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Candace Owens Declares She Refuses to be Silenced by the Powerful Group that People Are Not Allowed to Talk About.

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After aggressive pressure from Zionist rabbis and other staunch supporters of Israel, it was announced last Friday morning that popular commentator Candace Owens and her host company – the Daily Wire had “ended their relationship.” The announcement came from Daily Wire co-CEO Jeremy Boreing with a simple tweet on X stating, “Daily Wire and Candace Owens have ended their relationship” that was retweeted by Owens herself: “Finally free”

Candace has said “I’m going to be honest with you, because everybody’s noticing it, every single commentator in America, every single one of them knows this, that if you do not step out and say things that are radically pro Israel, or if you are too quiet on certain narratives and they want you to be radically pro Israel, you can lose everything, that’s the truth….”

Too Vocal

Candace Owens who is known for her fearless reporting has lasted at the Daily Wire far longer than many may have thought she would considering who they are connected to. Lowkey posted on the X platform:

So, it seems Candace Owens has been cancelled by Ben Shapiro and the Daily Wire for opposing Israel’s genocide in Gaza. The Daily Wire is funded by Kape Technologies, whose CEO is Israeli Intelligence Duvdevan Unit veteran Ido Erlichman. Before founding The Daily Wire, Ben Shapiro was funded by Robert Shillman, a tech billionaire on the board of The Friends of the IDF. Shillman also funded Tommy Robinson at that time.

Continuing – “Shapiro and the co-founder of The Daily Wire, Jeremy Boreing, both helped Israel lobbyist Dennis Prager set up the YouTube channel Prager University, where they worked under Israeli Unit 8200 Military Intelligence veteran Marissa Streit. In the early days of The Daily Wire, Shapiro got millions of dollars of funding from fracking billionaires, the Wilks Brothers.

The Wilks Brothers also fund The Liberty Counsel, which has a Stand With Israel campaign where they host Netanyahu as a speaker. Today, the Chief Operating Officer of The Daily Wire is Jon Lewis. He is a former intelligence analyst in the US Marine Corps. The Daily Wire also employed former US military intelligence officer Wesley Schmidt in customer service analytics.

Why Now?

Tensions began for Owens last November as Israel’s relentless bombing response to the October 7 attack. according to LifeSiteNews who say that “With charges of genocide coming from many quarters of the world, including Jewish groups in the U.S., the Christian political commentator tweeted, “No government anywhere has a right to commit a genocide, ever. There is no justification for a genocide. I can’t believe this even needs to be said or is even considered the least bit controversial to state.”

Soon after, when Owens tweeted a scripture verse from St. Matthew’s gospel “Blessed are the peacemakers,” Daily Wire committed Zionist co-founder Ben Shapiro suggested she should quit, and at a private gathering of supporters called her treatment of this issue “absolutely disgraceful.”

LifeSiteNews continue with the story in the excerpt of an artcle:

Candace Owens is out at Daily Wire after opposing funding of Israel’s war


Soon after, in the interest of promoting free speech, Owens welcomed Jewish scholar, author and Middle East expert Norman Finkelstein to her program where he argued that what is happening in Gaza “is not a particularly complicated situation right now. The Israeli government has openly, unabashedly, flagrantly, blatantly declared a war of genocide on the people of Gaza.”

Having published elsewhere a long compilation of quotes from Israeli officials demonstrating his point, he added, “Can there be any doubt in the minds of any objective observer, when Israel declares a policy of prohibiting any food, water, fuel, or electricity from entering Gaza” that genocide is their policy?

Publisher of rabbi’s hit piece on Owens retracts article, apologizes to readers

Yet in the same spirit of promoting free speech and widespread views on her platform, Owens welcomed staunch Zionist Rabbi Michael Barclay to her show on Tuesday in order to respond to a scathing article he wrote titled Let’s Be Honest: Candace Owens Is A Jew Hating Bigot. As of Saturday, March 23, there are an astonishing 54,800 comments under the video, overwhelmingly praising Owens and critical of the condescending rabbi.

In her introduction of the topic and the article, Owens said that “honestly there are only two options here, either this rabbi is genuinely ignorant of everything that I have ever said … (or) he’s completely aware … and he is just a monster. I’m excited to find out.”

After Barclay failed to substantiate many of his claims in the interview, the publisher of his piece, PJ Media, appeared to tacitly provide their answer to Owens’ question by retracting the article. “Upon further review, we have determined that the following article does not meet PJ Media’s editorial standards. We apologize to our readers for the oversight,” the publisher’s statement read.

Jalsevac: Owen’s interview with rabbi ‘exposed the serious flaws and dangers of Zionism’

Having watched the entire interview, LifeSiteNews co-founder and president Steve Jalsevac said Owens was “incredibly charitable” to Barclay allowing him to “speak uninterrupted at great length.” “The trouble was that she was also much too effective in countering the rabbi’s irrational statements, hugely condescending attitude and not so subtle hatred for her views,” he continued. And with reference to her departure, Owens “exposed the serious flaws and dangers of Zionism like I have never seen done before,” he said. “For them, that is unforgivable.”

Greenwald: Just like any other foreign country, Owens is ‘allowed to be a fierce critic of Israel’

In a Wednesday analysis of the interview left-leaning Jewish commentator Glenn Greenwald came to Owens’ defense, saying that, like Tucker Carlson, she applies “conservative principles consistently,” asking “why are we censoring critics of Israel in the United States? Why don’t American citizens have the right to criticize Israel to defend the Palestinian cause that they want? Why are people getting fired for criticizing Israel or criticizing Joe Biden for financing Israel? And why should Israel not be held to the same humanitarian standards in the way that they’re conducting this war as we hold other countries too?”

“Now, I believe that as an American citizen, which Candace Owens is, she’s allowed to be a fierce critic of Israel. Israel is a foreign country,” the journalist observed. “You can be a fierce critic of Russia …  you can be a fierce critic of Paraguay or South Korea, and you can be a fierce critic of Israel.” “In fact, you ought to have more space, not less, to criticize Israel, given that every American taxpayer, by definition, helps to pay for Israel’s military and its wars and its government, and therefore it gives you a right to criticize that country if you wish,” he said.

False accusations of ‘anti-Semitism’ used as a weapon to silence critics

Greenwald also unpacked the common tactic of utilizing vicious calumny as “an attempt to destroy the reputation of people who disagree … and to shut down debate,” and said this is used against “anyone who questions why the American government is supporting Israel.” Such individuals “will be called a racist and an antisemite.”

For his part, Barclay was on Owens’ show to say she “is an anti-Semite, every critic of Israel is an anti-Semite. Anyone who questions why the United States government is paying for Israel’s war is absolutely an anti-Semite,” he mocked.

Providing a clip of the interview where Barclay was shown to have falsely accused Owens of “not having condemned Hamas,” Greenwald explained how his insistent demands that the host agree that October 7 is a “singular evil … unlike anything that has ever happened in history before” was “obviously insane and preposterous.” In the mind of Barclay, Owens’ refusal to do this demonstrated she was an “anti-Semite.”

If one crosses the artificial lines of speech control on this issue “you won’t be debated, you won’t be engaged with, you’ll be branded a racist, and you will have your job in risk of being fired, of being censored, as so many people have,” he presciently observed.

In response to an attack from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) charging her with “vitriolic antisemitism” and adding “fuel to the fire of hate” absent any reasonable evidence, Owens tweeted, “everyone can see what you guys are doing to me. Your pattern is well established and the world is waking up to it.”

“My crime is that I do not believe that American taxpayers should have to pay for Israel’s wars or the wars of any other country. I will not change my mind. So the question is what will you do to me next? The world is watching.”

Similar to Owens’ sudden departure from the Zionist Daily Wire, last year’s firing of Carlson by Fox News came in the wake of his being considered “a Big Problem for pro-Israel Conservatives” and “a threat to the pro-Israel community” due to “his lack of enthusiasm for the Jewish state.”

I Am Finally Free.

Candace is free. With a broad smile in a video originally posted to the locals platform, The New York Times best-selling author announced, “The rumors are true. I am free,” she said. “Obviously, I’m going to take a couple of weeks here just to rebuild and to refocus and to create something that is actually mine and something that can’t be threatened or taken because it belongs to me.” She also promised on Twitter/X that “There will be many announcements in the weeks to come.”

Support For Candace – The good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Where there are many people who are in support of Candace and her refusal to push the propaganda…

The Good.

There are others who are not anywhere near as brave as she has been, one in particular is a former Daily Wired colleague of hers and a good friend of her husband and even the god father to one of her children Michael Knowles. Although, he has made a statement referring to the sacking of Candace but failed to defend his friend.

The Bad.

The downright Ugly.

“Candice firing is yet more evidence that Israel is the end of level boss. We believe in freedom of speech, as long as you don’t waver in your support of the untouchable. To control the game, you must control both sides, and Israel’s influence on the fake alternative, is clear. The emperor is stark bollock naked.” Gareth Icke

Although, the quote ‘To Learn Who Rules Over You, Simply Find Out Who You Are Not Allowed To Criticise’ was a quote from a neo nazi, Kevin Strom, it is true just as Candace Owens certainly found out.

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Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
1 month ago

“Top Rabbi Exposes Jewish Racism”

From The Times Of Israel

“Yes, we’re racists. We believe in racism’

Embracing racism, rabbis at pre-army yeshiva laud Hitler, urge enslaving Arabs

Recordings show instructors at settlement academy openly promoting Jewish supremacy; principal says Arabs want to live under Israeli occupation due to their genetic inferiority

By Tamar Pileggi 30 April 2019, 10:17 am

Two rabbis at a pre-military religious academy in a West Bank settlement were recorded making derogatory and racist comments about Arabs, defending Adolf Hitler’s worldview, and openly promoting Jewish supremacy.

In a series of undated recordings published by Channel 13 news on Monday, Rabbi Eliezer Kashtiel, the head of the Bnei David academy in Eli, can be heard calling for the enslavement of the “stupid and violent” non-Jews due to their genetic inferiority.

“The gentiles will want to be our slaves. Being a slave to a Jew is the best. They’re glad to be slaves, they want to be slaves,” he told a class in one of the video clips. “Instead of just walking the streets and being stupid and violent and harming each other, once they’re slaves, their lives can begin to take shape.”

“All around us, we are surrounded by peoples with genetic problems. Ask a simple Arab ‘where do you want to be?’ He wants to be under the occupation. Why? Because they have genetic problems, they don’t know how to run a country, they don’t know how to do anything. Look at them.”

In the lecture, Kashtiel goes on to embrace racism against non-Jews.

“Yes, we’re racists. We believe in racism… There are races in the world and peoples have genetic traits, and that requires us to try to help them,” he said. “The Jews are a more successful race.”

In another clip from the Bnei David Yeshiva published by Channel 13, Rabbi Giora Redler can be heard praising Hilter’s ideology during a lesson about the Holocaust.

“Let’s just start with whether Hitler was right or not,” he told students. “He was the most correct person there ever was, and was correct in every word he said… he was just on the wrong side.”


Reply to  Watcher Seeker
1 month ago

ChemtrailPoision pollutes the sky
While the Vatican’s Eugenicist Royal Elites Blackmail Politicians of Pedophilia Corruption
Ancient Institutionalized Pedophilia
Descends From Pagan Rome’s Deities.
Zeus and Jupiter’s Abduction of Ganymede Continues into the Vatican’s Corruption of Christianity.
Clear the Sky of: ChemtrailPoision by Striking the Achilles’s Heel of Pedophile Corruption.


Fred Leuchter
Fred Leuchter
Reply to  ChemtrailPoision
1 month ago

Hitler LED GERMANY OFF A CLIFF, with the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact with Stalin’s Soviet Bolsheviks the people who committed the HOLODOMOR.
and ignited WW2 an Aryan cataclysm by invading Poland.

Reveal this truth to prevent it from happening again.

Reply to  Fred Leuchter
1 month ago

Yes, Hitler was an absolute disaster for Germany. The most telling detail for me is that he blew the invasion of the Soviet Union. He could have won if he had merely accepted the offer of former Soviet generals to raise a 2 million man army of Slavs to fight against the Soviets. He refused and lost the war.

Very suspicious, if you ask me.

Fred Leuchter
Fred Leuchter
Reply to  jim
1 month ago

Why goto war in the first place?
Peacefully evacuate the annexed Germans in Poland and leave the WW1 borders as they are, least you trigger WW2, which he did.
And lost more territory of Germany, the supposed reason to invade Poland in the first place.

Hitler brought Ruination, Devastation and Degradation to Germany.

And some brainwashed people still think he did good?

Fred Leuchter
Fred Leuchter
Reply to  jim
1 month ago

Why goto war in the first place?
Peacefully evacuate the annexed Germans in Poland and leave the WW1 borders as they are, least you trigger WW2, which he did.
And lost more territory of Germany, the supposed reason to invade Poland in the first place.

Hitler brought Ruination, Devastation and Degradation to Germany.

And some brainwashed people still think he did good?

Reply to  Watcher Seeker
1 month ago

The irony of Ashkenazi Jews pointing fingers at Arabs for having ‘genetic problems’.

Ashkenazi Jews are laden with genetic diseases. Tay-Sachs and others. Excessively levels of schizophrenia, neuroses, etc.

1 month ago

My Toronto newspaper 1999-2017 suffered six terror attacks so that Canada’s RCMP, CSIS, metro police and media are afraid to investigate. My three workers and informants were EACH burnt out of their homes, my new car was blown up (almost with me) and two attempts were made on life.
So, be thankful that you are still alive because “they” have money and influence to do ANYTHING.

Dan Gilfry
Dan Gilfry
Reply to  Victor
1 month ago

Better to die a hero standing up
than a coward on your knees!

Reply to  Dan Gilfry
1 month ago

Trouble is I think of that every day, especially the innocent people that were nothing other than murdered for being a human, turns me into an animal on where this is all going, they the physio paths wouldn’t want to meet an wild animal on their path and they created it and the animals will stop it as they have their own instincts so they better turn themselves in before they become cartoons in the joke edition of the paper

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Victor
1 month ago

Hi Victor.
Over 150 journalists have been murdered in Palestine, they never had a chance.
Some time people have to stand up and be counted, like AAron Bushnell.
AAron set himself on fire outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington.
His final words were ‘ Free Palestine ‘, another hero.

Reply to  Victor
1 month ago

Indeed. The JDL was probably behind it, but they have enough money and influence to have multiple organizations and agents. The Bronfmans were an organized crime outfit, well connected to the World Jewish Congress, Mega group, etc. They took over the British Empire long ago so they have significant control over British intelligence, and hence Canadian intelligence.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  jim
1 month ago

See this from The Expose to see the control the have over Britain – “CENSORED: Keir Starmer’s Emails About Israeli War Crimes Case”.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
1 month ago

Hi Patricia,
You have excelled yourself with this saga.
The October 7th event was a False Flag.
People on both sides were killed by Operation Hannibal.
Candice Owens is now a hero of mine, for standing up for what she thought and said.
Those rabbi’s are disgusting.

Dan Gilfry
Dan Gilfry
1 month ago

Glad somebody besides ME has the courage to stand up to the Nazis!

Fred Leuchter
Fred Leuchter
Reply to  Dan Gilfry
1 month ago

Hitler LED GERMANY OFF A CLIFF, with the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact with Stalin’s Soviet Bolsheviks the people who committed the HOLODOMOR.
and ignited WW2 an Aryan cataclysm by invading Poland.

Reveal this truth to prevent it from happening again.

1 month ago

Candice Owens is great! A bright beakon of facts and truth!

We must accept the facts that BOTH Palestinians AND Israel behave very badly in this conflict.

Further Arab states, except Jordan which already has too many, do almost nothing to except Palestinian refugees.

It’s ALL these facts that are the cause of this decennia long conflict that never seems to end.

Facing all these 3 facts and solve EACH one of them is what we need to end this horrible situation.

Reply to  Petra
1 month ago

If only history could be changed or just stopped and corrected or not happen at all hate might not be going on and on and on. the evil need to be punished and do time out whether your religious or not and get back their senses on living in peace, which I wish I had a resolution

1 month ago

Their millennia long satanism is coming to an end. It will be to a great cost to us but they are going down. It’s in the stars.

comment image

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Lotus
1 month ago

That diagram is backed up by The Times Of Israel –

“Yes, we’re racists. We believe in racism’

Embracing racism, rabbis at pre-army yeshiva laud Hitler, urge enslaving Arabs


Fred Leuchter
Fred Leuchter
Reply to  Watcher Seeker
1 month ago

Fred Leuchter testified at the second Ernst Zundel Trial in 1988. As the pre-eminent designer of execution systems (including gas chamber design and operation) in the US penal system, he was perfectly qualified to analyse the design and efficacy of the so called WW2 gas chambers. What he found was . . .

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Watcher Seeker
1 month ago

I should have said “That diagram is backed up by a report in The Times Of Israel.

Also, The diagram is about a some Jews, not all. See below for “The FAKE Jews ? roots of all EVILS ?”

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Watcher Seeker
1 month ago

I wrote – “That diagram is backed up by The Times Of Israel”. That might give the mistaken impression that the newspaper holds that view.

I should have said “That diagram is backed up by this report in The Times Of Israel”

1 month ago

The FAKE Jews ? roots of all EVILS ? ruthless ennemies of MANKIND ?

1 month ago
1 month ago

[…] Candace Owens Declares She Refuses to be Silenced by the Powerful Group that People Are Not Allowed … […]

1 month ago

Is this the same law abiding paid from taxpayers money like mine that doesn’t want to get off their lazy buts and investigate criminals that do harm, is it higher up the command chain that are behind this, starting to wonder

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
1 month ago

She would make an excellent POTUS.
Even Alex Jones is controlled by the Zionists.
His interview with Stew Peters was a real eye opener about who is really pulling his strings…

Jimmy Jukebox
Jimmy Jukebox
1 month ago

Hi ,
I was Honestly Love Struck Stupid when I first heard Candance Owens Speak years ago probably More than 5 years , can’t remember.
Anyway I looked up 3 things on Candace Owens and The 3rd Broke my Heart out of Love,
Meaning I would be socially acceptable / cordial to Candace but have Zero desire to marry her .
The first I looked up was Candace Owens age / Birthday ,
And That alone told me alot about why she is her in a certain way ,
Her Chinese New year if 1989 also equals Leo in American astrology.
Her Neptune is in Capricorn , Neptune is a generation planet placement, meaning it stays in Neptune for at least 14 years.
My Neptune is in Scorpio born in the year of 1966 which equals Virgo in American astrology.
And Her sun is in Taurus just like me a Sun Taurus I’m April 20 , Candace Owens us April 29 ,
I looked this up a few minutes ago.

Then I checked is Candace speaking outside much that there’s no man in her life ,
Turns out Candace us married,
That’s when it dawned on me 1989 equals Leo ,
Leo lives the Stage the limelight ,
Abd with her Neptune in Capricorn, Capricorn loves Integrity and Righteousness.

The Bible says: My people Perush from a lack of knowledge.

The 3rd I noticed us Candace Owens us a Catholic ,
Yes The Catholic Religion That belongs to the Catholic Vatican Church that the Rothschild family bloodline purchased and bought in 1818.

I honestly thought Candace Owens us A Wide Awake person , but until she does some Real research and find out what’s up with the Catholic Church she’s fast asleep grasping at straws in the dark.

She probably has zero. Clue on The ones who she criticized that They Read The TULMUD.

I first heard the word TULMUD on Johnny Carson by a man who reads the book talking to johnny Carson ,
The book us Nit allowed to be Read by Non members of Tulmudic religion.
But Thanks to internet it Can Be Read.

My own flesh and blood daughter us also a Catholic I recently found out from my Step-Daughter, so sad.
UF ya ever get really all the way to china by searching what a Catholic Red Shoe Nass means ..
Clue : It’s to Celebrate the Death of Tyndale, The man who’s body was butchered and then burned at the stake,
The same Tyndale who wrote the Tyndale Bible from Greek before The King James Bible was written.

Candace Owens should remember Milton William Cooper also known as Bill Cooper , same Bill Cooper who wrote A pale horse.
Was a Nan Who Did Not Shut Up , Bill Exposed mire than Candace did , But time will tell where this goes Candace is young.

Here’s a link to bills book a pale horse.

Another good read:

Written in 1989 , The God’s of Eden by William Bramley…..

I would school Candace Owens 7f I had it was given the chance , to Fully waje her up….

I’m go look up what Candace thought of the COVID-19 PrePlanned pandemic , did she Believe or was she fooled and frightened ,

I wish Candace luck and to Get to Know and Understand Jesus better…

Reply to  Jimmy Jukebox
1 month ago

The Gospel of Barnabas is the most ancient bible found this far.

1 month ago

i hate libs with a passion but….greenwald is a VERY interesting fellow.

1 month ago

[…] Read more: Candace Owens Declares She Refuses to be Silenced by the Powerful Group that People Are N… […]

1 month ago

I frankly have been done with Israel since I learned their history. For a country who is supposed to be our greatest ally they certainly have a funny way of showing it. For starters they stole our Nuclear technology and lied about building real facilities underneath fake ones they would show our inspectors. When Netanyahu was a younger man after a trip to Washington he came back with a suitcase full of trigger mechanisms for nuclear weapons. Then they tried to pull us into a war with Egypt by attacking our Navy Vessel The USS Liberty. It is sad that the incident happened in the first place but if it had to happen why couldn’t it backfire and seen us declare war on Israel? Perhaps a regime change back then could have prevented future issues. More recently there was 9/11 and I honestly do not know if Israel merely knew ahead of time and didn’t warn us while sending their agents (The 9/11 dancing Israelis) to document the attack or if the alleged Israeli Art Students installing an art installation on the upper floors of the twin towers was actually Mossad planting bombs but regardless once again our supposed ally screws us over. They interfere in our politics through AIPAC and require newly elected Congress members to sign loyalty pledges. They also get billions if not trillions in aid they don’t need being a well off nation themselves.

1 month ago

The secular nation of Israel today, is not included in any scriptural prophecy. There is no biblical need for Christian America to continue to protect this Zionist cause. At the stoning of Stephen, probation ended for the nation of Israel, God’s people became spiritual Israel, and the gospel went out to all nations. It is written: “Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon the holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end to sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.” Daniel 9:24 kjv. “Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye. Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the just One; of whom ye have been now betrayers and murderers: Who have received the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept it. When they heard these things, they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed on him with their teeth. But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up steadfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God, And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God. Then they cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and ran upon him with one accord, And cast him out of the city, and stoned him: and the witnesses laid down their clothes at a young man’s feet, whose name was Saul. And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord lay not this sin to their charge. And when he had said this, he fell asleep.” Acts 7:51,60 kjv. And at that, probation for the Nation of Israel was closed. “Therefore say I unto you, The Kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.” Matthew 21:43 kjv.

Reply to  CMorgan
1 month ago

I certainly agree with the Scriptures you quote, having said this, I don’t agree with that word probation, for God never tested Israel; the Abrahamic covenant is unconditional, that is, regardless of what Israel did, or didn’t do; it is written all Israel shall be saved. Romans 11:26.

Nevertheless, the all Israel in this verse are the remnant that shall be saved. Romans 9:27. Mark this word remnant-that is not every Israelite, else God in Christ could never have said what He did in John 8:44, and elsewhere. This remnant are saved according to the election of grace. Romans 11:5.

This is brought out more fully by the Old Testament prophet Zechariah:

And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications; and they shall look upon Me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for Him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be be in bitterness for Him, as one is in bitterness for his firstborn. Zechariah 12:10.

1 month ago

Anti-Semitism is a ruse. When people criticize Israel, they are not anti-Semitic. They are protesting the government policy of Israel. When people criticize Jews as a group for behavior or politics, it is not because they are criticizing ALL Semites. The criticism is only and exclusively aimed at Jews, NOT any other Semitic peoples. “Anti-Semitism” is the “Great Deflector Shield” used as a “reason” why Jews or Israel are being criticized. It enables Jewish leaders to ameliorate and dissipate the sting of direct criticism against their policies and politics. Anti-Semitism is a RUSE!

Frank Frivilous
Frank Frivilous
1 month ago

Candace Owens is establishing herself as a righteous, strong, faithful and patriotic…….and beautiful Black American woman.

1 month ago

I love and support Candace 🙂

1 month ago

“Anti-semitism” is now “refusing to agree with a Jew, over any topic, at any time, to any degree”.

It’s time to join forces, black and white, to reduce the power and influence of this pernicious group.

1 month ago

Unfortunately, Candice is WAY off base. No, Israel Is Not Committing ‘Genocide’ Against the so-called ‘Palestinians’
The counterfeit Arabs; there is no such thing as a ‘Palestinian’ people. It’s using the language of the left and we’ve all heard that “those who control the language control the culture”.
The True Identity of the So-called ‘Palestinians’ Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist “Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?” “When the Jews returned to Jerusalem. Then all of the sudden we were Palestinians – they removed the star from the Jordanian flag and all at once we had a Palestinian flag”.
Even as late as the 1970’s their own people admitted it was a myth. In an interview with the Dutch newspaper “Trouw” (March 31, 1977) PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein said, “The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian State is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality, today, there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian’ people to oppose Zionism.”
There is no dealing with these people in a rational sense. Hamas leader says October 7, the torture and slaughter of Israeli families and children, is ”justified” and there will be more such attacks on Israel because their goal is to annihilate Israel. The Palestinian nation is one of “martyrs,” he says, proud to die for their cause.
It’s astounding that many of those on the left and right still can’t get it through their heads that Israel is a TINY, yet sovereign nation surrounded by Arab/Muslim led nations wanting its removal from the face of the earth ever since the dawn of time.
Antisemitism is evil no matter how someone likes to twist the meaning to justify their hatred of Israel and the Jewish people. God was very clear on this topic in Genesis 12:3  “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” 

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  onedigger2222
1 month ago

“Israel Is Not Committing ‘Genocide” – then you don’t know what the word “genocide” means. (Actually I suspect you do, but your words stem from hatred rather than reasoned debate based on facts)

“there is no such thing as a ‘Palestinian’ people” – the land was Palestine. The Balfour Declaration said they wanted to create Israel in Palestine. You don’t know history. You fell for lies.

“Antisemitism is evil no matter how someone likes to twist the meaning to justify their hatred of Israel and the Jewish people” – it is you who puts a twist on the subject of anti-Semitism – see this –

“Apologists for Israel’s Mass Murder in Gaza Fall Back on ‘Antisemitism’ Claims”

So I have exposed you as nothing more than a hate-filled ranter, a Christian Zionist b i g o t.

Robin Bate
Robin Bate
1 month ago

Would love to hear more about what Hebrew philosophy and theology is.

1 month ago

an awful lot to unpack, Candice once again shines . Having just watched rabbis defending the Talmud [ a book that is 100% opposite to the Pentateuch ,basis of the christian bible , one is God’s revelation ,the other is mans attempt to rule sinful man ,the tangled heart and reason they crucified Jesus ]. allowing sex with prepubescence girls ,and boys ,as that act is not directly/specifically spelled out ,i would have to agree there are Rabbis and then there are more Rabbidis [[ and not all Imamas are automatically evil ]]. I strongly suspect that like Hitler not actually loving Germans, [ he was actually a rothschield grandchild ?].just power ,he wrecked Germany , so benny Nyet-an-yahoo may not actually love normal people descended from Abraham [ a Chaldean migrant ].but may be trying to throw them under the bus [ he had them vaxed !?]. It would seem that antisemitism’s being real is a firmly held belief in this rabbis head ,the irony that Candice came out of the victim mentality of being pigeon holed as a poor victim of racism, she doesn’t allow someone else’s sin to dictate her self view ,maybe lost to him. This I think is a huge lesson to all I think ,particularly when we understand how powerfull we all actually are to create our world .A reality that satan and all his followers do not want us finding out about ,have taken over globaal media to try and stop this revelation .

1 month ago

Reuters was started in the mid 1800’s by Zionists. Karl Marx, Stalin, Lenin, Yogoda were all Jews and responsible for the deaths of around 60 million Russians, most by starvation and outright murder. The first ‘Russian’ parliament in 1917 was 75% Jewish and the first law passed was anything decreed anti-semetic was punishable by death. The Russian revolution was not a people’s rebellion, it was a Jewish invasion of a Christian country. The Holomador was engineered as part of the solution. The rabbis explaining in detail why they have to kill women and children should be plastered over all North American news outlets, but it won’t because they own all the media and the governments. Do you know the higher degrees of Freemasonry are done in Hebrew?

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Karl
1 month ago

Hi Karl,
You mention all those leaders in Russia.
Those names were not even their real names, just false ones.
The Farmers were put into Gulags, and could not understand why.
The Bolshevik idea was to starve them all and then claim all their land.
The US provided them with food, as they could not farm, as they had killed all the Farmers.

Brian Sandle
Brian Sandle
1 month ago

My personal feeling is that the rabbi was centering his power on destruction on Oct 7, and never considering that the damage done was largely from heavy weapons that Hamas did not have. Residences and cars were blown apart and it was all blamed on Hamas. Retreating Israelis were killed with helicopters. He goes over and over trying to reinforce his perception of it all being Hamas which I found very suspicious and i would be careful accepting IDF video.

Brian Sandle
Brian Sandle
Reply to  Brian Sandle
1 month ago

I couldn’t avoid feeling that when the rabbi was talking about the horrific nature and magnitude of this attack he would have been using his only way of telling the IDF and whoever was involved that they should not have been doing it, trying to bring more blame on Hamas by foul means

R Ander
R Ander
1 month ago

Before WW II, almost every society had some discrimination against them. After WW II, they played the victim card into lobbying for their own country. But the PAX U.S.A. is wearing off after 75 years, and so is their victim card.

1 month ago

Candace Owens, good on you for standing your ground. Ben Shapiro a waste of time. There are many accusations that the entire Hamas raid on October 7th was planned and paid for by the Israeli Government to start this war, they wanted the Palestinians gone. I would not put anything past any Government nowadays.

charles allan
charles allan
1 month ago

When Moses came down from Mt Sinai and saw the Jews had made the golden calf to worship it God said he would destroy all the Israelites and start afresh with Moses and his descendants .
But Moses pleaded with God not to do this and the tribe was saved by God’s mercy.
So why annihilate the Palestinians – even children and mothers and christians on the basis of amalek when the Jews had been let off thousands of years before.
The books of Moses commands the Jews to be kind to the strangers in their midst since they were strangers in the land of Egypt – bombing families into smithereens and taking out kids and mothers with sniper fire – harvesting their organs is not being kind
to say the least
Jesus their messiah said let the little children come unto me for theirs’s is the kingdom of heaven – shooting kids is their way of doing this ?

Paul the apostle preached not to get obsessed with
” endless genealogies ” thinking your salvation depends on your ancestors – in reality Jesus said
fill up the measure of your fathers who stoned the prophets.
It was obviously a psyop to have a reason for the obvious genocide.
How are they so sure that Palestinians are amalek or all amalek after thousands of years.

1 month ago

[…] – Candace Owens Declares She Refuses to be Silenced by the Powerful Group that People Are Not Allowed … […]