South Australian tribunal orders employer to pay compensation for vaccine injury

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The South Australian Employment Tribunal ordered the Department of Child Protection (“DCP”) to pay compensation and medical expenses to a youth worker who developed pericarditis after getting a covid booster under a workplace vaccination directive.

The DCP admitted that Shepherd’s pericarditis had been caused by the booster but blamed the state-directed vaccination.

However, the Tribunal rejected the DCP’s argument, deciding that because the injury arose as a result of both the state-directed vaccination mandate and his employment, Daniel Shepherd was entitled to workers’ compensation.

In other words, the Tribunal held the employer responsible for Shepherd’s vaccine injury irrespective of whether it was a state-directed mandate.

Hopefully, more countries will follow this example in Australia, Dr. Byram Bridle writes.

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South Australia Decides to Hold “Employers Accountable for Injuries Incurred as a Result of Vaccination Directives Enforced in the Workplace”

By Dr. Byram Bridle

Australia was among the countries with the most draconian covid-19 policies. I will never forget seeing videos of police firing rubber bullets into crowds of critically thinking Aussies who were trying to protect themselves, their families, and friends, from being coerced into a novel medical intervention that they were very uncomfortable with (and rightly so). But, like many countries, there have been enough Australians who sufficiently cherish the concept of constitutional freedoms, rights, and liberties, to overcome the “divide and conquer strategy,” unite, and push back against the relatively few power brokers that imposed their scientifically flawed wills on the masses.

It was with these thoughts in mind that I read an article sent to me by a respected academic colleague. The article, which is published in the Canberra Daily, is entitled, ‘Landmark Covid vaccine injury win’ and you can read it at this LINK. It was refreshing to read a common-sense legal decision that has major implications for preventing employers in South Australia from attempting to bypass the concept of bodily autonomy.

Dr. Rado Faletic is a scientist who worked for the Department of Child Protection in South Australia. He got injured after taking a covid-19 booster shot. His employer vigorously argued that they were not responsible because “the government told us to implement a vaccine mandate.” This attempt to absolve themselves of responsibility did not go over well when heard by the South Australian Employment Tribunal.

Here are key excerpts.

This holds true for employers around the world. In addition to injuries, employers are also trying to deflect all responsibility for the many other harms caused to those who were “hurt” by not complying with mandates to take covid injections.

Let’s hope so, and AMEN to that!

This is a case where the legal system in South Australia has ruled that trying to “pass the buck” will not be tolerated when it comes to employers forcing medical interventions on their employees (er, I mean, “giving them a ‘choice’ between work or a destroyed life”). Of course, governments and other key contributors to the gross mismanagement of covid-19 also need to be held accountable.

Hopefully, more countries will follow this example in Australia.

About the Author

Byram Bridle has PhD in immunology and is an associate professor at the Ontario Veterinary College at the University of Guelph, Canada.  He publishes articles on a Substack page titled ‘COVID Chronicles’.

“It has been two years, six months, and nine days (921 total days) since the administration of my employer, the University of Guelph, banned me from accessing my office and laboratory. I spoke truths about covid-19 when much of the world was not ready to hear them. As I am still expected to work, I would like to have access to my work spaces. Segregation makes me feel less than human.” – B. Bridle, 31 January 2024

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A Person
A Person
3 months ago

Good for those people who live in South Australia.

The antics of SA Liberal Party politician Alexander Antic might have helped, as he has spoken about pericarditis after the poisons.

E.g. speaking in Parliament in 2022, he said, “…Now we know that myocarditis and pericarditis are 2 heart inflammation conditions well associated with the ‘COVID’ mRNA injections, even the Therapeutic Goods Association admits that. Yet, despite this well established fact. the injections were mandated to thousands of Australians…Now I’ve obtained data, through Freedom of Information, from SA Health in South Australia, regarding the number of cardiac presentations per month in South Australian public hospitals since 2018. The data reveals that cardiac related presentations for 15 to 44 year olds remains steady at 1100 per month from January, 2018, but drastically spiked in July, 2021, through November, 2021, peaking at 2172 per month, just as these injections were rolled out. They almost doubled! Then there was another spike in February this year, right around the time when the boosters were being mandated. These injections are harming and, in many instances, killing our young people. So what does SA Health have to say about this? Nothing. They continue to roll out the injections. They continue to push the injection narrative. This injection campaign is gonna go down as the greatest scandal in medical history and none of you said a single thing.”

I like the way he referred to them as ‘injections’, rather than ‘vaccines’ 😀

A Person
A Person
Reply to  A Person
3 months ago

1 and a half minute video of Alexander Antic saying this at reddit (dot) com (slash) r (slash) bestconspiracymemes (slash) comments (slash) zkg311 (slash) God_bless_that_man

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
3 months ago

Compensation for a damaged body that will in all likelihood depreciate your quality of life and potentially shorten your life.

How much? Probably something derisory like $2K.

Medicine Woman
Medicine Woman
Reply to  Mark Deacon
3 months ago

Indeed not, thank goodness. I live in South Australia and was thrilled to read the article in the local paper 2 days ago. The legal ruling is that the state government must pay weekly compensation payments plus the man’s medical bills.

Per the newspaper article, this poor man had 2 jabs while working as a youth worker at his former private employer in 2021 “and suffered adverse symptoms.” Later that year he joined the state public service, and in early 2022 “the Emergency Management Act required certain workers such as Mr Shepherd to also have a booster to keep his job.” My husband and I are both (retired) pharmacists and were shocked that he was forced to have a booster when he had reacted adversely to the earlier jabs. Risk vs benefit. Someone wasn’t doing their job properly.

My background includes drug information research, and years as a clinical pharmacist in paediatrics and later years in a coronary care unit. For 3 years from mid 2020 I tried to provide information about treatment of the C-word and later about the dangers of the jabs to the state government. Initially I visited visiting my local member of parliament’s office with written information about treatment, which was passed on to SA Health, as I was informed in a letter I received from the then state Minister for Health. I had asked for it to be sent to the Chief Public Health Officer, offering assistance if needed, as I assumed people really wanted to know how to treat this new illness. Of course nothing was done and people have died. I am also a member of Children’s Health Defense Australia Chapter – when they had a campaign to prevent the jabs being approved for children, I felt well-qualified to write to both the Therapeutic Goods Administration (federal Govt agency) and again the state Chief Public Health Officer, as well as sending the scientific summary provided by CHD. Of course I received no reply from either, and by then I was not surprised. Any frustration I felt pales in comparison to the untold damage done to the nation’s children.

Our state Senator Alex Antic is a legend for never giving up on this issue. Many others have also tried.

So state and federal agencies knew about the dangers of the jabs and persisted anyway. There is no excuse.

When I read the article on Wed, I said to my husband “the dam is about to burst”. I have felt it for some time, and this is the first sign.

Many thanks to the Expose for getting this story out, and so promptly.