Hungary while working for the Gestapo, the political police of Nazi Germany, so that they could confiscate Jews’ belongings.

You can watch Corbett’s full report below which demonstrates that Soros is a billionaire financier, a political meddler, a convicted criminal and a population control advocate.  We have embedded the video to begin at the timestamp where Chapman is being interviewed by Jones.

The Corbett Report: Meet George Soros (2010)

You can find links for the video above on platforms other than Rumble HERE.

Further reading:

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4 months ago

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4 months ago

My appeal is addressed to the people of England, the Union, and the former Commonwealth, though I am inclined to accept help from any quarter and anyone interested in the topic. 

It has come to our weary and heartsore attention that the fabric of traditional government in the western world has been eaten away by commercial interests until we find that “the” President of the United States is not The President of The United States, that both King Charles III and King Charles of Scotland are not acting as Kings, and even the Office of the Pope has been converted, such that there is no obvious ministerial capacity vested in it. 

The urgent question needing our attention this morning is — exactly how long ago did this canker of deceit and commercialism take root in England? 

We very much suspect that it began during the later reign of Queen Victoria and the Administration of Benjamin DIsraeli as Prime Minister, which resulted in the so-called “enfranchisement” of the British working class as a means to fund the Territorial Raj in India. 

This undisclosed use of the British working people and their small holdings as collateral and their impersonation as things — franchises of the British Crown Corp — certainly upended the traditional Social Contract and breached the Public Trust on a vast scale, and all without the British people themselves being aware of it. 

The insidious workings of commercial interests are certainly present at that juncture and have been present ever since, but the question arises — is this the earliest example we have of this misrepresentation and thwarting of the traditional Government and evasion of its Social Contracts?  

Or did it actually begin much earlier, with the reparations collected by Queen Anne following The War of the Spanish Succession, which was finally resolved in 1707?

Reply to  john
4 months ago

Only God knows how this deceit will resolve but I feel certain that resolve it God will.
Almost everything is detrimental to human health, due to the insidious workings of commercial interests, as you describe and only so that the commercial interests obtain even more wealth!

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
4 months ago

Hi Rhoda,
Another interesting article, of an interesting man.
George cannot be all bad if he employs 500 people.
He controls dozens of companies.
He seems to have latched onto the Global warming idea.
Obviously investing in the Electricity industry.
Wonder why he gets involved in the colour revolutions.