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The World Economic Forum’s “Frankensteinization” of the Entire World. Hollywood’s “Predictive Movies”

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The Financial-Military-IT-Media-Pharma Complex (FMIMP) Control over Humans.

According to Peter Koenig who is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), the “dark cult” must warn and inform us of their plans. Koenig, explains that this is “predictive programming” and is used to destabilise society, which instils fear into the masses thus, making us all suitably vulnerable.

While this predictive programming comes in many forms, and one of the forms is their use of Hollywood movies, which Peter discusses in the following article:

The World Economic Forum’s “Frankensteinization” of the Entire World. Hollywood’s “Predictive Movies”

By Peter Koenig.


It is called “Predictive Programming” and refers to any kind of warning we are receiving in often very open ways, sometimes in sketchy, opaque, coded ways or camouflaged as something else than what it is supposed to warn us – but the warning, or call it “informing”, is a MUST for the Dark Cult that is currently running humanity, to succeed.

It is visible time and again. Just think of covid — the deadly plandemic – that struck worldwide humanity at midnight January 1, 2020, at the beginning of UN Agenda 2030, and what later joined the UN Agenda, the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Great Reset.

As the WEF and its handlers, we may call it the Financial-Military-IT-Media-Pharma (FMIMP) complex, pushes for ever-more control over humans – the survivors, after the eugenists have done much of their job – it aims at ever-more digitization, Artificial Intelligence (AI), becomes ever-more omnipresent in whatever we do.

“Their” plan may or may not include chip implants in brains, or simply the use of the “vaxx inserted” highly magnetic and electronics-sensitive graphite, to transform humans into transhumans. It could be called a modern way of Frankensteinization of humanity.


But first, how many plandemic predictive movies did Hollywood produce?

There were no less than 18 Pandemic and Virus-Themed Movies in the last 60 years, “That Will Keep You on the Edge of Your Seat”, says Tori Whitacre Martonicz on

These plandemic movies include:

  • The Mask of the Red Death (1964) – with Vincent Price;
  • The Andromeda Strain (1971) – starring: James Olson, David Wayne, Arthur Hill, and Kate Reid;
  • Outbreak (1995) – with Dustin Hoffman, Rene Russo, Morgan Freeman;
  • Contagion (2011) – with a star-studded cast, including Starring: Marion Cotillard, Matt Damon, Laurence Fishburne, Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Winslet;
  • World War Z (2013) – with Brad Pitt;
  • The Bird Box (2018 – remember the Bird Flu?) – with Sandra Bullock, Trevante Rhodes, John Malkovich; and finally
  • Infection (2019) – starring Rubén Guevara, Leonidas Urbina, Magdiel González.

For full list, see this.

After the 2019 “Infection” warning, the real “thing” hit – the covid-19 plandemic. Pardon, it should read “pandemic”, but the viral disease’s highly visible planning makes it to a Plandemic.

At the latest since the WEF Davos24 – which closed its doors some 3 weeks ago – we are being told – and repeated ad nauseam – that there is a virus “X” out there, not yet defined, but out there it is, randomly poking around. And to calm us down, Pfizer tells us they are already working on a “vaccine” for the unknown virus. That is perfect, so we can sleep at night.

WEF – Davos 2024. The World Is Falling Apart But the Show Must Go On…

Who knows, maybe this warning will be followed also by a star-studded Hollywood flick, perhaps with a title like “When Virus X comes to Town”. The more amazing and world-famous stars, the more impressive. Why would a renowned star lend him / her-self for such a movie, if it was not maybe linked to something that could indeed happen in the future?

You bet; these famous actors know what they are doing – and what they are paid for. And you are glued to the screen – scared but prepared to what is to come. So, when it hits, it hits you in the know – and in the knee form behind, so that your bending down comes naturally.

Social Engineering and Mind Control

The warning or “information” comes in different formats. For sure, the entertainment industry is deeply involved in it, aided by the Tavistock Institute for social engineering and mind control – a science that has been “maturing” for the last century.

High in vogue these days are cyber-attacks and transhumanism.

In terms of cyber-attacks, Hollywood has produced at least 20 movies and TV shows in the past 50 years; from The Conversation (1974), with Gene Hackman, all the way to The Net (1995), with Sandra Bullock; and to Westworld (2016-2022), a HBO series, based on a 1970 cult classic. See this for the full list.

And the very latest one is – believe it or not – a Barack and Michelle Obama Netflix production, “Leave the World Behind” (2023) – again star-studded for even better effect, with Julia Roberts, Mahershala Ali, and Ethan Hawke. It shows a cyber-attack on a large US East Coast city, by an unknown enemy and unknown consequences – really scary. No kidding.

It could happen any time. Isn’t it strange that the movie’s producers are a popular former President and his first lady – who many believe might be advanced at the last minute to become the Democratic candidate to replace Joe Biden for the 2024 Presidential Election?

Well, it is just speculation – Artificial Intelligence (AI) knows better and will tell us when the time is ripe.

WEF’s Klaus Schwab has warned for the last at least three years of a so-called real “Cyber-Polygon”, anytime. In the meantime, a 2021 online computer event simulated a global cyber-attack. The event was hosted by BI.ZONE, supported by Interpol and sponsored by the WEF. The happening took place fully online on 9 July 2021. See this for details.

Remember also a WEF and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation sponsored Event 201, in NYC in October 2019 – depicting a worldwide Corona virus break out that happened less than 3 months later?

Cyber Pandemics were announced already for 2023. But now, “Going into 2024, ransomware (“ransomware is here to stay, it will never die”) will become even more sophisticated than in 2023. AI is increasingly being weaponized to create smarter, stealthier codes, better able to evade detection using fileless (memory injection based) attacks.” See this.

A new star-studded Hollywood film on trans-humanization, old style – the real Frankenstein-type – just came out end 2023, called “Poor Things”. The flick is a Frankenstein-inspired black comedy, starring famous Emma Stone (“Lalaland”), teaming up with Mark Ruffalo, Willem Dafoe, Ramy Youssef, and directed by up-and-coming Yorgos Lanthimos.

The film plays in 100-years-ago London and other European cities, depicting a crazy researcher transplanting brains and other body organs with the most astonishing results. It looks like right out of the Frankenstein series. See official trailer (1:22 min) below.

The movie lends itself to multiple interpretations, but may fit best as an ancient parallel to what Klaus Schwab and the WEF want to do to humanity – not by transplanting body parts, but by implanting chips and using 5G and soon to come 6G to manipulate and control humanity.

If so, it is clearly predictive planning. Klaus Schwab’s predictive programming for transhumanism goes back to 2016, when in an interview with Swiss-French TV, he told the moderating journalist that in 2025 we will probably all have chips implanted so that we may communicate with each other without speaking.

Crazy Predictions

During the WEF’s Davos24 a few weeks ago, Klaus Schwab made similar, even crazier predictions. In five years or so, we may have chips implanted in our brains that allow us reading each-other’s thoughts without verbally communicating. He went even further suggesting that elections would become superfluous, as people’s minds and wishes could be read remotely.

However, Mr. Schwab never said, that with this remote-technique, people’s minds could also be told what to think and do – what you may call driving humanity into a slave-yard. See this for more details.

What is called “The scariest movie ever made”, is an HBO-produced predictive programming flick, called “True Horror” – a reminder of the worst Holocaust times. And since history tends to repeat itself – who knows what might expect us in the maybe not too distant future… the movie first aired on 30 November 2023. Here is the full-length film (59 min).

We are at a point where predictive programming is a serious – but not frightful – matter. As long as we are aware, we can prepare and MUST not fear. Fear is our worst enemy. Those who pretend to call the shots now it.

Predictive planning or programming is a triple-edged sword: Advance-warning is a MUST for the Dark Cult to be successful, it is meant to destabilize society, and – it is also an instrument to instill fear and to make us vulnerable, submissive, massive reduction of our auto-immune system – in short – it is Tavistock


Source Peter Koenig. Featured image source.

Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

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Mary Ann Dowrick
Mary Ann Dowrick
2 months ago

The more I read about who is controlling the narrative, it sure is looking like the state of Israel, May be in charge. The WEF is possibly part of the cabal.

Brin Jenkins
Brin Jenkins
Reply to  Mary Ann Dowrick
2 months ago

I think WEF for sure with Billy Goats up to his ears in it.

Reply to  Brin Jenkins
2 months ago

These are the ones out front that are the face of this evil. The inner circle is Sabbatean/Frankish jews. They try to stay in the shadows and let the goyim do their dirty work. Many goyim are the message boys, whipping boys, hired assassins, gofers, politicians, heads of state and military, heads of religious groups, rabble rousers, agents provocateur, intelligence community and NGOs, all bought and paid for by the inner circle, much of it paid for by tax payer dollars. All to deflect attention from themselves. Sorry if you can’t deal with reality. I have spent 35 years of my life researching all of this and I am not any happier than you are about it.

Tony Ryan
Tony Ryan
Reply to  Mary Ann Dowrick
2 months ago

You are not far from the truth, Mary.

I have the advantage in “seeking who runs the world” because I commenced in 1964. Nevertheless, it was not until 2001 that I discovered ‘who’; and it was 2007 before I realised why and how.

Israel is the national identity of the investment bankeralliance known as Zionism, which has HQs in UK (City of London), Basle (Switzerland’s Bank for International Settlements), and New York (Wall St, etc). Zionism has many faces: the Tavistock Institute, The Pirbright Institute, the London School of Economics (Oxford), the Vatican, the WEF, the CIA, MI6, all reserve banks (BIS), all media (Rupert Murdoch); Mason hierarchy, Communism, Capitalism, the UN. World Bank. IMF, most think tanks, and so on.

The ancient aristocracy hired the bankers (Rothschild/Rockefellers to run their investment finances because centuries of inbreeding have left them stupid.

The current NWO was launched by Mayer Amschell Rothschild in 1815, but was redesigned by Nelson Rockefeller from 1933 onwards, including the entire UN. That is why the UN HQ is on Rockefeller land in NY.

What you can see at the moment is Plan A. There is a Plan B being launched as we speak, and others to follow until mankind is either dead or enslaved.

But be of good cheer. I have a plan. LOL.

Reply to  Tony Ryan
2 months ago

There’s a great deal of insightful commentary in these columns – but there’s also a skein of anti-Jewish bigotry which, as with all racism, tries to cleverly disguise itself behind vague racist-denying innuendo. The term ‘zionist’, for example, is often used in a semantically inchoate attempt to whitewash an underlying anti-Jewish race hate. The organisations mentioned are indeed of somewhat questionable probity, but their malfeasance is derivative. Criticism of ‘Zionism’ and of Israel is easy – but off target. Such criticism would better, and much more courageously and accurately, be redirected at the real satanic criminal cabal controllers, the people who receive all surveillance information – the invisible real chiefs of our essentially Oxbridge based secret security and intelligence services.

Reply to  MorganLeFey
2 months ago

Salvation is of the Jews. John 4:22.

Nuff said?

Reply to  MorganLeFey
2 months ago

Salvation is of the Jews. John 4:22.

Nuff said?

Reply to  Islander
2 months ago

Perhaps, but the original 12 tribes of whom John was speaking, were either mostly killed off in 70AD by the Romans or disappeared into the midst of God knows where. What we have here today is mostly Ashkenaz or Turks who converted to Judiasm in the 8th century AD. They are not of the 12 tribes. They practice a perverted Judiasm influenced by Sabbatai Zevi, a satan worshipper in the 17th century which was continued by Jacob Frank in the 18th and 19th centuries. These are Luciferian Jews and there are many non Jews(Crypto Jews, wealthy and powerful) who follow the same practice.

Reply to  MorganLeFey
2 months ago

Jesus said about the end times: “Jews who say they are Jews, but are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan.” Why cannot the Jews be criticised? Because they have brainwashed us so. In fact in Soviet Russia it was against the law and punishable by death to criticise a Jew. Why? Because the Bolsheviks were all Jews and they were in power. The ADL, SPLC and numerous other Jewish organizations continue this brainwashing. Yet white people are criticised left right and center. Nobody should be criticised unless there is justification and truth. Why is there no anti-white groups that cannot be criticised like the Jews. Why? Because of the Holocaust who the Jews think it only included them. That is BS, it included gypsies, mentally disabled, dissidents and anyone who did not agree with the Gestapo and the SS. It was paid for by the Jewish banking cabal led by Rothschilds. Most of the jews were given the opportunity to immigrate to Israel with all expenses paid in 1936. Hitler said he wanted them deported, not killed. A very few took up that opportunity that would have saved their lives, The other groups so massacred never had that opportunity. And we need not even go through all the other transgressions they committed against God both in Biblical times and throughout the centuries. Israel is mostly secular and while their overlords promote 3rd world migration to the US and Europe, they absolutely do not allow immigration to Israel unless you can prove you are a Jew. With all this, someone should have some critical thinking going on. Perhaps instead of speaking about “anti Jewish bigotry” you should be doing your own research about the history of the western world.

Reply to  Tony Ryan
2 months ago

Be of good cheer is a biblical quote from the very mouth of God Himself; this phrase is quoted seven times in the Scripture of Truth: Matthew 9:2, 14:27. Mark 6:50. John 16:33. Acts23:11, 27:22, 27:25 KJV.

I don’t know what your plan is, but one thing I do know is; God’s plan will succeed and come to pass: Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. John16:33.

Yes, this ongoing wickedness that we see constantly unravelling before us will be defeated only by the direct intervention of God in Christ upon His Second Coming in glory.

Reply to  Mary Ann Dowrick
2 months ago

DATA from the human body back to a company in Israel.
Coronavirus is a Patented Device used to Track People and genetically modify humans into Cyborgs owned by the patent holders.

(10)Patent US: 7,220,852 B1

(45)Date Of Patent: May 22, 2007

Todd Callender joins Maria Zeee to present evidence of fake governments (with fake oaths of offices) are hacking humans, causing sicknesses, and plan to transition humans into “borgs.”

View the study referenced in this interview here:
Effect of Coronavirus Worldwide through Misusing of Wireless Sensor Networks

The patent they discovered after the lawsuit and FOIA request.
There were originally  44,000 military families including the soldiers who once they took the jabs the “coronavirus” weapon system sent DATA from the human body back to a company in Israel.


* The DATA sent from every part of the human body from the eyes seeing to the tastes of food to the smells a person can sense is being sent from the test subject back to a company in Israel.
* The human body is a cloud-
computing Node

(IBM & Cisco)

This information will be used for the new currency and how they are going to control people.

* Depopulation while locating compliant citizens who will “DIE or OBEY”  the government. The human “Borgs” can be manipulated through food or used for experiments or Employment to force people to move etc.

* Medical Doctors who were in on it to make cash didn’t know or some probably did since stock prices in these companies would rise in price.
So, we know all these people who were Jabbed either received low dosages of the bio-weapon or saline solution or high death dosages for depopulation.
A report came out yesterday about those pregnant woman who gave birth to a child
the children are dying 1 year after the mother took the JABs.

* Bill Gates 
Patent Approved: W0/2020/060606 The patent application describes that user tasks are given
There is a genuine patent Microsoft applied for in 2019,
 numbered W0/2020/060606. 
The application does mention technology allowing for people’s activity to be monitored in exchange for cryptocurrency, but there is no mention of implanted chips. The patent application has not yet been granted.

Reply to  Mary Ann Dowrick
2 months ago

DATA from the human body sent back to a company in Israel.
Coronavirus is a Patented Device used to Track People and genetically modify humans into Cyborgs owned by the patent holders.

(10)Patent US: 7,220,852 B1

(45)Date Of Patent: May 22, 2007

Todd Callender joins Maria Zeee to present evidence of fake governments are hacking humans, causing sicknesses, and plan to transition humans into “borgs.”

Peter Harter
Peter Harter
Reply to  Mary Ann Dowrick
2 months ago

Who created the state of Israel? The Crown Temple Bank of England via the Balfour Declaration. Israel is one of many countries under the control of the Crown Bank. The five-eyes, Ukraine, and Israel are obviously under the control of a single corporate entity. The CIA runs North Korea and has since ’47. Who owns the CIA? The Crown Temple Bank of England. That’s the bank that serviced all of our bankrupcies (in the USA). All the intel agencies of the five-eys, Ukraine, and Israel are working directly for the Crown Temple Bank of England. They are Templars, an ecclesiastical warrior caste sworn to act at the behest of the Crown. All criminal organizations have ritual initiations and all members are sworn to secrecy. It’s true of street gangs and it’s true of the Templars who populate our alphabet agencies.

Reply to  Mary Ann Dowrick
2 months ago

Nope, it’s Anglo/American Establishment

Brin Jenkins
Brin Jenkins
2 months ago

What is the threat of crypto currencies? No one seems to want to explain what it can achieve, if anything? Or is it another pyramid scheme enriching the early few at the expense of the many who missed the boat?

I have asked others for their views on various sites with no luck as yet.

KLAUS who thinks communicating without speaking needs to keep silent as his other plans are not well received.

Reply to  Brin Jenkins
2 months ago

the threat is control
once someone has control over what you buy, what you sell, order you to do something you will not do, like take a toxic weapon into your arm, put you in ‘education camps’ – or maybe force you to snitch on your family for them?
crypto currency has endless enslavement value

Klaus is a front – just that, they are just ‘testing the waters’ putting him in view to everyone

Reply to  Brin Jenkins
2 months ago
Reply to  Brin Jenkins
2 months ago

Globalists Publish Plan for Worldwide Financial ENSLAVEMENT Under “Unified Ledger”

Reply to  Brin Jenkins
2 months ago

Visa Applies For Digital Dollar Blockchain Patent to 
(Eliminate Physical Dollars)

May 14, 2024
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) published today that VisaV +0.2% has filed a patent application to create digital currency on a centralized computer using blockchain technology. This patent applies to digital dollars as well as other central bank digital currencies such as pounds, yen, and euros so the physical currency of a central bank anywhere in the world could be digitized.

Described as ‘Digital Fiat Currency’ the patent was initially filed by Visa on November 8, 2019, with the USPTO commenting today, “It takes quite a while…” to publish the filing of a patent. Visa’s patent is described as a central entity computer that receives requests that include the serial number and denomination of a physical currency.

The creation of the digital currency and the removal of the physical currency from circulation in a fiat currency system is recorded on a blockchain.

Visa Files Patent Application for Digital Currency 

Visa has filed a patent application to create digital currency — potentially using Ethereum as the blockchain.
The application details two records, one of which would indicate “the digital currency for an amount associated with the denomination has been created for a public key associated with a digital wallet.” The other record notes the “removal of the physical currency from circulation in a fiat currency system.”

“Every time a dollar worth of digital fiat currency is generated, the central entity ensures that a corresponding physical dollar bill is removed from circulation, to regulate the value of the digital fiat currency.”

Reply to  Brin Jenkins
2 months ago

Programable with expiration date, means you’ll never be able to have savings. Total control. You can’t spend it freely, rationing, punishing with it, etc.

I told early to my enthusiastic family that bitcoin was a worthless stuff even if for first look it was not. It was the tool to con people into the idea of digital money. Only things (products, services) with real work behind them have real values in my opinion. Gold maybe, too because of the trust gained during history.

If people let it happen, that will be the real end of us. I refused to use cards even during the covid hoax, I paid with cash in shops to keep it alive and in circulation.

2 months ago

WHO does not stand for World Health Organisation. They are 2 separate entities.
IRS does not stand for Internal Revenue Service. 2 separate entities.
HMRC does not stand for His Majesties Revenue & Customs. 2 separate entities.
It doesn’t matter what it is, there are always 2 of everything.
Everything capitalised is MUNICIPAL (Papist) and invariably they don’t mean what people think they mean. They presume they mean what they think they mean.

2 months ago

comment image

Peter Harter
Peter Harter
2 months ago

The Mask of the Red Death is great. The story by Edgar Allen Poe. And the movie. Every good horror story has a point. The rest of the movies on the list are trite and contrived, poorly written and acted. Once again, bad art illustrates bad ethics.

2 months ago



In 1890 Pope Leo XIII was on the way to Mass when he was seen to fall down and pass out. He was thought to be dead as he displayed no respiration, and no pulse could be found. He awoke suddenly and reported seeing a troubling a vision and overhearing a discussion between God and the devil (Satan) where Satan requested permission to destroy the church in 100 years to which God granted permission in the manner documented in ‘The Book of Job’.
From that event, The Pope composed The Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel in which he pleaded “defend us in battle!” and to “be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.”  The pope ordered the prayer be recited at the end of each Lower Mass.  Pope Paul VI suppressed the rite and prayer in 1968.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle;
be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do you, O prince of the heavenly host,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan and the other evil spirits
who prowl about the world for the ruin of souls.

We are to pray and fast to empower God’s forces to cast this evil back to hell where it belongs.

2 months ago

[…] The World Economic Forum’s “Frankensteinization” of the Entire World. Hollywood’s “Predict… According to Peter Koenig who is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), the “dark cult” must warn and inform us of their plans. Koenig, explains that this is “predictive programming” and is used to destabilize society, which instills fear into the masses, thus making us all suitably vulnerable. […]

2 months ago

Nuke Davos! You know WHEN!!!! Just do it!

2 months ago

[…] The World Economic Forum’s “Frankensteinization” of the Entire World. Hollywood’s “Predict…According to Peter Koenig who is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), the “dark cult” must warn and inform us of their plans. Koenig, explains that this is “predictive programming” and is used to destabilize society, which instills fear into the masses, thus making us all suitably vulnerable. […]

Joy N.
Joy N.
2 months ago

Very Scary but real..
Thanks for the info..👌

What the Holy Bible says of this horrific decade just ahead of us.. Here’s a site expounding current global events in the light of bible prophecy.. To understand more, pls visit 👇

2 months ago

[…] The World Economic Forum’s “Frankensteinization” of the Entire World. Hollywood’s “Predict… […]

2 months ago

[…] The World Economic Forum’s “Frankensteinization” of the Entire World. Hollywood’s “Predict… […]