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We must start treating ourselves and our children as wonderful creations of God

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Mike Donio asks the question: Why did Christian churches follow the party line during covid?

The answer, he says, is churches have become part of the world system.  The covid era revealed who is really running the world.

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Covid Revealed Who Is Really Running the World

By Mike Donio

Today, I want to talk about the spiritual battle that has raged throughout history but became very evident during the covid “pandemic”.

One of the Most Important and Unimaginable Aspects Was Closing the Churches

Early on, in March 2020, we observed not only the shutdown of most of society but, perhaps most striking was, what happened with our churches. 

We were told it was too dangerous to gather together and worship God.  Imagine that. The God who tells us we have nothing to fear and these so-called church leaders folded like a cheap suit when called to close by political leaders.

Not only that but the leaders of these churches told us that Jesus would have taken the vaccine so it’s ok for you to do so too.

It didn’t stop there either.  Nativity scenes were being sold with a masked-up holy family.  The evil one was hard at work.

If you read scripture then you know that we have nothing to fear.  The Lord will be by our side even through the darkest valleys.

I’m all for protecting the most vulnerable in our society but, that is not what this was about.  Not only that but, Christians historically have taken a different path during pandemics.

History Tells a Different Story

Throughout history, there are records of Christians going into towns to help the sick while others (pagans) fled.

Don’t believe me?

Here’s an excerpt from a letter written by Bishop Dionysius of Alexandria regarding the actions of Christians during an epidemic that broke out in Alexandria around 251 AD:

With covid, we saw the exact opposite.

Pastors, priests, bishops, and more told us to run and hide, follow the government’s orders, etc.  They shut down.  How could this have happened?

Better yet, what god were they following?  Certainly doesn’t seem like the same one those Christians in Alexandria were.

Believe It or Not, It Got Worse

Once they finally found the courage to reopen the churches, they sought to further terrorise the congregations.

They muzzled the Lord’s people forcing them to mask up and stop singing.  We even saw people being segregated upon the reopening of churches based on vaccination status.  This is abominable by any standards but, unconscionable in the supposed house of God.

If you don’t believe me then go back up and re-read how Christians used to act during pandemics.

What unfolded in churches during covid was unprecedented.

Let’s Be Clear

I’m not suggesting that the Bible tells us to take insane risks with ourselves and others.  Quite the contrary actually as we are told not to tempt God but I hope you can appreciate that the church went way too far with covid.  This was a huge indication to me that something was amiss and something more sinister was at play.

The Problem Doesn’t Originate with Covid Though

The truth is that the church and religion as a whole have become part of the world system so perhaps, we shouldn’t be surprised.  It’s been completely institutionalised and systematised according to the ways of the evil one.  And it’s quite corrupt too, by the way.

If you want to know why churches acted how they did during covid just follow the money, or in this case the tax benefits.

You see, most churches and religious organisations are directly connected to the government via their 501(c)(3) status.  It affords them a great deal of tax incentives which would make it a lot harder for them to stay afloat otherwise.

As well, because of it the churches in the US take in an incredible amount of money in donations (tithing) annually.  We are talking billions of dollars.

You can see why they wouldn’t want to do anything to risk that precious 501(c))(3) status. They are not going to bite off the hand that feeds them.  So, when the government came knocking, they gladly responded in kind.

This is why I go directly to the Lord for guidance and not any mortal man.  The true church (or body) of Jesus Christ is not a building made of brick or an organisation with a hierarchical structure.  It’s the people who are living by the indwelling life of Christ.

As we move forward, we need to keep some perspective.  The best way to not get caught up in the next wave of tyranny is to come out of the world.  Use it but don’t sell your soul to it.  There is no greater freedom and liberty than that found in the Lord.

The Lord Doesn’t Make Mistakes

God did not error when he created mankind or even us individually.  Consider the following.

If the argument is that we must be subjected to immunisations from the moment of birth then does that mean that those pushing them also believe that we are somehow born defective?

How else can you rationalise this idea?

Yes, I do understand the argument being made by conventional medicine regarding the lack of a sufficiently developed (in their opinion) immune system and so we need to provide that immunity via vaccines.  For that matter, you can ask the same question concerning any other pharmaceutical intervention.

In my opinion, this only works if you elevate science to the level of God or even make it a god in its own right.  This is exactly what has happened with mainstream science.

Scientism is where science has been elevated to be the only acceptable source of knowledge about our world and everything else is sidelined.  Many have warned about this but clearly, we have not heeded it.

There Is Hope

Don’t ever forget that God fearfully and wonderfully created us.  He does not make mistakes.  Nothing that He creates is defective.

I think we must start treating ourselves and our children as the wonderful creations of God that we are and bring science back down to its appropriate place.

Who’s with me?

About the Author

Mike Donio is an American research scientist with 20 years of experience, largely in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. His employment was wrongfully terminated in 2021 for not complying with a vaccine mandate. Donio’s research was in the fields of virology, molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, electrophysiology, immunology and oncology.

He publishes articles on a Substack page titled ‘Still in the Storm’ which you can subscribe to and follow HERE.

He also maintains the website ‘Science Defined’ which aims to transform the way we approach science by making complex terminology and concepts straightforward so that you can easily digest them.

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Pim Wiersinga
Pim Wiersinga
2 months ago

In fact, those proto-redcross volunteers in Alexandria and other cities in the East Roman Empire combined charity (removal of refuse & corpses) with hit jobs. The slaughter of the philosopher Hypatia is only one of the more glaring examples of what was a generic mindset. The juveniles in those early ‘swat teams’ were known as ‘parabalani’ (‘the reckless ones’)

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
2 months ago
Douglas Anderson
Douglas Anderson
2 months ago

Agree 100%! Most churches, and the church “leaders” nowadays are extensions of the corrupt governments and function as “spiritual” control systems. One cannot have a relationship with God the Creator when communications are funneled through corrupt Men who want the power of controlling and dictating to other people. Jesus Christ is the ONLY path to God and God gives you free will to choose His Son or reject Him unlike the “spiritual leaders” who want to “interpret” God’s Will and have you to take direction from them! Seek a DIRECT relationship with Jesus Christ and you will know God’s peace and wisdom which is found nowhere else!

Reply to  Douglas Anderson
2 months ago

The Roman Catholic Church have admitted/claimed that they are the authors (creators) of the “Holy Bible.”
Jesus is a creation of Rome.
In any case, Yeshuah translates into Joshua. Not Jesus.
According to those that have studied the Bible, it is in reference to the “Gods of Heaven” (plural). The Elohim. Some call them the Annunaki.
You will note that the 3 Angels, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, all have a common denominator. They all end in “el”. As in Elohim.
Very soon, the garbage of the Bible and religion in general, will be made known to everyone. No doubt, even faced with the glaring Truth, religious zealots won’t accept it.

Reply to  john
2 months ago

By looking at the skin of man under a microscope, it is made up of tiny scales.
Modern man was genetically modified by the Elohim.
Adam was their prototype which purportedly took the Elohim 191 years to perfect.

Reply to  P T
2 months ago

Jorge Bergolio is not a Pope. He now stands as Satans General.
In an effort to avoid retribution of his crimes, he has adopted Satanism. As has Charles Windsor.

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
2 months ago

Got to admit … all the BS over Roe v Wade in the US I figured nobody gives a rats ass about children seeing them more as a commodity and money earner more than anything else.

Sad but true … as for children lets sort out the abortion part and stop jabbing all the children with so many not 100% safe vaccines would be a good start.

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
Reply to  Mark Deacon
2 months ago

I best quantify the money earning as this … paid to carry out an abortion or getting cheap serf labor. And the woman gets a nice little economic position until the child is no longer a dependant.

You would be surprised what goes throuh the minds of rich and poor on this as I have heard the arguments from all sides on this.

2 months ago

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2 months ago

When the churches were encouraged to incorporate themselves by the Roman Catholic/Vatican criminality, which they went on to do, they no longer served The Most High.
Once incorporated, they became businesses for profit subservient to the evil that resides in Rome.

Reply to  john
2 months ago

Archbishop Vigano and a small number like him speaks sense though. I got to know of him through Lifesite News.

2 months ago

Food supply stopping all across Europe.
In the meantime, those lacking foresight, will fight literally to their death to keep this vile and evil system alive. For what? Fake money that is nothing but debt.
I remind you, the Universe has given you a choice to make.
Life or Death.
Sadly, it is the latter that the majority clamour for and will most certainly receive. As is the free-will nature of Universal Law.

Lords Witnesses
Lords Witnesses
2 months ago

A true church (accepted by and representing God – with the capability to enter its members into a salvation covenant) earns time for its congregation in the Kingdom of God. A false church earns money for its priesthood in the Kingdom of the world.

The Lords Witnesses banned genetic vaccination for all church members on 2021August22, due to our understanding that the vaccines are the serpent bite of Genesis 3:15 and constitute serpentine genetic rape, turning your genes from the seed of Adam to the seed of Cain, the son of Satan.
We have made many mistakes. But that one we got right. Let me me clear. No Lords Witness took a covid vaccine and had they taken one they would have been disfellowshipped.

But as the writer correctly points out the churches have become harlots, selling the concept of redemption (but not the reality of it) for profit, in circumstances where Jesus said: Freely have ye received. Freely should ye give.

The Roman Catholic church, is the Mother of the Harlots of Revelation 17:5 in our understanding. And she has a lot of daughters!

But it is not only the churches that have sold out to ‘careerism’. It is every profession there is on the face of the earth, From advertising to journalism, to medicine, to entertainment, to the police force, to politicians, to regulators, to the entire public sector, to most of the education sector and most of academia and far too much of the legal profession, not to mention estate agents and insurance salesmen!.

When we abandon God and cease trying to understand his instruction manual and his concept of sustainable morality (which is not easy) we end up worshipping our career, our financial security, our status, and really every single fake that the world has to offer.

That is why they killed the elderly with Midazolam (it was good for their careers). that is why they vaccinated the children with a genetic monkey wrench (it was good for their careers). That is why they pretended that basic immunology (do not vaccinate during a pandemic and natural immunity is better than vaccine mediated (fake) immunity and that herd immunity cannot be reached – it has been reached but only in the unvaxxed) no longer applied. They knew it applied. They would have argued that left is right and up is down if it meant advancing their careers..
It was never a question of how many lives have I ruined? It was always a question of how much more money have I pocketted?

It is like a very brave female journalist once asked a Robert Mugabe concentration camp guard in Zimbabwe, when the BBC was banned from that country in the days that the BBC actually had journalists working for it. She asked him: Why do you torture grandmothers?. He answered. Well if I torture 3 grandmothers this week, then I will get promoted.

They still worship. but at the altar of money and status, which is the altar of death, rather than at the altar of God and Jesus, which is the altar of life.
Let me be clear. I have written 30 or so articles for the Exposé, after having proved to PHE statistically that the vaccines did not work, and then been banned by their office of public accountability!! for exposing their fraud. , And I have always been ahead of the curve on this pandemic because it is a biblical event and I know what is behind it. I know what Satan is trying to achieve with it and I know that there must be one more plague, the deadly plague of the 4th horseman of the apocalypse of Revelation 6:8, before the end of Satan’s administration of this brothel of a world.

Marilyn Munroe described Hollywood as an overcrowded Brothel. But she never saw the NHS during the pandemic or the UK public sector during the present administration.

So much knowledge. So much capability. So much technology. A fair amount of good will. But misdirected by demons and corrupted by career harlots., who follow their every command into greater and greater depravity, inhumanity and abuse, for the sake of their careers, and for the sake of their status in life..

Convince a child who is too young to understand either sex or gender, that he/she is the wrong gender and does not need to have procreative sex or a climax ever in his or her life. Destroy his or her genitals and you get tens of thousands of pounds. Do that for 25 children and you are set up for life right?.

Dream on Mengler. You are set up for the second death in Gehenna, where you will have eyes that do not see, ears that do not hear, a mouth that does not speak and genitals that are as impotent and dysfunctional as those you yourself have destroyed…

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Lords Witnesses
2 months ago

Have hung around this thread for hours, kudos to Rhoda for posting such a lovely article. However, being new to the understanding it’s been really hard for me to put my thoughts into a comment, which makes some sense.

Really agree with what you say about Roman Catholicism, personally was born into such a family. Baptised when only a few days old, received first communion when i was only a couple of days past seven and confirmed at eight. A young child hasn’t developed the ability to understand and make such choices, they seem ritualistic ceremonies to me from a dark origin. I was poorly at birth so in all fairness, the best of intentions might have been behind my early baptism.

It seems to me the early, true church was vibrant and largely participatory. Of course there were leaders/organisers but it seems like people pulled together as a team, instead of Sunday Mass which was the same ritual every week, apart from the sermon. The incense was sickening too. Constantine the not so great and his ilk were responsible for the corruption, introducing Satanic festivals and rituals etc. Hope that makes some sense.

The Bible is a beautiful history and guide book to me. Obviously, i still have my L plates on regarding reading it, however, have already gained deeper understanding from what i’ve read. Our loving Creator is undoubtedly rooting for us, so hope i can make his heart proud although time is so short now.

As the title of the article says, we are wonderfully made and have all the tools we could ever need to prosper in life. After he brings an end to the evil system we currently suffer under. This is the longest comment i’ve posted, glad i have and will look in on this thread again.

Reply to  Mrs D
2 months ago

“L plates”? We are all still learning…but my word! you have come on leaps and bounds!

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Islander
2 months ago

Thanks friend, those are lovely, encouraging words. What i’m learning reaches my mind and heart, it’s just so right. He could have just started over but is allowing the mess the Filth and ourselves created, to play out to the bitter end. Personally think it could be because he knew by giving us free will, such questions would arise sometime. Think he’s letting them play out so they can never arise again.

Now that is the ultimate love a Father can offer, the pain and grief he feels must be horrific but he suffers it because he wants us to make the right choice. Hope that makes some sense friend, i know what i mean. =)

Also, reading the Bible really gives me solace when i’m very sad about what’s happening. Found a couple of really good websites which are great for research too, gives me a lovely rest from the doom and gloom sites i was visiting too much.

Reply to  Mrs D
2 months ago

Sadly these days we are awash with “doom and gloom sites” (like this one!). To pretend otherwise would be akin to what an ostrich does with its head???

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Islander
2 months ago

Personally view The Expose as a really good informational site friend, also think at least most of the team are people of true faith.

They don’t go for sleazy clickbait and post many top quality in-house articles, which are much cited by other worthy sites, podcasters etc. Another thing i love is they do attract more thoughtful commenters than most sites, they also allow personal discussions like we have to develop in threads. Think they’re good people.

Really love our discussions and grateful we can chat here.

Reply to  Mrs D
2 months ago

Yes-we should ever be “grateful for small mercies”.

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Islander
2 months ago

Think they’re pretty worthwhile mercies in these times friends. So many people seem mentally and emotionally unglued in these evil times. I’m finding it a bloody struggle but having some idea of what might be real keeps me somewhat glued.

As does my lovely hubby, we’re definitely a team.

2 months ago


Rod mclean
Rod mclean
2 months ago

To understand how the best in people will come out in difficult times one has to understand history. One of tnese was Henry Morse a Jesuit priest born in 1595 and executed at Tyburn prison in 1645 during the church of England purges of catholics.
Henry Morse was dubbed the priest of the plague and worked with and comforted the victims of the bubonic plague in the early 17th century.
Father Morse was a true martyr as he worked with the sick and dying with no consideration for his own safety. This was done for the glory of God and and according to the words of Jesus.
His life history may be read in a publication by Philip Caraman.
This martyr no doubt rests with the Lord.

Tommy Rimes
Tommy Rimes
2 months ago

Almost one year to the day before he was assassinated, MLK gave his speech at the Riverside Church in NYC excoriating the war. At the time of his death he was organizing the poor people’s march to over run Washington DC.
We don’t have to discuss Malcolm X.
The truth is you can have any religion you want, even worship Satan, like our rulers, and it is copacetic to them. As long as you do not question the system. To this extent almost all religions and house of worship in the US are part of the system. If you are part of this evil system, how can you be one with Christ, God, or the Universe.

Tracey R
Tracey R
2 months ago

Revelations 15:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee; for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. (sorceries is pharmakia in Greek, that we could call it out as Big Pharma)

Lords Witnesses
Lords Witnesses
Reply to  Tracey R
2 months ago

When I first read all the condemnation of Pharmakeia in Revelation I thought it referred merely to narcotics like heroin, crack and fentanyl. But recent events have shown that it refers to big Pharma as well as you point out. The Pope did say that it was our Christian duty to get vaccinateed. As did New Yorks Governor Hocul. When in fact it was our Christian duty not to get vaccinated and not to destroy our immune systems and not to corrupt our genes with genetic bestiality (humanized mouse DNA, Bat DNA, HIV RNA etc.) and swith atanic seed gene rape.

The pope lied and thousands died.

Reply to  Lords Witnesses
2 months ago

“The pope lied and thousands died.” And still counting…

Very poetical! But…sadly, true.

We now know who the Drug Lords are!

Lords Witnesses
Lords Witnesses
Reply to  Islander
2 months ago

Yes. Well put. Talk about Harlot churches. These guys are supposed to represent the Lord God and what they do is the represent the Drug Lord Fauci.

They are supposed to be Vicar’s of Christ, but they have become Vicars of the anti Christ (Cain).

Actually the Greek word for Medicine is Pharmakon which is all we need to know these days.

2 months ago

[…] We must start treating ourselves and our children as wonderful creations of God …the spiritual battle that has raged throughout history but became very evident during the covid “pandemic”. Early on, in March 2020, we observed not only the shutdown of most of society but, perhaps most striking was, what happened with our churches.  We were told it was too dangerous to gather together and worship God. Imagine that. The God who tells us we have nothing to fear and these so-called church leaders folded like a cheap suit when called to close by political leaders. […]

2 months ago

[…] We must start treating ourselves and our children as wonderful creations of God…the spiritual battle that has raged throughout history but became very evident during the covid “pandemic”. Early on, in March 2020, we observed not only the shutdown of most of society but, perhaps most striking was, what happened with our churches.  We were told it was too dangerous to gather together and worship God. Imagine that. The God who tells us we have nothing to fear and these so-called church leaders folded like a cheap suit when called to close by political leaders. […]